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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1949)
11 Thi Nwi-Rview, Hoieburg, Of Sot., Aug. 13, 1W LOCAL Reported HI Mrs. Pfaff Sr. Is reported to be quite ill at her home in KoseDurg. Receiving Check-Up Wallace Rapp of Roseburg left this week Jor Rochester, Minn., to enter the Mayo hospital lor a check-up. Goes to Portland Mrs. E. E. Emmltt of Roseburg left Friday for Portland to visit her daugh ter, Mrs. Harvey, formerly Ruby Emmltt of this city. Goes To Coos Bay Mrs. Jes sie Vinson of Roseburg has lelt for Coos Bay to visit her son-in-law and daughter. Dr. and Mrs. Dewey Wilson. Vacationing Mrs. Martha Brown, employee at the Rose burg branch of the U. S. Na tional bank, Is spending her va cation visiting relatives and friends In Pendleton. Move Into New Home Mrs. Squires and her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Franklyn Roach and son, have moved from Edwards camp at Coos Junction to their new home In Cloverdale. Dance To Be Held An apron and overall dance will be held at the South Deer Creek Grange hall tonight. Members and friends are Invited. Grange women are asked to bring pies. Visiting Sister Miss Martha Young of Seattle Is spending a part of her summer vacation vis iting her sister, Mrs. Rush Clarke, In Roseburg. Miss Young is also a siier or tciwin o Young of Oakland. Leaving This Weekend Mrs. Emma Looney of Los Angeles Is leaving this weekend for her nome, iounwing a visit witn tne Clarke and Underwood families at Umpqua. and Oakland and in Roseburg with Mrs. Margaret Shelton. Her father, the lale John Noble, was one of the early day county clerks of Douglas county. Visit at Melssner Home Mrs. Elmer Brlckwell and daughter, Mrs. Ralph Weber, and Mrs. June Graham have returned to their homes In Roseburg, following a visit over Tuesday and Wednes day with Mrs. Brlckwell's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mis. R. W. Melssner, on Parrott street. SLABWOOD In 12-16 and 24 In. lengths OLD GROWTH FIR DOUBLl LOADS WESTERN BATTERY SEPARATOR Phone Machinery books bulls buildings cratts . cots goldfish china glass lirai cement sanarlei drugs gum underwear bottles lumber shoes neckties J L. X. lamps cows washers bricks Oft bedding dogs matches --3 "rft in nun X rrr boots tools paper eit planN-4ankitrin, -plaster cart jewelry tractors violins furnaces per fume bolts records furs rug, wiring dishes sates ejg treat coops rocks but tons dentures cabi nets paint FEEDS For Healthy, Producing Stock MILK LAY PELLETS MILK DEVELOPER PELLETS for both Poultry and Turkeys olso Complete lina of Math Feeds for Poultry, Turkey and Dairy Animals Cash buyers of Poultry, Eggs and Turkeys Wholesalers of Blua Diamond Fresh Dressed onj Froien Poultry We hove freshly dressed poultry for sale ot all times ' WE WILL DISCONTINUE BUYING EITHER LIVE OR DRESSED RABBITS DURING WARM WEATHER Northwest Poultry And 500 W. Lana NEWS To Visit Coos Bay Mrs. Jessie Rapp left Friday for Coos Bay, where she will visit at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Wilson. Visiting Grandmother Miss Carmen Cooper, who makes her home with her maternal erand- ther, Mrs. Ada Durch, In El ("arose Is visiting at Kelley's cor ner with her paternal grand mother, Mrs. Cooper. Completes Jury Duty Harry Rapp, who has been spending the fiast two weeks in Eugene serv ing on federal court Jury, re turned to his home In Roseburg. The Jury, he reports, is to re main subject to call for a period of four months. At Edwards Home Mrs. Ern est Repola of North Hollywood, Calif., and her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Iee and son James, are visiting Mm. Repola's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edwards, and family, at Elga- rose. Leaves for Virginia Mrs. T. F. Patterson, who has made her home in Roseburg for many vear. inft Krlfiav fnr Nnrfnllf Va to reside with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Woodworth at 5503 Pamlico Cir cle. Mrs. Woodworth Is the for mer Margaret Sorley of this city. Teen Age Party All teen agers of the Winchester commu nity are Invited to a party tonight at 8 o'clock at the clubhouse with Glenda Van Horn, Belty Robert son and Eulala Olds as hostesses and Mr. and Mrs. William John son as chaperones. Mrs. Dunn Better Mrs. T. H. Dunn Is reported greatly Im proved In health at her home at Sumpter, Ore., following an ill ness of a week. She Is well known in Roseburg as she spends the winter months here at the home of her son-in-law and daughter. Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Marshall, on East Douglas street. At Neuru Home Miss Bessie Cleary, who teaches at Fallon, Nev., and who has been enjoying her summer vacation In Wash ington, is In Roseburg until Aug. 18 visiting her nephew, Dr. Earl Neuru. and family. She plans to visit in California enroute back to Nevada. New Jersey Visitors Leave Mr. and Mrs. Edward Palamara of Roselle Park, N. J., have left tor tneir nome via the Redwoods and then on a trip through the Grand Canyon, following a stay in nusenurg as guesis OI Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Petnk. This was their first trip to the west coast and they report they are most enthusiastic about this part of the country and hope to locate in or near Roseburg in a short time. They visited Yellowstone Nation al park enroule west and came to Roseburg via the McKenzie pass. fruit pianet stoves pigs bote toys r-r- " mud teads rope wool diamonds faadt fertiliser ' clocks hides hots hair horses ustv Dairy Products Co. . Phone 210 and 14S3 X rF Selection Of Stampede Queen Slated Sunday Any girl In Douglas county who aspires to be queen of the Trail Dust Saddle club "Stampede" should be at the county fair grounds at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. She should be an excellent rider, attractive in appearance, single, and between the ages of 16 and 21. The queen and her court will rule over the stampede to be held three days this year Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Aug. 25, 26 and 27- -coinciding with the first annual county fair. Arrangements for the stampede are being made by Nellie Berry, president of the Trail Dust Saddle club, and Ralph Beamer, general cnairman oi tne amateur rodeo. Rodeo stock will be provided by Hugh Shepard of Ollala. Besides the amateur rodeo events, the stampede will include noveny norse racing. Cub Scouts And Parents Enjoy Annual Picnic About 33 cub scouts and their parents attended the annual pic nic at Umpqua park Sunday, Aug. 7. Den mothers Myrtle Hargls and Lucille Reed had charge of the refreshments, while Cubmaster Don Reed and Chick Vasey di rected the games and contests. In the tug-of-war, the cubs took on a little too much weight and experience and were dragged across the finish line by their molhers, despite frantic efforts to tie their end of the rope around a small sapling. Ths molhers also took the cubs to the cleaners in a Softball game with final score, 10-9. The cubs then took on their finds in snftball, with den mot er Myrtle Margis doing the umpir ing Aftoi-fl tittht th.-u. -- iiniiiiKa ui play t ie cubs emerged victorious, " V 11. The three-lpcrpprt ram rar and scavanger hunt also provided tun iur ine crowa. St. George's Church Dates Vacation School A tWn . UA1, . Innn . II church school at St. George's i.uim.uiiai murcn win negin Aug. 15. according fn m nnnr.Mn. from Father Alfred S. Tyson, church rector. T ie sessions will run from 912 noon, Monday through Friday, un til Aug. 26. The riallv u-hnHnla will I -I....- - . r . -w. nlll i,,(.-iUtie a worship service, study sessions, t; ,.""" ",,a Project session, rather Tyson reports that the lal est In visual aids will be used including film strips from the diocesan offices. 1 he staff for this year's school includes Kathpr Tun K-ui-,.., Mav.'d. W" Gordo". Cora Jane ,.i.Kiar, irene irapalis, Bar r Brand and Mrs. Tyson. Mothers of the nnt-l.h ...ill u. i charge of mid-morning snacks. Benefit Dance For Quake Victims Dated For the relief of ea.thquake vie- t ma In VrtAn- ,1 . . - Columbus council 2939 will spon- Tit ca hnnAflt J . tVM i uanve at o'clock Armory. - m m Although the dance Is belni snonsnrpH ku tk.- - , WJ mucins or Columbus, the donation will be ... umi oi ine people of Rose burg, said Lee Emery, member of .... ... c.iiKt-iiit-nis committee. LOU Franm anrl him u i,t lpy P?y will provide the music! may do ontalned at the MrVir n f t hu armnn, ... ' - '" vi inmi mem bers of the Knights of Columbus. Paul Bunyans Take Part In Cottage Grove Fete Eight Paul Bunyans of Rose burg went to Cottage Grove this morning to take part In the an nual regatta parade there. Sponsored bv the Cottage Grove Junior Chamber of Commerce, the parade was to be the biggest in that city's historv. The queen's hall will be tonight in the Cottage Grove armory. The legatla will feature motor boat racing Sunday afternoon. Stop Hers Mr. and Mrs. Har rv W. Fredericks have left for liieir home in Pittsburg, Calif., following an overnight stay In Roseburg as guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Carter on Military sheet. They had been on a trip to Eugene to see their new grand son. Robert Stephen, who was re cently born to Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Fredericks of that city. Wil liam Fredericks is their son. Mrs. Fredericks, formerly Shirley Car ter. Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Carter. You Will Land The BIG ONES With Our Fishing Equipment Lines Rods Creels Leaden Hooks Flies Plugs Salmon Eggs Evinruda Motor You will find only nationally known fishing equipment In our complete stock. Equipment for the fly and for the sal mon fisherman. Stop In today and select your equipment. P ACIFIC CHAIN SAW HI way 19 North Phone tt52-J Children's Story Hour Monday Subject Told 'The Little Rabbit 'Vho Wanted Red Wings" is the title of the story to be heard over the Y. M. C. A. children's story hour Mon day at 5 p. m. Mrs. May Mathews will be the story teller for the coming week, announced Mrs. tsetn warg, x. m. w. A. youth com mlt'ee member. Mrs. Warg reminded all chil dren listeners to the KRNR pro gram that the children's story hour Is now heard at 5 p. m. in stead of 4:45. There will be only one more weeK oi stories, follow ing this week. Story teller for last week was Mrs. Esther Geddes. Atty. Gen. Neuner Issues Rulings On 3 Questions SALEM, Aug. 13 WThe ex action oi "one-half of one cent on each pound of butterfat " t out In the milk marketing act it the stale Is to be made from the processing and non-processing disributor alike and then oniy on that milk in liquid .form sold to the ultimate consumer by each such distributor, Attorney Gen eral George Neuner held here naay. ine opinion was requeu ed by Thomas L. Ohlsen, acting milk marketing administrator. A circuit Judge who retired on October 31, 1948, when under the law he was entitled to $250 a month retirement benefits, is now entitled to the Increased ben efits provided In the 1949 amend ment to the judges retirement act, Neuner held. The opinion was requesled by the secretary of slate's accounting division and specifically refers to Fred W. Wilson, retired, who under the amendment Is entitled to $312.50 per month. The licensing act requiring fil ing of names of persons licensed to practice healing arts does not apply to nurses, the attorney gen eral maintained in an opinion di rected to the state board for ex amination and registration of graduate nurses. Alleged Unpaid Loans Basis Of Suit Hera A tuit to recover over' $16,000 alleged due on an unpaid loan was filed In circuit court yesterday In the casb Southern Oregon Produc tion Credit association vs. L. E. Mooney and his wife, Cecelia Mooney, Jerry Haynes and John Doe. The plaintiff requests the court appoint J. E. Young as receiver lor involved mortgaged property. In addition, the plaintiff demands judgment for $15,480.33 alleged due on loans made, plus Interest of $688.28 and other Interest, $500 attorney's fees and expenses of ine receiver. VITAL STATISTICS Marriage License BARTZ MORRIS Melford Ot to Bart, Lawrence, Kans., and Mnry Elizabeth Morris, Gardi ner. Divorce Suits Filed NEWTON Lawrence E. vs. Goldle V. Newton. Married at Coquille, March 21, 1942. Cruel and Inhuman treatment charged. rlalntlff requests custody of lour minor children, sole ownership of property. HOSKIN John L. vs. Jose phine Hop kin. Married at Van couver, Wash., October 15, 1918. Cruel and inhuman treatment is charged. Plaintiff asks for prop erty settlement. WILDER Naomi vs. Burton Wilder. Married at Riddle July 28, 1946. Cruel and Inhuman treatment charged. Plaintiff re quests custody of one child, plus $50 monthly support. Divorce Decrees Granted LARTER Nelda from Henry E. Larter. LONG- Dolores from Roy Her man Long. REXFORD Mabel from Le land Martin Rexford. K ELL Y Vernadean from Charles N. Kelly. GARRISON Ef fie Elaine from James Basil Garrison. BINNS Margaret M., from Melvln V. Binns. SMITH Gladvs from Hiram Smith. Personal SPENCER rORSETIFRB Mr InlS Rurrh Phon .UH jtlCOHOTtCS ANONYMOUS. PO Bos HIS or Plum IMW-L or sne-J CO. The Smallest Livestock Schricker Auction mllea north of KoMburg. 4 mil south of luUMrui). At 1.-00 P. m. w wtU Mil: Cattle ONE EXCEPTIONALLY fill milk row, tuit freh coupU of w ;. AIM lu'lla, rowt with calves at tide, hii- r. veal, always Daoy cajva. Hogs Fat hoc, weanar pigs, shoata. Horses Always good horse at thla auction. Sheep Brine In your ewes, we have several Inquiries. We also sell fat and feeder lemDs. Furniture At 7:30 P.M. At our furniture sale in the evenine. always a aooa car, an ninas oi fur niture ana miscellaneous. One McCormark Deerlng electric sepa rator line new. a lot oi new woven wire. Bring your consignment as you come to the sale. Bring livestock Sunday or any lime. Schricker & Sons, Auctioneers E. TELKAMP RING MAN FOR SALE SPECIAL OFFERING Registered Hereford Cows 60 Head To Choose From Will mU on, or group to iuIL CALVES AT SIOC BRED BACK Top quality At bloodlines Good An excellent opportunity to leiect foundation itock from heart of thil well known herd. Priced from S2SO. Alao lota of youns bulla for aala. FLOUNCE ROCK RANCH PROSPECT. ORE. SI Wlllama Phone Prospect 1SOS DISPERSAL-SALE Registered American Saddle Bred hors es. orooa mares, i a-yeir-om geia ing, 2 three-year-old colts, 3 two-year-old colts, 1 yearling colt. I five-year-old stallion. Frank J. Gtbbi, P. O. bow. 373, Phone 4-4749, Eugene. Ore. Bring Your Livestock WHERE they bring Id the most money Sale every Friday. Livestock 12 o'clock. Furniture T p. m. Roseburg Auction Phone 191 9 REGISTERED HEREFORD cows and calves, 6 tirade Hereford cows and Calves. All young cows. See Doc Carter, Hansen Motor Tire Dept Phone 44. ?ART PALOMINO saddle mare, colt. saaoie ana ortaie. liw. uentie. uon Smith, Riddle, 1 mile out on Canyon vi lie Road. STRAYED Black-white cow. long horns. may De witn can, from my place near Id ley Id. Reward for Information or recovery. A. M. Selby. Glide, Oregon. REGIFTERED CO RR IE DALE BUCK. 3 years old. G. A. Brown. Canyonvllle. Phone 193 or Mrs, A. W. Bauro, Ph. 4to, Koaeourg. FOR SALE Two nice fat g month bulls. approximately 400 lbs: for beef or breeding. Julius Maser, Riddle. Ore. WANTED several good milk cows. Fresh or to freshen soon. Fred Neal, Myrtle Creek. Phone841. fOH SALE Registered earllng Rom ney rams. Phone 12-F-33. Virgil Smith, Roseburg. JERSEY COW for sale Frenhen August 15th. Neal C. Brown, Route 1. Cam Valley. WANTED FAT AND FEEDER Iambs and yearlings. W A B lacker t. Myrtle Creek. Phone 2H2. FbR SALE 30 head of good ewes with 35 lambs You pick em. Wool on. Phone C-F-ll FOR SALE 37 Romney yearling ewes. V others, two years and up. P. O. Box '126 Langlois, Oregon. FAMILYCOW. glOORt,g, Box 224. Phone S3-F-25. T FEEDER PIGS at market price for sale. V. K.Holcomb, Kellogg. ytUNO MARE, Saddle and 'brtdlt. 95. wait Carter, Umpqua Park. WANTED All kinds of livestock. R M. Cox Call iWW-J-4 WANTED day old calf. Phone 33-F-21 Poultry Baby" Chicks Hamps, Reds, Crosses. Every week In the yea.-. Best of breeding. Pullorum passed- Hatching Eggs Wanted Year around market , City agent, Douglas Ca Flour Mill Carr's Hatchery Lookingglass Rt Phone 18-F-3 N. H. Hen$ GOOD ROASTED STEWED SOUP FILL YOUR LOCKERS now, 30e lb. Uve weight. Orders taken for ' dressed, R. Carv, miles eat of Dixonville. NEW HAMPSHIRE pullets, phone 384- R X-3 N H BREEDING COCKmFXS R. Carr 2 miles E of Dixonville. Dogs BEAUTIFUL PUREBRED German Shep herd, g mo old. Pure pekee, toy shep herds English terriers. Cockers. Springers, and soma "tust dog " Priced from $2 30 up. Paradise Pet snop Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J GRA-HO COCKER KENlVELS, Phone 30 or UJ.Y Reg and ped. pupOKell color Srudenrlce foi.LlE AND .MPHERD pups. (2 00 each. Hatha ray. Umpqua SIAMESE Kirri.NSfor sale, purebred. Phone S-F-12. Hay, Grain, Feed FOR SALE I -WO cleaned grain sacks, lie each. J. G. Bacon. Umpqua, Ore- FOR SATE -Grev oats rood for seed or tr ton Ervtn of Oakland Machinery For Sale W R 22 WHITE rear end. complete with air Phore 391-R-4, 104 Sunset Lane off Melrose Road. Cheapest Workers in Town.. Want Ads Autos Lockwood's USED CARS Best Buys Anywhere 194g FORD TUDOR SDN Do fours If iustice. drive home this beauty for only 11743 00 UHg DODGE FOR DOR SDN Run lust miles. Fully equipped not a scratch 1941 FORD TUDOR SDN Carefree driving in thla Immaculate - .... . 1293 1B4T FORD FORDORf SDN. One you'll be proud to drive. Coma in and sea it today. 1198.00 1947 WILLYS STATION WAGON 10.000 miles. Equipped with overdrive, heater atnd many others. 134300 1S46 CHEV. TUDOR SDN. Get rid of that old car now, see us about a trade today 118! 194g FORD TUDOR SDN. Extra nice. 37.000 miles. Today's best buy at 103U 1942 CHEV TUDOR SDN. Mechanically sound Not loaded with extras, but comfortable. 193.00 1941 PONTIAC FOR DOR SDN. Paint end body extra nice. Radio and heater. A ma ctianlcal gem. 993.00 1941 PORD TUDOR SDN Why waste money on your old ear when you can drive a beaut like this one noma for only T45 00 1941 FORD FOR DOR SDN. Equipped with radio and heater. Long trips will cost less in this one. 993.00 1941 FORD COUPE New motor, clutch, battery, a fine car any way you look at it. - 793.00 1941 NASH FOR DOR SDN New paint and seat covers. If its cheap transportation you want look this one over. 995.00 Open Sunday From 9 To 3 Trucks And Pickups 1949 FORD TRUCK with U-Drive Body $24Mnn 1947 INTERNATIONAL Pickup ion. no lf4 FORD Pickup 943 00 1940 G M C. Chassis and cab. 793.00 1943 FORD Lumber truck Tag and Roles 1903.00 1941 FORD Chassis and Cab. 443 00 You Pay Less Fo Used Cars At ' LOCKWOOD MOTORS Easy Terms Better Buys At Barcus TRUCKS SAVE 98,000. 1949 ReO 318 log truck. v n. p yngine: iihh ceeriess itgnr. weight iie trailer, both like new Re sponsible party ran handle with very small down payment 1948 Chev. lumber truck. 1948 motor, Thornton dual drive, new tires. Lumber rolls with log bunks attached. Ideal for lumber or abort logs 31 M International mg truck and trailer. A steal at 1990 1947 Studebaker pickup, excel lent 1193 1937 International truck and semi-trailer good condition food Ures 793 T. Chev flatbed, com letelv overhauled. A good truck for . 290 Car Bargains 1947 Buick super convertible, a real bars In IBM 1941 Chrysler coupe, new paint. reconamonea motor bt.i 1937 Nash Larayette. coach 193 1930 Model A Tord sedan, good motor. , T3 BANK TERM OPEN EVENINGS BARCUS SALES & SERVICE Your Packard Dealer Ry ss N at Canton Vall.T Road Roseburg Used Car Center Oak and Rose FINE USED CARS RftasAnatil sirirwl nil if twini Chevrolet Buick Pontiae Cadillac trade-ins. FOR SALE t740 equity on 194. Chev 4 door sedan. Total price. $1393 or will trade for best car offered Inquire Sunset Grocery, 3 miles north of Rnburg after 3 00 p. m. G -E. Black 1942 Mercury FOR DOR SEDAN, good condition, good ' low preuure tires. '3 Inch wheels tM Marvln SLby. i!rd. Oregon ORIGINAL OWNER mit;t sell '40 Olds mob le club coupe, good clean car. Hvdramattc drive First reasonable of feraccepted Phone 4"3-R-A fOR SALE 4 door sedan 1949 Mercury, overdrive, radio, heater, complete. 3 0O0 mile Price 92230. Phone 714 or S4. Mvrtle Creek CLEANEST 40 CHEV. In town. White sidewall tires, skirts. RAH See at the Sunset Grocery. 2 miles N. of Roee- ourg MORE MONEY for your car Cash on the spot Cork rum Motors. Inc Le Soto, Plymouth, Phone 408. 114 N Rose St OR SALE BY OWNER. 39 Plymouth business coupe, new motor, reaaonaoie. &21R Doug Las. FOR SATE OR TR A DE 1 94iTTviurn?h speed twin. Cams I to L Phone lJOO. Ask for Jim or Red. '40 FORD DELUXE coupe. $300 cash. Phom 8TVJ-1. Autos KEEL'S Quality Used Cars SPECIAL SPECIAL 1941 Tudor Chevrolet 839! Hl-lorque motor in this car with low mileage Good mechanically thru out Ra dio and heater. 1940 Pontiae S passenger foups 8643.00 A oargsin at mis price. Radio and heater. Don't Miss This bargain 1941 Buick 4 Door Sedin. Radio and heater. Looks and runs like new. reliant rubber. A beautiful car that will solve your transportation prob lem lor a long um. More Choice Buys 1949 Studebaker Pickup 1 T. 1946 Studebaker Pickup T 1948 Plymouth 1942 Studebaker Champion Coup 1941 Buick Special 1941 DeSoto 1941 Plymouth Coupe Be sure to pick your rxt from Keel'f Studebaker Lot that gives a 3 day driving trial You sr taking no chances when you nuy from; KEEL'S STUDEBAKER QUALITY Used Car Lot Open evening! for your convenience until S:00 p. m. Phone 11 and IUS-J Next to Roae Hotel S3 f. Stephana Used Car Specials IS47 DODGE CUSTOM JDAN Look i like new. Be lure and ace this. IMS PLYMOUTH SEDAN We have 2 ot thi car. Guaranteed to give you many mllea of satisfaction. $1209. U0 1M0 CHEVROLET COUVE A nice clean car only , 093.00 IMS CHEVROLET TUDOR A popular model Clean aa can be 1193.00 1S3S PLYMOUTH SEDAN Look at thla price. 1S3S DeSOTO SEDAN This car la In excellent rondltlon. Paint, tirea and motor A-l. 1948 DODGE 1', TON "1CKUP New Urea, new paint 1393.00 193S rORO m TOW TRUCK Here's a workhorae for only. 393.00 REMEMBER WI TRADE AND YOU CAN BUY CASH OR TERMS lien n:ll I o uuiuru Motor Co. USED CAR LOT North Stephens Street NEW PLYMOUTH $1735.00 DELIVERED In Roseburg. Nothing to ouy out tne license. ROSE MOTOR CO. Chrysler Plymouth Roee at Lane Bts. Phone M. MECHANICS SPECIALS Bring Your Cash 1.14 ford Sedan 1039 Chev. Sedan la.14 Willy. .. lR-tT Studebaker Coupe 19J9 Nith tudor . 123 . S.K1 . 493 NO GUARANTEES, BUT THEY ALL RUN RIVERSIDE MOTORS Willys Dealer N. Stephens Phone 430-R rOR SALE "39 rord coupe deluxe, ov erhauled motor, seel tesm lights, heater Good conditio.- gno. S3S Htm Uton. Phone S31-Y. Autos COME IN AND LOOK OVER our uew ai J USeO Slew IV J teiMrtae e-. v - UwO and up Immediate delivery on the 1IM9 Hydra Ollde. 11 dow. II month, to pay Harl.y Davldaon i 1 993 down-SSSO weekly Davldaon. S'i miiea So Hwy , w. Roburs.Oreg u . rORSALE OR TRADE- Equity In 194S Tord S pickup. 4 ipeea tr""1"1'1,,"; A-l condition throughout. Will take good tued older model car In . elau D. W. Keaaey. Ptteraon Auuw motive, rn. jj. For S ale 1ST? OLDSMOBILE 4 doo. Sedan H9 . - . mistA - . b. pAni . s a I w il llama, i Yoncall Tractors We Will Not Be Undersold! RECONDITIONED TRACTORS 1 Caterpillar D6 g Caterpillar R4 g Caterpillar D4 30 Caterpillar D8 1 Hystcr Forklift 1 TD6 International 1 International Tfl ... 3 International TDA 3 International TD14 .. 1 International TD18 .. International TD9 Front 4 Allis Chalmers HD7 1 Allis Chalmers HDI0 t Allis Chalmers HD14 .. Bare at Bare at Bare at ..Bare at gMW 2375. 31M.! 7V 37 V). 37M 277 S. 3.17 S. 597 V 65 V) 4H.V1. 32.V1. 9030. .. Bare at Bare at Bare at . Bare at Bare at Loaders . Bsre at . Bare at . Bare at Reconditioned Shovels end Cranes 1 Browning Mobile Crane 1 yd. 14..W0. 3 Bucyrus Erie 15B Shovels 7.875. 2 Oifood ' yd Shovels. 2 Imley K12 Backhoa S.ftV). g Insley K10 Shovels. 4.973. "As lsM Tractors and Shovels 2g International TDg .... Bare at 1.975. 13 International T Bare at 1.473. 2 Caterpillar R4 Bare at 1.773. g Caterpillar D4 . Bare at 2.373. 3 Insley KIO Cranes - Bare at 3.273. 3 Unit Cranes -Bare at 3.273. Blades, Drums. Parts and other attach ments in slock lor all above equip ment. COME AND GET tM! Pacific Tractor & Equipment Corp. 1600 West 7th Avenue. Eugene, Oregon Phone 4-6263 Evenings 3-3918 Trucks FOR SALE OR TRADE 1940 ton pickup with stake body, four new tires. Mechanically good. 19:13 4 ton pickup. Ford, three new tires, fair condition Trade fnr hay or stock. D. X, Thompson, Melrose R. R. Box 268. FOR SALE "36 Diamond T ton pick up. Good body and motor. 90'. t're. A real buy, $693. See at 643 Fullerton St. after 3 p. m., or during day at Cooper Motors. NEW AND USED Itrucks Logging trucks, gravel trucks, flatbeds and lumber trucks. We have a iew or good used truck for your job. Call 1567-Y, Rose- burg. l1946INTERNATIONAL pickup. 1 1948 International pickup. 1 single axis piling trailer For Information Phone432 129 2nd Ave Soulli 1940 1 TON FORD panel Nearly new motor, good condition $4M. Inquire at the Lyle Stewie Associated Station, Oajtla n d . FOR SALE lj-ton 1939 Interrational truck, combination stot-k rack Excel- lenleondltionEd Dm!. 1 13NF)inL AXLE SHAFTS for all makes of trucks! Ray's Truck Shop. 3035 N Stephana, Phone 4flfl J-4 1937 CHEVROLET IV tm flatMckTCan 4S-YX. WANTED Lumber rolls for dual axle truck. Virgil Reetz, Camas Valley. Logging Equipment NEW TD 14 International tractor. 500 hours, equipped with isaarson drum and hydraulic straight laie, 10,500. Willamette 11x13 convention donkev, powered with new 671-GM dlesel. tor que converter and torque mauler. Sled, no lines. $6,000. Inquire Inter ests teTractor it Equipment Co. SKAGIT LOADER powered with new Mercury engine complete with good aled and some lines Price II. sou Inquire Heath Bros- at Hew Lumber Company. S Myrtle Creek Road, Myr- t leCree k. Oregon TOR SALE -20 Skagit yarder. complete with rigging and small American saw mill. Will sell separately or together. Mrlton St Laurance. R.F.D. 1. Box 200, Roseburg. Ore Phone14-F-42. D4 CAT serial number T-J-4172wlth Hyster drum and La Plant Choat. hy draulic dozer See at Tyee Lumber Co.. Sutherlin. Ore., or phone 1202 Suther lin MALL MODEL 7 chain ssw, 4 chains 2 bars 1st house on left entering Myrtle Creek from north. Bud Scar- brough. FOR SALE DT 18 Intcrnltional tractor. A-l condition. BX 200 Skagit yarder. A-l condition K5 International dump tnjck.Ph 318:J-3cvcning;. TOR SALE Cheap. T. D 9 Tnterna- ttonal cat with blade and drum. Wal- teirNehrlng. Rt L Box 40-a. 6x6 STUDEBAKER DUMP truck. 1948 S1?!- '25 tr'l-- 3 months. Box 139, Drain. Building Materials Roofinq Bargains 3"aio?h thlck But Shin1a' w- Dutch Lap individuar''shingles. . SS.9S ws ,.M n.i , per tq Hexagon Shingles, wt 163 lbs.. 49S 5 70 140 199 J 00 Staggered Edge, Wt loS lbs."," per 30 'b; Apha!t Saturated Felt, wt" 33 lb. Roll Roofing wt!" 33 lbs , per roll ... 'b. Mineral Surfaced Roll. ' wt." FREE eitimatea on Inellation' of any 290 DENN WHOLESALE CO. 1 u.1!'0?' VMPQUA ROAD 1 Mile from Tnnt of Jackaon 8L Phone S2S-JX3 YOVH CREDIT'S O. K. STITH VS ALL MATERIAL To build, remodel, repair; nothlns down, ea.y term. CaU Mr. Holiapple. Roaeburs SST-Y FOR SAl-E AtrTiieSTaerofid hand pipe and lilline. Phone laflo-R-i. " ' " Farm Equipment Farm Machinery S FT OLrvrR eomblne. Oliver 19 trac tor on rubber and eel One 1-bottnm It plow 7 n pow r mower 7 rt. Tandem dlw. 3 wtl m. ftex harrow, 1 heavy tr.rtor trailer C.h or trade Nhto" ''" 401 Voncalle. roJ SALI-Bearrat t.rdrn tractor, plow, cultivator, harrow. Parsers Repair Shop. Hiwav 42 JOHN DKERE "lj-A combine for aale Run. fine, lew than i, price Earl Fuel WS2,.T nd "rnace. Old jrowth fir blocs peeler core. amaU !J ?.?. u,,u1 Jperutl Price on plan J 1nr hort time See thla tin 2 Prompt deliver. Claude Win.. Phone 1J-J.J or ltj-J-j TOR SALf S:a(vwndMw.u,, rjrr-i "da Phone xn JohrSS uei't"''