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About The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1909)
THE DAILY GAZETTE-TIMES Published every evening except Sun day. Office: 259-263 Jefferson street, Corner Third street, and 232- Second treet, Corvallis, Oregon. PHONES, 210 -4184 Entered at the postoffice at Corvallis, Oregon, as second class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES DAILY Delivered by carrier, per week 15 Delivered bv carrier, per month .50 By mail, one vear, in advance 5-oo By mail, six months, in advance. 2 50 Bv mail, one month, in advance...- .50 THE WEEKLY GAZETTE-TIWIES Published Every Friday SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, in advance $2.00 Six moths, in advance 1.00 In ordering changes of address, sub scribers should always give old as well as new address. N. R. MOORE . . CHAS. L. SPRINGER, . . . Editor Business Mgr. every hundred, if an experience of seven years in a country over run with promoters may be re lied on. To cite a specific instance : one man whose name need not be mentioned here has held stock in 211 different mining, telegraph and plantation concerns at a cost to him of about $39,000. One stock now pays him a fair inter est, one stock he sold at a small advance, another he lost no money on and the remainder are worthless. This man exercised some care, and relied greatly on the names of excellent men whom he knew personally and by repu- tation. Nine men of ten will not have better luck in investing in foreign concerns. : it possible to cause men to spend each year in improvements on their property at least half of the wealth coming to them unearned? Is it unfair to expect that men who have made much of their wealth in this way shall give much of it back to the community in which they made it? Would it not be both commendable, profitable to them in the long run. and remarkable if they should do so? '. UNEARNED INCREMENT. LET STOCKS ALONE. BIG DOUBLE BILL AT THE PALACE The success of W. A. Taylor in directing homeseekers to Sa lem, has caused the Marion County Court to make it possible for two more hoosters . to join Mr. Taylor at the Oregon build ing, where he is doing his effec tive work. The counties and sec tions that go after immigrants m the right way invariably land them. . ,. As the valley becomes increas ingly richer it will be visited more frequently by the agent with stocks to sell. That it has not been over-run up to this time may be attributed to the fact that it does not lie tributary to a mining or oil region and' because other regions with more ready cash are not yet worked out. This seems a particularly excel lent time to suggest that nine foreign stocks out of ten, if not ten out of nine, offered for sale in agricultural districts are worth less to the purchaser. It makes little difference how low or how high the purchase . price, the stock, is not ever likely to return .the buyer either principal or in terest. Mining', stock., worth while can and does find a ready sale in the vicinity of the pros pect where men are familiar with its worth. That it must go a long way from home to find a purchaser is sufficient to arouse suspicion. The fact that it is offered at a cent or five cents a share does not make it a bargain, for there are a corresponding greater number of shares, and that it is non-assessable is never a recommendation in a mining country where men know that this provision opens the way for greater swindling than any other. The same may be said of oil, wireless telephone, telegraph, . railroad, rubber and plantation stocks, and the other corporation junk thrown at the farmer, and the wage earner in both small and large cities. The best plan is to leave all foreign stocks entirely alone, ab solutely regardless of who is selling them, or who has bought them. The fact that some man of wide reputation has stock in the concern is not a proper rec ommendation he may have been given the stock for the use of his name, and if he did buy the stock he probably got it for one tenth of what you will have to pay. If, perchance, you should by accident get hold of a good stock you may well believe that others higher up in the corpora tion know the value of that stock and know' where that stock 13 located. When the time comes, as it always does come, when they desire vto manipulate the stock to their advantage, the smaller stock-holder out on the highway and. byway is left to hold the sack.' This is the his tory of ninety-nine cases out of Unearned increment is that wealth which comes to a . man through no particular effort of his own. A son or daughter re ceiving a legacy may be said to be in possession of unearned in crement. A man who comes in to possession of property in growing town or city, holds it unimproved until it doubles, treb les and quadruples in value, is in possession of Unearned increment. The question ' that is agi tating the public today is: "Shall man be permitted to retain that which has come to him unearned? Or shall he be compelled to give back to society at least a goodly portion of the wealth society has given him unearned?" And once the latter question is answered in the affirmative, as it is by most substantial political economists, the question is: "How shall the holder of unearned increment be compelled to disgorge, or by what method may the return be ac complished without working an injustice on the holder ; or socie ty?" ' -It is not the purpose of the writer to attempt -a solution - of the difficulty now disturbing so many minds more brilliant. It is the intent here to note only the fact that much of the wealth in the hands of moneyed men is un earned increment, and to point briefly to illustrations that will make -clearer the meaning of un earned increment. For, instance, X came to Cor vallis forty years ago and acquired considerable ground in the heart of the city. He paid a pittance for it, and as more' people came to Corvallis he sold a portion of the ground at a splendid advance. He received from a small portion of the ground far more than the whole cost hinw and reserved some for later uses. Though the city has grown ' he refuses to make improvements, his ground being less sightly is given a low tax, and by improvements made in the city water, - sewerage, etc., his property- assumes a comparatively tremendous value. What was once farm land bought at $10, $20 or even $50 an acre sells for $200 to $500 per lot, and all that the owner did was to follow a destiny that put him on the ground first, and a disposi tion that kept him from spending money in improvements. ; ; Take another man who has bought even a single lot on Main street in Corvallis or in some other city at from $10 to $100 per foot and in the' course of three, four or ten years, without im provement and the payment of little tax, sells the property for $500 to $5000 a foot, as is not in frequently the case. The question is, shall these me-be permitted to retain the wealth that comes to them un- ' - o jl xms way Are xney THE BOOSTERS OF CORVALLIS (Continued) from page one ) flowers. The person who will sacrifice a little time and energy to have flowers about him will sacrifice time and energy in behalf of his fellow men when i i i , -l occasion aemanas ana tnis is living. The appearance of any man's' property is a pretty fair guage of his moral condition. Buggies, wagons, timbers and such like should not be left on the streets. The streets are pub lic property and are not designed for private use. The women deserve much of the credit for the splendid ap pearance of the front lawn. . The renter who will not keen the property in fair condition will never make his ..' own pro perty attractive. And he isn't of such a desposition that he is ever likely to own'property. Both the Palace and Star thea tres will be open tonight and to morrow night, each with - an in teresting program of the newest motion picture features At the Palace the opening film will, be "Ten Nights ina Bar Room," a story that is always in teresting because of its excellent moral. In reproducing it the celebrated drama is made strong and impressive. This will be fol lowed by "Won in the Desert," a melodramatic picture of adven ture and stirring scenes in a land of romance under burning skies and amid trackless wastes of sand. The Star will present as its leader "The Duke's Jester," a tragedy that Booth made famous and. which is given with every perfection of detail that made the great play so popular. The concluding film will be "The Japanese Invasion," a startling production that is said to be one of the most daring conceptions in motion photography. HELPED THE CABMAN. ; But Not Because He. Had Driven Him Years Before. A Tiery old man orice called to see Lord Strathcona at his offices and ex plained as the reason of his visit that he was the cabman who drove him to his ship when he set sail for Canada long years before. Lord Strathcona was interested In this reminiscence of his youth and lis tened to the ancient Jehu when he went on in a tearful voice to complain that death had just deprived him of one - of two grandsons - and that he himself had fallen on evil times. Lord Strathcona soothed the old fel low's sorrows with a little money. Again, after a time, the old man called on Lord Strathcona and this time told him that both his grandsons were down with typhoid fever ana, as Lord Strathcona had helped him bo fore, perhaps he would again. After some gossiping chat about Scotland Lord Strathcona again comforted the old man with a little money. When he. had gone an official who had overheard the conversation said: "I hope you did not give that man any money, Lord Strathcona. When he saw you before one of -Uis two grardsous was d?ad. Now he says both are ill with typhoid fever." . "Thank yon very much, Mr.-Jones," said t!:e high commissioner, with a twin!: le" in his eye, "but do you know whea I left Scotland for Camtda I hnd no cab to take me to the ship, but just wheeled down my things myself to the dock in a barrow." London Tit-Bits. A SECRET SIGNAL Farmers, Country Merchants - Ship Your Produce to SMITH. , He Will Pay You . 11c for Dressed Pork. 10c for Dressed, Small Fat Veal. 15c for Live Spring Chickens. 14c for Live Hens. Immediate payments. No com mission charged. ADDRESS FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO., "Fighting the eef Trust," Portland, Or. Seared With a Hot Iron, Wanted Address of W. H. Willis, formerly of Meade county. Kansas. Was last heard of in Northwest.- Newpapers will confer a favor by publishing above. Send address to Addison Bennett, The Dalles, Oregon. . GOVERNORS 10 MEET Letter List i ..y " , . . , . .... i The following letters remain uncalled for in-the Corvallis Ore. P. O., for the week ending July 31, 1909: B. W. Johnson, Postmaster. Benson Will Attend Reception to Shal- lenberger. ' Govenor Benson and staff will attend the luncheon and reception to be given August 21 at the Commercial Club Portland to Govenor Shallenbererer, of Nebraska, and his staff. . , ;. Governor Benson is reported greatly improved in health by his Southern Oregon and California trip and will re turn -. to his official duties in about a week or ten days. Or scalded by overturned kettle cut with a knife bruised by slammed door injured by gun or in any other way the thing needed at once is Bucklen's Arnica Salve to subdue inflammation and kill the germs. It's earth's supreme healer, infallible for Boils, Ulcers,, Fever Sores, Eczema and Piles. 25c at all druggists. The Tailor's. Comment While Measur ing a Customer. 'Did you ever notice how the tailors while measuring a man for a suit of clothes mix in a few letters occasional ly among the numbers?" asked a down town lawyer recently of a' friend. Whenever I have been measured for a suit or clotnes tne tauor always saia S. B. L. in a subdued voice as he took the measure for the length of my trousers. I often wondered what this secret signal meant and on one occa sion made so bold as to ask, but was put aside in some casual way, which plainly showed me that the tailor did hot wish me to know the meaning of the mysterious S. B. L. "Well, I never knew what these let ters meant until one day not long ago, when I stumbled across the solution quite by accident. I was waiting to have my measure taken while a strap ping big fellow was on the rack. As he measured the length of the trou sers leg the tailor said, '33, S. B. L.' " 'Yes,' came back the reply from the big fellow, 'and - bowlegged too.' "All these years tailors have been accusing me of being 'slightly bow legged,' and I had never caught on until I was practically told the an swer in the accidental way." Phila delphia Record. Good Roads Delegates Books. God be thanked for books! They are the voices of the distant and the dead Govenor Benson has been invited tor appoint five delegates form Oregon to the National Good Roads convention,, to be held at Cleveland, O., September 21-23. Thirty states will be represent ed and demonistrations of good roads making will be made with various ma terials and under varying conditions. All modern road machinery will be seen in operation. WHEN AT SEATTLE , STOP AT 910BoylstonAve. Phone fnd. A4977 Furnished clean, light looms. Break fast served. Direct car line to Expo ' sition. Convenient to retail district. Take the Madison Street Cable Car This house is in charge of Corvallis people i I SATURDAY NIGHT earned in morally entitled to this unearned increment, or sheuld society have the benefit of the wealth society has made?; Is any man entitled to.that which he does not earn? Shall a very heavy property tax be -levied in instances of the kind mentioned or shall an inheritance tax cause this unearned incre ment to revert to society? Or is FROM 7 TO 9 P. M. - - - : v - Saturday night is the time of pleasure, music and melody. Why not add profit with pleasure and join the crowd that will be with us for two hours' pleasant and profitable buying.' Two Hours Wash Goods Sale W -.. - ' -. : ' v All 15c Wash Goods at 9c All 25c Wash Goods at 14c All 30c Wash Goods 18c : This is probably the last opportunity you will have to buy Wash Goods at these prices TWO HOURS SALE OF SUNSHADES AT HALF PRICE "TTw.-. U . Cl Boys Baseball Suits, aged 8 to 16 years. These include Cap, I WO rlOUrS Oaie Shirt, Belt and Pants, Regular $1.25 Suit at - - 79c . Two Hours Sale Ladies' Embroidered White Lawn Waists, Half Sleeves, Values from $2.00 to $6.00 at HALF PRICE Blanket Sale at 8 a.m. Sharp I 8 a. mSharp ': Sul H W". .... : ..-'' ; Jar . .. I