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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1949)
u. wi u. liicrary Comp 1 Sugene, Oregon (Story Colt. 7 And t) WTO 0H Mill TTO ( Trojan Lumber Co. Mill's Main Unit Burned; Planer Saved Sullivan Re-Saw Plant Near Roseburg Suffers; Bland Mountain Ablaze v Flames swept through th Trajan Lumber company re manufacturing plant at Riddle Saturday afternoon, while fire fighters from the Roteburg and TrI City areas fought for more than eight hours to sub due them. Cause of the fire was not learned here this morning, as telephone lines to Riddle were out of order. H. C. Stokes, Jr., chief of Trt City volunteer fire department, said he was informed by own ers of the mill ihat the loss would approximate more that. $100,00. Destroyed in the fire was the mill's main building, which in cluded the edger and other equip ment and a considerable amoun; of lumber. The pltter and sort ing shed was saved. 3. Paul Campbell, owner of the Trojan Lumber company, this morning said loss .if the mill aiv firoximated $100.00v Inventory oss was about $8,300 or $9,000, partially covered iy insurance. Two Other Mills Suffer Two other mills also suffered fire losses Saturday afternoon The re-saw of the Sullivan and Son planing mill, north of Rnse burg, was destroyed in a fire at 3:20 p. m., and a portion of the sawdust convevor at the All Fir Lumber company, a few miles norm oi Myrtle Creek, was burned. The Douglas Forest Protective association reported fighting all incendiary grass fires which spread into forest land on Bland mountain, on the Tiller-Trail ign way eight miles east of Canyon ville Saturday afternoon and Sun day. Roseburg Sends Aid Equipment was dispatched to the Trojan Lumber company lire (Continued on Page Two) Driver To Be Cited In Crash Near Sutherlin A two-car accident a half mile south of Sutherlin Sunday dam aged cars driven by Roger Lee Cornett, 17, Drain, and Mary Adaline Hall, 59, Sutherlin, ac cording to Roseburg state police. Mary Hall was taken to Merc- hospital, with a possible leg frac ture. A passenger in her car, Addie Wood, 53, also of Suth erlin, was treated dt Mercy hos- ital for severe cuts and facial acerations. State police officers said a com plaint would be filed by Cornett, alleging failure to signal. In the Day's News By FRANK JENKINS AN official commission in Wash ington has just made a mo mentous decision. It is the White House commission. Its job was to decide whether to tear the old White House down and build a new one or to renovate the pres r ent structure. It decided to RENOVATE. THE commission has $5,400,000 appropriated by congress, to work with. In a recent report, President Truman conceded that ' it might be cheaper to rebuild than to try to repair the ancient official home of our Presidents. However, he said, the American people would like to preserve the present building for sentimental' and historic reasons. He is right. It would cost us all (Continued on Page Four) 40 TO 75 CENTS AN HOUR? Minimum Wage Boost Issue Plunges House In Second Big Labor Debate WASHINGTON, Aug. 8. CD The House waded today Into its second big labor debate of the year. This one is on whether to hike the national minimum wage from 40 cents an hour to 75. The Democratic party"s campaign pledge of last fall to raise the minimum and broaden coverage of the 1938 wage-House act was up for redemption. It faced the same determined, well organ ized foes as the still-unredeemed campain pledge to repeal the Taft- Hartley law. Democratic leaders were back Ing a compromise bill introduced last week bv Chairman Lesinski (D.-Mich.) of the house la bo committee. Many southern Demo-1 crats and Republicans were lined i up tentatively behind a measure N sponsored by Rep. Lucas (D. Tex.), a labor committee member. House members reported labor unions active in drumming uo support for the compromise, but The Weather Fair and slightly warmar to day and Tuesday. Sunset today 7:26 p. m. Sunrise tomorrow 5:11 a. m. Established 1873 Ecuador Quake Deaths Soar Above 4,600 Countless Thousands Of Persons Injured; Damage Estimated $20 Million OUITO, Ecuador, Aug. 8. VP) The unofficial death toll in earthquake ravaged Ecuador soared above 4,600 today as dam age estimates from some 29 moun tain towns reached $20,000,000. Countless thousands were re prrted hurt. The Ecuadorian cabinet voted in emergency session last night to take immediate action on Presi dent Lasso's plans to rebuild the stricken areas most populous in Ecuador. The defense ministry said 2,000 troops were on duty in the worst hit zones and order was being maintained. Communications were being re stored slowly as the Ecuadorian air force ferried doctors, nurses and medical aid to thousands of injured. Three U. S. Caribbean air com mand planes from Balboa took six tons of relief supplies to Quito yesterday. They included blood plasma, serums and drugs. Th? president, back from a tour of the ravaged areas, said sme of the scenes of suffering rivalled even the "most Dan tesque" imagination. Four towns which virtually c s appeared from the map were Guano, Palate, Pelileo and Pil laro. Eyewitnesses returning from Ambato, largest city to receive the full force of the shock, said the number of dead.jujd injured undoubtedly had been underesti mated. Death Odor Terrible These witnesses said the rav aged area now is only a ceme tery where the odor of death is almost unbearable. They said the number of per sons buried along the slopes of Tungurahua volcana may never be known. They reported that when the quakes struck masses (Continued on Page Two) 1,400 New Polio Cases Reported i By the Associated Presit More than half again as many polio cases have broken out so far this year as during a similar pe riod last year. An Associated Press survey showed, however, that there are signs that the peak has passed in some of the hardest hit areas. During the last four days of the week past an AP state by state tally showed 1,400 new cases were reported. This brought the 1949 total to 9.400 cases. The figure was more than half again as high as for the same period in 1948. That year was the second worst infantile paralysis year on record. In Washington, D. C, the U. S. public health service said it noted evidence of a slackening of the upward pace in the country as a whole. NEW YORK. Aug. 8. UP) Attendance at Coney Island beach slumped more than 50 per cent yesterday despite 90 degree plus temperatures. The reason apparently was an outbreak of polio which health authorities have described as a mild epidemic of serious but not alarming proportions. said that representatives would not state their support of the measure in writing. It falls shorf of the original administration bill jn ts coverage of workers. "The town is lumping wltn lobbyists on this thing," said one labor committee democrat Major amendments on the vage section of the bill were '3 be offered by Rem. Sims (D. (Continued on Page Two) . ROSEBURG, -OA C BATTLE OVER VET'S INSURANCE Mrs. Nettie W. Capps (left), Gold Star mother, sitt in Salt Lake City jail, while her dead ion's widow, Hr. Maureen I. Stem (right) of Seaside, Calif., is "thrilled to hear" her former mother-in-law being punished in a court fight over Mrs. Cepps' ion's Gl insurance. Mri. Cappi wet jailed because the refuted to obey a court order directing eccept paymenti on her late son'i policy end turn them over to hit widow. Mrs. Stem is shown with Cerolyn Capps, 6, one of three children by her former husband. Utah's governor received e flood of protests against the jailing of Mrs. Capps end urged a reprieve. The gover nor disclaimed powor to reprieve in e case of contempt. (NEA Telephotol Trucker Killed By Load Tumble R. J. Note, Shady, Ore., died this morning in a Canyonville doctor's office when a part of the load he was unloading fell off the truck at the Aloan Lum ber oompany docks and pinned him to theg round. . Information phoned In this morning by Mrs. H. M. An derson, Canyonville correspon dent, stated that Note was releasing the binders on his truck when one log slipped and struck him to the ground. He died at 10:4J. Note was a driver for .e McGrew Logging company ef Medford. No additional details wera available. Fire Razes Yachats Hotel; 20 Guests Flee In Rain YACHATS, Aug. 8.-W-The three-story frame Yachats hotel burned Out early yesterday while firemen worked to save the coast al town's post office and a garage. Hotel owner James Gross re ported none of the 20 guests were harmed, although they fled into the rain in their nightclothes. Gross estimated the damage at $35,000 and said he doubted the hotel, built in 1925 and acquired by him last year, would be re built. FLAMES DESTROY RE-SAWER ,v -trnrs t! IT : -A . ri&s yj Jt I W m: f - i ni r'fz '3 If V J J saenHiHMaSsSaVeEiV.'J',n)f eeevat !H?''.V .ZmfJ. V ai mi inieMh '"" north of Roteburg on the highway, Saturday afternoon, where e brisk wind reportedly carried the sewdust-covered ground, to the re-sawer. Above, the re-sawer is shown In its burned state. been set. Firemen mill about the structure, making certain the left spark Is out, (Staff phote.) At Riddle Hit By $100,000 Fire OREGON MONDAY, AUG. .4 San Francisco Bay Area Shaken By Earthquake SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 8 UP) A wide area around San Francisco Bay was chaken by an earthquake at 3:02 a. m. to day. The Jolt rattled windows and dishes and awakened some people. No damage was report ed. University of California seis mologists said the quake cen tered 18 miles from Berkeley. Wood Waste Molasses At Springfield Plant Looms EUGENE, Aug. .. (M-Final ftovernment negotiations for leas ng the Springfield alcohol plant to Hudson Brothers of Americus, Georgia, may be completed soon. Rep. Harris Ellsworth issued statement Saturday in which he indicated that Washington offi cials considered the Hudson pro posal for rehabilitation and oper ation of the plant "generally ac ceptable." Charles B and W. S. Hudson made an inspection of the plant in June. They indicated that they desired the structure for produc tion of molasses from wood waste. They said Mther by-products might be produced later, but declined to specify the na ture of possible secondary products. AT MILL The Roseburg fire department and volunteers were 8, 1949 4 y:!l V J OK- Barkley Takes Her Out To Ball Game; Romance? ST. LOUIS. Aug. 8. VP) With nothing like the secrecy at tempted two weeks ago, Vice President Barkley turned up at a ball game yesterday with a very lovely and charming ..Su Louia widow. Those are the adjectives he used with reference to Airs. Carleton S. Hadley, while she stared straight ahead as they sat to gether in Owner Fred Salgh's box at Sportsman's park at the game ociween tne cardinals and uiants. "Romance?" He was asked. and he answered: There have been rumors like that about me lor the past year but that's as far as It's gotten." The last time the vice president detoured his Washington-bound plane to St. Louis for a Sunday luncheon with Mrs. Hadley It was supposed to be "sort of secret." ac cording to reports. Yesterday they kept their date in front of some 29,000 persons. . DRUNK SENT TO JAIL Morris Everett Rov. 42. Rose burg, pleaded guilty in Municipal court today to being drunk on a public street, reported Judge Ira b. niadie. . He was committed to the city Jail for 20 days In lieu of payment of a $40 fine. 185-49 Montana Fire Battle Fought Against Yind Hundreds Of Men Toil To Subdue Inferno That Has Claimed 13 Lives HELENA. Mont.. Aug. 8. (.V) Wind sent flames boiling up Wil low mountain this morning as weary men strained desperately to trap the mammoth "gates of the mountains lire. About 400 men worked through out last night building fire lines to encircle the killer of 12 forest service parachutists and another tire lighter. Thev haped to complete the final three miles of fire line, bot tling the wilderness area blaze on 7,500-foot Willow peak today. But westerly winds oi 13 to 23 miles an hour drove rampaging flames rapidly towards the east slope and vast expanses of dense timber beyond. The battlers were given a good chance to gain control during the day by a lorest service observer who flew over the area. Bob Stermitz said that "It looks bet ter this morning than at any other time." The weather bureau predicted, moreover, that winds may In crease to 23-35 miles an hour late today. ' Two determined groups of men moved in from the flanka today against the fire which has black ened 5,000 to 6,000 acres since Friday and has a perimeter of 21 mues. More Help Asked ; Willow mountain Is east of Mann gulch, where the lightning blaze started Friday, ine lire has moved four miles east of where the Missouri river winds picturesquely through mountain peaks. Calls for volunteer went out again yesterday. Forest service officials sent fresh men in to re lieve those nearly exhausted on fire lines. Thev also built up a pool of manpower In case the lire crosses Willow mountain. The forest service has not sent any of its parachuting firefight ers to the blaze since Friday when the smokejumplng pro gram suffered Its worst tragedy In its 10-year history. Fifteen smokejumpers, mostly college students, were trapped by fire when tne wind snuiea suddenly after they were safely on tne ground at Mann guicn Only three escaped. In addition to the 12 smoke- iumoers. the fire killed a preven- tion guard from nearoy canyon terry ferry ranger si anon. A helicopter brought the char red bodies to a Helena morgue (Continued on Page Two) called to Sullivan's mill, located sparks from the burner, along Estimated damage has not yet Mrs. Hazel Martin, Ashland, FJ. Schneider, Grants Pass. Death Victims; Eight Injured A head-on traffic collision 26 miles south of Roseburg early Sunday morning claimed the lives ef two persons end injured eight ethers, three of them seriously, according to e report from Roseburg state police headquarters. Three ambulances end e through-freight truck transported the dead end Injured to hospitals in Myrtle Creek, Roseburg and Eugene. Fatally Injured were: Mrs. Hotel Martin, 38, Ashland, who died Sunday In Eugene hospital. Francis Joe Schneider, 20, Grants Pass, who died at Rose burg's Mercy hospital Sunday evening. Oregon Crashes Over Weekend Kill 11 Persons 'By th Aaaoclated Prntl Highway accidents In Oregon over the weekend claimed the lives of eleven persons. Two of the mishaps caused triple deaths. Killed yesterday when a car plunged off the South Santlam highway east of Lebanon were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan G. Marsh and Mrs. Bernard A. Blind, all of Bend. Mrs. Blind's husband and the four children of both families were In hospitals. Blind crawled out of the 350- fot deep ravine Into which the car plunged from a slippery road to summon aid. The Marsh chil dren, Carolyn, four months, and Billv, age b, were not listed as seriously hurt. The Blind young sters were tiaine, age 4, and Wayne, age 6. Wavne Wfli con. sidered to be in critical condition w.. multiple head and body in juries, according to the Sweet Home hospital. The other fatalities occurred Saturday. Tnree men died when a truck went on a road near Swisshome The victims were Vernon Spink, 15, Phoenix, Ariz.; tils son, Louis, m, master oi tne fcimlra Grange, and Owen P. Hedges. 37. Elmii-a. They were enroutc home from a logging camp near Deadwood. A two-car crash Saturday niuht killed John Gilllgan, Portland, and injured his wife and aix others in the car. At La Grande, motorcy clist Leon N. Gowlns. 18. died when he collided with a truck near home. Near Bonaza. a car driven hv Billy W. Null, 17, Klngsburg, Calif., overturned on a curve and crushed to death Raymond Thoads, 16, Shatter, Calif. Among the six persons In the car we ? young companions from Bonanza and Merrill, Ore. An overturned and burning gasoline trailer truck took the lile of Warren R. Allen, 27, Baker, at a railroad crossing near Oxman. Rueben Sanders Jr., Chemawa, died In two-car crash south of Milwaukie. Jail Prisoner! Halted In Act Of Sawing Bars SALEM, Aug. 8. jP F our Marlon county Jail prisoners were thwarted yesterday In an attempt to saw their way to freedom. One of the four was Edward Charles Mc Ewen, 32, Lodl, Calif, held here on auto theft and want ed In Arizona for questioning in the slaying of a rancher in May. He Is a former Arizona con vict, A passer-by heard the sound of the cell bars being sawed and notified the 'sheriff's office. Sheriff Denver Young said the men were guarding a trusty and working on two window bars. He guessed they might have cut through the bars in another 30 minutes. Tolo Rural School Burns, Two Homes Damaged MEDFORD, Ore., Aug. 8. (JPi The Tolo rural school was burned down and two homes damaged late Saturday In a brush and scrub fire that scorched 300 acres north of here. Crews brought the fire under control early Sunday, but not until power lines into Gold Beach and Rogue river were disrupted and highway 99 traffic slowed to a half because of billowing smoke, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fulton, whose home burned, were over come by the smoke but were revived. Plum Pit In Windpipe Suffocates Youth ESCALANTE, Utah, Aug. 8. (P) Five-year-old Lowell Harvey Liston suffocated Saturday when a plum pit lodged In his wind pipe. The bov was crossing a street while eating plums. DRUNK DRIVING CHARGED William Jacob Davis, 54, Suther lin, was arrested near Rice hill on highway 99 and "111 be arralg ned In Justice court today on charges of drunken driving, ac cording to Roseburg state police headquarters. According to state police, coupe driven by Hollis W. Hat ten, 28, Talent, collided with a sedan driven by Chester W. Ben nett, a, canyonville, on a curve 250 yards north of the steel bridge on highway 99, north of Canyonville. State police listed the oceu- pants of the Hatten vehicle as: Hatten, the driver, taken to 4 Eugene hospital In serious condi tion; Corlas Ellsworth Morrison. 43, Ashland, in Mercy hospital with shock, cuu. r-rUses and i compound fracture of the left hip, and Mrs. Martin. Injured occupants of the Ben.. nett car are: Bennett the driver, taken to a Eugene hosDital In a serious condition; Mrs. Betty Jeai oray, i, canyonville, taken to a Eugene hospital reportedly In fair condition, following an emer gency operation there Sunday; Raymond Sears Pate, 20, Canyon ville, in Mercy hospital with dis located neck vertabraes; Fran!t Gray, Canyonville, treated for facial cuts and later released from the Myrtle Cieek hospital: Lois Rutter, 19, Canyonville, In the Myrtle Creek hospital with facial lacerations and shock; (Continued on Page Two) 1 -Armed Mayor Leads In Routing Klan Invaders IRON CITY, Ga., Aug. 8. CP) A one-armed Georgia mayor and some of his friends renewed a shooting war against robed, night riding Ku Klux Klansmen yester day . To top It off, the mayor chased a Klan official 'nto Alabama at a 100-mile-an-hour pace and had him Jailed. The shooting spree starved, said Mayor C. L. Drake of Iron City, when 12 or 15 carloads of robed klansmen rolled into this little southwest Georgia hamlet In the dark, early Sunday morning noun, une unidentified kiana man received a flesh wound. Drake reported none of his light ers was hurt. The mayor, a Klan foe of Ions standing, declared "some of the bullets whizzed by within five feet of me" while he hastily scribbled down the robed figures' auto tag numbers. Drake said he dldn t rave a gun but that some of nis friends did and they peppered the Klan con voy with shotgun and pistol fire. The night riders retaliated, he related. Several hours elapsed between the shooting and the daredevil automobile chase to Dothan, Ala 38-mlles away. The Klan official, booked as Bill Hindi ix of Tallahassee. Fla., said he is an organizer for a new hooded order, the "southern Ku Klux Klan." The mayor had him on a warrant charging assault with intent to murder. Iron City, on the mayor's insis tence, has banned wearing of masks in public. Klan leader Hendrix said none of hit men wore masks. Laughing Religion Sect Is Launched In Japan MAEBASHI. Japan. Aug. 8. tjp) A new sect known as the laughing religion has been found ed here. Its founder Is Meln Zuko. whose name means "beautiful clouds and sacred sunbeam." Zuiko said the main tenet of the sect is laughter on the theory one can laugh If he lives right. FREEZING AT BEND PORTLAND. Aug. 8 (.TV- Summer? Not at all; It was freezing today at Bend. The mercury there dropped to 32 degrees early this morning. Baker and Klamath Falls record ed lows of 42. A cool air mass moving In from the ocean accounted for the low er temperatures, and Increased humidity through the state, it was a welcome respite to fire alert foresters. Ltvity Fact Rant By L. F. RebwMtein Congress, all In a dither ever the situation in Asia. It at loss for a future poiicy but declares that "something must be done." This recalls what Mart Twain laid about the weather.