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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1892)
THE OREGON MIST. BaiUd XUtw ni baity OHleial Piper. Bt. HiLim, ArtiL 1,1803. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Fur treex draft at Boss droa; store. BAKINO POWDER In the New York Legislature, The following, taken from "The Oil Paint end Drug Reporter," refer I new bill Hut introduced In tlie log- I minute tu new xoric Bute: "Thclatrat development In the baking I Unarll, W.l U ln'Mu4Hnttnii aI . Kill In the legialatu'r of tlilf state, requiring package of baking powder which oonU ammonia, to b branded with a statement ol that (act in large type on the label. I no Horn T. A. nd Q. W.MoBrWi wHr??hL'T.flvti?...,uJ?'i2, , ' w . m . M I rvi,,. VI lilt HUUUII fTIIUlIT MHI Ml Mt, amm o;' Clolbini, flrit elsss end beet quality at Ferry's. Hoaiton Th. Infant eon of Mr. and Mrs. T. Hole, of Gillton, li srlouly ilk Landharg't nsiiumss are the best. Koas has a full line. Mrs. T. C. Watte relumed home Aatorla talt Batutdav. whara eh had toM to attend the funeral of bar father. Clark Quick ieeued a marriage 11 eaae os the 12dd Of March, to Ida Ma Wilkinson and Cbarlea W Mai Uager. v meeting of the voters of (he City mt 8. Helene ia called to meet thie (rider) eveolnc for the purpoee of nomiaatiag a full city ticket Muokle Bro'. mill trted ' up lait Monday for a short run for the pur mm of filling up the yard and outUog out a lew email order. Th county convention of the peo nW oartv will meet In Rainier next Thursday at S p. m., and a large and wihunaatio meeting la expected. Dr. Cliff la having an office fitted up cm the corner opposite the Banquet saloon to a portion of tbo building at prtaeat occupied by Jackson readier. Mr. Mary Dickey, of Cottage Grove, Or. ia visiting at Qillton, having been auasmoned there by the eerious illneae of ber sitter, Mia May Beegle, who is Now while the ammonia contention Is on the onoreiu- diced oconle aa certainly not willine to be doeed with lb eubstance acknowledged as poison. timnlv because scientists, some ol whom are not even physiologist, disagree hwiu potency. - , A similar bill whs introduced last April but it i shrewdly surmised that the Influence of interested parties pre vented it paseage. The provieions of the present bill are so lust that it probably will anon become a law, This will be welcome news to the manufacture of pure cream of tartar baking powder, the most prominent of whom is the Price Baking Powder Co. of Chicago and ft. Louis, makers of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, who have always made a strictly pure Cream of Tartar powder, nolwithiUnd ing the temptations of adulteration suggested by the enormous profits realised by a large New York concern which uees ammonia, and advertises its powder as alrlctly pure, by means of garb ad official reporta and certifi catea signed by iia owu employees, dubbed professor, doctor or govern inent chemist, as fancy may dictate. A bill compelling alum powders to be conapiuoualy labelled as such, at ready exists in Minnesota and it is to be hoped in the interest "f the con sumer that similar laws will soon be enacted in other states, for ammonia as well as alum The following powder known to contain either ammonia or alum or both, will be affected by tbe proposed legislation I at Breams ""' y,ait, Forest City, One Hpoon (Taj The alt election for St. Helene I lor'M, Bon Bon, Kenton, Echo, Snow Usee piece nest Monday between 7 Puff, Unrivalled. Yarmill', one Bpoon .md 1 . a'eLick. n. m. Everv voter Bbepbard's Economical, Crown, Uly ahauld be an kand and assist in elect max, Hercules, Monarch, flew Era rood mea to the various municioal Snow vail. taj goo otaee. CLAT8KANIEL Mr. B. Cox fstely received from Ohio three very floe turkey, a gobbler ui.. i.nni. Mv.r. u .t hnm .! aad three bens, tbe former w ighing t(er . two roontb' visit to her sister tweaty-nve pounds and tne I at Seaside, about twanty-tbree each. These are three of tbe finest fowl that aver csaae to Columbia county. We are informed that Jacob Kamm will ehortly start the steamer Ocean Wave to running between Portland aad Xlwaeo to connect with the Ilwaco railway for Bhoalwater bay and Gray's Harbor polut. in tma event me rate war will be waged all tbe bolter during the coming aummer, At tbe peoples' party primaries held 4 Gillton laat 8aturday the following delegate wre elected to the county coeeention to meet at Bainier next Tburedavt George Allaliouse, F. Hale, Joseph Copeland, and J. R. Beegle Sr., tbe latter as delegate at targe. We bate received from Superintend eat Watte a eopy of the Arbor Day pamphlet, published by Superintend' eat MsElroy, a required by an act of the legislature, urging; the different public schools to pay strict obsrenee to Arbor Py, wnwn comes on Friday, April 8th. 1803, end ia a very neatly gotten op publication. John Hamill, of Clstskanie, wa in teem Tuesday. He haa a fluid for hilling tree insects, which he claims baa been tested in hie orchard for two yaara with astonishing results. Any ene wishing to try It can secure tbe earn in email quantitiee at this office free. Tbe regular price is 75 sale per gallon. At a meeting held at the courthouse Wednesday evening, the following ticket waa nominated for tbe various Municipal offices for the city of St. Helena: President of the council, T, C. Watt; councilman, W. H. Dolman, James Dart. Jacob George and II. P, Walkina; recorder, J. H. Swsgor; treasurer, D. J. Swilxer; marshal, O, at. Bart. ... Mrs. M. J. Scott will have her new restaurant and lodging house ready for oooupeocy next week and will be prepared to receive her many friends aad old patron at tbe Columbia He taurant and Lodging Home, next door north of Maaenio ball, where aba will snpply bar patrona with the beat the Market affords. See advertisement in aether column of thia paper. Mr. Franoca Fuller Victor waa In 81 Helena Wednesday last soliciting aebsoilptions for bar new boob," At lanta Arisen." wblcb is devoted ex' cleetvely to Oregon and Washington historical sketches, splendidly illus trated, and altogether a very neat and instructive publication containing over 400 page, rrioewou. Mrs. J. B. Beegle, of St. Helens, and Iter sister, Miss Eva Arohbold, of Hills horo, returned Monday from Southern California where they nave been apending the past three months hoping to benefit Mra. Beagle's health, which ia greatly Improved by the trip. The winter in Loe Angelee and 8a n Diego baa been tbe wont for many years, being very cold (for that country) and rainy most of tne time. , Many year practice have given C A. Snow A Co., Solicitors of Patents, at Washington, D. C, unsurpassed sweeaaa in obtaining patenta for all iriesses of Inventions. They make a apeoialty of rejected eaeee, end have aecured allowance of many patent that bad been previously rejected, Their advertisement in another col- ami, will be of interest to inventore patentees, manufacturer, and all who bave to do with patent. Ferry Baker, of Portland, baa pur chased of Mr. George Kelly, tbe oamp around near Houlton known as Camp Gibbon where the state militia met in annual encampment last aummer. Mr. Baker ia now putting up a splen did lummer residence for bimeelf and expects to erect a number of cottages for renting purpoee to pereone who want to go to the country in aummer Mr. Jam 8haver waa down Frl day, and on ber return waa acrom pained by her mother, Mra. C. Bclilulh and her brother, Fred and Mickey It look a little aa though the move to Portland ia a permanent one on Mra Bcnlulh part, a She deairee to give her boy increased advantage which she thiuk Portland furnisher Her cheerful face will be mimed, and the bdy of th town will miss Fred and Mick, who geueral'.y let them know when they were around. Mr. Scliloth is now running the establishment alone. e? Mr. Parks and son, fjom Missouri, came down on the Shaver Friday to visit John Parks, a eon of the. elder gentleman. The newcomers are rather inclined to settle in lb I part of the country. Mrs. E. O. Blackford returned on Friday from ber visit to YitmhiU county, bringing with her Mrs. Wolf, her sister, and 'child. Mr. Blackford, Br., was slso one of the party, who comes down to try the benefit of a change of scene and air to recuperate a somewhat debilitate? constitution, The opening of the logging earn paign ia bringing- back eome if the boys who left us last fall. We notice Ferd Prali around again looking for a situation tot tbe summer, and some others bave already gone to work, A three months term of public school will begin on Monday next. A meeting of thoae favorable to building a dam on the upper CUta- kanie, and arranging to run loga to tbe mouth and hold them there by a boom, was appointed for laat Saturday, but some of the parties interested failed to get arounJ, and nothing more wa done than to talk the mat ter over. There ia already encourage ment to believe that an amount of money sufficient to make the im provement contemplated will be raised. A number of tbe member of the people' party got together on Satur day afternoon and elected tree dele gate to represent Ibia precinct at the county convention, to be held at Bain' to be discutsed. If the discussion of the financial question will result in putting the audience on some plan to increase it'e finances, we wish to be oiiunted in. Our financial condition is not what we would like it to be by several dollars. Other literary enter tainment is also promiaed for Friday evening, and a general invitatiou is extended to all. Each one of the delegates to the re puniican, convention from this pre cinct, is suffering from a aevere cold this week. The climate at St. Helens did not seem to agree with them. Per naps it wa only tne climate; tome- thing wa wrong cure. Mia Nora Ballou and her sister are down from Kelso, Wash., this week viiiting friends. William Howitson and Grant John son came up from Ktmppa in a fish ing boat Monday evening and returned on Tuesday, with a load of lumber for the camp. COMMUNICATED. Columbia City, Mar. 29. Eoitob Mit: -At laet the Scrip litre have been proven and vindicated. Tbe lion peacefully elumbers with the lamb. This ia evidenced by tbe action of the laat republican conven tion in this county. Party lines and affiliation in this instance have been completely broken down, men .nom inated, from all clasaes and condition!, both former friend and foe of the, people, and goverment. To some extent n former time, we bave witneised iniilur violent proceedings, in this stale. The times seemed to demand it in our primitive state, and later when our government and morale were atruggliug for existence, first, the peoplea' party, democratic, repub lican, Union, know nothing, sons of temMnce, Good Templars, to say nothing of the varioua religious de nominations, loo, that sometimes con fuse and at others regulate all, even the Knights of the Golden Circle were with us, thanks to the power thai be. We are enemie no longer ; in fact the enemy is on top, to be recompenced for bis ditdoyalty, as of old, a premium put upon the head of the lover and defender of their country. As the opportunity Is so cheerfully and lavWhly offered to the disseuters and irly-ridden and dnwn-tnidden of the children of men. The time ere propitiou for the farmer and labor ing classes to get in their good work now, if ever, at their convention at Rainier on the 7th of April by nom innling capable, honest, faithful repre sentative men of tbe producing and laboring clasaes, seveniMy letting alone the chronic officeseekera, corporation and trtieta combination, and their allien. We are willing to Iced that clai but not dciirou to have I hem theer us. One other thing more ed ucation, more thought, leas labor, more social meetings, discussions and ex pressions upon commercial and po litical economy. And now and again. id aince Adam, be it remembered. nature givea strength and courage to the laboring order, w er It not so, both in time of peace and war, all would be transatory. Strict attention lo busmen and many of the good hings of earth will be brought out by the larmera' alliance organisation. Wobih. Real Batata Transfer. Bute of Oregon to Lon E Draper. nX of swj, e swfc.seeas, tt a, r 4 w, 120 acres; iao. Lou K Draper to Louis 0 Clarke. nKiwW. seU swu. sec 2J. tin. r 4 w. 120 acres: Male or uregnn to Kva t: Bmlth. K nw ' neW of sec 29. and seK of nsW. nsW a K, sec -JSt, 1 4 n, r 4 w , S'A) acres; I00. a.v Bonta t umiii marc, en nw). nex sec 26, a t sew oet. oeK se. of nU of sec 22, 1 4 n , r 4 w, 320 acres ; iom State of Orecoo to John Eury . mH sell. sec 14. 1 6 n, r 2 w. 80 acres; $100. State ot Oregon to J Spencer, stf neX. sec 11. 1 6 n, T 2 w , 80 acres ; f 160. United stales lo Harry Williams, sag sec 17. 1 7 n, r J w, 15 acme; patent. Oeo Merrill to Sinmons Bum, land In sees 8. M, 17, 1 1 n. r 1 w; f 1080. Ruth A Hovt to Peter Person et si. land in 1 4 n. r 1 w, 71. 8610 aces; I14S5. J Vanblaricom to r L OmMiihelmer A Co, lot. 6. 7 hlk 16, eastalde addition to Vernonia; tSOO. David Henihaw to Trustee of the Provi dence of Cbapsl of Evangelical association ' Norm America, at itoiiiton, I n, r l w, -100; It united B'ates to jonn k uronk, nx c School Bon Note. The school at Qillton commenced last Monday with forty popils enrolled. Mr. Charles Eirsy Is teacher. Our best wishes for th prosperity of th school and success of tbe teacher. Friday, April 8th, 1 Arbor Pay. Tb school should celebrate by planting a few trees around the school houss. Tbe school picture taken last week are quit good. Any on wishing a picture can get it of Mr. Bos at th drug (tor. Lens Blakesley was absent from school a part of this week getthtg ready forth drama. Matti Psrrv wa absent fronf school Monday on a visit to Oswegft. Fred Watkins wa visiting friend at at. Johns last Saturday and Sunday. Miss Edna Piatt and Mary Obormley, of Oswego, mad our school a pleasant visit last Tuesday afternoon. The greatest annoyance at school st pres ent is a lack of school books. If parent could realise how necasiary it Is that each pupil bave the required number of book they certainly would lupply them. M ny spent for school book I well nsed. It is th earnest wish of the teachers that each pupil b supplied with plenty of book by next week. tt Is gelling to be quite popular for school houses lo have flag. On th anniversaries of all great historical events the flag Is ran op, which helps to impress the fact upon the minds of the pupils. Why can't tbe t Helen school have a flag? Who will sug gest a way t get one Gillton school. Wakbek, March 28, 1892. Editok Mist Dear Sir ! Our school opened today with an enrollment of forty pupila. Tbe names are a fol lows: Maggie Slavena, Maud Slarens, May Hlavenr, Mable Heanb, Bosie Hearth, Mary Becver, Etta Beaver, Lillie Beaver, Laurie Pusey, Louie Pnsy, Floyd Puaey, Irene Haxeo, Edith Haaen, Ella Baker, Ethel Baker, Walter Bacon, Jeesie Bacon, Orvil Bacon, Willie Bacon, Eve, Daisy Clara, Minnie and Frank Beegle, Robert, Minnie and Birdie Dowuii'g, Henrv, Charles, Lillio, Emma and Willie Jasper Haaen, Frank Hawk, Jam Bacon, Charles Hearth, Frank Hoyt, Vale Bempie, May and Amy Holce, We expect quite a number to enter yet in tbenext few days. Chablba Elbet, Teacher. UA8H STOEB! J. TuaUCslLE -DBALKBI h- General Merchandise, Crockery, Glassware, I Boots, Shoes, Ladies' Dress Goods, Queens ware. Furnishing Goods, LUMBER, SHINGLES, ETC. Produce Taken In Exchange. It Will Pay You to Consult Our Prices RAINIER, - - . OREGON. AH Our Seeds AreTested Our.dogueTellj V Kfe' I ii ZERei t i.4.n UTCie to H I , OCL , ja I lee B T. L.Posson Sr Son. Portland. Or , ew.araw.te! We authorise ear advertised draggtat te ell Dr. Slog's Mew Discovery for Con sumption. Cough and Cold, upon this condition. If you are afflicted with a cough. cold or any lung, throat or chsst trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, giving It a fair trial, and experience no benefit, you may return tbe bottle and bave your money refunded. We could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's Nsw Discovery rnuld be reUVd en. It never dis appoints. Trial bottles free at Kdwie Keaa' drug store. Largs slae 60c and 1. Petition for Liquor License. To the Honorable Jadte and County Commis sioner, of Columbia Count. Onsen: wa, am uuasrBiKUsa leg, voiers OI user Island prwinct do pstltton that ym grant license to Allan Nsvfa. of said are I net. to spirituous and mall liquors, la quaotluas Uian oos saltan, for a period of one rear, be linniDg June 10, MM, lor which we will ever pray: uu woras, Dan Keogn, ous Anderson Edward Carlioo, C Sodetbsw, 8 J Man on. Wll 11am Wlllard, Jamas M Aughton, J A Xrlcksoa, loroouudrvui. sa ivenon. Bow.n. And Johnson, I) J Jordan. J J Quliley. Bonny Xesd. Albert WW so:. If HoCay, Xarry Brant. TT roster, Harry Lamont. Jonn culbait, a John' sou, Ole Ericsson. Sidney Shsunan, C L Wll cox. Carl Tansen. J K Burs. Edward L Dunn A Anderson. Charles Chattcren. B H Nw Lawrence Hall, R W Heath, Dan Bate, Hark McKsnils, O Hlldlnx. Gor( Hansy, W If HollUMr, Dan O UoDonald. David Godfrey, W Murohy. P Burns. Robert Nelson. Hans Peter son, A D Cunningham, John Oillam, George usrrew, uaniei uniara, t w Frayne, uj Moors, James Flannamn, a B Borthwlck. Topan Car- aupp, victor runer. lauis tw, august husi born, J B Canby, W U Tussllun, U Williams, i A June'. L A Ulncalit, John Donovan, 0 Link, D Link. William Unk. a w rowler, A Keer, Tom Thomson. Tom Klaaav. Osorte If Baiter. James aart, John Lamoat, f W Hakluster, If i.tna. u i; rowier, at uaraiar, joan acrartana, L T Vauover, Frank Berger, T Mitchell, OH Poster. Blske. August Larssn, L O Baxter, C W Murphy. Walter ftashford, Rial Barnett, W B Smith. Charles Link, r W Lodr, A r Vanilsw. John asrrerd, William Wilson, D Miehols, Tom for recreation. more cheerful pot oi the couplet : ler. M. H. ward, . K. iiowerday and J. W. Btrattoo were (elected. Our neighboring Ban- school dis trict pmpoae to build their new school house 87x40 feet, so as t to make a room large enough for any publio gatherings. They exect to get lo work very soon and inuke aa aliort work as possible getting the building In shape. It is pretty generally nonoeded here that the republican made a good nomination for representative at their ocunty convention laat week. Nor man Merrill i a well known cuiaen and will make a strong candidate. Rev. Coata wa too ill to take part in the debate on Tueaday evening, and the band had tbe benefit of the ball for practice. Charley. Lee tod George Miller moved their families to town thitweek, feeling safer to hve them under tbe protection of the city authorities while they go fishing during the summer. P. Weiser, from Yamhill county, is pending the week with his old Iriend, E. W. Conyers. of thie city. A public discussion commenced Mouday evening at Conyers' ball, be tween Be H. C. Coata and E. W. Conyers, aa to whether the souls of tbe departed spent an . eternity in Heaven. If that question baa not been settled up 10 thie time, it is doubtful whether thia discussion i likely to settle it. Quite a number of persons were present on Monday evu nine and listened as patiently as pos sible through two houra of pro and con. It Is to be renewed each eve ning this week, if the participants oan holdout to long. Wo doubt whether time have changed aince the writing 1 5 n. r J w. 160 acres: patent Gertie Meserve to L J Meserve. bis. 9. in Dobbins addition to Rainier; $200. 8 B Rose to C V Starr, lot 2, blk 7, lot 15, blk 2. Knee addition to Vernonia ; 50. O W Baker to James A Beegle, land in to. r w; 20. O A C R R Co to Jacob C CUne, seX neK. Sec 23, t S n, r 2 w, 40 acre : f 100. J 0 Clin to Margaret J Netf. ee neX. sec 25. 1 8 n. r 2 w. 40 acres; IflOO State of Oregon to J If Howell, nwX w M,sec o, t n n, r x w, w cres; au. Frank Hndsman to Kdward Ridgwav, blk 24. second addition to Vernonia: 81200. Joseph Vanblaiiot.m te R Besseman, lot 7, bia 7, vernonia; t. United 8tstvs to Kit Carson Payne, lot 2, KneW, ne seW, ae so5. t6n,r4 w , IbO seres ; patent. United State to K 0 Payne, lot I, sec 29 tSnand neXse.ieeSt, W swX, Sec SI 1 7 n, r t w. taw acres ; patent. Unit! States to K u Payne, lots 5 and 4, seqrnwqr.asXswX.secS, t6 n, r4w, nwX sea 22, 180 acres; patent. J H Rankin to J M Crass, 1 0 n, r a w. iw acres ; i. K ll Uirty lone Knyart, land in ec 1 8 n . r 2 w. 5: rurht-J-wav deed. Bta s of Oregon to Mary A Mackintosh , H nwM, swX a X. ee S2, 1 8 a, r 5 w, 120 than Camp fllbbon oould not be lea ad. There is splendid water, nice bade tree In abnndanee, and Milton creek runs within a tew rode where trout nshlng is good. As a summer yestdenes location It hs few equal. t A man oonvinced against his will, Is of th opinion stlu." An entertainment i prcmlaed next Friday evening in Merrill' ball, tinder tba amplest of tbe farmers' al liance, wherein the mooey queetlon is um! aian. Slate of Oregon to J H Edmonds, tot 8. wX swX, sex swX. see 8, 1 7 n, r w. 155 acres. United Stale to Alice Pavne. w new. X nwX. sec20, tS p, r t w, ISO acre; patent. United States to Cha Nelson, wX o 10, 1 8 n, r 2 w, 100 acres: patent. United States t0 K ltoan. swX sec I. 1 6 n, r 3 w. 180 acres : patent. W H Braden to A N Wright. Iota 1 and 2. blk 15, Brtt addition to Vernonia; 2u0. Vernonia improvement uompany to A N WrUht. lot . blk 27. addition to Ver nonia; 50. United states to b M wee, aew iwtf, aw X seX, sec 20, 1 7 n, r 2 w, 80 acre; patent. Tillie Dlitfnhnefer to I, B Ferirenbaum. seW n qr, sec 12, 1 5 n , t 2 w, 320 auree; 15 I RUn wool to A A Smith , nX qr, sec 27. 1 5 n , r t w. SO sores, 8300. I) H Harroll by W A Meeker, sheriff to F M Sowler. lot 11. blk 12: lot 2. blk 21: lots 10, 11 nd 12, hlk 8; lots 7 and 8 blk 1 ; sX of river lot 1 in town of tfeer City; (200. F If KowUr to the Columbia river I am ber nd fuel company, X of river lot 1, of juver iront oi neer city : saw. a TT TJ I t. A U KJ Bl... I.. a n Ul TVIU W, A l.OVI. " 7j VI CUT. I IU, 1, of River front of NeerCitv ISO. A Veer to the Columbia river lumber and fuel company, nX of River lot 1, of river front of Hr City; 8180. OBtlf. UHRIB At Houlton. March 80, to th wifeof J.H. Uhrt. aaon. Kaperak. A tnndloy, C Johtuoa, Anton Peter son. J w carllile. a A Denton, a M Dorznsn. Jaoob Owing II. U McDarmna, C Webster, John aannon, w 4 KeUle. David Bloott, Fred Bloott, U blcou, K F Ualloway, A Ore, a Barnett, rnomaa Ltgntioot, A t:opetana, rranx Buyers, John McUod, W Miller, James Kennedy, Charles Young, P.aak Jtierdon, F Lsngacher, Joe Lawrence, K J Burnett, Wm Vsnover, T O Mays, J W Divine, X Burner, W Fowler. Roy Grass, X O Foster, Woodhsm, sector ollls, J T Bolton. Wm asrtlev. F M Foster. Pater rvnateuaa, uu jaqutsa, jonn cos, s Meeker. w aans, i BeTsrron, a a i nompson. L etesman. DF Batsoa, John Malllner, McCormlck, I, Muinoiuna, usri jsnson. K R roster. Will am Oaddis, IB Kent. C S Dalby. Smith. WO rucker. J B apiawn, a eeuert, Charles W aner. L a earls. Charles Bumsrerdner. w ewager, P D Adams. J stein, W o Bumgardaer a oy.uom, a Harrow, at ran, A L iorce, at Mlelson, P aughes, W D Connell, F Adams, Fred Kills. M L Nioholas, 8 B Splawa, J V Bevls, 8 Walker. O A Woods, C L Creamer, I i Kelly, oun lupnon, rat wakiey, C snglin, JobaFBcbmltt,C L Olaen, C Trim, William u - a w a n..n.. ikH w u- Frank Bena.a. Victor Wlasu; P Filer, F auuter, a u lognuu. . aiav NOTICSC FOBS POBLIOITIOS. Land OSlce at Oregoa City, Or., Mareh It, last Notice is hereby given that th following named settler has Bled notice of his Inteatioa to make Snal proof in support of his claim, aad that said proof will be made before theConnty Clerk ol Columbia eoanty, at St. aUloaa. Or., oa May 7, ISM, vis: GOTTLIEB ANUKIK, Homestead entry No. SS71, for the se X0' sec tion si, lpa, r Sw. Hs names th following witnesses to prove his continuous resideues upon, and enlUvatloa of, said land, vis: Xnos O. Jones, X. A. Cushtran, Frank Bishop, H.C. Brown: all of Reuben P. O., Columbia county, Oregon. J- T. APPERSON, Malt Beglster. NOTICE Iota rrBU,ICATlN. Land OBloe at Oregon City, Oregon Feb. M, lsn. Notice Is hereby given that tbe following named settler hss Sled notice of his intention to make Snal oroof la support of hi. claim, and that said proof will be made before the county Clark of Columbia county, atHt Helens, Oregon, on April U.1SS2, vis: JULIUS ZESMANN, Homestead entry No. 7SS1. tor the neX of see. 4. tp S n. r 3 w. He aamss the following wltnassss to prove his continuous residence npoa, and eiiltlvatlOB of, said land, via: Ouitave H. Slercks. Oeorg w. Grant. Henry rotter aad Stephen Haines; all ef Seappooss, Columbia eouaty, Oreaoa. J. T. APPIRMN. ataa , egier EVERDING & FARRELL, Front Street, Portland. Or. DEALERS INjr ' Guana, $20.00 Per Ton, A CHEAP FERTILIZER. Land Plaster $2.25 Per Barrel. -Alio a Fine Line cf- GROCERIES AN0 PROVISIONS GENTLEMEN We have just received the correct style in Stiff Hats for the Spring of '92. $ 1 .50 tO $5.00 PRICES FROM $ 1 .00 tO $5.00 SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. King Clothiers of the Northwest. earner, Dfarrlaam aal Saeaaa atreets. Pavtlaaa. UNCLE MYEES. THE PORTLAND JEWELER. or SDHMSst '" rt of U Stat of Orcfoav. tfeuiyM Colombia. , ,k-itrt Krrsvs, plstnttsT, .1 Uaatna V. staet. Defeadaal. Te Martin P. Knopp, tht abevvHtsiasJ aa ... ' leaaanc: . Ia the name of the State of Oregoa, yea are hereby required to appear aad answer the complaint tiled against roe ia th a be re entitled suit, by th Drat day of the as at term of the said Circuit Court, via: Twee ds? the 10th day of May. 1891 bsia the first Tuesday after th second Monday la said month; and if yon fail so to aa.wse, for want thereof the plaintiff will take Judgment against yon for the sum of flM.eS, United HUts (ola coin, with Interest there on at th rat of 10 per eeat, per aaawat from th 26th day of October. 1890, together with the additional sum of 860.00 attorney fr, and 811.40 paid for taxes, and for tfca cost and diburmnt of this suit, and) will tak decree foreclosing, th mortjrac described In (aid complaint, and declaring th same to be a lien upon tbe lend tbereJa described, vis: Situate it. th County ef Colombia, Bute of Oregon, to-wit: The southwest quarter of section thirty, la town ship flv north of rang three we-t 0 the Willamette Meridian, containing; on bai dred aad fifty-eiz and ninety-nine haw. dredth acres of land, mure or teas, sad that the same be sold to satisfy said Jnde ment, and that you be forever barred aad. foreclosed of all right, claim or interest la said land ( as redeniptioner under th statute, and for each farther relief a te the Co art may eer meet In equity. . This summons li published by order of Hon. Prank J. Taylor, Judge of said Ceart. mad the 10th day of Mareh. 189. KILUN, STARK A THOMAS. . . . Attorney for PUin-.tsT. Dated March 11. im. mlsaJS SUMMONS. Inth dreatt Court of th 8Ut tt Oreei, for Columbia County. . Kxrjax Ifiiu, Plaintiff, C. F. LgAvaawoarn and Kara M. Laavaawoara.bls wtf. Dfadant. To C. F. Leavenworth aad Kate M. lnr worth, has wife, th above-named de fendant: In the name of the State ef Oregon, ye and each of you are hereby required te ap pear aad answer th complaint filed age! net , yon in th above an titled raft, in th above entitled court, on or before tha flrat dav of the next term of th above court, whlra said term will eommene on Tuesday, th 10th dav of Mav. 1803: and if von fall in aa. pear and answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to tbe court for the relief de manded in tb complaint, which ia tor tha turn of three thousand dollars ($8,000) In Cniied State. Gold Coin, with interest thereon In like Gold Coin et th rate tt tight per cant per annum from and (lace May 34th. 1890, and the farther ram of two hundred dollar (8200) aa attorney fees, and for th cost and disburse msnt of this suit; and for a decree foreclos ing monger given te secure aaM ansa. intereat and attorney' fee, upon the lot- lowmg-deicribed real property, to-wit: The north half of the southeast anartaa; Ike southwest quarter of ths southeast q Barter, ana ibs nvrioem quarter i tne sou ta. quarter ei atciion twelve, u sowasale north of rang fear west; th north wee quarter of section twelve, In township (even north of rang four west ; and tb souths quarter of taction eight, la township sevesi north of rang three west of tbe rVUlamett Meridian. In Columbia eoanty. State 7 uregon; mat tbe (aid real property be aM tbe proceed thereof be applied to the pay- Oregon; that tbe (aid real property I in th manner prescribed by law. and that ment of the said judgment; that thefd defendants and an rjenoas claimina aw. through or under them, may be barred and foreclosed of all right, title), claim. In terest and eatatc in and to th laid mort gaged premises and every part thereof, ea cept th statutory right to redeem ; aad fee tuck other aad further relief a to th eoart may Mem just and equitable in the prwaa- wm. Th above summons fa anbllshad tnr areW of Hon. K. J. Taylor, Judge of said Mart, Sated Mareh 17, 1883. MOOKC at COLK, mm Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMON!. Ia th Circuit Court of th Stat of Osegea, for th County of Columbia, Waits B. Bcaxi, PliuUff, i . va. . I . .' .. Mi'Kis O. Bubxl, Deiaadant. To Minnl O. Been, the ahove-aamed de- leaaaua: . -. In tha nam of th Stale of Oreana. weat are hereby required to appear and aa IMPOBTZB AMD DKALEK IV onds. Clocks Watches, Jewelerv, and Optical Goads. Fine Watch and Jewelrv Revairi&f?. Orders from the Country Solicited. 165 First Street Between Morrison ond Yamhill, Portland, Or. th romtiiaint filed aasinat van in tha .Im. entitled suit, in th above entitled eoart, oa er before tha Brat dav of tha melt term of th sbovsicourt. which said term will commence on Tuesday, the 10th day af May, 189t; and If you fail to appear end answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the eumplaint, wblcb I, for th dissolution ef the matrimonial bond now axis Has; he tween plaintiff and deierulant, and saraeeh other and further relief aa ia canity may The above summons Isi of Hon. r. 1. dated March 1 vnnve a tv aJSmS Attorneys for Plaintiff. v snramons Isnnblisasd by erdee MUCKLE BROS., Manufacturer of IdUrvIBER skalzu re GENERAL ' UERCHANDISE. ST. HELENS, OR. NOTICB rOSI rUBLICATIOW. Land Oflree at Oregon City, Or.. Feb. St. ISM, Notice ia hereby given that the fol'owlng named settler haa Sled notice of her Intention to make Anal proof In support of her claim and that said oroof will be made before the Counts Clerk of Columbia county, at St. Helens, Ore gon, on April It. 18a, vis: RMMA LENOaCHIlt, Widow of Fred Lengeeher, deceased, home stead entry No. (est, for the ex of see. . tp a, r t w. She names the following wltasiuss te prove her and dscssssd husband a continuous residence upon, sad cultivation of, ssld land, vis: O. Anllker, F. Bishop, H. C. Brown sad R. R. Foster; all of Jtuben.Ooluiabia county, Ore gon. . J. T. AFPSkSON, tea aMgister. THWAJTES. The Photographer. CABINETS . 1150 PER DOZEN CAED8, . $100 FEB DOZEN. 167 and 168, First Street, Portland Or Farm ers' and Merchants' INSURANCE COMPANY, A.lbany. Or. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, - - - $500,000 SECURED CAPITAL, ? . - . 247,600 PAID CAPITAL, - - - - - 74,250 FARM PROPERTY A SPECIALTY. sted. For partiomlsr apply at th ata sf Moore Cole, r tan Mist eAe. retlUa for Liqw IJossue. to the Honorable Ceaaaaiaaioaar aad Owaatv Ceart of th State ef Oregaa for CalamMa County: Islaad pradaet, Columbia eouaty, aute of Ore- Sa, tespsetfully petiUoa vonr honorable body license be granted to Orris A. Wood to sell splritoua, vinous and malt liquors in said Deer Island prectnet In km quantities than eaa gall m for the period of ene year, aad yoar aa utloacrs will eves pray: B inyart, W O Bam gardaer,C L Creaum, T Q Cries, P Adaaaa Wm Kliby, Thomaa Sainton, August Pawa L a EJered. J RockWU, oust Jhanaon, C ThomUon. H A Williams, 1 Larson, P Anderaoa. "Pat ' Wakiey, SCBnyart, J K Crank, C Frlm, I Cs rett, C H Spencer. O Trim, C X Oleea, II Bevls, I S Bumgardner, C L Smith, Charie Baaigardnor, Oe.rg K Blakeelec, noma Cor die, Xh Merrill, Nelson Plnckaey. Cbaxlee W Hsney. Bystrom, Q W XmerseaLPstar Smith, B B Smith, t Hughes, Ola OlaenTa K etrty, J W Speaosr, X J Barnes, T W Mowela, W T Me Klaaaa. A F Caber, C J Kally. Joseph tot. Michael Fresh, UKlemar. J H aterm. hH Skiaturia. Jamea Oaittena, t U Spargeaa. A Oarrlson. KuoloaT Lesthl, X O Jones, MO Brown. Oabrlel Jenny. Oil RuW, Fred Kebet. Jeha Bierl, Kdward Black, A H Orlswala.cS tvileox, F F Foster, D Nichols, A Sundbere, a ft V 1.1HS- MeOeaaa. jfiray, 6 Worts.3 W Murphy, Walter Havird, A ataanam. seaea. a a wuiant. a n C W MoFarland. A J Jard.n. h a i Jeoalaa. 1 W Carlisle, X Schmidt, J Rebee, L Brl.y. jor FUnt.L John F SchmltLTi B SplawaCBA Oberg H C Gore. J W Jaaaea. Jce Lawrence, Joe Nnaabanmer, fred Knubaumar. atenara rneisn. joa Stock, C X Oore. Fraali Bishop, C Willlama. B B Borthwlck, W Vf Taaa Mildew, TbomasMltcheir, TO Mays. A Mevta feo. faut Mayora, I. a Lauraoo. K A Lysed, rv i.Tioaoa, i-eter eraeiiee.Si B Foster, Charlea R Yosug, Wm Ceaaor.Praak oswr, Wm Oaiirfl. Thomaa ?S!C?k.T' MaSeaM John .lth. J atertea, J Bead. hnM LlndsayTx avar n.lIWWH, KUWnM H1H1IU, 1 VJ Hestor Bollis. B O Steatar. Wm I roiey, a aeeaer. Jams I Whitehead. Ed Bmltl e t a wwtsji , ay arvMWSvXL W niBM. BP M. Swager, W T Catfleld, J B H.l.y W li TaoEee. S Bevls. W I ' Oardner. John , W Brig, H Lamoat. D F Batsoa, X 1 Burastt, L Stahmaa. Frank at Swjher, Xmlt Klossaer. W 1 Kellle. PO Meox. 8 C Fowler, a ir hiJ i Maklaster, X Sefmrt, If Andrea, f StitaurSela. C L Olson. W Bradley, S OlwaT . AinilJilstratcr'i Sale tf Esal Lt:t;. Nolle I hereby erf van that la mneiu. of an order of the county ceuit ef Ok laat bia eonnty, Oreaoa, msde oa the 8th day ef March. 1891 in th matter of th estate ef William H. Tattle, deceased, th aader. ined adminutraton of th Mid II sell at nubile anctlna L htgheet bidder for cash, aad aabteet t confirmation by the said eoart. ea eatarday. April 80, 1898. at 1 e'eleofc a. m. . st the court house door at 8t. f efset. In Mid (tat and county all th rtcfct, MO and Interest thst the aald aarata an. a' operation of law or otherwise aeonfred. ot!fri!,,f,m rJln JiilU" to aid William H. Tuttl 0 th time ef hi , in ana w au tnat pertain lot, tileo or parcel of land situate, iylDs; and I ne ia in eaia county ana stale and dee aa follows, to-wit: Lot two ()ef Mtnj tweniy-iour;n) in towesrupttit' ' j . .a wi i-hhh wu j wee. oi toe v.. , 41 Meridian, ami aentainlne; tfaittM eiantvauaaraaune i j ov i xj i e- ' m,a. wnea. iuamn Administrator af Sua m.u at. TutUa, desed. ef t