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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1943)
-WAA Initiation On Tap For Today This afternoon at 4:15 WAA will hold its fall term initiation in the Alumni room of Gerlinger hall. All girls eligible should contact the volleyball or WAA represen tative in their house. Girls who are already members of WAA are urged to attend as a short meeting will be held after the initiation. Reports of the vol leyball tournament and of the coming "basketball tournament W’ill be given. ^ At. the conclusion of the initia tion and meeting all girls are in cited to attend the all-star basket ball game, which will begin at 5 p. m. To be eligible a girl must have at least one check, which is given for participation in every game and four practices of one sport. Those who have earned their check from the just-concluded vol leyball tournament will be includ ed in this initiation. AKMVDUCK JOOTBAl.I . . . The collegiate-star-studded Salt Lake City airbase tram pushed the Oregon ASTI eleven all over the field Saturday in winning a 13-fo-i victory. Oil! McCrary, who starred for the visitors, here cuts through a small opening during the first quarter. Quarterback Harold Johnses' (43) of the \\ebfoots is about to nail him. Making a frantic dive for the ball carrier is Tackle George Pedersen. Others identifiable an i /l Dusek (1.6), fullback, and Bob I’erugini (28), chunky air base guard, also end Bob I'riang of the AST! . McCrary scored tin first touchdown of the game for the visitors in the third period. Oregon scored in the last two minutes of play. Warren Taylor, last year’s sharpshooting forward for John Warren's Oregonians, now does whal playing, if any, that he can manage, for Unele Sam’s fleet. He’s an ensign in the naval reserve. DON'T BE PIGGISH . . . \\ e have''.enough for one and all. Beautiful service emblems, billfolds, and settings for that ring. JEWELRY STORE 620 Willamette Future Teachers Called To Placement Meeting All prospective teachers who plan to avail themselves of the ser vices of the University teacher placement service in obtaining teaching positions for next year are asked to meet Wednesday. De cember 1 at 4 p. m. in room 2 of the education building, according to C. L. Huffaker, acting director of the teachers placement service. Those interested are asked to enroll and file their records with the office in the near future as the available clerical help for copying these records is very limited. Formal dental education began in the East 104 years ago. Basketball Tussle Now Cancelled According to a last-minute statement by Coach Howard Hob son,'the basketball game sched uled with the independent Port land Pacific Packard team has been cancelled. No reason for the cancellation could be learned at this time. Friday and Saturday the Web foots will play the strong Albina Hellship five of Portland at McAr thur court. The Albina boys are the scourge of Portland independ ent basketball circles, having cleaned up almost all opposition. An extra game has been sched uled for December 1 with the Til lamook air base quintet. All-Star Squads This afternoon Miss Helen Pe troskey released the names of the players on the all-star girls’ volley ball team. Playoffs will be held Wednesday afternoon at 5 p. m. Players were selected from all of the competing teams. The selections are: Team I— Helen Johns, captain, Delta Gamma; Doris Craig, High land House; Mary Ann Deismsn, Hillcrest Lodge; Marge Cordon, Pi Phi; Jean Brade.r, Alder Lodge; Marianne Blenkinsop, University House; Eliza Houston, Delta Gam ma; Janice Thompson, independ ent; Margaret Hughes, Alpha Gamma Delta; Grace Edwards, Rebec House; Connie Walters, Al pha Delta Pi. Team II -Mary Riley, captain, Theta; Bev. Goetz, Orides; Betty Crabb, Hillcrest; Alysone Hales, Kappa; Anita Young, Pi Phi; Eve lyn Marshall. Hawthorne; Betty Strauss, Birch; Jo Reginato, Hil yard; Mary A Lawson, independ ent; Pat Short, Orides; Martha Hock, Theta. The best record of the season so far has been piled up by the Thetas, who have won every game they have played. They will meet the winner of the semi-final Birch Hillcrest tiff tonight. Formed fr Volleyball FO 4) D. specials This is a wartime Thanksgiving hut we can stii! enjov the traditional foods . . . Turkey • Cranberries • Pastry Hogan's Grocery and Cook's Market 544 E. 13th ’ Phone 2066 By BILL LINDLEY From up nortli comes word that Coach Pest Welch is ready ing his Rose Bowl squad for the big Pacific coast game this year, and once again we are reminded that the big game is just around the corner. It’s still big this year, despite the loss of players, but it will probably be a mighty poor imitation of the real thing. Latest blow to the Washington outfit is the loss of star quarterback jay &coves, wno nas ueen caneu ui duty with the U.S. marines at Par ris Island, S.C. Replacing him in the Huskies' lineup will be Sam Robinson, who will share the work with Gerry Austin, another quar terback. Benefit Planned Amos Alonzo Stagg’s College of the Pacific team is slated to meet the March Field 4th airforce fliers Saturday, December 11, under the auspices of the All-Pacific Recrea tion fund, headed by comedian Joe E. Brown. Both teams have won seven out of eight played this sea son, making this one of the best games on the grid docket for the coming weekend. Sunday (yes, Sunday) will feat ure a thrill contest between the March Field 4th airforce fliers and the San Diego naval training station for the Pacific Coast Ser vice championship. The fliers will come into the game fresh from a. 35-0 victory over the University of Southern California. Another contest slated for Sat urday is the tilt between the Cali fornin Boars and the rugged Pol Monte Pre-flight team. Two out standing players on the team, Craig Ortlieb and Toby Freedman, will be absent from the California starting lineup due to injuries, which should make it tough go in for the Bears against the ton;." Del Monte squad. Yep, the draft board beckons1 and the casualties grow, and if. looks like about time to ring dov.; the curtain on the Pacific Coast conference, ersatz edition. ALLEN CARNEY in "Adventures of a Rookie" Also Walt Disney's "Saludos Amigos" be a VALUE ' Make it an old fashioned Thanksgiving—a Tur key with all the Trimmings: • Cranberries • Sweet Potatoes • Relishes • Dressing • Apples UNIVERSITY GROCERY 709 11 ill I-’honc o 164-R -