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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1891)
THE OREGON MIST. umicfurnoif. per ta. St. ITim., OcToitt 30, 1801 III WTMI lllWlW I liJWxJJi j LLIMJUL, Th. busin mm, epeUl!y thoe Who hv real tstaU to dlspos o!, la Columbia county, ho ttpect any portion of tb ImntgraUon to thi OoMt in 189i to And thtr wy down , Into tht county, should tomimnctit one to sdvsrtis the resource of the Couuty. 6tep in thi diroclion cannot bo commenced too oon, Ther will bo Urg Immigration to Oregon nrxt yr, and the oonr w commenc to tlcour abundant resource and ad- Vantage before th peaple of tht East ftttd South tha latrar tho result will be. Mora penpi ia what Colombia county la aadly iu need of. Every man Whether in bniiaaa or not, if he will atop to think, will readily resits the neeeeaity of aomething being done along thia line. We have more good land eujbeet to homeatead entry than any other scanty In the atato ; we have oter aiity milee of IrooUg on the Columbia river, with all fishing privi kgea ; e hare coal and Iran deposit. large belU of the very boat fir and cedar timber, can produce Urge yield of all Tagetabke and fruits not eepeci ally adapted to the tropical climate. Od above a0 ready aaarket for all fan pradoeU With cbeap transport tioa rata by river or rail to reach Oil market. AU the facto properly laid before the people of the Xaat would bethemeaMofthooaandaflnd iog tbelr way to Columbia count?, and when once her it would be aa eaay Matter to keep thee here, Tib United 8tato la, from an ap pearaBoea, liable to have her bands f oB In this CMlira matter. Chili ia enooaraged Juat eaoogb over her hoe victory, eonaiJariog the hotheadedneea of bar people, to engatre In a war with (be whole world. Bat in the preeent difficulty between the United Bute and ChtM there are a nember of coa- JUctlnf infoencea baiog brooght to bear, all of which tend to encourage the Cbiliaa. Althoof h they are a am all nation ha comber, yet theybave a navy fully able to compete with the United States, because it la composed of the entire navies of both (actions la that country daring the rebellion ut ended, and in addition they have had veaaels built ia France since the war, which are of the latest improved equipment. In addition to her own strength Chili baa the sympathy of the greater portion of Europe, including England and Italy, the latter being especially bitter against the United State because of the Kew Orleans lynching last spring. Tbia ia, beyond doubt, the most scrkra difficulty the United State ha had to handle for many year. TM2 CHILIAN AFFAIR. Bepamtloi Most Ba Made for the Outrage at Out Tb Vnlted Htatee Government Deteraitae4 to Protect Bee ahjeeta AIktmI WaHiiroTor, Oct. 27. The Chilian difficulty seems to be the sensation ol the hour. The administration Is ceiving aasnrances from various parts of the couotry-that it position is warmly endorsed by the American people without regard to political or other considerations, litre in Wash ington there ia no abatement of inter est lu the outcome of the affair. At the navy department every item of news that lias even a remote connec tion with the difficulty is eagerly read Many officers are more or kss in Sec retary Tracy' confidence, and all of their atterancea support Die beliet that the government, so far as the navy de partment is concerned, ia thoroughly in earnest fa securing satisfaction for the murder of the Baltimore's sailor. At the elate department the affair is discussed in a mote subdued but no less earnest manner. Ooa of the un der officials, a man who i noted for hi hard common sense nd careful conservatism, said today : I have not aen an administration so determined before for a long num ber of years. It means business. I am not prepared to say that war will result. Personalty, I don't think it wilt, bat we are going to have a rutins? polotcy for the assauk on our sailors and proper punishment for the men engaged in the assanlt. I think these demands will be granted. If the Chilian junta ia wise, it wilt not only grant them, oat grant them quickly. I know what I am savior when I tell you that both President Harrison and Secretary Blains are greatly outraged at the occurrence, and are ia no mood foe trifling, Thi death of Coslheaver TurnbuU. one of the six sailor injured W e affray, baa Intensified the ad misiet ration a biUemees against the Chilian rough who eigaged in the attack. rat raxsiDKrr'fl mbmaob. Tb telegram which waa sent by the president's order to Minister Egan tbe J3d inat after reciting tbe facta of tbe assault on the Baltimore' sailors and the result of Captain Schley's invvati- gaUott, says "You will observe the board of offi cer selected by Captain Schley to in vesugat Una affair report our sailors were unarmed and fate no provoca tion ; ibal tbe assault npon tbem waa by armed men, greatly superior in n ambers, and, as we moat conclude, animated in their bloody work by nwuieu. minister Kg., Commander 1KRDH HKOOItDKD. B..kl. I .1 f-i I -vww v cvreerT are con Th, foiio-,,,- u , lh. Amm. suiting together, and it Is thought de- corded tn th clerk s oiHos for tl.t month i f eisive aotlou will be taken soon. The br. ltwi i state department' orders in reference hia.J? J!!w 0,,J,f,.,l,f u'$ - " I ... UK 3, HIIV IW. Hill, r w Hi matter are very strong. The mtendente of Valparaiso has refuxed to guarantee safety to the market boau coming to that oily early In the morning from th United States war sec sa. tu 8 ii. r i . iionimn iNuriy ami wir. to Uotlllab N n nuii',,i i4 o( ic M. aec II tii u, it j V Th'.nilmrf and wtis to Tliiuuat L Carter, lot 4, blk , I'latakanic; Jll. Thuiuaa flark and wife to il Uryant. t & HABIGHORST & CONANT, & .11. ... . . MiiiiMPfliiiraw i i snip uaiumore, or the safety of the I Villniir to U. II. IWhi . . . - i . - . - .iv...; Trr 1. com,n hore z lVr"er ViS nigu. mere i a practical boycott h.."", p n, rx w; iiar.ot on th Baltimore. No A mericau sailors are allowed ashore. WASHINGTON LETTER. (Frsat Oar Regular Corrtspcndnt ) WaaaiRttToa, O. C. Oct. 8S. ui. Secretary Blalna's return to Washington is a ternbla blow to th writers of sensa tional rot about biro, and his Intentions who nson , sw United Utatea to t!lark Fnwtmun. IntM Kn. 4,7, , sens, tp 7 i r5 w; homestead. UnthHl SUttHi to Arnold 8 Uraham, luts S and 4, sec St. tp8 n,r 4 w pHtent. Ol.ailei H Kmenon and wits to W W Clark and Ulin Oay CUrk: 17 aquars seres, V K titroda and wilt to HI Win, nw H' ofsw Vf, sec til, tp 3 n . r a : taw. Arthur Aieliraw and Mary Mi a raw and (. W title, as qr sea X3, tp 8 a, r 4 w, tsheritr ale ami. Uuiteil tiiates tn John O'Connell, s Si of sw u, snd luU end 7, sco tt, tu 4 n, r 4 w ; potent. bars been sending out silly tniaslnarv atorv tlan Antomen. nw ii of s U. sm 11 tn 7 ii. one week only to be wntredictd by salmi- r3.w:,,Mi, , Ur on. the nl r.k. This elaa. of writer. .".53 VwVf0. w fLil havsprsteuded to think that Mr. Main. 3 tngnf'rTwWl. H 0,,w ' " " acthig iu s very myatarious manner Henry O Cxpr lo Joaeph B Dnbney. n bscauaa he would not take thsm lnrn hla T h.T.A .... eandtnee reaarding his plans. Mr. Blaine of nw of n W, nw ofn K of sw U.sJ! h well acquainted with theas newspaper . to 7 n, r4 w; bomeatead. JackalU; they bar. lied about htm for , yrJlonL ,wPr?".f"tCo! ; n "fandea, many yc.rt that b. ba. ahont t- Io b k.' X'!'.- fi escd to It by thb time, aevertbelesa It must Interest, w W. sec. 32 and a U ui w .." be a source of much pleasure to htm to S; P , r i w; M4. I.ot'lhl"t0r,,.!0 W-htato"'ln D Kelferp07 nrwfS!. race of many positive statements from United State to Fanul Bnrk. ns qr, sac these psopls that ha would not do so. has . tp ft n. rw; patent. reaullad In s lmiwM .i i .til C it Kittutv and wife to Ellen T Pavna. labor, to connno. th. neonl .h.. s" '5l.? w-V- knew mors about bis intention than b. did. C M Katlete and wife and Pav. ItanVty Bowever , th. eoasatloa la only temporary. nd to r,l'n T l,T " i hitersat, s h la a few days the. people wtdb. ?J!XZ - . telling detailed stories about why Mr. In K of aw or. sec S7. to 4 n. r w: traA Blaine returned, etc. . Mvanwhils Mr. triah I) kelley and wtfeioKJward Page, Blslna will aultt. nlk ... .k. .i. j- I nr qr, k) S.. tp 7 o, r 4 : SI.VW. -'J -wvw aa as aaaivaviai ui i- . . t v i . i i i j- . nm bis wk .ml vi. -i . . . ' "S""" " . .K-'ltvr- "" irsvi.i i wn. sw qr oi sec jrv ip j n, ra wj f lauu. and ofBcial relation with the president and 1 Mary C Ramsey to W H Kdirertuu, a him eollMmM in k. ,.i.i.., I of sec 29 . to 7 n. r 4 w : It.Vm. Th. president U Intor-u-t In ik. """T r1'0?" " " u nw V . I awpw ki , ipo nt w 9 w; HoniMioa, Hill! " JJW" jlAMOaja isilttrstfswariyi'' and "Wood-OhopiorB Siitplies. Elarciware m Saws, Under Cutters, Mann's Axes, Wedges, Sledges, Peavys, Chains, Etc. 104 rttONT ITHKHT, rroaiTH kvmono iiotm,. rOHTLAIUD. ......JL Li ibaxda UNCLE MYEES, FARE Between Cedar Landing PORTLAND. and Tim is a vast quantity of the de spised hemlock ia certain parts of Waahingtoa. Tbe word despised is nasd adrieedly, however, for in this crantry already ia hemlock beginning to be need ooi for lumber, bat for ex tracting tbe tannin io it so mocb prised fey taanera. Ia Pennsylvania hemlock - tracts am asaeb aoogbt after, and it is ia that tat on of lb moat valuable Woods. Ia Michigan, Wisconsin and Hioaesota, where hemlock is only uaed. thsoogh neoceasity, for larnber, it to much depld. It is not rappo ad that hemlock will over be need ia WaabJagtoa aalamber, for there ia too aaoch Br and praoe, bat that it - U1 b atfliaed by th tanner ia beyood qaswtkm. Thi Mat poaeaee the j only hemlock belt of any coo sequence on tha FaciAc coeval, and therefore will aatdrally becom tba center of the tanning trade. Thtr i already one largt tanning factory oa th Soood, which i coining money, and it k only a quswtioa of tin when other factoriss aria b iartedj Lombennaa. Ont of the ovldeiacea, y the Poget Boond Lumbertnan, of th b glnoing of a new era among th lum bermen of the Soood U the eetablish- tnent, by aereral mill men, of yard in tha asrirultaral district. ThU is the beginning of aa axleueive yard system, which ia future year will aohr the qoesUon of a market for Poget aoond lumber. When the yard ar aztand ad into th neighboring sUtes the lumber fgdaatry will flourish like a green by tree. aat Frosa Ovwaoa Ftae. Span of Oregon pin ar to be put Into tha United State ctHiaer Phila delphia, bow being overhauled at tbe Brooklyn navy yard, replacing the ateal one now ia use. Th three steel mast oow la use in th Philadelphia W!gh apwardi of twenty eight ton, and coat over WtfiOQ, wbile the pine nasi will weigh about two ton and coat lea than S500. Th lower maeta art Oregon yellow pin stick, twenty inch in diameter and sixty feet long. Th taptnaaU an ch tea inches io diameter and thirty tt tong . Steel gaasta have paw given a thorough trial aad th ret am to wooden spars by h navy mean a great deal for th jTerrl!y of timber owner on th Pa eiS. coW whoa foreats ere east re jfrfs af timbtw particularly adapted that porpos. The Timberwiaa. hostility to these men aa sailors of the United State. Yon will also notice that tbe character of some of tbe wound indicate the public police, or some of tbem, took part in the attack ; od yoa will also observe that other American sailors were, without appar ent fanlt, arrested and for some lime held by tbe authorities. Tbe friendly efforts of a few of tbe police officers to give succor to our men furnishes tbe only redeeming incident of this affair. Tbia cruel work, so injur ous to the United Slates took place the 16tb intt., and yet no expression of regrvt, or of tbe purpose to make a searching in quiry with a view of tbe institution of proper proceedings for punishment of tbe guilty parties have beeo, so far as I am advised, offered to tht govern ment. Yoa will st once bring to the attention of tbe government of Chili the fact reported to you by Captain Schley, and yoa will inquire whether there are any qualifying facta in pos session of that government, or any ex planation to be offered of an event that ha very deeply pained the 'people of the United Suite, not only by reason of tha resulting death of aora of oor sailors, and tbe pitiless wounding of other, but even mora as i n apparent expraaskm of anfriendlinaa towards this covernmeot. which migbt put in peril the maintenance of tbe amicable relation between the two cottotria. If tbe fact ar a reported by Captaio Schley, tbia govern menlcsnoot doubt that th government of Cbili will offer prompt and full reparation. Yoa will farnieh tbe foreign office a full para phrase of this dispatch and report promptly to this government." DEMAVO AVSWCBBO. Sawtuoo, Chili, Oct. 28. Tb Cbil iaa government baa replied to Minister Sgaa's demand for aa explanation for the recent attack a poo the American sailors. Tb reply ia coached In very strong language, aod il ia understood it amount to a ref osal to accept the responsibility for tbe affair. The state department at Washington bss been state campaign now goirtf on, and though personal friends is lbs several states hs manages to keep tfaorwinhly pasted on tbem ail. Be bai ner.r had a doubt about tb election of McKiuley and a republican ssgiaiature ia Ohio, and bs believes that Iowa, Hew Yerk aad Masaschn.ett will go republican, nless something nafore- seeo shall oeenr la eauaa ), i- ih. I bar, lot I. sec W. In entl.nto.f the votorstn those states be- V,a" 9i'1u't1 tweeo now and ths day of election. This k K Morrill and wlf to William Clark, s Deuet is Daseo on Information which be has qr, ec ies ip o n, r a w. also H ol sw qr, recited from nnblased sources, aad not X Z.ll ?JV - merely npon bU hopes. I lot 3. blk , rlatskanie: l 0 ' Secretary rsier did not set off to Ohio Thomas 11 Smith to W J RelJt, W of anui Tuesday night of tbl week. II will P L S va sa.a.supti?ii v 11 A M Vtajl IVH, sWBJ qr, W na a a a a rt.wt. w vv o . r w i .'. In liniUM state, to J at k. sw or of tw ar. and lot S. sec 1&. and lot 7. ase 'it. tu 7 n, r 4 w; paUnt. M M Ill.Mxl to V O BIjoJ. lot 4. blk IS. Clatskanie; 1100. Iesn Rlanchard to Alice L DelU', lot 0, Wk 11. Rainier: . James K Inung and wlf to D P Thom son. ns or. see , tpen.rtt w: $14(10. Mat Bisks and wits to William Tiun. bar, lot t. sec ), tp 7 n, r J w, also w W of sake tea speeches tn ths campaign, tb last on ths day befor elsction. Just be fore gettlnx on tbe train b said : "I think the majority for Major lfcKfnley will ex d tb norma republican majority of th late, it will be bstwesn 20.000 sad 30.000, probsbly nearer the latter. Of the 107 mem bers of ths legislature w shall eteet at least sixty, and of tb thirty senators we will get about twenty. Tbe democratic stories af a rapture between Foraker and Sherman are not helping that party, sa tb people of Ohio know that no each fight exists outside of the columns of democratic Bcwipapera. Tn united States supreme court baa designated th first Monday lit December for the bearing M eraruinsnl ia th. K brsska governorship caaa, Boyd vs. Thayer. General 0. 0, Howard, in bis annual re port as commander of tb Department of tbe East, follows precedent and devotes much space to detailing tbe necessity tor better coast defenses. It will seemingly take sa Scloal hostile demonstration from some foreign nation to awaken congress to tbe danger of the present condition of oar ceavt and harbors. Then it may be too late. General Baom is st bis desk tn tbe pen sion otflce snd says thst b bs not resigned. But that dots not prevent it being positively stated by men who usually know what they are talking about that If he has not actnaly resigned be has informed th president of bis drsir to retire sad bis resignation will bs tendered as soon as tbe right man to succeed bira can be found. Tbe asm of Governor Staelo, who bas just resigned from tbe governorship of Okla homa, bas been mentioned io this connec tion , bat there appear to be nothing known about it among bis friends here. Things movs a little slowly In offldal circles, particularly those connected with international affairs, Although it known some days age that Italy bad re moved tb prohibit! restrictions upon tbs importation of American pork, it was not until Wednesday of this week that tbe of. flcisl BoUficstioa of that fact waa received by our state department. Boms agamies of Washington are evident ly engaged in eircoiaiing stories about ex tortion to bs practiced daring tbe O. A. R. encampment here next year for tbe purpose of trying to keep people away from the en Campment. Ur. J. J. Kdson, one of our most prominent business men, e member of ths O. A. IL, and chairman of tbs en campment committee, requests all com' radas to aid bim in spreading tbs informa tion that bis committee is prepared to guar antee every organization or individual who wishes to attend tbe encampment ample accommodations at price which shall be entirely satisfactory in every respect. Us Dtnte of Omroa to J W Hotmail lot R of sec 21, iota 1 and 2, see 2. and lot 8. sec 15, tp 3 n, r 1 west and lot 9, sec tp 4 n, r 1 w; achool land; 1101 m. Isaac Uumgardner to C L Smith, sw qr, -or, see 1, tpan, r I w; $tW. hdward Les Hinskman to E T Daviie. iota 1 . 2. 7 and 8, seu 4 , tp 3 n , r 6 w: I6TA. W Baker and wife to K T Daviea tola 8. 4 5 and 6. tpS n, r A w; v a W Y Ibiunhiirg and wife to Charles W hi taker sna Willis-n Lampkin; 810. United Hlales to Thomas Poinerov. a W of nw qr and n X of sw qr, sec 8, Ip 4 n, r 6 w : homestead. United States to Joseph G Vanoradel. ss qr of sec 7. tp 4 n, r ft m ; homestead, W K Tirbenor to Nancy A Tirhsnor, a M of ss qr and kit 5, all of section 17, ip 7 n, r 4wi 81. Frank Blackwood to Katls M Klser and If re. Josie Fields, ns qr of as qr, sec 84, tp 7 o,rl;im stouts. STEWART Octobers, at Apiary, to tbs site ol l. B. otewart, a son. DOAN October 22, at Apiary, to tbs wife of Harry Poan, a son. The rirst Slew. Perhaps you sre run down, can't est, can't sleep, csn't think, esn'l do anytbiuk to your saiisfactlon, and you wonder what alls you. You should heed the warning, you are taking tbs first step into Nerroos Prostration. Too need a Nerve Tonic and in Electric Bitters you will find ths exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to its normal, halty condition. Surprising revolts follow tbs ns of this great Nerve Tonic and Alterative. Your appetite re turns, good digestion is restored, and tbs Liver and Kidneys resume healthy action Try a bottle. Pries 80c at Edwin Boss' Drugstore. eklsn's Aralcsi aalvs. Tb Bast SsIt Is ths world for Cut. B raises. Sores, Ulcers, 8aH Rhatira, Few Sores, TeUsr, Chapped Handa, Chilblains, Corns aad all (tkln Krnptiona, and poslUTcly ears rilsa, sraopay sqairtd. It Is guarsntsed to give psriset satis faction, or money refunded. Price 28 esnt par box. For Sals Bv Edwta Hoe. , ...,,, oas as'D ''"'"'' WAV TSir RAINIER fl 00ft 60 CARROLL roi,NT t On I 80 ,00 BLK , I OU 1 80 kaLama l on l so HOKKMAN'B 1 00 I to BY BEE'S 73 t 00 PEER ISLAND. 78 100 MARTIN'S 75 100 CAPLES'... 8- 73 COLOMBIA CITY..... 80 78 8T. HELENS. 60 78 Ths Iralda will carry ah kinds of freight icept hay and lumber at f 1 per ton. THE PORTLAND JEWELER. JMPOItTKU AND DEALER IN londs, Clocks. Watches, Jeweler, and Optical Goods. Fine Watch, and Jewolrv Repairing. Orders from the Country 8ollolted. 165 First Street, Between Morrison ond Yamhill. Portland Jr. W.E. NEWSOM. Webfoot Saloon. TII0S. C00PEK, Prop. ST. HELENS, .--,. OUEGON Cps Hoble's WlMies. A l.altOR STOCK Or Excellent Wines, liquors and Cigars, -MFT COHSTaHTLY OH llAHD.- An Excellent I'ool and Billiard Table FOR THE USE OF PATRONS. .. an us a a u rpiIE RETAIL MEUCIIANT is the necessary i Medium of Trtulo betweon tho MnnufiU'turnr ttnd the Consumer. He must protect the interest of hia customers by purchasing io the lowest ami nnd best markets, mid by selling to his patrons at the Lowest Possible Prices. W. 33T. D0LIV1LA.N PROPRIETOR OP TEE OLD ST. HELENS STORE, In keeping theso true principles of trade always in view; often leaves theold track and strikes "across lots' for bargains for his customers. His stock of &3rGneral Merchandise Is tieing enlarged by New Goods Every Day. It 1 not coneeniatit tu name th many iltfrfnt artlclm kept "I, a-l J from lh-y Onu4,'b.lhlii. I.-Jlea' Wsr l.iiUen..n's "! M'"! r, Koot Wtaf, H..ur snd rr-l, (Irwer.ns end t'n nort Utmrla, Nal ssnd IUr.sre. ( ph r snJ Olawars. Or. nit ana ""are. l'uw.ler snd Hlmt, Data snd Caps, bou's snd Shusa, Patent Mdl. ,ie, Tollel Artkli-a, to. DEAFNESS, ITS CAUSES AND CURE, Scientifically treated bv an aurlst of wnrld- wide reputation Drainage ers.llcaied and I entirely cured, of fmm 30 to-K) years' stand- iiK, after all other treatment have fs'lna lioar the iMn.-ulty is rearhed and tha eause I removel fully eiKlalned In circulars, with I aflldavita and testimonial of cure from I prominent people, mailed free. DR. A. FiiNTAINE, Tacuma, Wash. CO Q O O )o You Dili! I OF COURSE YOU DO. Teachers' Examination. KoUre Is hereby sTivsn thst th rectilsr eill be held st ths osrterly public examination at teachers' tr. sill be held st tin Helens, Oregon, beetle quarterly put for Cotmiibis fount' nine at 1 o'clock t. ra.i Wednesiiay. No vember 11. All teacher holdln oer- mits and others desiring cert idea tea tniut b present at tn openiuic nour. . V 3. O. WATT8, County School Superintendent. Dated at Scappoose, Or., Oct. 27, lsul. FOR 8 ALE! invite eutrespondenc from those deslrinf . . n.nnooae - ShrotiDshlrs Buck Information or to encsits accommodations. I Hereford Stock. Call on or address, Scappoose, Oregon, nd Ol6n20 Poison in the Kltchea No artlcl eoterinj o jrenefally into the food of every jhootehold is so generally and villainously adnltered as bak ing powder. These adulterated powders are shored upon the public with the greatest persistency. t Throbbing advertisements in newspapers claiming this brand or that is absolutely pure, backed by analyses and cer tificates, and yet they are adulterated with ammonia or ahun. It is to be hoped the law will take hold of these merciless mannfactnrers and punish them for destroying the stomachs of the unsuspecting consumer.' Amid all this fraud and deceit Dr. Price's Cream Bak fng Powder stands almost alone battling for pure food and continues to famish a pure cream of tartar powder at almost the same cost to the people as tbe ammoina and alum pow dug are sold at, yet it costs much more to manufacture. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is of the highest strength. It produces the largest amount cf leavening power attainable in a pure baking powder. It is free from ammo ilia or any other adulteration. No powder does such work, Housewives wfeo have tested all use Dr. Prices only. rota iiLR. il.. ne of M0 teres In Bsrsr Taller, com prlslnUise!olnwX,sw'i of aeW, nw of seii. and nt'A ol awS4, see. v. vown.rjip i ponu. nua.S west. This Is a fact ol land mat is I ronstly rtcuHural alter the timber is removed I Tim ressonaoia. vvlJ ept s-tl . , Final Settlement Mi., I. henth elven that I. th under ..iminl.i.rsUir of tbs sstat of John I K. O'Connell, deceased, have filed with the I ,, Annntv court of Csluuibia county, sUte Of Oretton, my ,flnl account, and petition for ths distribution of the resi due of said estate, and that the judge of said court haa Used Monday, the Kith day of November. 1HU1, at 10 o'clock a. m. of ssid day, and tbe courtroom of said court I s the time and place for ths bearlnc of ..1,1 siwmnt and DetlUon: at Wblcn time end nlace an and all persons interested m.y .ppsar wd sontest ft'" administrator of tb estate of John T, O'Connell, deceased. ,,. Dated octoosr to, owi. " THWAITES. The Photograplior. CABINETS 2.50 PEK DOZEN. CARDS, 12.00 PEE DOZEN. 167 and First Street, PortUod Or. OtJCH BKIKO THB CASK, it beboorss LJ Kj yon so una tns u wi rai yimcm w purciiass roar iningorator. ' Kseps constantly on band th famous Cuban Blossom Cigars. O s finest lias of Wines Liquors l Cigars tu b fonnd this side of fort land. And if yon wish to engage In a game of POOL OR BILLIARDS, They can stirs yon thst they bar tb best table In town. Everything new and Beat, and your patronage is respectfully onciiea, "THE BANQUET' St. Helens. Oregon. X h-o sJ o R A aasselilst of Inraraistlas so ss-7 1 Istraatat tfes lsrs,sboln Mow Uil f y VUH.H psMnu, CsTasic Trs4. V VXVasM Miitfaj a GQ.Jrf t.sei rarr, J T MUCKLE BROS, Dealers in all Kinds of Lu rnbcp, Lith Pickets. Paints. Oils, Glassware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Dry Goods and Groceries, FEED AND HAY. General :-: Merchandise. MUCKLE BROS., ST. HELENS, OREGON. Q m z m J3 r m o x a m o Tb Celebrated Frei?cli Care, Warranted l fl DU Dfl n ITI M r " toeurs mivvi s iiss. Is Sold o A P08ITIV OUARANTCK to curs but form olaerronsdl HE oraur disorder of toe fsnsTsureor- ssns oi eiwersex, whstLer arlsiui Tttim tbaeaoesslve nseol BllntHlstits, AFT or money rsluiulsd. lUQisnrs. THE MODEL SALOON. J. 8. CX0MNGE0, Prop'r. ST. IIELEI7S, . - OfiEOON. Choice Wines, Liouors ard Cigars. Beer 5 Cts. Billard and Pool Talk j for tha Pooommodation of Patrorul CALL AROUND. TobaeeoorOnlora.orUiroUKh youtlilul 1 tlon, oref ladule.nce, Aa , eii;6 as Loss of iirsln rower. sssiiinsss, iwssriiie aosm rales Id ths BEFORE ibaeeoo Ernr. nsssiiiuins, IoriII( oown ralBSID th k, Asm leal Wmkness, Hysierla, Nervous tros Ion. Nontarnal Emluions. LannnrriuM. m. siness, niti neniorr, ixiss ol rower ami Impo- vmr j, wKf w o(iM!isii often b ad to prematurs Aid aee aud Inssnltr. Prlna siyia a k. a k,.. Wf wws nmv nj m.:i on rnreini or nncv A WBITTFN MVARAHfKfl l siren for TMTlVOOorlnrrw-nirKl.ior..nd thiBro If s rsnoMMi eiira is not nma. Ws bavs gouwnasoi tesiirpnnisis irnmnld snd 70U11S. bytbsuseof ApfanxtlUne, Clrealar Ires. Addrss THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. Wastaro Brsoob. Bus . Poanan. Oa. For alo by JEDWIN BOSS, Dkooowt, St. Helens, Or, C. R. HART, Proprietor St. Helens Meat Market Fresh snd Baited Meats, flanaaea. Fish and vegetables. Masts by wholesale st special rates, Express wason run to all carts of town. nd charges reasonable. A. n. BLAKESLY, Proprietor vt Oriental : . Hotel. ST. HELENS, 0BEQ0X. Tbs hnus has keen fully refurnished throiishout and the best of aooom modsilons will be given. CHARGES REASONABLE. STAGE ran In connection with For Portlsnd ths hotel connecting wllhthaNor(h n raclllo Kallroad at Milton, eta srn tor l aooma trains 10 p. m train at S p. m. DAVIES, The Fhotographerf First snd Taylor Strceli. P0BTLAND - - 0BE00N Work and prices thst cannot bs besten. NOTICE rosa tPVBLICATIOK. ' Land Offloe at Oreson Cltf, Or., Sept M, ! Ntl!S is flvsu that tha follow nf namsd tattler has nlsd noUoe of his Inlsnllos tn ...k. fl.t KMnf In mimuiH a! hi, flll 111. S1 that said nroof will be made before IhsCouoir Clerh of fioliiraWs ooanljr, st W. Ulnt. Or., o slead entry No, tor the mHol s H ' ,tp7n,r 4 w. H D.m.s the fll"'"J In Tim., Ms snfltlnUOtlS FSSldS" f id. vto: FJlia im fcndC. M.KIiMMntf . Or" t. API'EKSON, W"' upon, and cultivation of said la pahast, 0, W. Mosber. W. M Wanty; all st Rainier, Columbia 1111