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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1949)
4 Th News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Thur., Aug. 11, 1949 Board Of Higher Education Makes Decisions Affecting Operation Of State Colleges ASHLAND, Aug. ll.-(.P) The State Board of Higher Education Tuesday handed out J343.200, re elected all officers and approved a numher of decrj'.ons affecting oiieration of itate colleges. The board, closinp a two-day session at this southern Orfgon city, also voted to set up .an earthquake -recordlrg station In Oregon. It will be established at Oregon State college. Vanport college at Portland was assured of another year of cperatlon. The board's secretary, Charles D. Byrne, reported that arrangements had been complet ed with federal officials for con tinuation of the school at Its Oregon shipyard location. Reelected to office were: Ed gar W. Smith, Portland, presl dent; Dr. R. E. Klelnsoige, Sll verton, vice-president; Lief Fin seth, Dallas, third member ot the executive committee. The $343,200 allocated is to go to equipment funds lor state col leges in the present biennlum. All recommendations of com mittees, agreed upon Monday, were approved. New Center Planned All centers set up by local school districts for giving courses ot collegiate credit t'nder the re cent Dunn bill must use the term community college if extension co-operation is sought, the board decided. Dean Jack Cramer was Instruc ted to Insist on the term "com munity" when entering Into con tracts to avoid confusion as to the nature of these centers In relation to degree-granting col leges. Centers at Bend and Klamath Falls are planned for the coming year, Cramer reported. Harry Dorman, New State bud get director, attended the meet ing and later met with officers of the system and executives of Institutions to discuss budgetary procedures designed to carry out governor Me Kay's Instructions to atlain greatest economy con aisttnt with service and effic iency. Contract Rules Changed A completely new set of regu lations governing high school-college contacts was adopted with approval of amendments to the administrative code, as recom mended by both public school and higher educational officials. The old high school relations committee name was changed to bjgh school-college relations com mittee with Dean Cramer as chairman. Rules are Included to control invitations from colleges to high school students to at tend campus affairs. Another rule change tightens up sabbatical leave privileges of staff members to some extent. Installation of a first-class seis mograph station at Oregon Stale college to be operated In cooper ation with the University of Cal ifornia was approved wilh al location of $7971 to construct a small building on a site selected be U.S. Geodetic survey officials. The money also will finance Installation of the present small OSC seismograph at Eastern Ore gon College of Education as an auxiliary station to plot earth shocks. President A. L. Strand report ed that a first-class Oregon sta- MlMJliJ I CH.THAT? WELL, WOO KEEP P1" H WHY, WHEW ) I HIM OUT OF J ' 1 HE'S TOO HOT THERE DOMDU l . I HE DIGS DOWN WANT PEOPLE ZJl rA WHERE IT'S hi GOIN' BY TO THINK ) CfU DAMP TD GIT M WE'RE TOO LAZY V 11 A&t' JV. V-aW I .UMIM BciW II III 1 T 1 lr -X irz . irA, i Council Crtst Trellty r Routt Is Abandoned PORTLAND, Aug. ll.mA quaint trolley car route the Council Crest Line loop around the West Hills heights has been abandoned after 2 years of oper ation. The last car chanced around shortly after midnight Tuesday wun veteran motorman B. u Lo gan at the controls. A bus will replace the streetcars. Council Crest cars will contin ue to run between downtown and the top of Vista avenue. Asbestos Siding and Root Shingles Mean Fireproof and Indestructible By Timt, Fir or Weather Elements Let The COEN SUPPLY COMPANY Fleed A Mill St. Give You An Estimate Everything For The Builder Phens 121 con. 1 tv wvtct. we. T. m. wo. e . wt off. . OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williami (Ion will be valuable for research, iH.iniMlnnal mirimsps and will u-.,a nraniif-nl train In arrhlipcts. engineers and Insurance compa nies. Other action Included: approv ed arrangements to supply phy sical plant services to all non commercial areas in student un ion buildings on all campuses. Appropriated funds to pay for state share in extending sewer lines In Corvallis, serving the college; approved arrangement with Multnomah county commis sioners for enlarging heating fa cilities for county hospital and medical school buildings. Earlier it was Indicated the board's new office site will be at either Salem or Albany. Mw1 1 I mm ih sWawi iiittitfriMttilianiifliiiiiaHiSHiMiriMii iiaisiuMwuii nnn i i itfiiiiiiinMimnnitoimTirtrtrtfi KMintlm' iiHSit-rf""iri'r -f- j -- ft n nu r -n I Here's another big reason why UK ilffil DPI the mm my TPflfJ mm m America's finest cigarette laboratory assures you that 1. Lucky Strike always means fine tobacco! 2. Lucky Strike is always a finer cigarette! "you SEE HERE the largest and most complete laboratory of ita kind operated by any cigarette manufac turer in America. For many years Lucky Strike scien tist have delved into cigarette rmenrch on an extensive scale. Out of this has grown an elaborate system of quality control. Every step in the making of Luckios from before the tobacco is bought until the finished cigarette roaches you cornea under the labora tory' watchful eye. As you read this, a constant stream of tobacco'. . . samples from every tobacco-growing area ... is flowing into the laboratory in Richmond, Vir ginia. Those samples are scientifically analyzed, and reports of their quality go to the men who buy at auction for the makers of Lucky Strike. Armed with this confidential, scien tific information and their own sound judgment these men go after finer tobacco. This fine tobacco together with scient ifically controlled manufac turing methods is your assurance that there ia no finer cigarette in the world today than Lucky Strike! Not a -Jniir n I Ttstlng tobacco. Samples from every tobacco-growtng area are analyzed before and after purchase. These extensive scien tific analyses, along with the expert judg ment of Lucky Strike buyers, assure you that the tobacco in Luckies is fine Everything's under centre! I Lucky Strike scientists supervise intricate tests daily to guarantee that the weight, site, densityand iirmncss of your Lucky Strike are always right. Such details are rigidly controlled to guarantee you a truly finer cigarette. Luckies stays fresh. After Lucky Strike cigarette have been made and then pack aged, they must be tightly sealed to remain fresh. Here you seethe cellnphsne seal being tested for air-tightness. Such instruments are in use at every plant. Wt know: LUCKIES PAY MORE for fine tobacco (million of dollars more than official parity prices) Wt are convinced: LUCKIES PAY MORE for cigarette research J. So, for your own real deep down smoking enjoyment ftt&lf I Luckies' fine tobacco and constant research give you a finer cigarette, PROVE THIS TO YOURSELF BUY A CARTON TODAY I COfl TNI AMERICAN TOtACCO COsVANT l I I Monroe Dairy Machinery, Inc. extends congratulations to O. J. Feldkamp and H. V. Sullivan and the UltflPOUA DAIRY on the completion of their New, Modern Plant We art proud of our part in supplying the engineering and equipment in this plcnt. This new equipment will mean better service and a higher grade of dairy products for the consumers of Douglas County. Monroe Dairy Machinery, Inc.' 135 N. W. Park Avenue, Portland 9, Oregon PHONE AT6461 WMS-VJMIICSWl BAKED EIIM! lJu V SCUFF ITf SOIL IT,r SCRUB IT MM Sen sa eional new Kem-Glo! Looks and washes like baked enamel ! For the first time, kitchen and bath room walls, woodwork in every room can have a fin ish that's smooth as plae- -tic, cleanable as china ware, beautiful as polished tswt t-v gas i i an fox sATHsQQtf 1 ifOfC AU WQOOtrXWC) Smtl''f MTfWM smrtustsaaM jlffj' " M'S fCf Mm! MsrrtiwM I SJ ' 2Sf wsxncsoHW Ksmmtsa lJiVf I V Y" WTOrt Ur $039 mrmimiii nnmum 1 11 in w , pjscalloa 60RGE0USXim ROOMS, DINING ROOMS, BEDROOMS &m.r,&fZV& maftic easel And only S3.7 a gallon! No wonder Kem-Tone S z. ... t Is America's most popular flat " C9rr wan paint! I my muimrcm. ssdJe?f M4riP( KEM OIL Kit en reTv fk srm SKOM. t$l$ tee eitrs Sar shuts, hstasj s I eg UMPQUA VALLEY 1 Kifmwtfmn A Home-Owned and 202 N. Jackson Phone 73