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About The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1909)
The City and Vicinity F. L., Harford came up from Newberg to spend Sunday with his wife, in Prof. Kirk's home. ' - For Sale 8-roomed house on one lot at 2nd and Van Buren. Phone 3240. Mrs.: J." J. Howser and two sons, Chester and Master Everett, are visit ing in Portland this week. ' New fall dress goods at Kline's. 9-20-tf R. W. Skallerud. of the Miller store, is slightly under the weather, being compelled to be away from his work. Eat Golden Rod Flakes, They are better for breakfast, Than old-fashioned corn cakes, ' And five minuets time, Is all that it takes . At Kline's. , x 6-12-tf Rev. S. G. Reading and wife, of Williamsport, ;Pa., are the guests of Mrs. Reading's brother, Dr. J B. Mor- 1 ris7 j Miss Mary Thompson went to Port land yesterday to look after business matters. Acme Quality Paints and Floor Var nish that wears at A. L. Miner's. : 5-17-tf. Miss Leona Jackson," formerly of this city but now of Monmouth, is visiting friends in Corvallis. Her sister, Miss Dora, will teach in the Monmouth pub lic school this year. ' I Wanted an experienced woman as ! chambermaid at the Hotel Corvallis. Good wages. 9-20-tf i The O. A. C. tailoring, cleaning and ! pressing parlors is a new establishment in Corvallis. R. C." Craven and A. Bramwell are the proprietors and the .parlors are located over the Graham & Wortham drug store. Mr. Craven once . worked for Wilkins & Bauer, but for five years has been away from Corval j lis. Mr. Bramwell comes from a shop , at Tillamook, Both are young men,. rustlers, and have been doing consider able work the past few days. - For Sale Two lots located corner Fourth and B streets. Call 708 Third street, or phone 1120. 9-13-tf Miss Delia and LaV ere Walker left today for Logan, Utah, but will visit at Mountain Home, " Idaho, en route. Mr. and Mrs. W. H Walker, the par ents, will leave for Logan about Thurs- Miss Weldon, who had been here vis- day, and the' entire family will taake iting her sister, Mrs. Clyde Hajg, left the Utah town their home. The Walk yesterday for her home in California, ers came to Oregon from south of Salt Visit Kline's ladies' suit department, second floor. 9-20f Mr. and Mrs. Hayes accompanied her to Albany. . - Examinations for government posi-. tions will take place Oct. 13 and Nov. 17 for men and women in all branches Lake City in hope of benefitting Mrs. Walker's health, but the low altitude has been of no service to her. These are estimable people and in a year or more here they have made many friends writs nn AifMi-ilw tr-, mtf4- iVoiii rr-fswnkA of the service. Write for full details. ' J 6 C. r. S S T.nmhor F.YPrmno-P Portland, Ore. 9-15-6t The ladies of the Presbyterian chruch will hold their annuaP missionary tea the city tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. M. S. Bovee. All ladies are invited. - For Rent 8-room house. Call at 542 North Second street. 9-16-tf Waldo Hall, girls' dormitory at 0. A. C, is said to have no more rooms avail able for students. Applications for rooms have been coming in all summer and finally the applications have exceed ed the supply. Waldo, Hall cares for about 250. Ice cream delivered on thirty minutes notice by Winkley's Palace of Sweets. tf For a good big sanitary loaf of bread go to Small, the only machine shop in Wed-Sat-29 Furniture, stoves, ranges, etc., at Kempin's store. 103 N. 2nd St. 17-25 Subscribers to the Daily Gazette Times are urged to not give to the carriers any order to stop the paper. This is wholly a concern of the business office and carriers, are instructed to take no such orders. Subscribers are urged to report to the office AT ONCE any failure to get the Daily regularly. This office has no way of knowing that carriers are careless unless subscribers report negligence.- We want the pa pers delivered and will see that they are delivered if subscribers will but The late S. L. Kline carried a $10,000 Phone ny lapse of the carriers. : life insurance policy with the Equitable, j Complete outfits for camping parties the company represented here by Rob-) at Blackledge's furniture store. 8-3-tf ert Johnston. He had carried the policy . ' - eight years paying about $300 a year. V Those who have seen '.The Time, The, Under the terms of the settlement juit Place and The Girl" are responsible for " made,' Mrs. Kline, in whose favor the the statement that there is not a single will Tiro a iravm xxrill ioiaiVA snn TrooT-ixr sons' in it that is not clever and catchy. for life. j Most plays of this sort have one or two ', 1 breezy things upon . which the entire Razors, safety and the other kind. production hinge8 but the unceasing Largestline at Heater & Harrington s. ( variety of melody and ;. mirth of this ' " " I production has gained for it an undying One of the interesting marriages sol- reputation. It is to musical comedy emnized in this city'recently was that -what. Uncle Tom's Cabin has been for of Charles Reed, of Kings Valley, and drama, except that "The -Time, The Mrs. Emma Ingram, of Corvallis The Place and The Girl" has not been al- - former is 66 years of age, the latter 61, E. E. McVicker performed the cere mony Saturday, the wedding taking place at. the bride's home' on Third '.street. Marriages after the parties have reached three-score years are rather rare. , lowed to . deteriorate by unworthy productions. It has been held up to the. highest key by the .best talent obtainable to interpret the leading roles and backed by a chorus of real merit who are costumed in the richest dresses that money can buy. ' UMBRELLAS Can be had WITH silk tops and DETACHABLE, Plain or Fancy HANDLES - : Complete.... $2.00up Extra handles .. 50c to $10.00 E W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician MENTOR ' UNDER WEAR THE WIN S Great interest is being displayed in our new Store. Suits and Cloaks are sold so f a&t as to almost show you a new line " upon each visit. . Shoes for Children, Girls arid Women in the best styles and high grade quality. Call and be fitted to a new pair. F. L. MILLER 142 Second Street ELITE BEAUTY TO PARLORS OP GREAT CONVENIENCE FOR LADIES WILL BE READY TOMORROW. 1 STRICTLY STYLISH Ready-to-Wear SUITS, SKIRTS and WAISTS These Garments for Ladies and -.Misses are of excellent quality. The styles speak v for themselves and the prices are really less than the cost of material. and making. vaii iiAiiev nv Biiviti npnp nnui y IUU UMI1 OHVb UlUIIbl D.I Dvl ItlU nuit II U Iff S - - Henlzle & Davis ... ,.. ..... ... '. :. Tv. For sale or Rent ight-room' house. with out-buildings, convenient to College. 16th & Van Buran. 9-17-tf T. W. Cole, of Chicago, came down from Portland todav to see his bid friend, Chas. Springer, but Mr, Springer left last night for Mon- tesano, Wash. , to be gone until Thurs day, Mr. Cole and Mr. Springer were boys together and as traveling men were together over much of the U. S. Mr.' Cole is how representing his own lithographing house, which specializes on cigar bands. v . Sporting goods, bicycles 3nd fishing tackje at Heater & Harrineton's. : 9-3-tf Trunks and suit cases at Kline's. ..' ; 9-20-tf H. H. Glassford, of 800 North Fifth street, as enjoying a visit from his brother, William, and nephew How ard Glassford, of Franklin, Ohio. , The brothers had not met for thrity-nine years until the Buckeye arrived yester day. H. H. Glassford came West at the close of . the civil war, in which he . and four brothers were enlisted. three of them being killed in battle. William is a rural mail carrier at Franklin, and he and his son are tour ing the West sight-seeing, having vis ited the Seattle exposition., and will make their way nome by easy stages Going hunting? Get your guns and ammunition at Heater & Harrington's. .r ... 9-3-tfJ Wanted A girl for general house work. Inquire or address E. D. Ress- ler, 142 N. 7th. t V ; . 9.8-tf jk. joocnran, - rural mail carrier. who returned a few days ago from trip through Calif orina, was particularly struck- with, the wonderful crops pro duced by irrigation. Three crops of alfalfa, a total of ten tons to the acre looked mighty good . to hijn, and Mr. Cochran came back to Corvallis wonder ing why the Willamette and Marys rivers are not used for irrigation purposes. While m the land of flowers, Mr. Cochran also' looked. at city inv provements and he affirms that nowhere did he see a narrow paved street. The people there paved wide but he dis covered that they pay enormous taxes At Modesto, a very rapidly growing town, $7.00 a hundred is being' paid While in California, Mr. Cochran visited a brother whom he had . not seen in twenty : years. ' He recognized his brother, but that gentleman did not recognize him. " FURNISHED ROOMS suitable for light housekeeping, with all modern convinces. 623 ' South 4th ' street, phone 3120. v i ; t - 9-20-6 ELECTRIC HAIR DRYER, LATEST Tie Elite Established in New Quarters Has Magnificent Store and Makes It Possible for Ladies to JBe Rid of . Trouble Incidental to Being Beautiful, The .Elite Beauty Parlors, with Miss Marie Scheldt, of San Fran cisco and Portland, in charge, will be opened tomorrow at the splendidly furnished quarters on North Second street The parlors are supplied with all up-to-date paraphernalia, and in every sense is fully the equal of the city beauty parlors- Shelton vibrators for face massage, and an Electric Hair Dryer leave nothing to be desired. This hair dryer will dry the hair properly in fifteen min utes, thus making it unnecessary for ladies to spend a great deal of time when having the needed shampoo. - Miss Scheldt is an ex pert at shampooing, hair - dress ing, manicuring, arid in face massage. A very cordial invitation is ex tended the ladies, and they are urged to visit the Elite and make inspection of the Beauty Parlors, and the stock of fine millinery, though they do not care to invest at this time. The Elite is justly proud of . its fine new quarters, extensive stock and this latest, up-to-date innovation, and will take pleasure in showing visitors about the establishment. As for the Beauty Parlor, the work done is guaranteed satisfactory, and prices are very reasonable. Any one nbts satisfied may have the charges refunded. The Beauty Parlors will be opened tomorrow, at the Elite, North Second street. DRAW This councilmen drew lots last night, as provided by the new charter, and decided as to who should' hold for the long and short terms. The long term men are: 2. B. Irvine G. V. Skelton , -. . ' : - Gene Simpson These men will ; hold, their councilmanic honors until 1913 unless they are mobbed or there is other providential hindrance. Messrs. Gray, Robinson, Osborn, Cordley, "Johnson and Bogue will hang on until 1911. By-the way, tms aggregation is doing some mighty good work and it might be well for them to hang on for ever. . ,: - v.';i..' One thousand feet of automobile racing films is the feature of the Pal ace theater change, and one can see all the principal parts of the race course at Crown Point. Indiana, in these Dict- ures. Theiwhole series is exciting and is well ; worth seeing. - Walters ' and Murray have returned and are ac companied by ' Wistrand and Summers, Last night they put on a playlet' en titled "Mrs. Mouser" which seemed tf please a majority of the audience. , ' . Sunday's Oregonian contained an ex cellent likeness of four generations of the Yates family: Father Joseph Yates, aged 75 years; Walter Emery Yates, 48 years; Roy Thomas Yates, 24 years; Roy Walter . Yates, five months. Father Yates feels that four genera tions, all males and of the same name, is quite a record. Joseph Yates is the father of - five children, ' all . Oregon born. - He is fronj Arkansas and takes pride in, the fact that he has never been "licked" or sued; neither has. he sued anyone. Father Yates came- to Oregon when he was eighteen years of age, crossing the plains with an ox team, and landing at Portland October 10, 1852. He landed in Linn county in 1853 and has lived there ever since. CORVALLIS OPERA HOUSE ONE 'NIGHT THURSDAY, SEPT. 23rd An Everlasting. Success H. H. Frazee Presents the Big Fun Show Uncle Josh See Uncle Josh at the County Fair The Great New York SUBWAY SCENE Perkins Presented by a Company of Singers, Dancers and Comedians Positively the Largest and Best Production Ever Given This Famous Play - Watch For the Big Parade of the Hayseed Band at 4 P. M. Reserved Seats, Graham & Wortham s Occidental Lumber Co. Successors toj Corvallis Lumber Co. We' are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. : Please call on J. B IRVING for information and prices. And take notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will get it for you. , G. O. BASSET r, Local Mar. The Bes Paint There is no better paint made 'for appearance and durability than Acme Quality Paint Specially prepared for iexterior and interior use. "FLOOR VARNKri THAT WEARS" WALt. PAPER AND PAINT STORE Second Street, Near Palace Theater cJJM Glass Jars, All Kinds, at HODES GROCERY -8 NEWTON HARDWARE GO. We do the Best Plumbing and Carry a full line of Plumbers' Supplies Dealers In Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa rators, Graniteware, Tinware and Builders' Hardware. Congo Roofing and Qutck WeaS Ranges Second Street, Corvallis, Oregon Qq0q qjjfilf&ffi WHEN YOU WANT SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT V Phone Your Orders To No. 7, THATCHER & JOHNSON'S GROCERY Where They Will be Promptly Filled. Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cut Glass, Haviland and Chinaware, LAMPS ETC. THE DAILY GAZETTE-TIMES, 50c PER MONTH