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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1929)
WEBFOOTS VANQUISH MONTANA f The_____ WORLD In Review Battle Cruisers Versus Planes? Car Ban too Strong for Mieliigan —- By A. L. S. Goolidge’s wislios regarding 111o cruiser Mil before "ongress fonn 1 fd for naught Monday and Hip sennfo voteil 54 to 28 against the proposal to eliminate the time clause from the ship bill. In so many words, Hip timp clause says that those ships must be built starting at a certain time. Without the rule, the presidtnt could set the time whenever he thought the na tion's pocket book and naval needs coincided. With I he $275,000,000 necessary to build the 15 cruisers and the air plane carrier a fleet of bombing and attack planes could be built which would have little trouble de molishing any navy in the world, pay aviation fans. And the funny part is they’re probably right. Mark Twain could find an answer to his satiric comment that “every body talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it,” in the American public's attitude to ward aviation as a war weapon. They all agree that airplanes would be fine tilings to send out. oa raids over the enemy’s camp and then spend about $2.50 per capita for cruisers. Any aviator will bet. his winter “bennies” that planes will win the next war and any sailor wjll bet. his uext-to-the-last dollar on the navy. All they need now is a war to decide which is the liar. Lo, the poor Indian (his name in this case is Jackson Barnett) told senators of Hie United States the other day that a white woman had married him for his money made in oil in spite of his protests and un willing mental attitude. His ideas of the value of money were scarcer than Scotch (teals, lie gave $550,000 away to a church, couldn’t recognize his own picture •—and in general, hardly knew what it was all about. And to think people with more brains than he has are poor! * * * Because he made enemies by be ing an exponent of birth control and eugenics and because the students with cars disliked his banning autos from the campus, Or. Clarence O. Little, president of the University of Michigan, resigned his position recently. He saw incipient snobbishness in students who owned autos, so he banned them. He thought all stu dents should be housed on the cam pus, so he planned a huge women’s dormitory for next year as a move in that direction, lie heard Michi gan slurred because of student drinking, so he invited federal pro hibition agents to police the campus and investigate, 'flic regents and other interested parties rose up against him and now lie’s out. of a job for the first time since he grad uated from Harvard. The whole affair smacks of poli tics and more politics, like the Suz zalo incident at Washington. * * * The press and politics arc hobnob bing again. Over in France, hints and rumors are flying around and the hands of “Boclie” and “Bolsho viki” seen in the scandal of the Gazette dn France, but it looks like the same old story. Some judge told court secrets about the trial of a woman and the newspaper printed them, along with supplied pictures and laudatory biog raphies of the judge. As it turned out, this woman, Mine. Hanau, was a money baroness and used the G.i ^ zette, along with three other papers, to put across her financial publicity, a recognized source of income for French papers which is a betrayal of trust in American newspapers’ eyes. ' * * * .T. Ramsay MacDonald, former prime minister of Great Britain, says, “It is imperative that steps be taken at once to end all this foolish and mischievous feeling whit h is alienating the United States from Great Britain,” speaking of the tense situation regarding naval arm aments. As the thing stands, G. B. has more warships than the I nited States. The cruiser bill is designed to remedy this situation and bring (Continued on rage Two) Local Printers Get Contract For Oregana Publications Committee in Favor of Eugene Firm To Save on Finances Increased Advertising Promises New Features Book Must Go to Press Mareli 1, Says Editor Koke-C’hapma n Printing1 company will print this year’s Oregana, it was decided at a meeting of the publications com nut too, was the a. n n o n n pome nfc made yesterday. •Toll n Nelson, Oregan.a man "Rfi1, submitted a budget to the committee, which included approx imately $120fl advertising al ready sold. Bids were sub John Nelson mitred by Kil m n n company, Dimm & Sons, .Tames Korns and Aliott, ami Trwin-TToflson, all of Portland. The Eugene company was selected because their bid was with in a few dollars of the lowest, and considerable money will be saved next spring inasmuch as the editor will not have to take trips out of town to read proof on the copy. Budget Submitted The submitted budget included a tentative list of the expenditures totaling about $14,000, and an in come of $1.1.200, thus providing a satisfactory working margin to in sure a clear financial record for this year. Although expenses have been held within a definite limit, increased advertising lias made it. possible to add several new features. Chief among those are individual sections for the law and medical schools, and a Campus Ace section showing our celebrities in familiar poses. Miriam Shepard, editor, requests that the students cooperate in 'mak ing the last section a success by turning in baby pictures, and other interesting snapshots. Reports Desired The book will go to press March 1. All organizations wishing to be represented therein must notify the staff at once. Cards were sent out to the secretaries two weeks ago. To date, less than a third have been answered. The staff this year is organized on a merit system, in which a rec ord is kept of the work anil initia tive of each member. This record will bo available for next year’s editor and manager, and will, per haps, be of interest to the student body at the election of next year’s Oregnna staff. Boxing Tournament Planned for Feb. 111 H. Gawer Chosen Referee For Donut Matches Oregon’s intramural free lance boxing tournament will start on February 11 and conclude on the ]5th. Events will take place at the men’s gymnasium from 4 to C o’clock. Six workouts will be re quired of all boxers to establish eligibility. There will be a straight elimina tion series under the following weights: 118 pounds, 125, 155, 1G0, 175 pounds and over. Herman A. Gawer, boxing coach, will referee all matches. Rodunpr Gains Place In Cast of ‘Mignon9 Preparations for the presentation of the program which is to be given by the opera elass March 12 have been progressing rapidly, says Mad ame Rose McGrew, director. Emmett Paris, who was first chos en to sing the leading tenor part in “Mignon,” has been forced by conflicting duties to relinquish his part in the production, and in his : place Madame McGrew has selected ; Kenneth Rodunpr. Rodunpr is a | junior in the school of journalism, i and is affiliated with Delta Tau j Delta fraternity. Glee Marks Infirmary Patients When Subject of Gift Radio is Broached Nurses and Inmates Register Joy on Hearing Shine Day Money Will Be Used to Buy Set Cautiously (’moping up to thn door of ttio infirmary, T shouted, “HowM you liko to lmvo a radio?” 1 duck fit fast, tint T was caught. Beaming, smiling, grinning from olieok to check, they showered me with questions. "When?” ‘‘How.’” “Honest, are they going to get ns a radio?” “Oh, gee, do you suppose we could get hack our Ozarka?” “1 sure hope they get enough shoes to shine!” These queries came from Miss Oolohan, the genial head nurse of the university, from her assistant, and from the patients. The infirm ary is most certainly in favor of having the funds of junior shine day turned over to them for their radio. “Why,” she said, “I should say we do need a radio. They took away the one we had. It was an Ozarka, and it sure was good. Nights when there were games, we’d listen to the reports, and then there'll lie music ami lectures, and plays, ll helped to keep everybody in bid and quiet, and then it was an enjoyment for ns, too, von know.” Sho seemed worried over tlio amount of shoos Mint would nood shining on ‘‘Shine Day.” “Von know,” sho said, “I’ve boon tolling everybody T see lo bo sure and stop and have their shoes shined on that day. 1 oven told t tic butobor, to day.” Sho continued, “And say, if we don’t gel a radio this lime we’ll sure bo disappointed. I ’vc been calling the stores and having thefn sent out, but I’ve fell too cheap to do that lately.” Fooling satisfied, I turned to go, when 1 was called back, by Miss Colohan. “Hero, Bob,” she smiled, “is a nice rod apple. Now go back and write us a fine story, so lots of people will have their shoos shined, and wo can have our radio.” Colorful Gypsies To Shine Shoes On Campus Friday Junior Class Will Sponsor Annual Shine Day for Radio Infirmary Fund Friday will lie the day of colorful gypsies, shining shoes, and indus trious juniors. Eugene Laird, chair man of ,T unio r Shine Bay, in an nouncing the (late, expressed li i g h hopes for clear, dry weather. Every .junior man and woman on the campus will be expected to don the bright colors of gypsy apparel. Ticket, sales will open Thursday evening when jun Eugene Laird jora will speak at tlie various living organizations dur ing the dinner hour. The sale will he continued all day Friday by women in costume. There will he four booths, and every junior man will have the opportunity to display his shining dexterity. Prizes for the woman selling the most, tickets, the man shining the great est number of shoes, and the holder of the lucky ticket will he announc ed tomorrow. Cllenn Gardiner, assisted by Joan Patterson and Kenton Hamaker, are at work on posters which will ap pear on the campus Thursday. Bruce Wilson and Ed Bissell have complet ed arrangements for supplies. The proceeds of the sale will he used to purchase a radio for the in firmary. A meeting of the speaking and ticket sale committees as announced helow will he held in 105 journalism building Thursday at 4 o’clock. Eleanor Flanagan has made the following appointments for speakers: Helen Peters, Beatrice Milligan, Rene Nelson, Eon Anne Chase, Helen Borden, Betty Schmcer, Betty Beam, Eleanor Scliroeder, Elinor Rennie, Florence McNerney, Murdina Medler, Ernthusa Champlln, Tone Wedemeycr, Marjorie Chester, Edna Dunbar, Beryl Harrali, Katherine Talbott, Harriet Atchison, Edwina C.rebel, Margaret Muncy, Margaret Edmondson, Eleanor Poorman, I.a Wanda Fenlason. The following men will speak at women’s living organizations Thurs day: Jim Swindells, Hal Anderson, Jim Sharp, Squeak Parks, Mel Par ker, Jack Sammons, Clarence Veal, Paul Hunt, Sid Dobbin, Crosby Owens, .Tim Raley, Rosser Atkinson, Hal Kelly, Bill Kuykendall', Bill Doyle, Dean Creath, Tom Stoddard, Bill Sievers, Walter Brown, Webb Haves, Jim Terry, and Calvin Bryan. Frosh Commission Hears H. C. Hoive Selections from the Rubaiyat were i read by II. C. Howe, professor of ] English, at a meeting of the frosh commission which was held yester day afternoon at the Y. W. C. A. Bungalow. A violin solo by Helen Althaus concluded the program. Shaw Announces Sale of Tickets For Senior Ball Jim Johnson to Distribute Admission Slips Among; House Representatives Tickets for the Senior Rail ro ou sale today, nerordinp; to l.arrv Shaw, chairman of the dance, and the folio wing1 ro presentatives are in charge of the sale in each house: Alpha T an Omega, Marshall Hopkins; Beta Theta T’i, George Rehade; Chi I’si, Robert Holman; Delta Tau Delta, Merrill Hagan; K a p p a Rigma, \ erne Dale; rlu Delta Theta, Ted Larry Shaw Gurney?, 1 'hi (lamina Delta, John Gray; T’hi Kappa 1 ’si, Albert Cous ins; Phi Si^riia Kappa, Lawrence Ogle; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Robert Hynd. Sigma Chi, Bill Winter; Sigma Nu, Roger DoBusk; Sigma T’hi Ep silon, Theodore Te*-'.; Theta Chi, William Haggerty; Alpha Beta ('hi, Crank Learned; Alpha Upsilon, George Belloni; Baehelordon, Carl Rodgers; Delta Epsilon, Irving Pelz; Psi Kappa, Nathaniel Johnson; Sig ma Pi Tail, John Butler; Alpha hall, Vawter Parker; Zeta hall, Rex Tus sing; Sigma hall, Ralph Geyer; Omega hall, Howard Peterson; Gam ma hall, Ed Mariette; Sherry Ross | hall, Henry Dietz; Friendly hall, I i>f.|ry Douglas. “These men,” Shaw said, “art directiv responsible for the selling of all tickets which will be given to them by Jim Johnson.” Sprips of ISpu Books Placed on Library Spvph Day Shelf A biography, a travelogue, a ser ies of critical essays and portraits; and an interpretation in verse of Shakespeare’s plays have been add ed to the rent and seven-day shelves of the university library. “Andrew Jackson, the Gentlo Sav age,” by David Karsner, is a re view of Jackson’s life anil iirne. The biographer calmly reviews the sol J dier-president’s history with closer approach to detachment than warmth. “Things Seen in Provence,” by Capt. Leslie Richardson, officer d ’ Academie, is a description of the land of the troubadors from Valence in the north to the sun-bathed lands on the shores of the Mediterranean. Tt is written in an embellished guide book .style. In “Dialogues and Monologues,” Humbert Wolfe has presented con versations, both real and imaginary, I with himself, George Moore, and other authors. His chapter headings range from “The Craft of Verse,” “Public Servants in Fiction,” to “Drum.” “The Hamlet of A. MacLeish” is two score pages of Hamlet in verse, bound in a thin gold-backed cover. Church Group Accepts Davis Resignation Local Leader Ends Work With (Hose of School; Activity Given Praise Douglass Names Men To Study Situation Student Gives Opinions on What Might Be Done The resignation of TTenry W. Davis ns director of the United Christ inn work oil t tie campus, to take effect at tlie end of (lie school jVnr, was accepted last, night at a meeting of the board of United Christian work which was held at the Anchorage. A report by Walter U. Meyers, chairman of a committee, which had been appointed at till* last, piecting to determine what action should be taken by tin' board, preceded the acceptance of the resignation. Mr. Meyers praised the work done by Mr. Davis in tbe past. Other mem bers of the committee were Karl Out bank, executive secretary of the university, and Charles Carpenter, dean of the school of law. Davis Reports Mr. Davis then gave a report of the accomplishments of his office during the past month. M. II. Douglass, chairman of I lie hoard, appointed a committee to study the situation and recommend action. ( How to continue the United Christian work considering the fac tor of the proposed school of reli gion and the student church work ers is one of the problems to be con sidered. Members of the committee include: Walter L. Meyers, chair man, Kart Onthnnk, Charles Carpen ter, Doll Campbell, and Lawrence M itehelmorp. Ray Culver, Northwest secretary of the student division of the Y. M. C. A., offered to help in any way possible in ease lie should be called upon. “Y” Cabinet Represented Don Campbell, chairman of a committee representing the univer- ■ sitv Y. M. C. A. cabinet, also pre sented a possible solution of the student problem us determined by a recent survey made by bis group. Members of the board who were present included: M. IT. Douglass, Walter Meyers, 10. Y. Stivers, .T. •I’. Haas, C. 10. Rainier', Karl Onthnnk, W. Cl. Beattie, R. ,T. Williams, R. A. MeCtilly, Victor Morris, Charles Carpenter, and If. W. Davis. Others also at the meeting were: Don Campbell, Mrs. Charlotte Donnelly, Lawrence Mitchelmore, Alsou Bris tol, and Ray Culver. Plans for Editorial Conference Talked Sigma Delta Cln Sponsors Luncheon for Delegates Plans for the conference of the Oregon Editorial association, which will be bold on the University of Oregon campus February 21 to 2,‘> were discussed yesterday by tbe members of Sigma Delta Chi, inter national professional journalism fraternity, at its regular luncheon at the Anchorage. The members of Sigma Delta Chi will aid in the sale of tickets to the banquet given to the newspaper men at the Osburn hotel Friday evening, February 22. Professor George Turn bull was asked to select a number of the members to take charge of jtlie sale among the university slu | dents. It was also decided that Sigma Delta Chi would sponsor an informal luncheon for the visitors Friday noon, and Wilfred Brown, Lawrence Mitehelmoro, and .Ton Brofrn were selected to arrnng,. for the affair. A joint social meeting of Sigma Delta Chi and Theta Sigma Pbi, women’s journalism fraternity, will be held on Sunday afternoon, Febru ary 10, in Alumni ball, Philip Sinnott, of San Francisco, western representative of the News ! paper Enterprise association, is be ing brought to the campus under the auspices of Sigma Delta f'lii, and will give an illustrated address on the work of the syndicate in Villard hall, Monday afternoon. The meet ing will be open to anyone who wishes to come. ■ 1 Oregon Wi ns Opening Game of Home Stand: Ridings Leads Attack ! ~ " ' Furious Playing Marks Beginning, but Lemon-Yellow Soon Jumps in Lead (Her Grizzlies; Sophomore Aces Flash By JOE PIGNEY Till si night Montana put on a ten minute exhibition of how il defeated Oregon at Missoula ten days ago. After the short preliminary period, the Webfoots out short, the exhibition and played real basketball to win easily, 45 to 21. Now the Grizzlies are thankful that the game in the north eame before the Oregonians hit the stride predicted for the first of the season. Oregon successfully completed the second lap of its come back and added a victory over Montana to the Oregon State triumph of last Saturday. Four more conference games still THE SUMMARY MONTANA (21) IV Ft, Ff Fts Ohinske, r Rnnkin, f Rule, ^ _ Wendt, g ... R. Few is, g .1. Lewis, g Uraham, c .... Roelffs, g ... •1 3 3 II 0 1 1 1 1 1. 0 2 1 1.1 (I I) 0 0 (I 1 1 (I 0 11 n S 5 9 21 Totals . OREGON (43) ' . Eg Ft Ff Pts Ridings’ f . 7 1 Milligan, f . 2 1 T. Ebcrhnrt, c . 4 2 Epps, g . 2 2 Horner, g . 2 1 Hughes, f . 2 0 Olinger, g . 1 0 Chastain, f . 0 0 Totals . 19 7 7 45 Referee: Bill Mulligan; umpire: Bob Mathews. Students to Hear South American Talk at Assembly Tomlinson Will Describe Ten Republics Socially, Politically, Economically Edward Tomlinson, writer, travel er, and lecturer, will bo the speaker at the assembly Thursday morning at II o’clock in the Woman's build ing. During the past five years lie has spent a great deal of linie studying political and social con ditions in South America, and has analyzed some of the delicate an gles on tin- problem of international relations between North and South America. South America is not merely a land of wild Indians, head hunters, and revolutions, Mr. Tomlinson dis covered on his trip. The wild In dians were found in the remote fastness of tlie Amazon jungle; head hunters have joined the dodo, and revolutions arc over emphasized. Shows Great Development It is a land of broad and fertile plains and plateaus, great cities, limitless resources, many and varied races of people, and art and culture and progressive develop ments, Air. Tomlinson reported on his return. Mr. Tomlinson, is very enthusiastic about the ten republics of South America and will tell the univer sity students of them during his lec ture. One of these countries has more sheep, and exports more wheat than the United States; he reports another possesses half of the world’s supply of tin; and stifi another is able to supply the world with three fourths of its coffee. Another thing which causes him to revere South [America is that the oldest university | in the world is there, the finest | school of art and the most preten jtious opera house. Mr. Tomlinson was born in the South and fought in the World war. Later he was sent to the British armies to explain America to the soldiers of the empire. He was edu cated in this country and later studied at the University of Edin burgh, Scotland. Rev. E. V. Stivers, pastor of the Christian church, will give the in vocation. The university band will play three short selections before the speaker is introduced. remain for the Webfoots to prove that they wore hopelessly oft' form when they lost four straight tilts on tlio northern road trip. The outset of last night’s contest had all the possibilities of a close battle with either team a probable victor. The Wen foots were hitting h li p basket, fre quently, but. for every Oregon score the Grizzlies hail one to match it. The playing of both tealns was so clone during the first minutes that the lead changed ~ six limps. Dave Epps Scott Milligan put Oregon ahead at the start with a short shot from under the basket, and immediately following, Ed Chinske, Montana forward and cap tain, was awarded two free throws and converted them both. A few seconds later Chinske dropped in a long, looping shot, from the side linos. Jean Eberhnrt, sophomore center, tied the score again, and then Hidings gave Oregon a two point lend. ’ The lead was tossed back and forth until, with Montana ahead, 11 to 10, Cordon Hidings passed through the Grizzly defense to score six points in rapid succession. From then on the Ori/.zlies hardly ever came close, and the AVebfoots lead 19 to 11 at the end of the first half. Webfoots Pile Up Lead First Horner, then Hidings, then Eberhnrt, then Milligan and Epps, and the Webfoots increased their lead in the second half to 95 points before the northerners had fairly started. The contest became so ono sided that the Montana players be gan to wonder if their victory in the north wore more than a dream. But it; was far from a dream, and the blot, 29 to 28, still stands at Missoula as a defeat for Oregon. I Jean Eberliart, Cliff Horner, and Harold Olinger, coming in later on in tho game, proved the unprecedent ed brilliance of the sophomore com bination in the Beaver game was something more than a mere surprise Eberhnrt, with his long reach and accurate eye, was second only to Gordon Hidings for scoring honors on the Oregon team. For the first, time since the days of Hoy Oker berg, the Webfoots have a center who can get the tip-off. The play ing of the Wehfoot team as its of fense charged unfalteringly under the Montana basket clearly proved the value of the tip-off. Montana Tries Long Shots The fast floor work and close checking of Cliff Horner was one of the outstanding points in Oregon's victory. For every time he was ‘din ved off his feet by the towering Grizzlies, Horner was lip and play ing harder and better than ever. Long shots and lots of them were the main forts of the Montana team last night. After the whirlwind stnrt at the first of the game, the Grizzlies were unable to break through the Oregon defense to score on close-in shots. The northerners were forced to resort to mid-floor shots, but comparatively few of them went into the basket. Ed Chinske, star of the Montana team, was peculiarly elusive even in defeat. The Webfoots could scarce ly touch him as he dribbled down the floor to drop in some sensational long shots. He alone, with 11 points, (Continued on Page Two)