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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1949)
I 12 The News-Review, Roscburo, Ore Frl., Sept. U, 1949 I 1 hk I- 1 -J JUVENILE ANIMAL. LOVER Luer Webb. . daughter Ol BIIB ncoo, vrirria nurse winrr nnccimi vowni, W. Va ilti outside stall of Day After with horse, a doc and a cat. vr. 7 CHIEF IN EUROPE Cm. Thomas T. Handy, for ltirrly In command of (he Fourth Army, succeeds Oen. Lucius D. Clay as eommander-ln-chlct of Inited SI tea forces In Europe. Waterfront Explosions Wrecks Newport Boats NEWPORT, Ore., Sept 16 iJPI An unexplained waterfront ex plosion among closely ' jammed fishing boats today sent one to the bottom of the harbor and damaged three others. No one aboard was critically hurt. The 40-foot Canadian fishing boat Cluny, wilh two men sleep ing aboard, was shattered and caught fire. The blast apparently originated In that vessel. Its skinner. A. R. Rogers of Van couver, B. C, Jumped uninjured Into the water and swam to saie ty. His crewman. Ian G. Forbes, Canadian of undetermined ad dress, suffered second and third degree burns before he got Into the water. His condition In a Toledo hospital was reported not serious. The acltacent 32-foot fishing boat Grayhall. skippered by Lyle Joy of Portland, burned to the waterllne. Joy was aboard but escaped unhurt. Two other boats, the Salar, of Canada, and the Forest, were damaged slightly. Coast guardsmen and local fire men fought flames for two hours, seeking to prevent spread to other boats . . n -A., . .14; AM VET COMMANDER Harold J. Russell (above), of U'lterlown, Mass., a handless veteran,,, was elected National Commsnder of The AMVKTS at convention In Des Moines, la. See NORGE Before You Buy ill8 fS per Month Rebuild Repair Repaint Add years of service to your Washing Machine. Material and Workmanship Guaranteed. Easy payment! ae low as IS per month. Phone SOS BERGH'S Appliance Service 1200 8. Stephens See NORGE Before Vou Buy 1V& Wo ofiooases CtfAPCQ BOARD NATURfS W000 IMPROVED 100 fOVO 1 STRONG YET WORKABLE AND BEAUTIFUL EXTERIOR Sheathing, concrete form liners, for farm build inns, Karaite doors, and for exterior uaea when painted. INTERIOR Wall board, partitions, flooring and sub floors, fixtures, furniturt), cab ineti, table tops, shelves. ft t 1 -; ;. COMPAII CHAFCO 1010 FOi USAIIUTT, QUALITY AND MICI West Coast Building Supply Co. Greece Asked To Avoid Invasion Of Albania ATHENS (JPl Greece's deci sion to Invade Albania in self defense If necessary appeared to day to have Washington, Lon don and Moscow worried. There were Indications that the western powers might try to get the Athens government to alter Its pasiuon. On Tuesday, a high-ranking member of the Greek delegation to the coming United Nations general assembly said Greek troops wouia invaae communist Albania If guerrila forces launch ed any new attacks on Greece from Aloaman son. ne saia ine U. N. would be told of this de cision during the debate on the Greek case. Today, both the American and British amahassadors In Athens were scheduled to confer wltn vice Premier Constantln Tsal daris. It was believed that U. S. Ambassador Henry F. Gady and Sir Clifford Norton, Britain's top diplomat here, might try to per suade the Greeks to soft-pedal their talk. Foreign observers In . Moscow said Russia would take a grave view of any Greek Invasion of the little country on her north west frontier. Rural District Clerk Enters Guilty Pleas HILLS BORO (JP) A former rural school district clerk enter ed guilty pleas to two warrant forgeries and today awaited sen tencing set for Oct. 15. The clerk, Mrs. Eva C. Tonls sen, entered the pleas before Circuit Judge R. Frank Peters, forged the name of Micolai Mat hiesen, board chairman for Mountaindale district, north of here, to two $250 warrants. When arrested last July, she was charged with forgeries on nLn-snt. tntallnff 700 hilt Ofllv a $500 total was listed In the In formations on which she was ar raigned yesterday. To spread human disease, a mosquito must bite a sick man and then bite a well man. wra - I . ' " . ; MM v. Tokyo Rose Finally Says It's Her Voice On Record SAV FRANCISCO (.f The Government has succeeded i n getting Tokyo Rose to identify some of the scripts she broad cast from Japan. The treason defendant, Mrs. Iva Togurl D'Aquino, previously admitted it was her voice o n U. S. monitors' recordings of her wartime "zero hour" program. Prosecutor Tom De Wolfe held up printed scripts made from the recordings. Perhaps 10 times he asked, "In your best Judgment, -vas that your wording?" "I can't say positively." said Iva, in her sixth day on the wit ness stand, "It sounds familiar." Finally, however, De Wolfe de manded a yes or no answer, and she said: "Yes, if those are the words that came off the record." 1 AREA ANNEXED CORVALLIS. Sept. 164.f Corvallii and suburban Cedar hurst approved annexation to the city at a special election held here Wednesday, but a much lar ger section north of the city for the second time refused to merge. The Cedarhurst area, lying Just west of the city but containing fewer than 100 residents, voted to join Corvallis. FOR SALE 16" Slabwood Sawdust Planer Ends Johnson Fuel Co. PHONE 366-JX-5 (HKA Telrphoto) DOLLAR CONFERENCE Representatives of Britain, Canada and the United States open the dollar I crisis conference at the State Department In Washington. The purpose of the meeting Is to find a new , source of American dollars for dollar-short Britain. Left to right: British Ambassador Sir Oliver Pranks; Sir Stafford Cripps, British chancellor of the exchequer; O. S. Secy, of State Dean Acheson; British For ': elm Secy. Ernest Bevtn; U. 8. Secy, of Treasury John Snyder; Dousias C. Abbott, Canadian minister of finance; Lester B, Pearson, Canadian minister of external afaflrs; Hume Wrong, Canadian ambassador. mA unrf.n trrA .ni... - BODY LOCATED BAKER. Sept. 16. U The body of Clyde Boylan, 42, Port land, victim of a double drown ing tragedy In the Snake river near Huntington, Aug. 26, was recovered Wednesday by the county sheriff. Add a little prepared horse radish to a cream sauce to pep up vegetables or fish.- SCREENS Screen Doors Screen Wire Window Screens PAGE LUMBER & FUEL t E ""H Ave. S. Phone 21. POMS (MM) a OQMlfMI OMOMM- .Western Distributing Co., Phone 1294-L GET YOUR FREE TICKETS TO THE FALL OPENING Treasure Hunt at 7?l ATTEND THE GALA FALL OPENING EVENING OF SEPT. 21 Count the EXTRA VALUES and you'll choose Fisher Body Styling and Luxury with smooth, graceful curves, new interior richness and such extra luxu ries as Push-Button Door Handles. Fisher Untsteel Body Construction with steel welded to steel above, be low and all around you for the highest degree of solidity, quietness and safety. 5-Inch Wide-Base Rims, plus Low-Pressure Tires the widest rims in the low-price Geld plus extra low-pressure tires for greater stability and riding-comfort are exclusively yours at lowest cost in Chevrolet! Tti Fl0tfina De Loxe 4-Door Sdm Certi-Safe Hydraulic Brakes more outstanding than ever before with new Dubl-Life Rivetless brake linings that last up to twice as long. Extra Economical to Own and Operate and traditionally worth more when you trade; for Chevrolet is America's most wanted motor car-new or used! Curved Windshield with Panoramic Visibility supplying all that e.rfra vision which means extra safety in driving with a fuller, freer view all about you. World's Champion Valve-in-Head Engine the extra efficient power plant with the valve-in-head design that's setting the trend for the automotive industry. Longer, Heavier, with Wider Tread the big car in the low-price field, with all the advantages of more riding comfort, road-steadiness and safety. Center-Point Steering with control centered between the front wheels for maximum driving ease with minimum driver fatigue. HANSEN MOTOR COMPANY Mill and Mother Bill Neighbors Phone 362 Jay Clark Oak end Stephens Streets Phone 446 SEE CHAPCO BOARD TOD AY I OlaitMlMM-4'al' In Hire riilthneuM-ll, 114. 14 I