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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1981)
ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY STUDENT TEACHERS AND T.E.E.M. I AND II STUDENTS Deadline for making application for T.E.E.M. I, T.E.E.M. II, and Elementary arid Secondary Student Teaching for Spring Term JANUARY 16,1981. Folders may be picked up at the Office of Field Experience, College of Education. For more information call 686-3530. r'TOO"FREE MILLS! $29.95 Takes You There And Back! For just $29.95 and 14c per mile you can rent a car from Kendall Ford and enjoy a weekend at any site within a one hundred mile radius of Eugene. For example: • Florence • Wildlife Safari • Hoodoo Ski Bowl • Salem Enchanted Forest Call for complete details M RENT-A-CAR ^Kendall Fn^Ba Valley River, Eugene • 342-2151 ask the sexpert Will amphetamines or diet pills alter the effectiveness of birth control pills? If birth control pills are taken properly, diet pills or other am phetamines should not alter their effectiveness rates. After checking with the Drug Infor mation Center and our mater ials, we are unaware of any lit erature indicating a change of effectiveness rates with the birth control pill while taking amphetamines. The theoretical effectiveness rate of the birth control pill is approximately 99 percent (if used perfectly 100 percent of the time) while the actual effectiveness rate in cluding error is between 90 and 96 percent Will tetracycline or other an tibiotics change the effective ness of birth control pills? After checking with the Drug Information Center and our own literature, we found no evidence that antibiotics, specifically te tracycline, will change the ef fectiveness rate of the pill. If pregnancy is suspected, it is important that a pregnancy test be run as soon as possible. It also is important to let the phy sician who prescribed the an tibiotics know birth control pills are being used. A guy told me I was "too" lubricated. Is that normal? What should I do, if anything? Vaginal lubrication is normal and desirable for sexual inter course. The amount secreted may vary between women and at different times. A lot of vagin al lubrication usually represents a high degree of arousal. Ex cess lubrication may occur with a vaginal infection, and with certain birth control pills. Secretions also vary during the menstrual cycle with an in crease in lubrication two or three days before ovulation, and three or four days after ovulation. If this continues to be Arnolds 1459 East 19th Buy a sandwich one pound or larger and receive a drink of your choice FREE. Offer good through January 31. OPEN: 11:00-7:30 PM ii? J r*fl5~. I ■4 4 4 4? ■ifes®*!® >& "4 I , 1 < uo 13th & Kincaid Mon-Fri 8:15-5:30 Sat 10:00-2:00 Limited to stock on hand Sale ends Friday, January 16 4 ^ -Y, ^ 44? 444^4444 Er Texas Instruments Calculator Sale INCORPORATED msr price our price sale price TI-35 $25.00 $22.95 $18.67 TI-55 $40.00 $36.95 $27.59 TI-BAII $50.00 $41.95 $29.97 In the Calculator Department, where we stock the largest selection of calculators in Eugene. BOOKSTORE sa..000-2:00 --- V ^ t^- Textbooks 686-3520 • General Books 686-3510 • Supplies 686-4331 ' I £*" I ' - T4 I i! ■ , I I l' " I , i J' I ' - I ,' , I .' I ,' | ,*• 1 j J 4 \^/ sl-fc J4i a problem, maybe wiping off the labia with a dry, clean towel would be helpful prior to inter course. What is “trich” and how is it treated? Trich is a sexually-transmitted disease that survives only in the genito-urinary tract. Many times the male has no symptoms, though he might experience occasional pain on urination and a discharge from the penis. In females there is usually a frothy, thin, greenish-white dis charge, intense vulvar itching, pain, and frequency of urina tion The treatment for both males and females is a pre scription medication called Flagyl. Condoms also are recommended as part of this treatment. This column is written by Planned Parenthood, 134 East 13th Ave., Eugene, 344-1611, 344-9411. Please send ques tions to Room 300 EMU or to Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is a private, non profit United Way agency providing comprehensive family planning services, pregnancy testing, education, information, and referral. rLASSIFIEDS GIRI GIRI AND “DA HAOLE" Much mahalo for the ride to Portland and also for just being you! TOMBOY 1-14 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOM MEAGHER! Hope your day is full with drugs, sex and rock-n-roll. You're only 20 once so live It up. Love, JULS _ 1-14 SIMPLE SIMONS: You're doing fantastic so keep it up. I'm behind you all the way! Your Big-sis. LAURA1-14 KELLY HAMILTON Keep smiling! Have fun and soon you'll be a member! Theta love ajways. TERESA S. 1-14 CHI-O NEO'S: Hang in there! You're all doing tantostlctl THE MEMBERS__ 1-14 CHIO-O PLEDGES Keep you chins up and remember: Your all the GREATEST!!! 1-14 CHRIS LYTLE You’re an unreal little sis and a hard worker! Keep it up the rest of the year! Big Sis JULIE1-14 CHI-O TASHA Always remember you are a special part of Chi Omega Love Ya Lots Lil' Sis TIMMY_1-14 CHICLETS You're doing a fantastic job - keep up the good work and keep smiling! SUE 1-14 Make Money Recycling Your Clothes! RAGS TO RICHES Buys, consigns and trades secondhand cloth ing for men and women. For appointment: 344-7039 360 E 13th Mon-Sat 11:30 am to 6 pm __1554:UWF All forms of contact lenses at the Contact Lens Clinic of Eugene 401 E 10th 683-2224 1698W FREE AND WITH CARING Pregnancy testing at Birthright 687-96516274 W Birth Control Clinic Education, Counseling, Refferals Pregnancy Testing Contraceptive Sales PLANNED PARENTHOOD 134 E 13th 344-1611 or 344-9411 __174:W HAVE A DIRTY SLEEPING BAG? Find Dependable Service at Slegmund's Cleaners 821 E 13th Ave __185:UWH DEUTSCHER STAMMTISCH jeden mittwoch von 20:00-24:00 uhr bei Pizans 1225 Alder St. 1401 W iyxWiwi i McKenzie Coffee Co. World’s finest coffees Mexican and Swiss Chocolate Rare and Exotic Teas Steamed Bagels Mayflower Building 782 E. 11th 342-2071