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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1891)
784 Subscribers .. n Columbia Conntr. . v... BEST ' , Advertising Medium to Columbia C. I .,1 . -TMK- Leading Paper of Columbia County. ,VOU 8. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1891. NO. 45. Circulation, IM TOE OKEGOiX M TJIK OKK JON MIST INNHKII KVKHV rltlKAV . MOHNINO U ) "' ? : v ' '''., J. R. BEEGLE, Publisher. Tho County Official Paper. ftiiliaerln Ion IUI. lino popy nil. riar In ailvancit ..... Oil. l'lly ! Ulolllll t ;...')''" .... Hilt. ei'l'f ' Adrrrllalnic Hate. fnif.-Mloiml cur la ouv )i'r. ,;.. in mil' milium oiiu ynar. ...... ,...,..,,.-. ,.. Jti Half ckIiiiiiii .mi fear ..........,.. vf U latter rnlntttu uku yoar..,. .......... 4' linn Inch mis niiiiilh.. ......... ...m.-.- 2 O i In' h Hi "N miinlli. .,...,.,..........,.,...,.. It Olio tin ll all ui.inUia... . It UH'tl natU'W, lb rout par lln. Inr Brat luwr lion; IiiimiI. (Htrllii. Mir Nti miUwuiumlt III af Inn ' " 1 l.-al a.tvt'rila.tin.iila, 91.nO T"' lii' h tor Ar t ItiMiMluu, unit 7o cut. p t liiiolur cwb ulw iilvul Inanition. COLUMBIA COUNTY DIRECTORY. Cauul? OrMt'era. JmiIi,....m...... I'- ). rr,Hi. II lout (.' ink ..... K. K Hull, M', II.. i.i. Mm, Matter. Ht. IMiih. il W. ( ill, M, Helena 1, "I. Walt, iH.iiiycp ....I!. K lluati, Maimer A. II l.litl. XL Il.tma HhfHir Til-.. II, . .... Kllit. nl H 'tliMll. Awaaur,.,. ,,...,., ,i. diirxn..ii ..ii CiiinrolKiuium, . .. . . li a 'I wtwittvr, rtiHiira ii. w lliirn, elm, nil , .. Morlaly Null. Mi.iiiic,KI. Il'ti-iia liit, Nii.altiiulr rniitntmihatliiiK tinl inl TlilnlK.innUjr In rwn Kii.iiili t 1 ;u r. M. at Jla-rnile llml. VUltln, Bi.-intMl lu ,il ataiiilhis IiivIImI l a(t-ml. M taull llallllrr ImIbb Nik .'I -M-.,ll mi) t ! H(ttur.'af mi ur b. Iucv... li full luminal?.. 10 r M, ill Mmiki IUU, mnr MlaiM-tiai-la aiore. Vllllii tnmtwr III food aiauillii. Invited Ii K vancllral Aiinliitinnla. Flral HmiiU) -liver lal,nil,1l . H.j H. lldmM. J au r. a). kxxiiMl Hini.lar-Hp Clljr, II A. M.; Ht. IIdIvd, 7 l r. . K'lilar Mn Hi UilrO HtimlyJif'laiiaailv, T m f H 'llilriluoa-iillii. 11 a, f Honjiorti'l r. M. Kourih Hiindar-Vofii.nila. II a. a. ami, 7 111 f. 1 W ilii'i, J r. M. - al. tU HMKUAMK, farto Th Mail. 1 IKiwn riv.r (lat) rltwra at w . . I'l rlrwr (lnwi) rltiwi. al I rx 1H. mall tut Varinmia ii l I'lllalmrf m HI. Hi'linTiKwlr. "lliui,lajr ik.l flurila at a. w. y Tha wall for Mrtitan.t,iltikitlA anil Mm ra. yullill Xnii.lav, lai-dualay anil frl.ta.r al tin. ! . .. alalia (rallwavi north uluan at ID a M.i lor FuiiLu.1 al a r. h. TrrlrMiatil-Ulvr Kual.a. Mtatnaa 11. . HHiriMm f. fur fnniaiiit al It a M 1'iivxlty, Th iiMlar ami Mil ardor Inm '. ll.-l.-in (ur liti.kanl Muu tar. Wr iiH .ifnr anil I'rliiar al a im a u. PTtiatu Jc.parii -lavra Ht, ll.'lnu (. hornand dally i.t humiav al JO 4. m. H. liirnliTD. iH.ri H.nllnl al 2 ;u r. H. I'UOKKSSJONAU DR. H. H. CLIFF, Physician and Surgeon, HI Helen. Or. - PR. J. . HALL, Physician . and Surgeon, ClataliaHl. t'ul ... Iila Can Ur. . T. A, Mi'tMtlMl'-' '. ,' A. aWllMwaiia. McBRIDE & DRESSER. Attocneyt v at v Law, . , . Hr(fln I Hri Or. I'nimit aii.iiiliiii fUen to (ami ii(tiv lmi.lii.aa '. A. E LITTLE. Surveyor and Civil Engineer, M. Illrna. Or. . IIhk auil aiituiit.riuii wo.k pioin.lly il.iur. Ijinit iiiriryln'. low 11 1.. .i....u W. T. Jft'KMK. J. VV, l)arna. ( BtlRNEY & DRAPER, Attorneys V at v Law, j tirvaun t'lly, 1r. yrara' rirrliii aa RiHilal.r nf th Hnttoil nta'ra lAud otllr. hvre n:.imiiimW w In our apei'taHy of all klmla of bualunaa U.r th Uiid Ultlua or llw l aiirla, ami liiv.ilvlng Hi .raw I If III Hi inral latuil Ullli o. J; B. BROCKENBROUQH, ATTORNEY . AT v LAW, r. Ortiann I lly, Or. ' ,..,-.,. V ,,,;.,.-..-. ... - .' (l.alU Hpiplal AkhiiI ol (Icm ral Unit onii'.,) II iiiikiIi'U I, Pn'-.iiiilliin ami 'I'lmlwr l.iiid Ap- Jill at out aii.l iillivr Jml (lltiio Mn.liii'.a a IKTlafiy. Oltli'o, Htuvnd floor, Uud Onlt- llUlllllllf. , S. '.,,: Vi ' Z' El' WINGERT, Notary Public and Real Estate Agent, v. lLuhfiii, Oulumbla Co., Or. ' . TMi mnler. Iirned will atumrl to and w-rtlfy U tlnHim.a ihiiuIiiIiik hi th traiialorrlnv nl . ... . m rear. P....', piim ni.ww.-r .....jn.i Tiinii.ii. liK'a(ii'i and a.tvanniK.'n. Uta In til. hiwii. nl Niwr. Iliilila 'or Uinlfii. Will alao at't-uil to IVu.l.aH'lalina, txliif anlhiirlatil In hf li'nal rui'iuiulUiiii iuiii tbo Di'tiarlmoiil nl Hit' r or. ' K. WINUKUr. MIHCKLLANEOU8. D. J. SWITZER, GENERAL INSURANCE "-AND , ' Real Estate Agent, , St. Helens, Oheqon. .John A. Beok, Watchmaker and Jeuieler, KOIl YOUR ELEGANT JEWELRY. Tli Flneat Aaaiirtintint A( VVatoh.i, Clix ka and Jewvlr ol all liuaviliiUiiim. QPHOIITI IHI ISMOND, a PORTLAND, OR EVER D I N G & FARRELL i Front 8treet; Portland, Oregon, DKALKRB I.N ' . : ' WHEAT, OATS AND MILL FEED OF ALL KINDS, Hay, Shingles, Lime, Land Plaster. Also Flour, Bacon, - ; ,' ; i -AND AOENERAL ASSORTMENT (5F- G- i o c e rieSj Whirh wo noil cheap for canli. Givo us a call. EVERDINC & FARRELL Clsttslcariiie Line. STEAMER C. W. SHAVER. J. W. SHAVER, Master. LeHvi-ii rortlnnd from AUlcr-Htreet Skcniukttwa anil (.fttlilmurt, Wrdnwiday and , I loiiciliiiiR at Hiiuvioi Inland, St. Holeim,- Columl City, Ktiiriitrr,' Cdnr Landinfr, Mt. itnd all hiterincHlittU iMijutri, returning HOW IS THE tip e org Tliis desirable property adjoiiiB Milton Station, on tho Northern Pacific, ONE HOUR'S RIDE FROM PORTLAND. And in only 11 niilen from St. IUdens, u: 11:1.,... I. !..... 2H) yiird of this prtj)erty, supply of wator LOTS, 50 x Kanging in priee from $50 D. J. Switzer, St. JOSEPH KELLOGG, Joseph Kellogg FOR COWLITZ RIVER. IVIa.U... leaves KELSO Monday, Wednesday and Fri ll O tril WCSt .lay at 5 a. m. Leaves POHTLAND Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 0 a. m. ; . - JOSEPH KELLOGG daily, Sunday excepted, arriv- ing at Portland at 10:30 a. m, Returning, leaves ruuiL.AL ai M., arriving i at 7 P.M. F.L.PCSSON SEEDS W, carry a Mil atork of th vinv UKHT 8jll. Tra. Sulbi, Fartllliara. (!c, Btaa.taarl' SuppMi.. one iu a iruu F. L. POtSON & SON, 300 Hneoaaaor a Millar Broa." : DON'T BUY '.V ,' ANVWHEEE BUT Dru i( -': ' YOU WILL FIND THE , Freshest, Purest and Best of Everything .- ; -AT THE ;-n;.V.K-:V''.;'" CLATSKANIE v DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor. . If TRTA itonday, via Woetport, Friday for Clatukanie, lua vity, Kalama, rer diirv Sli'llji. Oak Point ColTin, Bradri Tui-BdiiVjT Thursday and Saturday. TO SECURE fl LOT t o w n. tin? county-sent, on the Columbia alpUatM vima tvithin - furniBhingnn inexhuiiBtible ftir all purjnes. lOO FEET, to 1X), can bo wcnred from Helens, Oregon & CO.'S ; STEALERS and Northwest - - " 1 SON." TREES om.r. oond Street. Portland, Or. X Cataloaa, Fr. , : ! YOUR DRUGS AT A REGULAR . DRUG STORE, "WHEEL dock Store ( PACIFIC COAST Electric Power on the Northern Pacific! ? CHINESE GIRLS FOR SALE. Johnson, Who Was injured at Lake , Ubish, Wins His Suit for Damage Incurred lioaton capiUliati are after the Tem eaal tin mine,. ' The trial of the Davie will ciwe at Butte. Mont., ha, been fiietl for April 18, Tlie Alliance and Industrial organbta tiona of IiO Angele, are to form a Peo- plo't party. Two men are in jhh a imm uiu, charged with robbiug the Redding and Alturat iiage. The capital itoek of the Biveniide Rankinir Comniiiv haa been increased tol,0t0,lXK). Kiverside think, iU orange crop tbla Kwn will fill 2,'JOO cars. ine iruu t. nntmuaiiy nne. , , , A San Francisco company Ii contem iilating the erection of an electric-lighting plant in Santa Barbara. ii.. ln.nnmla (kliint.l nines and amelter after being ahat down for seven month have resumed operation,. The objection of the saving, bank, at I,s Angeles to the tax asseiwnient, have been overruled oy jnoge nau. it viMr.ria. B. CYt ha, been found that t';ere are nine girls in Chinatown waiting to ix aoiu. un gin wa, wiu laat week for 1,300. iri.. ...,ut hrneh with tha Blnod In dian, lut acroa, the Canadian border wa, exaggerateu. t-'ue inui m and one policeman wounded. A portion of the walls of the new City Hall at I'ort Towneend fell in during a severe atorm and crnnlied a neighboring hou'e, seriously injuring hq pr-jio. ,...lna1 William Hvde. for a aaarter of a centnrv editor of the bt. Louis He ,,, has been engaged aa editor of the kli I jike Herald, a Democratic organ. In an interview at Spokane Henry Vil- laro expreaaea me ""'" of the Northern Pacilio will before long be operated entirely by electric power. The Saltan Lake la rapidly disappear ing. One month more according to par ties who have returned from there and no tign of the so-called desert lake will be seen. The Pacific Athletic Club of San Fran cisco has telegraphed Jim .Cortiett, ask ing him if he would meet Joe Choynski, who has rUirned from Australia, for a puree of 5,000. " Thousand, of bushels of peaches and applea are being fed to the hog, alona the Snake-river fruit belt in Oregon, and .ii tha fruit raiser are not pre- iwred to take care of the crop as It comes on.. '- "" A San Jose jury la the suit of little tin-..-.! Pmimmv aeainst H. II. War- burton of Santa Clara to recover $25,000 for malpractice In treating a Droaen les in aunh a manner that gangrene set in, nanwuiitatinir amnutation. rendered a verdict for $20,000 for plaintiff. German society at Lo, Angeles is much ..hmuI am. tha nlnnAim. nt of Mrs. Jennie Halmer with Oscar Overweh. Mrs. Halmer shone aa an amateur theat rical star, being the aotibrette of the dra matic section of Turn Verein. Overweh leave, a wife and two young children, At San Dleeo Incandescent electric lights are lowered into the water at -I.. l,. an.l a lar,o not ia nlaced below I hum. Tha fiah am attracted bv the n.M and ara nlainlr visible. When ui..ln.l t,.ll IV.A n.l. .-a hauled ID. .I1U11 Itlllil i U I i MVW " . and the catche- are said to be enormous. Tha nraaanna nf Hsntaln Wood and his command in the Yosemite the past five n.nt.ll,a 1. a .lM.l A AmnntttratAfl that .111111. ItD .ii " the devastating fires in the mountain heretoiore nave oeen caneea uy canaioBB or reckless sheepberders. The fire, this vear have not been productive of injury The number of Chinamen and amount of onium amuggled through tne round ml tha rwvta in Nnrthern Washington must be considerable. A few weeks ago 300 Celestial, arrived in Victoria from Cl.ina anil latar t)iv all disanrjeared. T1.A an nrvtaitinn la that thev hav. been smuggled into thi, country. Thev have on exhibition at Victoria a teredo about ten or twelve inches Ion In a fflana lar f nil of alcohol. Itismarke " The Scourge of Puget Sound." A, there are about fonr quarts of alcohol to . ... , . . . i . i i .1.1 onert'-reao, it. i, a nine aouunm, raya the Westminster ledger, as to whether it i the alcohol or the teredo that ia re- lltlicu w. ' In some parts of the Colorado Desert water boils up from springs, which are surrounded by circular hillocks ol car u.ii nf lima from four to eieht inches in heiirht. the material of which has been deposited from the flowing fluid, 1v- Ba. ia an hl.rnlv K rtTtlA with fnU I HO mill , ,a w " ' p. " ' J " " " ' . E5 that it ia diflicult to keep cork. In bottle, filled with it. The Nevada Creamery Commercial Company haa been incorporated at Oar son for the purpose of manufacturing i .tuaiinrt In huttAr nhAAAfl. mndenaed milk, to build, purchase and acquire Unda. hnildinim. factories, etc., for the uiniiM n.i.1 aniA nl nrrMlnrtn. tn deal in farming implementa, live stock and mor- clmniliHeoi an a num. , T. II. a Humiua unit, aintinst the South rrn Pacific brought by 6. W. Johnson at Salem the jury returned a verdict award- lixl.nMm. ifuiimtKia in the Rlllll of t2. 2i0. 1I a d f ir ?I5,(KH). Johnson was iijured in the Lske Labish disagler last Novemlier, and at the time was riding on a pass given him in consideration for mrvices rendered the company. The Siinta Bitrliara Ptrta' criticisms of be conduct of the postmaster in stop ping portions of an edition of their pa- l.A.ini oa it nun IH-I I'd' IIHOV v..- f - -ion has ca led forth an open letter from lie poatmaster, wno says, 11 lie m won, .. i. i. t,A ilia nl ttnlnv hia dntv. and as ,1. ID 1,1 i.iiw ,,,, .. ... il,... ti.ol aKIlitv ha ia willinir there .U iumiinni.1.......... --- r- should be a competitive examination with the editor, of the Prut, but in piiiit of physical ability he considers 111 111 KM I f fnllv canablo of whipping both ediloi's if the occasion demanded it. PERSONAL MENTION. Senator Sherman Keeps His Private Correspondence in . a r Ira- ; Proof Vault. 1 .r.. V.J 1.a P-lnnA nl A I IV . -s,UIIIO IHm J .(.V . v. Wales and Lord Dudley i lavender. The latter nana aai.hela for ties, handkerchief and ilk socks. - Roliert T. Lincoln, tha United State UinialM.I... Hilnaniul Ih ilia A 111 lilllltrl IIP! 1 V 111. ...... V..T....V - fiinliFiMKv In I,nilnn. leaving, hi, wife at Tour, in France, . Rev. Dr. Jencke, of Indianapolis be seventy proof, that the world will end in ten years, and he get, sixty-nine of .i i. . i i.ii.i- .... . vnem irom wie Eiiuie. . . VTi.. r...,:.l .. .. t I ..... P Xrrijn IVUIIM , tUJ- A ID.I1IGIII 1HV1 Wll down from his country home at Rhino . . . . . . ' ! oeca to ni, Danxing ornce in fiasasu street about once a week. Rope-walker Dixon, who crossed 350 feet above the whirlpool rapid, at Niag ara on a three-quarter-inch cable last July, haa been drowned while bathing. Mr. Spurgeon signed the abstinence pledge in lSttJ. Unfermented wine ha been used at the communion service at the Metropolitan Tabernacle for several years. , . Maior John A. Tibbitts of New Lon don, Conn., now United State, Consul at Bradford, England, ha, recently been in poor neaitu, uu. ia nuw repun mm very mucn juipiurru. IaIih l.rnal1 a hrnthpr nf Charle, Stewart Parnell, resides in At lanta, (ia. Though living there for the past twenty four years, he 'has never taken out citizen papers. A royal blue Wilton set of pottery wa purchased recently by Miss Foster for the Secretary's house in Washington. This was of American manufacture, Mr. Foster much preferring this to any foK eign ware. , : . Charle, Gaylor, now critically ill at - . . .. . . -. t V Bt. Vincent, rtoaptiai, few lura, iiaa produced 238 plays since 1849, besides in his earlier years uotng a great ueai vi theatrical writina for Greeley and the elder Bennett. Colonel John A. Cockerill, having n n.nilnma mnnnmnnt t1 tha Or der of Elks in St. Louis, evidently bo lieve that " one good deed deserves an other," aa he ha, offered to present the citiea of New York and Brooklyn with two bronze or atone drinking fountain Vat l"l nlaffiavl nn the Kmnkltfn bridtre one at each of the two towers. James Russell Lowell was descended l.nt. l.ia mnlhar hnm an ancient Jacobite family the Traills of Blebo in Fifeshire. -til moiner, xurs. unanea Lowell, was the only daughter of Will iam Traill of Westness, Orkney, and .u:. ur.llin.r. TVo ! 1 1 'a fnnth- Ymlnnotxi tn H ....... u 7-' , an old Norse family, so that Lowell had both Hcotcn ana norwegian urauu. c in hia Hhrarv at OVllflWl ." v 1 . ... -" - . J ' Mansfield has a large fire-proof vault containing his enormous private corre- .1 K-; , Vi nmrninMit men and DUUIIurui . r . - - women. There is material for a magnif icent autoiiraph collection in una maaa of letters. Among um luuni. iiiirauui. u i. .ai.l ara tha lontr. confidential and front inn. ia neraonaf missives of the Senator's martial brotner. " c...i.. PotTi.r aaid in a recent erjeech in Kansas: "lam yoar benator, next V l'. 1 1 1 Vv " a in iuiponanoe to tne J resmeni 01 xne IT, taul UtataJB Ihav hOin ntWlfft 11 MTVa cjuOD J v uj "-a" f "X me these falsehoods." Whereupon the I , . r I nMilinl. I1..I "If ha live, and ia not taken from the stump, be will be in the lunatic asylum before congress meets, iniiuuiam cuarnj and with the full belief that the predio tion will be verified." , NATIONAL , CAPITAL. exchange of Money Orders Between tho United States and British Colonies. The Bureau of American Republic ia ifoimed that Mexico hs entered into a iilract with Captain Brcnton of the ritiab nary to tit out a training ship r th education of Mexican boy in -seamanship. An agreement eigned by the Postmao ter-GciiiTal for the establishment of an xelmnire of money orders lietween the Unituil States anil the British colonies nf Trinidad and Tebago is to go into op- ration June 1, lntlz. An official report received at the Navy Depariment from Mare Island navy'yard st m es that the injury sustained by the Mohican in the bursting of her outboard d -livery pipe can be easily repaired and the vesel made ready for sea service. This will be done immediately. Commissioner Rimoads of the patent office has rendered a decision on the ap neal from the decision of the Board of Examiners in chief denying the patent ability to the subject matter of an appli cation for a patent for telephone, filed by Daniel Drawbangh April 8, 1884. The decision ia atiinnen. Colonel Wilson. Superintendent ol the United State, Military Academy, in bi annual report expresses himself favor able to a moderate increase in the corps of cadets by restoring to the President the privilege of appointing ten cadets at large each year. The condition of the corps during the past year was very grat ifying. Secretary Foster has received a letter from N. fe..Uaster, N. J. Bryan and John P. Irish, the commission to select a site for the San tranciaco public build- intr. which states that the commission n-Qttl l accept it at tl.040,000, when the title was examined and everything found correct. A letter ia inclosed from Mr. Hnrney, stating that he accepts the offer of the government. The commission adds that it will assist the United State District Attorney to expedite the search' ing of the title. This is thought to finally settle the site matter, .- Brigadier General Greely, chief signal officer, in his an mini report to the Secre tary of War make, a special point of the necessity for the improvement of the military field telegraph system in order that wo may keep, up with foreign na tonsinthat lespect.- The chief signal i Hicer haa long appreciated the import ance of balloons in active military opera tions, and haa made a special estimate for the purchase and construction of. a military balloon train, which i, a neces sary ail in net to tha Dermanent eauir ment of the signal corps. A small ap propriation Is asked to determine by ex- pertinent the beat mechanism for a pow erful flna 1 1 light for night signaling and aeurcti purposes, , . EASTERN ITEMS. hinese Are Coming in From Mexico. A MULATTO TURNING PINK. New York's Chief Justioe Decides That , Buying of Poker Chips is a Legal Transaction. Chicago propose, a floating hotel. A Ballimoie mulatto is turning pink. France 'will buy $40,000,000 worth of our wheat. New York Socialists have nominated an Alderman. . ' Minnesota', new law provide, for pri vate execution, at night. Detroit conductor, are attempting to enforce a no-smoking order. ' There ia lea, railroad building than at any former period for many years. Fonr dramatic companies in New York are composed of labor-union talent. . The constitution 6f the United States has been published in Hebrew for New l orkers. Coramtlsory life insurant i the order of s New York heating company to its employes. : : Timothy Hopkins' counsel say there is no thought of compromise in the 'Searlcs will case. Many Chinese are imported crossing from Mexico into the United States near Brownsville, Tex. Th TransmissisMDDi Conaresa ' at Omaha has adjourned, and will meet in New Orleans in ebro ry. The United State, grand Jury at Sioutx Falla haa found eiKhteeii indictmentB against the Louisiana Lottery Company. The defaultinir ex-paving teller Garcia of the Louisiana National Bank at New Orleans has been released on bond, of $25,000. . Total exports of breadstuff, in Septem ber ainrremited in value tai.mi.'ui. against $7,li,348 in them etme month st year. Tha Kniithprn Pacific train ro'ibais arera run down in Texas and cantured; all but one, who killed himself after be ing wonnded. Forest fires in Oklahoma have com pletely wiped outCimarton City, a amsli town, the residents escaping by jumping into the river. Tha new bonntv and the necer'ary ramilatinna to enforce the law have caused a deadlock at New Oi leans in the shipment of sugar. Of the 44 510 seal skin, canzht in the Rehrinu Sea this season 24,0 0 were taken by sixteen Nova Scotia schooners nSUing IU bun, wave... , . . . rhanwllnr Snow of th. Kansas Uni- ersity proposes to kill tlit chinch bug wit'n a deatly parasite. Experiments have been vury successful. Census returna show that Montana has ine liquor saloon to every sixty inhabi tants. Kansas one o every 823 popula tion, Iowa one to 4o5 and Maine one to 702. ............ - Camden', undertaker, have combined against those who refuse or neglect to pay funeral expense,, and a black list is being prepared for their future guid ance. A rnn is beintt constructed at the Beth lehem (Pa.) works for the United States ship Destroyer, which will send 400 piunds of uitro-glycerine 1,0 0 feet un- er water. ' Rnwne E. Gitrcia. the Davini teller of the Louisiana National Bank at New Or leans, ha been declared a defaulter in the sum of $1),0M. The bank's capital ha, been unimpaired. The Boston Business Men's Executive Association will request the Legislature to nrevent the issuing of parses to legis lators, executive officer, and the judi ciary of Massachusetts. :; : . ... Eitrht thousand acies of Dine land in Sawyer county. Wis., were recently sold to. the Mississippi River Logging Com nanv for KiOO.000. The 8,000 acres jrili cut 100,000,000 feet of timber. Judire Barrett of New York hah itranted an attachment against the property in New ork belonging to the Columbus Borax Company of California for $20,625 in favor of Marcus A. josepni. T nn Tl .. .1 .1 n MnMmnlin. hlmoAlf to be a wealthy California", with a large account in some can r rancisco rant, nas been placed in the detention hospital at new torn, ne is pruuuuuucu iusauc. Since the Blaine cottage at Bar Har bor was closed a few weeks ago, the flow ers and shrubbery around it have suffered at the hand, ot relic hunters to mien an extent that there will be a big job for the gardener next spring. ., At length it begins to look a though elevated railroads would be an accom plished fact in Philadelphia within a reasonably near future. Three ordi nances passed Councils last winter grant ing privilege for such roads. There are 142,519 children under 5 years of age living in 'the tenement house of New York city.. Over 100.00J children under school age are Btill in the formative period and surrounded by scarcely any influence for good. The latest Washington crop estimate place, the wheat yield-of the-United States this year at fifteen bushels per acre, which will give a total of about 500,000,000 bushels, or 8 per cent, more than previous estimate, in tne traue, s Chief Justice Ehrlich of the New York City Court has decided that the buying of chips at a game of poker ia a legal transaction, and that a person buying the same could not avoid payment on the ground that it was a gambling debt. Rev. G. P. Reilly of Marion, Ind is a member of the G. A. K. and also of the National Conference of the Wesleyan Methodist Convention at Grand R,apids, Tha conference oDnoses secret ; orders and he will have to quit it or the Grand Army. ' ' " ' : A convict in the Ohio penitentiary is the latest long sleeper. He haa been sleeping steadily for a month, and" can only be aroused' to take food by the ap plication of paddles to the sores of his leet. . ineooctor Bay ue win strop mur eli to death. PORTLAND MARKET. Prodnea. Frolt, Kta. Wbkat Valley, $1.65; Walla Walla, $1.45 percental. Floub Standard, $4.65; Walla Walla, $4.50; Graham, $3.75; Superfine, $3.00 per barrel. Oats New, 4245c per bnsheL ' Hav $11 13 per ton. Millstufus Bran, $1820; shorts, $21 (322; ground barley, $22.50(325; chop feed, $18(a)19; feed barley, $20; mid dlings, $23(24 per ton ; brewing barley, $1.15 per cental. . BurrnH Oregon fancy creamery, 85(1 37jc; fancy dairy, 3J32c; fair to good, 25"t27!'ac; common, 1522c; Eastern; 25C31iC per pound.- Chkksb Oregon, 12c; Eastern, 14 . , 15c per pound. .' Kootr Oregon, 30c; Eastern, 2627Jc per dozen. Poultbv Old chicken. $4.50(15 00;. young chicken,, $2.50(4.00; duck,. $5.00 ' 7 50; geese, 9.00 10.00 per doaen; turkeys, 14c per pound. VKoitrABLKs Cabbage, nominal, 75c. $1 percental ; cauliHower,$1.25 per dozen ;' ' Onions, 75c$l per cental ; potatoes, 40(a) -80c per sack ; tomatoes, 40(850c per box ; sweet potatoes, l2c per pound; Cali fornia eeiery, 75c per dozen bunches; fancy Oregon celery, 50c per dozen bunches. . Fbcits Sicily lemons, $8.50; Califor nia, $5.50(o!li.60 per box; apple,, 5080c per box: bananas, $3.003.50a bunch; pineapples, $46 per dozen; peaches, 50875c per box: grape,, Tokay, $1 per box ; muscat and black, 5080c per crate ; pears, 05$1 per box; quinces, $1.00 ' 1.25 per box; cranberrie,, $10 II per barrel; Oregon cranberries, $9.50 per barrel ; Smyrna figs. 20c per pound ; citron,, 27c per pound. . Nuts California walnuts,Il12e ; hickory, 8c; .Brazil,,- 10llc al monds, 16(?18c; filberts, 1314c; pine nut,, 1718c; pecans, 1718c; cocoa nuts, 8c; hazel, 8c; peanuts, 8c per pound, . .', . ..- ... .. . Staple Graearlss. .. Hoaar 17i18c per pound. , Salt Liverpool, $14.50, $15.5016.50; sUx k, $1112 per ton. , Rick Japan, $5.00; Island, $5.75 per cental. ' Beaks Small white, 2c ; pink, 2'c ; bayos, 3?c; butter, ',c; ltmas, aJc per pound. , , CorrsB CosU Rica, 20(S21c; Rio, 21c; Mocha, 30c; Java, 26!c; Ar buckle's, 100-pound cases, 22 'c per . nAflnrl Suoab Golden C,4?ie; extra C, 4Vc; white extra C. 4-Hc: grannlated, 6c: cube crushed and powdered, 6c; con fectioners' A, 5,'iC ; maple sugar, 10c per ponnd, -Sybup Eastern, in barrels, 47a55c; half-barrels, 5058c; ia cases, o580e per gallon ; $2.25(22.50 per keg. Cali fornia, in barrels, 30c per gallon; $1.75 per keg. Dbiko Facrrs Italian prunes, 8c; Petite and German, 7c ' per pound ; raisins, $1.201.50 per box; plummer dried pears, 89c; sun-dried and fac tory plums, Dc; evaporated peaches, 9allc; Smyrna fig,, 20c; California; ngs, 7c per pouna. -: . ..; ;i . Canned Goods Table fruits. $1.65(9 1.80, 2,s; peaches, $1.80a2.00; Bart lett Dears. ,1.80(31.90; plums, $1.87 10; strawberries, $2.25; cherries, $2.25 432.40; blackberries, si.Hotgl.w; rasp berries. $2.40: pineapple, $2.25(32.80, apricots,l 001.70. f ie fruit: Assorted, $1.10(21.20; peaches. $t,aa; prams, $1 1.10; blackberries, $1.2.j per dozen Veg etable,: Corn, $1.25(l.ti5; tomatoes, $1.00 3.00: sugar peas, $1.00(i 1.15; string beans, 90ei$1.00 per - .dozen. f ish: Barainee,7fXi(gl.oo; toosiere, 3.50. Condensed milk : Eagle Brand, $8.10. Crown, $7.00; Highland, $6.50; Champion, $5.50; Monroe, $65 per case. meats : tjornea Deei, a.uu ; cnippou umi, $2.25: lunch tongue. $3.10 Is, $6.00 2s; deviled ham, $1.35(32.66 par dosen. Mlaeallaaaaaa. N.n Base a notation,: ' Iron. $3.00; steel, $3.00; wire, $3.50 per keg.-. bos Bar, 3e per pouna. , k . . . STKKt lOJi'c per pound. Tis-I. n. charcoal. 14x20. prime oual ity, $8.008.60 per box; for crosses, $2 extra per box; roofing, 14x20, prime quality, $6.75 per box ; I. C. coke plates, 14X21, prime quality, i.u mt wa. -. Lad 4sc per pound; lur, o:c. Solder IS'bCIU'bC per putsud, ac cording to grade. Biiot $l.o per sack. Hokkeshobs $5. Naval Storks Oakum, 45 per bale; rosin, $4 8'KS.i.OO per-280 pounds; tar, Stockholm, $12.00; Carolina, $7.00 per barrel; pitch, $6.00 per barrel; turpen tine, 65c per gallon in carload lots. Hides, Wool and Hopa. Hunts Dry hides, selected prime. (89e: Wo less for cull,: green, selected. over 55 pounds, 4c ; pnder 65 pounds, 3c ; sheep pelts, snort wool, .twwihic; me dium, 6080c; long, 90c$l.25; shear lings, lU(1)c; taiiow, gooa to vnoice, a 3'ic per ponnd. ' Wool Willamette Valley, 1719c; Eastern Oregon, 10l7c per pound, according to conditions and shrinkage. . Hops JNominai; litsioc per puunu. Tk Haat Markrt. ' Bkm Iive.2ic; dressed, 5 e. Mutton Live, sheared, 3c ; dressed, 78c . Hoos Live, be; dressed, 7C Vbal 67o per ponnd. Smokid Mkats Eastern bam. 12(a) 13c; other varieties, 12s'c; breakfast bacon, 13iact amoaea oacon, li'iM lljc per pound ... Laud Compound. 10c: pure, ll13c; Oregon, lOOc per pound. . Baa and Bacslms. Bnrlau,. 8-oa.. 40-inch, net cash, 6c; burlaps, IO'j'-oz., 40-inch, net cash, 7c; burlaps, 12-os., 45-inch, net cash, "Kir; burlap,, 16-ox., 60-inch, lie ; burlaps, 20 oz., 76-inch, 13c. Wheat bags Calcutta, 22x36, pot, c; inreoousnei oai oagn, Sc. Cental (second-hand wheat bags), 8c .... . : Tina a for All Thins.- Deacon Ebotty-r-"Now that;tb,'. was termillion croo is 'bout ovah, Uaeea ter me, Mistah Jett, it would be good time ter atert a revivaL" -, t' I'arson Jett 'Not . yit, Brudder Ebony, not yet. Tho spring chit ken crop is je a" begun." i ' Tee tJood AII of m Bmlden, - College President All the boys hav ttended prayers regularly this week. Professor Not one baa misted for two weeks. President Hnmpb.. Some infernal kmlsuhtei la brewing.