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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1981)
CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OFFICE 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK DEADLINES: Ads must be in by 1 PM the day before publication Ads that are to appear in Monday's paper must be in 1 PM Friday PAYMENT: All ads must be paid for in advance unless a billing agreement has been estab lished with us. RATES: Rates are 10 cents per word for the first day and 8 cents per word for consecutive days the ad is run without change $2.00 minimum lor the flrat Insertion $1.60 minimum lor consecutive Insertions There is no return! lor ad cancellations The ODE cannot be responsible for more than one day s incorrect advertising insertion If you ad appears incorrectly, call 686-4343 before 1 PM for correctionn in the next day's issue The ODE will not knowingly accept adverti sements which in any manner denigrates or unjustly excludes members ot any age, sex, race, color, national, religion, or sexual orien tation CALL 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE rLOTHING_ Recycle your clothing and antiques for top dollar We buy, sell, trade and consign Two years new or 20 years and older. For informa tion call OLD FRIENDS 671 East 13th 484-5666 2040:tfn FOR SALE HP-97 OTotal recondition by factory Three packs of programs. $495 Call 68?-5556. 1-14 MOVING SALE: Stereo with AM/FM cas sette, $55. Steel string guitar, $50 Drafting board 2' x 3' plus T-square, $20 Portable typewriter, $65 Call L mda 683 -4386 1 -14 SAVE $100 Like new Schrader woodstove. Heats 1500 square feet $300. Price includes accessories for fireplace setup. Call 343-6690 afler 5. _ ■_1-26 BACKPACK AND GOOSEDOWN SLEEPING BAG Full size mattress and boxspring with frame. Fischer Superstep X-country skis with poles and boots After 6 pm 683-6890 1-15 LIKE NEW nikko six band graphic equalizer, $150 3-way Speakerlab speakers Excellent sound. $400. 741-0505 _ 1-16 1976 FIAT. MUST SELL Front wheel drive, high MPG, great shape Only $1400 or best offer. 50 watt Sony VFET amp New $540, will sell $300 Tannoy Micro turntable Grado G1 cartridge, only $200, new over $375. 1-15 1979 HONDA EXPRESS SCOOTER Low miles Excellent condition 683-3611, John ___1-16 PEUGEOT Yellow, 21". women'ns mixte frame, ten-speed, touring handlebars, new tires, pump mlcluded Great shape $150. 726 1924 after 5 C20 TYPEWRITER Adler portable, good condition $85/offer Randy 683-4316._1-15 MOTOBECANE MIRAGE 25 inch frame, only ridden 6 months. $150 Call around supper time.1-16 HIDE-A-BED double size mattress Looks nice - almost new condition $125. Call 683-3413 K15 HP-29C PROGRAMMABLE CALCULATOR 98 program steps. 30 storage registers, con tinous memory With original materials, $100 Greg Stewart, Caswell, Room 209_1-19 FOR SALE MATRESS A BOX SPRINGS Good shape. $30._ 1-16 EIGHT FOOT GRO-LIGHTS and fixtures $20 485-0398.K19 ‘•6 DODGE DART Looks good, runs great. 69,500 miles - $600 or offer. Scott at 686-3498109 CREAM PUFF 76 TR7 AM-FM cassette Lug gaqe rack, 33 MPG $3995 485-6221 1-21 AT ANDREA'S YOU'LL FIND all kinds of blouses, drawstring pants, wrap pants, skirls, dresses, kimonos, all cotton turtlenecks, hand knit Afghan socks, cloisonne earrings, belts, scarves of silk, wool and cotton, bikinis. Chinese umbrellas, Indian bedspreads, Dutch Java panels: ikat weavings and screen prints from Japan, handpainted boxes of bone, shell and papier mache. Chinese embroidered hankies, all sorts of things you won't see anywhere else - not to mention our fabric selection! Come in and have a look at ANDREA'S CLOTHES A CLOTH 2441 HHyard 349-1324 MON-SAT 10-7 SUN 12-0 1-16 GARAGE SALES GARAGE SALE Friday. Saturday. Sunday at 1340 E 20th Ave Dresser, bookcase, clothes, books - and more 686-9518 1-16 INSTRUCTION PRIVATE PIANO LESSONS from exper lenced teacher and performer Beginners to advanced students accepted Technique, theory, repertoire Phone Christopher Schin dler 484-3186 1-26 ECKANKAR MEMBERSHIP CLASS STARTING Tuesday Jan 20. 7:30 pm 1122 Alder 343-2657 2107 1-20 SERVICES LAFLER SILKSCREENING: Custom printed T-shirts for your organization Highest quality printing and design at reasonable rates 342-1927 1-22 TYPING_ EXPERIENCED TYPIST IBM Selectric. Will do most typing jobs including papers, tables, theses, etc Have seven years typing exper ience. 688-8134.2054;UHF NEED TYPING DONE? Proot reading Call Tina 726-0601_1692:ttn TYPING: 15 years experience Papers, disser tations, editing, IBM Selectric, Pick-up & deliver. Call Carole at 606-3663. 910:ttn NANCY RILEY 686-9591 Typing/Editing Correcting Selectric 15 Yrs Tech Publications. Experience._012:ttn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate approved. Near campus 344-0759. 953:tfn PRINTING? No, just looks like it Experienced professional, experienced APA format, IBM variable spaced executive typewriter 345-0266._771 :tfn KATHIE PATTERSON 726-7053 Selectric-Quality typing-Guaranteed 1675HFM tfn PRO TYPING/EDITING . 2 blocks from UO Graduate approved Jennifer 485-3883 _ 340-HFM TYPING/EDITING Professional Quality Call Judy or Sara 686-0739 964 HFM 484-0303 Professional typing, resume composing, editing. IBM Executive and Selectric Excel lent service. 1301:UH EXPERT TYPING Reasonable rates, IBM Correcting Seletric. Call Barbara at 688-2633 1-16 TYPING GUARANTEED IBM Correcting Selectric III Ruth 345-5614 2108 UH INSTRUMENTS YAMAHA GUITAR Brand new, classical w/case $250 or best offer, Terr 686-6141 1-16 SOUND SYSTEMS Jim’s Electronics STEREO REPAIR AUDIO SERVICES 1627 Pearl Street 343-7683 Monday thru Friday 9-6 p.m. 5625:tfn MEET OR BEAT CAR STEREO'S ‘ ALMOST OUT OF BUSINESS SALE” Kraco AM-FM cassette, $40. Three way speakers $30/palr. 80 watt equalizer /booster, $40. 1272V? Patterson (behind 561 East 19th) Appt Ron. 344-7891 MUCH MORE 1-20 STILL IN BOX Teac C-? cassette deck. Cost $550, asking $490 Tom 688-5926 after 5 pm 1-16 G>FTS WATCH OUT! There may be a Classified Folly hidden in this category on Monday or Tuesday, January 19 and 20 You could win $5! 1-16 BOOKS & SUPPLIES OREGON ART SUPPLY CO. Your personal service art, architecture and graphic supply store Open Monday-Thursday until 7 pm. Friday until 5 pm, Saturday 10-5 pm Next to DQon 13th 683-ARTS1695:UH 60,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% to 50% off list prices New Books-Text Books-Cliff Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT and SOLD 10% OFF on Ml new book* SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 766 Ea*t 13th SKI STUFF NEW, NEVER USED Rossignol 190 waxable X-country skis. $55 485-2980 1 -16 OUTDOOR GEAR WE RENT TENTS* PACKS* SLEEPING BAGS OREGON WILDERNESS VENTURES has moved to better serve you now located at SUGAR PINE RIDGE 677 East 13th 345-5584 1720 WHF RECREATION CLUB SPORTS HANDBALL Meets Tuesday and Thursday, 9-11 pm, handball courts 110 and 111 All skill levels welcome Call 686-5156 for info 1818:1-15 SPORTING GOODS 20% off sale All clothing in stock SUGAR PINE RIDGE 677 E 13th 345-5564 1798 1-16 BICYCLES MOTOBECANE MIRAGE 25 inch frame, only ridden 6 months, $150 Call around suppertime 1-16 AUTO REPAIR SANDPIPER IMPORT SERVICE Specializing in the maintenance and repair of most imported cars. especially VW 2795 Willamette 343-9427 Free estimates Guaranteed work FMWT:1-15 Four & Six Automotive Specializing in repair and maintenance of 4 & 6 cyclinder water-cooled vehicles FOREIGN and DOMESTIC 1381 W 2nd Ave (2nd A Taylor) 342-3254 _ 5699:tfn SAAB and VOLVO maintenance and repair MSB SWIFT SHOP 1190 Main, Springfield 747-5805 . 5253:tfn TRAVEL SEATTLE-LONDON-SEATTLE *462 EUGENE-PHOENIX-EUGENE $248 Buy now - Rate increase pendng UNIVERSITY TRAVEL 683-5577 Smith Family Book Building 1829:1-16 WANTED TWO TICKETS WANTED UO versus UCLA 484-6422, Mike, eves 1-15 WANTED: Student ticket to men s varsity home basketball game Feb. 12 versus OSU Negotiate price. Call 686-6119 for Dave. 1-16 I NEED AN ECON BOOK BADLY! Principles of Microeconomics" by Mansfield, 2nd or 3rd edition. Call Brooke at 683-2488 or leave a message 1-t9 OPPORTUNITIES STILL NEED TO REGISTER FOR CREDIT? Don't want anymore lecture classes9 ESCAPE offers an alternative - being a volunteer in an elementary or secondary school. Help someone while earning upper division credit A public school volunteer |ob description may include tutoring, teaching, organizing, be friending, supervising, advising, assisting, and assessing. The activities range from arts and crafts to math and science, from teaching photography to current events, from a school newspaper to student government, from where you start to where you have the energy to go For more information, stop by the table in the EMU lobby or contact us in Room 327 EMU 1809 1-14 HELP WANTED RAFTING JOBS. $1200-53600 summer Training provided! U.S., Europe, worldwide! Send $6 95 tor application, information, refer rals and free guide to jobs in Lake Tahoe. Ca. to Whitewater, Box 60129, Sacremento, Ca 95860.1-15 CERTIFIED WORK-STUDY practicum or ESCAPE students needed at the U of O Child Care and Development Center as teacher aides If interested, call Linda, 686-4384 1737:1-23 ESCAPE CREDIT AVAILABLE for tutoring English As A Second Language afternoons at Harris School. 29th and Harris Call 687-3472 _1785:1-16 WOULD YOU LIKE A MEANINGFUL EX PERIENCE volunteering your time in the public schools - an earn credit!! The Bethel School District welcomes you. Transportation provided Inquire at the ESCAPE table in the EMU lobby.1807:1-16 DIRECTOR EXPERIENCE in ASUO program ming and alternative education a must Pay $72.50 a month. Search. Suite 1, EMU, 686-4377 Deadline Monday. Jan. 19 An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Em ployer._1825:1-19 ENJOY WORKING WITH PEOPLE? Recep tionist work-study position open in an office providing essential services to students. Op portunity to practice skills in referral, providing information, resourcefulness, and sensitivity S3.87/hr. starting Academic Advising and Student Services 686-3211 tor appointment Ask for Margaret or Christy The University of Oregon is an Affirmative Action /Equal Oppor tunity Employer. _2104:1-16 AVON. WE HAVE AN OPENING in sales. Call 746-6402.1-16 STUDENT RESEARCH ASSISTANT Work study Duties include phoning, typing, filing, and library shelving Call Linda K , Career Information System, 686-38721-15 CERTIFIED WORK-STUDY office worker needed Some typing Pay is $4.00/hr Hours flexible. Contact Rob at Student Bar Associa tion 686-3882 Affirmative Action/Equal Op portunity Employer._ 2126:1-21 SEARCH IS LOOKING for progresively ener getic individuals interested in alternative education: Positions available for Program Director, Assistant Director and work-study SEARCH, Suite 1, EMU, ext 4377 Affirmative Action /Equal Opportunity Employer 2117:1019 686-4343 WORK STUDY, ESCAPE A PRACTICUM students: EMU Child Care Center has openings tor toddler and pre-school aides Experience with children necessary Hours 8-4:30 p m Call Dennis. 686-4345 1105 1-16 ROOMMATES SHARE NICE HOUSE six blocks trom cam pus. $125 per month includes electricity Own room, dishwasher, laundry facilities, large yard 484-1687._1-16 FEMALE WANTED TO SHARE two bedroom apartment Furnishings available $75/month plus utilities. 726-05191-19 MALE STUDENT seeks non-smoker to share Sheldon area home, furnished, dishwasher, fireplace, washer, dryer $120 plus 1 /3 utilities 686-1712, 746-5626.V16 ROOMMATE NEEDED Beautiful 2 bedroom apartment Ideal location - near campus Inexpensive. $125 monthly, plus refundable deposit and last months rent. Call evenings, 484-4643, Jane.1J20 SHARE QUIET 3 BEDROOM DUPLEX Own room, yard, fireplace, dishwasher, laundry, on bike trails, busline $117/month Call Jim 683-7424 V49 HOUSEMATE TO SHARE 3 bedroom home fireplace, woodstove Three kids are frequent visitors. Near 19th and Harris 683-4546 $130 plus share utilities. _1 -19 FREE PHONE FOR FEMALE to share Spring field house, 4'/2 miles, from unfurnished Older nonsmoker $95 plus utilities Michael at 686-3134,747-3838 1-21 FOR RENT _ LARGE FURNISHED 1-2 BEDROOM apart ments near campus. $215/$285. No pets 484-1619,485-0359. _1527:tfn ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT in quiet building. 3 blocks to U of O. $200 includes water, garbage and offstreet parking. Nice! 344-7215 evenings and weekends._1739 tfn LARGE FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED one arid two apartments near campus. $195/$285. No pets. 485-0359, 484-1619. _ _2075:tfn ALDERWOOD One bedroom furnished apartments. Carpet, drapes, water and garbage paid. Laundry facilities, covered parking $229 plus fully refundable deposit. Adults No pets. Manager 484 6113 eves IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST. 485-8252 2077 tfn McKenzie Townhouses 17th and Hays, Easy access to campus, on the bike path and all shopping. Two bedrooms, 1 'h bath, applianced kitchen, carpet, drapes oft-street parking $249 plus deposits, $235 six month lease Manager 485-5851. COZY DUPLEX 674 East 16th $199 Partially furnished, close to campus, all utilities included, refundable deposit. Call Manager 485-3461. CENTRALLY LOCATED 361 East 13th $199/9215 Centrally located, one bedroom apartment. Appliances, carpeting, laundry facilities. Refundable deposit CAMPUS STUDIO 1085 Patterson $179 Semi-furnished, carpets, drapes, appliances, laundry facilities, off-street parking. CLOSE TO CAMPUS 611 East 11th $189 One bedroom, semi-furnished Carpets, drapes, appliances, laundry facilties CATALPA 1425 West 8th S229-S249 Quiet two bedrooms. Carpets, drapes, ap pliances, laundry facilties. off-street parking Easy drive to campus. Adults, no pets. Resident Manager 484-9027 DOWNTOWN 1247/1257 West 6th $135-$159 Studios and one bedrooms, carpets, drapes, laundry facilities. Great storage! Call Manager 683-1095. VERY CLOSE TO CAMPUS 625 East 16th S229-S279 Furnished two bedroom apartments Carpets, drapes, appliances Resident Manager 485-3461. SOUTHGATE 2345 Patterson $269-$299 One and two bedroom luxury apartments. Carpets, drapes, laundry room, courtyard, sauna Resident Manager 686-0072, *>M CO., REALTOR IMS HIGH ST. 466-6252 __ 2078:tfn TIME TO MOVE OFF CAMPUS? Large 2 bedroom townhouses located in the South Hills. Fireplace, dishwasher, disposals, drapes, carpets, appliances and carports. Close to bus lines and shopping Come check us out! 4427 Fox Hollow Rd. 484-63931732:ttn TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT in small complex. 145 North A, Springfield New carpet, laundry, bus stop, bike bath $210 Frank 741-1506 or Nancy 344-8888 1728:tfn LARGE ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT in west Eugene Four-plex, fully applianced kitchen 1070 West 3rd, #1 $195 JEAN TATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 1774:1-21 TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED APART MENTS 5 blocks from campus. Young build ing, complete kitchen with dishwasher and disposal Balconies, carpeting. $285/month, plus deposit Kirkwood Apartments, 12th and Ferry Resident managers phone 683-5954 1-15 LARGE FRNISHED TWO BEDROOM HOUSE Close to campus, washer/dryer, new carpets, storage space $350/month plus deposit Call484-3167 _L-16 TWO ROOMS FOR RENT 1 Vi blocks from campus at 1958 Onyx St Beautiful older style home, high ceilings, lots of space $115/utilities Call 683-8721 ask for Bob or Al 1-15 WALK TO U OF CM Four bedrooms, 2 baths Fenced yard $500, first, last plus deposit 1425 East 20th. Call 484-6029 after 6 pm _1J6 FIVE MINUTES FROM UNIVERSITY STUDIO $165 ONE BEDROOM - $185 TWO BEDROOM - $225 Mill Stream Apartments, 229 South 2nd, Springfield. Resident Manager, apartment 24 Call 741-1867 or Elliott & Associates, 686-9940._ WHF1-23 STUDIO FURNISHED APARTMENT near music building. Water, heat, garbage included $160 plus security fee References Ridgewood Apartments, 688-5769. _1831 :tfn FOUR ROOMS IN REFURBISHED farmhouse Z'/i miles from campus near Oakway drea. Comfort and lots of PRIVACY $125 plus utilities Call 683-1916 after 3.30 pm, ask for AIL1-21 QUIET, CLEAN. CLOSE TO CAMPUS (1 block) Studio apartment. Private bat, share kitchen with one other, balcony, covered parking All utilities paid, $175 plus $150 deposit. Lease through June. 485-3302/343-0797 1-16 QUADS_ QUADS $135 Ciean, available now THE BROWN DERBY 441 E 17tt> 683-7353 __ 1456:tfn QUADS 738 E 16th 343-8024 Available now Private bath, Vi block from campus JEAN TATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 1620:tfn QUIET QUADS Private bath and refrigerator, $145 per month 345-1272 1716:tfn CAMPUS QUADS 475 East 15th $109-$129 Room in house plus quad. Kitchen privleges. Resident Manager 343-0459 evenings 1728 FERRY $119 Unique floor plan, carpets, drapes. Nice and 690 East 16th $142.50 Private bath and refrigerator in each unit. Share kitchen and living room. Carpets, drapes, off-street parking. WESTSIDE 601 West 11th $152.50 Beautiful quad with private and refrigerator in each unit Share kitchen Carpets, drapes, laundry facilties. Manager 683-2887. IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST. 485-8252 2079:tfn QUADS $115 utilities included 1360 Alder 485-4167 2109:tfn DORM CONTRACTS NAME YOUR OWN PRICE! Two dorm con tracts for winter/spring, quiet floor, good location Call Molly or Suzy at 485-9574. please leave name and number It we re not there!_1-15 ASSUME MY CONTRACT on a fun and crazy floor Available now Call Liza, ext 5390. 1-19 DESPERATELY NEED TO SELL three dorm contracts Male or female More beneficial than going through housing department. Fees negotiable Call Val or Amy anytime at 485-9765. 1-16 RON PIERCE Room #408 Douglass Hall Phone 485-9849._ 1-16 MUST SELL dorm contract Can sell to male or female for any dorm. Please call Louise af 686-6339.1-16 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Must sell immediately1 A case to buyer Please call or leave a message. Lisa, 747-2724.1-19 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Must sell immediately! $25 to the buyer Please call or leave message. Karen 485-9129 or 485-3622. 1-15 $25 REWARD buying my dorm contract. Call after 2 pm weekdays Brad, 485-6541. 1-16 PETS CLASSIFIED FOLLIES ARE BACK! Monday or Tuesday's lolly may be hidden here or anywhere in Emerald Classifieds on Jan. 19 ir 20. You could win $5! 1-16 I OST & FOUND REDOfSH-SROWN COLORED WALLET lost in vicinity of EMU. Reward 484-6967. 1-20 CHILDCARE WINTER TERM PLACEMENTS AVAILABLE for infant, toddler, or atler-school ages children at the U of 0 Child Care and Development Center Subsidies available tor current U of 0 students Call 686-4384 for information 1738:1-23 EVENING CLASSES? The EMU Child Care Center has evening child care available Monday-Thursday, 6-10 p.m for ages 1-6 years Call 686-4345 for more infor mation 1104:1-16 MARKET BASKET WILLAMETTE PEOPLE'S FOOD CO-OP E. 22nd A EMERALD 10-7 M-F 10-6 SAT 1-7 SUN Introductory student discount Membership optional Discount bulk buying 1347 MH