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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1891)
THE OREGON MIST. Halted Mitm an. Count) Official Paper. LOCAL AND GENERAL. ., Trewnsss notice on cloth for sale at . iiIsoHIm. Bacon Kiln g roceriea cbeap, at 0111 : ton. Cull on him. Wanted A girl to do general house work at once. Uood wages to good girl. Call at tliiM oWoe. Little Daisy, Curtis, of Alblm, aged 11 years, was drowned at Hood River while bHlUlng last Saturday. Albert Tucker made final proof on lib claim Monday, with James Oeorge md Jacob J. Miller at wiliius. Miss Mary Conyers, of the Oregon City Kn'.orprise,was the guest of Miss Alice Co of this place the for iarlof the week. ,. Mr. O. P. Mason, attorney at law, of Portland, wa In town Tuesday on lugal business connected with the .state of Isaac Thomas, deceased. Thnmaa O'Kacfc of the Portland iai( lire UOlmruiiout was run uvnr uu killed (ant Friday intuiting while en yagud extinguishing the flumea on that ly. All kind of job printing, anch as lutter head, hill heads, note heads, stutftiiuuts, (testers, envelti', card, He., demu al Tti Mint ofllue on short The corner stone of the Portland rtiverstiy, 01 wmoa mention tne mini tin h Imroioforo made, was laid last Monday evening, at Portsmouth on the Willamette jiixt alKive Ht. Johns, John lforri'ii of Claukantn river, prnved tip on hi homestead claim, the 8. J of the N. W, and the N. of the H. W. , section S, T. 5 N. K. 3 W. llu h id a wiinesaes A. Y. McDon ii Id and tii'O. Kklilel. The tiiiiicr Mascot wont from Woodland lo Kidso on an excursion 1,ihI Hunduy, The steamer was tinder ctiurUtf by the Woodland and Kelso iMiactutll nines who were to play at Kidao on that day. Mr. M. K. If nun, of Olllton, left at this otlV-e hint Haliinluy, samples of t'io llnent outs and wheat we have yet Kun, The outs were six feet long and i-itcli fluster, inn) nutntioring eighteen nnd the other thirty-six sulks, is the r !n't of two grains of oits planted. Tit wheat produced from one kernel of wlimit formed a cluster of twenty five slul.s with wull-dovolnpod IicmI. The oats wore of the spring variety .f Ulc oats which Mr. Ilaxen has been undcavgring to ehangt into a winter crop with fair success, the yield last year being about seventy-five busiiels ier acre, and as a fall crop ha thinks they can be made l produoo 100 iiiiheU per item, which is far belter than 1ms been hvrrtofore accomplished. The moonlight excursion to Van couver last Friday night wa a sun cess, financially and otherwise. ThB steamer Mascot left tlie whart at this jdace promptly at 7:30 as advertised t'lio went tip Lake river to Dniou ilidge, and there took on Wurd a ninn ir passengers." Leaving there the . ntopiied a few times along Bachelor's Inland and then proceeded to Van couver, aiming there at about 10 p. in. After a stay of fifteen mlnut (just long enough to give the exc Jr eiotidis a ehsncji, to, say they we're ahore in the city), we started lor liome. There were over eighty ticla-ts old, and a more good-humored oroWd n( excursionist is seldom seen these parts. The refreshments con nxtek of ice cream and cake, and the inucic was inslrumeulsl and vocal, and was very good. After leaving the passengers on si union tunu mat rsnva on board at that place we pro cite led to St. Helens, arriving at about 12: 30 a. in. Halurday morning.. One more at the seaside. This time cine of Portland's prominent attorneys. Mr. II. T. Bingham was drowned at North Boach on Friday last whila fish ing in company with Joseph Knott, at North head rocks back of Ilwaco. The two men were out on a projectile of rocks, quite a distance from shire at lilith Ililn. flaliine4 fur lnri.'ioa. When ' c the tide came in it snrrrounded the point on which tho men were stauil' injr, and thoy having splendid luck ' linhing, did not notico the incoming broakors until thoir uvonuo of escape , was cut off. Then they, thinking that the tide would not rise high 0110113)1 to wash them olT tho rocks, resolved to stay there. Tbo tidacama higher and higher and finally a huge breaker swept the two fishormen from their foot and into the sea. Mr. Bingham called to Mr. Knott, saying: "8av9 yourself, Joo, don't mind me, I can keep afloat for forty-eight hours." In this, however, ho was mistaken, for in ' another instant a huge breaker caught him and carried him out of sight. A moment later he was seen by his companion tor me last time, the cur rent scorning to carry him southward. Mr. Knolt made his way to shore in an almost unconscious condition. Mr. Bingham waa one of Portland.'a bright est legal lights and a warm personal friend of Thomas A. Sutherland, edito of the Dunday. Welcome, who w drowned Thursday evening His Ion will bo greatly felt by his associates in Iho legsl profession. Again we are called upon to record the death by drowning of one of PorU land's very prominent cltisons and Journalists, Mr. Thomas A. Sutherland, editor and proprietor of the Bunday Welcome, which occurred last Thurs day evening, August 20. As the Btark street ferry was leaving the Portland side of the river at Portland, two men were seen running down the enclino to catch the boat. They were about fifty foot from the boat when she started from shore. The men con tinued tlulr race for the ferry one of them made a desperate leap and landed safely on the boat. Mr, Hutharland being short stout built man realized that' he could not make the Jump and endeavored to check himself, but it being a down grade and traveling tob fast, to atop was im possible. Just as he reached the edge of the slip he stumbled and fell head long Into the river. The current caused by the wheel of the ferry boat washed him under the pontoon and he was seen no more. Filially by the use of the same current that sent the body under the ponloou It was washed ashore under the wharf. On the recovery of the body the excited crowd seemed to lose their hesds en tirely and not one out of the hundreds that had congregated there thought of of summoning a physician, or even to attempt rolling tho strangled man, un til life waa extinct. Mr. Sutherland had been for a good many years con nected with the Hunday Welcome and is well known all over the stato. Many years practice hsvo given C. A. Know 6 Co., Solicitors of Patents, ut Washington, J. C, unsurpassed succchs in obtaining patents for all classes of inventions. Thoy make a specialty of rejected esses, and have secured allowance of many patents that had been previously rejected. Their advertisement in another col' limn, will be of interest to inventors lateoUioa, manufacturers, and all who have to do with patents. A dispatch from Central Mexico says that there has bcn no lain in many sections of that state for nearly two years. The cattle are dying by thousands, and men, women and children by scores are dying from huuger. President Diss has been ap pealed to and has suspended the cus toms duties in order that bread stuffs from tho United 8 tales can be gotten to the starving people with the least cost. , The Oregon Press Association meets in annual session at Astoria today. Tho Oregon editors took passage on board lbs steamer It. K. Thompson at Portland at 8 o'clock last evening for Astoria and will spend today, tomor row and 8 u ml ay in the vicinity of .As toria and return to Portland Monday. Astoria is undoubtedly the proper place for this occssion, and the affair will be pleasant one. Ed. Smith of Spokane, and Mid Kussnll of Vancouver, fought to a finiidi with two-ounce gloves for a purse of 250 and the liht-weight champion ship of the Northwest Sunday morn ing last. The fight took place on (lovernmeut inland, near Vancouver and lasted twelve rounds, resulting lu Smith's favor. Judge F. A. Moore made a trip to Astoria Monday, looking after railroad matters In connection with the pro posed Ooble-Aatoria road. The work of securing right of way for this road will commoner in a few days, and A is a x pec ted grading for the road bed will follow shortly afterwards, provided (he right of way can be secured. Mr. William llolsaplo informs u that he has not been reccivicg lib paper regularly at theTryon postofllci Tiio fault is not at this ofllce as th Mist is mailed regularly every Friday morning to all of ita subscribers, and they should receive it. There will be preaching in the Rain ier school house, Saturday August 2) and Sunday August 30, 1891, by Rer. B, P. Williams from Portland Oregon. All sre invited to come. The board of equalisation meets next Monday. All persons who have grievances to present to the board should bo on hand on that day. Special Land Agent Travis, ac companied by an assistant, was in St. Helous Monday looking after Uncle Sam's interests. William II. Brndon of the Nehalom Journal was a welcome caller at this office Tuosday. Mr. Braden reports business as lively as usual in his sec tion. Rev. W. W. McCart has been as signed the St. Helena and Clatskanie charge by tho Oregon Annual M. E. conference for the next year. . The steamer Kellogg took au excur sion Irom Kelso to Vancouver last Sunday. They had a very good crowd on bonrd wheti thi.y pnssed this plaoe. Richard Hughes, employed on the Oregoiu'sn'a new building in Portland, was accident'.y shot and killed by John Bevan last Sunday morniug. To insure publication all communi cations should reach this ofllce not later than Thursday morning of each week. .. Walter Blakesley left last Monday for Crescent City, California, where he expects to engage, in, mining, - Iii?heiit nrice naid for huttur. ecus. etc., at Bacons' aliuce store, ' Goods exchanged for produce at Bacon's store. TI14 steamer Mantanlllo broke her shaft last week aud has been laid up for repairs ever since, : Have you sampled those beautiful, sweet candles at the drug store f Thoy are very fine indeed, Burton 0. Voae made final proof on his pre-emption claim the a e J see 18 1 7 n, r 3 w, with William Holsaple and 0. S. R. Washburn ai witnesses. Superintendent Watts this Week sent out by mail, to the various school dis trict officers, one copy each of the new school laws. Let him know If you fail to get a copy. - John Gildner made final proof on his pre-emption Tuesday, the nw of sec. 18, tp On, r 2 west, with S. A. Fowler and 11. D. Burris as witnesses. Mr. Charlea Meserve, editor and proprietor of the Oregon City Enter prise, was in St. Helena on Sunday last. The pure water and bracing air of the falls city evidently agrees with Mr. Meserve. Bertha M. Davis made final proof in support of her claim, the so $ of se , a of se J, and lot 4, sec. 7, tp 6 n, r 3 west, on Thursday, with Edwin Ross and Oeorge M. Tennant as witnesses. The Oregon slate fair will be held at Salem, commencing Monday, Sep tember 14, 1891, and continue for one week. The fair this year promises to be far ahead of anything in previous years. The fair grounds are in splen did condition and many new features have been added to this year'a pro gramme. Professor C. II Jones, a graduate of Monmouth cojlege, and who taught the spring term of school at Oillion, has been engaged to teach the fall term at St. Helena, which opens Monday next. We hope to see a large atten dance, especially at tbo commence ment. Nothing encourages a teacher mom than to see a disjiosition on the pait of the patrons to use their un divided efforts in behalf of the school. On the olhor hand, if there is a large enrollment to begin with it makca it the more interesting for the pupils and a larger will attend. The Lewis River Transportstion company who own the steamer Mas cot, sre building another boat for the Lewis river route. As the Mascot draws too much water to get up Lewis river at all times of tho year, the new boat will be of light draught nd will only ply on the two forks of the Lewis river and transport the freight down to deep water and on board the Mascot, which will continue to make daily tripe to Portland from or near the mouth of tho river. The new steamer will be 120 feet long and twenty-six feet beam, and it is claimed that she will bo the best light draft boat on the river. The Woodland Transportation com pany are progressing nicely with tlie conatruction of their new boat which is to run in connection with their steamer Toledo 011 the Lewis and Lake river route. The new steamer will ply on L wis river only, above tide water and transfer the freight to the Toledo. She will be eighty feet long and twenty feet beam. The ateamer is npw being built at Woodland, and m wuijRTtlr.vwn.hiu'wuY besrSiJen to Portland to receive her machinery and boiler, after which she will be placed on ,th route in time to handle the winter trade. The Lewis river grangers evidently are in dead earnest, and are making it rather interesting for the old company. Mrs. Frances Fuller Viotor, whose name la familiar to a great many of oar readers, is in St. Helens in the in terest of a book she is having published entitled "Atlantis Arisen." The work is the most complete historical il lustrated production we have ever seen of the Northwest. It contains a number of , beautiful illustrations of Oregon City, Portland, Tacoma, Gray's Harbor, Seattle, Spokane, the Cascades of the Columbia, etc. . The work is a carefully prepared one, con taining about 400 pages, and a book which no household can afford to be without. The price of the book is f 2.50. Mrs. Victor some years ago published a book entitled "All ever Oregon and Washington," which was, at that time considered far superior to nnything previously published. . SCAPPOOSE NOTES. Nice warm weather with plenty of smoke. .''.; Prof. Griffith, the phrenologist, gave a course of well attended lectures this week. '1 Mr. Jas. Craig leaves this week for Hubbard, Oregon, where he will en gage in business. ' Honey man, Balch and others burned thoir largo slashings Monday with very good results. :., . The laying of the corner stone for the new church on Thursday of last week waa well attended, and the build ing will be carried to completion at once, ; ; J; L. Armstrong began work on his brick yard Monday, - ' Fruits of sllkindsare quite plentiful, in fact farmers have litile, to Com pis in of n tis year's products. . - CORRESPONDENCE. WAHKKN. Business is a little dull in town on the account of farmers being busy bar vesting. Crops are unusally large and our warehouses will be filled to their utmost capacity. Our old friend (and granger) Tbos. Cooper will do our threshing this year. He says tliat he intend to give the farmers big yield this season. J. W. McGuire and wife left today for their home In Kansas. Thev have licen visiting their daughters, Mrs. N. F.Baker snd Hisses lla and Kittle McGuire, for the last two months. Mr. McGuire is very much pleased with our climate and soil and will return as soon aa(he can dispose of bis property in Kansas. Mr. Darby was on our streets last Sunday shaking hands with old friends. Kogoue is always welcome. W. J. Fullerton haa been kicking up quite a dust on his farm aince ho sold his store. . Mr. F. M. Hoyt and family and Mr. George Hanegan and family have re turned irom a lew days camping at Bunker Hill. They report a very pleas ant time. Of course the Venison that they got wss dear meat and we have not sampled the blackberries, bnt think they are very nice as good things are done up in email parcels. Misses Zoe arid Ethel Semple accom panied thei- mother, Mrs. Hoyt, to the mountains and were delignled with thoir trip. They had the pleas ure of listening to the coarse growls of a panther one dark night while there, which was quite entertaining. H. W, K. IEKH IHIiANI7 We have received The Mist from a new manager and editor. It is to be hoped that the new man wilt continue to heap fuel on the fire so that none of the sparks will die out that have lieeu kindled by the former editor, and that our county journal will become a blazing lire that will 'm the hearts of its readers and give light to those that are in darkness, and become an electric light to the other county candles. Some people think that a road su iter visor should fix every part of his road district at once. Bnt friends, this is impossible. Wben there is a dangerous bridge, or a real bad place the supervisor should give it his atten tion immediately. There are some bridges between here and Enterprise that are dangerous to traveling. The supervisor knows of those places, snd why not fix thorn before the county is compelled to pay a heavy damage from accidents. Mrs. W. O. Tucker, of Hunters, has been quite poorly of lpte with chills and fever, but la at present able to be up snd around, tliougk uot entirely well. There has been bnt very little sick ness here this summer, and only veiy Jew deaths as compared with other places, and, in fact, other years. Whether the climate or the h&nd of Siva have been removed we do not know, but we have great reasons to be grateful Miss Burdick is visiting her father at the Connell ranch. Miss Maui Swager visited her grandmother, Mrs. Charlea English, last week. The Sunday school is progressing very nicely under the management of Mr. Shockle, with twenty scholars enrolled. . Deer Island needs a gun and rod club to pro tec t the game, for at the rate hunters are couducting matters the game will be amhilated m a few years. The law is a dead letter with some, even the chief justice of Deer Inland was seen hunting for ducks on the 10th Hist. . If you think last Friday was not a hot day to be a farmer lor huniYne tfucits on his tan J jvwt come around Close, Kalama and you -.Ul nod out. "- APIAKY GMANJiGS. Weather fine and business good. Our two "Billies," Winters and Gra ham, are going -East to spend the winter. We are sory to lose them as they are both in good demand wben winters come. Business at the sawmill of L. F. Banser will be delayed for a few days. The pump is so badly damaged that a new one will have to be substituted. - Oue of the most enjoyable affairs of the season came off last Saturday eve ning. Yin Wilson gave a ball at C. Wilson's sawmill. It was attended by people from all the adjoining precincts. The supper was the best the markets afford, and aa to the mnaio, John and Charlie know bow to "saw" for a dance. The latest "fandango" of the season came off Sunday. A party , of ladies and gentlemen gathered at the Beaver falls, including oar artist, which re sulted iu a fine photo of the party and the falls. All desiring pictures should apply to C. A. Girt, Apiary, Oregon. Price $1. There lias, of late, been complaints made against the Clatskanie mail route. This takes the cake. The first of this week a bag of potatoes contain ing a note, and a letter was sent from Clatskanie on the same day to Apiary. The freight arrived one mail day ahead. When it becomes necessary lo bag up important mail matter and transmit it as freight in order to insure speedy delivery well we will give it np. Lazy Ned ia beat. Lazy Ned. FROM CI1AT8OP BEACH. ' This county like most of the forest regions on the coast, is almost inaocess able to visitors and settlers, on account of lack of wagon roads. It probably looses live hundred families per year for this reason. And, instead of gain ing taxablo properly from improve ments, remains for the most part a wilderness with nothing to tax, while the surface is substantially timber. Owinir to windfalls, burns, etc, not more than half is timber worth pre serving. The half left would make about 2000 excellent dairy and vegeta ble ranches. Efforts to open roads sre, however, being made. The last impor tant ro4 is now being viewed, to con, nect with the "msin Nehalem valley, 01 the south, snd open out to the ocean beach at the seaside. Southerly winds for the past week have failed as yet to bring rain. The weather has been sunshiny and warm but the south wind dou't often fool us. A single buttcut off of a spruce tree, logged 011 the Lewis and Clark river, scored about fiOOO feet of lumber. The wholo tree made 20,000 feet. While spruce logs now command the , best market, at 6 dollars, but logs are dull. . Houiroa. The N. P. R. R. Co. are going to build a fine new bridge over Milton creek at this place. They already have several cars of lumber on the ground. The hoisting engine came today and they expect the crew to go to work in a few days. ; ....,:;''.' -; Mr. E. L. Harrifon, traveling audi tor for the N. P. R. R. Co., called and gave Mr. Plummer an examination as to hia proflcenccy to handle tickets and express business. As the examination was alright and his bonds satisfactory, be was appointed ticket agent and a ticket oflice formally opened with the promise of a freight ande xpresa office in the near future. Mr. Plummer has been doing all in his power for the past year to have tickets placed on sale at Uoulton. UNB of the 110 vs. No law can pay a man's private debts, 01 put money in his pocket. These statements, as self-evident as they are, need to be repeated occas ionally to those men who have an idea that it is possible to be idle and at the same time be prosperous, by means of legislation. The citizens support the state and it is only tha paupers who are or who can be supported by the state. aarkahle Hescae. Mrs. Michael Curtain. Flainfield, makes the statement that she caught cold. which settled on her hmg; she was treat ed fur a month by her family physician, bat grew worse. He told her she was a hope less victim of consumption and that no medicine could care her. Her draggist suggested Dr. King's new discovery for Consumption; she bought s bottle and to her delight found herself benefited from the first dose. She continued its use and after taking ten bottles, found herself sound snd well, now does her own housework snd is ss well ss ever shs was. Free trial bot tles of this Great Discovery st Edwin Ross' Drug store. Thk St. Hklkhs Hotel. This house, under the management of Mrs. McNulty, is complete in every detail as a country hotel. Every department has been thoroughly refuted and re furnUhed. The tablea are spread with everything the market offers, and the lodmne apartments are all tnatcan De desired. A good horse and buggy is kept for the convenience ot customers. Give the St. Helens a can. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given tnai an persons are Hereby warned against risbing, hunting or otherwise trespassing on my premises on leer Island W. D. CONSKLL. A OU 1 (XII nK-l.n DC LU tr LLl QL o to m q h- Q CC o CO CD D CO NOTICE. Notice is hereby- given that the board of equalisation will meet at St. Helens, in the courthonse August 31, 11, for the purpose 01 equalising we assessment 01 iroi. All claims lor correction must be mate betore the board. C. F. Doan, Ua28 . . County Assessor. COISSCMITIOIS CUBED. An old nhvsician. retired from nractice. having bail placed in his hands by an East India missionary, the formula ot a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy sod per manent cure 01 consumption , Droncnitus , catarrh, asthma and alt turoat and luns af fections, also a positive and racicai core for nervous debility and all nervous com plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thou sands of cases, has felt it his duty to maks it known to hia suf fering fellows. Aotustsd by this' motive ana a aesire to relieve numsn sunertua-. 1 will send free of charge, to all whodeslre It (his recipe, in Herman, r rencb or Migllsh. with full directions fur prepanng and using. Sent by nsil by addressing with startup, ns,nuig tnts paper. vr. A. noTM, ( 820 Powers' B!ock Scchcster, Nl Y . F. R. CHOWN, - IMPORTER OF - MANUFACTURERS OF -- Sheet-Iron, Tin WHOLESALE 212 First anil cor. Salmon Street . PORTLAND- NOTICE! The line New Steamer, Built for the Kalama and Portland Trade, Will be ready to go on the Route) P,Y THE 10TH OF MAY. 1891. Leaving Kaiama at 6 a. m., Leaving Portland at 2:30 p. m., W. al7-tf. MUCKLE BROS, St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon, HAVE RECEIVED THEIR COMPLETE Summer Stock GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Dry Goods, Ladies' and Gents Furnishing Goods, GROCERIES AND HARDWARE. , And Novelties of the Latest Styles and Designs. All Sold at 3 PORTLAND PRICES. - fcXOrders tor Rcvgh PROMPTLY TILLED- Notice to Creditors. Th nndersiened having- besn appointed Administrator of the Estate ot A. Dotta, deceased, all persons haying claims against ?sid estate; are requested to present ttie same to me with the proper vouchers at my Blare of business in the town 01 ueiinen. olnmbia county, State of Oregon, within six months from this date. u. U. JAVlUHStl, Administrator aforesaid. Dated July 28, 1891. - J31 5t - Final Settlement. -VT - ...... th.t T Willi. m U I IV ft is niu.1 uiim, Hin i " ......... Svmons, Administrator of the Estate of Eleanor Reed, deceased, have filed in the county court of Columbia county, Oregon, tny nnai account OI luy aaiuiniairanuu, w (tether with my petition for distribution of the residue of said estate, and that the judge of said court haa fixed Monday, Sep tember 7th, 1891, at 1 o'clock p. m. , of that. day, and the court room ot saia court as toe time ana piace tor seiueiuent ui biu account snd hearing said petition, when snd where any person interested may ap pear and offer objections thereto. WILLIAM SYMONS, j31 5t Administrator of said estate. . NOTICE. IT a Tjnrl ofllre! Ore iron CitT. Orecoa. July 18 1091. Complaint having been entered at this Office by August Mathews against John Pet tenon for abandoning bis Homestead Entry No. 7711, dated Seb. at. isw.upon tne swft section l trnhln&. n ranflre &. w. ia Columbia coun ty, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties aie hereby sum moned to appear at Mist Oregon, beiore N. C. Pale. Notary Public, on the loth day of Sep tember, 11. at 10 o'clock a. m., te respond fad furnUh tetdmony concerning said alleged abandonment. And on testimony then sub mitted a hearing will be had at this omce on October ui, itwi, at iu o ciock a. m. , J. T. A PPKKSON, Register. J&lat B. F. UURCH, Receiver. NOTICE real PUBLICATION. I.an1 Oflre at Oregon Cttv. Or.. Jlllv IS. ISM. otice is hereby given that the following named settler has Sled notice of hia Intention to make Snal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Olnmbla conutv, at St. Helens, Otegoo, oa August ,18B1 vis; - Homaatead entry 7J61, for the kH w. SS, t , rSw. Ht name the followius vMaeeu to prove his conMuoons raioeaoa speu sna cuu; vaflnn .1 M lanA vU- .-A it. IL C. W. Fowler. D. R. Foivlef aad.lj, W. Kmeiwas, al Oi HardwarE Table and Pocket Cutlery Dairy and Household Goods. Cooking and Heating Stoves.'.".. and Copper Ware, AND J RETAIL. Arriving at Portland 10:30 a. m. Arriving at Kalama 6:30 pm. E. NEWSOM. Kalama, Wash. -OF- or Planed Lun ber53 NOT1CSJ. C. 8. Land Office. Oregon City, Oregon. July ?. . IK91 Comolaint having been auiercl at this Office by Ignas Sintek agsiiiat illiam Form ior abandoning his Homestead entry No. 7WS, dated July Vt lwH. upon tne a n wc.won town ship. N ranee 8 W, in Columbia county, ! gon, with a vieV totheraiu'cllaiion of said en try, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at thin office on tlie Mh day of October, 1491. at lOoYlock, a. m.. to respond and furoih testimony CO nee rninswtlii alleged abandonment. J. T. ArlT.IWrt. IWKIKirr. a7sll B. V. mSHCll, Itaceiver. " NOTICE. tt n tjiiuinfflca. Oiwmrn Cltv. Oresnn Julv 17. lmi CnmiUfiit havina been entcied at this Office by NeU Thomnsoa agatnH August Hobs- nsgle for abandoning ins omeieau r.mry . HODS, dated Jlllv IS. INS). UIKMl the & f. ' i Section SO. Township , N. Range 2, W. in Co lumbia County, Oregon with a view to theean cellatlon of said entry, the said parties are here by summoned to appear at this ort'n-e on the 'Mill , day of sept,,-isj)l, at 10 o'clock A. M., to respond ana iiiruiMi lextnuuiiy concerning siu auegau abandonment. J. T. ArrsnsoK. Kcglster. J81 si li. r. bi'UCH, Receiver. Notice to Creamers. The undersigned having been atiointcd administrator of the estate of John t arrow, deceased, all persons lmving claims against said estate are requested to present sue same to me viin proper vuncuerv at niv place of business in the town of Coble, Calumbie county, state of Oregon, wituiu six montna from tne ante nereot. . A. NEVIK, ' ' Administrator aforesaid. Dated August 13, 101. altell Notice to CreeUtora. The undersigned having been appointed administrator of the estate of H. S. Mitch ell, deceased, all persons having claims against said, estate sre requested te pre sent the same to me, with proper vouchers, at my place of business in the town of Oohle, Columbia-county, state of OrVgon, within six mouths from the date hereof. A. NKVIN. Administrator aforeentd. Dated August IS, 1891. . a 14x11 INvtlaad, Orvitne, A.. P. anBstrome pna. dcmmc ..rii.& nm- mjn naif..,, vn I' 1101 UT an. psv.!budsia ) t 1 r