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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1892)
he "Dv0Oti iptat. MU4 Ktiitn and County Uffldnl Paper Kr. IIklkhh. Diet icmiiku 2, 181)2. BRIEF MOTION. K. K. Q'tlek, nouniy clerk, "took In" the iiilrn)(ili ltixl I' ruluy. ni Mtito moon1, 01 hiiicm. wm Mllii( iu Hi. lluloni lust wnok. Edwin Ito enrttt) linino for Tliitnk- f I1hk miiu leiiininru over Ktiiulny. Mr. 0. L. Cclbuin, thb Imibor, has lii Initli lh llmtcvLT in 8t. llulmii now to (itrniioii. Vat burguiiii in fuotwenr, Lao 8t'U tug Inn nu u!i'tfui coniolltor in I'oriluiiil. Kite nil in aiioilii'r culiinm, 'l'Uo CUtskanlf) board f tcliool til iwtoi liuvu uiinclndiid to continue tliolr wliuul ill lliul iiIhi'o until nxl J mil1, under vliiirguni I'mfossor Clue tun. In tlii they Imvo ilistiluyed good JliiltfllltlUl. Mm. Mclliido, wifo of Judiro T. A. Mi'Dridi1, of Oiogon City, Hronnipu me l by Mr. 0. (i. Caijli'i, of !tiliini In Cily, li ft I'oriluiiil Hattinluy Inr lo AiiKi'lrc, Ciililurnin, wlmre tlicy expect lo fjn'iid Ilia wltiH r. Millon Mnsnn and CIihii'k' Bi'tp.1n, of (Jilllou, returned from Cnliforiiiu lui 1ay, wlicrn tlioy iiitvc linen for the past two nionlhx. Tlny lull tin that our "hurld" Ort'gon wmillu-r i fully on n ur witb that of Central Caliloruiii. Thv Karah Dixon hun divrontinurd lirr r giilur trip to Skumolsuwa ml 4'Klhlituift, and linn liecn put on the Mmvcr route to (;littkuiiio for, short lima, Thfl Dixon ivill bo ilia r'gulur hu1 only Cliiiekiiiiiu bout for tho prcn nt at taunt. It l a rtiumi kulilu fuel lliul tho Ohio atato food wintiiirsioticr, in hi olt'ninl s-xuiiiiiiatioii of bilking powdfia, after 4xciptiiiK tlie Itoyul, found no ono lo cnniuiii lea than ton per t't'iit. of I'll' uriiiv. Tho Koyal waa fouud prac tically ptirm. Hi'fl J. M. Mover & Co.'a nil in mi-oiht-r column. Iu outer to niaku the iur"itry mum for llnir immense now Mock noon to arrive, they ar giving a tliacaunt of 10 pur cent, off on lln ir largfl and compluia line of t'totlii"g. Cull and aro lbm when iu Portland. . Im a recent letter to the iLsnnfue- lurpra, Mr. A. W. Huldridge. MilWr villc, III., aaya: "Clmmlwr.aln' Outfit lUmiedy givva thu heal witisfitctioii of . tiny cimcli tnmliciuv I haiitllo, and a H atdW, loud all otlinr pntpaMtixna in thin murkot. I iwonimoml it Dcciiust ft is tho bent nieili.'ino I ovor bandied for enuaho, cold and croup." For aaluhy Kilwin lions, drugget. There n em lo ho n difl'orenco of opinion iu tho county n to which one n llirlirulmm liovavuplurvu lliu Intuit f Mii-s Miittd lleiidciiiiiii. In - thi fart it ia thiliiud thai K. 1'. wa the winner, while) down in tho locality where l!i) t'nrlie are well known it is aiihl that, it waa W, L. who aecured tlie inir.o, wliich wo have luarned ia nrrtol. Wu owe on apology lo Mr. It. I'. (iruhnni for Ibc error. Too niiiiii cunnol bu aill in prmfe if Profcor Irfioncy and Ida ablu aa inlaiit, Mr. H. 8. Way,, for tho puina l.ikcn by each in preparing and carry ing out tho Thaukngiving programme. Sir. Way labored early and lite wiMi iIih clillilivn in drilling tin in (or I lit' H'eiiion, and nitiril the thank of l lie audience aa well aa of tho pupil fur the intere! taken in preparing them fir tho'dilllcult prog ion i me. In the caco of the Stale of Oiegnn ag!tinl Mifhtl Tirier, clmiged witb lurcciiy, triid in Juaiice BlakealeyV roiirl iaat Saitirday, iIih jmy found a verdict of "guilty, aa charged." The ! occupied the eiuire afternoon and waa a MiriU;d content thrulighout. W. J. Itice aiipeari d for the alate and DillanI t Cole for defendant. The jiiHtico deferred acntenre until Tuoa liiy, when be placed the flue at 925. I'irter, Itirongb bia attorney, gave no tice of appeal to the circuit court, which will bold tin adjourned term, commencing December 19. A company ha been organized and jinn bawd two lota on the water fron' in St. Helena for tbepurpoao of erect ing it wharf, warehouse and More luiilding. The building will bo 30ji80 feel and two alone high. In the rear will be tho warehouse, the fronl being occupied by a atnre, probably to hun lle furnitttrn, painta, oil, etc. Over the main etoro will be a large hall 30x f0 feet, and Immediately back and facing llie river, 20.:i0 feel will bo iihi iI for oflice purpose. Tlieso plana Iiave nil been arranged, and the lum ber and piling for tho building and wharf are being contracted for. Work may commence o i the construction within two or three week. Lnet Friday a report came Into town Out a fellow by ibe mmio of John Fiold bud been killed at an Indian camp about a mile and a half above on Hcappoorie bay.' The coroner at once made preparation for an inquest, but aa the city phyaieiuu waa out of town the coroner thought it advisable to make a peraonnl examination first. He at once went to tho acono of the auppoaed murdor to glean particulars, nnd on hi arrival found Field sitting on tho premiss smoking hi pipe as big a life and greatly surprised at be ing dead. The coroner was for a mo ment very indignant, and roturnod home only to ay os little about the mailer us tho anxious Ihroug would permit. " Do you wih to know llie quickest way to cure a coldf We will tell you. To cure a colif quickly, it must be treated before the cold ha bucomo set tled in tho vtm. Tho first symp tom are n dry, loud cough and sneea ing. Tho cough i soon fo lowed by watery expectoration and llie sneexing Viu .. or.tiimi walerv diachaiiES from 1 1, a . In severe case there is a thin whlto coating on the tongue What to do? It i only nooesary to Wlaiu' Couirh Remedy in - " ... .I..1.A iIm, nvnrv hour. Hint will greatly lessen the severity of tho cold, nnd in many case win niww.n. j it and cure what would have been a severe oold within one or two days time. Try it and be con vinced. 50 cent .botlk'i lor sale by ICdwin Rona, driiCKiat. 1 fl general niorcliaiidino store of aiewiiu uro., at Uorneliu. win do. atroyed by fire Wednesday morning. It appear that tho safe wai burglar ized, and the store set on lire by the i'i"Kini. o cine w tlio piirtlea in re ported, and there in mi id to huve boon no auspicious looking characters around Ihe place lately. The store earned a stock of goods valued at about iu,uiaj. Abovo the store wu a hull ued by Ujo Knighls of I'ylhia a a lodge room. Their fitrniiureaiid par- ")" nun waa hiho aclroyud, valued Capluin IIondnrNon bronchi in largo party from Hotiliou on Thanks giving to aiicnil the school entertain tnonl at Manoniu hull. The onriv eon ited of Capluin and Mrs. Henderson wr. nnil Mrs. J. II, llhrio, Mr. and Mrs, David HuiimIuiw and four other whos i names wo did not lcaru. IIoul ton is always represented when there an entcrtauimeut for a benevolent purpose. N. 0. Dale, of Mist, and John Prev of Bt. Helen, have been drawn for tlie next Uniied Ktatos icraud iurv. The United State circuit court for tho district of Oregon meet December 15 License to wed were Ismted bv the county durk Monday to K, D. McICav of HcappooHO and Mmniu M tie grove, of nauvtcs ihlnnu. . Moclablllty, Tho Tlmnkacivinir entertainment given by the Kt. Helens public school waa a splunulil aneces. The literary part of llie programme wa executed a puhliHlieil in last week' Mist, with a few addition, among I hem a itiurical treat by little baby Maseio beatimr lime on a triangle fur a violin aud or gan duet, which wu the hit of the evening. At thu conclusion ol tlie very interesting literary programme tn sale of llie box lunches took place which resulted in cash receipts of $73, the lunches selling all the way from OU cent to fO.Zf). After this was com pleted each person found bis allotted companion aud proceeded todiapose of tho many good things conlaineilin each iiuhkel. l nere weru prooumy iortv lunches, all told, and Ihe happy crowd gathered iu groups of two's, four's and six t, us space would permit, and morn lolly, good-natured lot of people could not be found. Everything was harmony from vtart to finish. The iiiect of lliu entertainment wa to pay for the uew nag purctiured by I'roftiWMir jxmy for " the achool at a coat of 125. A soon as the auctioneer commenced the sale by the cry of 'How much mil I offered for ihe boxT and the rK)iie from the excited crowd would echo back, "Two do! Iar!"uiid from another, "and a half I" froni a third, "seventy-five!" it wa evident that the money would be raised. Professor Loonej, aa well as thu rest present, were in clover be cause of the rapid sales and good price, unit from the happy eouuteii Hiice of W. J. Hice, the auctioneer, it was "No 'trouble to show goods." Hut tlie happiest men there were those who, by ee'linx a friend to do tho bid ding, secured the very lunch they wanted at a comparatively low figure, It was most midnight before the fea tivilie came to a close when the crowd dispersed. do I'p Head. Judgo J. W. Robinson, of Olympitt, rufuacd tweiity-feur application fur citixvnship, principally Italians, a few days ago. None oi tilt applicants had ever heard read tho constitution, and when shown a copy the leadeis de clared they could not read nor wrile and askcJ the privilege of an acting interpreter. This wa 'refused, the judge saying! "We do not confer cilixensliip upon individual iu thi court by proxy. If, after residing in the United Slate for more than five your, an individual cannot understand those simple ques tions required by a statute lo be pro pounded, but must appeal to his eibow friend to tell him what the court aays and tell him what answer lo make, then, in my judgement, he i not a proper subject to become a citizen of Die United State. , "In addition to tin I find these men have never road nor heard read our constitution, or any part of it. How can a man become ultai h u to tlie prin ciples of a constitution he knows nothing about! Jlere 1 huvo aKeu these men, ono by ono, whether they have become attached to the princj plea of our constitution, and they nud their heads. To test them I have asked the same question about their ttachinent lo iheconstilutions of Italy and Germany, and cvon tho confeder ate constitution, and each tune tucy assent. Is tliis court to accept a nod and a grunt as satisfac tory answers to these questions req lircd by congressT . Does the juugo do his duty, under oath, to this state when he accepts such an exam ination and certifies that it has been made lo appear to the satisfaction of tho court that the applicant has be haved as one attached to the princi ples of our constitution, and is well disposed to the good order and happi ness of this government r "I positively refuse to become a party to such a judicial rarce. i can not conscimittously confer American citizenship upon theso men. I regret to say they are wholly ciisquaiuiou. Bank Hobbere Captured. Our readers will remember that on Snninmlmr 23d last five masked men entered theiiank of Abrama, Snipes & Co., at ltoslyn, Wash., ana aitei knocking the casnter aenseiess shooting, though not fatally, soveiai other people, they plundered the safe of 112.000 in com and currency and made good their escape, i-mobc"" search has been going oa lor tnem ever since until a few days ago Detec tive Sullivan, of the 'Jhtei agency, Portland, located them in the Blue Mountains of Oilliam county, wogu... He immediately summoned a posse of the bravest officers from all parts of the estate and attacked ihem in their rendezvoue and captured three of them. They will be takon back to Washington for trial. . JtlAIIHIED. nil BREATH HOOKER On Thursday, KnvlmhftA at tlie t. Helens hotel, by & TtanTd Waver! Mr. John Ollbraatl. ind Mlis Alee Honker, all of Knlnler. Mil a DHKH INLAND, Mrs. 0. A. Wood Is quite poorly at pres ent if not seriously 111, Cut tier secovery 1 earnestly hoped for by her many friends. What appeared to be dyphtherla In this nclglitiorliuod proved lo be only bad eolils. The young people of Cunaan gave Mrs. John Maedouald a wood-cutting Inst Satur day, und, Ms compliment, shegaveadance In the evening. Ocorwe Merrill, Esq., of Rainier. !i visit ing bis aged mother, Mrs. Hunan Merrill, at preieiit. An evening with Mr. Merrill is very Intel OKtlng, Juntos flatten has cleared his lot nnd tia the blocks on the ground for a butcher nbop. Joint Maedniinld ma le a flying trip home to see bis family last week, and left for San Kranclnco oil Ids wny fur Colorado in the interest of the Postul Telegraph Company. As mentioned in last weuk's Mist, John Horgren arrived here last Monday with an engine and boiler for his sawmill out at his homestead on tlie Clutskuuie river. The boy has a line body f cedar which always Hilda a ready market at an excellent price. (Jeorge Fiehtel. of Relmer Si Kichtel, in hauling considerable cedar lumber from their mill out on the CluUkanic, and ship ping it to Portland, where tbey find a ready market. Deer Inland Is coming up steadily to Ihe front as a c'tv. and will, In the neur future, be a place of some note. New indimtiie are being developed, more people are com loa in uiir inldit, real estate is becoming more valuable It has advanced 100 per cent, In the lut two years. New buihlingH are being erected in llie neighborhood and cily, and tho signs of prosirity I on every hand. Times are hard und money sciurcv , but the people sro not discouraged. Tho ruiny season is with us in full blast and the roads are getting very muddy, of which tlie supervisor Li fully informed. Hut thut ofllcer tells them like the Irish bey tild Mrs. O'Donongbean, "Drive right lu, it's hard at the bottom. " The question of road-mukhig Is agitating the minds uf a gHid many people, und tlie general cry is to "reptal the law." nuthowarewetoliave a much better law? At present the super vi'or collects all the money and can abline anyone to work where he dictates. He possesses unlimited power to make at many assessment In a year as is neeestary to keep the road hi Kood repair, and in this way one district does not have to pay to keep up the road in another part of theeounty and state. Certainly the law needs some amendments, such as the trans fer of real property and in many other o ik points. But as tb practice of wc-king the road the law cannot be much improved. It cannot he right lo force the mony out of any one while he Is willing to work, and if his work disss not suit, the supervisor t an oblige bhn to pay in money. But the great est fault in the law is generally iu the su pervisor in not having competency enough to enforce It; and another fault is. try to work men where they are not interested. The mails in this neighborhood at present, are quite muddy, but one great feature in this district is tbat those who use the road most dors the least work, and those who do the most work uie the road least. Now, let those who do no wo k at all and use the road so much come out and do some vol unteer work, and tbey will then find the road in much belter condition, aud will feel better than when they curse the road supervisor. Several good watch dogs are missing of lntc and no trace of them can be found, and tor what reason it can only be surmised a very fair solution can be; Is that a visit to the hen roosts can be easier performed, or ihe apple-lioue can be more easily ap proached. Suspicion points very strong In one direction ami cnnsiuerauie prooi is given, but it is hardly strong enough to jug" ihe parties, but there are circum stantial evidence, without a doubt, that proves the crime to every fair-minded per son iu the community. CAKICO VALLEY. As heard by Reiiorter to Spy.l Counting the thickness of the flakes and the continuance of the full Carico must huve bud two Inches of snow last week. The entertainment given at the school- house Friday night by the teacher, Mr. llailey, was a grind success. The pro gramme consisted of dialogues, recitations, reading, and singing by the choir, after which a siieeeh was delivered by Jess Hen dricks in behalf of the teacher and by the teacher in behalf of the pupils, after which it was turned into a bop, which tvery one sieincd to enjoy. Mrs. Roberts, of St. Helens, Is again on her place, making some improvements and gathering her garden fruits. Mr. C, Fowler came out to his place Sun day. It is reported that Mr. Sauerino intends resigning as postmaster oi rens. incase he does we hope some good party will get it. Mr. R. H. llailey has received a fine lot of nursery stock from tho Woodburn nur sery. U. II. Pope is getting along quite slow. He is not able to be about much yet. Mr. Daggett, of Bcappoose Bay, was up to the entertainment Friday night. Mr. R. H. Bailey commenced a five- months' term of school at tlie Brlggs schoolbouse on Monday. Mr. Wilverdingand family moved out to their ranch on Friday. Sherman Vosberg has purchased forty acres of land of D. R. Fowler. Mr. Howard and Miss Louie Howard, with a number of others from Milton creek, attended the entertainment Friday night. To the Point. Pbuis, Or., Nov. 20, 1892. Mr. Editor : Sir I would like thi iule eoistle to come out in Tub Mist, so tho glanderous individual who told around that I was in tne iock up St. Helen during court week would see it. I have never been inside ny prison undor arrest in my life. Mr. Meddlesome, if you will take the beam out of your own eye you may be able to sen the mote in mine. Out, before you talk so much "tlirougii your whiskers," attend to your own business and you will have less time to see to mine. JRHSK HENDRICKS. 500 Will Be Ulrea . of rheumatism that cannot be cured bv Dr Druinmonci's Lightning Rem edy "The proprietors do not hide this otter, but put it in bold type on all their circulars, wranpers, prnueu nmiiur, mu through the columns of newspapers every where it will work wonders: one bottle will cure nearly even case. If tlie drug nist has not got it, he will order it, or it will be sent to any address by prepaid ex press on receipt of price, 83. Drunimond fedieine Oo . 4S-V) Maiden Lane, now York. Agents wanted, APIAHY. Rainy weather and muddy roads Is the news of Apiary's society, Mr. A. J. Alley is now at work putting hi a ihiugle mill on his place near the flats Itanle river. Success to lilui. Mr. D, M. Horsey, onr ex postmaster, is now at work logging for Mr. li. W. I.owinan on the ClaUksnie river. Success to Dave mid bis ox learn. The Herculean Society met on Saturday evening, November 'in. with Viee-I'resliteiil W.C.King in the chair. The tulnules ol the previous nieet'ng were read and ap proved. 'Ihe question for debate was: 'Kesolved, That tire is more destructive than water." Alllnnailve, Mr. ShelNm; negative, Mr. Mher; judges, Mrs. Heat ten, Miss Maggie Kiltiy, Miss Martha ileggy. CJucmion decided in favor of the negative. Map of Columbia, County, Tim Mikt will, on or about January 1, issue a complete map of Columbia county, which is now being prepared, showing the county road; posloflices. streams, railroad, section lines, dona lion land claim and many other im portant features to our people. The map will be given a a premium on subscription to The Mist ; for instance, a copy will be given to every new year ly cash subscriber and to all those who pay up llieir delinquency and one year in advance No houce in the county should lie without ttiia map, which will be about 38x42 inches oyer all. Subscription taken from thi time on, cash in advance, will been tilled lo this valuable premium. Proaouncod Hopeless, let Saved, From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd, of Oroton, S. D., we quote: "Was taken with a had cold, which settled on my Lungs, cough set in and finally terminated In Consumption. Four doctors gave me up saying I could not live but a short time. I guve my self up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs mid Cold. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles: it has cured me and thank liod I am now a well and hearty woman." Trial boltles free at Kilwin Ross Drugstore regular size, .We and $1.00. Ituckleu' Arnica salve. The Best Sulvt la tlie world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Taller, Chapped Handii, C'hilMalns, Corns and aU Skin Eruption!, and positively cures Piles, or no pay reqnired. It In guaranteed to give perfect satis fs'.'lion, or moner refunded, I'riee 26 eenta per box. For Sale Rv Edwin Ross. THE SKEPTICS Are Beeamlnf Ieae and Lena When Ther Ilea ! she Uansarkable Care Performed bjr On. Varrla. The crowd of sufTorers still contiuc to throng Dr Damn's offices in order lo (tain relief. 1 heir method ot elec tro-magnetic treatment calls forth nu merous testimonials from the cured. Tlie following are a few extract from parties that can be referred to : John Dickerson, 425 Washington street, Spokane, Wash., discharging ears, 17 years' standing; cured. W. R. Duncan, Heaths addition, Spokane, ' Wash., large scrofulous swelling aud tumors in neck. Owen James, Spokane, wash., nb cces in left ear aud quinsy; cured. Miss Fannie Kennedy, Walla Walla, cross eye; cured in one minqte. DR. PARKIN'S PLACE OF BI'SINKSg. Dr. Dan in can be consulted free at their ofli'jea. 270 Washington street, Portland ; Review building, Spokane, Wash , and Revere House, Albany. Or, OHice hours, 10 to 5 daily; even ings, 7 to 8;, Sundays, 10 to 12 Charge reasonable. They make a 8iecialty of all diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat ; catarrh and deaf ness, bronchitis, la grippe, consump tion, dyspepsia, heart, liver and kid ney disease. All nervous, chronic and private diseases of men, and all peculiar icmale troubles are confiden tially aud successfully trealed. Most case can receive home treatment after a visit to Ihe doctor's oflice. Inquiries answered, and circulars and question blanks sent free. Calls' at residences promptly attended to. 'Any Port In a Hum." That's a good maxim, but it will not work as a rule in the purchase of a remedy for rheumatism. Any of the cheaper nos trums will not effects cure in fact, none of them will. Don't trine with life and pro'vng agony. uet Dr. Drummoml s Lightning Itemed v. anil a siwcily cure is certain. It costs 'i a bottle, but one bottie is worth a hundred of anything else, and for that reason it is the cheapest when a cure is wanted. Sent to address by prepaid express on receipt of price. Drunimond Medicine Co., 4HS0 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wunted. Notice for I'ublleulinn. Lnd Cilice at Oreon city, Oregon,! October II, 1802. t VTOTICK is herobv given, that the following il named settler nas tiled notice of his Inten tion to make lliial Drool In Muwort of hU claim, aud thut Mid proof will be made before the (Jolllltv uierjc oi voimnma enumy, hi Bt. Helens, Oregon, on December S, 1KM, viz: MARION E. WKAVER, Hnmestond entry No. "821. for the ne of lee !, t 6 ii, r 2 w. He names the following wilnesiws tn nmvA his mtittiiiinun residence ursjn and cultivation of atl land, nnoer section 2K01, R. 8., vis: C. f. Fowler, Jense Hendricks, Jowsph Bunnell and Wilfred Miller, all ol su ueiens. Colnnihta county, Oregon. olu'Jj j. t. ArminHj.1!, negmer. Rstlcs f or Publication. Laud Office at Oregon Olty, Oregon, OetoberS, 1S82. yrOTICE la hereby given that the following 1 ii.meil settlar has filed notice of his inten tion to make Anal proof lu support of his claim, ami thut tmirl sroof will be made before the County Clerk ol Columbia county, at Bt. lleleus Oregon, on jsovemoer zi, via; WILLIAM M. KIQOS, Homestead entrv No. 7S9I. for the lot 4, iw of nw H of see 21, t 7 n. 3 w. Ho nanns the fol lowing wilnesaes to prove his continuous resi dence upon, and cultivation of, said Und, vis: Q. F. Moeeb aud F. Dehaats, aud 8. II. KUtner, of Rainier P.O., Oregon, and ii. K. nlcker- shRin, of Portland, Oregon. oMnlS J. T. AITERSON, Register. CHEAPEST WATCH IN THE WORLD. AnB, IMF .Mi,.". grattt ailllcalty in WIllnA toy cnnwl mimv. iiimi run furlilKh . BOO 0 me a wATts fos .50. w tlittitlvi.offt ralund muny lo mi J cam of 01M.Uaf.cllunuI "11 to tlio DUDinnor i inn l,rna OUASASTIl Ii Ht KWU Kiinu liitiw lor ynf YEAR, with good " win run perteUy tot ic triumph' American tn mutt and akllt. Mack by contract Mr ua in lot f loaooo, tho Urjrcai order tor waicnoa avat slvan. Henra tha prlea Ttia largeat watoti manti ffecturlog plana In tli, world making thaat watchea. It rapraaouu wara ofaxperlmnnt and outlay. Cut exactly r 3 re front i it two-thirda alaa, Kowncot li lAmariean law I. Pint.... a hnuia to mlnuia. forAGtly aIJuiUl, r i SiiUtud and witrt. Haa puient llt""ST ttJcJ m"1 quiring no kcr. Malum p'i-paia ir w 1 writ ton Ruiirantwi aocompanloa aavh. MmIIm Ihli mmi and wo will irvit'nt yon wnn niwiwiniiiuuiiBnniiH Empire WotcU Co., New York. m. aa wm "v. mi lll'N. 'T 9 11 - ft. ft JJ BI.YAIJT 6 Manufacturers of ROUGH AID- JPir and Cedar Lumber. Clear Flooring, Ceiling and Finishing Material Constantly on Hand, Clatskanie, - - - Oregon. Are You Prejudiced Many people tMnk it necessary to go to some large city to find a first-class DRUG Don't you believe it; because you can be convinced that there is a first-class drug store here by calling on Edwin Koss, Who carries a fine and varied stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Standard Patent Medicines, Fresh from the Factory. Prescriptions carefully compounded by an experienced cheuvist. St. He ens, : : : Oregon. -CLATSKANIE LINE.- lWsr STEAMER G. W." SHAVERv J. W. SHAVER, Master. Leaves Portland at Alder St. dock Monday, Wednesday, Friday for Clatskanie, touching at Sauvies Island, St. Helens, Columbia City, Kalama, Neer City, Rainier, Cedar Landing, Mt. Cofiin, Bradbury, Stella, Oak Point, and all intermediate points, re turning Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. MUCKLE Manufacturer of LUMBER AUD DEALER IK- GENERAL MERCHANDISE. ST. HELENS, OR. Joseph Kellogg & Joseph Kellogg FOR COWLITZ RIVER. JNUKTnWLbi . Leaves and Friday at 5 am. Leaves day, and Saturday at 6 a. m. JOSEPH KELLOGG Leaves RAINIER at 5 a. m. daily, Sunday excepted, arriving at Portland at 10:30 a. m. Returning leaves Portland at 1 Don't Buy Your Drugs -ANYWHERE BUT AT A REGULAR DRUG 1 YOU WILL FIND THE Freshest, Purest, and Best of Everything -AT Clatskanie Drug Store DIl J. E. HALL, Proprietor. Hart & Sweetland, , Proprietor . St. Helens Meat Market Fresh and Salted Meats, Sausage, Fish and vegetables. ' Meals by wholesale at special rate. Express wagon run to all parts ol town, nd charges reasonable. COOTAY, and Dealers in v DRESSED STORE. BROS., Co.'s River Steamers, and Northwest. KELSO Monday, Wednesday, PORTLAND Tuesday, Thurs p. m., arriving at 6 p. m STQRB. THE - GO TO JOHN A. BECK, The Watchmaker and Jeweler. FOR YOUR ELEGANT : : : JEWELRY. The Finest assortment of Watches. Clocks, and Jewelry of all descriptions. Opposite the Esmond, Tortlai.d, Oregon Seeds, Trees, POULTRY. BEE SUPPLIES, Fertilizers, Etc. F. W. Killer 171 SECOND ST. Portland, - Oregon. faHond for Catalogue. W. H. CONYERS & CO. Real Estate and Insurance Agents Real Entste bought, aold and msnsired oa comioiMion, rent, collected and abstract made. A0ENTB FOB THE Farmers and Merchants, German American, And other Insurance Companies, with combined Atscts of 6,1UO,000. NOTAKIKS Clatakaalc, - - Oreg-aa. . ST. HELENS HOTEL J, George, Proprietor. Table always supplied with thebest edible nd delicacies the market affords. TERMS REASONABLE FOE REGULAR BOARDERS. Having been newly refurniibed. we are prepared to give satisfaction to all our patrons, and solicit a share of your patronage. ST. HELEJiS OREGON. Ratlee far Paallcatlan. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon. November II. IBM. NOTICE is hereby glveu that the following named settler hm Aled notice of his Inten tion to mnke final proof In support of hl claim, and that aald proof will be made before the Coun'y Clerk of Columbia county, at St. Helens, Oregon, on January S, IS8S. vis: AOOLPH HASHES, 1 Homestead entry No. 7125. tor the ne ol ree 19, tn. r2w. He names the following wttneates to ornre hia conttnnous residence uimii. and culuvation of, uld land, viz: J. 5f. arclilbald, L. Archibald. H. M. fowler. 8. A. fowler; aU of Reuben, Columbia county, Oregon. alMa J. T. APPtBtiOJi, Register. fletlce tar Paklivatloa. - iKjQIflce at Oregon City, Oregon, rr-v, November H, 1S. VTOTICE is hereby givoa iiiit Ibejpllowlne ii UHmcd aettler haa Hied notice of his Intend t-ion to make final proof ia support ai his claim,, and that Mid proof will be made before the County Clerk oiColumbiacounty,attlt. Helena Oregon, oil January 3, 1893, vis: . JAMES OAlTEWCjj:-,.'.. Homestead entry No, 8520, for the ti ot see 17, tin, r a w. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, sauI land, viz: N. rmck nev. John King. A. P. L'uber, N. A, Andreas; all ol Peer Island, Columbia county, Oregon, nlftm J. T. APPEKSON. Wlster. Net Ice far Pafellcattaa. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, - November 14. 1SD2. VTOTlCfl Is hereby given that the tolluwing ii named settler has Hied notice of his Inten tion to make final proof iu support of hia claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Columbia county, at Bu Helens, Oregon, on January 3, 1&93. viz: NORMAN A. ANDRESS, Homestead entry No. 7041, for the nw'i of see . 1 6 n, r2w. He iftmes the following wltnessea to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: N. Pincknev. John King, A. P. Usher, James Gallons; all of Deer IsUnd, Columbia county, Oregon. nld23 J. T. APPKKSON, Register. yDMINISTRATOE'S NOTICK. To nil whom it may concern : Notice Is hereby piven that the under.-dgneri hus been duly appointwl by an order of the conntr court for Columbia county, State of Ore gon, administrator of tlie estate of Msrv Thomas, deceased. All persona having, claims against said estate are hereby noti fied to present tlie same at my residence in said Columbia county within six(tS) month from the date of the first publication of thi notice. ALEXANDER THOMAS. Administrator of tho estate of Mary Thom" a., dec-asf'd Dated St. Helens, Or., Nor. 19, 1802. notice far Paklicatlan. Land Office at Oregon City. Oregon. November 2K, ISSli NOTICE is hereby given that the following nameil settler has Died notice ol his inten tion to make final proof la support of hia claim, and that said proof wilt be made befoie Ibe County Clerk of Columbia county, at tit Helens, Oregon, on January 12. 189, viz: MANUEL H. ROVER, Homestead entry No. 9183, for the neof sec 17, 1 6 n. r2 w. lie names the following wttnewiea to nrove hta eoutinnniia resiilflncA unon nA cultivation of, said land, vis: under section 2901, K 8.; J. M. Archibald, Samuel Fowler, John Jaques, Lawrence Archibald; all of Reuben, Co lurablacounty, Oregon. J. T. APPERSON, d2jt Register. CITATUM. In the County Court of the 8tate of Oregon, for Columbia County. In the matter of the estate of Charles Ja. per, deceased . The St-ute of Oresron : To Mary Jaspers, Leon Jasper. Gnstave jaspers, reter jaspers, ana to Krvln i. Jaspers, heirs at law of Charles Jaspers, ' deceased, and to all otlier heirs tin known. If any such there be: Ureeting: RY ORDER of this Court, you, the sa d Mrv Jnalera. Leon lisnM fintituv. Jaspers, Peter Jaspers, and Ervin T.Jas pers, neirs at law oi t. liarles Jaspers, de ceased, and to all other heirs tinknown.if any such there be, you and each of vou are hereby cited to appear before the County Court of the Countv of Columbia. Stale nf Oregon, at the Courthouse on the 7th day of January, 1893, at 10 o'clock A M. of that day, then and there to show cause why an order should not be granted to the admin istrator nt saia estate to sell so much of the hereinafter described real estate belonging to the estate of said decedent as niav be ne cessary to pay tlie debts r.f said decedent, and the expenses and charges of adminis tration. The following ia a description ot the real estate petitioned to bn sold, tu-wit: The southwest V. of section 1- in tnwnsbin 7 north, range S west, containing 16D acres; aisu tue norm wini oi tne northeast , and the northeast of the northwest of section 29 in township 6 north, ramre 4 west of the Willamette Meridisn, and contain ing 80 acres; all situate in Columbia countv State of Oregon. In testimony whereof I, K. K. Quick, Clerk of the County Court aforesaid, da hereunto set my hand anil affix the seal ot said Court, at office in the Citv of St, Helens, this 29th day of November, 1892. d2d30 Gounty Clerk. naiiceMCrealtars. Notice is hereby civen that the under signed administratrix of the estate of Ottu Peters, deceased, baadulv Qualified as Mich administratrix. AU ierroiis having claims against said estate are hereby untitled to present tnem to me witn proper voucher at the law office of Dillard it Cole, in bt. Helens. Oregon, within six months from this date. Dated at St.. Helens. Oreran. thi. 91l.h day of November, 18H& SK.N EY I. PETERS, Administratrix Of the estate of Otto Peters, ucceuacu. XiVM