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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1993)
- Oregon Daily Emerald S ports Edwards’ dismissal distressing 'From the Sidelines Athletes an; the most fortu nate student* al the Uni veniily. Athletes aru given the oppor luniiv to ploy ilit* sports they love against «imi' of the stillest competition in tin;; uuntry . and have the chance to possibly advance to the professional lev el. Athletes are also given the ( hnnco lo get an education for free, ceding then) up for life after college Because of ihe atxive masons, the recent dismissal of junior linnbnckar Terrell Kdwards from the football team by Oregon head coach Rich Brook* is so distressing Kdwards was a mul titalented linebacker who teamed up with Truest Jones to form one of the ties! outside linebacker combinations in the Pacific:-10 Conference. Kdwards had an outside i ham e at the NR. depending on how he played during ins senior season, but that is no longer a possibility One ran only hope Edwards will remain at the Uni versity to pursue his degree so he < an get something out of his college experience. Kdw'ards was unavailable for comment regarding his future plans. Edwards is the third Oregon football plaver to Ih* dismissed from the team in the past seven months, and that is a distressing trend There is no excuse for any athlete to put his or her self in a position to !*• dismissed from a scholarship The rewards of four Turn to EDWARDS Page 8 History shows Ducks may not be the worst By Erick Studerticka fcrnefaid Sports Repoder After an 0-11 start. there isn't much doubt that the Oregon men's basketball team is the worst in the conference. But is it the worst team in Oregon history ' Believe it or not. the answer is no, according to former Duck Ken Strand Strand said the title of the worst team in school historv probably belongs to the 1971-72 squad, the first Ore gon team since 1921 to go winless in conference play. "We were the best-conditioned team in the conference, we Turn to WORST, Page 8 Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before I p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! ( I ASSII II I) POIJC II S Placement Adi may he placed at Room Rtf), I MI (rtum i*1 free )««r tK) Bookstore. 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