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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1892)
THE OREGON MIST. Hulled XUtca m4 CmbIJ Offlelnl Paptr T. HSUMK.JUNK 10, 1891 mmmmmmmmmmmmgamam LOCAL AND GENERAL Blackliarriei are now ripening. Lug tcale fur sale at the Mibt office t 80 cent each. John Alibott u viaitlntf In Port land laat week. ' Wanted Gl 1 to do light JiouMWork Cttftlthleet.-' , yrha ilHtnrmii mm not getting very rich thi year. Hpcelalale of fine toilet eoej nl Bum' drug autre title week. Remember that yon ran get receipt book t lll oflice (r CO cvnte each. CoodJerable drift w.kmI paste down the river now in consequence of the water. yCept. F. A. Larannt wee the flnt mm 10 vote Dtiuer me new uw iu i o y lumbia county. " . Cull on A. A. Simmons, near the il courthouse end get doten of thoee Cue cabinet photos for 200, Mn. Noltner, wife of A.Noltner.edi tor of the Prilnd Daily Dispatch, dieJ in Portland last Balurday. Dr. J. W. Merve and una, Lin coin ana Joeeph, were In town txst Tuesday proving Hp on their home teede. C The vote in Deer I!ani precinct title year ie over 100 abort of two year ago. In mnet every nther precinct in ... t I . . no eouniy inrre na ueen a K'. j ', Hon. T. A. McBride, for eiroflii juilte, received majority of 950 vole in Clackama couqIv, hit home. ThU epeake well for man, when he re ceive audi a majority at home. Tbe iteamer T. J. Potter will take au excursion party from ICutso and way landing to Mullnomah Fall, Saturday, June 18, 1892, leaving Kutmi at 8 a.m.; Rainier 6: 20; and St. Hel en 8:30. Fare round trip. 100. Mr. C. C. Slavena, of Gaatle Rock, wih., wits caller at Thb Mit ofllcv Wedaeday. Mr. 81aven in one of Caalle Rock'a enterprising merchant, and came oeer in the lutrreat of the church excursion which gova to Mult nomah Fall on Saturday, June 18. The election in St. Helen wet car ried on in the moat quiet ami orderly manner. Thei were very few "hot" eoatruversie on the itieeta, and each mm eenid to know how lie wanted to voje, and proceeded, uoruolutted, to depoiit hie ballot. Uitiim pollad the largest vote ef any precinci iu the county at the June election. Senator Tongue i deieated in Waeh Ington county by H. B. Huaton, dtmio rral. Four year ago th-se eame two men ran for the eUte eenate, and the former wa elected by only a email Majority. Tougue'e defeat i due olely to hi action in the last eenaie on tbe ?smciit bill, a he is charged with having defeated that popular nmasur. The excursion to Multnomah FalU Saturday, June 18, i for a benefit of the Caatle Rock aud Kelso Preatiy briaa churche. The elegant steamer T. J. Poller ha been secured for that occataiou at a lure expenee. Two cornet bands will be on board aud will furniah excellent niueic for tbe enter tainment of the paaoeiiger. Thi ie an eieiireioit that the people ol t Heleu cau not afford to mis. Round trip 1.00. Work on the construction of the dike in Callilamet bay on the Lower Co lumbia it progressing rapidly, under tbe general control of th.l port of P in land committee. The work i being iloue bv Contractor Jacobaon, who ie puaUiug operation with all practicable) vigor. From 100' to 130 pila are be ing driven daily. At Walker Mud the work ha been- suspended, owing to the higUy water which haa aub merged the querry. from which the supply of rock fin the dike work i ob taiuod. But thi tnpeniiioii will only be temporary,. Already the good ef feet of the dike is perceptible on the depth of the channel. When coin Dieted, tbe dike will produce a very marked change for the better in the condition of the river at thi) point Robert Day, the Woodland mur it er, Wits hanged at ICtUnm List Fri day. There were about 600 people pien, women, and children who wit nested the execution of the first man banged in Cowliu county, and also the flret one in the state of Washing ton sinoe lU admission to sUtehood Into tbe Union. Day made a long speech on'tha scaffold, reviewing bi crime, end exprewed no regret el kill ing Beobe, saying that he (Beelx ) hud frequently insulted himself and fam ily. He left a long letter giving a his tory of hi life. He wa a confederate soldier during the late war, and after ward emigrated to Idaho, where be lived for several years, after which he moved W Cowhts county. He leave a, wife aud five children, the oldeat be ing 20 year of age. It la thu family are in straitened circumstance. After about 20 minutes the body wan ent down and turned oy r to the frieud of the condemned man for buy ial. The execution, under the super. vWonof Bheriff Holmes, Was suo- School closed Friday list ha-1 .g been fu suasion three suoce-sive t r m of three month each. Tui hue hjn the only tcli joI yer in the history of Ht. liuleo, coniallng of nine months; hut people ll'ialty ee tlie disadvantage to pupil of such long Interval, of rent from their tudie, and so continued school the proper length of lime thi year. Many ire were present al the closing exercises Thursday and Friday afternoon, among whom were Mr. W.ut, Mrs. M sire, Mrs. Walking Mrs. Frank Mile, H. A. Miles, H. P, Watklns.'Kitlie Moore, Maud Swager Mary Wtts, Maud Wa'te, M.tb,-1 l)4ii of ScappoMie, Newton Perry and flortie Campltell of Ifoultou, and Cora Johnson of KeU'i. Professor Jones has ever aimed during hi nine month oi m:liixil here to create within the iiiind- f his pupil a deaire to advance, and he juaily merits the high esteem ami giNid will expreted by the c1khj1 al it close. Every (choolhoue in Amerk-a should float the Niars and stripe. Four ear ago the idea wa first suggested,! ttid a very great number of M-hai in ihis country huve a flag. Sufficient lime lis passed to make it possible to judge of the good result that cotpe from the uittitrlin of the American llag abve o many aehoolhouje. It promote patriotism, It tir up in the heart of boy and girl the hope of living to be brave men and good women, and it (tiiiiulate a love for study of history. We hope it will not bit long before this emblem of Ameii can liberty muy not only float over the eubt.ol.iouse at 8.. Helens, but over every uliooIlwut iu tin great country. Professor W. C. Aylsworth, of Port I iml, will cive a musical entertainment in 8t. Helens on Fiiday evening, June 17, 1892, consisting of vocal mid in trumentitl, and musical tpecialitie, among which is the performance of three tunes siiiiultaneoiii'ly." Mr. Aylsworth ha a fine voice and is able to render hie selection in a pleasing iitinner. Our people should not fail to attend thi performance. It will be a treat. Last Tuesday night burglar entered Judge MiMtre' room in the St. Charles hotel in Portland, and stole hi 1250 watch and 2.r-0 in coin from hi clothe. The Judge being very tired and sl.-epy (mm the effect of the cam paign just ended, did not discover un til the next moriiitig that there had been anyone iu hi room during the night. We call the attention ol our reader to the ad of W. J. Deiti, general mer- chaudise, Rainier, Oregon. Mr. Deits hae lately completed a new store at Rainier and stocked it entire with new good,and i now prepared to supply hi customer with the very beet iu every line. The saloon nf R. R. Foster Co., st Reuben, was robbed Wednesday, the thief gaining an entrance through the rea' while the proprietor was at supiier. Ciutahlerable money and caber valuable wa taken.' The Potter came down with the mail Wednesday at noon, with the. Telephone's crew on board, the lat ter steamer being tinder repuir at Port- latmY' k. H. Blakesley was elected justice ol me peace lor union precinct oy a " lance majority over Scott Nuttn lieople s party candidate. J Don t rail to go on the church ex eursinti one week from tomorrow. The T. J. Potter will be elegantly fined for the. occtuioo. When you arcs in need of blank not books, call st Thb Mist oflice. Price, SO cente. A Pare Baking Powder. A baking powder that can be de pended uKn to be free from lime and alum i a desideratum in these duyi of adulterated food. So far a can be judged from the official reports, the "Royal" seems to be tbe only one yet found by chemical analyse to be en tirely without one or the niher. of these substances, and absolutely pure. Thi il is shown, result from the exclusive use by its manufacturers of cream of urtur specially refined and prepared by patent prrtceaees which totally re move all impurities. The cost of this chemically pure cresm of tartar is much greater than any other, and it is Used in no baking powder except the "Royal," the manufacturers of which control the patents under which it ie refined. Dr. Edward O. Love, formerly analy. tical chemist, for the U. 8. Government, who made tbe analyse for the New York Slate Board of Health in their investigation of baking mwder, and whose intimate knowledge of the in gredient of a I those sold in thi mar ket enable him to speak authoritively. ay ot the purity, wholcsomenee,eud snKtrW quality ot the "Royal" : ."I find tbe Royal Baking Powder composed of pure and boleume in gtedien:. It I a cream of tartar iKiwder. ami noes not commit ei'tier alum or phosphates, or other injurious substance. Prof. Love's tests, aud the recent olBi ial iete by both the United States and Canadiaii Governments, show the Royal Baking Powder to be superior to all others in streiitfth aud leavening power, It la not only l he most eco nomical in use, but makes the puree', finest flavored, aud most wholesome food, , School Jteport. The following is taken from the reginter of 8t. Helens school for month eiidiiijj June 8, 1892; Duy allendaiice, 601 ; times tardy 32; days absent, 62; pupil enrolled, 37; pupils belonging, 311; daily uverage attendance, 33. Pupil who hare not been absent during- the month: Grace Miles, lluisy Welkins, Amy George, Muud Di cker, May Whhuey, Frank Mo. ire, Arthttt Moore, Tom Mtiekle, Effle Strachan, Aim George, Eugeue Mi es, Glen Welkins, Mary D n four and Clyde Mc- Nulty. TkRM SUMMARY, Day taught, 60; day attendance, 2276; day abent, 147; time tardy, 45; pupils enrolled, 46; pupil belong ing, 40; average daily attendance, 38 Pupils who were not absent during he term; Grace Miles, Daisy Wot- kins, Amy George, Maud Decker, M,i Whitney, Frank Moore, Arthur Moore, Com Mitcklc, Elflii Btrachun, Alum Georgi-j Eugeue Miles, Glen Walkins Mary Dufonr. SUMMARY FOR THB YEAR. Moolb Kndlng HaptsintMir J4...., Ootober M Nuveinlwr 24 loeemtr26. Jnntisry 2S .......... February X April May. June s mi S7 SO) 97 ao 819 Di 7M Ml TnUl UD77U Y Pupil who have nut been' during the year: Grace Miles, Daisy Watkins, May Whiiny, Maud Decker, Arthur Moore, Tom Muc-kleand Anna George. Those only absent one day : A mv fiu,nrtm P..N.V luiita. Frn.t Wat- kill and Florence Georite. A . Too much caunol be said in praise of the few who have been an in attendance. Other whose name are not men tinned have also attended school quite regular, but were un avoidably absent a few day during the year. We feel truly grateful to all who have by their g'aal will, faith ful study and attendance at school, aided us iu making the school a suo cess, aud they will ever be held in kind remembrance. Mrs. Way, the an' Unt teacher, by her indefatigable energy and willing interest, ha done much to make the school a succea. The directors, patron aud friends ot the school have our thank for their words of encouragement end their manifested interest. We also wish to thank Tub Oh boom Mist for iu kind ness in publishing our report aud school notes. C. H. Jones, Principal. DKAFXKS8 CUHEII TKICITV BY ELEC Other Case Given to Show the Wonderful lteaults on Chronic Disease. (Morninn OreRonian, Jane 7.) Editor Oregoniau For a long time I have been getting dvuf, accompanied with ringing noise in car. Dr. Darriu treated me 10 minutes with electricity and With other me us, and to my great satisfaction. I can bear a well a ever. I reside al North Yamhi.l, Or egoil. . U A. VAHUJSKfUo, , Marshal H. W. Goldbeck, , Vlincouw. Wash. I hydrocele for years cured. Thomas Madison, Farnv inKUin, Oregon, ecrofuloa swelling under the ear, causing total deafness, cured. A. E. Millgr, pluitoxmpher, 277 Knott street, Albioa.Oregoiij strict ure many years so life was despaired of, enred. T. W. Godfrey, 894 Mione aota avenue, Albany, Oregon, rhuuma tittn o he could scarcely get to tlie doctor oiKce, cured. Dr. Darrin can be found at 270 Washington street, Portland, Oregon ; the Review building, Spokane, Wash., front 10 to 5 daily, 7 to 8 evenings j Sunday, 10 to 12. Consultation free. They ruuke a specialty of all disease of eye, ear, nosj and throat, catarrh, deafness, bronchitis, la grippe, coif sumption, dyspepsia, heart, liver and kidney diseases. All nervous, chronic and private disease of men, including stricture, hydrocele, varicoce e, ami all peculiar female troublii are conllJent iully and euccessfully treated. Most case can teceive home treatment after a visit to t he doctor' office. Inquiries answered. Circulars and question blank sent free. ,tij .irilr.u. aTAMi'-CAMPHKt,L..-At the r-sid ice of tbe bride a areiits, nt Houlton Or., Mon nnae a iiarenu, nc nouuon ur., Jion June 6, i&)2,' by Judgv Bwiuer. Mr. lilp Mmuii. of Latourtlle Falls, and i Gertrude Campbell, of lloultvn. clay. June B, isajf,- n. I'd Hit Ul-u Iinniediittely after the ceremony was performed the young couple, accom panied by it number of friends, eamu to St. Helerte, ami Troni here went to Raiuitir to visit rl.itive for few days. alter wlii.-h they go in Lalourelle Falls where they wdl iu future reside. Tub Mist extend congratulations to Mr. and Mr. Stamp, aud wish for them a long and prosperous married life. OIRN-WIUSCIN.-On June 8, 1W2, at the l lcnre o' Ui otnviutiuj J.istl e. Mr. J. Dean. Mr. Km! C. t.irt and Mhs Mol lie Wilson, uutb of Columbia conuty, Or egon. - The grtKitn 1 one of Rainier' pros perous farmer, and had everything in readme to go to bouaekeep ng, where he, with hi newly-made wife, went alter the ceremony iraa performed. , , Bwmt'i ttlghtsmu Jade. . The towu of Hueneme boturta, or did boattt until recently, of a justice) of the peat who once bud a cane be fore him which involved the) owner ship of a hen. The fowl waa only worth two or three bits, but the re spective claimant wore in dead ear-, neat, and fought the cam with aa much rigor aa if several thousand dollar were involved. Many time the value of the ben Waa expended in legal and attorneys' feea. and a vast array of witneeeea were called to testify aa to the proper ownership of poor little biddy. The evidence wa so contradictory that the JuMtice was unable to decide, but suddenly a bright thought struck him. "Court adjourned. Gimme that ben," be said, and tbe fowl, which had been brought into court a aa exhibit, wa turned over to him. Followed by the wondering plaintiff and defendant, counsel, wit neeeea and spectator, he went straight to the locality where the rival claimant resided, paced off the diatanoe. between the two houses, halted exactly midway and then let the chicken go. The fowl did not hesitate for a aecond, but with a glad squawk half ran half flew to one of the houses, and the judge immedi ately pronounced the occupant there of the rightful owner of the bird and gave judgment accordingly. The righteousness of tbe docwion was never questioned. Ban Francisco Chronicle. A Caasalta t Ktwlaf. In the Missouri campaign of 1880 two of the most fascinating men in the state were pitted against each other. T. T. Crittenden and D. P. Dyer. Mr. Crittenden started tbe campaign aggressively by kissing the ladies filially, fraternally or pater nally, as the case might be. Mr. Dyer followed suit, and the contest of grace and abandon was clearly a tie. Then Mr. Crittenden stole a march on his unsuspecting opponent; he began on the babies. No baby of any qualified voter of tbe state es caped the pressure of Mr. Critten den's lips, or a delicate tribute to its fine features and symmetrical body. The effect of this movement waa tremendous. Mr. Dyer was cam paigning in tbe back districts, and did not bear of his adversary's bril liant stratagem for nearly two weeks. He hastily adopted the same line of attack, Imt it was too late, for the idea was as good as patented. Mr. Crittenden wont right along kissing babies up to within an hour of the closing of the polls, and when he de sisted be was elected to the govern orship by the largest majority ever cast in tbe state 84,034 vote. Kan sas City Star. La Grippe Baccefalljr Treated. "I have j ml recovered from a sec ond attack of the grip this year," tey Mr. Ja. O. Jones, publisher of the Leader, Mexia, Texas. "Iu the latter eae I used Chamberlain' Cough Remedy, and I think with considera ble success, only beimc in be! a little over two days, against ten days for the first attack. The second attack I am salUfied would have been equally as bad as the first but for tbe use of this remedy, as I had to go to bed in about six hours after being 'struck' with it, while in the lint case I waa able to at tend to business shont two days before getting 'down.'" 50-ceut bottles for sale by Edwin Roa. o I- Z o CO DC D O X UJ X o D X o X cc UJ CD UJ UJ If you are not feeling strong and healthy. try Electric Hitters. If "I Grippe" has left you weak and weary, use Kiecl-lr Bit ten. This remedy aita directly on Liver. Stomach and Kidneys, cent'y aiding those organ to perform their If you are afftetod with bick Headache, you will Had apeedv and permanent relief by ti.kinn Kle tr'e Bitter One trial will wnvinee yofT that this I the remedy you r.eed. arge bottle Only 50o, at Kdwln Kos' Drug Store.. . TreaewreVe Notice. County Tresfeiri-r's Oflice, l Kt. llelen70r., M.iV , 1832. f Btnteof Orrson, Columbia County: .Noiice i Ueie'iv viven that all unpaid county which have ien presented an I endurwd "not paid tor waut ot funds" from ihjt ,!(! up to July 14, 1891. both nates inclusive, ill i- iu upon .ri-scma tion at this office, Interest on said war. rant, will not be allowed after the dine o llii. notice. 0. W. COLK. . - C uut Traurer. NtfTICK. V" United States Lead Office, Oregon City, Oregon. May '24. 1SV2. COMPLAINT savin been entsieit at thi offlee by William 1. McDonald aaalns. James E. NoUn for abandoning; and fall ing to make nettlcmeiil, improvement or cultivation on the land prior t. February M. WI, hl homestend entry so. no.',, itnicit Juit IS. ISM. anon tne lots 1. 'I. tnd 4, section i. lownship north, range S wl. in Columbia eounty, Oregon, won a view 10 in. -aiirrllstiiinof id entry, ihe raid tiarlles sn heieby mmimonen toapisr st M. Helena, Ore ..on. before the le'inty clerk on the Unit day o. July. Isri, at lOo'cleck A. M., to re-ponrt snf 'urnmh tertimonv concerning paid allegro abandonment. And on the testimony then nub milted shearing wilt he hart at tm ontee on iJnd of Aiinim. iiM. at 10 o'clock A. M. J.T. APPEKSON, Kejrliiter. Jl.JS PE1 iCH VAWZT, Receiver. THK Splendid Young Neman Horse rnnunnnm irei Will make the season of 1892 - a follows : Monday and Tuesday at R. COX'P place. Warren. Wsdneadav and Thursday at GEO JAQUES', Goble. Ret of the week at C. MUCKLE S raiH-h. Deer Irlnnd. TERMS: INSURANCE, $15.00 TKMHKiTlsabeautifaldark iron sray 16 hands hieh; six years old; weighs ItiOu ponnds.with tine style, quirk moveiuent. and second to none in wuscular power and durability. He wa firel hv Voune Byron kler; by old livron Kieri impurted and owned by Mingniai-ter. Krutn, Iowa. Tempest's dam wai nect Dy utu Tempest, a nor man uorae, owned by J. Downs. Iowa. CHAS. MUCKLE, Owner. BLUE FRONi One Price Cash Store. WM. SYM0NS, DRALIS I General Merchandise, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, TINWARE, ETC Ladies FineShoes PATENT MEDICINES. RAINIER, t : : : OREGON Model Saloon. J. S. IXOXINGEB, Prop'r. ST. HELENS, - . - , OREGON Choice Wines. Liouors and Cigars. Beer 5 Cts. Billard and Pool Tablt for & pooommodation of Patron CALL AROUND. ST. HELENS HOTEL J, George, Proprietor. Tables always supplied wlh the best edible and delicacies tbe market affords. TERMS REASONABLE FOB REGULAR BOARDERS. Having been newly refurnished, we are prepared t give itttisfaction to all . our patrons, and solicit a share of your patronage. ST. HELENS OREGON. THE STKAMEB IRAL.DA Is oow ir.ak;n regular round . , tiips from DAK POINT TO PORTLAND Daily Except Wednesdays, Lkaviko OAK POINT.. ....'.4:40 a. M. . ...5:00 6:15 " ... -7:00 K " . .. AIM " tSTKI.LA " KA1SIKU. .. KAI.AMA ... " ST. HKI.KNS A satviKO I'O UT l.A K D. . RETURNING LsAVr PORTLAND... lifior. m. .1:45 " Abrivs oT&I.LA W. E. NEWSOM. ' L. W1Hr kmrtum Aisaov far OAVIATS, Vee BanAnek witte t OKtSSt barBM for Hmtln. MlMtl In AmrlMtt. KOAOW.T, HBW TOBK, Kverreateot taksa eat bras Is broncht bWore Mss a6lie bf aotMe gtnm tree el ebsiae la the Ismeat elraalstloa ef sny setsaties saiier IB tk wood. Ssleoiliaiv IlloWratad. NoTlnCallliMl i sasa shouts ae whtioal M, Weskir. SJ.ea a, PIANOS and ORGANS Halle tt & Davis and New Scale Kimball Pianos md Kim bull Organs. I invito inspection and defy competition. L. V. UOORE, 105 Washington at., Writ for Cstslogu I Dnnll - and price.. WHEELER & WILSON NEW No. o. S i ' HIGH ARM. Tbe only perfect family machine, was awarded the onijr grand prize at the Parw Exposition in 1889. LARGEST STOCK AT LOWEST PRICES. For particulars call on er address the ASTORIA AGENCY, A.G; SPEXARTH, The Largest General Jewelry House IN TflE CITY. MAIN OFFICE: 1368 Market Street, S.F., California. EVERDING & FARRELL, Front Strcett Portland. Or. DEALERS IX Guana, $20.00 Per Ton, A CHEAP FERTILIZER. Land Plaster $2.25 Per Barrel. Also a Fine Line cf V GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS NEW STORE. STILL IN THE LEAD! I now have on hand one of the Largest Sup plies of GENERAL MERCHANDISE Found in Columbia County, which I am selling; cheap W. j.Tdietz, RAINIER, OUR $ SPECIAL SALE . OF' " CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Will be continued for a few day longer. Parent, come and be convinced (hat thi i a genuine sale. WAY'S UNDERWEAR Still Uoe at 4.50 Per Suit. Betailed Per JFMIOTU " King Clothiers of Jisia fjamar, iarrisasi mmm CLATSKANIE LINE.- csnnx A'TMr-co n OXUiH.AJQXV Jr Wi oxm. jUX , J, W. SHAVER, Master. Leaves Portland at Alder St. dock forClatkanie, touching nt Sauvies Island, St. Helens,Colurnbia City, Kalama, Neer City, Rainier, Cedar Landing, Mt Coffin, Bradbury, IStclla, Oak roint, and turning Tuesday, Thursday, and Don't Buy Your Drugs ANYWHERE BUT AT A REGULAR t DRUG : YOW WILL FIND THE Freshest, Purest, and Best of Everything ',"' -AT THE CLATSKANIE DRUG DR J. K HALL, Proprietor. J f I Meatloa thi paper. NEW GOODS. OREGON; at Other Store ia the City at 17.50' Suit. the Northwest nmn, rsrsiaaeu xrr : oxr a wpt Monday, Wednesday, Fridy all intermediata point. . r Saturday. STORE.