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About The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1909)
BMEY VOL. I. NO. 120 CORVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY. OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1909 PRICE FIVE CENTS GREAT VIOLINIST TO O. A. G. COMING GERMAN MASTER TO BE ON FAC ULTY OF SCHOOL OF MUSIC. WQT QPHnni 1M TUP WKT ULUI UU1IMUU 111. I lib. iikui . A. C. School of Music Has Excep tionally Strong Faculty, and Soperior Work of Last Year to Be Snapassed This Year. LEECH TO GO The Corvallis public wasgriev ed this morning to learn' that D, H. Leech, pastor at the M. E. church the past two years; had been transferred to Grants Pass. The change came as a very great surprise for the Methodist con gregation was unanimous in the desire' for Mr. Leech's return. His work has been highly suc cessful and he was universally liked. The Oregonian says one A. R. McLean will fill the Meth odist pastorate here, while a phone message to this office says F. A. Nicholl is to be the new man. We are inclined to feel that the Oregonian; has it straight. NEW MILL NOW BEING BUILT The strength and efficiency of the 0. A. C. School of Music has not been questioned, so far as is known, but it is now absolutely beyond question by anyone the ed masters in Germany and else- faculty numbering among its wnere aoroaa, is a mgniy accom- , A, plished composer, and a scholar members this year one of those who wiU be a distincly vaiuable foreign "artistes" with an un7 aCqUjsition to the musicial forces . pronounceable name. That was of Oregon. Mr. Pospischil will absolutely the only thing arrive in Corvallis about Septem lacking last year; we had ber 20 and will immediately the artist with the hyphenated Prepare to organize a large or - , , L chestra m 0. A. C. His family name, another great enough to fouow in a few weeks. ' spell his name with some of the useless letters dropped off, and the man who had played before and for Kings, Queens and Irish countesses, but the top-liner, the real "it," was missing. He comes this year and. will arrive soon, already, yet. Another Addition. Another yaluable a ddition to the faculty of the school of mu sic is in the person.of May Bab-bitt-Ressler, pianiste, pupil of Arthur Foote of Boston, a teach er of "Dianaforte already success HlS name IS ful in ftrporm and a hrilliant and Hans, but he is hot one of the authoritative performer. Mrs. Katzenjammers. He spells his Babbitt-Ressler will give mstruc- name thus: "Posnischil." and tion in pianaforte playing, for the correct pronunciation the reader is advised to pucker TWO BUILDINGS UP ; CONSTRUC TION WORK BEING PUSHED; WILL EMPLOY 40 TO 75 MEN Gerlinger & McCready Enterprise Will Operate Under Name of Corvallis Lumber Manufacturing Company Location of Mill. 1 ' - mill will prove a great addition to Corvallis. With two fine mills In operation, Corvallis is indeed fortunate. ! MUSICAL SHOW COLLEGE OF PHIL OMATH TO OPEN l xne.Time, Thefiace and The POrniii Girl!' at the opera house next uTLulHL the mouth for a whistle, cough instead, and sneeze twice, all the time thinking of chili sauce. $25 will be paid to the first per son making a succesful stab in this matter of prounciation. Really Big Fellow. tion in pianaforte playing, and will organize and instruct a class in the pedagogy of public school music. ' -. . The director of the O. A. C school of music, W. F. Gaskins, recently returned from the' east where he coached with J. D. Mehan and Joseph Baernstein Regneas in. New York, L. G. Gottschalk in Chicago and J. C. Wilcox in Denver, all eminently Things are doing on Mary's River flat. The Corvallis Lumber Manufacturing Co. has erected two buildings there and is now engaged in putting up the, big mill. Far out on the, point of land formed by the junction of the Willamette and Mary's rivers, the first timbers are in. place, these being for the long runway from Mary's ..river, down which logs will be floated . and then hoisted. The first construction work is substantial, the timbers being very 'heavy and set upon cement foundation. The indica tion is . that . Messrs. Gerlinger and McCready are building for permanency. The work doneat this time indicates that - the mill will be of size sufficient to make Corvallisites feel good. The work yet to bev done will be push ed rapidly now, and the promise is that the new industry will be operation in less than two months. It is expected that the new mill will employ from forty to seventy-five men.and already some of their expert help from the Black Rock countrv is here. Several houses for officials and employes are being built. The i at n i . t i lviomiay nignt, promises to De the best musical oroduction seen here in a very long time. The company is composed of fifty high-class musical comedy stars, there are fifteen distinct musical numbers on the program, and the chorus is unequaled for its beauty, costumes and singing. Corvallis is the only town in Oregon, out side of Portland, to be favored with a visit of this company: they appear at The Bungalow TheaWthe last three nights of the- current week. They leave Corvallis by special train after the -performance Monday night, to catch the overland at Albany? rgomgi direct to Chico, Calif. The i Opera house, - should .'be crowded to the doors, and -it surely - will be. The reserved seat sale opens -Friday morning at GrahamJ& Wortham's Drug Store.? r - - ' i- OVER THE STATE . Paving i jgojnguon at AshlandJ for $2.27 a square yard. Speaking seriously, the school successfur masters of voice cul of music of the Oregon Agricul- ture and singing.- . Mr. Gaskins tural college has obtained Hans earned emphatic , praise . from Pospischil, former. concert these masters for his "splendid meister royal opera orchestras at ringing voice, "."quick and ac Nuremberg and Berlin, to give curate intelligence" and "fine instruction in the theory and physique," all qualifications nec practice of violin playing and in essary to the successful singer harmony, counterpoint theory and teacher. Under Mr. Gas- and orchestration. Mr. Pospischil kins' direction the- school of mu- 1 . 1.1 1 1 1 . -m -m nas studied witn.tne aistinguisn- sic prospered last year as never before in the history , of the col lege, and the prospect for. the coming year is distinctly 'favor able for increased attendance and success.' There Are Others. .. Other instructors who will re main in the school of music fac ulty and whose workhas been especially successful ; are Gene vieve Baum-Gaskins, soprano and organist, pupil of Karlton Hackett and Wilhelm Middle- Palace Theater Monday and Tuesday Walters Stock Co. Of Four People The ODenine liill will be a roarinc omedy, bordering on married life, en- schulte, of Chicago; William Rob inson Boone, pupil of Hans Schneider, K E. Truette and G E. Hill of New York City, who is. by permission of the O. A. C. filling the position of organist at Dr. Dyott's Jchurch in Portland and Harry Beard,, bandmaster, instructor in wind and brass in struments, who is so" well and favorably known throughout the state. : Arrangements are being perfected for the employment of a skilled instructor Jin mandolin mandola and guitar playing, who "AIT Well That Ends Weir wil! als0 develop the college man- .A Comedy. - - 4 New Motion Pictures ... t " The Great Automobile Race - titled , "MRS. MOUSER" . Or a Discontented Woman " Cast , Mr. Marmaduke Mouser, the hus- , band . ... .F. A, Walters Mrs. Mouser, the wife...... ..... ......... Mrs. . F. A. Walters Mr. Crummy,' the cousin ........Walter Wistrand .Betsy Baker, the laundress : "i. ...... .Miss Julia Summers Synopsis. Mrs. Mouser's residence, New York. The plot and the outcome. . Time the present. ; . Next attraction Cottage' Grove comes to the front with $150,000 in bonds for water and streets. It pays... Roseburg has just completed one school building and needs another, which will be provided next. ' . t It pays to plant shade trees. They increase the beauty of the landscape, attract buyers and re turn value various ways. President R. S. Kindel have had frequent business conferences during the past four weeks, to adjust the work for the opening of college. Corvallis Girls in Faculty. Miss Georgia White, of Corval lis, has been chosen as Principal of the Business Department, and Miss Marie Cathey as director of the Music Department, Miss White, after completing the work of the Corvallis public schools, accomplished two years' work in the Household Science course of the O. A. C. Last September she matriculated in the Eugene . Business Collesre and completed Building and WiU tiave ; Capable ' a nine months' course in busU SCHOOL BURNED SEVERAL YEARS ; AGO RESTORED TO LIFE. OPENING SERVICE United Brethren School to Serve Stu dents as of Yore Has Fine Nsw Faculty to Instruct 7 ness, short hand and typewriting. Immediately after graduation, she secured a position as book- keenpr and stp-ncr anVior unV . i. i : - i ii l ..w tw Aireroemgsuspenaeaiortnree the Benton County Lumber Corn years, owing to the loss of its pany. The manager of the com-building-by fire, the College of pany speaks in highest praise of her proficiency as an accountant, emphasizing especially heraccur- Philomath is now ready to re sume operations in a new build ing recently completed. The first semester . will begin Tuesday,; September 28. Pre- acy and her mastery of detail.' Miss Cathey is well known in the musical circles of Corvallis through her frequent appear- liminary exercises will be held in ances at musical recitals and at the college auditorium Sunday, college assembly. She has high September 26. At 11 a. m. Rev. I i(3eals of musical efficiency and A.'J. .Ware, : college pastor, will ' withal an ambition to; excel: in deliver the Convocation sermon; her, vocation. The management at 7:30 pi m. the local Christian f College of Philomath can junaeavor society ot tne J?irst ucion: iuuoc uuuci iub iw United Brethren church will de- struction of Miss Cathey in music liver an educational programme. a training that will be in every d- c " r - - - particular thorough and with re- -Big Speaker Coming. , ? gpect tQ technicque jijrh? amiualirnyocaJ1ioiCjwill - --- - - occur Monday evening at 7:30. i The address of the occasion will -There is no doubt that the as- by, of Salem. An important fea- land are away below the figures ture of the programme will be for which it is selling. One piece the- inauguration of President- of property sold afew days ago " elect Kindel. Miss Marie Cathey, for half a millionTs assessed for instructor of music in the college; $77,350. Another offered for will render two musical numbers, a quarter of a million , to the city The convocation will be followed is listed at less than $84,000 by o l-onnntinn tn Prooiant 1Tir the nKSAKSrvr. Tiiprp.arPTiri.hnWw del, under the joint auspices of hundreds of such instances. It the atonal action and the, nfe seTvalulW local Christian Lndeavor society. 0ne of several counties in Ore The Executive Committee and gon. . . NEW AUTUMN -RIBBONS ' in all the new colors, in plain and fancy and all widths. A Beautiful Assort ment of NEW HAND BAGS and PURSES at Lowest Prices. We carry a full line of We carry the HAIR GOODS CENTEMERI GLOVES Such as French rolls For ladies and misses and puffs and switches Every pair guaranteed Prices the very lowest P rices $1 to $1.50 A SAFE PLACE TO TRADE THREE OF THE BEST ONES We carry three of the best brands of Men's and Young Men's Clothing made in the United States: Society Brand . $teinBlocb - Itticbael Stern and it is a big satisfaction to you as well to us to open a new season with a clothes display such as ours, with the very best clothing made. You can rest assured if you wear a suit bought from us, it is the freshest, classiest and the very newest styles shown, and where there's not even the slightest chance of getting anything but the best quality. At Crown Point, id," music dolin club No expense is . being spared to offer the students of O. A. C the Dest oDtainaDie instruction m ii H I.,-:, -;NP jm A special feature is our display of suits and overcoats at $12.50 to Strong values in higher priced ones at $25 to $20 $45 Wool Dress Goods We carry the largest and most care fully selected stock of dress goods in the city. We have made special efforts in this department this season and are now showing the very newest materials. We invite you to call and inspect our line before you make your purchase. Novelty Suitings, per yard.. . . . 50c Wool serge, all colors, per yard ........... 50c Wool satin cloth, per yard. .$1.00 Wool Panamas, per yard. 1.00 Wool Batistes, all colors, per yard ....... .50 Large assortment of Panama fancy suit ing and novelty weave, special per yard. .39 Linen Waisting Thirty-six inch white linen. A very suitable material for ladies' tailored waists. The newest waist for fall wear at prices, yd, 35c, 40c, 60c, 75c, $1. Ladies' Kimonas . Women's long kimonas, made of German flannelette . material, ' trimmed nicely on collars and cuffs with wash able sateen to match. They come in Persian and Japanese de- 0 T7 Price $1.25 and-:m ' W SECOND FLOOR signs.