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About The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1909)
The City ' and Vicinity Ice cream delivered on thirty minutes otice by Winkley's Palace of Sweets. tf Wanted a boy or girl to address KKK) envelopes. Must write plain hand. Mply this office. 9-11-st For Sale at very reasonable prices 0-room house, within two blocks of Mechanical Hall, O. A. C. Suitable ror roomers. 1604 Van Buren Street. 9-9-6t Born Thursday, September 9, to vlrs. William Knotts, at the family ome four miles north of Corvallis, a on. lM. Burnap and family went to forest Grove yesterday evening to pend a little time with his married aughter. TSporting goods, bicycles and fishing acme at neater & Harrington s. 9-3-tf. Furniture, stoves, ranges,' etc., at tempin's store. 103 N. 2nd St. 6-11 The Palace theater put on another noving picture change last night. The lms shown are all very good and were liuch enjoyed by the audiences present. he bill will be repeated tonight. Eat Golden Rod Flakes, They are better for breakfast, Than old-fashioned corn cakes, And five minuets time, Is all that it takes At Kline's. ' 6-12-tf ; .For Sale;-;-' About 8 or 9 cords sawed, wood-cheap. See Guy Seeley, west of college farm."1 - ' " : 9-ll-2t " Miss Lillian Greer is here from Chi cago and will assist Dean Juliet Greer in her Work at O. A. C. Acme Quality Paints and Floor Var nish that wears at A. L. Miner's. 5-17-tf. ! Miss Hawley, state librarian, is over , from Salem visiting ' her tried and true . friend, Mrs. Ida Kidder, librarian at O. I A. C. A new little visitor arrived Thurs- ay, Septemher 9, to stay at the home f Mr, and Mrs. - Claude Buchanan. Both parents are quite proud of their ttle daughter, Aurelia. WANTED A girl "for general house work. Inquire or address E. D. Ress- k 142 N. 7th. 9-8-tf At the Watters real estate office lyde Beach has four varieties of pota- Ees, and a couple of varieties of cow bers that show up splendidly. The psplay is not wonderful in any sense, ut above the average and is worth hue m convincing would-be investors, N. R. Adams' has returned - from Dallas, where he has been .for several weeks engaged on building contract work.' Builder desires lot from owner who can make or arrange straight loan after house is built thereon; or will go in with ' owner on any building proposition that is mutually safe and profitable.' 322 N. 7th street.' 9-lC-6t Men wanted at new Armory next I Wednesday morning. "Wages $2.60 per day for 9 hours work. Apply at the building. F. A. Erixon, contractor. Going hunting? Get your guns and ammunition at Heater & Harrington's. 9-3-tf. ' S. S. Metzger, 0. A. C.'s new foot ball coach, will be here about next Saturday. He has been at Grants Pass all summer. Director Angell says the new man is anxious to get to work with his team, and hopes that a bunch of huskies will be coming in very shortly. ,. The building of any kind of house or other improvement solicited. Can furn ish plans or lot. Easy payment if need- ' ed. Lot or merchandise taken in part pay. 322 N. 7th street. ; 9-10-6t Salem Statesman: A delegation of eight Scottish Rite Masons, headed by Chief Justice F. A.' Moore, of the Ore gon supreme court, will go to Corvallis Sunday where " midnight services will be held over the body of S. L. Kline, who was a prominent resident of Cor vallis and a : well-known man in : the state. Other Scottish Rite Masons will be there from Portland and other points. '..'.- O. G. Crawford," one of the baritone layers in the O. A. C. cadet band last ear, arrived in the city last night and yill re-enter college at the opening. Ir. Crawford, whose home is at Hep- Director Angell says that the O. A. C. team this year will have to be made. While a few old stars are coming back, there will not be enough for a team, and there is no assurance that some of these will make the team. There is quite a lot of promsing new material in sight, and considerable . hope of the IriaT . sava rhpra sro aavanl .11 .a . IT: r. , , . 4. vr ia Hll not be able to return to school this aie I1 e .'"e wl"1 ""f , u' v; Urnn 9,,n f th nr V. in The Thanksgiving game will oe piayea - r fiat county. Razors, safety and the other kind, argestline at Heater. & Harrington's. , 9-3-tf- ' Salem Statesman The work of in- palling . the -large exhibit from the f regon Agricultural College at the tir, was begun yesterday afternoon, nderthe supervision of Prof. E. R. ake. It will be as extensive as ' that If past years, and will occupy consider- ble space in the northwest corner of he main pavilion. There will be many literesting specimens of the handiwork f students of. that institution and very department will have a represen- ative showing. with Multnomah at Portland: . - Complete outfits for camping parties at Blackledge's furniture store. 8-3-tf Chief J. D. Wells, two Handys and Geo Allen left this morning for the Cascades, . to be gone two or three weeks. They will hunt in the vicinity of Fish Lake and Three Sisters. Mu nicipal Judge Denman, who . expected to make this trip with the crowd, ! has found it necessary to remain at home. Considering this disappointment it might be well for wronsr-doers to ask for a change of venue from Denman's court. During Chief Wells' absence, Policemen Tom and Willamson will take care of the city. . ... .; . , ;. .;" ' ' - We Use Scien tific Instruments To determine the needs of your eyes There is no guess work about our " examinations. They are just as 'ac y curate as trained skill and experi- ' ence can make them. They cost you nothing so you certainly ought to have the benefit of them, if you have any eye trouble at all.' They mean the proper glasses, the only kind you can afford to wear. E W. S, PRAJTT, Jeweler and Optician it STRICTLY STYLISH J Ready-to-Wear , SUITS, SKIRTS and WAISTS These Garments for Ladies and Misses : are of excellent quality. The styles speak t for themselves and the prices are really i less. than the cost of material and making. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY BUYING HERE NOW Hentzle & Davis m --4 i - 5 gossard corsets 4 perrins' Cloves mentor underw'r waldorf waist THE frs WE FIT ALL CORSETS Complete stock of all W., B. Corset models in the best styles for 'fall wear. Take advantage of expert fitting service. . W.B. CORSETS $1.00 to $5.00 GOSSARD CORSETS $5.00 and up F. L. MILLER '. 142 Second Street CAREER OnjARRIMAfi Railroad Magnate Ordered to -. Take a Complete Rest. BEGAN AS AN ERRAND BOY. w. J. today. For Sale A few rams. J. M. Porter. Read, druggist, is at Portland choice Cotswold ', 9-2-5t-w Mrs. Mary Barber has gone to Elk City and Yaquina to visit several weeks with relatives. V - Capt. ; B. K. ; Lawson, of Cottage Grove, arrived ' here last evening on a business trip. W. E. Wilson, of Crow, Lane county, son of the late J. P. Wilson, goes to Eugene tomorrow evening. Norton Adams will at oHce being the erection of a neat cottage for Prof. O. G. Simpson, north of Kennedy's store on College Hill: Phonographs and all the newest r cords at Heater & Harrington's. " 9-3-tf. Prof. Ruthyn Turney, a member of the faculty of the Chemawa Indian school, who has been the guest ., here for a few days of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hall, left today for Salem. Some of the Corvallis people who were at the Lincoln county fair say tne exhibit ot truit and grasses was exceptionally fine.: Lincoln is a dairy county, the grasses growing there without encouragement of any sort. Salem Statesman :-Prof. Jas. Dryden arrived at the fair grounds yesterday afternoon from the Oregon Agricul tural College, and will remain until after the close of the fair to look after the interests of . the poultry depart' ment of which he is superintendent. He will be assisted by A. Q. Lunn, as sistant poultryman at the college, and tnejr Dusy season will begin today, no doubt, : as the grand rush of poultry is expected to commence with the early morning hours and continue until late in the forenoon of Monday. Present indications are that there will be the greatest display of poultry of all varie ties ever known in the historv of the fair. One breeder from Clackamas county has paid in entrance money to the amount of $50, which means that fully 200 entries are included in that. The Road to Success Has many obstructions, but none so desperate as poor health. Success today-demands health, but Electric Bit ters is the greatest health builder the world has ever known. It compels per fect action of stomach; liver, kidneys bowels, purifies and enriches the blood, and tones and invigorates 'the whole system. Vigorous body and keen brain follow their use. ' You can't afford to slight ' Electric Bitters if weak, run down or sickly.. Only 50c. Guaranteed by all druggists. TJinruTjTjinnnnruTJinrLri uijxnjTxinjuinnmnmnj. Ml is Business College When Eighteen President of Union Pacific Had an Interest In a Broker's Firm His Hand In Every Biq Rail road Deal of Past Two Decades. The many vast enterprises beaded by R H. Harriman, president ot the Dnloo : Pacific railroad, have at last sapped his energies, and. as Professor Stmempel, tne famous Viennese spe cialist, puts It, he must have complete rest or become an Invalid. In review ing the career of. the map whom some have called "an empire builder" it will be necessary to, delve into every big railroad deal that has been consum mated within the last two decades. Somewhere' in them" will be found the Imprint of Harrtman's master hand. In some it will stand forth boldly: in Others only a subtle trace Is discernible by the eye of the person uninitiated In the intricacies of high finance of the present day. when billions are at stake. Wall street has been awaiting breathlessly- the return of E. H. Harriman. for many expected that with his com ing announcement would be made that the Vanderbilt Interests In the New York Central would pass into bis keep ing. This, if accomplished, will be the crowning point of his career. . Edward Henry Harriman was born In the rectory of the Episcopal church at Hempstead. N. Y.. on Feb. 25. 1848. His father, the Rev. Orlando Harrl- maD.. Jr., was the'rector of the church at the munificent salary of $200 a year a little less than $4 a week on which to raise a family of six growing and sturdy children. This church is richly endowed today, and . the memorials there wpre erected at the exnense of Edward H. Harriman and his brother. Knew Poverty In Youth. It was a sore struggle for existence with the-country parson, and bis wife and children knew the pangs of pov erty In all its phases. When Edward was six years old Parson Harriman moved ta Jersey City, and with biin went his wife, four boys Nelson. Or lando. Henry or Edward (he was al ways called Henry by the immediate members of his family) aud William and the two girls. LUy and Annie. Dp to the year 1859 the kev. Mr. Harri man bad bad a hard row to hoe. but he then procured a good charge in New Jersey, which he held for several years, and the burdens of the mother. who had found lie a struggle at best. were considerably lightened. .- : The boys attended vbureb schools for about two years, and when the old rector. showed signs. ot tailing health the boys struck putfhtq the, world for themselves. Edward getting a place as an errand, boy in a Wall street broker's office. That' was his start. 'At the age of eighteen he was given an imprest In the firm, and .four years later be found that his savings.1 with' which be had speculated so successfully, enabled him to purchase a seat on the New York Stock Exchange ' When He Arrived." . Harriman really "arrived" when hev became Vice president of the Illinois Central. His aptness for the manipu lation of railroad .securities was soon made manifest, and then he had full scope for his talents. , ? Witb a fortune amassed between the years. 1870 and 1880 be was accredited with .having in his strong box securi ties which had been picked up in the course of various panics that cost blm little or . .nothing. With these as a working basis and witb the support of Stnyyesant Fish he. rapidly advanced the Interests and value of that road. , Fish became president and Harriman first vice, president. More success fol lowed, .and then came the break witb Fish. ;. Next came the announcement that Harriman had gained control of the Erie road. ,i . ,; . Then Came Union Pacific It was in 1898 that Harriman electri fied the financial, world when be an nounced that witb the aid of Knhn. lxeb & o. he Intended to reorganize tbe Dnlon. Pacific.. MorgaD bad at tempted the same feat and failed. He began to buy the stock when- it sold at $t a share, and in two years be bad tbe stock up to $195 a share. He then turned to the Southern Pacific and did just as well witb that stock. Then' be evolved a plan whereby the Onion, Pa cific directors should issue $100,000,000 of bonds and let hi id personally pur chase any stock or stocks be saw. fit. In this way Harriman bought bis way, into other roads the Baltimore and Ohio., the Erie, the Delaware and Hudson, the Chicago and .Alton.- the St. Paul, the New York Central, Lake Shore and many others. Some of these deals bronght ' condemnation, , and a matter .of $57,000,000 faded away in the two,, years be bad charge of the Chicago and Alton.. The Illinois courts took up ,the bunt for this vast sum. but they soon, abandoned the chase. ... Harriman , first became . a . national figure Id .1901, when he fought J. Pier poDt Morgan and James J., Hill to a standstill, bringing about 'the North ern Pacific corner. New York Evening Wor'd. , , A SCHOOL OF NEWEST METHODS IN BUSINESS 'CORVALLIS, OREGON ' ; V: ;.';. . : Ll l.iaEGAls FmmmvAL Individual and class instruction. Bookkeeping, Office Methods, Type writer Bookkeeping, Chartier and Universal Shorthand. POSITION CERTAIN. OPENS SEPTEMBER 27, 1909 trf I Anns ovunnjuuxruxruir TJUUxruinnvrLria High Honor For a Woman. Miss Adelaide Smith, a "native of Boone, la., has been elected to . the ?hilr of mathematics in tbe University of California. She left Rome for Chi iago. where her: parents now reside, several years ago. From there she went to South Africa to take tbe chair of mathematics in the university at Johannesburg. . Occidental Lumber Qo. Successors to . Corvallis Lumber Co. We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please call on J. ? IRVING for information and prices. And take notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will get it for you. ; , ' 1 ' ' : . G. O. BASSET r, Local Mgr. The Best Paint There is no better paint made for appearance and durability than Acme Quality Paint , Specially prepared for exterior and interior use. "FLOOR VARNISH THAT WEARS" WALL PAPER AND PAINT STORE -Second Street,: Near Palace Theater , , am out WfciaafTaMtalfc'uui8'&aBlaMi 1 Benton County Lumber Co, Manufacturers of all kinds of Fir Lumber, MoiSf lidings, Cedar Posts, Sawed and Split. Gedar Shakes Dealers in ' "s, ;., , i - . ....... Doors, Windows. Lime, BncKH Cement Shingles, etc r 3 51 :; . Glass Jars, All Kinds, at HODES GROCERY ER S NEWTON HARDWARE CO. We do the Best Plumbing and Carry a full line of Plumbers' Supplies Dealers In Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa rators, Graniteware, Tinware and Builders' : Hardware. Congo Roofing and Quick Meal Ranges Second Street, Corvallis, Oregon WHEN YOU WANT SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT v Phone Your Orders To No. 7, : THATCHER & JOHNSON'S GROCERY Where They WiU be Promptly Filled. 1 Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cut 1 Glass, Haviland and Chinavvare, ; . . , - LAMPS ETC.