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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1958)
o O o o hi wWl LA M V WORKING OUT on the new Ensolite wrestling mat, recently installed at Roseburg High School, ore Rus Pinord (bottom) ond Ken Jacobs, watched by coach Walt Payne. (Jenkins) District Five Wrestling Meet To Start Here Friday By BOB MONROE Ntws-Revitw Sport. Writar The top wrestling event of the year will unfold this Friday and Saturday in the Roseburg High School gym, as 156 of -the top wrestlers and three sub-district meets will fight it out for the right to enter the state wrestling tourna ment, Feb. 21-22, at Corvallis. The total entered in the tourna ment include the top four wres tlers in 13 weight, from the three sub-district meets that were held in Sutherlin, North Bend and Eu gene last weekend. Only the top two wrestlers in each weight will be eligible to enter the state meet, or 26 from this area. , Thr Favored Sutherlin, winner of the local nih district meet, with a total of 162 points, and Springfield, winner of the meet held in Eugene, will prob ably go into the meet as the favor ites, although the Roseburg Indi ans, with 20 boys qualifying for the meet, are given an outside chance. Springfield also qualified 20 to give them, along with Rose burg, the largest entry. The North Bend Bulldogs, win ner of the sub-district held in North Bend, will have 18 entered in the meet, a. will South Eugene, which finished second to Springfield in that sub-district meet. Marshfield, which finished second to North Bend will have 15 entered to rank a. the only other team with over 10 member, entered, outside of 1953 CHRYSLER 4-DOOR SEDAN Hiittr, itfrtitfr, Mtmitit trMM.tliti. 01 Miir. T-lm IIm. Tmirif lilt iinrt u mi. Iitilliat tint. Priced at only $695. Cat il M4 lit Irtis filfetr tw a ItMMItritiM. Si Dillard Motor Co. a it hhi ti d nun ttiiim it nm t:. - --H. i aaiain llar'' I It a etenin. You've had a busy day. You take time out to eny a sociable drink. You raise the Krass to your lips. . You tste it, and it's rd-hI. It" 7 Crown ... and all is well. Sexy Seagram's and bo Sure or AinnicAN ,us" Sutherlin which will have 18 boys. Sutherlin and Springfield each had seven individual title, in win ning sub-district meets, while Marshfield had six, Koseburg and .North Rend five, South Eugene four, Willamette two. and Doug las, Rcedsport and Myrtle Point one each. Jerry Perez of Sutherlin will be the only state champ back this season out of the entries. Perez took the 115-pound title the past two years. Over the past four years Perez ha. dropped but one match, that one in the finals of the state tourney his freshman year, to rank as one or the top individual wres tlers of the tourney. Three boys in each weight will go into the meet with the favorite lag put on them, but the luck of the draw will have several of these drop out after their first match. Top Boy. Collld Marvin Nickol of Dougla-s, win ner of the sub-district meet held in Sutherlin and Roger Hillman of Marshfield, top-seeded from the meet in North Bend, will tangle in the first match of the 130-pound class, while Hod Parazoo of Suth erlin and Tom Jenkins of Marsh field will go at it in the 178-pound class. Miles Stout of Springfield and Roger Barnck of Sutherlin, winners of their sub-district meets, will be matched against each oth er in the 194-pound class to elimi nate one of the top boys in that weight. Top-seeded in the 98 pound class will he Al Schrader of Marshfield, Gordon Avery of Sutherlin and Lar ry Baxter of South Eugene. At 106 pound, it will be Wayne Walker of Iwtn Bend, Hon Colsrud of Spring field and Felix Raddatz of Rose burg. In the 115-pound class it will be Perez, Denny Allen of South Eu gene and Dennis Bradford of North Bend. Top. in the 123-pound weight are Bruce Forrester of North Bend, Larry Neet of Springfield and Durrell Gicear of Sutherlin. At 130-pounds it will he Nickol. Hillman and Leroy William, of Springfield. I Top boy. in the 1.16-pound class , are Chuck Sander, of North Bend,' tvuiu eonpupi. .it ion fcn ttnoti miin r r m ' ' i- w - sir ,r OIL G3 l.ayton Ferguson of Sutherlin and Bruce Glenn of South Eugene. At 141-pounds it will be Scott Gibson of Springfield, Ken England of Suth erlin and Roy Sinclair of Marsh-! field. At the 148-pound mark it will be Dan Guthrie of South Eugene, Dave Wood of Marshfield and Ken Ja cobs of Roseburg. In the 157-pound class it will be Dan Cooper of North Bend, Russ Pinard of Rose burg and Dick Morse of Willamette. At 168 pounds it will be Bill Part ridge of Springfield, Mepnan Jonn ; of Roseburg and Francis Tressleri of Reedsport. In the 178-pound class it will he Jenkins. Parazoo and Marion El der of Willamette. At 194 pounds it will be Stout, Barrirk and Dick Slitt of Myrtle Point. Heavyweight favorites will be C. B. Simons of Roseburg, l.yle Fowler of Marsh field and Andy Kriekis of Spring field. , Starts At Noon The first matches of the meet are scheduled to start at 12 p.m.1 on Friday, with other sessions to start at 3 p it. and 7 p.m. on Friday. On Saturday, the opening matches will open at 10 a.m. with the finals slated to start at i.M p.m. and the battle for second place at 3 p.m. Weighing in time for the matches will be held from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Friday. Team scoring for the tourney will give 10 points for first place, seven for second, four for third and two for fourth. One additional point will be awarded for each bout won by a fall, default or forfeit through out the tourney. In addition one point will be scored for each bout won in the championship and con solation eliminations, except for the final first and second matches. Trophies will be awarded to the schools finishing first and second in the meet, with medals being pre sented to the first and second place winners in each weight division. Three mats will be used during the tournament, with three bouts going on at the same time. Three stop watches will be used for each match in order to give an accurate timing of each bout. ftl SuQpram) Cr' m nxt i.h hi inum i n .Ap". I! ' j 6 Th Ntwt-Review, Roieburg, Ore. Thurt. Feb. 13, 1958 Earwood Retains UVL Lead; B Scoring Led By Patterson Fred Earwood .till remain, on i top of the Umpqua Valley League I .coring race after the first .even game, on the schedule; with a to tal of 108 points and a 15.4 aver age per game. Earwood transfer red to Myrtle Creek during the week from Riddle, but hi. point, i went with him Bill, in fourth place last week, moved into a tie for the runner-up spot with Larry Bisson nette of Douglas, both with 94 point, and a 13.4 average. Slayton Mov. Up Warren Slayton of Sutherlin moved up from fifth to take over the spot vacated by Eswine withijjave Compton of Elkton moved B.i points and an n. average, jim Murray of Myrtle Creek dropped ! from third place last week to the number five spot this week with game. Only even player, are aver-1 aging more than 10 points perPaul Parrett of Canyonville with game, one down from last week s. , 109 points j )0 games and Charles but a player needed at least an Henderer of Elkton with an even 8.1 average to break into the top m pomts are tne others over the 15 this week, while a seven-point j century mark, average was enough last week. , 0niy nine piayers are averaging The transfer of Earwood to Myr- 10 points per game or more com tle Creek gives the Vikings four ; pared to 10 last week, but John men in the top 15. with Douglas ; Wheeler of Camas Valley and and Sutherlin grabbing off three Dave Wiley of Yoncalla are just each, Oakland and Glide two outside, both with a 9 8 average. apiece and Riddle one. . . (.sum. Arrive. The only new face in the 15 this week i. Terry Counts of Douglas, i Counts dropped 28 points through! the net. in two games last week to bring him up into the number 1 ju spot in me siannings. unraon Ferguson of Oakland dropped out of the. top 15, but remains in the 16th spot with 51 points, only sev-1 (f tk. ... ii un me upvk. Mvrtle Creek, in third place with! a 5-2 record, has the best offen- sive -and defensive club of the leaeup. allowing its ODnonenls nnlv 33.7 noints Der eamc. while roll- ing ud an average of 50.4. Suther- iin has the lowest offense with a Baker. CV 35.1 average and Oakland theiR- Beal, E leakiest defense, allowing its op-1 ponenls an average of 55 6 points points per game. Nimi F. Earwood. Avg. Gamts R-MC 7 Pit. 108 94 94 83 82 76 71 66 62 60 60 60 59 J7 57 I.. Bissonnette D B. Eswine. G W. Slayton, S J. Murray, MC D. Klimback, MC J. Taylor. D 'R; Kenwisher, S C. Cassidy, R T. Counts, D P. I.indquist, MC G. Rae, O D. Ralls. O J. Livingston, G R. Hill, S 9 4 8 9 86 86 85 81 8.1 Two New Firing Marks Set By Rifle Clubbers Aggregate scores of the Rose burg Senior Rifle Club shoot Wed nesday night showed that Pete Serafin nabbed top honor, with 387 X 400. Jerry Cumpston with .185 was a close second, followed by Deane Paulson with 384. Paul Rohinsnn with 383 and Bill Brickey with 381. Cumpston set a new club off hand record with a 94 X 100, while Robinson is the new kneeling champion, hitting 195 X 200. Club records are being kept for the first time this season. Glide Townies Wirt Two In a pair of exhibition games Wednesday evening at Glide, the Glide Town Team first trimmed the News-Review basketball team, 52-37. and then defeated Golden Rule of Sutherlin, 61-59. The win ners held a 32-22 halflime advan tage over the News-Review, but were forced to struggle from behind in the .econd half to beat Golden Rule. DISTRICT TOURNAMENT FRIDAY 12 Noon & 7 P.M. FEBRUARY 14 and 15 ISO Woyl IntlrlJ tram ) Sub-DiltHct Mtt. Tml tnltrad fram Rgicburf ,. Suthtrlin, Myrtla CrMk, Doug li, Glide, South tuftnt, Sprinffttld, Cottaft Grava, W.ll.mttt., North loud, MortMiold, M,rtlo Point, ' Roodiaort, Gold loach and Si. Froncii of tutor,.. ' 2 Qualifiers For Stare Meet From Each of the 13 Weights ROSEBURG HIGH GYM . Admission High School SOc-G The tight Douglas B League I scoring race ha. daylight between! first and second places for the first time ail season, as jonn t-auer- .on jumped back into the top spot Roseburg Indian.. On Friday, the battle Cama. Valley is the only Wolves in a Douglas B League after a week', absence with a total ' Indians will travel to meet South , ,h h Hmnt the Faeles " 1 and 'e ouSla Trojans will of 153 point, in 10 game, and a Eugene, but wUl return home fori1""1 ,h4t h" "P , . ti : Play ,hfBndon """ ,n 1 non 153 average. ja game against the .trong Spring-"" yr nd wl" be out t0 m,ke " league affair, in the only game, on Byron Baker of Cama. Valley, first place last week, dropped down into a secona piace tie wun naipn Bral of Elkton, both with 128 points. But, Baker has a 14.2 aver age, playing in only nine games, while Beal has a 12.8 average, playing in 10 game.. Bob Burns of Canyonville re- mainetf in the number four spot far iho ihirH .traioht utnpir huf jn,0 a tie with botn witn n5 poims , i0 games and an 11.5 average. - - .M c.. ... ..... .k. inn point mark in one of the highest' i scoring races in several years. : Wiley entered the top 15 for the I fire! lima thia Waal, afta koinrfl.l n - I I I ..II.. ...... . ...... nn. v.. v. out for ,he first thrce games 0f the season. He rests in the number 15 spot with 59 points in six games. Elkton has four players in the top 15, while Canvonville. Camas Valley and Yoncalla each placed ) tnree. uays creek rounds out the list with two. Yoncalla, which lead; i the i league with a 8-1 record, has the best de - I f..:.. . -il-...: irnsivtj iroiiii. aiiuwmg us uppuu- ents only 40 3 points per game, while Elkton has the best offensive mark, rolling up an average of 5.1.1 points. Nam vamvi 10 Pi. 153 128 128 115 115 109 100 88 86 81 70 69 69 67 59 Avo. 15 3 ' ' Patterson 14 2 12.8 ! 11.5j 11.5 10.9 10 0 9 8: 10.7 1 11.6' B- Burns, C 1 B. Compton 1 lompton, e. i . rarrei. C. Henderer, E ;J. Wheeler. CV 15 4 -1 Richardson, DC 8 13 4 ' M. Meridian. CV 7 13 4 J. Whitlow. E 10 11.9 ; G. Williams. DC 8 118J.. N'offsinger, Y 9 10 9 B. Snider, Y 9 10 1 ID. Wiley, Y 6 7 0 86 7 7 7.4 Albany Football Coach Hired As OSC Assistant CORVALLIS i Bud Gibbs, football coach at Albany High School for the last four years, was hired Wednesday as an assistant football coach by Oregon State College. He will report for work March 1. Roy Kcene, OSC athletic direc tor, said Gihbs, an Oregon State graduate, will be one of six as- j sistants to head coach Tommy i Prothro. i The 30-year-old coach was an : end for OSC in 1945. He returned j to the Beavers after serving in j the armed forces and played three more seasons before graduating in 1949. Yoncalla Athletic Club Posts 106-53 Victory Two terrific last half periods by the Yoncalla Athletic Club bask etball team gave them an 106-53 win over the Cottage Grove Teachers in a Tri-City League till played Wednesday at Cottage Grove. Yoncalla pushed in 38 point, in the third period and 30 more in the final quarter to push the .core over the century mark. T. J. Moore led all scorer, with 40 points, followed by Jerry Cade with 28. Five player, hit in the double figure, for Yoncalla. 5 SATURDAY 10 A.M. & 1:30 P.M. 75c Final. 1.00 rode School 25c County Teams Set 13 Games On. sf the bieirst iDort week-1 field both tied for the league lead League tilt for the day will have Dot" .Tount7 .ll .C the f.Vst half of play 41 the Klkton , Elk, travehng to meet year i. on the agenda for the com- record.. - ,he i,"?,, C'Zk. f.h" ' ,EJkis ing weekend a. 13 basketball Umpaua Valley League action n condole cewi h a 7-3 mar game, and the bi District Kive for Krftay w.ll have the Douglas n'n,nD''? f m Vimni wrestling tournament, are on the Trojans traveling to meet the D' ' r"" ' "Pl schedule, of the 16 high schools. G,ldJe Wildca, ,he Myrtle Creek '' ''rs' "TrnL" The wrestling tourney will havevikingi on the road against Oak-ns"n 'he. strong Elmira ral over 150 boy. entered and will be i )a'nd and "he Riddle Irish playing n""? held in the Koseburg gym .tan- ing at 12 noon on Friday Teams will be entered from Rose- uui, ouuicmu, jiyiuc Douglas, Glide, South Eugene, Springfield. Cottage Grove, Wil lamette, North Bend, Marshfield, Mvrtle Point. Reedsrjort. Gold Beach and St. Francis, Also dated for Friday and Sat- urday nights are the crucial Dis- trict 5-A-l basketball tuts by the field Miller.. Roseburg and Spring - Baylor Scoring Pace ...... press By THS ASSOCIATED ' If he maintain, hi. present scor- ing pace. Elgin Baylor of Seattle j University will top the 828 point, which gave him the Pacific North- ' west leadership among college . basketball players in 1H57. ! A year ago Baylor closed out the season with 826 points, col- lected in 27 game.. At present he has 622 and is averaging 32.7, 'tn sevfn an,M Ief' 10 ? t nA vanilla sassai ansf at aeet I ..lie ivuiai naavu aaau ei k one assured in post-season play. But in his recent tilts his av erage has been closer to 40 and a thousand-point season is not im possible. The only previous thousand-pointer was chalked up in 1952 by another Seattle U. star when All America Johnny O'Brien posted 1051. Seattle Pacific's Loren Ander son edged into second place with total of 482, just one point more mail UaVlU VJttlUlltTI 1IU ed for orthwest Nazarene when the books closed for the week Saturday. Anderson also topped the list in free throws, convert- ing 172 to Bavlor'a 160. Tw0 ..her Davers Dassed the . ,nn i. i-i 1." 1:..,.. I Pacific Lutheran with 452 and Bill , Hollingsworth of Southern Oregon : "".L :Z " " Washington s Doug Smart was sixth with 389. head ing the Pacific Coast Conference contingent. At his heels with 386 i was Idaho's Gary Simmons. The leaders: Bavlor. SU Anderson, SPac Gardner, NNaz Curtis, PLC Hollingsworth, SOC Smart, Wash. Simmons, Idaho Winters, PortSt. - 19 231 160 622 20 155 172 482 21 191 99 481 19 161 130 452 21 142 142 426 19 152 85 389 19 142 102 386 20 108 145 361 Hermans ENDS THIS WEEK-END! Thit it It! W mim tndinfl ur figantic Sal Of Mtn't Wear this wetVtnJ by taking attra reductions M talecttd stock. All mutt be told! W do not want to hav to placo this lino te quality woolan clothing in storogo tor nett year. Buy now! Save More! You'll W glad yoa shopped Herman's. ALL WOOL ALL WOOL TAN WHIPCORD CRUISERS CRUISERS CRUISERS .. 1 088 1f88 h!'5 9.00 ,21.00 1J ,l5 U lyATCHINC 33 SLACK RUBBER LONG RAIN COATS RECULAK 11.95 BLACK .KUBJEK SHORT RAIN COATS EVERY PAIR IN STOCK RUBBER FOOTWEAR NOW REDUCED FULL host ,0 the Sutherlin Bulldogs Douglas and Riddle ,Ve ,11 knotted ud for the league lead with 61 up f()r the leagui records, with Myrtle creek a close second with a 5 2 mark. Hornets Seek Repeat ! The Voncalla Eagles, with the Douglas B League championship ,11 nut cinched, will host ,he ",mV villev Hornet, on Friday Sht to ita? bSS! "to be J ltwo in a row. The only other B Better Than 1957! Gambee, OSC 18 130 84 344 f'.rr St Wart 23 127 83 337 Sarnnrf' Ton- l.arrv H o w a r d. Eastern Oregon. 331: Charles Bo-i gle. Oregon Tech. 326: Jack Day. St. Martin i, 323; Don Moseid. Pu get Sound, 315: Jim Armstrong, Portland U., 307: Charles Frank lin, Oregon. 300; Bob Becker, Whitman, 299; Kent Matheson. Eastern Washington, 296; Bob Peppley. Northwest Nazarene, 295; Ed Grossenbacher, Wil lamette, 292. Amateur Boxer Dies From Ring Injuries SPRINGFIELD, III. A 17-year-old Chicago amateur boxer suffered fatal injuries Wednesday night after being knocked out in the first round of a Golden Glove, boxing bout. Melvin Young, 126 pounds and fighting in the open class compe tition of the boxing show, was pro nounced dead upon arrival at a hospital. Cause of death was not determined immediately. Young's opponent was Joe Be cerra, 16, of Granite City, 111. They met in the next to last fight on a 32-bout program sponsored by the Springfield Jaycees and the Illinois State Register. Young was one of 16 inmates fmm tka ChnriHan till 1 a.knnl fnl- u run iriijgyg entered in the tournament, said Melvin Bryant, assistant su perintendent of the school. He said the school', policy permitted in mates to take part in high school level athletics. He said the boxing team at Springfield was under su pervision of school officials. OF ALL WOOL MELTON . ROCK and ROLL JACKETS The most popular coot of th year. Longer than regular jacket . shorter than top coat ... designed to giv you worm comfort nd thorp casual drossy look. W hav just received new ship ment ond the too g n sl. Com in ond mak your selection nd mv. REGULAR $14.95 NOW ALL WOOL TWEED CRUISERS J18 9 T U "H "Vi; r 7i The only other game scheduled for Friday will have the Gtendale Pirates, currently in a three-way tie for first in District 6-A-2 ac- "0", traveling to meet Phoenix, oneof their first place friends. Bolh clubs are 6-2 in league play. 0n Saturday night the Yoncalla Eagle will take on th Days Creek me scneouies. Sports Calendar THURSDAY BOWLING: Commercial and Vol- unteer leagues. 7 p.m. Merchants and Nina Clock leagues, 9 p.m. ARCHERY: Douglas Yeomen, Armory, 7:30 p.m. BASKETBALL: YMCA Umpqua Valley League: Jackson Whole sale vs. News-Review, 7 p.m. Golden Rule vs. Christian Church, 8 p.m., Benson gym. YMCA Church Senior High League: Dillard Methodist vs. First Christian, 7 p.m. Latter Day Saints vs. First Presbyter ian, 8 p.m., Joseph Lane. Harlem Road Kings at Riddle, 8 p.m. PISTOL CLUB: Winchester, 7:30 p.m. FRIDAY BOWLING: Junior Classic and Umpqua leagues, 7 p m. Major Classic and City Classic leagues, 9 p.m. BASKETBALL: District 5-A-l: Roseburg at South Eugene, 8 ' p.m. Umpqua Valley League: Douglas at Glide, 8 p.m.; Myr tle Creek -at Oakland, 8 p.m.; Sutherlin at Riddle, 8 p.m. Doug las B League: Camas Valley at Yoncalla. 8 p.m.; Elkton at Day. Creek, 8 p.m. District 5-A-2: El mira at Drain, 8 p.m. District 6-A 2: Glendale at Phoenix. Non league: CBA at Canyonville, 8 p.m. WRESTLING: District Five Tour nament, Roseburg High School, 12 p.m. and 7 p.m. RALPH L. RUSSELL Horn Loant Inturanct Bonds Loon Representative Equitably Savings & Loan Ass'n Mildred Hornichuch, Anociatt 72S S. E. Rot. St. OR 3-4311 MEN'S WEAR 10.00 12.00 Reg. 21.95 S. E.JACKSON STREET DIAL OR 3-7026 "d also dropped it, first game , t'n?,f-., ... u-....-.. O O 3 O O SS -9 if G S3 0 0 0 0 5l j ant.v-