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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1892)
THE OREGON MIST, UB8CHIPTION, 11.60 PER YEAR. St. IIblsri, April 1, 189S. tLXCTlON OF SENATORS. Tha United States senate shows ready willingness to act in favor of trovidiog for the lection of eenatora , by the direct vote of the people. The senate committee, to whom th matter h referred, promptly agreed upon ' the following amendment to tua con tilatioa: "That the eenate of the United States be oom posed of two sens- ton from each atata, who that be chosen by a direct rota of tha people of tha several aUtea for all yaara; and tha alectora ia each ; state ahall have tha QualiSoations requisite for laotora ol th" moat numeroue branch of tha atata legislature, and ecn een- a tor ahall have one vote. If vacancies happen, by resignation or otherwise, tha executive thereof may make tern porary appointments until the next reneral election ia auch atata for membership of tha boaae of represent ative in congress, when auch vacua ciee ahall be filled by a direct vote of tha people, aa aforesaid." After tha amendment haa been pro posed by congress by a two-thirds vote, it most be ratified by the legis lature of three-fourths" of the states. This will oacef sarily take eome tlaoe, bat aa there ia already a strong poblio aentiment in favor . of tbe amendment, it mar be an accom plished fact within a year. WASHINGTON LETTER. "JT'OW Our Regular CorrttpoiuUnt ) WetaiaotoH, D. C, March 28, 1892. The president's back bona ia made of true blue American material. Whet he received Lord Salisbury a. evasive anawer to his plain request for infor mation as to what Great Britain pro posed to do in regard to tha preserva TBI republican state convention saeeta In Portland next Wednesday, April Din, at wnica um ana pwra eaedidate for supreme judge and all the diatrict judgea and district at lAvaiawa wall lua nAmtiaa lew) '' Tli ivaa ajva m wr a ana uvuiihvi araw Moor seems to have a majority of tlie people of Eastern Oregon and a great anany of lb counties in the Western eWriot supporting him for tho an prame judgeship. Columbia, Clatsop Clackamas, and perhapa Multnomah counties will send solid delegations for him, and in Eastern Oregon his name la about the only one mentioned in this connection. Several of the Wil lamette valley counties have instructed their delegates for Moore, including Marion and Lane. Yamhill, Pol i snd Washington will, without doubt, fall Into line and support him. Of course it ia hard to foretell what other can didatea will be brought before tbe con vention, but at present it looks aa if Judge Moore would be the nominee. If they consider a man's fitness he will surely be honored with the nomina tion. . years old. Rbe was born in Virginia where so many noois women, pattern or star, mother ot Washington, was born, etc. ' '1 be good old lady ia now blind and has been tor tue ast two year or so, other' wie siie ia in excellent health and able to be ap every day. MARSHLAND. Tat republican county convention for Clatsop county, met in Astoria laat Saturday and elected delegates to the Btate convention. A resolu tion waa adopted instructing the dele gates to the state convention to nse tbstr ntmoat endeavors to secure the nomination of Hon. T. A. McBrWle for judge of the Fifth Judicial District. There are four countiea in the judicial diatrict, Clatsop Iff delegate, Colum bia 8, Clackamas 10, and Washington 8. The three first named have in stroeted their delegates for McBride, giving him 36 out of the 34 delegates making hia nomination certain. After being diatrict attorney for eight years no better proof of hia htness conld be desired for the high office to which he aspires than this endorsement of theae three countiea. How. J. B. HoanaoTOK, register of the land office at Burns, Harney county, waa in Bt. Helena Wednesday on businaaa connected with Indian depredations claims. Mr. Huntington baa many old acquaintances in Co lumbia and adjacent countiea. Speak ing of politics, ha aaid that for tbe su prame judgeship Hon. F. A.' Moore waa almost unanimously indorsed by tbe Eastern Oregon people, and that among tbe many congressional aapir sate from hia section W. B. Ellis, of Pendleton, aeemed to be in the lead. will be remembered by our readers as the first circuit judge of this the fifth Judicial diatrict, ia talked of by the denioorata for congress. During his short term aa judge of this district Judge Bennett made many warm friends by bis impartial rulings ou tbe bench, and would make a good ahowing at the polls on election day should he bV nominated for congress front the second d is trio t. It is said that Judge F. A. Moore, of Columbia county, would accept the republican nomination for tbe su preme bench if tendered him. There ia no better qualified man in the state available for the position, nor one 1 more deserving of the honor it would confer. We believe be would be sleeted by a large majority Salem Statesman. Fob taking a human life, one year In the penitentiary ; for stealing two ealroon, three years in the penitentiary; for aa editor giviug bis opinion of a man, one year in the county jail Judge Taylor. lion of the sealing industry in Bvlirina sea, he aent wliav is in effact an ult. malum to the British government. S much is known, although the text ol neither Lord 8libury'e dispatch not the answer thereto baa been mud public, but both are in possession o the senate. Opiutm differs somewliu as .to tha effect these dispatches will have on the arbitration treaty, sonn believing that the senate will refuse t ratify the treaty, and othna thai th treaty will be raiitind, but accoin panied with a revolution stating ttix there does not appear to be any su ficient reason why the United Si a let should abate it's claims to juritdiclim (tending arbitration aud auiuoiunu tha president to ue all the force th) military arm t( the government to protect our rights. 1 he adoptun of such a resoIutKni would be nex door to a declaration of war, indetn Great Britain miht easily accept i; as such, if the wishes for a war win this country. The big silver fight ia over, for th' present anyway. The anti-free coinage man made the best allowing in th' oratorical line, but wheu it came to voting they were nut "in it" with lb free coinage. It is now said thai Speaker Crisp made pledges, aa to the makeup of the coinage committee and the committee on rules as well as U bis own action in the chair, while th- democratic caucus for the nomination of speaker was in session, the hut ot which he has filled to the letter, thi week. , Representative Dineley, of Maine, believes that the sub-letting of con tracts for carrying the mails is an evil of large proportion and he prr poses that congress shall declare it illegal, and backs up hia proposition with a numerously signed petition asking that it be done. Even the democrats on the house judiciary committee refused to endorse tbe absurd bill winch .Representative Enlos introduced a abort tiiua ago tor the sole purpose of trying to get some evidence from employes of the pen sion bureau against ueneral ruiim. The bill professed to be for tbe pro tection of such government employes aa might testify before congressional committees concerning abuses in tha public service, but its real ohject was to encourage sneaks to vent aheir. private spile against officials over them, either by "putting up jobs" or by outright ptrjury. The bill ia dead. epeaaer Crisp considers the term "mugwump unparliamentary and so ruled during the silver debate, when Representative Taylor, of Illinois, waa called to order for referring to the Massachusetts democratic members aa mugwumps. Tbe brat amendment reported from tbe committee on Indian affairs to tbe Indian appropriation bill, which ia now being considered by the senate, provides for tbe striking out of the section of the bill directing the presi dent to detail army officers to act as Indian agents whenever vacancies occur. I bis amendment win piooaoiy cause a lively little fight in the senate, with the chances against it being adopted. Senator Gorman stirred up a regular hornet's nest by the publication in the New York Sun (which, it is said. will at the proper lime support Gor man for the democratic nomination) of an interview, and he has been kepi busy all the week explaining and denying references made therein to other democrats. The aeuate this week passed an in dependent bill appropriating $18,750, 000 for the improvement of tbe Mis sissippi river, in accordance with the plans of the Mississippi river com mission, not more tban $3,750,000 to be expended in a single year. Only fire senators voted against the bill, Call, Kyle, Perkins. Pugh and Vance This bill has no connection with tbe river and harbor bill, which has been completed by the bouso committee, and which carriea nearly $21,000,000 of appropriations. If there be any trctb in rumors, Senator Hill baa not profited by get ting knocked down by the house elec tion committee which, in spite of his orders to the contrary, reported in favor of giving the seat now held by Rockwell, New York, to CoL Noyes, tbe republicans contestant, and be will make the Tammany members fight the report of the committee on the floor of the bouse. II he does he will regret it tbe longest day he lives, as the Cleveland democrats would ask nothing better than such au oppor tunity to show up the methods of HilL v:. . DEER ISLAND. X. H. Derby has moved back with his boardine camp awaiting the Northern Pa cific railroad company's steam shovel. wiitch ia expected any r av. The snperviwr has had C. H. Spencer bnild a bridge arrows Spraiah creek, which hi much needed. Tiiebridae waa r lied so aa to be above all Irish water; the btldge i 120 feet long, and was butt at the cost of 122. Messrs. BevK Nichols" A Bplawn Intend to move their mill to Kalama, Wash., In a few days. Grnre-e Blncklee started with bis family for New York last Tuesday. Mrs. Bussn Merrill passed her 92nd birthday on tha 20tli, Inst. Major E (i. Aaamx. in an nu i toe i'iunDian, March 2tb, 1882, siid: -'We were driven Monday to sttend the mrtnnay party ot Mrs. Bo-anaii Meruit at ti. uiriy s. Messrs A. 8. Graham and O. D land toads a flying visit to Oak Point tatt week, . . B. I.. Colvln and family, of llwaco. moved to Una place last week, where they will make their future home. Richard Graham, of Clatekaole, vtsltad Marshland thh ueek. Messrs. Lord and James Graham visited Clatakunie aunday, Robert Hamil wai down from Clover Hill Saturday, porting up notices. H. L. Colvin will soon start np his log zing camp. It is rumored that a company ia to start 1 ntw logging camp soon. Mi-s Doala Davev has 'gone to Deer hlsnd. The farmers have their plowing mostly lone and are now waiting for the "eold naps." Will Graham and Oeorgs Sutherland ook a "si'ln" over the mountains Sun la ut only killed lime and wasted aimnum inn. - . 8. M. and C. V. Graham are repairing heir (Hiat and gstung ready (or the bailing eaaon. James Wallace Is buay sowinc timothy J.'eii on BIS tarm. Loul Jarvev and Sllvo Graham have taken lbs contract of bailing 8. it. Ora ham's hay. A. 8. Graham visited Astoria lsst week, A peoplee' party meetine was held at the school house Saturday evening. An entertainment will be elveaatthe cuooi bouse next i-aturday evening. Resolutions of Condolence. Revolutions of respect and sympathy ((looted by Bayview alliance In regu lar session March Za, JSz : Wbcrias. A'mhrhtv God has seen fit to oriy anuci our sisier, amy peegiv, inerv- fore be it Rxsolvxo. That we tender oar sister. May Beerle, our heartfelt sympathy in her amicuon. Doping mat it will txi toe win of allwise providence tnat she speedily recuta her health and again take her place among us. ResoLWD. That we tender the entire ainilv. especially her mother, our svm pathies in thia their affliction. DAT VIEW ALLIAMCB HO. Ti. The Best Salve la the world tor Outs, Brulsss, ores, Ulcers, Salt ithaum, fever Ssrse, Tettsr, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coras and all Skla BrnpUons, and poslUvely euros Piles, or bo per required. Itlagusrentsed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded, Price US eents per box. For Sale Bv Kdwla Row. One Dollar Weekly Buva a eiod sold wateh by our elub syS' uur le-sarat goiu-nuea esses are war- turn. ranted for 20 years. Vine Klgin and Wl tham mtvencsnL Biem wind and set Lady's or gent's slss. Kauai to auy 3t natch. To secure agent where we hsvt none, we sell one ol the bunting cse watches for the club price 138 aad wild U O. 1. by expreas with nr.Vilegeof examine lion before paying for me same. Oiir agent at Durham, N. C, writes: I REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Representative, KOBMAN MERRILL. Fi.r Sheriff, C. W. BLAKESLEY. For Clerk, E. E. QUICK. For Commissioner. ISRAEL SPENCER. For County Judge, DEAN BLANCHARD. Fcr Treasurer, E. M. WHARTON. For Assessor, GEORGE MAYGER. For Surveyor, A, B. LITTLE. For School Superintendent, C. J. CLEETON. For Coroner, B. P. QU1VY. A Ler. 8ince Its first introduction. Electric Bit ters has gained raplily i.i l oj. Ur lavor, until now it U rlrarly In the lead among pare medical toni a and alteratives con taining nothing which periuila Its ne ss a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognised as the best and purest medicine for all ail ments of stomach, liver and kidneys. It wiil cure sick headache. Indleei'ion . core stipati n, and drive malaria from the sys tem, oatinacuon cnarantoea wnn earn boitle or the money will be refunded Price only 50e per bottle, bold by Edwin Boss, Our tawalsra have eonfsaasd thsv doat kaow aow you eaa turuua tuca wore ror (as mooaj. Our agsut at Heath Springs, 8. 0. , writes "Your watches take St ilfht. The eentleiaan ho got tbt laat wetuh said that he examined and priced a tawalsr a watches in Laaoaattr. that wsr ae belter than yeura, hut the price nassie." Our agent st Pennington, Tea., wrlteei "Am in receipt o( the watch, sad aai pleased without moaaure. All who have seen lt say It would oe cneap at su. One good reliable agent wanted for each place, tr rite ior pariu-uiars, Burma WTca Co., Hew York, Netiee mi rtaa.1 SettlenaewS. In the County Court of the Btate of Oregon lor Columbia county. In the matter of the estate of Alice Payne, decaaaed. 0. P. Fowler, administrator of the ssfd saute, having this day presented his final account aa such sdmintitrstor. the said court hai Itied Wednesday. May 4. A. O. isw, at tue nour oi iu o cioca in tne lore noon, at the court home in bt. Helens. In aid a .ate and County, at the time and place for hearing enr and all objections to the said final report, tbe distribution o! ths said estate sad ths dlicharge of the said administrator. C. V. FOWLER, Adnilmstrstor of the estate of Alice Payne, defeated. mlSalo Tt9 Celebrated FrrtCurs, WarmatedilDUDnniTINr orawsty toeure iiuvmimii rtruadM U tou oa a POSITIVB OUARANTEg to cure soy form el nvrvetu dlrae or any Sitonlarol the tencralive or gans oi eiwartts, wbother erlalna from lhaaseaaalva Qseof aiiraalaota, AFTER lun.or throurb touuitul loJIaefe. tlon. over iadulscoes, such as Lom ol Brala 'ower, aakeftiliicaa, down falsi la the RFftior ToMeco or opium, or tnroufb s ouui hod. over iDuiuccoct, , aucn aa Power, a'akrfmiicaa. Bvarlasdoari back. Seminal WakBMa.Mviaria Nr t- tratlon, Noctomal galialone, l.a leorrbaa, lla sIdms, weak Mamorv, Low of Powsraae fmpo teocy.whb hif aeslectvl oliso lead to premature old ate and Intanitv. Price 11 00 a bos, boass lor l&oa Sent by ma'l on nralpt of p'lce A WRlrrr.NCUAKAN?KK Uflveafor every f&ooorderKreivad. In refnad the monry If a PermaaeaS tnt la not erTectro. We ha' e thousand ol laatlmeetals from old and tHinr ef both eexee, who have bees pprraaoaatly eared kj uieaj oi Aparoauio. cucaisr irae. Aadieie TH APHRO MEDICINE CO. Western Bnseh. Box S3. Posn uia. lav For sale by EDWIN ROS8, Darjaatrr, St. Helena. Or. MIlLXalNEMlT o tHe Lalic! of St Helens aiifl Vicinity: Mrs. C. L. Colburn, of Port- and, has opened a Millinery Knd Dressmaking establishment in St. Helens, onr door south of j tbe New Barber Shop. LATEST AMi QQone MAHK1PP It Pt.AlK riOtTHWsl, 14:0 FIKST VNDEB THE STREET 140 OILMAN HOUSE. J.M.MOYER&CO. Are now prepsrsd to offer thslr Renowned All-Wool .Goods at a Great Reduction from former prices. In connection with our All-Wool Clothing from the Albany Woolen Mills we hsvesscured from tha must prominent K'stein aad Foreign Milts all the Latest Designs. Reliable. Let We. tOOO, We warrant all onr goods as Honest and At 8 60 Dark dray Tweed Suits....... Striped Worsted Suits Striped Cheviot Suits Scotch Cheviot Sulla. Bmwa Plaid Butts Mottled Cheviot Bulls,,,,,,....., ?rsyunsck Suite anov Cheviot Siilu.... ......... Brown Tweed lulu. . Let He, 1010 ' Brown Cheviot Suluv. ..M.,,M Plaid Caaelmera Suits . . Pansy Caealmere Sulla.,,...., Browa Tweed Suite. tk lft flfl raiwy Herring Bona Suits..- l IV UU Valour Kai'ed Suits......... .. Oray tweed Suits.... ............ Lei Km. 1010. Rrowa Cheek Suits ...,.,.., Check Caaetmere heavy Suite Striped Cavelmere heavy suits Gray Cheviot, heavy, Sulla...., A 1 Q flfl Brown Cheviot. Baavv Suits... A A W Heavy Blue Tweed Suite.. xiacs aaa wnue anieu t-ae- el mere suits Lot He. tOSO. Brown Striped Wonted lulls Black Dlasoual Suite............ Blaak Cnrkecrew Sulla Heavy Blue Mellon Suits Heavy Check Caeslmere Salts A A 10. Kit Pancy Wlds Wale Worsted vv Suits ,. Brows Plaid Wormed Suite. Park Brown Cheviot Suits. Let lke. tO40. Fancy Cheek Casalmsre salts Striped Caealmere heavy suits Dark Gray Cheviot tutta. Drab Tweed valour Baud) suits Fancy Caealmere eulia...,. rancy worelea euiu ... Silk iflxedCailmeresulla... Baeket Checs Ceaalniere eulta Brown Tweed aolia g.wt Re. tOSO. Natural Oray Casslaere. ae dve eulta Brown Cheviot Scotch eulta.. Dark Brown Tweed culls........ Dark Oray Tweed, B-euaee roorfe. eulta. A a II AA Park Blue, square out. eulta.. A v W Blask Wonted suite Tan Tweed, St-ounee goads, suite . XXX Mole Tweed suluw. At 17 60 At U 60 Let Me. SOfJO. BUek Wide Wale ulta...,.. ' Blue Wide Wale Suits . Brown eteltoo Suite Paaey Check Cheviot eulta. A f A1 ft AA Dark Oray Worsted suits....,.,. At f 10 VU Black Corkscrew euiu... ..,... Black Diet one! suits.......,,, Lei No. SOTO. Dark Brown Tweed eulU.,.. lleavy Bias Piccadilly suits,,. Striae Fancy Wonted eulte.. Catra Heavy Dark OreJ Cat eimere ufte.,.,. FlaljMvoraud, Beat patera Broken rield Vvoreied euiuT.' Silk Mtaed Worsted ealta , LelKa, SOIO. Black Wide Wale eults .. Pency Whipcord suits Pine Drab aereey ealta.,.,. Fine Worsted garse DarkUray Wonted suIIsLmm Heavy Blue Beaver suits 411k htlsed Cesaimere eulte... Faasy Plaid Worsted eulta... Small Check Wonted eulte.. Plain Brown atcltoa eulta gitra Heavy XX Caealmere sails., At 18 00 Let Ice, 000, Dsrk Oray valour tag. Caaal- mere salts Pins Black Worsted (Rosas) suits ., ., Black Cheviot 000 eulta... , Dark Rrowa Melton stilts,..,. Dark Pansy Worsted suite Faoov Rattle Snake eulte Knitlih Herrfne Bone suits.. Neat Dark Checked Worsted eulta....,., Pancy Plaid Wonted eulta... Straight Stripe Wonted suits, (sua Quality Corkscrew suits LeS 1m. tlOO. XXXg velonr Black Cheviot suits gatra Heavy Wide Wale eulte At 20 00 40 At 22 60 man aareev sutu Slats Ittny sutts... -Seal Brows setts atus Thibet, wale patera salts Basket W orated eulte......... n.. r, ...... i ...... Dark Oray Wonted tvXHZZ J. M. MOYER & CO., Buccessors to Brownsville Wolsn Kills, FIRST STREET, CORNER ALDER, PORTLAND. STRICTLY ONB PBICS. NO XVIA.TIOW. THE RETAIL MERCHANT is the necessary Medium of Trade between the Manuftctunr and tbe Consumer. lie must protect the interest of his customers by purchasing io the lowest and and best markets, and by selling to his patrons at the Lowest Possible Prices. STYLES, AU PRICES LOW. Work Guaranteed. THK KKW - Columbia Restaurant & Lodging House. EYerjtliliig New, Clean Beds and tbe Eest Table Set MRS. M. J. SCOTT, (Formerly tin. McNuity,) PEOPBIETRE88. Nasi Door to Masonic Hall, ST. HELEH3. - - OBEQON, C. B. HAET, Proprietor St. Helens Meat Market Tresb and Salted" MeaU, Sansaite, Fish and vegetables. Meats by wholesale' at special rates. Exp-ees wagon ran to all parts of town, ana ressonsnie. SAWMILL JOR SALE. Bald Sawmill Is situated on the 8i. Hslens road, about 2M miles soutliesst of Qlencoe Washington county, Orenrn. Hschinery in perfect running order; Kngineis 43-bora power, ten by twenty, Boiler 40 inches in dismeter and 14 eet lone: New head blocks (Eatchet); Also sewduat carrier; Larerelut of cedar now on band lor ssle. Terms It was ! made known on application to tha under a aplendid affair. Tbe old lady ia a con- signed. Would exchange for city or im- oecilns; link Between tne revolutionary . provea term property, mothers snd tbe beat women nf later times. I 6he was born Ma. ch 20th. and is 82' A.C ARCH BOLD, Hill'boro. Oregon. liTlRlQ) iyj" IF 0 iiiyic,) Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years tlie Standard. Splendid Young Norman Horse W. EE. DOLMAN PROPRIETOR OF THE 'OLD ST. HELENS STORE,' In keeping these true principles of trade always io view ; often leaves the old track and strikes "across lots" for Bargains for his customers. Ills stock of R3General Merchandise Is being enlarged by New Goods Every Day. It Is not convenient to name tbe many different artlelea kept on sal. ssiJe from Irv 0ds, Clothing, ladles' Wssr Gentlemen's Wear. Head Wear. Foot Wear, Flour and Feed. O roc arise snd Can ned Goods, Nails and Hardware, Crockery and Olaseware. Oranlts snd Tinware, Powder and Bhot, Bets snd Cape, Boots aud fihuee, Patent aledirluee, Toilet Articles, ste. Will mske the season ot 1882 as follows: Monday and Tuesday at S. COX'S place. Warren. Wednesday and Thursday at QEO, JAQUE3'. Goble. Best of tha week at 0. MUCKLE'S ranch, Deer Island. TERMS: INSURANCE, f 15.00 TEMPEST 1 a heantlful dark Iron gray 16 hands blab ; aiz years -old; weighs 16CX nounds. with Una atvla. ouick movement ami second to none in muscular power and durability. He waa sired by Yonna Byron Kier; by Old Byron Kier, Imported snd. owned by Uingmaeter. Keota, Iowa. Tempest's dam wen idi-ed by Old Tempest, a Norman boree, owned by J. uoane, lows. - CHAS. MUCKLE, Owner. BLUE FRONT One Price Cash Store. WM. SYMONS, DIALS M General Ilercbandise, DRY GOODS, OBOCEBIE8, TINWABE, ETC. Ladies' FineShoes PATENT MEDICINES. BAINIEB, t - f j : OBEOON. Peoples' Party Comention. NOTICE. The eonnty convention of the Peoples' Party of Columbia county , ttato of Oregon, ill be beld at Rainier, Oregon, On tha 7th day of April, 1SW, at tha hour of 3 P. M., for the purpose of nominating candidates for the various county olflces. Escli precinct will be entitled to three aete- gates to said convention, . AU inenoa w returns sn iu ntw w .vuu W, H. KTSXR, CbalnaM, F. R. CHOWN, IMPOBTEB OF HardwarE Table and Pocket Cutlery Dairy and Household Goods. Cooking and Heating Stoves. MANUFACTUBEBS OF - Sheet-Iron, Tin and Copper Ware, -WHOLE8ALE AND ( RETAIL. 212 First and cor. Salmon Street PORTLAND WHEELER & WILSON NEW No. o. HIGH ARM. Tbe only perfect family machine, was awarded the only grand prize at the Paris Exposition in 1889. LARGEST STOCK AT LOWEST PRICES. For particulars call on or address ths ASTOKIA AGENCY, A.G. SPEXAHTH, General -Thd'Largest Jewelry IN THE CITY. House ' MAIN OFFICE! 1368 Market Street, S.F., California. X J.U JLLXLIO Portland Seed Co., (F. W. IULLEB. Ifgr.) Fertilizers, Bea Supplies, Sprajlug Apparatus ud Eiterltl, Pooltrj Supplies, Etc, Ett 171 Bscond St Portland, Oron, Band lor Cstalofue,' BovKMIsj TUB STRABIKIb. IRAIiDA . Is aow rnaklnt re cu lar round hi livst OAK POINT TO PORTUKJ Daily Except Wednesdays, - KAINICK..,, ..S:ls ST. HKLKNS . ...., m AaaiviaajeOKTLAKO ...HM " RETURNING iaain. W. E. NEWSOM. A. H. BLAKESLY, Proprietor of Oriental : Hotel BT. HXLKKSs OBKQ0V. The boose baa been fall refaroUkai tkrouaboat aad tha bast ol seooav aaedations will be aivea. CHABOX3 BXeVSONABLZ. BTA0B ran la aeaaeetloa tU tlie betel cenneeiine mtlh ibe Mortav arn Paeiaa kallrnsul isii... a.. (or Taeaata Ualns 10 p. ta. far f ortlaad muio at p. as. THE MODEL SAIOOBL J. S. CL0.MXGO, PrepV. ST. HELKN8, Choice Wines. Liouors and Cigars. Beer 5'Cte. Eilkrd atvl Pool VaUs for ths Jiaacmmodauoa of raxnaa, 4 CALL AROUND. OF COURSE YOD DO. SUCH BEINO THE OASI, It keAoeves v.m Ui and tlie most dee Irakis nlaee le porehsse voor invirater." , "mTTT T A DTAfrtWtl AaXbSiUl(UJsA. Keeps aoaslanlly an band tbs tssaaaa Cuban Blossom Cigars. Tbe finest lias of Wines IJaaars aad Uigurs to be found ibleslde ol rerv land. Aud If yon wish to annexe ta a same ol - POOL OR BILLIARDS, Tbey can assure yoa that tbsjr bavs tbe bees table in -town. erywiin aew ana ntat. end vonr Mtroaaaa Is rssKeefmlr aollctted. "THE BANQUET Wt. Helens. Oregon. 1 ; retltion for L'quor License. To the Honorable Commissioners aad County Court ot Columbia county aad State of Orcein for Columbia county! W, Ids unrlersiansd lejral voters In Peer Island precinct. rspsctfully petition your, bonorsdls body that a licsnsa be granted ta It. R roster t Comoanv. to sail SDirituoas, vinous snd malt liquors, la said leer Is let d nracln t In leas aiisnlltias then ana gallon lor ths period of one year: t If Baa pa b, 0 Krakuke J W Jequee, t Munn, H Mtehmsn. K M Koster, Frank Bishop. Jaraes M Nttiialiuin. Joim Archie, x usmm, u js Maker. V Ablea. K 9 Oiillowsv. L SUbman. O A Bred. H John Lon, T O Mara, CI Olppeit, Wm Hartley, J K Con boy, N M Rnili. J K Burk. T O Mars. M H Korer. L Hall, Tliomae Tucker, John Mallinsr, D t Bataon, W i Kellie, 0 K Yoiimr. C Webster J I eneschrr, t) A Fowler, H ti Fowler, I) Krnefa. John Ksvrrd. Louis LnrentsoB. H O Worlea. t! W Wilcox, W Wilson, P H Hums. John Olllcm, Ous Anderson, Robert Nelxon, Albert Wuleer. 0 W Murphy. T rroiiiee, Larry i.rani. h atoKay, A i n ninaham. B T Cuniilnshsm T i Mabon.T (IhsIi, M McKensle, Obnrlee Johnson, w Lodv. ti Ilililina. B W Heath. K Ivsrsoa, Joi n Hannun. Daniel Dtllard.rart Tangea. William Frsh, Auaust Flaagblom, J a Rrickaon. John Sundavl't. John JacobOH, Slae Man Har Vicliil- Wurrer. JORSD Cs-lnrf, Gabriel Jenny, William Wlllsrd, 0 W iianey, uennis Mcno;s, u rsterwn, At lon Ptfr-on. fldnsv 8hsnuB, O C Jaqtileh, E O Ooster, B fisfftrt. Hector f. Hollia. Win Gaidie, K Meeker, J W tnnn. I Wm Vsnovrr. J Cox. M McDermott, W 0 i 1 ncker, 8 H Walker, John Befftrt. 1 t r)unierdnir, C F Hrnltrl, 1 BunissraneT, f J H tiffin, C J Kelly, K E Hmltb. T BUimiow i Pat WaKl' V. oust jiinnson. m isrr.. , Jnlm Taotar-tt, P Hnahss, H J WllUsnia, , 0 W Haney. O W Hall. 0 A Woes. W 0 ? Co-nrll, IS H Olrty, W0 Bomgsrdnrr.O I, Creann-ri, P Adams, K J Barnss,H Oors, K H Hnencer, 0 Urln, J S Orsy, To 5 Foley, A Uxher, Chss Burogsrdnsr, J U E Hrwncer, J II Hweal-, Boberl U'lnfftw. t b w rowicr. Joim Mciiarisnu, n r"""-" V V P.tor, O Link, U Blaks. O 8 ro.ts'i s J B Halev. Wm Hrott. T Llgbtfoot. W M J Tomllnaon, O A Morrl, A Neer, V Bier, f I wiiitaker. wm uowa, r vue.-, WoiKll.sni,0Jsnon, 1) Hiaott, F Woo'tl J Blcott. A Jsoobeon,' A Anderson, r Coolev, J Bate, h A Klncalrl. O T fo-S i John Mainland H Denton, T Joh""4?"' B Conor. J Culliert, J Bhnisr, W "ltr f w wiiu,n n n.WH. If Link. O C J-oarsr, F W Mskinater. 0 0 Mnkln.isr.M D ;"' t J Woods, Win Link, A NevtaiiJiSSTl 1 IK Mitchell, W K FowleTi f Bleraaa. , Bant, - . "