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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1977)
Expenses finally Californicate Oregon By JOCKROT FATFIELD Of the Immorald In what can only be termed a monumental action, Gov. Bob, Strobe has given the University of Oregon to California. “We just can’t handle it finan cially,” Strobe explained in a press conference Thursday night. “We have already taken out our third mortgage on the thing, costs are going up, and students pull vfv\ one of their protests every time we try to raise tuition. California can have it.” Strobe said he got the idea for the donation from a proposal authored by University Pres. Nul len Void. In a copy of the proposal, just released to the press, Void points out the number of students paying out of state tuition would increase if the University became part of California. “Instead of having 80 per cent of our stu dents in-state and 20 per cent out, it will be reversed. We ll be rich!" said Void. So far, student reaction has been less than enthusiastic. “It's an unprecedently dumb deci sion,” said Student Pres. Oliver Jan upon hearing the news. “It’s too ridiculous to be true. At least they could have given us to some one respectable, like Washington or Nebraska!” In the letter Void argues that California has a highly advanced civilization. “They have computer registration, grade point averages and all that kind of stuff," he says. California Gov. Brown was elated to hear the news. “I've al ways considered University of Oregon students Californians at heart,” he told an Associated Press representative. “We can use their water too, but don’t print that." Some questions of legality of Strobe s action have been raised in the Legislature. “Can he do that?” it reacted in chorus. Brown thinks there will be no problem transferring the school to California domination. "If West Germany can do it with Berlin, we can do it with UO," he said. “We've been trying to expand California’s boundaries for some time, but until now we've been running into a little opposition Asked of his plans for the Uni versity, Brown replied, "Well, first of all we ll have to sift out and exile those reactionary rednecks that grow up there. Then we ll have to explain to the natives what a com puter is, and show them what studying is all about, maybe with the help of some missionaries " Brown says he is toying with two names for the University, Univer sity of California at Oregon, and the University of Berlin. Brown says he hopes to make Oregon keep the University Sci ence Building, and says he might offer it to the redneck exiles as a • homeland. “But I don't want any of that ‘UO lives’ crap,” he added. Brown told University students not to worry about the change in ownership. "View it as an end to the Dark Ages," he said. California will take possession of the University at the end of the month. Customs stations will be established by Mac Court, Gilbert Hall and on the lawn in from of California Hall. Interviewed about the transfer on a man-on-the-street basis, students expressed a mixture of apprehension and disbelief. “So where do I send my tax return again?” asked one freshman. “I'm worried about getting my sack lunch through customs, said another. Other students were more op timistic about the University's fu ture. "Listen," said one. "Nothing could be worse than the total anarchy we have now " Asked why he suddenly de cided to give away the University after two years of doing nothing in office, Strobe replied "I wanted to do something monumental, some thing that would show my leader ship abilities, and get me into the AP. Getting nd of UO filled the bill." According to Brown, Oregon State University was also offered to California, but as Brown exp lained, “We didn't want it. Meno’s Special COWZONE rhnuys°,uordine $8 98 lunch or dinner Also to go at this price DINNERS Served from 11 p.m. 46th & Millrace r Spring Snort & Sniff Specials COKE For the highest high try a taste of our new shipment. Things go better with ours. Street price $13,047.02 Our price $12,2794.02 SMACK We can really smack it to you w ith our herion prices. Call for price quotes, or see Lou in our back office. STEROIDS For more hulk buy our Steroids bulk. By the bottle or case, your drugged, emaciated state can be totally disguised with our 4 week supply Write your own story By YOUR NAME HERE Of the Immorald Lane County Commissioner Archie Whinestein voted to cut _today over the __ protests of Commissioner Bob Would. In proposing the cut, Whines tein said the is a waste of and he could do it easier himself. Mrs. Whinestein, how ever, disagreed "The last time he tried to ,'she said, "he all over the floor. I had to clean up the myself. I think it would cause real problems for county employes." Commissioner Jerry Must said Whinestein's was mostly and instead sug gested the county form a to help increase the whale popula tion. "That's a of an idea," said Whinestein In other business, the commis sioners voted to and and re cinded an earlier in which they voted to The vote on the proposal was to to Immorald gets new type By VIP MERGENTHALER Of the Immorald ■ »| x' ; *xc • • 0 Cl T" * C •' * *#l°0 7* * 'c'Oo *WcAlo "C 7< • ■' < • ®7[ 0b r’* (a ' ©0*1, 7©. 111 ■</,=' • ®* 7, c 7 [o 0%^ • x 0 “1 o 0 m 0 %sf| □'' □•]■* • ■•c <g)0 ■ • x»%*co ]«7 [o((t +(a • o# x ♦ 0* *0% o*®» x' ry ■" O0.7 o ®7,0[ 7 ■ ■7«ofco @0©© -°/'D •°4 M El ®*c | ■ = ' ' □©•<« ' o 0" □•[ 7, + ' o -r 1 • 0 *' X0<>O O' □ ' 0 -r%',v 0B *' *7;- ]' I + *wl'i0c/( [n #Tu <r„#, ■(j (H)« " O 1 ' @0® *[° -Q*S< • «*A @0'fl| ★ •0"»d7-<-0 ★.(<• |' ® C * =• •' < (« ' * ' • * (« ★ "oi o«i -Q ■C'°0 * Cl o(a «|[7] ]<, x *• o O • | o • •\r> *0 • *oo @0^ ,*7.o’ xcO<> ■ *7. o' x COrr o'), | o *| %0©°/c l,x^o o». •*••clH » c" o' mo', | □ • x (? ’ (§)•• 0*|a«C ° ®‘- * (£)’■ □ C'/< P“- • o*| «|o » ' r, O’ •0*7, [□ “* -r?%|o* * (g)« .•<>• ■ (r)';< * • ’ -■ *' 7. 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Oregasma 1977 now on sale for our LOW price of $50 Order your copy now and get your favorite 4-LETTER WORD stamped on the cover in genuine 13.9 karat gold! jj The Oregasma provides a stimulating look at life at the U of O in 1977, complete with a centerfold look at University Pres. Nullon Void by Dirty Duck. The perfect graduation gift—Oregasma 1977 v J Page 2 Oregon Daily Immorald The Oregon Daly Immorald is published annually (rf we can gel away with il three years id a row) in a smal room in the bowels of the Millrace cate This year s issue it lull at witty |oke$. hard-hitting satire, and a lot ot things that would be rejected at tie Glenwood sanit ary landfil People with complaints or compk merits on today s issue should write tiem m side a rolled tant ol Columbian and mail them to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave Any similarity to real people or places in (action and non-liction is purely cancidental Or that s what we II claim should we be sued Stall Infections Wally Benson Jeml Nilson Chris Norman Terry Geraths Cad Bryant Kate Seigal Nick Gallo Tom Fluhady Lora CuykendaH Steve Sandstrom Paul Waldschmidt Jack Wilson Greg Wasson Non-contnbutor Instigator Grossness Editor Ms Wondedul Money-changer VIP Refreshment Edilor Rotator Albany Bureau Chief Very Graphic Edilor Wired Editor Chief Diatriber Salem Correspondent Friday, May 20. 1977