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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1949)
Comj? 1 1 Senate Passes Foreign Recovers WHO DOES WHAT By Paul Jankini u. sjL u. Libiary Eugene, Oregon Bill JkuSOZ-yrr. k I VIC LEWIS, standing at tht TJJURMAM, are looking over a new adding machine they have Tojst received in stock at their new office supply store on Stephens V treat. Both men are from Longview, Wash., where they were asso ciated in the seme line of business as here. Mrs. Durham has joined Del with their children, a boy of nine and a girl of four, and the family is living temporarily at Winston. Mrs. Lewis and the Lewis children, two boys and a baby girl, still are in Long view but will come here just as soon as suitable living quarters are obtained. LUMBER INDUSTRY LEADS Douglas County's Payroll For Last Three Months Of 1948 Exceeded S9 Million Douglas county's Industrial payroll amounted to approximately $9,000,000 lor the last three months of the year 1948, reports the State Unemployment Compensation commission. Actually, the pay roll was In excess of $9,000,000 as the commission's report includes only those workers covered by unemployment insurance. In the Day's News By FRANK JENKINS I WAS shooting the breeze the other day with a service sta tion man while he filled the tank, checked the oil and water and polished the windshields By way of making conversation, I said: "How's business?" "It could be better," he an swered, scouring a fat bug off the glass. "There would be more business in this line If there were more tourists." I went on making conversation. "What has become of the tour ists?" I asked. "I suspect," he replied, "they're staying home making themselves a living instead of helling around over the country like they used to do." COME to think of It, he may have been right. Have you noticed the savings bond figures lately? People are buying MORE of them. They are CASHING IN less of them. It seems to have dawned on all (Continued on Page Four! Mayor Drops Dead After Dismissing Session GROVETOWN, Ga., Aug. 9. (P "That's all," said Mayor J. N. Fields as he dis missed a session of municipal court last night. Then he dropped dead. A physician said the 5S y ear old mayor was stricken with a heart ailment. QUAKE HOMELESS 100,000 Rehabilitation Problem Facing Ecuador Calls For Huge Fund. Outside Help QUITO, Ecuador, Aug. 9. UP) The government faced the prob lem today of housing 100,000 persons made homeless by Friday's earthquake which gutted 50 communities and caused thousands of deaths. A spokesman for President Lasso said the government had not yet been able to compile a death list, but estimated that the toll might be between 2,000 and 4,000. Previous estimates ranged up to 6.000. The president announied Sun day that in the town of Pelileo alone some 3.200 had perished. Plaza told newsmen that in the ravaged city of Ambato 75 per cent of the houses still standing must be torn down. He said the government had asked the American republics to rush tents to the area and that the United States already was sending emergency shipments of canned foods. Plaza said his previous esti mate of $20,000,000 property dam age might go much higher. me president s secretary, Miguel Albomoz, said the gov ernment plans to float a 20-year nond issue to get reconstruction goltg. Most of the victims in the town loft above, nd hit partner, DEL The quarterly report shows 11, 790 persons employed during October, 11,166 in November and 9,848 in December, with total payrolls of $8,925,843. Lumber and wood products in dustries accounted for the major part of the high employment fig ure, with total payrolls of $5, 930,553. This industry employed 7,719 persons in October, 7,186 in November, and 6,053 in Decem ber. Manufacturing of all kinds, including lumber, produced $6, 084,616 for the three months pe riod with employment for the three months standing at 7,929, 7,426 and 6,276. Agriculture, forestry and fish ing, in which few employes come under employment insurance, had only $8,229 in covered payrolls, with reported employment for the three months showing 26, 15 and 8 persons respectively. Min ning payrolls amounted to $34, 125, persons employed numbering (Continued on Page Two) Juvenile Shoplifting Stirs Action At Salem SALEM, Aug. 9. UP) Juve niles are responsible for 75 per cent of the shoplifting in their stores, a representative group of Salem merchants declares. Most of the Juvenile shoplifting is by high school age operators, many of them girls interested in cloth ing and ornaments, a spokesman for the merchant group said to day. Cooperating with city police, the storekeepers are organizing to stop or at least curb the activity. FUNDS TRANSFERRED An order has been signed by County Judge D. N. Busenbark transferring $168,160 from the county sinking fund to the county general road fund. The change was authorized in the budget for the current fiscal year. of Pelileo were caught in build ings that collapsed. Landslides from the mountains accounted for others. Farm houses were flattened egainst theground and fields were ripped apart by hugh crevices. Many other Pelileo victims died In a flood. A landslide blocked a drainage canal and the water trapped many persons. Others died in their homes. Not a single house in the village remained standing. Right now the most serious problem is getting water into the quake area. All water systems were demolished by the tremors and streams were diverted from their regular courses or dammed up by landslides. The Weather Moraine clotidlaeta, clear if nd warmer la aftw oin to day and Wednesday. Swiset today 7:2S p. m. Suarha tomorrow 5:11 . m. Established 1S73 Senate Girds For Tilt Over Housing Bill Measure Creates Fund To Aid Modest Income Class To Build Homes WASHINGTON. Auc. 9. A new housing fitfht shaped up for the senate todav over a $4, 510.000,000 bill designed to help persons of modest income build new homes through private fi nancing. Senator Cain (R.-Wash.) said opponents will "do ail we can" to eliminate certain features of the measure. Senatcr Sparkman (D.-Ala.), the author, told a re porter he thought there are very good prospects that the Senate will approve the uill as It now stands. The Senate Banking committee reported out the bill yesterday, 7 to 5. Sparkman and Senators Taylor (D.-ldaho), Frear (IVDel.), Doug las (D.-Ill.), Long (D.-La.l, Toboy (R.-N.H.) and Mavoank (D.-S.C) voted to send the bill to the senate. Voting aginst It were Senators Cain. Bricker (R.-Ohio) Fulbright (D.-Ark.), Caoehart (R.Ind.) and Flanoers (R.-Vt). Senator Robertson (D.-Va.). the other committee members were absent. Cain disclosed that ilie opposi tion is not in fmi agreement as to what it doesn't like in the bill. He said three sections co eprative housing, disposition of wartime permanent housing, and private loans to veterans are under fire from various direc tions. Loans For Co-ops Provided The cooperative tealMre re ported approved 6 to 5 with Tob- ey abstaining calls for $500,000,- OOO in loans lor cooperatives, with the provision that the pre- (Continued on Page Two) Self-Confessed Killer Of Elderly Couple Captured SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 9. UP) A 33-year-old x-convict, ar rested here by the FBI, has ad mitted killing an elderly Tacoma couple last month, special FBI Agent Harry M. Kimball said today. He is John Edward Summers, a former neighbor of the victims, Howard tasley, t2, and nls wile, Elizabeth. 67. He surrendered without resistance yesterday at a Gough street rooming house where he had been living under the name John Skinnere. Kimball said the man, a farm laborer and dishwasher, agi-eed to removal to Washington state, where he is charged with first de gree murder. FBI agents declined to disclose how they traced Summers here. They said they found In his pock et a copy of the FSI's "wanted" notice alerting ponce to be on the lookout for him. The notice, Kimball said, had been stolen from a mail box at the rooming house. The Easleys were shot and kill ed at their Taco-na home on July 16. Berry pickers near Chinook pass found the bodies four days later. Eaxley's automo bile was sold to a Portland deal er on July 21. Kimball said Summers was re leased last May from Washing ton state penitentiary and had been arrested on a number of occasions for forgery, burglary, larceny and carrying concealed weapons. Youth Admits Deadly Bombing Of Synagogue DAMASCUS. Syria, Aug. 9. UP) A 17-year-old Syrian veteran of the Palestine war confessed he and two friends threw hand gren ades into the Damascus syna gogue Friday, President Zalm an nounced today. The attack killed 12 Jews and wounded 20 to 30 others. Zaim said all three men are In prison "and will "e judged and condemned to death if the evi dence so Indicates." "Syria will have no unsolved Bernadotte cases," he said, re ferring to the assassination of Count Folke Bernadotte, the U. N. Palestine mediator, In Jerusalem last September. Attorney General Neuner Breaks Wrist In Fall SALEM. Aug. 8. M Ptaf's Attoiney General George Neuner, whose deep and resound ing voice has been heard In many an Oregon courtroom, was speak ing in low tones today. Until the X-ray films have been re'urned and studied by his phy sician, he -on't know for sure, but both he and the doctor are of the opinion that he fractured two ri -s ' a fail at his McMinnville h- it Friday night. He broke his left wrist In the fall, nd that Is In a cast and sling, hut to be on the saf side the damaged ribs are encased In what Neuner terms "my ffrst corset," a tape device ' hlch limits his breathing and consequently his speaking. ROSEBURG. LOSES BY HAIR Dog Is Allergy To An Asthmatic, Faces Eviction SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 9. UP) A landlord has a court eviction order for Party, a 12-year-old dog. Municipal Judge John J. Mc Mahon ruled yesterday Patty must leave her owners' apart ment because her hair aggravate! tne asinma oi the landlord a son. also 12. Another municipal judge ear ner nact tnrown out the eviction case brought by landlord Leo Tarantlno, holding the dog had acquired rights of occupancy through long residence. But Judge MsMahon said Pat ty, part Pomeranian and part terrier, was a Health menace to the child. Mrs. Carter Downing, president of Pets Unlimited, called the Judge's ruling a "blow to dog dom." Speeding Fine Levied As Collision Sequel Donald B. Campbell. Roseburi. was cited for violation of the basic rule by city police yester day following a collision at the intersection of Cass and Kane streets, Police Chief Calvin H. Baird reported todav. According to police reports. Campbell admitted driving at ex cessive speed when he entered the intersection, thereby losing his right-of-way. He collided with a car driven by Lyle Grant Hughes, Roseburg. Campbell was fined $10 by Mu nicipal Court Judge Ira B. Riddle this morning when he pleaded guilty to a speeding charge. No estimate of damage was available. Ford Workers Voting Heavily On Strike Issue DETROIT, Aug. 9. UP) The state-conducted strike election among Michigan Ford workers is drawing a big vote, and both u ie cumpany ana union nail mat report as a good sign. With two days of balloting re maining, more than 30,000 of ap proximately 80.000 Vnrrt Mntnr Co. production employes already nave votea, tne stale labor medi ation board announced today. The vote will Hotormlna i.hntn er CIO United Auto Workers of ficers may call this year's second strike in Ford plants in Michi gan. Such a walkout would back up uaw aemands for $100-a- month nenninns utlfipa anH health benefits and a fourth- round hourly wage Increase, Packard Workers Strike Over Man's Discharge DETROIT, Aug. 9. UP) Some 10,000 Packard Motor Car Co. workers walked off the job today in a dispute over the dis charge of a foundry worker. Local 190, CIO United Auto Workers, called a mass meeting to plan further action. The company fired Jesse Green, charging he had truelt hl fnra. man in the foundry. The union ciaimea ureen naa not struck him. Packard charged the walkout was in violation of the contract. Paul Abeel's Automobile Is Reported Stolen A la P txra Mnniul aUU a approximately 9:45 ihls morning uvui ram Mueei, umpuqa Ave., and county fair manager, according to Police Chief Calvin H. Baird. A heel said he parked his 1948 moHe) oHan nn W . .... tki. . v.. ... oiicri nun morning and when he returned awui am iiuiiuif-s later, it naa vanished Chief Rnfr a a k.i had the car keys with him and that the car was probably start ed by wiring around the ignition State police are nxiperating o.i the case. 18 German Children Die In Traffic Crash HAMRtlPfl rn.... A... n (Eighteen German 'children were Kiuea last nignt when an express train strw-l: their holi day bus, five minutes before they were due to arrive home. Police said 14 other children were taken to the nrnpital, some harilv hurt The mnfiAnnt - i .- - - --Annul wiuuni on the level crossing at Lever kuwn In the British zone. mere were 90 children In the bus and passenger trailer. They had been on a holiday trip to the Weser mountains. Chapman St., Bordering Sr. High School, Closed Paul Flllntt lllnaHnlAnl - - - hi vl schools, announced today that Chapman street, running In front of the senior high school building, will be closed to traffic, begin- nintt luesaay. The move is made necessary by the COnnpfttnn tt hnatlnn .-I . from Fullerton grade school to me new central neatlng plant on iur it-mur nign scnool grounds. Entrance to Flnlnv flM nH th baseball park can still be made irom orey si reet, tinott said. OREGON TUESDAY, AUG. Truman Aide Dragged Into 5 Pet. Inquiry Summons Will Follow Disclosures In Permit For Race Track Work WASHINGTON. Aug. 9. UP) A private memorandum saying taai iwaj. uen. Marry H. Vaughan, President Truman's military aide, stepped into a 1947 race track dispute was read to a senate in vestigating committee today. Francis D. Flanagan, an at torney for the committee, read the memorandum. It quoted Vaughan as saying In a telephone conversation on behalf of owners of the Tanforan track that he was 'damn sore at Frank L. Cree- don, then housing expediter. Cree don is now with the Hanford, Wash., atomic plant project. His office reported today he Is in Washington. Flanagan said the memoran dum, which purported to be the gist of a telephone conversation with Vaughan, came from the of fice of James V. Hunt. Hunt, a business counselor here. has been a key figure In the com mittee's inquiry in activities jf so-called five percenters per sons who charge a fee for help in getting government contracts for others. Their commission Is usual ly five per cent of the gross pro ceeds from the contract. Hunt has said he is a good friend of Vaughan, but has de nied that he ever attempted to trade on "influence." Flanagan said the memoran dum was dated October 25, 1947, and was subpoenaed from the of- lice oi Hunt. Meeting "Arranged" It dealt with a meeting held by three men representing the Tanforan track, at San Bruno, Calif., near ban Francisco, witn three officials of the housing ex pediter's office. banter two ot in nousinz of ficials Benjamin Shulman, spe cial litigation attorney, and Wil liarq Maher, formerly, .with, the housing agency and now witn tne atomic energy commission had testified that ''someone connected (Continued on Page Two) Narcotics Phase Bared In Arrests On Traffic Count Roseburg state police headquar ters indicated today that a Salt Lake Citv couple, picked up yes terday on a traffic charge, may lace narcotics cnarges oy state or federal officials. According to state police, Marie Witzel was arrested at 6 p. m. Monday on a charge of violating the basic rule. Her companion, Raymond Lester Scott, was driving another car and was ar rested on the same charge. State police said the woman had narcotics in her possession when arrested. Miss Witzel Is out on bail from Portland on a federal narcotics charge and Is also out on bail from Bend where she was charged with attempted entry Into a motor vehicle with Intent to steal there in, according to state police. Authorities said Med ford and Grants Pass state police headquar ters are making an investigation of recent narcotics thefts there, with the belief that the pair may have been Involved. The couple will appear before Justice of the Peace A. J. Geddes for arraignment this morning. BETTER SOCIAL Bill Provides Expansion But Approval By Congress This Year Isn't Probable WASHINGTON, Aug. 9. UP) Democratic leaders virtually abandoned hope today for any social security expansion this year. They called this stand realistic, even though the House ways and means committee yesterday announced its approval of legislation to blanket 11,000,000 more persons under old age insurance. The committee. In Its most Im portant social security action In a decade, decided also to boost old age Insurance benefits by 50 to 150 per cent In some categor ies, ana to Increase the payroll taxes to finance the expanded program. Under the legislation confirm ing presently scheduled Increases, he payroll taxes will lump from SI .800,000.000 to about $2,700,000, 000 In 1950. But one top democrat told re porters 'here Is little, If any, hope that the legislation will be passed by the Senate before 1950, al though a drive will be launched to press It through the Houe this year. The senate legislative log Jain prevents action there, he said. Tax Goes Up Jan. 1 Regardless of whether con gress acts, the tax will increase 9, 1949 GIANT 'HOPPER Freak Photo In Paper Puts Its Readers On Edge PEORIA. 111.. An. 9. trick picture of a mammoth grasshopper which the Peoria tar printed yesterday wasn t nearly as comical s staff mem bers thought It would be. The newspaper is begging for giveness of Its rea:lors today and says It "regrets frivolous toying with the truth." The trick picture was made by Valde Johnson Jr., and amateur Khotographcr. It mete the grass opper appear to be as large as a hayrack on which it was riding. The humorous reptlon for the picture said the 'hopper later was seen heading southward "in 100 yard leaps. Shortly after the paper appear ed on the streets, the Star's telephones were swamped with calls. Peorians wanted to know more details of the giant 'hopper. One reader Indignantly said It should have been shot. A mother called the picture "terrible" and told her news paper that It had shocked her children. Spiritualist Is Slaying Victim BALTIMORE, Aug. 9. (JP) Someone bound a 60-year-old spir itualist hand and foot, then strangled her last night with an electric cord. Her fellow mediums Immedi ately offered their services to police. They said they would at tempt to Bet through In the anlrit world and learn from the victim, Mrs. tmma A. Kefalos, the iden tity of her slayer. Mrs. Kefalos, a widow, had lived alone in her second floor apartment In Baltimore's Polish- Bonemlan section. Four years ago, after her hus band's death, she began giving seances and gazing into crystal balls. Neighbors said most of those who came to her for spir itual readings drove up In large expensive cars. The apartment had been thor oughly ransacked, but polios dts- couniea roooery as a motive. In an open bureau drawer, In vestigators found $68 in cash. Five valuable rings were discov ered in a tool box. German Prosperity Sign: More Cigarets FRANKFURT. Germany. Aug. 9 UP) A sign of prosperity In Germany: The German railroad ia doubling the number of smok ing compartments on Its trains. The reason: cigarets, once so scarce and expensive they were tne DacKbone oi tne macK mar ket, are now so plentiful and cheap that more perfle can af- tora to smoKe mem. A pack of cigarets which used to cost 100 Reichsmarks valued at ten dollars, now cost two and a half Deutsch marks, valued at 75 cents. Weekend Traffic Deaths In Oregon Boosted To 16 .. (By th AuorujtMl Pnml Late reports of highway acci dents in scattered sections of Oregon have boosted the Saturday-Sunday traffic death toll In the state to 16, highest of any two-day weekend In -ecent years. Five died In ea3tern Oregon, three in southern Oregon and eight in the busier highways of the western part of the state. Death of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Derr, Dayvllle, while riding tan dem on a motorcycle Sunday, boosted the previous toll of 14 to the higher figure. The other deaths were tallied earlier. SECURITY from the present one per cent to li per cent against employes' pay and employers' payrolls on Jan uary 1. The new legislature would bring in only a little over one half of the 20,000,000 new work ers mresident Truman asked con gress to insure. But it would raise the total number covered from 35,000,000 to about 46,000,000 and the other expansion features he give th president a large part n requested. The committee action drew criticism from one of its repub lican members. Rep. Kean of New Jersey. He said the coverage does not go "nearly as far as I would like.-' He said also a committee reshuffling of benefits woulii "take away $t00,000,000 a year In (Continued on Pag Two) 186-49 Europe Arms Cost At Issue At Hearing Vandenberg's Proposal For Slash Opposed By Defense Secy. Johnson WASHINGTON, Aug. 9.-4P Senator Vandenberg (R.-Mich.) today proposed a 50 per cent cash reduction In the first year's cost of the western European arms program. The Michigan senator suggest ed to Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson that about sawi.uuu.uuu be furnished in cash by Congress with the balance In contract authorizations (to be met by later appropriations) wnicn would not be charged against the current budget. Vandenburg said he believes tne budget President Truman sent Congress for the 1950 fiscal year carries funds for. European military aid which would cover almost all the money cost of the tirst year. But Johnson, appearing before a joint meeting oi tne senate foreign relations and armed serv ices committee, argued that the tun amount si,43U,uou,uuu is needed to safeguard the security oi tne united states. What Might Eventuate Said Johnson: "Should western Europe be overrun by a hostile power and should its vast Industrial and manpower potentials be added to those of such an aggressor, the United States would stand iso lated In a dangerously Insecure period. united states security, mere fore, demands that Europe be safeguarded." A military vacuum in western Europe," Johnson added, "is a great temptation to the Soviet Union and International commu nism." He told the senators that It would take months and years for this country to mobilize, equip. train and transport troops across the Atlantic. In the meantime, he said, the (Continued on Page Two) Jimmy Stewart Weds Admirer Of Childhood Days HOLLYWOOD. Aug. 9. Pi- Jimmy Stewart tot.'uy weds the girl wno used to cut out nis pictures as a kid." At five o'clock tills afternoon, Hollywood's most famous bachel or will marry Gloria Hatrick McLlean In Brcntw-xd Presbyter ian church. The wedding will be small and the shy ?ctor hopea quiet. The pair was shopping today and winding up retails for an extended noneymonn, including an Hawaiian trip. Wedding plans were completed last week. Stewart was recently asked why he chose Mrs. McLean after 15 years of Hollywood dating. His answer: "Of ill the gins I have gone with, she 's the only one I felt I couldn't live with out." As for Gloria, she said she had been a Stewart fan "since I was a kid." The socialite said she "used to rut out his pic tures as a kid." Mrs. McLean said she "didn't anticipate a revolution In convert ing the 41-year-old bachelor to married life. I don't think It will be difficult," she said. "After all, I have to make some adjust ments myself." The 31-year-old divorcee con fesses that she can't cook or sew. Informed Stewart iias express ed hopes for a couple of young sters, she replied, "I certainly hope to accommodate him." Mrs. McLean already has two children by her llrst marriage. She formerly was married to Edward McLean Jr., son of the late Evelyn Walsh McLean, own er o fthe Hope diamond. Repeat Fire At Mill Does Little Damage The second fire in two weeks at Jones Mill, Myrtle Creek, was reported today by U. F. McLaugh lin, dispatcher for the- Douglas rorest protective association. McLaughlin said a crew of fire fighters dispatched by Warden Bruce Ferguson nad ihe blaze under control In less than two hours but that it flared up again during the evening before being quelled. The initial report was received at 3:23 p. m. The dispatcher awi.l the blaze started trom the company s bur ner. Little damage vas reported. Jimmy's Dorsey's Wife Files Divorce Suit LOS ANGELES, Aug. 9.,Vt Band Leader Jimmy Dorsey's wife, Jane, has sued for divorce after 21 years. She charged cruelty In her complaint, filed yesterday. Under a financial settlement, she gets $850 a month and 25 per cent of any Income above $20,000 a year. They have a married daughter, Julia. FundOft&rly Is Voted, 63 To 7 Measure Goes Bock To House For Compromise On Five Major Point By DON WHITEHEAD WASHINGTON, Aug. 9.-WI The multi-billion dollar foreign recovery bill sped toward Inal congressional action today after a stormy passage through tht Senate. Lawmakers expected a Senate House committee to reach quick agreement on the somewhat dif ferent versions the two branches have passed. The Senate . ap proved its bill late yesterday by a top-heavy 63 to T vote. Senators ended almost two weeks of wrangling to shake th measure free from the confusion which had blocked action more than $20,000,000,000 In money bills In addition to other legisla tion marked "must" by the ad ministration. When the final showdown came, only six Republicans and one Democrat voted against the $5,797,724,000 measure. The lone Democrat was John ston of South Carolina. The Re publican opponents were Cape hart and Jenner of Indiana, Kent of Missouri, Lanper of North Da kota, Malone of Nevada, and Wil liams of Delaware. Despite all the sound and fury of debate, the Senate bill does not differ greatly from the House-approved measure. Th Senate reduced the money to tals about 10 per cent and added some amendments none of which Is expected to cause much trouble. Kern made the final effort to amend the bill with a move to deny Economic Cooperation ad- ' ministration aid to any nation which in the future nationalized a basic Industry. The amendment wai drawn to throw a brake on the British la bor government's socialization program. Kern argued that socialization In Britain is slowng down th recovery effort The United States, he said, should encour age private enterprise not only at home but abroad. Points To Be Compromised Points In the Senate and House bills which must be compromised include: (1) Money amounts: The house voted $3,568,470,000 for EGA, to be spent in 10 and one-half months If necessary. The senate voted $3,628,380,000 DlUS $150.- 000,000 loan authony, but spread the program over a 12-month period. i (2) German Industrial plants: The Senate voted 125,000 to ft- (Continued on Pag Two) Verdict Absolves Auto Driver In Swanson's Death A coroner's Jury returned a ver- diet of "not gullp "not guilty of criminal negligence" last night, thereby releasing Cecil E. Davidson, anvtr of the car which rtruck 67-year-old David Swanson last week. According to District Attorney Robert Davis, the Jury found that , "Swanson died of injuries suffer ed when he was struck by a car but that no person was guilty oi a crime thereby." According to police reports, Davidson was the driver ot th car which hit the elderly Rose burg Lumber company night watchman Aug. 3 when Swanson was crossing E. 2nd Ave. No. Swanson died early Thursday morning In Mercy hospital. The nine witnesses called to ap pear In the case Included David son, George W. Gillam, a passen ger In his car; George Sutton, who was walking with Swanson; Harold Howey, a bystander; Dr. J. J. Grabow, who performed the autopsy; and lour city ponce oi- llcers who investigated the case. Bralteman Snatches Girl From Path Of Engine BOWIE. Tex.. Aug. 9. UP) An 11-year-old girl is alive today because railroad brakeman H. W. Coffman snatched her from her bicycle as she rode Into the path of a switch engine. Joal Gill Is deaf In on ear. She did not hear the oncoming train or Coffman's shouted warn ings yesterday as she started across a track near the depot Coffman ran, grabbed the girl and Jumped back. Her bicycle was demolished. Ihe drawbar oi the locomotive hit Coffman'a arms but he was not Injured. Salem Ups Budget For Its Community Chest SALEM. Aug. 9. WV-A budget of $105,000 to be raised In a cam paign opening Oct 4 has been adopted by the Salem Community Chest directors. Last year ap proximately $101,000 was con triiuted to the city's chest activi ties. Levity Fact Rant By L. F. !UlsMietia Congress it offerlaej the needy better social security benefits (perhaps In 1S01 th bests of "now ye tee It, now yee don't."