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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1940)
ROSEBURG: NEWS-REVIW, ROSEBURG, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1940. TWO 4 All-Star Battle Won by Nationals American Leaguers Blanked on 3-Hit Hurling; West's Home Run Game's Major Swat-. ST. I.OI'IS. July IlLIAI'l -M;i WesTa Hist iniilllK. three-inn homer iiin the liK blow l yeter ilay l-lii'i victory ol the Nallon ill lealiile over the Anieileaii lea Kill In tin eolith annual all-star liusc-liuJ I ;une. Tin' lourtli National tun rami ill the einhlh with Clevi'liind's Ho ht'ii. Keller on tin mound; a a nil; In MkI Hunk DaillllliKH lna!- iiml Itnllle I IfinsKiy s emu- on I. uu .'lnne'' Ihrnw III iirouueeil tin1 I'otinti'r. Some of Ihi' :l'2.:i":i funs who I I. U1I fli. 120.711 to ee the Nation- ala win lor only t lit- llilnl tl In I lie flKlil years ol i .i-litioii IVI'le llHIllly III llll'il Hi-illM Ill'tOII! West, thlril tiiiiii lo laee llultiiiK. Ni'W York Yankee rli-'hl-hanilei-, 1 1 1 1 I u pllih Into Illi- liKhl ou ter Ill-Ill VaiiKhall, I'illsbiUKh shm'lstnli. Il.elie.l till' lewlllllies with II hiiiimler whirli sklppi'il nver .loo (lonlon'H In-nil lor a sinjile. Hilly llertlilin, Cub Heennil baseman, will M tut to thlril wllh I In1 Hi-sl ol Ills lllo of blown mill Hh-ii eame H'i'Ht. H IllSt llllllllle KilliHIIIilllon lor OH ol Ibo 1 1 1 in 1 1 m In rlijlii tlulil. West Injured In Ihe next rniiiii- Ue.ii iTiishe.l III. lh-U'all al almost tin- iilenll i eal -stiol bin ball clenreil anil wan Injnrmb-; ;AiMiik. I'blrimo While Sox Hl)iiVtsln. .lent bllll lo Ihe IuiiiiiIh Willi Ibe only bit oil Iter rlimer.' the Clnelniiatl flintier, who - KUHeil iikiiIiihI KitfllnK. Allimether. tile losers eol leel ed hilt three hits ami the National , nililinclniuen ehallleil llli Ibe Hi'sl , Rbulolll III the I'Olllliellllon. Al . plitiK ant two of the ml let leu mill Ninvsnlll, Dellull lilli her, smnslieil 1 the Uilnl. So Impotent nan Ibe Ainerlian lealiile nllaell that but live balls n:aiheil Ibe oulllnlil III lulilitloli lo' the 'throe blown. Allliiiiiifll Ihev talleil In nparkle ;il Ibe nhile. tbn losers irniluieil Ibe. HehliliK nlaiiiliiut ill .loo llur- I .lion of the New Vol!. Yankees. Tv.lee be KetllTleil tar pllt the t III Keoop balls that were beaileil , lor I he outfielil However. In the Iblril Herman beat out Ihe throw for li bane hit. State Archers Mi Tourney at Drain ipruxl liKAIN. (He.. -Inly 1". Ii.ilely tin inrhern from ,.11 irl ur Orecon ilillieiillteil In the iiiiiiiinl touiliHineut held here I lib .Inly & i: timl 7 miller nnonnolshi of Ihe Stale Aieherv nsMiriatioll. t Mrs. Vivian Chiunlieln of I'nil- I tlillil won all of the lliriiel. evelltn ( t - laillen, while HeV1lt llawlilnsl ol I'oillnnil won all ol tne men n tliruel events. I.. I.. I'llib.'.v of Kum'lie won the illsliince shot lor men ami (liven ilolyn Vinyanl. l.'iinliy. "as winner of Ihe illHlnnce, evenl lor iionien ami nisi) of the airllery toll con test, It mis voleil til bubl Hie next an nual tolll llainent III I'oltillie (lull fine of the IntereslliiK evenis nt Ibe meet iui: was Ibe baiuiuel held Satlllilav lltuhl at the lllilln t'iilc i-luti rooms, whe dill clous meal was served by Ihe III dies Ol the club .l the Inlslnens session which lolluucd. I . . "a vln was reelecled ilesidelll, and V. H. McCanley wan iliosen s rotary tieasiirer. Titular Tennis Tourney Starts Here Next Week The niulil ininiiul men's tennis tolll llaillelll will Ket under wav liel week lor the city championship, it wan announced loilay by lioyd lint tun. who in In ch. ii e ol aii'aiii:e inelils lor the i oinpel II ion An ex ccpHinially o,l toiiriianient Is an llcipaled. Mr. Iliiilou slates, as I here already is a record number of entries ieKisleii.,1. Ainoim con tenders llns year will be Ivan Hal tiebl. city lilalllpiou; t'lMle I'nis lins. No. I man of Ihe llosebini; hlt;li si li 1 1. il I. inns tcain; Hud Spaldini:. lecclllll II lllcliiiier ut Ihe Wllillllall collei:e team. l-:ill-ticin McFii.ldell. all eMiel ii need collei:e i.laier. ami oilier local! lentils export. All players doMinij: In inter Ibo tolll nanieul are rcipiesleil in icuis ter with .Mr. Iliiilou ml later tlian Sunday. .Inly I l liiaiviuas tor Idacen' will ii,. I,. M nl the hlt'l school eoiiils. Mii'.ilai. .lull ir, Developinq and Printing roll of 8 25C Your choice of EnlaiQemcnt FREE The Film Shop 22 No. Jackson St. Phone M Y Rice & Meyers Sheet-Metal Work Sheet Melnl Work Tailored to tl.e Job 27 N. Jackton St. Phone 320 m f Motorists! Have Your Car BEAR Safety Tested Today! FREE CHECK-UP STEPHENS AUTO CO. 32J No. Miln St. OUR BOARDING HOUSE fDBftT IT T SHOULD NEVE.R HAVE J (boasted to alvim about winning WaJ"n1le1-w V11 vuoir unwOR A A BICVCLE RIDER, FOR ft MAM TO TAKE R UNCLt Hfc b ' STEER ME TOWARD A DOWNHILL llrCJrl What do t do n ?rrr""UfTTn ! ( oops.' I'm L0SICA6 - M i " Y' i ; rTE? " DEADEND STSETsj! Indians Reach Tie For First Place Boucock Butchers Nosed Out, 4-3. In Fast Softball Battle; Oaks Defeat Soldiers. Ity KVKUKTT CltOICII Hub's liiilijilin. Ihe carrenl "lilatltj klllern." of the City Solihull loaulle. .11,1 it imiiin last nkln as lbey noseil out Itoticock'n illilchein. I to I ;l. Ill a Hint, well played anil exell In ; mi me. I Hv llcklni! Ininhnin's Transfer-1 men Tui'Sila.v niulil anil lloiicock'n Itiilcheis Ins'l niulil. the Imliiins a.lviinceil to within one unine of u He lor llrst place. Willi lliinlumi's anil llo'.lcoi li s Slheilllleil n 'el l-'ililav niulil. ami the Imlluus In- illi: scheiliib-il lo ll I Sillberlin. Hi,, same evellilli;. I lie leliuue leail eisllli shows taoniise of hecomiui; Oli'l'? Tulee dill Illi: lasl lllulll n name.. in the second and tilth iniiiniM. I he. Iliilcbeis had Ihe liases loaded, bat li llinen the Indians milled their ilelenses and cut off Incip ient rallies. Heinz Clouts 3 Hits Helbeit llelim was Ihe Inn i:un In I In- Illi alls' attack. Ills u i liiune run and a siiitle tini, top hlttiini botuirs and his dime In all ol l lie runs m bun hits his , ami IIVI.I Willi lll IOI line, v ii-lili two for tour were the 1 iilher leadlna blltern. 1 l Meiiill garnered lliiec ol the six hits mad- by lb'' Hun hers. I I'.nilou. Moinaii and Money each I liml a silicic ( lakland liolliiu u" 1 I wo Naliona.1 (.uaiil piicncis ... i hulk the rt, nluii up an easy 1, to I cud mime last nlulit. Hun stal led Hie aaine lor I be (lain ilsiiien and l ss tnree .n,-" which Oakland and tin tills on .lacksntl. who allowed 1 1 l"l milled six score relii veil I luniiinii and as inaliv runs. . Tile Huaidsiiieil scored then i-.iiv in Hie llllh limine when . ."'I Mill I slncled. wenl to scciiiel on an i mi- ami seined on a on smash in .lames. . vei l- niilcd mil lour hits h, live Hips I" 'be l'1'"" "', ''"I . honois lor III ibbleis closeli i .,llwi,l hy Krew.ou wilh Hue. I , lite. Kob.'lls and I ....... II lit Ihil.hleis ttllo lall. , in bleak inlo the Inl coliium i lodd look I"!' halliin: lemon lor iil.udi-iliell. (jell mi: itti. ... .1;, s. Hill and .lurksou had pier Nat Roscburg OAK AND ROSE STS. , two, (Uic il 1 X HI I'S . ..... 'I I I"- "in 1 ,n ' ; ;;iiutd;iv l.u West wood. Cillit 1 Merrill Mild leyeis; l ami'ltell ,,- ;n.Ms molon-.l lo Kiuein- :i ii.l N-itloii . , , . !Oil;l:ind '-"l 1 ll 11 'I Mi. Mis. Ceote Mnisler-j Ci-i.. I H" ' I ' v ;mh1 two -.ens mid Mis ' Mi-em with Major Hoopla j Ilouiainill! Killne.s tlliH week: To niulil - l;lkn ver.illn lliinlliini'n. S'llberlin vermin Hnmork'n (lilel'H. Tliurnilav niulil- llaiiiock'H ver.sun Niilloinil (Inaril: Klkn versus Onli I Inn. I Ki lilay niulil - Hub's Inillnns huh Sulheillli; liuliliiuu a mm s Hoiu iii k'n. Standings (liy the Asnociated Press) COAST LEAGUE STANDINGS Team - W. I.. I'ct. Senitie i;:i :i" .till! (liiklauil r,s 45 .r,ii:i l.on Aniielen a- l- .aL'u San hieuo al ."H .ai'a Siicrilllielllo "pll -i i .1 San Francisco IS .4X11 Hollywood IK ;,5 .llili I'orlland 1.1 til .810 . Major leagues iiuchatiMed. Around the County Yoncalla VIIN'C AIJ.A. .Inly ill. Mr and Mm. KenueHi .McKern and family ol lllue Illter spent lluf week cud visiliim at Hi.; .Iiibn Itruse home. .Mr. anil lrn. Vein Williams ami family spent several da.ts lasl itcf-ii vIsiliiiK lelallves III Seattle. Wash. Mrs. Amy Wells or Salcin is vMlllu her sisler, .Mrs. N'alhan (rotve. M K. linker of lis Aimeles is tisillun his ilauuhlei. Mrs. lleve Ambrose. Mr. and Mrs. Francis ('oi:'.:sivoil and sou speitl seteral data lasl iteei; vt-dliui; relaliven in Wasboil mil. Wash. .Mr. and .Mrs. Harold lingers ol Marslitield silent seieial days lasl week here visit Iui; al the Hate Kneels homo. Mr and Mis. Percy lleholl I son, Heoree, ot Flluene Silcllt ! set ei al d: I ill" al Ihe ys here last week vsit jiai hel M In nil home. Mr. and Mrs. niter Holland of I..., 1 1..,.. I ,.,..-ivi..l here Sallll'ilaV. I H..11.....1 .-jsjt iis iniher. I l-:i ii- Stenselh. for two weeks. .Mrs. Holland. Mm. Kile Steiiseth and I Mrs. Nellie llaliati loll Sunday (or San Francisco. Mis. llanan will ti.til relaliven 111 Oakland. Calif.. ! lor a month. Mis. Stenselh and Mis II. .Hand tt ill leate San loan dun Wednesday tor Milwaukee. Wt.. tisiltuq in Miliuenpolls. Minn., and Cblpawee Falls. Wis., liclori' relllrnine liolue. Mis. I'liilson. ttlio has 1 11 visit Ins her dailBliler. Mrs. Ccoiee Marslers, lor Hie lasl 111011II1. left ::.iluulay for Wesltvood. Calit ll I" Kohells inoloied to FlUi lie Fil.lav. Mr. and Mis. Conine Mnisler :mi,1 two 1011s ;i!i! Mis Clol-oril Motor Co. ROSEBURG, ORE. uOX1 I'loo- IMItlMMll Hii-iomt, spent the Fourth at Empire. Miss Kstber returned Tiiurnday aller slieilllillK II lllolllll tlsniiiK her ninler 111 Kuipir (iun (1ul Mr. and Mrs. Hoimlas and lit' Crestvell Hlient Kile wenl. hern viBllinif frlenils. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sefton and daimbter, Cliariuulue. and Mr. and Mrs. Ceorue Kdes inoloreil to Culp creek Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kilwanl Kelso. Mrs. Tom I'aliner and sou. Larry, and Keilb ('rotve enjoyed a day's oul inn at SeotlsbiliK Sunday. Mrs. I. ylu Unfile of I'oltland 1:1 vlnllini: her imrenls. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tailor, lor a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. II. W. AuesI and Mr. and Mis. F.a. I Howard enjoyed a 1 rip to eastern OreiMiii. down 10 Plain, mil lake, (.'later lake anil Ihe Caves over the Knurl h. .. ('oiiibinillK is well under way In Seottn valley. lMcasiitlt valley ami 011call11 vallev. The eriin 1h un usually larue.' Several new conl bines have been purchased, aiuoni; Ihone lieiii!; .Molvin Howard ami ll. C. Wilson. "mis. i; ee I fain ill on was re - elected clerk of Ihe I latburst school hoard liu-vliim at ii recent ..I i.... II v lidel:e tins elect - eil director III place ol ('bet Miller, tt ho i-.-lir.-d alter sort nm I . years NOW A FINER FLYING A GASOLINE BLENDED FOR SMOOTHNESS AT EVERY SPEED Made yours 4 I. TRY IT ON THE TOUGHEST HILL Open vnur ihrotilc ami fct-l A MiiooduT, Mimfitr Miruc ot tlimliiiii: power tlian you cnjotcd hefure uiili a gasoline at the prkc. Low ouanc (rnuinns h.itc Ihcii mt out and blended luik into l'KiK A as a ihemitall) rc-formcd pisolinv that is in ami-knot k. " ' jj w-ssmir wrzs:A rm rm i 1 g 2. THEN TRY IT IN TRAFFIC and cxprii a mtwwher, nmrc fevmic itwer. 1 lie liner I hiny blend mm enntains polymrrrd, i racked Jlltt re formed i;aMhnc that in luhit kiank at tratlu ptoK. FINER THAN ANY ONE nf these " ercal gasolines this stientira hlend. Ahlvnth it has been tested on the road uul proxed jj j.lirniu.t m all reient mtxtels of all p'pular make automobiles, we imitc hi to make yur own ieM of the new rbinp A. It s Miuxuh nK just at -10, nm iM a ' I Turpin's Winning Streak Halted, 1-0 Seattle Loses to S. F. Seals Tight Battle; Portland Defeats Hollywood, 9-4. (fly the A.smwlHted Prftwt) This AxtrH-lviiRtU week in the Pa cific coaist liuseball league was ull l u daily Hiai t tmlay. The Iiahiieis uf Scatllo wenl down for a shutout 1 to 0 lotsa to San Kiancisco last night. The basement barons of Portland turned it in the win list, beating , Hollywood ii to 4. j A 3 1 -hit mcliMi ut Sun Diego pave Urn AngeiKH a 6 to 5 win over the Padres. And on Saerumonto the ax fell twice. Two players including Art ( Carilmlili. Ihe team's most popular ' in l!to!f were sent from the league in a shaken p. and Oakland won u henii-breaUing 2 to 1 night game. i IJe.splte the sliakeup, or because of tt, tlte Sa played bang-up hall. President Hartelnie's grim pro nouncement, "not a player on our roster iw secure," did not prevent Schmidt from pitching four-hit hull. Siilvesou, Ihe Oaks' winning htirler, gave five hits. 41 liiflelders (jarihuMi nml Lurry Barton were trail slerred to New Orleans Jn lh Southern associa tion and to Ihe American associa tion respectively, after the Sacs' re cent unsatisfactory road trip. ! Turpin's Streak Halted. San Prancisco. as advertised, rose up to snap Seville's nine-game team in the league able to boast ' sin h a record, have w on eight and I1""' ' 1,1 ,h"lr Jason's clasbes ' "' b' pai'o-se II..K I,alirler. ""nil nun .in- Iboupb Tlliliin ntltliitclied bin rival. Cilisini. i'ivi? bitR to eiKht. A tecnilt from tile Western I III or- mitlonal league save San I rnlKunco victory. Out fielder Don White, from Tacoina, ill his firnt KiiniQ here. baiiKi-d out a two-liaizKi-i' ami neored on Wrlubt's single for the K.-ime's only run. The strani-e HorllaniMlollytviioil affair ended an uieht-galiie loniiiK sli-inK lor lln Heavers and run Hie Stars' losses till to six. Ill it row. I The Stars blew a :l In 1) lead In the filth, when Portland put. on a spiuiKe of nix runs all unearned. because Hollywood had net the stai-o for thein with fumbles. The j St urs erred live times in Hie name. ' FAITH BRINGS NEW TEETH LONII.MONT. Colo. (AIM Al Hie ane of mi Miss Julia Milhrandt is illltini! her third set of teeth. I "1 need turn! Ilial reuu'iren i-lietv- jne and I had i, illi that I would c,. ; a not her sel of teeth.'' she said, ' -Slore leelli ilidu'l acree with . "So I lislil'll lllo I.OIil to Uiv e another set. II jusl took simple 'latni lo -el tt an entirely new way ' t X-w of 7 different gasolines Made by the Offered at the regular 3. TEST IT ON TH6 ROAti and purr alone wilh lli liner, hleiuled fnvl. I he addilien of alkylated and Mraight run eaohnc lo t lx itia avurev tou of new MitiMitliHCt!. at hi,t:hwj ixedv hut at 1 ook W esu 1 1 u t Lets qef ASSOCIATED in m m mums- v a SOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY Or THE COCA-COLA CO. DV ROSEBURG DAIRY AND SODA WORKS A scientific Proved in a car just makers of Aviation gasoline price --- ' ' " 4. TRT PASSING A CAR just like yours and thrill to a superior fict-away. ( hint (iiiiutm a natural casolide uf liclnmni: olaiililt, Mitooth 1 coumcr-halamed ht Inch iHtane polymerized tiaoltne. 5. PICK A Vf RT HOT DAY a cd dtMoer that I'hinn A is Mahiliicd hv a brand new uthnt-re fined j;a4ilinc, the hieh anti-knink quality of whih i unarleitctl hv heat, MUiHjth at hmh temperatures. n err spftil nit your dial. You arc to he tlte indi:c! for hner blinded Min A whtreter ou dmc in the Tr a tankful toila lot iumo'Mih at etery sfttcd.' t a r I. H A IN 1 U I. II Oil. I. It M V Y Coca-Cola is recognized and wel comed everywhere. People like its clean taste and the refreshed feeling that fol lows. When you buy your home sup plies always include a six-bottle carton of Coca-Cola and be prepared for refreshment at home. blend like Ethyl SMOOTH AT TELEPHONE 1S6 7 GASOLINES IN ONE The follnuinK ire the principil R4Mhnc hlertdtd to create the new, finer flying A. The luels, in cnmhirutioa with Mill other thmce pvtruleuia fractions, give uu full fiourr, full milwgt tad tmootbnt)s at titty ipttd. 1 POLYMERIZED GASOLINE 2 ALKHATEO GASOLINE 3 RE-FORMED GASOLINE 4 SOLVENT-REHNED GASOLINE 5 CRACKED GASOLINE t NATURAL GASOLINE 7 STRAIGHT-RUN GASOLINE EVERY SPEED wrt.-ivwTMt;"'R,va"iyp ,'W--;-1i.'u'f' -.5 T-.V. . "-':' J