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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1981)
LARGE FRNI8HED TWO BEDROOM HOUSE Close to campus, washer/dryer, new carpets, storage space. $350/month plus deposit Call 484-3167. 1-15 TWO ROOMS FOR RENT 1 V4 blocks from campus at 1958 Onyx St Beautilul older style home, high ceilings, lots of space $115/utilities. Call 683-8721 ask for Bob or Al _ 1-15 WALK TO U OF Ol Four bedrooms. 2 baths Fenced yard. $500, first, last plus deposit. 1425 East 20th. Call 484-6039 after 6 pm _ 1-16 SHARE HILLSIDE HOME with Christian woman $130 utilities included. 10 minutes from campus, pet or child possible 686-1245. 1-14 FIVE MINUTES FROM UNIVERSITY STUDIO $165 ONE BEDROOM-$185 TWO BEDROOM - $225 Mill Stream Apartments, 229 South 2nd, Springfield Resident Manager, apartment 24 Call 741-1867 or Elliott & Associates, 686-9940WHF1-23 STUDIO FURNISHED APARTMENT near music building Water, heat, garbage included $160 plus security fee References. Ridgewood Apartments, 688-5769.1831 tfn FOUR ROOMS IN REFURBISHED farmhouse 2 Vi miles from campus near Oakway area Comfort and lots of PRIVACY $135 plus utilities. Call 683-1916 after 3:30 pm, ask for Air1_-21 QUIET, CLEAN, CLOSE TO CAMPUS (T block) Studio apartment Private bat, share kitchen with one other, balcony, covered parking All utilities paid, $175 plus $150 deposit. Lease through June. 485-3302/343-0797. 1-16 DORM CONTRACTS NAME YOUR OWN PRICE1 Two dorm con tracts for winter/spring, quiet floor, good location. Call Molly or Suzy at 485-9574, please leave name and number if we re not there!1-15 ASSUME MY CONTRACT on a fun and crazy floor. Available now Call Liza, ext 5390 1-19 DESPERATELY NEED TO SELL three dorm contracts. Male or female. More beneficial than going through housing department Fees negotiable Call Val or Amy anytime at 485-9765.1-16 RON PIERCE Room #408 Douglass Hall. Phone 485-9849 1-16 MUST SELL dorm contract Can sell to male or female for any dorm Please call Louise at 686-6339_ _ M6 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Must sell immediately! A case to buyer Please call or leave a message. Lisa, 747-2724,_1-19 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Must sell immediately! $25 to the buyer Please call or leave message. Karen 485-9129 or 485-3622. 1-15 $25 REWARD buying my dorm contract. Call after 2 pm weekdays. Brad, 485-6541 1-16 I OST & FOUND FOUND WHITE CAT Call Linda 686-3872 or Eugene Animal Hospital. 1-14 FOUND SMALL CALCULATOR in Ed build ing, call 689-7883 to claim.1-14 REDDISH-BROWN COLORED WALLET lost in vicinity of EMU. Reward 484-6967. 1 -20 CHILD CARE WINTER TERM PLACEMENTS AVAILABLE for infant, toddler, or after-school ages children at the U of O Child Care and Development Center Subsidies available tor current U of O students Call 686-4384 for information. 1738:1-23 EVENING CLASSES? The EMU Child Care Center has evening child care available Monday-Thursday, 6-10 p m. for ages 1-6 years Call 686-4345 for more infor mation1104:1-16 WORK STUDY, ESCAPE A PRACTICUM students: EMU Child Care Center has openings for toddler and pre-school aides Experience with children necessary. Hours 8-4:30 p.m Call Dennis, 686-4345 1105:1-16 EVENTS ARE YOU PART OF THE MIDDLE CLASS MYTH? Is America entering a “New Economic Feudalism?” The answers to these questions await you as the EMU CULTURAL FORUM presents Richard Parker Former editor Mother Jones Economics doctorate from Oxford Author The Myth of the Middle Class Speaking on “Economics: The Coming Dark Ages Tuesday evening Jan. 20 8 pm EMU Ballroom FREE ADMISSION 1816:1-20 OSPIRG LOCAL BOARD MEETING Wed nesday, January 14, 5:15 pm. Location posted on EMU bulletin board.1-14 GPA Business/Meeting To select the new director and discuss GPA's work Wednesday night before the coffeehouse at 6:30 All interested people welcome Call GPA at 8M-3380 for place._V14 JOIN People’s Inauguration Day Sat. Jan 17 All events at Lane County Fairgrounds Agricultural Bldg March at noon, rally 2 pm. evening concert at 8 pm Featuring Grupo Rail and Wallflower Order. 55 co-sponsoring organizations will inaugurate a new era of liberation. Childcare provided, wheelchair accessible and signed for the deaf 1822:1-16 WOMEN IN COMMUNICATIONS presents a forum: PUBLIC RELATIONS AS A CAREER Wednesday, Januargy 14 7 pm in 112 and 113 EMU General meeting at 6:30 pm ENTERTAINMENT HARLAN COUNTY USA A fascinating and moving work portraying a classic coal miner strike in Harlan County, Kentucky. Academy Award winning documen tary SUNDAY, JAN. 18 7:30 PM 123 SCIENCE MONDAY, JAN. 19 7:30 PM HARRIS HALL 1-16 SURVIVAL CENTER PRESENTS ACCEPTABLE RISK? The Nuclear Age in the United States. High lights the corporations which manage the civil and military nuclear industries and the people affected by them WEDNESDAY, JAN. 14 8 PM FORUM ROOM FREE 2J05.1-16 CINEMA 7 10th & Olive-Atrium Building 687-0733 EUGENE PREMIERE-ENDS TUESDAY THE CHANT OF JIMMIE BLACKSMITH Set in the year 1900, a half-breed aborigine is raised and educated by missionaries.and ho, upon reaching manhood, leaves to find his way in the world. What happens to him becomes one of the most powerful indictments of class exploitation to have ever come to the screen "The one great Australian film that I have seen," Pauline Kael SHOWING 7:30 A 9:35 PM Reduced Adm Mat Sa> 2 pm _ 2099:1-20 THE BIJOU 492 E 13th (at Farry St) 686-BIJU The Best Sound System The Best Theatre In Town All programs $2 DOUBLE FEATURE ENDS WEDNESDAY EL VIS-LAS VEGAS 1970 SHOWING 7 PM ONLY and JAILHOUSE ROCK SHOWING 8:50 ONLY STARTS THURSDAY SWEPT AWAY with FIREMEN’S BALL THE CULTURAL FORUM presents an evening of traditional Irish music with KEVIN BURKE fiddler of The Bothy Band and PAUL KOTAPISH on guitar FRIDAY, JAN. 16 8 PM GERLINGER ALUMNI LOUNGE $? general public $2 50 UO students Tickets on sale at the door EMU CULTURAL FORUM proudly presents the witty and candid BBC production ot Robert Graves’ I, Claudius Part 1 and 2 'It's about a family business called ruling the world." Claudius, Emperor of Rome, nearing the end of his life, hastens to complet his history of his notorius family, the Claudian Caesars This series is a richly fascinating soap opera, better than anything you've seen on the major networks We will be showing two 1 -hour episodes every Thursday night # 1, A TOUCH OF MURDER, documents a grim beginning as Claudius' grandmother Livia poisons Augustus' heir Marcellus so her son Tiberious can succeed Augustus. In #2, FAMILY AFFAIRS, Livia poisons both Agrippa, Augustus' best friend and Drusus, her second son and the father of the young Claudius. THURSDAY, JAN. IS 8 PM 150 GEOLOGY $1.25 _ 1815:1-15 ENGLISH GRADUATE STUDENTS present ROBERT DENIRO Jodie Foster Albert Brooks in TAXI DRIVER Winner of the Grand Prize Award for Best Film at the 1976 Cannes Film Festival. FRIDAY, JAN. 17 7 A 9:30 PM 177 LAWRENCE $1.50 2102 1-16 EMU CULTURAL FORUM PROGRAM OFFICE PRESENTS JAZZ GIG with TRANSFORMATION Original East /West jazz-folk music, fea turing a trio of musicians playing guitar, cello, flute, bells, percussion, and dum beck. All original music. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 14 9-10 PM EMU FISHBOWL FREE 2100:1-14 THE ANANDA MARGA SOCIETY presents I LOVE YOU, ALICE B. TOKLAS SATURDAY, JAN. 17 7 9 9 PM 180PLC $1 1834:1-14 11111111111111 PHOTO SPECIAL! IT Slide 8 Movie Processing Kodachrome and Ektachrome 135, 126, 110-20 Exposure slide film, Super & Regular 8 Movie film 36 Exposure . . . $2.49 LIMITED TIME OFFER Code 11 Sale erfcls Friday, January 16 13th & Kincaid Mon-Fri 8:15-5:30 BOOKSTORE Sat 10:00-2:00 Textbooks 686-3520 • General Books 6M-3510 • Supplies 686-4331 COMMITTEE FOR MUSICAL ARTS pwNnli Ingmar Bergman’s THE MAGIC FLUTE an opera by Mozart BEALL CONCERT HALL FRIDAY, JAN. 16 7 A 9:30 PM Donation $1 50 requested 181?:MWF THE ANANDA MARGA SOCIETY praianta THE DEER HUNTER FRIDAY, JAN. 16 7 4 10 PM ISO GEOLOGY SI.50 1833:1 -14 PERSONALS GREEKS Would you believe quality party pictures for $1.31 apiece? That's the cost per print it you take advantage of our BUY 3 GET 1 FREE special WALLY KEMPE & Associates John Dutton-Manager Phone 344-6750 __ _ 1742 1-16 DUFFY’S PRESENTS RON LLOYD TUESDAY A WEDNESDAY JANUARY 13 6 14 _1803:1-14 LADIES! Your Nite is Wednesday al DUFFY’S All Ladies Drinks Vi price Every Wednesday at Dutfy’a 9-11 pm ___1802:1-14 TIRED OF THE SAME OLD GRIND? ESCAPE otter upper division credit for volunteering in the public schools Tutor in elementary or secondary classrooms, work with handicapped students, coach your favorite sport - there are a million possibilities Come to ESCAPE to find an exciting learning alternative. You can find us in the EMU lobby or room 327 EMU 1808:1-14 EMU BOARD POSITIONS (1) At Large student positions, (2) EMU Student Programs (requires 2 terms program invol vement). Application and |ob description available in Suite 4, and are due by 5 pm. January 16 The ASUO is an Affirmative Ac tion/Equal Opportunity Employer 1814:1-16 EXPERIENCED GOALKEEPER looking tor a first division mens intramural soccer team to play for Call Kent after 1 pm at 343-7317 1-14 ALPHA PHI OMEGA is back! We re a National Service Fraternity, coed, based on service to other, leadership, and friendship. Sound interesting? Come to our open house, Thursday, Jan. 15 at 6 pm, Tha Forum Room, EMU._ 1-15 KURENT: Meet me for a shrimp louis sandwich at Lenny's Nosh Bar in the Courtyard LUIGI 376:tfn LUIGI Have fun this week and take care! Just a few more days Love, HAMMERHEAD 1-14 MISS VERNYCE DANNELLS PIGGY Happy birthday anniversary from all of me to all of you KERMIT THE VERY GREEN FROG 114 DON'T MISS Duffy’s famous FRIDAY AT FOUR THIS WEEK ONLY $1 PITCHERS FROM 4-6 PM LIVE MUSIC with Stoddard & Cole During the pitcher sale _1-16 Contact Lenses 10%-30% off whan you mention this ad DAVE TAWNEY Certified Optician 149 West 12th St. Located in the Equitable Insurance Building, Vi block from the Eugene Hospital & Clinic between Olive & Char nelton. Phone 683-4164 177? F PIERRE: Meet me lor a hot meatball sandwich at Lenny's Nosh Bar in the Courtyard LOLITA 376Jtn GENERAL HOSPITAL HAPPY HOUR! at DUFFY S Watch "GH" on the big screen Wine 50 cents, beer 35 cents, every weekday from 2-3 pm Follow the trials and tribulations of all the GH crew at Duffy's!___1-16 STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE is available winter term from Oregon Hall cashiers through Friday, January 16 The cost is only $41.30 for winter term or $122 through next summer TO SIG EP S What a great way to start off the term. Thanks for the fun drinks and dancing Hope to do it again soon! Love, THE KAPPA'S_1-14 G. EARLE Just 10 days till the big one No time for cold feet Here's to a lifetime of nicies, J,D„ 4 00 am beach parties, love champs, mokey toes and dreams Let's make it a good one I love you, PUNK_H4 NATURAL VISION IMPROVEMENT . Help yourself to clear sight with Bates Instructor, Rick Hubbard. Group classes begin Monday. January 19 at 7:30 pm CALL 688-4265. 1-19 SIGMA NU LEE You are the best big bro ever!! Thanks for everything! Your lil sis ALLISON __ _ 1-14 URSULA Later days to mediocrity you're soon to be a real Theta lady1 Have fun with your new adventures - Theta weirdness, SUSZlc Fountain Court Cafe Open 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. ACTION SURPLUS Lane County’s Only Surplus Outdoor Store has all your winter sports clothing needs Full line of wool clothing inner wear outer wear foul weather gear footwear camping equipment and much more come out and see for yourself 4251 Franklin Blvd. on the Glenwood Strip just before the Springfield Bridge. 746-1301