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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1993)
no HELP WANTED Aiaakan Advanture Tram! Co 4 hiring hosprtakty sts" tor summer mpmifflM *« manage* trarnee, cook*. housekeepers. anhwwhoft Salary and beneto* lend nwume and application to Peggy Mow'll 740 Carotin# 9. Bandbn Oegon. 974 n ATTENTION mtomationai M»iw>j [Vector and Company tounder w4t Do speaking on luonn pnncexes and the estottng >00 m»ket Employment cpportuntie* evarebto |«nmer»at* and po»t graduate', 807-<1636 art 7 Cnjtaa Una entry level on board’andede pontoon* avin summerTyeai round 3tt326t-69t? DOCUMENT ANALYST Student Pontoon needed to> the ERK) Clearinghouse to prepare abstoacts ol research report* and journal artoctos on the topic ol aducatoonal administration (school system management, personnel management. School law. laoMtet adroirostrative polcy. and theoretical and applied 'esearch on administration) to> mctuuoo m th# ERIC system database DUTIES Renew documents, prepara abstract* describing base content, select inde« terms from ERIC thesaurus mat will aid researcher* and practooners m searching to* information m the suOtact area We provide training on ERIC document processing and use ol the ERIC thesaurus SKILLS REQUIRE0 Musi Be at toast a (OHIO* m academic standng and have demonstrable writing espenence strong writing skilts. atvWy to analyte written materials, organic# concepts, and classify research methodotog«s must be able to type on IBM or compatible computer using Word Parted 5 l. and work independently EXTENT This is a 9 month position 16-20 hours per week, with possible summer work available $6 QOYtour interested applicants should submit a letter ol application resume, 'etoronces and writing sample to ERIC at Agate Man 1787 Agate St. Room tQg by Eeb 19 _ ■ INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT Make money leaching base conversational tngksh abroad Japan and Taiwan Many provide icorn A board ♦ other benefits' Make $2000 $4000 ♦ per month No previous naming or teaching required For emproyment program can (206)632 1146 art J6069 POSTAL JOBS AVAILABLE! Many positions Great benefits Cak 1800-436-4366 e«l P-3309 Oregon Research Institute WORK STUDY OHce Assistant 6 6 nrs-tovk. S6 60Tw overtlow copying ol library materials Ekpenence w'production pnotocopev s preterred. md troubieshootong and routine suppkes maintenance Hours ne lieutAe but Student MUST be RELIABLE about hours worked Must be able to to*ow drerhon and work weii unde* pressure Must be ade to snow good judgment mitoabv* and 'esourcetuiness Contact Shinny Reeves 484 2123 WORK STUDY Lane County Waste Manisjement needs Technical Aid PT Ol FT. SS 00/lx Canckdate must nave education or e.pen*r-c* m enwontnentaf soences or 'elated held Can Leslie Anftonkr Wit ihOti tor Work-Study (federally funded financial Aid only) Positions available m internatoonat Education Overseas study programs has several positions open Must Be able to work t9»3t>4 asadsm*. year for more "to contact Mari or Bevm at 346 320? 225 APTS DUPLEXES Cam put Apartment* Furni*h#<3 1A2 Bedroom* tttntw rate* fJTSSStt 41B-W1. CLOSE TO CAMPUS 1 tx*m apt no pet*. S3S0. ava*' Marc* Can 34S-B26» PROSPECT PARK t and 2 Bedroom apartments aval now Qu«i country atmospnere wrconvenwnt city location other toaiures mduds pod. tenmsitiosketBali cts. rec room and playground, tight past 26rh and Chambers 464-6663 Seme furnished l b<*m. I Block Irom campus Pets ok Laundry, parking Avail Mwch 20 S350»mo 686-96B2 iPTS DUPLEXES ftOUTHQATE APARTMENT* 2 feMftrm. Sundry, poo Uom now U o' O Col farm 34»447t MLLRACE APTS ItOS GARDEN AVE Immaculate 2 tx»m 2 story apis 'deal for 3 or 4 people PmdSe pane*, ovenooemg 'N> «*«•»• (perfect for B8Qr») Peaceful, rres »f nod sale Great momhty >««* from SMS For lhovnogs caff Don of 344 5*9* CEDAR WOOD QUADS 441 e inn Private room*. AU UTH.ITIFS PAID, on At* laundry CjmwX 'ales from $235* Caff Brian at 666 0597 fe> JwmjngiFCo lamt la your future with OPE Adrerttolat T? O.Rfc_SLIVlIrtAC p r_ACABWCMU- L i? (iajny ftrr hrawly *4 womb end ^ wildlife it super Rare plaa 2 ni>RM, I '/.BATII '49S A'SIVnumth • Put In CAtlfHM • Swimming P»«l • Wftglil/T ilneu Koo*ll • Smm» SX Cu«e«M (U»n«y A tsiiwtUw)} 687-1318 Tinrirmn No move-ln too, t mo tree 2 bt»m am Cable Ouaf Naar U of O On ana mgi. 4*5*1352. 343-6327. Bette* Prop Mg! 41:1 0190 __ 1 bdrm, 5405 2 fx»m SSSOimonth laundry parking security, clone to campus 484-9922.. 1 bedrm apt. dean »j«i furnished lauiKTy. dose lo UO, erase W 53893. S3aamo EM-0136_._ 1 bik from campus 3 badrm apt widshvmMrher We need to move out before spring break. S675 (3-1225) Ca» 344 6714 (4-S167 SOt Redwood Park Apts. Skirl. Country Living With City Coturniimcr Uiifurnlshe4 1 Mrm 5485, (sterling Nor 1) Lost Utmtiee-On Busline Equipped Weight Room. Spa Wood Park A Playground laundry Facilities Also yumished Suites Studio. 1 A 2 S R S600IOSB75 Indlrlduefly Decorated Completely Furnished Everything From Cable TV lo linens Forked, Bath A kitchen On Site Management Team 4103 W. 18th 434-5778 Unfurnished Apartments in Eugene Sparfcfe«g t t*K*QO«v *u* appkanc«<J. we/courtywd «mm. $396 Cat attowod «rdop 486 6991 Whit a Ck/utt' $pmU*Q cmar. idr^e ' DeOtxxm M ulrf ♦ cafJte $466, groal iOGtftoA. fOeCF«rryS* *H4 ,'<U1 Qurt tor r«nt 1 bi* *<yrt campy* $22&mo ov»i 3/16 CM Susan 342-3830 246 ROOMS Nws turnfahed loom food, utk lautv dry AS for J3S0 . dap Forargn kfudant welcome 46 f 4573__ Quiet large furnished room share kitchen and bafh wrth 2 others, no smoking or pets. yard. S25G':obo 345-312673446692 _ Room avail unW 6115513 slutxxn dean, greet almo, vg kAcn. Mm mi faun rm private bafh SS75G, great hOu**‘ Cal Bkty 3454609 ‘45 ROOMS Larg* room •« 3 W «oum. *>• Otoe*. *»<J 3 kom catnpu*. CM *a$ jssROOMMAT Kwnmw naadad f V ? baskn duo. on via .tvs Ounng M* SKO • <i ufc- «4«?5 Room main naadad to V-«* ? bad loom i Bam noon* w vwy mca hem* ««»n« tkyw '5 Otocfc* to enmput mud $300 • *i un>. Gfad dvnlan* pratoirad Can Pm** 886-34IM. Shar* horn* n ' oibar BaauItU J w*m. 2 bain J*i mrf*« kom eampu* •Scum f ugan. 3440 3430034 ?65 GARAGE MOViNG SALES BARGAINS’ 19" color Tv adan.1 if5 t *n n#w Carouatn rmcromav* $30 Black MotoOntan* Ww 343811? no CAMPUS EVENTS W«f« you In Ih# UO recruiting *«dao? If you 'ware *n MKh»o o* campus IH*ft !*N. h«r« & you* cNmc« to mm ?** fennitod product DATE Wad Fat) im. I9tt3 tlMI 6pm 6 45pm PjACl AdamsHaw tou^ya POCKET PLAYHOUSE PRESENTS Occupational Hazards Written by James Frenah Directed by Rachelle Sherris Fed 17,18,20 at 5pm Room 102, Villard Hall .->90 CAMPUS EVENTS mo CAMPUS EVENTS FREE RECYCLING FIELD TRIP to • local papa* nun Friday 2/19. 2-5 PM Maal at lha EMU post oft tea drtvaatay at 2 00 PM. Can Caaipua Bacjcuno. Laava nam I pfiona »«o ew'Vm BWKamr. EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS A |tm of a deal! RTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT Oregon Friend* ol Jung Present* A t>y t ftxla leonen! Mf I T 1*Ki TH€ MA(W *JAN an ; -'n*E cna&pnge Sor l*m*rvn» ***<« W«*i F*fc 17 at 7 30pm. Untfy Ourc* and Mtiyvd S3 be»*. my» «#«> , _S BalJ/.M ttta MM fcrr HCK UP OUR FKM FIST CALENDAR*] AMT CINEMAS 492 E 1 3th • 686-24511 wwjjjfrifcyjAimttowr FLIRTING ■k flRMWMfan A HfVmMi ROMANTIC THMUllii Ml HU*MA MTHAVAL mmo m wn*t it naan to « THE CRYING GAME] .rtNMUkjrtMauu l«MUMr* 1 '11V*J " 1 _ tmwekiafMMM P Mai A RMU i 04 r*/ ti1 ah it f ItM.fcltt* Bob Marley - Tim* Will Tell _ .*M4 J04W M.fh»y H H(UtO) [fjram $iofc*rit CJ>ra«cMa 2« CAMPUS EVENTS iiiwSbb S&L How lo look belore you leap — and llrsl aid lor those who didn’t in evening on relailonshim In me DO'v Tonight 7:3* H.n. 189 Pit Sponsored by Compos Crusade lor Christ THE FAR SIDE By GARY l ARSON Li / // y a i The Angry Young Pachydeims Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson --- - , IOC* AT ] AN M*>£.L TVlAT y IV MUST 8t A FALUN ANGtr GLNLRAIU W BjRH UP IN TW AVMOSPWf.K, BUT TWSQNt APPMKNTH > VAftfcllED ON IMPACT, i ItWING TUlS ANGtl SUAPLD ! CRATtR IN I ML SNOW • TWE.WE AR£ \ KOR£ OVtR 1 • TURK / >Y rf4 & 3c\ CjCO jwst a brrn Punhng ANGRDS LE.TT AND Right tmm rutat 'nqmvO 8t MAM IN SUSlt'S rRONT NASD l U. THttRE ML RtlATtO ro RLR 3t5 COUNSELING Political Science Majors: Stop try 90’ PVC to* drop in tyi Thvr» and M. F«D tWXJ tSWt bo*r> 9 30 3 30 B® pr®p*r®*l *o» Owe* C*» M*gt«n'«no^ jk SERVICES FRfI PftCQNANCV Tf ST Cuosnt Pr®pna«cy Support C«nt«r TWFft \>4 . >45 0400 .Ml UP P\«nrv#d P®r®othood tor Pap »m®*r* KlfiCSpn cNkA*. Wrth ccr'tro*. pr*grW5 Cy !®«tt 4TK1 cOun»#ttr>y U4 94U Pr®g«anl? Nmsd fttm prngnar cy *•*! tarty MMactxxt Ca# IwtTM ODE CLASSIFIEDS C4JI 44*-4%4l n» |'Imf y^m *J «n LU Hot Cafe Lotte o | Chocolate 2. Italian o i? X Sodas a o uH At Tho E spres s o~ C art |k, now located at !*• ^ Car»o* Wnt Sid* Po«o Mon Fri 8am-5pm Doonesbury by garry trudeau I MM)‘ IM 'll CM ' or axifsf • Ml/hi «nf HIM A CAU ‘ PUKf'i MU Al /Vf ** \ i u&iihtAFi' an vm NOT ‘MJKt TWXHt: 5 ■,r/u iNWMtfVwith / PKU+ i/W£f'< ■***’’ . A'1'*’ gjNC,‘i tvm-' ftlN6' Kit*'1 i'-Hi' KJN6 • , ; h'JNt'f' •f/wo' iftm-' yj ; ff/fJO' >/HN6/: f HtiW UM1' PIPI MY fame r ir it :■ SWCK' CROSSWORD Bu Euaene Sheffer ACROSS 1 Watergate ®v*f#nc# 5 Aintr»w« Mitk.hdog <yg • Si »'* 12IhougW 13 Abty* * .**!{#< !>V*» *14 A/kI fK>l daric#f* 15 lte>m# ownwft •*p#os# 17 Rip 18 Chicago run*. k>* short 10 { >• 21 Jo® iwm*% *comp#n on* 24 Bruc# ft 25 Hardly 28 Casa btanra l*gur# 30 I Camara* 31 Com# bac* ot a sod 32 Bulking 'Butty** n '-"rr 33 in a 35 N«w*. 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