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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1949)
1 Sell Faster At A Better Price ! Name The Brand In Your M CLASSIFIED RATES I day pmt wort t dm " J dm 4 dt Real Estate STOP THROWING AWAY RENT MONEY! Buy One of Roseburg's Most Beautiful Homes On Easy Terms In Cloverdale Park 90.7 U WM A MONTH coven Uxn. Insurance, interest and principal You can pay as lit tie as 9500 00 down Thar la no need to five away your money at rent or Hva in crowded condition you ean buy one of Rose burg's finest Domes on these easy terms. . Read These Features Hillside view lota Large closets Fully insulated Floored a tics Tiled floors Big view windows 14 different plana Oversize lots Oil heat Fireplaces FHA inspected West hers t ripped FHA approved There are still a few of the fifty homes being offered to veteran with no down pament Visit Cloverdale Park and see these exceptionally line names loasy or to- , nigni upen uaiiy sroni iv a- ot to v p. m. Fies & Clute Realty 405 Watt Caaa Phone 1399 or 1537 DO YOIT LIVE ON A BUSY STREET where your kids are In constant danger of fast traffic? If so, let us show you one of Laurel wood's newest and finest. This home Is close to the school grounds and is one of the most well constructed homes we've seen for a long time. Much bet ter than standard construction throughout Piped gas furnace with outlets to each room. Huge living room with dm on higher level through French doors. Unique kitchen, large bedrooms and bath. Circulating fireplace. Lots of closet and storage space. FHA financing for avail able. 914,500 for everything. . LOOK AT WHAT YOU WILL GET for S4O0 down? One bedroom pumice block house nine tenths completed. Good sized living room, kitchen and bath with shower. KentUt on floors. Elect, water heater, piped for gas range, gas furnace Included. Such things as door casinos, sash balance, baseboard and Kalnt on interior partitions still ave to be done. Total selling price Is 94500. Better yet, since all materials are on hand to finish house (except palnti, buy It for (4300 and finish it your self. Large lot, 100x110. Good neighborhood, ROSEBURG REALTY INSURANCE CO. Umpqua Hotel Lobby Realtors NICE 1 B. R. home close to shopping center. Includes 3 room cottage rent ing for sua per momn. mis income nrnnertv can be bousht for fcl.000. down. Will sell furnished or unfur- nisneo. . WE HAVE TWO fine grocery stores that can be bought on inventory and fixtures, within the city limits, both doing nice business, (3) 34 ACRE RANCH, nice modern home, 40x00 barn, chicken house, 3 wells, ' ZOO turkeys, 200 chickens, 2 cowk, 2 calves, 1 saddle norse, lots of fruit trees. All for 6500. Williamson Real Estate 1444 N. Stephens Phone 1049-R $ $ VALUES $ $ 2300 DOWN TO OREGON VETERAN New modern 2 bedroom home. Hard wood floors, elec. water heater, large lot. Total price 95775. NEAR WINSTON BRIDGE One acre river bottom soil, modern 2 bedroom home. Fireplace, plastered, pull drapes throughout, dining room and other attractive features. Priced lower than building costs at 95775. 92500 down (9800 down for Oregon Vet 9900 DOWN ON SMALL MODERN 2 bedroom home. Venetian blinds, elec. water heater. Urge lot ONLY 94150 Bruce V. Gilley Real Estate 2353 N. Stephens Ph. 199-J -2. Office oa Hiway M North 40 ACRES free soil. 2 bedrooms, chicken house, large barn borders on creek. 97,000 935U0 down, or trade for city property. 3 BEDROOM older house, good condi tion, close in 9350091500 down. ALMOST NEW 2 bedroom, nice view, vacant? close In has G I loan 97300 92300 down, OUT MELROSE ROAD new J bedroom homo 980091000 down. FHA terms. Umpqua Realty 112 N Stephens St. (opposite Postofficei When It's Real Estate In Myrtlo Creek and South Douglas Co. Winston & Wynter Realtor MYRTLE CREEK. Ore PHONE 945 135 A new 4 BR mod ranch style home Large barn other new bide loo fruit nut trees, creek, springs 14.730 terms 20 A H ml So Umpqua frontage. New all yr cottage, barn, garage Real buv at ttt.OOO ternia. C. L Swanson Riddle. Ore FOR SALE IN COEIR D'ALENETldaho Irrigated district. 9 acres, house, barn, chicken coop. 2 acres alfalfa, pasture fenced. 93 000. or will take late model car or pickup and 11500 Terms Joe Cody, Box 300 Melton Road. Row burg 2 BEDROOM unfinished house, 2 acre". Iood soiL Water, electricity available i miles E. of Bossfburg. Also home si tea on Deer Cree k. Lindbktoro. Digonville Phone 10-F-3 CABIN. 14x24 modern Must be H and moved by August 22. beat offer takes Ik Pbooo 1521 -J. Ileal Estate New Listings HOMES I BEDROOM HOME, large free soil lot garage, most modern of bath: El hot- water heater, beat of diatriit. see to believe. Price 95000.00 with 93000 aown, 2 BEDROOM HOME with concrete foun dation, 'j basement, modern plumb ing, bath and all. lota of built in. acre lot on bus Una. Price 94000 00 with 9900.00 dn. 2 BEDROOM, brand new. aaraae at tached. nice large living room, mod ern type kitchen with lots of nice builtins. full modern bath, sets on concrete foundation. A nice little suburban home will go state o. Price 97300.00 with 91500. dn. 3 BEDROOM HOME In West Roseburg Brand new absolutely fine construc tion, hardwood thru out; large bed rooms, the nicest kitchen you could want, the ba'h Is ' the latest word concrete driveway, atL garage. 90500 wim aiauu on. 4 BEDROOM HOMES, wa have four listed in different parts of the city for your selection ranging In price irom aoaw to ui ,uuu. aee ours oe for you buy. 3 BEDROOM HOMES Wo have several all new construction, mostly witn hardwood thru out and the moit modem conveniences. Prices are 98. 000 . 910,000 - 910.400: down pay menu eiow to wun easy terras. TRADES HAVE a twenty three acre ranch about 8 miles out: land all tillable on main road, large 3 bedroom home: modern chitrken house, large barn Owner will trade for home in Roseburg. A SIX t'NIT MOTEL to trade for home or property in Koecourg. A VERY MODERN home close to Rose burg to trade for a S acre tract with irea soil ' BUSINESS OPORTUNITIES A SMALL RESTAURANT In Roseburg lor l wo l nouiiano dollars. A BUSY TAVERN for glb.000. A BUSY RESTAt'RANT In south Doug las county 95.000, with $2500 dn A LARGE MOTEL, a small motel, a trailer court, and many mora to cnooso irom. See Lehmans Real Estate Before You Buy 414 Nth. Jackson Ph. 722-J Valley Real Estate Agency 2 ROOM HOME In Green Acres: cltv water and lights; a large double lot of good free soli; 927UO. Might Uke trailer house on down payment. 4 ROOM unfinished house on Broadmoor addition; city water and lights; partly furnished, Including new gas range. 91375. terms AT WINSTON, 4 room home on large H acre lot Fruit and garden ground; a steal at 1200. 9500. down. 4 BEDROOMS, full basement: 2 baths: 2 lots; on city pavement and sewer; close in, a good value at 98400. 93500. down. REDECORATED 3 bedroom home, large dining room, nice shady neighbor hood: close in: a homey home, double lot, city sewer 97500. Terms within reason A HOMESITE on the river Is good investment; we have several, priced at 91000. 9100. down. BROADMOOR LOTS, city water and lights; 9t5U. Easy terms. 4 ACRES In Garden Valley, nice 2 bed room nome in nice snady setting; chicken house and small barn. 97500. Easy terms RIVER PROPERTY, on North Umpqua iu acres, ouu . ironiage, on a line fishing spot. Livable cabin, spring piped In. On of the few really good spots. 94750. Terms. 213 ACRES. The owner Is taking a oeaung on in is piare. uooa 4 oea room nome, barn, chicken house for 1200 hens, machine shed and other outbuildings: 60 acres in cultivation, balance good pasture. 1948 Case trac tor, and all tools, buzz saw, truck, 2 wheel trailer, 5 cows, 5 hogs, 75 chick ens. io tons bailed hay. 9n,ooo. 4 down. Valley Real Estate Agency 115 W, Cass St NEW RANCH TYPE Built on a gently rising knoll which aiioras one oi uie nicest panoramic views to be found in the suburbs of Roseburg. Well planned for easy carefree living, this fine home ha 3 bedrooms, two baths, a bright color ful kitchen with breakfast nook and bar. The spacious living room has a dining L with nice view, and is paneled with knotty Alaka white cedar. (The celling Is two toned plaster A large fireplace between two windows throws beautiful re flections on the front veranda. Yes. there Is hardwood floors, attached garage and utility space. Located in a restricted residential dis trict on an acre lot. Free soil, ex cellent well water. The price Is 917. ono with terms. A nice smaller home will be considered In trade. PETE SERAriN. MANAGER C. S. Briggs & Co. 112 W. Cass Ph. 914 FOR SALE 10 seres, large house, elec tric range, water heater, oil heater, family orchard Niie barn and other outbuildings. 91 sort down or will trade for 2 bedroom homa In town Phone 922-R-l. 19 ACRES for sale. cloe in. at Myrtle foint. ori room mo-iem nouse. hot and cold water, double garsgp. barn. 9 stanchions, orchard. P. O. Box 1190, Mvrtle Point. Oregon. Surveys Maps Plans Percy C Armstrong Civil Engineer 11 So Main St. Phjm-RX FOR SALE Two bedroom modern home W ell located, on bus line. 100x180 ft. Nice lawn and garden. My equity, and balance 93J 55 month. 1 Miller Lane. FOR SALE 5 room modem house in Millers Addition mo down. SV1 per month 4 blocks eat of f?eilen s Market on Marstcrs St Howard Cspo MODERN two bedroom home complete ly rumisned. very reasons rue. lwner leaving Oregon ft. C PoulUm. Cou stock Rv&d. west Sutherlln FOR SALE 3 A 5 room house. 2 room cabin, wood shed, garage, electricity. Ceo Shelton. Camas Valley. FOR SALE Two" roomhoue on 97x181 lot fV Four blocks east of Wins ton Post Office. Owner, J W. J op 1 in. MOMFSITES. 8 miles east of Roseburg. electricity and waVr available. School bus. Ltndhloom. 19-F-5 Always Have It Surveyed Jim Daughertv.the engineer Ph J97-R 30 IMPROVED ACRES with buildings for sa'e or trade on small grocery. Newv-Reriew Bos W tA CR E SOFV I E W property. 2 miles out, cheap. Ph. 95S-B-J. Real Estate 60 ACRES BOTTOM LAND Fronting North Umpqua River THIS CHOICE TRACT Is only 9 miles from Roseburg. Although away from noise and heavy traffic, it Is easily reached by good road 'Six miles It pavedi. Has all suburban utilities. The river loam soil slopes gradually back from the water to a crest of beautiful building sites. A fringe of trees skirts the beach. There are two large excellent brooder houses with concrete floors a fair barn with 33 stanchions, tractor, and Implements, Mostly fenced Wonderful opportunity for subdividing, dairying, crop farming or raising fine stock. Unsurpassed for a real country home location within easy commut ing distance. At the total price of this place, the land Is costing only about 9300 an acre, while similar or inferior lane1 Is being offered at 2 or 3 times our price. Good Irrigated crops could pay tor this place in a ew seasons. The price is 925000 and wa will conlder your terms. We will also consider dl viding this property. PETE SERAP1N. MANAGER C. S. Briggs & Co. 112 W. Caas 2 Home Values PRICED POR QUICK SALE 90.600. is ine reoucea awaing price lor mis com fortable 2 bedroom home lens than 3 years old (Owner .night consider fen an oifer for even less. Has large de tached garage with workshop, large lot Located near stores, school and trans- pnrtatinn. Liberal terms. Immediate possession. 3 BEDROOMS 97095. Here ft a fine value in a newer 3 bedroom home on the west side. Has nice living room, convenient kitchen. Imlde utili ty and attached garage. Large free soil lot with topsoll added. 91500. down payment Stanley E. Short Realtor Phont 1002-R 114 W Lane St. SPECIALS $500.00 Down A NEAT two bedroom home that ha a double lot Uwned with neat picket fence in front on city sewer very close to business center kitchen has very nice builtins modern full bath nice front room an attractive place, rull Price 95750. $1000.00 Down A VERY MODERN HOME with nearly an acre of ground on paved road In nice neighborhood has three bed rooms with nice bath nice living room, hardwood thruout garage kitchen including el. range, el ref . oil heater all installed. City bus past front door. Full price 97950. Lehman Real Estate Ph. 722-J 414 N Jackson For Sale Or Trade VERY GOOD 4 acres on North Umpqua hiway. Cash price 98750 or will trade for city property. Family Home VERY GOOD S bedroom home close to fraae & man school. FHA appraisal 10.000. Full price 910,000. Close In ) BEDROOM MODERN, large garage, large lot, all lawn and shrubs in and the bark yard is all fenced A verv good place for children. All for 97250. Cacy's Real Estate PHone 1277-J 202 West Cass St. Next door to Western Vnlon Listings Wanted OUR new brancb office at Winston needs lutings Come In and get acquainted with Mr Smith, the man ager Located in Howards Hardware at Winston. Valley Real Estate Agency Ho full btth, fireplace, oil hot water tank. launary trays. Also mi, good loca tion, adjoins new school property. All lots have fruit trees. A Mo business lots. Terms Isadore Groleau, Suth- erlin FOR SALE farm, city, country homes and building lots Also listings wanted Willi amson Real Estate 1444 N Stephens Ph. I049.R Prompt Survey Service Jim Daugherty. the engineer. Phone 397-R NICE LOT IN WinstonTTights. water, telephone. Among nice homes. Not h Ing down, vour terms In reason. Mft5. Allen H Wells. Cemetery Road, Wins ton, phone I.rft9-R-1. WILLTR A DE40 acres with timber and small cabins 12 miles from Rrtburg for few acres around Roseburg. In quire Charles Clark, Duke Road, Box tw. Sutherlin j I 'NIT RENT AtTc A B I N S plus livi rT quarter 2 acres. 115 A. front In come, s 105 00 per month 3 miles rxjth Roseburg on 99 G B Hasson. C V Star Rt ;vio. some terms, TOTAL PRICE 969V). 2 bedroomHmod"ern home. Wired for range, and hot water Small barn and rhirken hmie. 2 ares Tern Burke, Mountain View Road Take carin trade, terms FOR SALE - S3. (XX) cash' 72 acres, old houe, good well. S acres prunes salahle timber. Write Mrs O Miller. Rid rile. Oreg Ph Riddle 524. FOR SALE 3 lots 1 or all. wlfhtnS blocks new Rlvrtde School. 3 blocks of bus line Phono UssVR or call at 1525 Walnut COTS FOR SALE Y-ur cholre of To ration and sire S4 V) to two Easv terms. A. F. Suksdorf, Winston, Ore gon. Personal SPENCER CORSETIERE Mrs Burch Phone ALCOHOTirS ANONYMOUS. 1119 ar Phona 1509-L or otW. Theyll Do It Every ASSlE.TME BABY SlTTCRTiPTSED IN EVER T4 MiWUTES TD SEE IF LITTLE ES6HEAD WAS O.K. ron im, ti-.a main jwfKwr ls, wotl-p ti-n: Stt r.w : ggj Rentals t FOR RENT New Clark Floor Sander and POLISHER Denn-Gerretsen Co. 402 W Oak St Phone 128 FOR RENT POLISHER. WAXER and scruhber All in one tool. Light enough any child can handle finger-tip control. F & W Floor Covering Co. 327 S. Stephens Phone 1478-R Rent A Singer Electric portable sawing machine for use in your own home SINGER SEWING CENTER 204 N Jackson Ph 723 1 TRAILER HOUSE, gas cooking. All facilities, on bus line Dixonville Road. 98 per week. Harts Trailer Court. Roseburg. TRAILER SPACES for rent by dav. week, month Children welcome On City bus route. "At-Last-A" Trailer Park. 3 miles N on 99 REF1NISH your own floors, easily done with our high soced floor sender in expensive. Montgomery Ward 4 Co. Phone 95 2 ROOM FURNISHED apartment for rent, to be vacated August 13. In- quire rear apt. 128 Flint St CABINS, J'i miles So onHiwny 99, adults. Turn left General Welding Works. TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive, long or short trips Dee Hive truck rental 7.(6 South Stephens JPhona 14IB-J. TRUCKS and trailers for rent, move yourself Thompson Service. Stephens at Washington. Phone 795 TWO CABINS torrent by "the week Pacific Cabins, 3 1 1 miles north .if town. Phone S95-J-2. SROOM MODERN furnished aoartment L- at Lookingglasa. Roy Buell, Phone z7-r-ai. . . TOR RENT Clean sleeping room for 2. In town. 910 per week or 935 a month. 823 S. Pine. FOR RENT Four or five rooms and bath in country. Phona 1465-Y. 020 Avenue A. SLEEPING ROOM for rent 857 W Mor.her. ROOMS FOR RENT 1 with twin beds Phone 1M7-YX SLEEPING ROOM. 100 Spruce St at the foot Washington; i SLEEPING ROOMS for rent, men only, no drlnkeri:Phone22fl-J-2. SINGLE SLEEPING ROOM. 1164 Mili tary. ROOMS FOR RENT, with and without kitchen privileges. 98 Fowler. 0 DRIVE TRUCK rental Winston Trall er Court. Winston. Phone 963-J-2 SL'ETING ROQM. 1203 N. Jackson. TENTHOUSE for rent Phona 695-Rs7 Building Materials Gal. Pipe tHie ft.: . 144c; 1' 21c; l'" 28c; 1'' 33',?c; 2" 4:ic 4" 8. H. Soil Pipe 90c; D. H. 97c ft 900 GaL Septic Tanks 975.00. All Ftgs. and Valves 20 to 30 Discount Complete Line of Plumbing Supplies for Less. Building Materials at Rock Bottom Prices Vi' Sheetrock 954.00 Thousand Sq. Ft H 98 .00 Flfntkote Insulation Tile Board 8'aC Sq. Ft. Mineral Surfaced Insulation Siding 912 50 Sq Ft. Certalntred Fibre Glass Roll Blanket Ins. fl4 00 Thousand Sq Ft. AsbeMo Siding 912 50 Sq. Ft with Nails and Fixtures. 18" Cedar Primed Shakes 912 50 Sq. Cement 9125 Sk. Pacific Deep and Shallow Well Pumps. Free Installation. Roofing Materials at Wholesale. If you are bu ild 1 ng a new home or repairing and old home. It will pay you to get a complete Una of my prices. If It Is manufactured I can buy it and save you See Display add on Electrical App'i ances. Nails 10c to 12c per lb. DENN WHOLESALE CO. North Umpqua Rd 1 mil from foot of Jackson St Business Ojrfwrtunities FORTUNATE IS THE ONE who. when opportunity knocks, investigates. Do you want to get into a huMnrm where your Investment is protected by nat ural resources, where a continuous dividend will be assured, with em ployment? Minimum investment. 91. Ono. For information write Box 955, NrwR-Revlew. FOR SALE New pumice stone store, Ire .14x50 Living quarter in bark Shelves and gondolas. It Is in verv good location 3 miles south of Mvrtle Creek on Hiway 99. See owner Frank Grensky next In Mr-lodv Mountain Barn Phone I OWI Myrtle Crek. MOTOR COURT" lor sale. Call 199-J-L Financial F. H. Aw LOAS "umpqua realty Across from Post Office on Highway 94 112 N Stephens Ph 15.15-J WANTED TO BORROW 9oon'on'a unit apartment Mr O H Good, across from A. K. Lumbar Co., Myrtlo Creek. Oregon. Time UT-JUST AS THE PARENTS GET HOME, LI'L E66HEAD PRESENTS THIS GRUESOME SCENE GO! AND SEVERN CCT OWT IKJ TUlC THAN TO Elizabeth fpamce. ZoO W. PASTCRWS r'HIL AChLPHlA, HA Work Wanted Rsbg. Sanitation Service SEPTIC tanks cleaned, no extra charge for drain lines. No charge for open lng tank Prompt service No mile age charge, reasonable rates, special rates for commercial tank 748 Short St Phl294-Y P 0Box W ALL BUILDING construction, new and old. remodeling. ID1 down, no -Job too large or too small All type masonrv construction, flagstone and brick' barbecues and patios a specialty Mag netite floora and drain boards Phone 1590-R.l. contractor, A R Snow Carpenter Work By Hour or Contract Write H CHarty. C. V Star Rt CARPENTER AVAILABLE to bulid complete house. Ranch houses a spe cialty M. J Manes. Phone 172 VX or see at 1311 Hmtwui Ave. E. " , Oliver's ARE Ot'T DP TOWN for a short time Septic tanks and drain fields. WANTEl--Work"of any "Ttind " Have done janitor and plumbing work C H. Snmh, co H. L Campbell, Suth- lin. Oregon. LADY DESIRES WORK Waitress. kitchen helper, companion to sick. care of children. Call Viola, phone 389-R. 430 N. P1ne. FLOOR "COVEHINO Complete sales and Installation!. Free estimates. Modern Floor CoveringPhone .14a ALTERATIONS.' DRESSMAKING. AM tvpes. Mrs Don W Garrison, 1003 ModroneSt Phone H02-L. WlLL DO IRONING at my home. 531 Fowlrr St. HOMEWORK typing, billing, bookkeeD- lngPhone 1434-H. WILL D'V IHON1NQ in my home Phone KU6-R-2. WILL DO IRONING In your homo Can 1264-R anytime. t PlANiTTTJN Eir-J. T- Jones. Ph. 1340-R Wanted Wanted BEEF. VEAL AND PORK Fred Boyer Phono 922-R-3. or 499-R-S or wrllo Koute 1, Roseburg Will Pay Cash WE BUY used furniture, all types. Call at 444 No. Jackson. Phona 15U3-J. The Bargain House HOUSE WITH YXltDFor reliable couple with 3-year-old daughter Ex cellent references. Bob Dotv, cart of Bob;. Music Shnp. Phone 908. Physician, wife. 3 "children wish to rent 2 or S bedroom houw !n Rose hurg or vicinity. News-Review, Boa stae-Policeman would tike 1 or 2 bedroom house or apartment. 1 child. 6 months old. Phone 14:iA-L. Professional Man. wife and child need furniihed or unfurnished house, September l.News-Revlew Box952. TO BUY Best 3-4 bedroom "house for 95.000 cash. Prefer principal street 152H-J. WANTED FAT HOGS and used furni ture Call 990-J-4 mornings and eve nings Ca LL Al' for a fair bid on your fur nlture Al's Furniture Center. 814 Win Chester St Phone D07-R WANTED TO BUY All kinds of furnl ture Let us hid on your house of fur niture Call 80.'I-Hat 509 NJackson St GARAGE EASILY accessible, with good floor. Call Mr. Lay at 945. VET AND WIFE want'furnished modern house or apt Phone 7.VI J. WANTED TO BUY-Hides Roseburg Meat Co., phono 280. Logging Equipment NEW TD 14 International tractor. 5O0 hours, equipped with Isaacson drum and hvdrauhc straight '.llade. 910.500. Willamette 11x13 conversion donkev, powered with new 871-GM diesel. tor que converter and torque master. Slrd. no lines. Vi.000 Inquire Inter Mate Tractor A- EQuiomrntCo. SKAGIT- LOADER powered with new Mercury engine complete with good sled and some lines Price 91 .500 Inquire Heath Bros, at Hew Lurrher Company. S Mvrtle Creek Road, Myr tle Cre-k. Orrgon D4 CAT serial number 7-J-4172 with HystT drum and LaPtant Choat. hy draulic dorr See at Tvee Lumber Co Sutherlin. Ore. or phona 1202 Suther lin FOR SAI E-frT" IU International tractor. A-l condition. BX 200 Skasit yarder A-l co.wlit'on K5 International dump trurk. Ph 5B-J-5evcning FOR SALE -1947 TD 9 International cat A-l condition with winch and drum Phone t1 Oakland. FOR SALEb-fl cat, drum and anKle dorer. A good cat: priced to sell In quire 920 So. Stephens, at Jtost-hurg. SINGLE AXLK-logiring" trailer. In go-d hane 9273 Rav Buell. hone 27-F-21. 1 SMALL LODGING arch, 129 2nd Av So Phona 432. Timber Sawmills Wanted Immediately ANY SIZE tracts of old growth an good second growth See C S flriggr 4t Co. 112 W.Cae. Phone 914 Sawmill PORTABLE BULLS AW sawmill, new. tin cra'ea, irv-luors planer W Damewrod, Silver Nook Grill. WANT Pr.rLED Douglas Fir "poles and filing aenverea to our Koserurg yar imited sires Contact ui before cut ting Puget Titular Cu of Oregon P O Box 4. Roebuig Phone 1 . WANTED TO BUY Dour'as Fir pole and piling stumpege. Puget Ttmhr to of Oregon P O. Box 44, Rose burg Phonel.T WILl.T.EAsr or seU - 20 M sawmiH now operating Inquire 920 S. Steph en m , iionure. ore FOR SALE Nawmll! nr in nirt G M C dieeol edger and othee anita. moj uanny, kus Wuchstur. By Jimmy Hatlo CATCHinJ l-'NEUMON A AND HOUSE A6AIN r7 SMOTHERING TO T-i I DEATH! I0U6HTTO STJ Help Wauled Fountain Girl NIGHT SHIFT THE DRIVE INN 1 mile So on Hiway 99 WANTED: Life Insurance Salesman or Saleswoman for Douiilas County and vicinity by well-known old line cum pany. Leads furnished, salary and commission, bonus, convention trips, free schooling. See Lee O. Smith, Room 207 Arriel Offices. 33 East 10th, Kugene. Oregon Tel. 5-2271. Wanted Auto Mechanics Service Salesman LOCKWOOD Morons CAR HOP WANTED" THE DrTve INN ONE MILE SO. ON HIWAY 99 WANTED Experienced office woman Give qualifications and reference News Review, Box K 9SS. Pear Pickers Wanted Starting Tuesday morning. August 9. Truxhell Bros. RFD 2, Bog 2:i3, Rose burg. WANTED man for "few days. See O 8. McGrady after 7:00 P. M., 4lh hnusj routh on Lookingglasa Road off Mel rose Road. WANTED O fflce assts t antln" est ah 1 ih ed organization. Good opportunity, r:ood working hours. News-Heview, lox A 54. HOUSE KEEPER ttaVeompletechaVge of modern house. Father and 2 sons JKfiJ Myrtle Ave. ROUTE SALESMAN to drive truck on percenUge basis. Married man pre ferred. New Method Cleaners. Oft E "! N CHAIN grader a n d ms r k"er Call Natron Station before 5, 72204 Sir)nftfield after 7 p. m. EXI'KRIFNCED WOMAN "grocery clerk Falrhavcn Market Phone 119fl-H. W"ANTKD-Glrls for office work." Anply the general office. Montgomery Ward Fruits and Vegetables Canning Peaches JULY ELBERT AS, Rurbanks, and Hales Havens now ready. Liberies, Hales and Improved Elbertas later. Watermelons, cante loupe, local tomatoes and corn, Gravrnstein apples for pie and sauce. Check our prices before you buy. Wilson's Fruit Farm And Market Wl niton, Oregon Phono 47-J -4 Open from 9 to 9 GR AVF.NSTFIN APPLES-Peaches for canning, sweet corn, tomatoes, melons and other fruit and vegetables at the Krune Sland, 1 mile west on Mel rose Road Phona 444-R-4. Closed Sat urday. FOR SALE ravenste'n anol"!. 21 00 oiisnei. tiring ooxes. no rsunoay sates W F. Wright, Curry EsUte. Phone S5-F-3 BTHRANK AND SLAPPY pearhes for canning Ed Thiele, Winston. Civil Rend Cemetery Road. Last house on left. Phone 1590-J-3 ROCHESTER AND CRAWFORDpVachs", now rradv for canning Fred Burks, blue stand at Dlllard on highway B9. 2 50 bushel. you pick. CI CI'MHERS FOR PICKLES Pick them fresh and tender. Harry Wesley, low er Garden Valley Road. Bring con tainers FOR SALE Tomatoes, ready "about Au- gust 91 00 flat. G. F. Stevens. west end Calkins Road CI'CirMRERSfor sale-Pay M7YounT Cleveland Rapids Road In Garden Valley. SWEET CORN for ssle C H. ClavpSoT. nt 2. Bnx2t.5-A. Garden Valley ROCHESTER PEACHES, ripa for can- ning. A. Roth. Brrtckway. PK KLING CUCITMHERS Car Bowers. Calkins Road, phone 925-J-5. Machinery For Sale FOR SALE D-T Caterpillar In excellent rondltlon equipped with cable dozer and reir oower control unit lor construction work. Priced to permit Int tailing drum If logging cat la desired In quire Calkins Finance Co, 2m Titus PMC 1H E Broadway, F.ugene, Ore. Phone 4-4211. ask for Mr. Overton. FOR SALE Lalhe. milling machine, drill pr. machine hark saw, la t lie and mil line attachment! Steel tool enhmets. sieel work benches. Inquire 920 n SfenhensjM FOR SALE 20 cat. good mechiinicailv or trade for late model pickup or rnr r red Lange, upper Camas Valley, Baldwin R'iad FOR SALE IeTourneau Angle dorer rnmnlHi With front end PC V fot DH rat Lee Mortensen, 200 8 Pino. Phone ib-h-h W B 22 WHITE rear end. complete wth air Phone rR'LR-4, 104 Sunset Lane n'f V"t-"- Foil Trucks 11H INTERNATIONAL pickup: I 1!MH International pickup. 1 single axle pi'iog trailer or information Phone 4 12 124 2nd Ave South flMO 1 TON FORD panel. Nejrlv new motor, g"od rondltton t4tl Inquire at th I.yle Stewio AsaocUted Sutton. Oakland AXLE SHAFTS for all makes (-flrucks Ra's Inirk Shop. 205 H Stephen Phone 449 J 4 i41 CHEVROLET dump truck foe salo. 1 kW!i klUKN yUU UVtK If Jtt. i. Box iw-l i'none svw-n-a. Mon.f Aug. 8, 1949 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 13 For Sale Miscellaneous SPARTAN 94' - M - 20 - 34 The life time trailer Has body wa believe will last 90 years or more, no dry rot. Kit u - if - ir ' - a Columbia 12 - 14' 90 - 22 23 The West's Fastest Sellers and Other Trailers of Quality Also Used trailers, trade-ins accepted Bank contracts Contracts to 3 years on Spartans. Earl E. Smith N W Largest Dealer Eugene Ore Phone Springfield 22! 3 Miles South on 90 Rt 4, Box 22. Eugene FOR SALE 194T Model Sow Taylor Freezer Hardening Cabinet Com hi nation gallon freezer, 90 gallon hardening cabinet 2 hp. Copeland Water-Cooled compressor 100 ft lead cable Automatic overload relays 2 automatic cut-outs Ready to run Reasonable. A E Dunk lee. 320 W. G urants fas. Oregon 30-40 KRAGG SPORTER rifle with a K2-9 scope. Trumble bathinette bassinette with hood. on stand with pad and liner. Thayer buggy. Health-O-Meter babv scales. Pot tpc oil burning cook stove with electric blower. 2444 N. Stephens, trailer in rear. River Loam Delivered GOOD FOR GARDENS AND LAWNS Wa have an abundant supply. Paul Casey STT W Mosher Phone 11T-V Sale, outboard motors, as low as !) down and 95. per month. Trolling motor for 9:iS. Special sale on fine boats. 14 foot Fiiherman V Bottom, special 9150 12 foot boat 9100 See these special salmon trolling motors WASH THE EASY WAY AT The Self Service Laundry 919 Cobb St No fuss, no muss, no bother. Try our friendly service. House Trailer 19 FT COVERED WAGON, complstelv equipped, electric brakes Can be seen at house In the rear of General Welding Works. Hiway OS. 3 miles south of Roseburg. FAST "SERVICE- FINiTwORlC Will pickup and deliver Ed's Laundry N. Umpqua Road at Ivan ft Phone Ifl07-J N. H. Hen$ GOOD ROASTED STEWED SOUP FILL YOUR LOCKERS now. 30c lb live weigm. uroers taken lor dressed. R. Cary. 2 miles east of Dixonville. Philco Console Radio cabinet excellent condition. Rent onamff at mono B7H-L. or tea, LBtakeley SL FOR SALE -an "gauge double barreled shotgun, practically new, with water proof ca.'e and cleaning equipment. 92.1. Welch baby bugsrv. removable bassinette. 913. Call 1J41-Y or sea at 1002 Union Ave Trailer House LIKE NEW. 22 ft. Columbia, Butane gas, oil heater, sleeps four. Located at 1414 Willow. FOR SALE -19 " ft." Sunstrulter house trailer, shoo, Hlaeatha 9 h. p. out board motor. 9"0. Sea after ISO, East Douglas. Rt. 1. Box 48. fOR " SALE -1 04B""i3 ft. RoyaTToune trailer, ilka new. Will sacrifice for 91(175 cash. New Moon Trailer Inn. highway 99 N. FOR SALE targe S compartment res- lauram am, rnone ma, Lait S tare , ' milo past city limits on N. Umpqua Road 19 FT TRAVEt;dlralfer futly equtp- pen, exceueni conamon. uonsiaer trade on Roseburg homo. Phone 9W1-J-2. FOR SALE OlPfRADE for house trailer, new lour room house, one acre, one block from new school, piddle Box 13, Riddle, Oregon. SHAKES for salo NOW-Sugar pine and yellow fir, 9-l-fi-97 50 sq. Tiller-Trail Rd. Your Shake Maker. Bill Badger, Drew. Home week-ends. FOR" SALE 10 ft. 1947 WhlrUbout trailer house. Good rlean condition. Inquire Sutherlln Valley Airways F. D. Bringle. Fuller Brushes Don L Rider. PO Box 029. FOR S ALE -27 ft Eastern bulltRouse trailer. Electric refrigerator and gas range, 9l.oo. Also luoxlOO ft. lot Call 1MB-J-1 Sale on all casting rods, reels. ' tines and balls for every kind of fishing See these special low prices. Powell s Sporting Goods, 306 West Casa Street. TWO BEVER ACJE refrigerators, one 30 cu it. auitaoie tor restaurant or lavern Inquire at Idle Hour Tavern 5MI N Jackson. Hardwood Flooring Phona 102-R-3 FOR SALE Used woodrsnges, ire boxes, electric ranges, electric wash ers Umpqua Valley Appliance:, IJu WOak St SH P SEAHFE outboard motor Good rondltlon 30 L Commercial Phone 4Q2-J. FOR SALE -Use3 i hole Tern cream cabinet, can be used ar deep freezo. Sutherlln Hotel Sutherlln, Oregon. YOUR STANLEY dealer." James L Rob erts. 210 Court St. Phone 839-Y. De. II verv on orders of (A 00 or more. APARTMENT S17EgasrangeT4 "units regular tiro oven, 950. Phono B64 J sficr a NO 4 LUMBER. 2x4 to 2x12. RL. 912 V) P!r M In carrier load lots Crenshaw br. Co, 3 miles south of Roseburg. r"OH BAl.E-l new" 21 "jewel" Hamilton railroad wntrh. 992 B. ftoS Barager pnone T7.1-H-2 USED IfpRIGHTrMANO 92W. Good condition. Seo at 116 W. Mosher after fl W FOR SALE 8 cubic ft Serve I kerosene refrigerator, used 2 months, Phone 570-J -4 LAROE CEDAR fence posts For '"sale Roseburg S rung la Co.. Umpqua Rd Phone 1273-J 1047 29 FT. PAN AMEHtCAN trailer house. A-l condition. 423 Fullerton. Phone 1.117-J FOR SALE 1 man" "sheep shearing out fit LI .d Aiurbury. Millar s Addn Phone 5-F-.11 Tr Rew hospital -surgical pfan. no age limit, good an where, low cost. MBH4VA nhone 11.1 fo:i7 FORI) Vn'rfin ffeilverv Reason a- able. A.uo ZW jil butane tank. 310 E. 2nd Ave N Phone IWS-U f 77 INDIAN" MOTORCYCLE, cheap. It runs 72tt E 3rd Ave. N. 3 STRING COLUMBIA banjo In good condition 7 V E Lane. FOR" 8ALE Dry Mvrtle wood umber 220 Ford StL Roaeburg. WILL CARE for children by week or month certlfied Phone SH3-V FOR SALE Unused Weaver" Prune winn er and Iraver. A F. Steams. Oakland BUY CHRISTIAN SUPPLIES at the Bible Book Center 1 M W Oak. El.ErTROt.trrf VACUUM cleaner foi sale Phone YT3-R-2 Instruction WANT TO RE A practical nurse? High w.ies. blr need .ntemtinig work Iirn ml hrrni In snare lime. 1!fnl ln(. ' c,o N.R.w. Loam MONEY 910 929 990 97 9100 9200 9300 UP TO 9500 Borrow on your salary AU steadily im. ploed men and women may qualify today for a salary loan up to 9M0 whether you're in a new Job or an ol4 Sorrow on your ear or rumltura. Your furniture or automobile make excel lent security at Local Loan paid for or not t'p to 9300 on your furniture, up to 9500 on your car Special "Pay Day" Loans, 910, 923, 990 loaned till "Pay Day" or longer Pay only for the actual number oi day! you keep the money. 929 costs lfc for ona week. No other charges. Phona (or your Loan LOCAL LOAN CO. Lao Sevy. Mgr. 333 No Jackson Phone 1173 Lie t-273 m 353 Rosebura LOANS UP TO $300 On your J UP TO $500 On your automobile ipald for. or noti Loans made quickly, privately for any Unexpected expenses Medical and Dental bills Vacation expenses Consolidate debts Re-financing When you borrow get your money from the Comnany that makes It convenient to borrow and convenient to repay Lower payments now available up to 20 months to repay CALKINS FINANCE CO. 3M Doug!,, Cmintv Stnt, Bank Bide 1-337 Slat. UC -M4 RAfl3lo6tS"ifronO to Invnt In lncH point; buitnow. If InUmtcd wrtU) Vox BM. Livestock LIVESTOCK AUCTION 100 HEAD OF CATTLE 20 HEAD OF PAT HOGS BABY CALVES ROSEBURG AUCTION LIVESTOCK AUCTION Roseburg. Oregon, Frldsy, August 12, 12:00 noon. Highway 99 and Garden Valley Road, Just noMh of Roseburg. 100 HEAD OF CATTLE consisting of 79 Hereford steers, cows, heifers snd cslves. Extra good milk and springer cows. 20 HEAD OF FAT HOGS plus feeder and weaner pigs. BABY CALVES ROSEBURG AUCTION Phona 191 Bring Your Livestock WHERE they bring In tho most money. Hale every Friday. Livestock 12 o'clock. Furnltura 7 p. m. Roseburg Auction P ho n i l 91 PEDIGREED NEW Zealand white ran bits. Juniors, eligible to register. Championship strain. Member of U. V. H. B A. Boyer'i Hsbbitry at foot of Camas Mt. on Hiway 42. FOH SALE -37 Head of breeding ewes. These are In good condition, soma 9 years old. iti per head. Phona 37-F-4 Oakland. Chas. H. Davison. Cf'THETMARKEf-lor fat and feeder lambs, fat and feeder yearlings old wether and old liver. Isldoro In da. Phone 40-F-13 Oakland. FOR STIFLE purebred Lincoln ' rams, good ouality, reasonably priced. Ed win Klrby. RL 3, Box 219. McMlnn vilie. Oregon! fOH SALE One corn fed butcher hog. Two miles aouth of Lookingglasa Store. W. H Nlehaum. TWO YEARLING Hereford registered" bulls See anytime G. B Clayton, Mvrtle Creek. J miles X. 90. FOR SALE Largo 12 week old plfT. 919 Also milk goaU. M. M. Good, Upper Olslla. Ore. Breeding" EWES for sala or trade for feeder lambt Age from 1 to 3 years. Lldoro Inda. Phonejto-F-15. Oakland. Ranted fat and feeder iambi and yearlings. W A. Blacker, Myrtlo C reek . P hone 2B2. FOR SALE 30 head of good ewes with 2.1 lambs You pick em. Wool on. Phone 8-F-ll WANTCD-AII kinds of livestock. R M. Cox Call 090-J-4. Poultry Baby Chicks Hamps. Reds, Crosses. Every week In the year. Best of breeding. Pulloruns passed- Hatching Eggs Wanted Year around market City agent, Douglas Co. Flour Mill Carr's Hatchery Lookingglasa R. - Phona 18 F 3 N. H.Han GOOD ROASTED STEWED SOUT FILL YOUR LOCKERS now, 30c In. llvo welghL Orders taken for dressed. R. Cary. 2 ml'es east of Phtonvllle. a Colored fryers. E. R. Lutman. PhoneH-P-3. N H. BREEDING COCKERELS. . Carr. 2 JpilM EofD1xonville; FOR SALE N. H. pullets, 9100 each. Knone .-t -a. Fat dressed fryers 45c per tow D B. Boone.Rifle Range Road. . R H"RYERS for sale, 940 lb. A. Roth, Brock ay. Lost Found LOST Yellow gold Central lady f watch. Also driver s license. If found, leava st News-Review. Reward. Ruby Gal yean m . fOt'NDT Pf gld trimmed rimless glasea In Roseburg Wednesday Own er can have same by calling 919-R-9 and oavingfor ad , FOUND -Brown" b'llfold Stare Avery Laurance. Call at Nws-Revtow. Miscellaneous ,NVALIDS and elderl h care. 219 W. . . . .. n elderly folks. 24 4tn n'jeeu 1 CrltMi t w.. ,nd Ck St Brldct