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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1892)
Absolutely Pare "I regaitl the Royal best manufactured and in Author A Hopeless 1Mb Husband (100 years hence, when women rule) My dear, I expect to go to town to day. It ypa could pare me a little cash Wife (from bed) Certainly, darling. Ton will find some loon change in my pocket Cloak and Suit Review, Physically Tra. Landlady Be careful how yon whip that carpet. It's a very fine pier of goods, Tramp (working for his dinner) Tas'm. It's bard to beat Omaha World. Offering a Substltuta, "Sea herel The calico yon sold ma wont wash." "It wont, eh? Then let ma sell yon a wash machine. "Detroit Free Preas. Only Oa Way. Westerner Yes, sir, I believe It la abso lutely impossible to reform a borne tbiet EasterneT-rHothing Easier. Itak a sailor of him. New York Weekly. Athlrst far tnforatatlosw "That is Tom's yacht off there on the bori con, Harriet "Why, how elegant! I'll ask him when ha ranee in what the horizon looks like when ha I close t tt " - M miaev's Weeklr THE REASON. Lot us look into the force, mean ing, reason of the oft-repeated line : Cures Promptly and Permanently. Pains Endured for 30 Tears, 23 Years, 20 Years, 10 Years, Have beta pramptly Cured by ST. JACOBS Oil-. Bytbeaseof: A FEW APPLICATIONS A HALF BOTTLE ONE BOTTLE TWO BOTTLES. Correspondence with Sufferers show entire permanence of cure up to this time, la some cases covering S Years, 7 Years, 8 Years, 10 Years, and so on, aa this proof wa hold. A copy of the "Official Portfolio of the World's Columbian Exposition," descriptive of Buildings andj Grounds, beautifully Illus trated, in wsr color effects, will be sent to any address upon receipt of inc. in postage stamps try Thk Chiuk A. Voosles Co, . Saliimoke. lis. August ! Flower" i ' "What is August Flower for ?" As easily answered as asked. It is for Dyspepsia. It is a special rem edy for the Stomach and Liver. Nothing more than this. We believe August Flower cures Dyspepsia. We know it will. We have reasons for knowing it To-day it has an honored place in every town and ' country store, possesses one of the largest manufacturing plants in the country, and sells everywhere. The reason is simple. It does one thing, and does it right It cures dyspepsia 9 We do not know why Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil is so useful in those simple but varied conditions which you know as "having a cough." We cannot explain it ; we only know the fact from experience. It may be due to the com bination of tonic effects of cod-liver oil and the hypo phosphites ; it may be partly due to the glycerine. There are many effects in medical practice the causes of which appear to be plain, but how those causes produce those effects we do not know at all. ScvttA bows s, Chemists, ija South 51b Avenue, Nrw York. Your druggist kseps Scott', Emuteion of cod-liver ail U druggists everywhere do. Si. ! Baking Powder as the the market" of "Common Stitst in Iht HouuhoULm t A Tal at Summer Days. .1 tale of roaes and roguery 1b wafted from the Inst midsummer days. It was at a seaside resort, and a young uiau, a veritable Price Charming, before whom all women go down and who cannot help "practicing" when he Ms near a pretty girl, was at his usual occupation devoted to several of them at once. He counted, u fact, this time four yio titus to his attractions. As two, how ever, were at the hotel on the beach and the other pair in separate cottages in different directions, he had managed to tke all happy without any clashing. . J list before the season closed, however, the fair cott-gera went with their par ruts to pass a few days at the hotel en route to their city homes. - Four sweet hearts under one roof were too much for even this clover campaigner. He con cluded that the situation was too com plicated for him, and a prompt departure was arranged for. - The evening he left he managed to see each girl separately and to murmur in her ear a tender tale of love. He would take no decided an swer then, but if his affection was re-1 turned he b3ged hejcto-Kear VbFep.k fast theext-fiiorning a red rose which fefTgently pressed upon her. The last in terview took place about lip. m., and the midnight train bore the young scamp to New York. At the first meal on the following day four young women appeared in the din ing room with red rosea thrust in theii belts. . The ray cavalier not presenting himself the girls after a time began to compare notes, and all that worries those deceived datiisels is to know whether their joint lover had any means to dis cover how many of his roses were worn at the breaVfast table. Her Point of View in New York Times. A Duck Hunter's Adventure. Martin Boland, of North Lyme, had an exciting experience while duck shoot ing Monday, and thanks his lucky stars every morning for the fact that he is still in the land of the living. He had been about the moutb of Lord's cove nearly all the day and had met with fair success, and had loaded his decoys into his small duck boat, intending to start home. Just then be beard the loud "honk" of wild geese, and a moment later saw a flock of some twenty of these waterfowl settle in the river about half way from shore to shore. He resolved to have one of these geese on his string, and attempted to scull near enough to get a shot. He kept his eyes on the birds, and consequently did not see a huge cake of ice that was bear ing down upon his craft. He realized it, though, when a mass ground up against the boat, overturning it and throwing him into the chilly water. His gun, a Colt's breechloader, fell from his hand and went to the bottom of the river,, and is likely to remain there. Boland had a hard fight, and when, after a desperate effort be succeeded in prilling himself upon the ice, he fell exhausted. His danger was not past by any means, as he had no means of gaining the shore, and it was with a heart full of anxiety that be saw the distance between bis ice raft and shore rapidly diminish, un til seized by an eddy it whirled into the shoal water and he was safe. Hartford Times. - - As Airship to Cross the Ocean. "A remarkable experiment is going on not far from London in a pretty little Kentish town called Bexley. Here a party of American scientists and arti sans are constructing an airship which is expected to cross the ocean in seven hours. The inventor, capitalist and workers are nearly all from Bridgeport, Conn., and are confident of success. By invitation I ran down there and saw a mysterious mass of metal and machine ry", of which I could mako nothing intel ligible. 1 did see models, however, which rose from the table and flew around the interior of the great work room, describing circles and curves at the will of the sendsr. If the complete ship does half as well as the model it will revolutionize the world. Every workman is sworn to ab solute secrecy, and thus far little or no information as to what the mechanism is has reached the outside world. The superintendent is Hiram Maxim, an American inventor of ability. Next to him are Mr. House and bis son, who arc both endowed with high inventive tal ent Cor. Philadelphia Times. His Memory Was Weak. An elderly widower was so dull and stupid that it was very difficult to marry him. When told to give his right hand, he gave his left; when the minister said "Say this after me," he immediately re marked "Say this after me." But when the words he was to repeat were given, he was stolidly silent. "At last," says the narrator, "he saw that 1 was somewhat bothered by bis extreme stupidity, so in the middle of the service he upset my gravity by volun teering the following apologjt, 'You see. sir, it's so long since I was married afore that you must excuse my forgetting 01 these things.' " Coruhill Magazine, THE SUPREME COURT NINE MEN WHO ARE OBSCURE, YET POWERFUL. The General Publle Heara Little About Theas, Although ea Their Decisions Rests la Considerable Measure the Wet far of Ibe IJnloa, The nomination of Georira Shlraa. Jr., of whom not one American in a hundred had ever heard, to be associate justice of the supreme court, again calls attention to the great paradox the importance ana the obscurity of that court. The popular Igno rance as to the powers or the court la still more surprising. That the constitutional fathers Intended to frame a federal govern ment of speciflo and limited powers, leav ing to the state all powers not clearly com mitted to the general government, is too plain for dispute, yet by construction the court has stadlly enlarged recterai powers until the cases number thousands. In 1810 alarm was expressed because the court adjourned for the summer, leaving 131 cases undisposed or, but In two there were 1,896 such cases, and the Increase goes on. Another strange fact la that. though there have been ftp 'it chief jus tices, two of them sat through nearly two- thirds of the 103 years of t he court's dura tion John Marshall thirty-fourand Roger Brooke Taney twenty-nine years. BREWER. HARI.AS. LAMAR. FULLER FIELD. BROWS. BLATCHFORD. GRAY. One chief justice, John Jay, was named for the office, twice and but one ever re signed. From Marshall to Waits they died in office. Their associates have done nearly ns well. Even in the face of very strong bints at times that tbey were get- ing inarm in mind or body, they have shown a truly American tendency to hold on. Associate Justice Field is seventy-five years old, Blatchford seventy-two, and Miller was seventy-lour wiicn ne died in office almost on the bench. Death ended the judisial term of Associate Justice William Ciishiug at seventy -seven, Gabrie- Duval stuck to the bench till he was eiglity- four and others nearly equaled them. Chief Justice Marshall died at eighty and Taney at eighty-seven. . ,.. - Oliver Kllsworth. senator from Connec tion V drafted the judiciary act of 1V89 and did it well, for the organization o' the courts thereby effected has remained sub stantially the same ever since. It pro vided for six Judges, and Washington at once named John Jay chief justice. The court organized Feb. 3, 17W, but there was nothing for it to do till the August term, .'ay noon went to England to nego tiate a treaty and returned the most thor oughly detested man in the Coited States. In fact some people even now do not ad mire "Jay's treaty." He served a term as governor of New York, was again offered the chief justiceship, declined it and lived forty years in philosophic retirement on his farm. His wife, born at Livingston, was pronounced by the Marchioness La fayette and many others "the most perfect lady of ber time in every respect." John Rutledge, of South Carolina, was appointed to succeed Jay, but the senate refused to confirm nun. He presided one term, became incurably insane soon after and died five years later. Associate Justice William Cushing was appointed to succeed Kutledge and was confirmed, but resigned, thinking his health too precarious for the duties. Then Oliver Ellsworth, who had drafted the judiciary act, took the place for four years, after whom John Marshall held it from 1801 to 1835. It is scarcely an exag geration to say that be made the constitu tion anew that is, he adapted all the old English precedents to the new system, giving the whole affair a pretty strong Federalist bias. The ship of state having run on that track about as long as could be borne, it was time to give the state's rights prin ciple a show, and Chief Justice Roger Brooke Taney did that from 1835 till late in 1864. These two span the whole period from Washington to Lincoln. The succes sive terms of Chief Justices Chase, Waite and Fuller are familiar to the reader of today. Of the associates but few have been noted. One was impeached Sn'mnel JUSTICE GEORGE SHIBAS, JR. Chase, of Maryland and on his tria. Vice President Burr "presided with the grace of an angel and the impartiality of a fiend," according to John Randolph, chief prosecutor. He was acquitted. Associate Justices Samuel F. Miller, of Iowa, and Joseph P. Bradley, of New Jersey, having died since President Harri son's inauguration, Henry Billings Brown, of Michigan, was appointed to succeed the former, and now George Shiras, Jr., of. Pennsylvania, is appointed to succeed the latter. . He was born in Alleghany county sixty years ago, graduated from Yale in 1853, was admitted to the bar at Pittsburg a few years later, and has attained high rank as a railroad and corporation lawyer. He has never held office or been known as a politician. . Indian I'roducte Looming Up. The teas of Ceylon and India are driving China teas out of the European markets, Indian manufactures are slowly lessening tba sale of those of Great Britain and Per sinn opium is rapidly supplementing that of India. The world has recently engaged in a war of tariffs, but changes In the chan nels of trade are more rapid than ever. American Flour In Spanish America. A company of American capitalists, with headquarters at Buffalo, has entered on the work of setting up well equipped American flour mills in Spanish America, Their first plant is a mill at Herniosillo, Mexico, with a capacity of Xao barrels a day. DEATH COMES PAINLESSLY, A Scientific Oplnloa That Will Da Con soling to All Humanity. The signs of impending death are many and variable. No two instances are precisely identical, yet several signs are common to ninny cases. Shake speare, who observed everything else, observed and recorded some of the pre monitory signs of death also. In tire ac count of the death of Fnlstaff the sharp ness of t he nose, tlie coldness of the feet, gradually extending upward, the pick ing at the bedclothes, are accurately de- svnbea. For some time before death indica tions of its nmiroach become apparent, Speech grows thick and labored, the hands, if raised, full instantly, the res piration is difficult, the heart loses its power to propel the blood to the extrem ities, which consequently become cola; a clammy moisture oozes through the pores of the skin, the voice grows weak and husky or piping, the eyes begin to lose their luster. In death at old age there is a gradual dulling of all the bodily senses and of many of the nientul faculties; memory fails, jutlgmont wavers, imagination goes out like a candle. The mnscloi and teudons get stiff, the voice breaks, the cords of the tabernacle -are loosen ing. Small noisas irritate, sight becomes dim, nutrition goes on feebly, digestion, is impaired, the secretions are insuffi cient or vitiated or cease, capillary cir culation Is clogged. Finally the central organ of the circulation comes to a stop, a full stop, and this stoppage means a dissolution. This is the death of old age, which few attain to. Many people have an idea that death is necessarily painful, even agonizing; but there is no reason whatover to sup pose that death is more painful than birth. It is because in a certain propor tion of cases dissolution is accompanied by a visible spasm and distortion of th countenance that the idea exists, but it is nearly as certain as anything can la that these distortions of the facial mus cles are not only painless, but take place unconsciously, In many instances, too, a comatose orsemi-coniatose state super venes, and it is altogether probable that more or less complete unconsciousness then prevails. . We have, too, abundant evidence ol people who huve been nearly drowned" and resuscitated, and they all agree in the statement that after a few mouienU of painful struggling, fear and anxiety pass away, and a state of tranquillity succeeds. They Bee the visions of green fields, and in some cases hear pleasing music, and, so far from being misera ble, their sensations are delightful. But where attempts at resuscitation are suc cessful the resuscitated persons alo"-' invariaM protest against being brought bacit. to life, and declare that resuscita tion is accouvjianied by physical pais and acnte mental misery. Death is a fact which every man must personally experience, and consequently is of universal interest; and as facts art facts, the wiser course is to look them squarely in the face, for necessity is coal black and death keeps no calendar. Medical Journal. She Caught the Car. She was a very masculine looking young woman, and if she had not worn a Psyche knot and skirts she might havi passed for a slim waisted youth, for sht wore a man's collar, a man's coat, t man's fonr-in-hand tie, and displayed on her bust a longitndinal section of a man'i plaited shirt. She was waiting for t car in the storm the other evening. She had not An umbrella, and was in the shelter of a doorway. A car dashed by, and she whistled for it to stop. The driver paid no attention to her signal, and she gathered np her skirts, made a dash out into the street, ran sharply foi a moment, caught up with the rapidly running car, caught the band rail, and swnng on as nimbly as n college athlete. "What do you mean, sir," she exclaimed to the conductor, "by not stopping whei I signaled? The conductor tried to ex plain, but she would not listen, and sal down and looked indignant for ten min utes. It takes a mannish looking young woman to chase a car through the rain and get aboard without stopping tlx car. Boston Advertiser. - Ananias and His Deaf Father. Dan'l was the biggest liar in town and Dan'l always appealed to his father to verify his fearful yarns. ' Dan'l's fathei was old, a little deaf, and belonged to the Methodist church. It was not to tie supposed that the old gentleman would indorse lies, and thus the neighbors con cluded. But here is how Dan'l got around his poor old dad. "Went down ter t' brook yesterday," Dan'l would re late. "Caught tew hundred and foui pick'ril. say, didn't I, dad?" And the old man, benignantly listening, would heat "four" and meekly reply, "Yes, Dan'L" Then the able liar would edge around ."back to" bis father, and with the edge of his hand measure off the length of hi arm before the eyes of his astonished guest. "Caught one pick'ril, a whop per, longe'n that, say, warn't he, dadf The old man would gaze npon the six inches of scrawny wrist and forearm ai wily Dan! whirled and measured for hil benefit, and humbly but firmly assert, "Vis, my son; sh'd say as how he was snmmat longer." Lewiston Journal. The World's Paper Mills. The production of paper in the entire world is estimated to be 8,000,000,000 pounds per year. , There are 884 paper mills and 1,106 paper machines in this country. Germany has 809 mills and 601 machines; France, 420 mills and 525 machines; England, 361 mills and 641 machines; Scotland, CI) mills and 08 ma chines; Ireland, 13 mills and 13 ma chines; Russia, 133 mills and 137 ma chines, and Austria 220 mills and 270 machines. Philadelphia Record. . Got What They Wanted. Sunday School Teacher Why were only Noah and his family saved in the ark? Small Boy 'Cause Noah was good and didn't nsk nothin'. The rest wanted the earth, an' they got it. Good News. Authority for It. Rev. Dr. Thirdly Is not your bill rather high, Dr. Diagnose! Dr. Diagnose Yes; but I bars scriptural authority for making it high, and you, as a clergyman, should cot object. "Ah, I an not aware of such authority," "1 will recall the passage to you. It reads: Physician, beel thyself.' "-Life. A new sketching apparatus for cyclist has recently appeared in England. The paper is placed on a small board in front of the cyclist, and the work can be roughly contoured in about half the time ordinarily required. n,ir srwtrleal MIshaB. A queer accident befell a Portland wotnun last Week. An olootrio light wire had sagged to the tinned roof of I tha current was conduct ed by the water conductor on the out- tide or the honse to a trap tn tne cenar, thence by the waste pipe to a washstand on the second floor, thence by the water pipe to the ai i-oet, so that when the lady put ber hand on the faucet of the water pipe she cot- dn't let go. But luckily tha wind wn.i hlnwinir. mid. as tho wires swayed, the water pipo and its adjuncts were electrified with but nn intermittent cni-roitt. tu tiiA Imlv was lilierated after - -1 - j a few minut s' imprisonment and con siderable iimaniig. Liewiston journal. Joan on Iba 1'arls Stag, Paris is to we "Joan of Aro" npon tne stage once more. The town council has voted 400 to bring out, nt the Chatelct, Deputy Fabre's drama called after the national heroine. The stage manager, if he does justice to the play in provid ing fitting accessories, is to be rewarded with the Cro s of the Legion of Honor, an honor which has been granted to M. Dumiemiel, of the Porte Saint Martin, and M. Honrke, of the Hippodrome, for the Intelligent pains they took in bring ing out "JWi of Aro" at those places. Cor. London News. A oil More, Too. The supreme court of this state has just decided a lawsuit. begun, twenty one years ng.t, aud Involving the title of a $3,700 farm. The lawyers have not only eaten xi the farm, but nil the con testants conl-l rake iiml scrape as won. They had hoped tfie suit would run about ten yc-'rs longer, as the pay wa steady and could lie counted on.- " T II ICY NKVEK FAIL. J. N. Harris, 3 Fulton Mnrket, New York oity, says: " I have been using Pramurkth's Pills for the last fifteen years. There is nothing equal to them as blood purifiers and liver regulators. Hut I wish to M(ut- how re markably thev cure rheumatism, and how early: I wits alloc ted by rheumatism in the les. -uy uusiliues iwuuitntuitt unit tiraicri naturally leads me to dump places. I could noi wttlK, aim as nigm 1 e-uuervu leMriimy , I tried balsams. snrsanHrillas and all kinds of tinctures, but tbey did me no good, and 1 was afraid of being a cripple, 1 finally commenced using IIrakdrkth s I' 1 took two every night for ten nights; then I begun to improve, I continued taking them for forty days, and I got entirely well. Now, whenever sink, 1 titke Brs okitu's Pills. They never lull." II l evident")' to be an open winter. Even the eleetliiu wss iet clone. A continuation of a cough for any length of time causes irritation of the lungs or some chronic tbroal disease, "ihoum't E.onchial Troohe" are an effective cough reme-.iy. Price, 25 cents. SuM ony in bom. 1 aw small oov represents one orsuu i h-m thnt Is unt relished t tin- o'oliH-k gatherings. For a first-class article 1 1 Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds, etc, send to A. Fel deiiheiiner, leading Jeweler, F.rst and Mor rison, Portland, Or. . ff wmi w.nt . biwtur tw.H, ol.l nnm Ik m1c herstKtar-lu-lMW. CATAKUB CAN'T HK CVIIEU Wl-h I.OCAI.APPLICATiONS,asthe Oitn'tresrh tha nest of tha illveiuie. Cs'snb i a bit nd or constltutl-tKl dltse, soil In 1 pier to cure t you hsve to t Its inleintl retnodlue. Hall's Ci- turrh r!nrn Is tnkmi ItitarrsMv. Slid acts dlreCtlv 011 the blood and mucous surfsoes. Hull's Cs WnhCureis no qusck inedlelne. It was pr, soiibed by one of the best physicians In this eouutry for vosrs, snd Is s r ru sr prescription. It Is composed if the best I ulcs koowu, com bine 1 wltb the bust blot-d purltters, acting di rectly on the ntueoti surface. Ihe ptnfect ( ODIDIUBtlOII Ol tne two lUKRUltllllM IS warn pro duces sm h wonderful results In curing oatarrh. 'end or teittrao- luls free. f. i. CHKNKY a t;0.. Props., Toledo, 0. Bold by dniKXhKs; price, 76 ecu s. She "The brlle's fstber itlves her sway, I sup poser" Ho -"Xi. He sold her privately." The use of Kly's Cream Halm, a sure cure for catarrh and cold in head, is attended with no pain, inconvenience or dread, which can lie said of no other remedy. I it mv Hntv tn Sftv a fpw words In regard to Kly's Cream Ifalm, and 1 do so entirely without solicitation. I have used 11 nun a year, aim nave lounu is tu oe muni admirable. I have suffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever since I was a little boy, and I never hoped foroure, but Cream liulm seems to do even thnt. Many of my acquaintances have used It with excellent results. Oscar Ostrum, 45 Warren avenue, (Hiirittrn. 111. Apply Halm Into each nostril. It Is (liucKiy aosoroea, uives reoei ns unw. Price, 50 cents at druggists' or by mull, Ki.t Hrothkrs. 50 Warren street, New York. Holiday Presents. Holiday presents in Jewelry for every body. Send to A. Keldenheimer, leading Jeweler, First and Morrison, Portland, Or. JWre through with Catarrh, finally and completely, or you have $500 in cash. That's what is promised yon, no matter how bad your caso or of how long Btanding, by tha proprietors of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy. Catarrh can be cured. Not with the poisonous, irritating snuff and strong, canstio solutions, that simply palliate for a time, or perhaps, drive the disease to the lungs but with Dr. Sage's Remedy. Tho worst canes yield to its mild, soothing, cleansing and healing prop erties. "Cold in the Head," needs but a few applications. Catarrhal Headache, and all tho effects of Ca tarrh in the Head such as offen sive breath, loss or impairment of the senses of taste, smell and hear ing, watering or weak eyes are at onoo relieved and cured. In thousands of cases, where ev erything else has failed, Dr. Sage's Remedy has produced perfect and permanent cures. That gives its proprietors faith to make the offer. It's 4500, or a cure. They mean to pay you, if they can't cure you But they they can. mean to cure you, and OOOOO o o TAKE o o 1 lie Itrss snss "'.------------ O nnxy o? aood digestion, regular J W bowels and 'solid Hesh. Price, OOOOOOOOOO valid, (riving elasticity 01 nunu, -...t- 1 i..i-itsr nf ml . nnnva Bv COFYTMCIIT Ift A ltAt Or TBS INFAMT TSAR. Clip th Issl thirty yettrs ot or lrotn trt eautury.and the segment will represent of the unbounded popularity ol Hostutlsr; Btomsoh Billets. Thsnpeulus of tbt yttat Wiffl will be IsiisllstKl by tba appearanca ol a frmb Almanac of the Ultlers, lu which the uks. Hri ration snd svtloD of lids world-fatuous medicine will be lucidly set lot o. Kvarybodv should resd It. The oslo dsr and astronomical oaloulstloni to be found In tills brochure are always astuli IslitiiKlv aomirsle, and Ihe sUllsllcs, Illustra tions, humor si'd other resiling lustier rich n Interest snd full of front, 'Ihe Hosteller Com pany tl l'lllsbtirir, P., publish It themselves. They employ more thsn sixty bands lu tho mil rhsnlcul work, and mors tbsti eleveu months In Hut year nil) voiisutned lu its preparation It esu be obtained without onst of all drugslsls snd country dealers, and Is prinlsd lu Knsllsli, Herman, French, Welsh, NoiuoglHii, Swedish, Holland, lloliamian sud Spanish. There Is s marked dlnVrenoe In the sound of s tin horn lo the victor sud lbs vuu.ulbt'tl, HCrTUKsl AMD fllH CIIHKD. ' Ws positively ours rupture, piles and all reo tal diseases wlthOHt pain or detention from bust ness, No cure, no pay. Also all PriVofs dis eases. Address tor pamphlet l)rs. Porterneld Uxor, Sits Market street, Sau Frsuiolsoo, Bt-indtnt: nn one's dignity ! ss uncertain a way to get along In this world ss walking ou mills, A. reldeuhelnier. Most reliable and largest Jewelry House In Portland is A. Keldeiilieimar's, lending Jeweler, First and Morrison, Portland, Or. rjss Inamsllns Store Pollshi bo dust, no smell. Tit Ouhia lor breakfast, Qoth tha method and results whet 3yrap of Figs la taken; it is pleasao and refreshing to the taste, and Kb Cindy yet promptly on the Kidneys, iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tern eflbctually, dispell colds, head tohes and fever and cure habitue! jonstipation permanently. For sal in 6O0 and 11 bottles by all druggists CALIFORNIA FiO SYRUP CO. IAD HAItOltOQ, 0L imtiut, nr. May to, n.t. V CURE, j Cures Consumption, ConKhs, Croup, So ra Throfci Sn'd by all Drust on s Guarsntea, Fnrs Um Side, Iteck orChtst Bhllob's Porous Plaster will give peal atlsfac'.loa. j cants, SHlLGS-i'a VITALIZE!?. Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins, ChnUnnnogu. Toon., sayil hiWl's Vtlaliir'S.-tn-U Jl?r" LI hi I emMar tftoboS re maljfuriU'rMUtiUt dtmten lewrtu-d." l-'or Iy.,pcp io, LIvor or Kidney trouble It osccla, Pria'Tlei nHILQH'S. 1 CATARRH REMEDY. u,.v,,i ntsnhr TrTthls Itemedy. It will relieve and Cure yott. Prloo W era. This In jector for lfsauf'fitt treatment Is turn Ished free. Bhllob's Hemediet are sold by us on a sTuarantoe to give sutlsfaottoa. TWsTrsde Msrk U on tbtbest WATERPROOF COAT In the World! A. J. TOWER. BOSTON. MASS. VALEMINt'l ELECTRIC BELT WWM uswwits. Latest Improved. Is r'r-nmilred by the mwll eal pro'esinn as the only eomiuon-senso belt rnsne for tbe pure ol Seminal Weak ess. Pains lu Bao, Usts of Memory, llysler's. Nervon Prostration, or suy d sense srlsiug from youth ful Iodise etlou. Relieves In mm or two dsys KhiiumsllKiu, Constlpilinti, Pnrnl.vats. Kidney or i.lver Troubles. arices)is. rt-'iii loreircuisr. tient 1 . O. I), or on rtee plol prlee. Address OlM.OOIf BROS , Vrsgiltis, Oakland California ANY WEAK MAN Who Is suffering, either la his mind or txMly, from the lujutloua nr weskunliis tfffuvtaof bis own Iguarsot fellls, slaiss mnd msmsiMis an Is, fitllekif Snd IMFrUUb- nentlr curat Papers tn (sealsd). DR. COLE & CO Portland. Or. Thau old Doctoia tisva hmA SI nors sexriartenM In curing Prtrsui, hiowl Nor- nu mnA Mkln I Harajwa. Writs to-daf. Ssllibls Hsrssdlss sent prlvstsly te sny seSress. AND AD ss ou postal il.snd we will forward you our Illustrated eatalngui end prlee list nf Wlverwsre, Lamps, Vioekery. Ulsssware and House furnishing Uoods, Free. Olds & Summers, 180-181 FIRST IT., PORTLAND. OR. YOUNQ MEN! The 8peolflo A No. I. ruirea, without fall, all esses of (tasiarsv SMsiis and 4JIes no matter 01 how long sbirelltig. Prevents hf-tnssti In leninl remeily. tuires when every thing else has failed. Hold hy all DnunTlsls. Msiinfacturum The A.Miiieuhri, Medietas me. M.SS). Co.. Wan Jose, Cai. i mmmssi. PH. PARKKIl'S HI! IIS; COUGH CURE One dose will stop a enush. It never falls. Try It. I'rlee, V een s a bottle. Ti t sale by s 1 SU arua isis. raeinut.oaai, Alfeuis, 0 0. DAHLBENOER CO., Dr. (gills, S14 Kenrny Street, Snn Franrlseo, Cal. ACENTS WANTED ON SAURY or conim nn'an, to hundl tli w Patent ('liwnv IchI Ink K'mIiiji Pfmc'l, ArtMrLfi innk ng 0HO fr LttCroiM. Win. ASTHMA CURED h' SWEDISH AHI'IIMA CUIUS. Hiimvy. mnUid Irrr.. Cul.LINrl HKOH, MfclMCINK CO., St. Imfs, Ido. OPIUO Morphine Habit Cared In 10 to 'JO dors. No pay till eured. OH.i. inrsim, Lsctnon,oni. if. p. n. u. No. m -a, 7. n, v. No. m I j Bast'couHb Br rupVr sates Gdol'. TJssP tJ In tlrna Sold by drugslsts p I x-A t'tf!rWI' Afc Jonrvh lleinmertvh, All old so'dler, einne out ol tho Wsr giestly n .settled by Tr Phots 'evir, titer btddf lu vsr mis hospitals Ihe ihs'tors dlsnlisrged hint as Ineurahlo with Ooiikuiupllall. Hi has been In poor lienlth altire, unlit he began In take Hood's Sarsaparilla ImuH'dlHlt'ly his eiiugh grew Itsiaiir, bight wssts ceased, aud lie rejsl ,ol rihmI general hesllli. He eord'ally recnuunend Hood's Psrsnpsrllla, especially lo comrades In Ihe l. A. H. 'MOD'S PIUS mire ifidiitWnTonslljSilou hy re luting pensultie avlloii of llivslluteiitary csiial. I A Choice Gift V V V V V? X A Grand Family Educator '. t A Library In Itself V V vl The Standard Authority ' aS X BKW PROM OOVJCft TO COVXR. Fully Abreast of tba Times. Rueeassor of the authentic "Tlna-V brldssd." Tan veara SDenl u revlslns , i loo editors employed, aver aioo.OoO s m axpsnaeo. (OLD BY alb BIMIKHKLLKIIH. j:T I'HM nt:T. s be pol buy raiirliiis of cliaolele sdlllons. m Helm fW (fee INtlneltlet ,-,,mnlell)S anseluiru A O. 0. MKRRIAM CO., Publishers. X 1 Springfield, Mass., U. 8. A. X a ia,an am, w , n , ,.,,-,, Hercules Gas Engine (UMvaeiwussj Mass for Powe or Pumplnsj Pnrpoaaa. Tba Cbsapest TteltahHi Oss Kaguvs on the aiwasjt. Out OP EH0NI Ahs Pmse, Tor Rlmpllelty It BaaU tha World. It all Itsalf from a, Keservolr. Ko Carbnrsrtor to gwt out oforrlav. Ko BattarlaaorKtaotrle a par a. H runs wttb a Cbeapsr Orada of Oasollos than any oumsv a-nguss. aaaa roa cstauwub to PALMER & REV, Maufactoi8, 405 llalskltusUrfsitM.UL . -AND-I OKTI.ANO, OKKOON. Guns for Everybody. in Just n-eelved a full line of Parker, Smith, Remington, Ithlen, Lefever, U. M. C, Eto. The most complete stock In lbs Northwest. Send b coats lu stamps for ir.'-psge illustrated catalogue. H. T. HUDSON, .1 Plrat Street, - ftlKTLANI), OH. will Cut Dry or Oreeu Bones, Heat, Urlstle and all, Orcen Cut BoNKrt will double tha number of exits will moke them more fer tilewill carry tba hens safely through the melting period and put thorn lu condition to lay when ens command the blthest price and will doveloiw your chicks faster than auy other food. Feed Green Hones snd use Creosawoise to kill tha lire, and yoa will make flty ptr cent more proht, Hend for CatalofUa and prtoes. PETALUli IlUUBATOt COMPT, PTfiLPBA, CAL Fancy Point Reyes week at 88.12 10.08 I 5.40 23.70 3 1 .80 Solid 31 lb kegs, 8.37 Order now for winter. No eitrs charge for pucks e. 8MITHS' CASH STORE, 4M, Sill, 418 Front St., H. F. k for 44-Page Catalogue, Froo. Slf O IstheaeknnwIMs sdlna remedy tor au tt BBDsstUrStl dlscbftrcM M' PnTlaiMasBsNai mrj. MrlJilsmirs for th dbt wMinf wsjins)sM yowiisM v wnmfBi. . . sir r I DtMftr bB.B rmi iTHfEvAHiOvitM'tOo, In reominMilU Is W MD.OfoitgOuk rsrwaafa SVsD id! IMS, Old OoM ami Sflrat Bmfht saed nw old Ool4 snd Win, bimat) to Uu old and sslUMs brmss ot A. Oolamsa. 11 Third ssmat, Baa traoisao I will ssod bs rstura nsll the aasa, saasrdliii to sjssn 8 lbs ass mint lisotsMUaaAon wlU issssm suM, fira IT') 14 7H pickLeo roll TTl mm 8 IUI ...tM.k M II 14 ROLLC, 18 " 28 " 44 " OO " I rIToSIAY.J I oaaraaHsS aM as VJ I f saaaa Sarlatsn, i I Hrs I