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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1949)
Fifty-First Year of Publication and Service to the University VOLUME LI UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11,1949 NUMBER 14 Faculty Rating Called Success (This long-awaited article is the final product of two week’s interviewing, compiling, and re vising done by three Emerald staffers. Tom King, assistant managing editor, was in charge of the assignment, assisted by Andy Friedle and Ron Abrams.) The “opinionnaire” that was dis tributed last spring, when the Ore gon student body rated and graded the faculty, was a success. Not a whoppin’ success, but still a suc cess. And it’s the faculty that thinks so. At least the majority do, ac cording to indications revealed by a survey of 30 professors repre sentative of the various schools and departments on the campus. WASTE OF TIME? Many professors also thought it was a marvelous waste of time, and that it failed to serve its pur pose, namely, the improvement of teaching methods through evalu ation. Here’s the breakdown: Opinion Votes Pet. Successful 17 56 2-3 Unsuccessful 10 33 1-3 Undecided 3 10 Just before the end of spring term, most classes filled out the faculty rating forms. Professors had the option of not permitting classes to take the “opinionnaire.” Results were strictly confidential. They were not delivered to instruc tors until final grades had been re corded. In addition, students were not required to sign their names. Questions pertained to the ex cellence of teaching, assignments, tests, lectures, new developments, grading, individual help, enthusi asm, conduct, and stimulation of individual work and opinion. STUDENTS THE JUDGES Students judged whether they liked coming to the course, wheth er they would enroll in another one taught by that professor, and why. They also were able to present suggestions and criticisms. For the most part, professors were graded in the same way they themselves mark students. It was impossible, for the pur poses of this survey, to tabulate the outcome of the grades given the professors and determine what the students think of the faculty as a whole. SOME ENTHUSIASTIC Young instructors were particu larly enthusiastic about the “opin ionnaire.” One, who received a straight “A" report, felt so elated he wanted to do the same for all his students. But there were others. A des pondent instructor stated flatly that “only geniuses appreciate my course.” He then went into a sharp tirade against the “switcheroo rating system.” All this was mere hum-drum to a psychologist who announced, “I could have told you what the re sults would be before the whole thing started.” WHY IT WAS POOR One out of very three thought the forms not so good because in their estimations: (1) Students were not compet ent to judge. (2) Questions were poor. (3) Students were restrained in their criticism or were personally biased. (4) Results were contradictory. Some suggested that the blame for any negative attitude be placed squarely upon those professors and not the students. One graying professor described by a student as “young and pers onable,” insisted that he wag marked down “because some of my classes came at 8 o’clock and on Saturday.” All agreed that upper division pupils were more discerning in their ratings. Seven professors thought that some of the questions in the forms had the odor of Limburger about them. “How does a student know whether we give them the new de velopments in the field?” was a chief complaint. CRITICISM MORE SPECIFIC Too, it was felt that criticisms should have been more specific. Thus the teacher who “perturbs me because he’s always about to fall ( Please turn to page three) Late Per Granted Twelve midnight late permis sion will be granted Wednesday night to University women with a 2.00 cumulative GPA, provi ded they did not drop below a ^.00 spring term. The Office of Student Affairs granted late hours so students can attend the Tex Beneke dance. Tex Beneke to Appear At Willamette Park Tex Beneke and his orchestra are scheduled to appear at the newly decorated Willamette Park tomorrow night at 9 p. m. The Park has been completely redecorated. A new paint job, re-arrangement of the tables, and installation of a new heating system have revently been completed. Tickets are on sale at Thompson’s music store and Radio Lab on 11th street. Reservations may also be made at the ball room. Student tickets sell for $1 plus tax. Beneke, who has been with the band since 1938 when it was under the direction of Glenn ■Miller, manages the positions of hand leader, saxophonist, and voc alist in his versatile manner. Featured performers will be the Moonlight Serenaders, Jack Spar ling, and Buddy Yeager. “Ida” is the band’s biggest request number while “Moonlight Serenade,” “Tux edo Junction,” and “In the Mood” play an important part in the band’s list of pieces. ^Women students have been grant ~ed a 12 p.’m. late permission if they have a cumulative G.P.A. of 2.00 and a spring average of 2.00. The attendance of freshmen women will be up to each living organization to decide. Members of the Exchange Club of Eugene are sponsoring the dance. All proceeds will be used for creat ing an activity center for the use of children of the community, accord ing to Roy Malos, chairman.. AWS Auction Set Next Week; Workers Picked Auctioneers for next week’s A WS Auction will be Bob Chambers and Dick Neely, program chairman Mary Hall announced yesterday. Miss Hall listed Sarah Turnbull and Janet Shaw as membebrs of her committee. Other committee appointments announced yesterday were Sue Seley, Sue Bohlman, and Bonnie Birkemeir, posters; Joan Beggs and Andy Friedle, publicity; Peggy Nygard, Betty Jones, and Shirley Van der Ende, decorations; and Barbara Person, Jean Bensinger, Ann Parsell, Mary Alice Baker, Pat Dominey, Jeanne Hoffman, and Ann Irwin, cleanup. The Auction is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 19 at the College Side, 4 p.m. KDUK Future No Mystery The reported “veil of mystery” concealing KDUK is non-existant, according to information received today from the radio division. Recent developments in relation ! ships between the Federal Com munications Commission and cam pus radio stations has led the radio division here to proceed cautiously in setting up the station. “No one is more interested in seeing the thing started than we are,” said Herman Cohen, associ at professor of speech and faculty adviser for KDUK. “We will have something, but it will not come through hasty action.” Mr. Cohen promised for release soon, a detailed explanation con cerning technical difficulties fac ing the reappearance of the intra University radio system. He explained that recent devel opments in the field have even made it impractical for the Uni versity to return to the pygmy sys tem developed at the end of Spring term. Petition Deadline Thursday at 5 p.m. is the dead line for petitions for ASUO junior representative on the executive council. Petitions must be filed in Pres ident Art Johnson's office, Emer ald Hall. Race Chlorination Cost Set at $2000 Per Month; Committee Report Due at Next Council Meetina ine $2UUU a year estimate set two weeks ago for chlorination of the historic millrace was raised by the Eugene Board of Health to over $2000 a month, according to the board's report to the Eugene city council Monday night. Council members agreed that chlorination wouldn’t clean the millrace, unless Springfield builds a sewage disposal plant. Under present plans, Springfield ■will have only a partial sewage disposal project. The health board said that unless the sewage dis posal system was complete, even $2000 per month would not be ade quate to purify the millrace thor oughly. The estimate did not in clude the cost of installation of chlorination equipment. In its report, the board recom mended that a metropolitan sew age disposal system to be set up that would include Eugene, Spring field, and nearby districts. The Willamette river would then be clean enough to warrant a purifi cation plant at the headgates. The report and the recommenda tion were referred to the health committee and will be reported on at the next council meeting. Action on an ordinance that would license and tax punchboards of the question-and-answer type was indefinitely postponed by the council. An ordinance completely banning the use of display of any type of punchboard within the city limits of Eugene was unanimously passed. The license-and-taxation bill was introduced at the last meeting of the city council in order to put the measure before the people of Eugene. Mayor Edwin Johnson re ported thlit he had received letters from many local church and social groups requesting that punch boards be banned completely. Mademoiselle Sponsors Tea for Undergraduates Mademoiselle magazine will sponsor a tea from .? to 5 p. m. Thursday in Alumni Hall, Gerlinger, enabling all undergraduate women interested in careers pertaining to magazine work to talk with Mrs. Darcy Friedman, assistant college board editor of Mademoiselle. Mrs. Friedman would like to talk with all undergraduate wo men thinking of careers in fashion, art, advertising, writing, mer Four University Students Hurt In Auto Crash One man was killed and four University students injured Sun day afternoon in a collision on Highway 99 near Cottage Grove. The dead man was identified as Julius Repsleger, 68, of Elkton, driver of one of the vehicles. In jured were: Lewis Riley, Stan Ray Hall, driving the other car, and his passengers Mary Holland, Eliza beth Lamb, and Martha Richards, all of Hendricks Hall. Walter Ess linger, a passenger in Repsleger’s car, escaped without injury. State police reported that Reps leger, traveling southbound with a trailer in tow, was in the left lane after passing another vehicle. When he saw Riley’s oncoming car he attempted to swerve off into the ditch, but was struck broad side. Both cars were demolished. The injured students were taken to Eugene hospitals for treatment of cuts and bruises and all except Miss Holland were later removed to the University infirmary for fur ther observation. Rally Squad Sets Yell Duke Tryouts Tryouts for yell duke on the Oregon rally squad will be held this afternoon at 4 p.m. Participants will meet in the main lobby of McArthur court. A vacancy on the squad has been created by the resignation of Alan Barzman. Barzman felt that he could not continue the rally job and do justice to a full study sched ule. chandising', or any of the fields allied with magazine work. She is especially interested in meeting girls working on the campus newspaper, literary magazines, or outstanding in campus activities. Pictured in the current issue of Mademoiselle in an article en titled “New York Cinderellas" Is Fashion Model Isabel! Stanley, 1940 University of Oregon gradu ate. She studied for the stage and went t<5 Hollywood to act. Pres ently she is in New York doing fashion shows and high fashion photographic work. Women interested in competing for one of Mademoiselle’s 20 “Guest Editorships”, or in becoming a member of the Mademoiselle Col lege Board will be given pointers on how to achieve these positions by Mrs. Friedman. College board membership may lead to becoming a “Guest Editor.” The 20 editors will work in New York City from June 5 through 30, 1950 on Mademoiselle’s August Col lege issue. They will reecive a regu lar salary for their month’s work and round-trip transportation to New York. Members of the 1950 College Board will be selected by the editors of Mademoiselle from applicants on the basis of a two-page typewritten article on some phase of college life submitted along with a photo graph and personal information. Mrs. Friedman is stopping hero Wednesday and Thursday on a tour taking her through the major west ern colleges and universities. Chairman of Thursday’s tea is Marilyn Thompson, sophomore in liberal arts. Weather... Rain today; some clearing with showers this afternoon.