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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1950)
Set conscious of She value of wantads, you'll profit D 10 Th Newt-Review, Rowburg, Ore. Thiirt., Fab. 16, 1930 CLASSIFIED HAT IS 1 dap par word , 1 dan " 1 d.j. " - , 4 day, " " , Uyl " , Phone 100 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINE P.M. Oay Bfor Publication CLASSIFICATIONS REAL E1IAIR I RENTALS - -.- t MIIMII OPPnRTUNITI 'BU1LDINO MATE IAI. 4 POR TRAP! LOAN! HELP WANTED. FRUITS A VEGETABLES- AT. GRAIN 1E0 LIVESTOCK POULTRY BABBIT -. PETE POB BALK HIEC MIICSLLANIOUS purl. TIMBER A lAHMR.LI. .OfiniNO EQUIPMENT MACHINERY POB BALI PABM EQUIPMENT TRACTORS TRUCKS AUTOS .. IMPOUNDED INSTRUCTION . PERSONAL NOTICES Real Estate 1 TKe Home Of Fine Ranches And Hornet I BEDROOM HOME on South Jarkson gtreet. tram eotutructlon. fir floor, tub bath, a Lso a two-room cabin In rear, priced at 4300.00 terms. ONE ACRE on paved road In walking distance of town, achool but. city but, dally mall delivery, modern three bed rooro home, hn house, fruit and ber ries, a good buy at 40200.00. Terms. HIGHWAY FRONTAGE JM foot frontage on hiway 00. a nice 4 badroom homa and 3 acres, with barn, woodshed New hlway will pro bably go through this placa, and alto Ml payments ara c .iy w month, full prlca 730.00, tarma. GARDEN VALLEY H Acraa of choice bottom land, on tha river, modern 3 badroom homa. needs loms repairs, barn, hen house, family fruit of all kinds and walnut. If you appreciate good land see thii place at ftWSO.OO terms. GRADE A DAIRY 40 acres, all Ullabla. milk parlor equipped, large Darn, mouirn j room norne, un nod road near scnool ana store, giu,- SHEEP RANCH 154 acraa, 80 acraa tillable, modern room homa, family fruit. 3 bams, large poultry house, close-in; all for $10, 5O0.00, tarma. A LIVE TAVERN Did 940,000 00 business last year, every- tntng complete f-u.uw.uu, verms. 10 ACRES of exceptionally fine river doiioto jana in uaraen vaitey, 300.00. ST ACRES, mostly tillable, email house, naar Jaairose store, gjuo.w, tarma. WE HAVE SHEEP AND COW RANCHES from 300 acres to acres, so don't buy until you have looked at our rsncnes. Jack Realty, Realtor 51 S. Stephana St. Phona 9S9-J LLOYD WILSON HENRY L. HANDY Baleamen Valley Real Estate Agency S Beautiful view lota, close to city. Lou of oak trees; only :i,ooo for all live, we oeneve mis ta a gooo. ouy. Possible location for apartment house, or oincr rentals. Unfinished home, but can be lived tn. Finish floor is down; near Winston. Only foOO down, f-1450 full prlca. 1300 feet of RIVER FRONTAGE South I'm pa ue river near Canyon ville. About 140 acres level farm land with balance pasture and timber. Good o room nomt, modern; also l-ram cabin with hot a. cold water. 1 lares barns; also gralnery. On cream route and R .F D. Gravel highway by house Stock and equipment can be bought antra, a s.uuu, witn tuuo down. Valley Real Estate Agency 115 W. Case St. Phona BOS WE'VE GOT A BARGAIN 1 1 I . . . and you should sea It. It is located w.:hin very easy walking distance of the business dl-trlcl on paved street, side walks, sewers and all other city conveniences. Three bedrooms, full dining mom. Plaster Just recently painted and fir floors newly sanded and finished. Tha arrangement Is of the older tvpe, but it Is clean, neat, well built. Full basement with piped wtxd furnace. UO x 100 foot lot that Includes 3 pear trees, 3 apple and l'i cherry trees, ilf you can not figure out how li cherry trees ara possible, come In and we will show you. Thla de sirable home Is especlslly well located The owner is leaving tha state and haa priced his hrnn at only $791 to e-atira a quick sale. Reasonable terms. ROSEBURO REALTY A INSl'RANCE CO. umpqua notei ioDby Special $1000 Down, $60 Month Total Price $2100 Lot 0 x 130, highway frontage, city uu wivirt, mat service, electric n School bus Tnat Is a few of the many aa vantage oi this room home Nice front room, adequate kttrhen buill-lna. nice sink with rinsing hose. uuiujr rimm wnn luns I bedroom wnn ciosei nicety painted, with view window. Lot Is level. Has hot water heater. Thla Is not a cabin or snaca. dui a nice little home worth avary cent of tha asking price. Lehman Real Estate Phona 723 J 414 N. Jackson LOtSORSAI.ETermsWsVcf-and lights available 3 miles south on Highway 09 Ph 14 J-l fOR SAUTOR TRAH -Equity tn 1V acres and small modern house. . L, Powell Cany on villa. Real Estate Better Values WESTS! D naar antranca to Veteran a' Administration Comfortable four room homa altuatad on a Urge level free toll lot. Thla homa haa a large 11 vine room, one bedroom. could aai ly add another) dining room, garaga. guou. toiai price, icrms. PARTIALLY-FURNISHED one bedroom modern home Just off tha uarden va lev road on bus Una. This aolld llttl homa haa a flreolace. olaster finish a race, cardan soace. Immediate pos session. 44500. toUl price. Attractive terms. ATTRACTTVE newer homa naar River side school. A convenient nlan witn Z bedrooms, lnalda utility room, central heating, attached garage. giooo. or leu down to responsible party. Bat at 71 per mo. APPROX ACRES lave) lend eight mi lee south-west of city. Larce new homa of pumlca construction, plastered interior. Big living ana dining room, utility, attractive kitchen, carafe. There ta a large back porch, good water system. Asking prlca 40950. Mod. rata aown payment. Stanley E. Short Realtor 114 Waal Lane St Phona 1003-R New Listings 3 BEDROOM HOME In Laurelwood Dlsl larga living room and dining room. Nice kitchen with lota of bulltina. Plastered. Hardwood floors; furnace; attached garage. 4 yrs old. Sewer 3i pavement. 13.000 00 F H A. will loan approximately f.o.ow.oo. OWNER HAS MOVED Taka a look at this vacant 3 bedroom homa In Dlst. of fine homes. Tha lot alona fs worth 13 tha asking price. fan oasemeni; on rurnace; nrepiaca, i j crass in fVrtiw, tt aown. GO SUBURBAN IN STYLE Close to East city limits. Naw and ai tractive noma. 3 bedrooms. Wall to wan ruga on floor. Plastered, furnace Fireplace. Vacant now. Should take lata ur.L loan ok. go.soo 00; tarma. COMPARE THIS 3 Bedroom homa and 1 acre of ground. rmvmtt si reel, eruii ana oernes. iniCK- en house. On bus Una. If you want io mix a garoen in is is a good buy. eaiu.w. adoui "it aown. CONSULT US without obligation. If can ao you no gooa we win do you no harm. Wa need listings on all types of Baal Estate. L. B. Hicks Real Estate Lobby Grand Hotal Phona 13TT-Y SPECIAL FOR OREGON STATE VETERANS DILLARD AREA- New house. 9 bed- rooms, nving room, aineiie, Kitcnen and bath. Concrete foundation. Elect, water heater, laundry trays and well wnn eieci. pressure pump, acre, free soli lot In locality of other nice homes. This house will appraise for more than the asking prlca of MBS0. Wa have another house tha same aa the abova with attached garaga for etf-puu.uyh SUBURBAN BEAUTY H ACRE RIVER BOTTOM BOIL. New noma: 3 large bedrooma, modern' sue aiicnen ana oatn, dinette, spacious living room with pic ture windows and beautiful fire place, uaa wall furnace, hardwood noors, atiacnett garage, utility room, elect, water healer. Shake exterior. rutlers and down spouts. Restricted oca t Ion You will recognlie this as an exceptional buy at g7M)0. Can be weu luiencco. EQUITY FOR TRAILER HOUSE 1300 aqul t y In house for tral ler of same value. House located In North Roteburg, cloea to trading canter and Bruce V, Gilley, Real Estate N. Stephens ph. 199-J-J Office en Highway st North ALMOST NEW modern 3 bedroom homa -itn an garage. Just outside i limits W dn payment; full price ' wmwj mo. pay men is. NEW S-Br.DROOM HOME being com- r'" " sr-ge. ah monern, aiisti. on down Owner will carry Bal. on Mo. NICE SMAIX Neighborhood Grocery do- ..... (.uunrts win sen at tnven- une peon can Handle. W1U con sider trsde on home. WJL".AVR 5MB N!rlE RANCHES now; .....u ana large; some on Uis WilKamson Real Estats Ph, 1(180 J 17Q. N at.Bh.n. CloverdaU Park NEW HOMES t PROM 7W0 Low. Down Paymant 1 and I tmtrooma Keoll Realty Co. ok ,'.?C Ctordal P.rk p- l5JJ JIM Holll. t Surveys Maps Plans Ferry C Armstrong Civil Engineer til So Msin St ph gif.ii t'lLDERS ATTENTION- Large " corner .j i, i -- inci, fronting on old highway S of town 10 wig rt of lumbar included with lot Phone ?e-p.i. HOUSE " ANtitOT. II 2-YV 1 1 00 down. balance easy terms Also lots on any reasonable nivmin ta a r h.. Winston, Oregon. ' Always Have It Surveyed 'rOR 9ALX on trade New 2 bedroom Jim Daugherty, tha engineer. Ph. 397 -R Real Estate 1 A FINE COUNTRY PLACE 71 ACRES. 13 miles out. near Hvar. with a lovely 4 B. R. homa Modern In every reaoect. hardwood floors. fire place, living room and dining room, large kitchen, plastered tnrougn out. Full clean basement, all fenced, 30 A. tillable, barn and chicken house, some timber. If you ara working In town and want a country place, this will meet all your requirements. Wa highly recommend you see this place. Terms can be erranged to suit your self: thst la within reason. Priced at 319.000. WINSTON 4 BEDROOM JUST reduced gl.oft0 00 to Induce .quirk sale. 3 large bedrooms down witn living room and dining room. Ar ranged ao that upstairs may be rented as apartmrnt. Lot Is 00 x ISO. all fenced and with double garaga. Lawn and shrubs. Really priced right at ga.euu.uu. s4.ouu.uu aown. CLOSE TO RIVERSIDE SCHOOL ATTRACTIVE one bedroom home with unfinshed upstairs. Hardwood floors. 00 x 128 lot all fenced end in lawn. Garage. A nice little place priced et W.9O0 00. Might take a house trailer aa aown payment. CLOSE-IN WITH BASEMENT ONLY 8 blocks from oos toff Ice. oaved street, city aewer, jurnace, one oea room down, 3 up, oo-ft. lot. Plas tered throughout Close to Roee school. Price 4710 00. Earl & Gladys Wiley Realtors HOTEL ROSE BL DO. PH. T3S-R 3 B. R. mod. plastered home. East Douglas. 3 yrs. old. Hardwood floors OH floor furnace. Lot S3 x 139. Att. garage. City and school buses at door. 12000 00 down, 37Z30.00 full price, and wall worth it. New 3 B. R. mod. homa. East Rosa- burg. Lot 90 x 09, 780 sq. ft. floor space. Fireplace. Auto, wall furnace. Ken tile and wall to wall caroetlng Huge windows. ' block from bus line. I mm. pose. 33000.00 down. gttSOOOO uu price. We have a 1-bed extra fine homa In west suburbs. May be purchased with complete and very high quality fur nishings. A buy at gwtfO.OO complete. i arms. 3 Unit Dud tea: of three rooms each. uooa town near Rang. Borne equip ment. ive in one ana rent tne otner. A very good Investment. Only 34500 00. One of the best all purpose farms In Lfougias v.oumy. zvu A. oi wnirn 110 is fine cult, land and In growing crops Good 4 B. R. modern home. Insulated. Completely furnished. Large oarn, poultry nouses ana mscnine shed. Sheep tight fences. Complete line of power machinery In excel lent condition Including new combine, farm cat, tractor and farm trucks. A real money maker. $28,000.00, on good terms. Room mod. older house close In on ao. Main, i bin from Rosa school. Lot 90x170, 92500.00 down, 35800.00 full price. William A. Oerding Realtor Insurer 134 West Casa St A SPECIAL 3000 DOWN 36800 FULL PRICE This very well arranged, nearlv new two bedroom home will meet ell your needs. It has a large living room, modern kitch en and attached garage. The pay ments are attractive too. low er than many rents at SAS per month. Let us show you this today. It won't last long. Near Ford's and Young's Bay. SEVEN UNIT "MODERN MOTEL This fine re mtly built motel and service si tlon Is being sac rificed to sahify creditors. The sale price Includea all furni ture end most of the service station equipment 12 acres of land give more than enough frontage on Highway 00. Inves tigate this opportunity at ence. Cash prlca $14,500. BUILDING SITES If you contemplate building your own home In the near future, see us for some of the finest resi dential building sitae available In or near Roseburg. ROSEBURO REALTY A INSURANCE CO. umpqua Hotel lobby Realtors THIS MUST BE IT Move Into this lovely t B. R- home living ana nining room, carpeted wall to wall, oil heat, part base ment . PLUS modern 2 -room mttaee. rental from cottage will pay out the entire home. Total prlca M.P90.00, terms. EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS We have many ether very fine list ings, we welcome your investigation. GUARANTEED NO PRESSURE SELLING. we don't have what you want wa can get it. C, FORREST LOSES FULLERTON REALTY J30 N. Stephens rtt. Roseburg, Ore. Special ON UMPQUA AVE. very comfortable 9 bedroom home Cir. fireplace. One bedroom down finished in knotty nine. The other two upstairs. Large kitchen; lota of built Ins. Breakfast nook Large glasaed-ln back porch. Large aaraae. Lot 60 xl2A with good garden aoil. Priced at gio. JMHl. (X) down and owner will y balance for only 400. 00 oer month. Earl and Gladys Wiley Real Estate Phono T34-R Acreage THREE LEVEL ACRES "'i miles north of city There is a large unfinished I wo-bedroom home on property. The irnen. one iMornorn, nam and utll v rooms are sealed In Dlaslerboanl plumbing is roughed in. electric dut-d en well. Finished livable double ga rage on concrete pea. Asking price wsj, aown pa mem, tssi- anco at goo per mo. Stanley E. Short Realtor 114 West Lane St Phone I0M R ranch. or 10 miles out Ph. llia-Y-X They'll Do It Every TEDDy BRlNfi ME ANOTHER MELTED CHEESE SAN6WITCH TWS TIME WITH A LITTLE CHEESE IN IT Last chip uAS , MADE OUT OP MiWI Al l 11 Tl. PIC ATI, tot. SOSLB Real Estate 1 First Time Offered For Sale Brand new home. 31 i SO feet, 1500 sq. leet. a nearooms. extre urge living room, ultra modern kitchen, hardwood floors throughout, fire place, piped Ml furnace. On paved street Lawn is m. all on one floor. Large lot eis.uuu.uu tarma. BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL SEE L B. Hicks Real Estate Lobby Hotel Grand Phone 12T7-V Rentals Cloverdale Park NEW HOMES .SA9.00 per mo. .410.00 Mora Ketell Realty Co. Offlra Clovardala Park Phona 1933 219 Hollla it FOR RENf POLISHER. WAXER and scrubber All In one tooL Light enough any child can handle; finger-tip control. F & W Floor Covering Co. MT S Stephens Phone 14TB-R NEWLY CONSTRUCTED one-bedroom apartments, furnished with gas range, refrigerator. Panel-Ray gaa heaters, hot water tank: water and garbage disposal. Close to town 70 month. Phone 1730 Todd Bldg. Co. CHARMING This new. modern 2 bed room cottage so comfortably furnished; easy housekeeping with its all elec tric kitchen. A. M. Selby, 3' miles east of Glide. TRAILER FOR RENT, furnished: one block west. 2 north from Edenbower grocery, over hill. Inquire large Imi tation brick house. ItMig Eden Lane. Mrs. Oldfield. , BOARD. ROOM and washing. t75. montS or room alone. 20. References re quired Mrs Lewis E Jones, First nouse m. oi Miner s L-uia on c Doug- UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS for rent Electric neat, rhone 109. or call at Court Apt No. S. next to Falrhaven Mantei. TWO ROOM UPSTAIRS apartment; also a iirsi noor room, can k.jv-h-4 or write w, w. mcMurray, e, o. Box 104, rv iiinion, uregon. FOR RK NT J -room house, 1 mile W. of dinner i in not modern. 935 oer mo. See Mrs. Jessie Roofenrr at Rons (.aie after A p. m., Sutherlln. Ore. MODERN HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES Kcasonanie rates bv week or month Myrtle Grove Motel on Highway 90. mnes n. or niyrtie CTcek FURNISHED CABINS. tlO and 112 oer week Also monthly ratea. Pacific lanuis. at muea N on n Phone 3 ROOM, furnished apartment. E. -Doug ROOM FOR RENT with Community Ki.vnrn. separate isDies, men oniy, Phone 12-L. SMALL UPSTAIRS furnished apt. See 7.M Ivan St.. or call 8S4-Y after 5 p m. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE for sale or rent at Winchester See Arthur Rietmann, 1 nine norm oi n roc sway. LIGHT HOt'SEKEEPING CABINS and rooms. Weekly rates Pleasant Motor court. 17SU n. Stephens TRAILER SPACE FOR RENT?-nested shower rooms, laundry facilities. HM icmpiin CLEAN. FURNISHED sleeping mom. pri- vis rnirunn, fuv weex, SJU. montn. B3J S Pine. TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive, long ui hiou iivm nn nivt iruca rental, 7M South Stephens. Phone 14J0-J. TRUCKS and trailers for rent Move yourseii. i nompson Signal Service. Stephens at Washington. Ph. 795. 2 ROOM APT. with bath. See at 036 n. j ark son, FOR RENT LlghfTiouiekeepint "roomsT 403 W. Lsne. FURNISHED ROOM for business wo man, close in. Call 3M-J. J APTS. for rent 920 S, StephanOhT FOR RENT- Sleeping room on High way rnone ju-j-a. mornings. NICE APT. for rent Call 327-Y after s p. m FOR RENT-J-bedroom, himlshedTriouse on i-n i-ine Box zoj. News-Review. SLEEPING ROOM for 1. Kitchen Drtvi- leges. S0S Fowler. SLEEPING ROOM for 2. Ri'tchetTpriv: lieges. Vig Foler. BOARD, room and uundrv. 17 50per week IhXl E. Lane St. Comfortable-sleeping room; twin oeos. uo4 Military rhone 1246-U fOR RENT Sleeping cabin. 54 Mill. Phone 1M7-Y. ROOM with orithourkitcbenirtviF eges 4,10 N Pine Ar a rTSi enT.-Tn fu r sfsrtED A. C. Sherlock.Wlnston Section. FOR KENT Trailer space. 546MilLllC APT. F O R" ft E NTCa 1 1 S7 R 1 . 3R0OM APT. B5 Miller. MO-lC SLEEPING ROOMS 4ng Pltier. SI EE PING RpOM IStU N ackson CI EA?if. fronrsleeping room Ph 14!T. Business Opportunity 3 Canyo nvdie WHt-eetabliahed earaa . with mntut tSSTcM rrnvvuL0" Wrmi leeee. tall SoM, tanyonvtlle. NIC SET-UP FOR RETAIL Lumber i J-l'i Hf"'.,.!. "11"?! I space under roof, small planer ready xmrA . ik.i,i.. r ' Price, Write Box SOS. Oakland. ' owner at mill. miles ; on County Road. Time When oocd ol' GASTRIC 5 N THE 6Ame,vw Might as - WELL PLAy WITH FLVBAPER AS PAR AS CONCERNED: eVervbodv HE CAN KJT A V HAS TO H.Ay EM un 1 LC 0nic I CLOSE OIHE IN IT BRING A 1 WITH GASTRIC IN E A0P ANDANEV 1 6AME-1HEVRE PECK OF CARDS STUCK THERE JK3, - "ft Building Material 4 ABOUT 15.000 feet surfaced No. a and No. 4 lumber. 1 K 4 to 3 12. ii73 tor tne iou r. u. box iiw, phona 121 6-Y For Trade TRADE A GOING BUSINESS and prop erty inat an eiaeny couple can nanaie, for a good sheep ranch; give or taka difference. News-Review Box 203. FOR TRADChT D motorcycleprfect condition, for pickup truck or auto. Orchard TrallerCourt. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE valued at gisoo. trade for large house trailer. Write News-Review Box IBS. Loans MONEY $10 42S $90 97$ $100 300 4300 UP TO 1500 Borrow on your salary. All steadily em ployed men and women may qualify today for a salary loan UD to 4300 whether you're in a new lob or an oia one. Borrow on your car or furniture. Your furniture or automoDtie maxe excel lent security at Local Loan paid for or not. up to sow on your turn lture. up to mow your car. Special "Pay Day" loans. 10, t2S. 50 oanra mi -ray uay or longer ray only for tha actual number of days you Keep tne money. 92S coats IRe for one week. No other charges. Phone for your loan LOCAL LOAN CO. Lao Savr. Manager 139 No. JackMn Phona UTJ Lia. t-r9: M-35J ROMburf LOANS UP TO $300 On your Signature, Furniture or Livestock. UP TO $500 On your automobile (paid for or not.) Loans made quickly, privately for any worthwhile purpose such aa Unexpected expenses Medical and Denial Mile Consolidate debts Re-flnanclng When you borrow get your money from the company that makes convenient to borrow and convenient to repay Lower payments now available up to 2Q months to repay. CALKINS FINANCE CO. JOT P.clfle Buildlnf Phona 4M U-331 SUM Lie. S-X4 You can't get a better farm loan than a reaerai -and Bank Loan. 4r inter est, long term 20 to 34 S years, liberal prepayment privileges. You have a voice in the management Roseburg National Farm Loan Ass n., 203 Medi cs 1 Arts Btdg Financial F. H. A. UMPQUA REALTY Stephens Phone 1S33-J Acro from Po.t Offlc , K.- m ' -c-. sr-r -t - s- -r-- 1 WANTED TO BORROW 27500. for up to I one vesr. for buslneu nt.rr.Hu I Ha-e good security Will pay good 1 rate of interest. Write Box 201, News- neview. WANTED "TO BORROW 9A500 on new tnree nedroom nome. Long or short time. Write News-Review Box 307. WANTED BY QUIET COUPLE 2 bed room unfurnished house In or near Winston or Dttlard. Reasonable rent Best of care taken Ph. 933-J-l. WANTED TO BUY All kinds offurnT ture Let us bid on your house of furniture. Cell g03-R at V N Jackson street WANTEtUnfumTedvusTr - apt" Wlth g.rir. by March 1Mb. Employed garage by March tlh. Emoloved u -T.-r " k,-T.- r couple Phone 1447-R evenings. Pr 20- to S29. per ton Suther- oer 820. to 823. oer ton Suther- l in iron nnrsi, .luintrim, (Oregon. RBIVfl VrttH Jt'NK to' ILoh's "jIv'h Vard at 2332 N StephesPh. 199-J X WANTED TO BUY - Hides. Roeebura i a-pv By Jimmy Hatlo Z MS H THERE WATCH IN' IT. JOE BET HIS SHIRT ON A STRAIGHT HEART FLUSH FROM THE FIVE OR BUT THE FIVE TURNED .OUT TO BE A FOUR With a gos of kETCHiiPON rr- VEST. ' m -4l There's owe im ER CLUS-8-T there's nothins ytd CAM DO AS0UT IT Wanted 8 WANTED TO RENT Moving to Roseburg And I don't mean maybe Need a 2-bedroom house For wife, me, and baby Prefer house clrflb to town, unfurnished will pay gas. per month. Residence win ne permanent. Contact Manager, Joe Richards' Men's Store. Wanted BEEF, VEAL AND PORK Fred Boyer Phona K2-R-3 or lftoo-R. or , Hta Roula 1. Roburg Will Pay Cash WE BUY used furniture, all types. Call at 444 No. Jackson. Ph. 1SS3-J The Bargain House WANT TOUYFo"rd"Ferguson'tractor; also attachments. Write P. O. Box 464. WANTED TO BUY Trash burj Winchester St Help Wanted 9 Executive Secretary Local resident, woman preferred, well experienced In office work and re- latea auties, capDie or rapid and ac curate typing and shorthand. Perma nent position of responsibility In large urm wnn aoove average income ana progressive future, write News-He-view Box 191. ffivini Use. education. complete experience and salaries, ref- erencea. aii replies confidential. Office Man Local resident, under 25 years. Perma nent position, large industrial firm. Office experience or training required. Definite future for ambitious man. Write News-Review Box 192. giving full details of personal background. experience ana references, salary open. A NATIONAL SALES organization wl II Interview 10 men Monday, Feb. 20. at 7:00 p. m., Hotel Rose. Inquire at desk. If you think you can sell, be there. 2 MEN NEEDED TO fill oosltlon with oia nne company. Better tnan average earnings. iar necessary. ZJO N. Ste phens, room 203. 9 a. m. to 11 a. m. MIDDLE-AGED lady to care for elderly isay; ooara, room, aome wages, ro. 711-J WANTED Woman to cook for 2: room. ooara ana wages, ivo wasning Tom Ward. Rt, 2. Box 1320, Roseburg. Work Wanted 10 Septic Tanks Cleaned For Best Results Call ROSEBURG SANITATION SERVICE Ph. 12S4-Y FOR FREE ESTIMATE on home bulld- ing, remodelling, driving and finish ing floors; also rototilllng; call 837-R-4. or wnie to W. F. McMurray. P. O. Box 104. Winston. Oregon. Income Tax Service 130 Sheridan St, ph. 96S-J, or 57-F-2. For your convenience, we will be open 9 a m. - 9 p m Sundays 1 p. tn. 7 p. m. No appointment necessary. FraCTICAL'NURSING In town or coun try: can arrange 24 hr. shift If neces sary. Care for elderly person or chil dren and home while gone. Call 1146-L unui a r. m . . isoB-K-s, aiier. INTERIOR DECORATING and outside painting, floor sanding and finished rooting, any xina. Also contracting. Call Camas 11, after T p. m., 01 before 8 a m WALL WASHING, Kemtonlng. Janitor worn, cleaning ana pousning floors. window wasning. is years experience. Phone 470, ask for Frank Hasty, Apt is. uougias Hotel. INCOME TAX SERVICE. Federal and State. Accounting services. Arthur Denny, 2027 Morris St Ph. 1710-R-S for appointment. CHAIN AND CROSS cut filing. Nnrth- COMMUNTTY-klNDERG ARTEN now of fers care for your child by the day or nour. rn. -e or 1 444-k. WILL CARE FOR convalescents: new babies and mothers a specialty. Ph. MO-J-4. ALTERATIONS DRESSMAKING' ATI types. Mrs. Don W. Garrison. 128 n iane. rnone l7zs-j HOUSE MOVING, foundation, leveling. 14 years experience. P 4k B Towing. 743S Stephens Phone 92. TAX RETURNS, federal and state, by appointment. Accounting eve- sand. CRAVtL-.hro rock. lo.. mrurs. oni-n-i. ue.ivCTecj immeaiateiy. rn .o n-i. AliRowiNnWrC5 .e..--, T,!AIL5R T0!1"- p? "O-R-2 (Souxst M n v"y Rod t i t.u iron in in mv Fowler Street Ph 5,t9-J Lost & Found 11 please return to 43 La Rowe St. Phone i.u-n. newara LOST Orange - bantam chicken with black on tall. In Cloverdale Park. Re ward. Gordon Todd. 01 Alameda. Ph. m-R-.t Livestock 14 WAVTTn Shr YMrlmn ne brMtf- Ing ewes. Phlllppl and Vaning. Rt. 1.1 box 1B4. or ph. m-H-i WAVTVrsn trinH. nt HvMwb Rarv Kmitn. Oakland. Oregon. Fn. Zei. fivrrnTtn ii-TZr. -t Cox. Call 990-J-4. FOR Aai rrr-.h voune milk eow- m. a. en urea, yixanni ie. Livestock 14 Schricker's Auction (AI.E EVERY MONDAY I IVFRTIVK AT 1PM FURNITURE MISCELLANEOUS T p . WHERE BUYER - SELLER MEET TRY SCHRICKER S WITH YOUR NEXT LOCATED HIGHWAY M. MILES NORTH OP ROSEBURG YOU MAY EXPECT A FAIR MARKET PH1UK AT THIS AUlllun SCHR1CKER Si SONS, AUCTIONEERS ROSEBURG AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY Livestock sold by weight or head; household turn.; farm msch. ror your protection we are licensed and bond- Livestock 1P M. Furniture T P M. Turn E. at Garden Valley Road Ph 181 WANTED Fat or feeder lambs, year lings and breeding ewes. James Lewis. Myrtle Creek, ph. 84; or Der rell Ray. Rt 2, Box 3BS-B, Roseburg. Ph. 6M-R-1. WANTED Sheep pasture to rent Dar- rui w nay, kl z, tsox jwe-n. noeo- butg. Ph. 0B5-R-L FOR SALE Pigs all sizes to 100 lbs. w. n. Mortncraft, H rock way on uiaiia Road. Poultry 15 Chicks Chicles Chicks Custom hatching a specialty. Set twice eacn week: bat and Wed. ror day old chicks, place your order now. Sexed pullets and Cockerels as wall aa straight run. Priced right at Ponton Hatchery 1440 Harvard Ave., stoseburf Phona 168 Quality Baby Chicks EVERY WEEK fN THE YEAR DAY OLD OR STARTED Ha mps hires. Parmenter Reds. Barred hock - Hampshire t-ross tjornlsh- Hamp Cross. Barred Rock, White Rock and White Leghorns From 2 and 3 year old breeder hens. City Office Urn oaua Produce Co.. 401 W Oak, ph. 415. navenery nreeoing r arm Tipton Road, 1 mi. S. Hwy 99, ph 1502-R-l. COMPARE AND YOU TOO WILL BUY UMFtjUA CHICKS. Baby Chicks Every week la the year. Beat of breeding t-iiy agent, uougias -o riour aiiu Carr's Hatchery Looklngglass Rt. Ph.U-F-3 WANTED 2 to 4 cases New Hamp shire hatching eggs per week. Flor- ence Cola, 419 E.lstAve. No. FOR SALE 300 egg gas Incubator. May be seenat Umpqus Produce. MUSCOVY DUCKS. 81.00 each7-Sfenry Hell, ph. 737-J after 5:00. FRYERS FOR SALE; 2 or more de- iivered. lQUB-j-2. STARTED CHICKS. N R pullets.-R. Cary, 2 miles E. of Dixon vtlle. FRYERS FOR SALE. 5 miles out Mel- rose Highway Howard Ransom Rabbits 16 WITH RABBIT MEAT A MEAL'S COMPLETE U.V.R.B A. FOR SALE Fryer rabbltj. 49c lb., dreaa f Phon. 47-J J Pets 17 ONLY 100 BEAUTIFUL canaries left. Get yours before nesting time. Singer. 810; female, 82 SO. Also pedigreed Pomeranian female dog, 8 mo. old. Arthur Nelson, Rt. 3, Box 895; on Cleveland Htll road. PUREBRED MALE Dachshund pup, available balance of this week only. Ideal house dog and children's pet Intelligent, easy to train, affectionate. tail urtng. I7s. daytime only. FOR SALE 2 male pups, Hlfhlsnd strain. 3 months old. Ph. 2165, Geo. Wilcox. Oakland. MALE PEKE PUPS. 815. Collies. Fox Terriers and others, 82 up. Pet Shop, wi no. vacason 91. FOR SALE Black and white male bull terrier puppy, registered. Curry Road. Rt. 2, Box 224. Clyde Goodman. Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J GRA-HO COCKER KENNELS. Ph. 830 or 452-Y Reg. and ped. puppies, all colors s!ud . "ervica. FOR SALE Black Cockers. 8 weekTold. Call 851-L after S OOp. m. 4 MONTH OLDUG puppies for salg. Idleytd Rt . Box 590. Phone 3-F-21. For Sale, Misc. 18 SPARTAN 24' 28 20' 34' The life time trailer Baa a body we believe will last years or more. No dry rot Kit 13 - ir 11' 39- 3T Columbia ir ir so r J3- Tba Wcit'a Parent Seller, and otber Trailer, of Quality Alao UMd trailer., trade-lna aceapted. Bank contract.. Contract, to 3 un on Spartana Earl E. Smith N W Largest Dealer Eugene. Ore. Phone Springfield 221 2 Milea South on 99. Rt 4, Box 22. Eugene Used Furniture Electrical Appliances COMPLETE PRICE RANGE; TERMS Judd's Furniture 221 N. Jackson fbR SALE Electro Broiled Hot-bog Machines. Write to W. Thomson. 1531 N. 9g, Eugene. Oregon for informa tion. FOR SATE 14 ft Msrlne ly-ood "boat Umpqua Special Trailer and John son outboard engine. 2250 cash. Ph. 434-J. For Sale, Misc. 18 1 SERVEL REFRIGERATOR, monthL. used S . 4158.M 1 MAGIC CHEr GAS RANGE, llk new t ,M " 1 ELECTROLUX REFRIGERATOR, rung good. 840 Of Trowbridge Electric Co. Ph 3M IM N. Jackson Looking For Bargains? Suiter has them tn used furniture, atoveg Hardware, piumoing supplies, wsie healers. " SUITER'S TRADING POST 3 miles North on 99 At end of City Bus Line . River Loam Delivered GOOD FOR GARDENS AND LAWNS Wa have an abundant supply. Paul Casey 857 W Moaher Phone 117-Y 1947 MODEL HOUSE trailer. 18 ft. Can be seen at Brirendlne residence In the Suksdorf Addition. Winston. Best reasonable offer lakes. Box 206, News Review. ALMOST new 18" cut lawn mower, 21 2. 50; collapsible play pen, 4x5 ft., 85.00; several new coffee tables, unususlly attractive. 810 each. Unlvex 8 mm movie camera 85 00. Ceo. Bacher, Winston Section. Ph. 385-R -5. FOR SALE 2 small buildings, to kV4 moved or torn down. 1 block north J of Portland St.. on Kendall Ave.' FOR SALE 3 garage doors, 2'8"x8'; 812. for 3. or gs oo eacn. s. J. &noemaxer. 417 E. Lane. Phone 144-L. FOR SALE Custom built blue mohair Charles of London davenport. -v. au 848-J or aeeat 1038 S. Hamilton. WORLD BIKE, with knee action, front wheel brake, and 4 volt light Can be seen 908 S. Stephens. TRAILER Luxury Linersleeps 4, fully equipped also side awning. Sea this fora buyPh. S2ft-R-4. NEW AND USED furniture: gas and wood stoves anJ heaters. Wood stove repairing a specialty Call 1337 -R. Ai'a FurnituraCenter.814 Winchester St FOR SALE Kiln dry planer ends. 27 VI per unit; Green slab wood 85 75. mixed load 75 Pn 3" 1947 27' PEERLESS Eastern built trailer house. Green and tan. See at 544 M1U. Phone 15ii2 -J N V Tot ton. COMPARE PRICES, then buy at HOVfc aho s hahuware, Winston, uregon. Ph 192-J-l OPEN SUNDAYS 20". DISCOUNT on new 100 gaiTTtol water heater. Write News-Review Boa 199. FOR SALE Uptight piano, good condl uon, aiuu. liu l vmi-k. evenings. MUST SELL electric range. 2 sets twin Deas. rnone loee-j-z. HOTPOINT ELECTRIC RANGE, almost new. See at 130 N. Pine. ONE BENDIX AUTOMATIC WASHER, deluxe model, 8150. PhlOlS-R. NEW DAVENO for sale. 113 N. Flint Call a f t er5:00. FOR SALE 2 hospital beds and' stands. Call 145. 4fl CUSTOM BfILT 18 ft trailer house, 81000 Ph. 1B1S-R-2. Fuel 20 HEY, LOOK! If you need old growth fir cord wood, 18" and 24" lengths: 2" mill ends: green and dry slabwood, IS"; call 192-J-t or 47-J-5 for Information and free delivery. It's Dry PILING ENDS v Stove or Fireplace lengths, 88 00 eonfj Delivered and put Inside 7 Call 1339 or 146-R-3. Eve. PEELER CORE: mill ends; planer ends: fireplace wood. Double loads, prompt delivery Claude Willey, Rt L Box 43 Ph 15-J-3 OT 143-J -3 1" PLANER ENDS. 86 25 unit, regular length. Roseburg Lumber Co Phone 468 FOR SALE Slabwood. sswdust. planer ends Pbone 307 Johnson Futl o. Timber & Sawmills 21 1,300.000 timber, dlesel donkev. 2-ssw 250 H. P diesel mill with edger. cut off, grinder, etc all on rock road 2 miles from pavement 219,000. 2 MM. Corley No 3 disel mill with power log cut-off, cat. 832.000. C. S. Briggs & Co. 112 w. FOR SALE IN ONE TRACT 102 million ft. Redwood. 73 million ft. fir 3 million ft ri- i Price, 8623.000 8175.000 down, balance Another adjoining tract of 00 million ft. Redwood st 24 50 per thousand. Good gravel road within 1 mite Have some other tracts available. Write Chas F jonnann, Rt. 3. Box 263. Medfnrrf. Oregon. Ph. 32704. Wanted Second Growth Logs CONTACT WILBIT1LUMBER CO ALMOST NEW 20 M r.o.cltyiir,iir, ...i d"?'.- s'i""P" available or will Jurni.h loft. Lock wood Broa.. T.nmile, Oregon Oreion Cumn'l"aa. Camai Valley, "m? , JSiirDr any part C H C dlnal rtrer and other umta. Roy Denny.e35.Jw,ncn1 V,tr.ISLt-?r.'"" WIiiiriTT our yard at Green. Contact u, befor. euttin,. Pu,et Timber Co. of Oreion! Logging Equipment 22 GOOD BUYS IN VSED EQUIPMENT FROM INTERSTATE M.,r:.V.h?'!,',.HT,!.,i'l,,, Mnd" atr.nht blade and drum. Overhauled and tuaranteed M ".Mo 00 D 'rp"!'Jl Tr'-- ' Model Tr.e. tor. Ha, been run approximately 12M hhlUl S"m"'"' overhaul With r. . ,no 'n food oo- erating condition 313.000 00 I".trr.,',,.'h7''i!!,:Jr''!.orL.m5 Mod" "" trairht blade and drum. Comoletelv overhauled In our .hop Thl. LI a honey ol a machine. Guaranteed Pull price 311JOO0O T.Jn'5,r,'J'",n1 Tr,rtor. IMS Model Tlu blde "' run, In food op. erallnf condition Thi. roach hj. been u4 very little for !,, la an exceptional buy at 3,5m oo "!- Afw c,l,,," Tractor. 1M4 Zli! LA. rSn' " overhauled and nw battenea. run prlca 36.SOO 00. buy, In both new and u.ed aquipnienu Interstate Tractor and Equipment Co. Roaeburt, Orefoa Phona 3K1 ft 334 AVP?P'f CtOn Snd.r-p,b.r. raw, Oregon, bennntnf at 11 A M 2"Ir I iW& ;1.L,;.?1" Machine Shop P,Ac!rTcnAf?Ti,o & hc-"twGB? So? W r?!J.?- "- P O.