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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1949)
2 Th Nwi-Rtrlew. Foieburg, Or. Frl., Aug. 19, 1949 Annual Meet Of Douglas County W.C.T.U. Dated . The 57th annual convention nf the Douglas county W. C. T. U. will be held Wednesday. Aug. 24. at the Firit Christian church be ginning at 10 a.m. with a noon potluck luncheon and the after noon session opening at 1:30 p.m. Members and friends interest ed are invited. Mrs. C. N. Cur rier, president, has announced the following program: Opening gong service led by Mrs. R. D. Knlgge; devotions by Mrs. Ken neth Knox and Mrs. Emma Beck Icy; prayer, Mrs. Forrest Hill; business session, election of offi cers and reports of committee chairmen and department heads. Potluck luncheon will be serv ed at noon. Those attending are asked to bring tnelr lame serv- Health Clinic It Set For Roseburg Schools (Continued From Page One) Ice. Mrs. C. E. 3rittain will give , iott sald examinations are compulsory and that no exceptions will be made. However, first graders will oe permitted to register if they can produce a certificate of exam ination from their family doc tor and dentist. Need Naw Examination The "no exception" rule holds true even for those youngsters who have been thoroughly exam ined at some other time during their first five years. Elliott said if children are not able to report to the proper school on the date listed above because of vacations or sickness, parents may make arrangements to have their youngsters exam ined at some other school, flow ever, these children will probab ly have to wait until persona liv ing In that area have been served, the noon nraver. The afternoon session will open with special music by Rev. and Mrs. Delos Crook, devotions by Mrs. Mae Tavlor, ana at i o clock District Attorney Robert G. Davis will be the guest speaker. Group singing will follow. The flag salute will be followed by a gold medal speech contest, re ports by the Youth Temperance council and a song by the Loyal Temperance Legion members. The convention will close with the W. C. T. U. benediction. Children's Story Hour Series Ends Next Week The YMCA children's story Hour will conclude Its series next week. Mrs. Beth Warg will be tne story teller on tne program heard over KRNR at 5 p. m. every Monday and Wednesday. Her story for Monday is to be -Hercules, tne Old rasmonea Fire Engine." according to Alva Laws. YMCA youth program chairman. Mrs. May Matthews was the story teller this last week. Mr. Laws asks that any person who would like to have this pro gram continued next summer to be sure and drop a card to Mar lon Yoder, Roseburg YMCA, P. O. box 611, Roseburg. MOTORCYCLIST KILLED SWEET HOME. Aug. 20 (Pt A motorcyclist of undetermined address Dut presumably the Mid West, was killed In a city street Intersection collision Friday. Coroner Glenn Huston said he was Ballard Turvey, 29 an army veteran born in Floyd county, nas., ana a one-time scugman, Mo., resident according to bill fold papers. Several snapshots showed him holding a baby. He was riding a cycle borrowed from an acquaintance who knew only his name. Dr. E. W. Carter Chiropodist Foot Specialist 129 N, Jackson ., Phone 1170 Over Rexall Drug Store Mrs. Kltrhen outlined the pro cedure to be followed at the four schools as follows: She will greet the youngsters and record such data as dates for vaccinations and innoculations, as well as what communicable di seases the youngsters have had. Another nurse will take the chil dren's weight and height and sec that they are prepared for the doctor's examination, to be con ducted by Dr. A. B. Munroe. The youngsters will be guided from room to room by P.-T. A. mothers. Lions Announce Plans For Current Events The Roseburg Lions club held a brief session Thursday night at the Hotel Umpqua, then ad journed so that members who desired could report at the fair grounds to assist with the club's food concession. The Lions and Lady Lions are handling the concession during the 10 days of racing and ap- froaching county fair. The booth s open nightly and will be open during the afternoon at the time of the Trail Dust Saddle club stamped. The club will meet on Thurs day of next week at the fair grounds at 6:30 Instead of at the hotel. Announcement was made that the club's annual stag picnic will be held Sept. 1 at Thomas Hart f lot's home at Winchester. Charles Wilson was Inducted as a new member. Activities Of Boy Scouts At Camp Umpqua Summarized By Scoutmaster Births at Mercy Hospital SPARKS To Dr. and Mrs. John J. Sparks, Rt. 2, a son, Dewey Jason Sparks, Aug. 16; weight eight pounds, one ounce. SWANSON To Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Swanson, 926 S. Main, a son, Allen Richard Swanson, Aug. IS; weight four pounds, sev en ounces. RUSSKLL To Mr. and Mrs. Rex Eugene Russell, 1720 N. Cedar, a son, William James Russell, Aug. 17, weight seven pounds, 14 ounces. GUTTERS AIR COOLERS Authorized Dealer For LENNOX and KLEER-KLEEN (Utility basement) (Floor Units 29" deep) FURNACES R0SEBw..3 SHEET METAL Tour Phon (41 HEATING Center no E. 1st St. fJSf! A TANKLESS WATER SYSTEM COMPLETE HI Small. . Compact. fit! wndar link or any thar imall awt-of-tha way pi oca. GOULD IN IT5CLF mm WO irUT HO LAO FOR SHALLOW WELLS Ht it Is!... A fmpUtt, $t!f-ntsit4t water tvutm without a tank... for thiUow well icrvicc. fully automatic. Open any fauret in tha system, and ill lelf adjuring capacity feature delivers jutt the volume tif frttb water you want lull stream or a trickle instantly, constantly, quietly, at anv or all outlets, up to the capacity of he pump. No priming. No trouble. Low first cost, no tank to buy, inexpensive installation, low current consumption. Capacity to 540 gall l Pcr nour depending upon suction lift. 1 1 I Come in and convince yourself that this It 1 truly the amwrr to the problem of fresh IuaOY FLOW running water from a shallow well. BUY WHERE YOU SHARE IN THE SAVINGS DOUGLAS COUNTY Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchange ROSEBURG, OREGON Phone 98 Located W. Washington St. and S. P. R. R. Track (Ed. Note: Clair H. Pettit, as sistant scoutmaster, Edenbower troop 133, has prepared a sum mary of events ot the recent Bov Scout encampment at Camp Umpqua.) By CLAIR H. PETTIT CamD Umnaua. the new Boy Scout camp located 38 miles up Little river near fclmlie creeK, concluded its week -long series Aug. 7. Ten troops participated with 110 men and boys making up the roster. Douglas county troops attending included: Troop 10b Elkton; 104. Winchester; 7, Ros.--burg; 29, Oakland; 19, Suther lin; 136, Dillard: 24, Myrtle Creek; 10, Smith River, and 133, Edenbower. The camp staf! consisted of Rollle Quam.. director; Ed. Ste venson, aquatics director; Don Shrader. cook counselor, and Robert Morton and Howard Jones, service staff. Opening day. Sunday, July 31, was devoted to packing supplies and equipment the half mile from the road and setting up camp. The site occupies a large meadow with Little river marking the boundary on three sides. The camps were set up In a circle around the meadow. Sunday eve ning there was a get-togemer, get-acquainted campfire, singing, ghost stories and general meet ing of troops. Cleanup loiiowea Dreamasi Monday. At 10 o'clock swimming examinations were conducted. Ail scouts were classified as swim mers, beginners or non- swim mers as a satety measure. Model Camp Established In the afternoon a model camp was demonstrated. An altar fire place, built up off the ground on a platform, assured no-sioop cooking. A tepee style table with seating for a full oitrol of eight boys, two types of mountain style tents, garbage disposal system and a sump for dish water, to gether with work tables and benches, completed a convenient and comfortable camp. A "buddy swim was next In augurated, in which each swim mer places his buddy tag on a board so the lifeguard can tell at a glance how many are in the water. TuesrlHV emnhal7ed p a m D gadgets. Troop 133 had an excel lent showing of beds built in trees. Of the entire troop, all jut three boys were sleeping off the gr-iund. one particular display features jungle hammocks, the first being four feet off the ground; the second, seven feet; the third, ten feet, and the fourth, 12 feet. A ladder built on the spot gave access to the different lev els, j Swimming And Ax. Us. Ed Stevenson demonstrated the correct procedure for a troop swim. Safety precautions were I explained, Including the buddy I system, lifeguard and watch guard and the chain rope saving system. All troops had to be 1 shown the troop swim method before permitted to go on hikes or hold private swims, i More demonstration areas were shown Tuesday afternoon. The axe yard was first. Here they observed the proper method of sharpening and handling an axe and the contact method of cutting wood was explained. Tenl pegs made by the contact meth od served as a practical demon stration. A nature study course on ed ible plants was conducted by Marion tiunter. Smith River troop chairman, who was able to identify 26 different plants grow ing within a radius of 100 feet, all fit for food. A general swim at 3 o'clock ended Tuesday's planned pio gram. Swimming classes were held Wednesday morning. A number of boys passed first class tests, while others passed swimming merit badge tests. The demon stration area for Wednesday was the rope yard. The boys were taught all kinds of knots, as well as the taut ling hitch May pole game, and the rope throw and timber hitch game. Kor the rope throw, 50 feet of coiled rope is tossed over a 10-foot pole. A tim ber hitch Is then tied in one end and the rope is passed to another ooy wno repeats tne pcriom- a nee. Fir. Suppression Shawn Two men from the U.S. Forest service demonstrated fire sup pression and the correct way to build and put out a camp fire. A two-way radio was shown and explained. Kite packs displayed included a shovel, eight boxes of K rations, a portable pump of five gallon capacity, a compass, pencil paper and shelter half. Several of the troops took hikes In the afternoon. Troops 19 and 136 went on day hikes. Troops 105 and 133 made an overnignt hike to Wolf creek, where they visited the Bucket of Blood mine and kept a rendezvous wirh the famous ghost that ' inhabits the mine. Those remaining in Camp Unr.pqua enjoyed another camp fire. The camp fire speaker, Jer ry Willis, Douglas county district commissioner, complimented the new units on the grand .showing made so far. He said this Is the finest camp Douglas county has ever held, and he hopes scouting will continue in leaps and bounds as it has been doing. , (The rest of the week's sched ule will be given later.) The Weather U.'S. Weather Bureau Office Roseburg, Oregon Fair today, tonight and Sun day except for morning' coudi ness. Highest temp, for any Aug... 106 Lowest temp, for any Aug...-' 39 Highest temp, yesterday Bi Lowest temp, last 24 h .. 51 Precipitation last 24 hrs..... 0 Precipitation sine Aug. i .03 Precipitation since Sept. i-.27.U7 Deficiency sine Aug. 1..:. .11 Douglas County Court Makes Precinct Divisions (Continued From Page One) Myrtle, and the south portion as Trl-City. Tyee Precinct Formed Coles Valley precinct has been split, the north portion embrac ing the territory west of the Umpqua river in the vicinity of Tyee Lumber company to be known as Tyee precinct, and the remaining portion to be continued as Coles Valley. . , West Reedsport has been di vided, the portion between the Willamette Pacific railroad and Schofleld creek to be continued as West Reedsport, and tqe ter ritory west of Schofleld creek to be known as Wade's Flat. East Sutherlln Is divided so that the portion north of Central avenue and the Calapooia road will be known as East Sutherlin No. 1, and the portion to the south to be East Sutherlin No. 2. All other precincts will con tinue with their present bound aries. Poling places will not, lie designated until a later date. LEGION TEAMS LIMBER UP YAKIMA, Wash., Aug. 20. (IP) Travel kinks will be worked out this afternoon by the three learns entered in the three-day Ameri can Legion- Junior baseball sec tion D Western Stales tourna ment opening tomorrow at 2 p.m. (PDTI. A depot welcome was given the Omaha, Neb.; Oakland, Calif., and Bremerton, Wash., squads as they arrived by train. Pittsburgh's six mountain climbing railways carrv more than 2.000.000 fares annually. DISTRIBUTOR WANTED Well known line high grade eaket and cookie. .. Good opportunity .... . Write Fully Box 975 vr Iff; fit . NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER YOUR Next Winters Fuel O 16" Green Slabwood O Planer Ends ORDER YOUR WOOD NOW WHILI SUPPLIES ARE PLENTIFUL AND YOU CAN GET PROMPT DELIVERY. WI ALSO HAVE: Sawdust i' Slabwood 16" Mill Ends 16" Dry Slabwood ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Phom 461 British, Americans Vie In Walker Cup Matches MAMARONECK, N. Y., Aug. 20.-(.11) It will be every man for himself today as the British and American Walker Cup golf teams end their two day compe tition with eight single matches. The Britons face the none too encouraging prospect of having to overcome a 3 to 1 advantage piled up by the home squad in the Scotch foursome play yes terday. The team of Joseph Carr and Ronnie White defeated Ray Billows and Willie Turneasa, America's No. 1 tandem, for the only British triumph in four matches. COPCO INCOME UPPEO MLPFORD, Aug. 20. Accord ing to a statement issued Friday by A. S. Cummins, president, the California Oregon Power com pany reports net income for the 12 months ending Julv 31, 1949, of $2,119,336 as compared with net income of $1,877,914 for the corresponding period ending July 1918, an Increase of 12.86 percent. Net income for the 12 months ending July 31. 1949, was equiva lent to 5.11 times preferred stock dividend requirements, and, af er deduction for such dividends, was equivalent to $3.10 per share on the 550,000 shares of common stock then outstanding. Net income for the seven months ending July 31, 1949, amounted to $1,217,082, and In crease of 14.4 percent over that of the same period of 1918. Choral Society, Families, Guests To Enjoy Picnic Members of the Roseburg Choral society, their families and guests and any persons Inter ested in Joining the group are Invited to a picnic Monday, Aug. 29. at 6:30 p. m. at Umpqua park. President Roy Barnhart said this will be the first get-'ogether of the group prior to the start of rehearsals Sept. 12. After that date rehearsals will be held each Monday at 7:30 p. m. at Junior high school. Charles A. Ricketts, at the re quest of the society, has again consented to direct the group. Preparations will be started early to present Handel's Mes siah In December, said Barn hart. Copies have already been ordered. The society will handle only the choral selections and not attempt to give the complete production. A large spring con cert is also planned, he said. Those planning to attend the picnic are asked to bring a cov ered dish or sandwiches. The so ciety will furnish coffee. Backfiold Stars Picked For Shriner Benefit Game Reward Is Announced For Return Of Mascot A plea has been issued by a Yachats boy scoutmaster for all Douqlas county residents to be on the watch for his troop's mas cot, a five-year-old pedigreed Scotty dog, believed stolen from Waldport July 25. Anyone knowing the where abouts of "Blackle" is asked to contact Noble Robinson, scout master Troop 50, Yachats, Ore. A substantial reward is being offered. ANTELOPE HUNTING OPENS LAKEVIEW, Aug. 20.-JP The special Oregon antelope hunting season opened today. More than 200 hunters poured out of Lakeview in early morn ing for the hunting grounds east of here. All told, 1000 permits were is sued for the hunt. Eight stale police officers were on the scene to prevent poaching. SCREENS Screen Doors Screen Wire Window Screens PAGE LUMBER & FUEL "A E. "nd Ave. S. Phone 242 PORTLAND, Aug. 20. The starting backfield of the up state All-Stars appeared set to day for the Shriners' hospital benefit game here Aug. 27 against the Portland All-Stars. Although Coach Mel Ingram would not commit himself defi nitely, the starting quartet ap peared to be Clint Reese, Grants Pass, quarterback; Don Donovan, Grants Pass, and Rich Riggs. Medford. halfbacks, and Phil Gil lis. Bend, fullback. The Upstate team worked on offensive plays yesterday, and will take up defense next week when practice will be limited to one drill daily. The Portland team, bigger and faster than last year, began work on pass defense yesterday. nceV I r 2HSSWV CMZV SAW Dependa Performa with' Designed and built by Disiton, America's foremoit taw manu facturer, thii it the taw you need to lower your costs and step up your production. It's easy to operate, and built for trouble-free service, let us give you all the facts about the Disston Chain Saw with Mercury Gasoline Engine. Come in and talk it over. CARL J. PEETZ 920 S. Stephens Phone 279 IT'Sfi i i , 3 III MM mum' pom $1720. intDOct drums erlf . Install n.w " T9ri Brake lining broke fluK - Adust ond cjulll brake Road sl car LOCKWOOD MOTORS Rose and Oak Phone 80 ll DOUGLAS COUNTY r i i . 1 1 . ENTERTAINMENT EVERY AFTERNOON RACES EVERY NIGHT O 280 HORSES O CARNIVAL O TRAIL DUSTERS Every Afternoon O Junior Livestock and Poultry O All types of 4-H and FFA Exhibits O Community and Industrial Exhibits O 4-H CONTESTS Douglas County Fair Grounds - - Open 10 a. m. to 10 p. m.