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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1949)
Oregon U. Surgeons Fighting To Save Canyonville Adds Last Good Eye In Family Of 3 Persons New Courses To htnt-m bcnooi rrogram nw jm far as known a preventive tense, The uuai PORTLAND. Sept. 23 IIP) Sureeons lit the University of Oregon medical school eye clinic ivDe of trouble with detachment believe they are winning a fight of the retina a membrane that to nave the last good eye in a j gets the image from the lent as family of three. ;a photographic film does in a Mary Hope Hedgdon, 11. I blind in her left eye. Her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hodgson, are blind in both eyes. Clinic surgeons derided last spring that Mary Hope would lose the sight in the right eve unless something were done. That something was to pierce the eye with a fine electric needle, creating an irritation which in healing would bind the retina to the bark of the eye, for the retina threatened to break loose. Detachment of the retina caused Mrs. Hodgson's blindness as a child and it cost Mary Hope the sight of her left eye. The father lost his sight in an ex plosion more than 20 years ago. A member of the clinic staff said the operation employed fa miliar techniques but its use was Hovt Your Horn Landscaped on F. H. A. Terms Trees Topped or Removed Lawn Planted Shrubs Pruning Call us for information L. H. McPherson Rt. 2, Bex 153 Pbent 71JJ-1 I PLASTER CRACKED? " r ..xsssr -a I Brush on a NEW WALL This Low-Cost, One-Coat Way! COLORS UK! PAINT- RESURFACES LIKE PLASTER Alls cracks I mends breaks! gives you beaufWut NIW wall surfaces far as Httla s $4.65 room! Brush on NEW WALLS with this amazing new product. Mixes with water and ttayt mixed, ready for use at any time. Easy to apply spreads aa smoothly as butter. 8 lovely color and white. Many decorative surface A finishes possible. Dries in 4 hours ' 5 1--. U 1 T i 1 SB!? camera can often be corrected by surgery. But Mary Hope's rase was a type not often en countered. Once the detachment occurs, surgery cannot correct it. And once it starts. It develops so fast surgerv may be tod" late. The decision here was to operate be fore the trouble started. The operation is "a dangerous procedure." a member of the clinic staff said, and In Mary Hope's case it meant piercing an eye that was not only functioning well, but was the sole light for three persons. "We thought it was the only hope because Tn her type of trouble, once one eye becomes involved the other usu ally does too." The decision to operate on a preventive gamble In which the parents agreed appears to have paid off. The first of the two part surgery was performed last spring; the serond Is due next month. Surgeons think it will be successful. becomes plaster-hard. Try DRAMEX today I GIT TOUR FREf DRAMEX COLOR CARD FROM... Denn-Gerretsen Company 402 West Oak Street - MS.DI IT tMI I IS THt tEMDON CO. y SI. leeii Ctnar lMl.llMli?tlllN.J.aatNa Sutherlin By MRS. BRITTAIN SLACK Tom Amorde. student at the University of Oregon, was listed among those who pledged during rush week to PI Kappi Alpha fra ternity. He spent the weekend in Sutherlin with his parents, re turning to Eugene Sunday for reg istration. The Sutherlin Folk Dancing club held its regular dance Sa turday evening at the Sutherlin Grange hall. A good time was had by all. It was derided to hold a praetice dance on Satur day evening. Sept. 24. All mem bers are urged to attend and lo bring sandwirhes Tor themselves and their guests. Dancing will be gin at 8:30 o'clock. Dr. and Mrs. Walter Martin of Seaside. Ore., were visitors at the Archie Amorde home Wed nesday. Mrs. C. J. Bid man. who has been visiting with her daughter and family in Portland. Ore., re turned to her home in Sutherlin last week. Mrs. Loa Mae Wilson. Mrs. Lu cille Chase. Mrs. Madeline Han sen and daughter, Marian, shop ped and transacted business in Roseburg Tuesday. Miss Connie Groshong. Miss June Young. Jimmy Lang. Rich ard Coenenberg, and Mr. ami Mrs. Don West all left Sunday lor the University of Oregon at Eugene and Oregon State College at Corvallis, where they register ed for this term of college. Mrs. Kay Simmons and Mrs. Jennie Amorde were business visitors in Roseburg Tuesdav morning. The Associated Service sta tion, which was operated oy Harvey Brown and L.wis Al len has been razed and a new, all-modern building will be built in its place. The equip, ment has all been moved to their new show room, where they will have on display soon the ntw Chevrolet, as they have the new agency In Sutherlin. Mr. and Mrs. William Liesing er and Mrs. Herbert Woeman ire enjoying a visit in Nebraska with relatives. Mrs. Frank Compton of Port land. Ore., mother of Ray Comp ton of Roseburg, was in Sutherlin last Sunday to attend the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gleason. While In town they visited at the home of Mrs. Ida Slack. The Sutherlin Cleaners and Burn's Shoe shop have installed new neon clocks on the front of their buildings, which make a very nice appearance. . The Sutherlin Fire depart ment was called to a fire, at the log dump of the Rock Is land mill Saturday afternoon. The fire was soon brought un der control without doing any damage. The men, while there, -decided to finish burning the grass around so that there would be no more danger. This took most of the afternoon. The word "truck" gardens or "truck" crops comes from the French word "troque" which means to barter. School district No. 8, Canyon ville, has 226 students enrolled this year, according to Supt. O. J. Monger, showing little in crease over last years enroll ment. Enrollment by grades is as fol lows: first, 23: second, 23; third, 16; fourth. IS; fifth. 25; sixth. 21; seventh, 30; eighth, 21; fresh man. 12; sophomore, 16; Juni or. 13: and senior. 11. All grades are on full day schedule. New library books have been added for both the grade school and high school. Each grade has its own library this year. Mrs. Lela Wimberly is the librarian. New courses added this year are shorthand and business law In the commercial department and physics in the science de partment. Twenty-four first graders were examined Just before opening week by Dr. R. L. Falk and Dr. V. R. Kelsey. They were assisted by Mrs. Baird, Douglas county health nurse, from Roseburg. No serious trouble was reported. The high school has erected a candy counter Just inside the lront door of the school to help defray football expenses. It is open from 8:30 to 8 in the morn ing and during the noon hour. Misa Molly Baird is in charge. The football schedule will be an nounced later this week. Band will be four days a week. On Mondays and Wednesdays the hours are 9 to 12, and on Tues days and Thursdays 1 to 4. Cur tis L. Winders is the Instructor. A teacher it on duty at all times of the day including a half hour before school begins and a half-hour after it dismisses. Monger has issued a financial statement for 1949-50 as follows: School paper, $57.75; annual, 16.39; student body, $30.76; soph omore class. $34.51; Junior class. $13.00: senior class, $5.4; total on hand, $177.85. Improvement plans for the Canyonville school were recently accepted by the superintendent of public instruction, which auto matically releases allotments of basic school support funds. Im provements will be checked throughout the year by represen tatives of the Slate Board of Education. CIVIC PRI0E COSTLY COLUMBUS. Ga.. Sept. 23. IJP) For two vears tall grass had obscured a fire hydrant. Mo torists parked by the hidden plug I HEY FORGOT ONE thing the countless dollors ' spent in furnishing their home. Don't moke their mis take! Ask us today for 0 free Household Inventory booklet so you can determine the value of your household goods and personal effects and thus insure them adequately. R. 0. YOUNG Phone 417 v 20S W. Cass St. Roseburg SeeThe New, Easy-Loading HOTPOINT AUTOMATIC CLOTHES DRYER AT TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC let 0 rain! This beautiful Holpoint Electric Clothes Dryer works in any weather and saves you all those tedious trips to the clothes line. Laundry h tumbled damp-dry in from 30 to 55 minutescompletely dry in 35 to 60 minutes. Immediate Delivery only 2.40 - weekly tvoryieoV'i roMnf to -ttutpaint C7ofhi Dryw TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC Phone 268 13 N. Jackson . , tNKA Tefepheul t BLAST WRECKS POWER PLANTTurD'm room of million-dollar power generating plant at Rush- ' ville, lnd lies in ruins alter a dieael engine developed a hot piston and blew up. Two men were silled 1 In the blast. The plant provided electricity for 11 counties. with never a protest from police. newly exposed plug. He paid a $6 Civlr-minded Horace Gordon. ! line. who worked nearby saw his duty, and chopped the grass. Then in an unguarded moment Gordon parked his own car by the 1 burn was being hunted In nyarant. ne was the traffic 1 Lewis and Clark area. court's first customer from the Two barns have been set afire BARN BURNER SOUGHT ASTORIA, Sept. 23. (JPJ A firebug who likes to see hams the within three days there. One was destroyed. The other was saved. Several small boys told Sheriff Paul Kearney thatthey had seen a man set brush fires In the re gion several weeks ago. Jn the U. S. Navy coffee Is I called "Joee." PH., Sept. 23, 1949-The' News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 3 Vtti Hospital Patients To Gtt Frwt Cigarwts Patients of the Roseburg Vet erans hospital are to be the re cipients of free cigarets to be dis tributed by the J. Tt. Reynolds Tobacco company during Its ra dio programs for the week be ginning uct. .1. arroraing to worci received by Dr. John L. Haskins, manager of the local veteran-hospital. The mator tobacco companies contribute cigarets to patients of veterans hospitals all over the United States, recognizing indi vidual hospitals on each pro gram. The Roseburg hospital will be recognized on four radio shows to be presented by Bob Hawk. Vaughn Monroe, Screen Guild and Jimmy Durante,, and will ne presented with 600 packs of cig arets. This will assure at least one park for each patient In the hosniial. Soswell Mineral Baths Chiropractic Physiotherapy Cr.iic Lady Attendants 1 Mile S. 01 Drain. Oregon WINDOWS DOORS FRAMES PAGE LUMBER t FUEL 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. Phone 242 Western Distributing Co., Phone 1294-L YOU GET MORE For the dollar you spend in Roseburg Your Roseburg stores do o magnificent job os your purchasing agents. To evaluate the scope of efficiency of the job, as against buying opportunities elsewhere, you need .1 here are 7 good reasons why: only casual observation ... In terms of the single items of merchandise, simply ask your self what refrigerator is most desirable in quality and price; what lady's suit or dress is most desirable what item of any description. You'll find the manufacturer represented in Roseburg. In fact, if Roseburg stores fear to handle a certain line, you better . be careful about buying it. I. You save the cost of trovel, the cost of transportation. 2. You save time in necessary distant transportation. You save the price of merchandise. Roseburg stores ore geared to lower overhead. Your money spent in Roseburg provides better jobs for people who work in Roseburg. 5. Your money spent in Roseburg stores reflects itself in still greater selection, higher quality and lower price. Your money spent in Roseburg comes back to you in the support of your city schools, your churches, your clubs ... in fact every project that requires money maintenance. Increased retail business will either lower your contribution to any given Roseburg project or make the project better financially. Beyond the money odvantage, YOU HAVE THE SATISFACTION OF BEING ON THE TEAM THAT IS ROSEBURG. This is the symbol of fine service and fine merchandise! The emblem of the Roseburg Retail Trade Association.