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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1892)
he (Dwflo.n &jMlt United Ktutiti and County Offieiul Pupit 8t. Uklicns, Hiii'TKMiiKH 10, 181)2. LOCAL AND GENERAL. A soei.ii hop wan enjoyed by iome rf our young folk t tlio Masonic hall liml Friday iibjlit. The Statu Fair opened t Salcni Monday with a gowi attondunco, in fuut, better than for years. Attorney U. W. Colo returned lust wouit from a business, trip into Iduho iiud Uluh, sinca which llmo he linn Iwen tonflnod to bU bonne moiit of the time, From the Cuthlamot Gtiwtte we luiirn that the Frankfort Chroniiilo has suspended publication, mis is notn Inir more than hui buon expected from the liino of its (bat it sun, Much wild cat kuhumos never succeed during dull times. We have from the Omgon City En terprise, oflicc ft copy of the premium lint of the Butte Creek (Clackamas CMinty) Fair AssocUlioii The pam phlet contain over lorty pagei, ann in one of tlio most neatly printed vol umes we have seen for some limov I have opened my fall stock of mil linery goodn, and huve a good line of Kfiilhera, Tips, 1'onpoiiN,' Wings, llmklcs mid novel ornament to make a bat attractive. I also have kid gloves. Call and get prices before tun chasing olecwliere, Miih. C. L. CoLHUIIS. The tlenmnd for Chftmberlaiu's Colic, Cholera and Uiurrluoa Ifemeily Is steadily growing, from the Net that all who givn it a trial are plensed with the results and recommend it to their neighbor. We feel sure that the rem edy pan not be recommended too high ly. Wagloy A Btiipad, druggists, New ton, Iowa. For sale by Edwin Koss. Frofomor C. H. Jones, lute principal of the Si. Helet's public school, in a loiter to Mr. Edwin Boss, states that lie has been employed to teach this winter at Carlton, Yamhill county. Mr. Jones is one of the most success ful teachers iu the stale, a man who devotes his whole energies to the school room, and one who commands the un divided respect of Vila pupils. Such a nan is a natural born school teacher. Carbon may congratulate its II upou getting such a man. A. J. Apperson has the following ad in the MeMinnviHu Telephone-lUgis-ter, which is to the point! "The best way to keep your ereJit good is by not tixing it too indiscriminately. A lliing to remember: September is the month to psy bills whether you receive duns or not. The best time to pay bills is when you havo the money. Never put Ibis off until those you owe have to employ an attorney to Hssist you iu raising the money. It is dangerous business." Many years' practice have given C. A. Sii'iw & Co., solicitors of patents at Washington, 1. C, unsurpassed suc cess in obtaining patents in all clastes f inventions. They make a specialty of rejected cases, and have secured al lowittico of many patents that hud been jueviously rei'xsled. Their advertise ment in another column, will be of in Iciest to inventors, patentee, manufac ture, ud all who have to do with patents. Mr. D. 0. Quick, of Polk county, uiino down to visit his son, E. E. tiuiek, last Saturday. On Monday he received a telegram from home stating that his 12 year-old son had been dan gerously scalded by ihe explosion of h coal oil can which he had trans formed into a steam producer, thereby supplying motive power for one of boyhood's inventions. The exact ex tent of the child's injuries was not stated. Immediately after receiving the news Mr. Quick started for home. The city council h passed an or dinuoce compelling id! suloous within the city lo close ul 12 o'clock mid niirlit. mihI mil, mien before 5 o'clock tlio following morning. There is yet two other very important ordinances that should be passed. One is to pro liibit cows from roaming the streets at night, more particularly those with their musical clothes on; and the other compelling minors, who have no particular mission to perform, to keep off the streets after 9 o'clock in the evening. In llio absence of auylhing further toordatn, ihoy might Author ixo the iimixliuU to dispose of the Bur- n-.i. i I .,i.,.. CnlllOU ilWSt, 1IMIUII (J'IMR fllWMg Front street at all tunes, day or night. The stage driver between Houlton and Vernouia hud quite an interesting experience last Friday. He started out from the fornior place with the mail, and when a short distance out on the road his team became f light ened and ran away, breaking the pole of his wugon. He returned to lloul ton and secured another wanon and started again, and again the already nervous team ran away, breaking up the new wagon more or less. Another , ' vehicle was secured and a third at- tuitmf. am, mnilf) with amiiA inn pleasant result ; only this time the horses suco eded in getting loose and were caught by some traveler a long way from where they started. The driver was somewhat bruised in con sequence of his ill luck, and just what plans he devised afterward to forward "N the mail on to Vernouia we did not ascertain. ifixt Monday tbo Sovereign Grand Lodge'fif Odd Fellows meets in Port land, nndva, great deal of pains and money has twn spent by the lodge of Oregon to make the session an in teresting one. Delegates from all parts of the United Btatewill be pros ent, numbering at least Q00 from . abroad, a great many of then), being accompanied hy their families."" Jhis number added to the fraternity in the elate will make a grand shbwing on parade, which takes place at 2 :30 in afternoon Monday. The introductory ceremonies take place at the Mar quitm Grand at 9 in the morning, at which time and place speeches will be made by Governor Ponnoyer, Mayor Mason of Portland and the grand lodge officers. The St. Helens Odd Fellows will attend tlio conclave in a body ai.d lake pait in the proceedings. COUNTY. COUBT. Proceeding of tlio rioptoinber Term In the matter of the- establishment of a county road pctionod for by M. K, and others, beginning at the sw corner of Mrs, h. M. islavens lund and terminating at center of Martin road at sw corner of F. P. Hale's place and described as follows: Deginulng at the sw corner of Mrs. E. M. Slavens land; thence north mile on the line; thencu ensl 1 mile on line between E, M. Slavens' land and Phillip Ncer's land ; thence north 4 mile to and ter minuting at road stake marked "H," in center of Martin road at sw corner of F. P. Hale's land. It is ordered by the court that said road as surveyed and located, be and the same is here by doclurcd a public highway, and that said road shall be 40 lout in width and the road supervisor in which said road is located is hereby ordered to open thee mo. " Iu the matter ot witness foes in case of State of Oregon vs. Uulle Gaddis; on this day comes Thomas H. Cooper, claiming witness fees in the above cause for F. McVey, F. Foster, W. Foster, J. lliggs, O. Erickson and E. Nelson, and it appearing to the court that $8 80 is a reasonable sum to be al lowed all of suid witnesses. It is therefore ordered by the court thai the sum of 18.80 be allowed Thomas II. Cooper in puymeut of suid witness fees. In the matter of official bond of E. M, Wharton, wherein J. I). Wharton is substituted in place of W. H. Dol man for ihe sum of $2000, the same is hereby approved by the court. In ihe matter of the support of Ma tilda Rambluska; oidered that W. II. Dolman furnish jjootls to the suid Ma tilda Kamblor-ka for her necessary sup port, to the amount ol $'18 HO. In the matter of the viewer's report on road petitioned for by J. W. Guild and others. It appearing to the court that a petition for damages h s been tiled herein, it is ordered by the court that this cause be continued until the next regular term ot this court. Iu the matter of interrment of Em ma and Ktlle McKay iu county cem etery. It appearing to the court that burial spnee had been heretofore ul I iwcd Hilly McKay for the burial ol Emma McKay, deceased, and it Hp pearing that it is nncessnry that there is need of addition space in which to iutorr Efllu McKay, it is therefore or dered that space be allowed in said cemetery for the burial of suid Eflie McKay. In the matter of county road peti tioned for by H. Kappler and others. It appearing to the court that said pe tition was irregular, it is ordered thai saiil petition be rejected, and that pe titioner be allowed to withdraw the papers filed in suid matter. In the matter of the transcript and Cost bill from justice court, Auburn precinct, iu the case of State vs. liulph Itogers. The court being fully ad via d, it is ordered that said cost bill be and the same is hereby allowed and it is further ordered that the clerk draw warrants on the county treasurer in pavmenl of the same as por cost bill tiled. In the mutter of coroner's inquest on Iho body of Hubert Max Sehnider, deceased, the Court being fully advised in the matter, it is ordered and ad judged thut the same be approved. In the mutter of lax levy. On this day according to an estimate furnished by Ihe clerk a t.ix levy or 15 mills on the doihir on till taxable properly in Columbia county, Oregon, wjs made. In Ihe matter of transcript and cost bill in case of the State vs. W. Uur dick, old -red back to the justice of the peace of Deer Island precinct to be itemized, clc. Stale of Oregon vs. L. O. Baxter; same order us above. In the matter of cost bill and tratn eripl, Slate vs. A. Homier Irom Deer Maud precinct; coet bill allowed and eh rk ordered to draw warrants as pei cost bill tiled. Iu Iho matter of duplicate county warrant, lost or destroyed, in fivorol W. T. Hewitt for 18 30, allowed, bond filed and approved for issuance of du plicate. In tho ma ter of salaries of county olhctrs; clerk ordered to draw war r .nts in payment of county treasurer and tcliool superintendent, salaries every two mouths and county judge every three mouths. In the mutter of petition for dam ages of O. A. Wood sustained by reason ol defective county road, not allowed. In the matter of balance on bill of A H. Gcorvo for making coffin and box for child of Hilly McKay, not al lowed. In the matter of bridge built across Milton oreek, near Houlton station; hi'idgu accepted and clerk ordered to draw warrant in favor of Huffman & Hates for !f 1000, contract price. In the matter of rebate of J. N. Nel son, tax for 1891, not allowed. la the matter of petition for county bridge ucioss Nehalem river at Adams' f ird, petitioned for by It. U. McNutt and others, laid over for the term. In the matter of rebate of tax of A. Brugger for 1891, amounting to $3.84, allowed. In Ihe matter of petition of county school superintendent, petitioning for a county map, laid over for the term. In the matter of contract with W. J. Eastahrook for making county map. On this day this matter came on to be beard, and the court being sufficient ly advised at this time, it is hereby ordered that suid map be approved; nnd it further appearing that said map is not yet fully completed, it is hereby ordered by the court that the same may be accepted and filed by iho clerk in vacation, and upon such acceptance and tiling, said clerk is hereby ordered to draw a warrant on the treasurer of Columbia county, Oregon, - in favor of W J. Eastahrook for the sum of $150 in full payment as per contract for the making of said county map. jillXS ALLOWED. Zlllgett, F A, justice fees, state vs. Ralph Rogers....,..., 6 GO Vnnblnrlcom. H D, constable fees. . . 3 40 Tyank, J R, witness fees 2 60 Klrkwnod.J A, same. ............... 3 60 Knglokee, .George, same 8 90 Duncan, J B, justice fees, state vs. A Bonner , 4 76 Armstrong, George, witness fees.... 2 10 Thomas, Ralph, same,.. 160 Bonner, Mrs L,sume 2 10 Bird , i It, same 1 90 Glrduer, James, constublo 6 00 Armstrong, Ooorgo, special constable 6 00 Johnson, John, juror..., .. 100 Hart, 0 R. same 1 00 Knightun, II, same 1 00 Price, I) W, same 100 Larson, A II, same, . . 1 00 Drown, Frank, same..,. 1 00 Dresser, A H. district attorney , 17 00 Peacher, J, juror, Inquest on body of M U Mason , , 1 20 Hendricks, Jesse, same 1 20 Howard, 11 O, sumo 1 20 Taylor.T II, same... 1 20 Weaver, Joseph, sanio.'. ............ 1 20 WIckstro.i), I G.j-ame 1 20 Mesarve, J B, witness, same case... 1 70 Perry, Newton, ' I 70 Little, A It, " 1 70 Henderson, J A J, " .170 Clark, William, " 1 70 Potter, Ezukhil, watchman 6 00 Hplcer, watchman. ,. .... 6 00 Cliff, H R, medical examination. . . . 6 40 MaiHio, O A, sheriff, fees... 2 76 II akesley, A H. acting coroner . 7 OA Hmry, HO, digging grave... 2 00 Little, A B, county surveyor, fees.. 62 10 Dolman, W H, supplies furnished Mrs. Rumbloska 38 20 Wuodlmm, Henry, making ury list, Deur Island precinct 8 00 Klukenluy, A II, use of room and clothing for body or M B Muson . . 7 00 linker, U VV, building bridge across Deer creek...' .... 80 00 McNutt Bros, spikes and nails, name 7 10 Wilson, W M. 1 bbl of Hour for 41c- Cullogli, paupe- 6 00 Vernouia Mill Compuny, lumber for road district 10 60 42 Vernoniu Hill Company, lumber fur road diitrict 18 ,, 23 31 Payne, It H, hauling lumber for roud district No. 9 20 00 Payne, It S, lumber furnished roud district No. 9. 63 00 Mill.1, X IS, work and lumber fur nished roud di-trict 8 . ........ 23 33 Larnen, Henry, viewer on road sur vey No. 83 2 20 Haxon, M, same. . , 2 4ii (irewell, H T, same 2 00 Shi Venn. Anion, (lawman 2 20 Conycrs, E W, !,ails furnished road district il 7 30 Ruy, J A, medical attendance and board for J K Tuttle, pauper.,..'.. 17 00 Hawkins, ( It, boarding J R Tuttle 12 00 Mayger, U & Jo, lumber furnished road diiti let 0 H3 00 Dolan , John, boarding James Moure, pauper . . , 03 00 Ma-wie, G A. sheriff fees 17 40 George. A II, fixing up sheriff" s and irea-urer's oltlecs 23 40 Meserve llros, building bridge, road dUtriot 17.... .'. 75 55 Mcicrve, W -V attendance on teach ers examination 9 00 Wilson, .tared, lumber furnished dis trict No. 8 30 00 Little, A B, attendance ou teachers examination ...... 15 00 ltrvaut, M O, constable at election. . 3 00 McKay, MmLje, witness beforegrund jury 3 60 Glass & Prudhoinme, court house supplies 27 15 Glass & Prudhomme, same. 10 00 Doan, C F, assistance on assessment roil for 1W2 18 00 Coolcy, Foster, comtablc, election.. 3 00 Glass & Prudhoiume, court house supplies 40 00 Young, W G, searching for prisoner one night 3 CO Cleeton, T J , holding local teachers institute S5 00 Vnulilaricom, John W, hauling flour for McCullock 3 00 Potter, Eiiimeite, assistance on as sessment roll ......... 75 00 Watts, T C, same 63 00 Wilson. W H, flour furnUbed Me Ciillock 8 00 Hubert, Hinrj, lumber furnished road district 13 37 80 Oleelon, T J , public examination of teachers 9 00 Weed, Juilson, assessor's fees 171 00 Grant, G W. juror, circuit court.... 6 20 Quick. E K, co inty clerk's fees. . . . 444 20 ileitrick, Loyd, bounty on Mialps ... 2 00 Parker, 1), " " .... 6 00 Johnson, H T, " " .... 10 00 Conyors, WE, " " - .... 14 00 llotl'iuun A Hates, building bridge across Milton creek 1000 00 Abraham liriiggcr, rebate on tax... 3 84, D, bounty on scalps .. .... 6 00 Popt j'iy. John, viewer on rond sur vey No. 82 6 40 Miles, F M, same...... 10 00 Robinson. Allen, same. 10 01) Decke', h, chaiuinun, ainc ... ..... 10 00 Longheed. O G, same ........... . . 640 Guilds, J W, marker, same road ... 0 40 Barnes, G W, services on rouds and attendance on court 42 00 Seboonover, S G.same.... 40 60 Meeker. W A, serving subpoenas and mileage ... 30 50 Beegle. J It, county printing 84 00 Blakeslev, A H, livery hire lor use of county. 3 00 Whnrtoii. K M, salary as county treasurer 88 S3 Cloeton, I J.salnry ns superinten'd't 30 00 Conner, Tlios II, witiiess fees, state vs. Gaddis . 8 80 Hewitt. W . rebate of tax 1800 .... 18 30 MORE CURES JH)RS. DARRIN. Mrs. J. M. Dickey, Sheridan, Or., cured of a cancerous growth and scrof ulous afTcclion of Iho mouth and cheek. F. P. Hawtelle,Independence,Wash., dyspepsia and kidney compl iint, pro nounced Briglit'B disease by some phy sicians, restored. Thomas Madison, Farmington, Or., scrofulous swelling under the ear, causing total deafness, cured. Mrs. A. .T. Quenlal, Tucoma, Wash., stoppage of tear duct, causing tears to overflow down the cheeks, cured. Charles Brugger, Eeedville, Oregon, almost total blindness from effects of measles, restored after all other doctors suid he was past cure. They make a specialty of the elec trio as well as medical and surgical treatment of all diseases of eye, ear. nose, throat, catarrh, deufness, bron chitis, lagrippe, consumption, dys pepsia, heart, liver and kidney dis eases. All nervous, chronic and pri vate diseases of men, including strict ure, hydrocele, varicocele, fistula, and all peculiar femulo troubles are confi dentially and successfully treated. Most cases can receive home treat ment after a visit to the doctor's office. Inquiries answered. Circulars and question blanks sent free. Consulta tion free. One af the doctors will be at the Revere house, Albany, Or., un til further notice, while one of them is in the Review building, Spokane, Wash. The head office at 270J Wash ington street, Portland, Oregon. ST. HELENS "W: -f .-f.',ii,v?;-' y Prescriptions A Specialty. EDWIN KOSS, DliTJG GrIST. PKALER IN ) PURE DRUGS, - OPTICAL GOODS, MEDICINES, TOILET FANCY GOODS, ARTICLES, CHEMICALS, STATIONERY, CONFECTIONERY, NEW NOVELS, ETC. ' And svery thing usually found in a First-Closs Drug Store. . Pi,.i,.i.,r,.' r,r.v.rlr,Hon nrefullv comnoundcd at anv hour, day or night, by a competent and Experienced Druggist. CLATSKANIE LINE.- STEAMER G. W. SHAVER. J. W. SHAVER, Master. nf hUr St. dock Monday. "Wednesday, Friday for Chitxkanie touching at Suuvies Island, St. Helens,Columbia Uity, Kalama, INeer uity, namier, euur umiuiug, iuu v,uui, Bradbury, Stella, Oak Point, and all intermediate points, re turning 'Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. MUCKLE Manufacturers of LUMBER AND DEALERS IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE. ST. HELENS, OR. JcsotjIi Kellogg & Joseph Kellogg and Northwest FOR COWLITZ RIVER. NORTHWEST aves KELSO Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5 am. Leaves PORTLAND Tuesday, Thurs day, and Saturday at 6 a. m. JOSEPH KELLOGG Leaves RALVI'.iR at 5 a. m. daily, Sunday excepted, arriving at Portland at 10:30 a. m. Returning leaves Portland at 1 p. m., arriving at 6 p. m on'i Buy AXYVIIEKE BUT AT A REGULAR DRUG STORE. YOW WILL FIND THE Freshest, Purest, and Best of Everything AT THE CLATSKANIE DRUG DR J. E. HALL, Proprietor. ST. HELENS HOTEL J, George, Proprietor, Tables always supplied wiihthebestedibles and delicacies the market affords. TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS. Having been newly refurnWied, we are prepared to give satisfaction to all our patrons, and solicit a share of your patronage. ST. HELENS OREGON. A Howard ol 5O0. Will be piid for any case of Rheumatism which cannot be cured by Dr. Druinniond's Lightning Remedy. This offer is n:adein good failh by the proprietors, and there is no reasonable excuse tor any one to suffer lunger. Any ordinary case will be cured by one bottle. In addition to the reward for difficult cases, the noney is always re funded where the remedy fads to cure. The price of a bottle is 5, and that is the cost of a cure. Drununond Mediciim io., 48-50, Maiden Lane, New York. Agents Wanton. POUND. Adrift In tho Columbia, river Inst June a black skift containing loggers' tools and time book. The owner can have same on applying at Rourne's landing. tf DRUG STORE. Orders from the Country filled by Return Moil. BROS., Co.'s River Steamers, Your Drugs Seeds, Trees, POULTRY, BEE SUPPLIES, Fertilizers, Etc. F. W. Miller 171 SECOND ST. Poi'tland, - Oregon. fgSend forCatPtosrii". Notice lo t'rediloru. Notice Is hereby given by the under signed administrator of the estate of Georgo Allsbonse, deceased , to the credi tors of. and all persons having plaints against the said deceased, to exhibit them with ihe necessary vouchers within six months after the tirst publication of this notice, to the said administrator, at his office at Gillton postollice, in Columbia County, State of Oregon. , W.S. NDKN, Administrator of the Estate ot George Allshouse, deceased. Dated this fttlh day uf August, 1802, SlAljnONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oreffon, for Columbia Uounty. Fmjrksce L. Amdkbsom, Plaintiff.!' VS. f Autos Asberson, Defendant. I To Anton Anderson, tho above-named de fendant: In the name of the Statu of Oregon, yon are herebv required to sppcar and uniwcr Hiecomplaintol planum Herein oy luesuny, Ihelltliduy of October, 1W2, that hciini lie Hrxt duv ul the term of said Court, fol lowing the expiration of the time prescribed in the order for the publication of tiii-i mm iiions, anu U you laii so vo appear sou nniiwer. the nlsintitr will aimly to the courl for the relief demanded in her eoniphdnl, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the buiidii uf inatriniony now existing between you and plaintiff, and that plaintiff be awarded ine cure anucusiooy ot me minor u,,i,u wi plaintiff and defendant, Charles Anderson; lor general relief, and the coita and dis bursements of this suit. You are hereby notilied that MiH sum nions is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for six weeks in'l'HE CiuvittiM Mwt. a weeklv npwsiiam,r of ireu- eral circulation, published in the County of Columbia and Mtate ot Oregon, in pursu ance of and by virtue ofun order duly made by the Honorable Thomas A. JlcHride, judge of the Fifth Judicial District of Ore gon, made and dated A igust IK , 18IK. a20o7 Attorneys for I'lainliff. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia Uounty. Joseph B. Meskbvb. Plaintiff, ) vs. f Gertrudk V. Mkserve, Defendant.) To Gertrude V. Meserve, the above named delendunt: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintm herein by Tues day, the 11th dav of October, 1U2, that being the first day of the term of said court following the expiration of the time pre scribed in the order for the publication of this summons: and if vou rail so to appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief deniam'ed in his cum plaint. to-wit: l-ora decree ilissolving tne bonds of matrimony now existing between you und plaintiff, and that he be decreed to t - .i . r.... ....u '., ...... I ui.,.., forth and described in said complaint. Ynn are herebv notilied that Ibis sum lniiiis is served uoor. vou by publication there jf, once a week for six weeks, in The Okkuok JIist, a weekly newspaper of gen eral circulation, published in the County of Columbia and btatc of Oregon, ill pursu ance of an order duly made by the Honor able Thomas A. Mcbride, judge of the Fifth Judichd District of Oregon, made1 and dated AuiiUstlH. 1392. D1LI.AKU S UOLiK, a2Uo7 Attorneys lor Plaintiff. su.nino.'vs. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia County. Jennie M. Meranua, plaintiff John H. Meranda. defendant To John IL Merauda, the above-named de fendant: In the name of the Stato of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff herein, by Tues day the 11 day of October, 1KI2, that being the first day uf the term of said court, fol lowing the expiration of the time prescribed iu the order lor the publication ol this sum nions. and if you fail so to appear and an swer, the plafniiff will apply to the court for the relief dciuimdcd in her complaint, towit: For a decree dissolving the mar riage contract now existing between you and plain tilt', and permitting her to resume tier maiden name of Jennie M. Eme.son, and for the costs and disbursements of this suit and such other relief as to the court may appear equitable. , You are hereby no tilied that this summons , is served upon you by publication thereof, once a week for six weeks in The Ubeuon Mist, a weekly newspaper of general circulation pub lished in the County of Columbia and State of Oregon, in pursuance of and bv virtue of an order duly made by tbe Honorable T. A . Mcliride, judge of the Fifth judicial district of Oregon, made and dated August 13tb. 1892. 1)11.1. ARI) & COLE. Attorneys for plaintiff. ' ' . sini.noas. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia County. Josia Martis, Plaintiff, ) : vs. V Uubeut Marti."?, Defendant,) To Robert Martin, defendant: In tlu name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tileu aguiustyou in tncauove entitled suit, on Tuesday, the llth day of October, 181)2; and if you fail so to answer the plaintiff will apply to tue Court for the relief prayed fur in the complaint. The ob ject of this suit is to obtain a decree of di vorce from you u;sin the grounds of de sertion . This summons is published by order of Hon. T. A. Mc Bride, judge of said j,ourt, made August 18 , Ii2. J. C. MORELAND, a26o7 Attorney for Plaintiff. si;jiitios. In the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon for the County of Columbia, Ida M. Houuh, Plaintiff, vs. Willis P. Hough, Defendant, To Willis P. Hough, the above-named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereiiy notified and required to appear mid answer the complaint in the above en titled cause and court by tbe llth day of October, 18(12, that being'the first day of the term of said court, following the expiration of the tune prescribe in the order for the publication of this summons; and if you ail so to answer or appear therein, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the re lief and for a decree as prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between plaintiff and defendant; and for such further and other relief as to the court may seem just and .equitable. This summons is ordered served upon the said defendant hy publication thereof by Honorable Loyal B. Steams, judge of the circuit court of the Fourth Judicial District of the State of Oregon, by order made aud dated ou the 2"th day of August. 18U2. DELL STUART. s2o7 Attorney for Plaintiff. Administrator' Sale. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an order of the County Court of theState of Oregon, for Columbia County, made on the 20th day of July, A. I). 1891, the under signed administrator of the estat of N. L. Berg, deceased, will sell at public auction to the higbest bidder, for cash in hand, or for one-nulf cash aud the balance on a credit of one year, the same to be secured by a mortgage upon the land sold, at the courthouse door in the town ot St. Helens, Columbia County, State of Oregon, on Sat urday, tho 1st day of Oetober, A. D. 18112, at the hour of two (2) o'clock P. M. ot said day, tbe following-described real estate, to-wit: The southwest quarter (swW) of section four (4), and also the southeast quarter (seH) of section four (4), all being situate iu township six (ti) north of range five west of the Willamette Meridian in Columbia County, Oregon, and containing 320 acres, more or less, according to United Btntes government survey. A. M. BERG, Administrator of the estate of N. L. Berg, deceased. St. Helens, Oregon, Aug. 24. 18U2. s23 Notlco for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, August SO, 1802. NOTICE Is hereby (tlven that the following nnmed scttfet has filed notice of his inteu tfon to make thud proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Uounty Clerk ol Coluniliin county, at 8t. Helens, Oregon, on October 5, 1SU2. via: ELMER E. GRISDLE, Homestead entry No. 6IW), for the se!4 of see 3, 1 6 n, r 3 w. He names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, snd cultivation of, said land, viz: B. W. bowman, liHiiiot gtehniHii and D, M. Dorscy, of Aplury H. (., Oregon, and 0, F. Doan, of Rainier P. O., Oregon. J. T. APFKRtSOff. aaMQ Keglawr. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County. T. N. Rvckmaw, I'lainliff, I vs. i Laura A. Ryckmak, Defendant) To Laura A. Kyckiuan the above-mimed', defendant: Yon will nlease take notice, that vou fire reatiired lo aimear in lite above-eu tilled court or. tho lir-t day of its next regubir term, to-wu: on lie inn Jiay or ucuwer, ISiri, and answer Ibe enmphttnt of pltiiutitf filed against you in suid conror the phiin till'will take a decree, ugainst you for I ho relief demanded in the complaint, 1. e.,a judgment dissolving tho marriage contract uerewiore auu now exiaung ueiwccii jruu and he, (defendant and plaintiff.) Puhlldied bv an order made by the Hon, Thomas A. Mcilrldc, judge of the said court, made at chambers on the 24th duy of Auuust. 18!)2. W, i. RICK, a2lk7 Attorney for rinlntiff. . . ... scmihori, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia County. Kdwabd Wehstf.b, Plaintiff, vs. Gus H. Rticok and Nklme Bv- son, his wife, defendants. To Gus II. Bynnn and Nellie Bynon, his wife, he above-named defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and answer the con plaint tiled against you in the above entitled uciion. on or before the tirst day uf the next term of the aboveentitled court, to wit: The first Tuesday after the second Monday in October, 1M12, being the llth day ot said month; and if you fail so to. answer, for want thereof the pi intiff will take judgment aitainst you and each of you for the sum of $oo.00, with interest thereon since ihe Kith day of March, 18U1, at the rnte often percent, per annum, and for the further sum of fio.OO as attorney's fees . herein, and for his costs and disbursements of Ibis action. This summons is published pursuant to an order of t'hoiiias A. Mcllride, judge of the above entitled court, made at chambers on the 23d day of August, 1H92. a2flo7 Attorney for Plaintiff. Hvxunosa. In tlio Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County. John Freilinger, plaintiff vs. f Augusta Freiiinger, defendant.) To Augusta l'reiiinger theabove-named de fendant: In the name of Ihe State of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled aguinstynuin the above entitled suit on or before the tirst day of the next term of the aboveentitled court, to nit: The tirst Tuesday alter the second Monday in October 181)2, being the llth day of said month, and if you fail so ti answer fur want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relict demanded in the complaint, viz: For a decree of divorce, and that the marriage contract between tbe parties be dissolved, and for his costs and disbursement" of this suit. Tiiis summons is published pursuant to an order of Thomas A. Mcliride, judge of the above entitled court, made at chambers on the 2;kl day of August, 1892. GEO. E. DAVIS. a20o7 Attorney for Plaintiff. ' Sheriff's Sale. STATE OF OREGON? 1 County of Columbia.! By virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Columbia, tome directed, iu favor of S. Frank, Abe Meir, Janctte Meir and Fannie Frank, and against L. A. Day and Annie Day, for the sum of I289.M) dollars judgment, with interest at the rate of 8 per cent, per year from the 15th dav of May, 18U0, and the further sum of $13 35 doliors co ts and accruing costs, command ing me to make sale of the following-described real property, to wit: the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section lo. township 7 north, range 5 west of the Willamette Meridian, together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurten ances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining; all being situated in Colum bia county, Stute of Oregon : I duly levied npou said premises ou the llth day of August, 1892. Now, in persvjance of said execution. I will, on Saturday, the 17th day of Septem ber, 1802, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. . at the Courthouse door, in said county and state , sell at public auction, all the right, title, claim and interest in and to the above described real property of L. A. Day and Annie Day to the highest bidder therefor, for cash to satisfy said execution, interest and costs. G. A. MASS1E, alUslti Sheriff of Columbia County, Or. notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, August 20, imi. VfOTICE Is hereby given that the followiug 1 named settler has filed notice ot his inten tion to make liual proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Count; Clerk of Columbia county, at lit. Helens, Oregon, ou October 5, 1892, viz: DANIEL 8TEHMAN, Homestead entry No. 657S, for the sw of sec 11, 1 6 n, r 3 w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, vis: D. M. Dorse;, W. C. King, J. L. Butts, of Apiary P. O., Oregon, and C. P. Doau, of Rainier P. O., Oregon. 2t;.NW J. T. A I'PEKSON, Register. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, Allkustai. 1892. NOTICE is hereby given that tha following named settler has tiled notice of his iuten tion to maKe final proof iu support of his claim, aud that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Columbiaoounty,at St. lleleus, Oregon, on October i, 1MW, vix: DAVID M, DORSET, Homestead entry No. 6TM, for the nwli of see 11, tdn, r3w. He names the folluwina; witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, vis: Daniel Stehiitan, W. C. King aud J. L. Butts, of Apiary P. O , Ore sron, aud C. Doan, of Rainier P. O., Oregon. ilili.JO J. T. APPERSON, Register. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, August 20. lsw. NOTICE is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make flual pfrof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Columbia county, at St. lleleus Oregon, ou October 11, 1SW, vis: JOHN C. MANTZ, Homestead entry No, 6916, for the wl4 of sea 4,1311, r I w. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, suid laud, vis: Julius Jes niann, Henry White, Norman McKay aud Heu rv Potter; ail of gcappoose P. O., Oregon. aSiMU - J. X. APPERSON, Register. Notice for Publication. , Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, August 20, 1SU2. VfOTICE ts hereby given that the following 1 named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make dual proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk ot Columbia county, at St. Helens Oregon, on October 10, 1S92, vix: LOII8 BRADLEY, Homestead entry No. 70SS. for the swW of see 3, tS n, r 2w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: A. Neer, Chas. K. MaKtuster, wm. uowa aud Freu Wood ham; all of Neer City P. 0., Oregon. ttXOQ J. T. APPERSON, Register. One Dollar Weekly Buys a good gold watch by our club sys tem. Our 14-karat gold-tilled cases are war ranted for a) years. Fine Elgin and Wal tham mivement. Stem wind and set. Lady's or gent's size. Equal to any VOU watch. To secure agents where we have none, we sell one of the bunting case watches for tho club price 28 and fend C. O. D. by express with privdegeof examina tion before paying for the same. Our agent at Durham, N. C, writes, "Our Jewelers have confessed they don't know how you cau furnish such work for the money." Our agent at Heath Springs, 8. !., writes: "Your watches take at sight. The gentleman who got the last watch said that he examined and priced a lewelcr b watches in Lancaster, that were no butter than yours, but the price was lift," Our agent at Pennington, Tex., writes; "Am In reeolptof the watch, and am pleased without measure. All who have seen It say it would be'eheap at $40." One good reliable agent wanted for each place. Write for particulars. : Kmi-iri watch Co., Ne York.