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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1939)
EIGHT ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG. OREGON, FRIDAY. JANUARY 13,1 939. BATTLE CGQUILLE Undefeated Indians Likely to Be Favored to Win on Foe's Floor. Mount Hood Slopes to Be Scene of OfympicTryouts Coach Jim WattH Indian capers, mnlrrputiwl In sffvtiii Ktruifchl marts, 1HI loluy for L'oqiilllo wln're thay will ftnKaK tint, ali'oiiff Jteil Uevil ijuiiitiii toniKlil at 7:45 oVlock in Ihftir first conference frame away from the loi-nl wigwam. The con tent will mark the opening district No. 8 engagement Tor the hosts in their new $40.1)00 gymnasium. The llunebui'K five, by virtue of Ihelr 27-21 victory over North lieml hlKh school here u week ano anil the faet that the liulldogs already hold a win over Cnctlllle, will pro- hahly open the contest the tavorlle despite the fact that the leaaue leaders are plnylnic in atruiiKn mir rauiiiliiiKH with a learn weakened KOincwhat hy sickness: All-conference irllard, (! e o r if e .Sanders, and Karl Wlard, sopho more forward, have both been out or school nursing had colds, but Coach W'utts expects them to he ready tor play hv game time. Wlard Will. Start No shifts In the marling linn up are contemplated by the Indian mentor other than Wlard, who will probably get the opening nod in the forward position an a result of his fine play against the llulldogs. The slarllng quintet will likely see Wlard anil Church, forwards; l'ar lott, center; O. Handera and Fin lay, guards. If Winrd and Sand ers Hlill feel the effects or the if; layoff, Laurence anil V. Handera will replace them. I Coach "Spike' Leslie's lied Dev ils have been lahbeil by Coos coun ty cage lollowers as one of the two strongest quInlclH In the district, North Hind being I he oilier. Not much is known or the lted DevilB five other Iban that they have u number of returning lettermen and capable reserves on hand. Last Tuesday night the hosts tumbled Myitis Point, ,'11-20, ror their flint victory on their new court. Tile complete Indian traveling squad 1h composed of 0. Handers, Wlurd, Klnluy, Church, I'arrotl, V. Kiinders, llorgeu, Atterbury, Laur ence, Puckett and Shoemaker, man ager. Tonight's game will he broadcasl Ihrnilgh station KUNIt hy remole control from station KOOH, Marsh rield, marling at. 7 : 30 o'clock. ','' ' ', . , " - ill.--- ' - V iAJ majr'n tmaHHuC J'' . Part or lha tricky ski course above Tlmbcrllnc Lodge, on the slopes of Mount Hood. Ore., where America's '3C Olympic truouts will be held In April. March Protesting Scrap Iron Shipments to Japan . NKW YORK, .Inn. 13. (AIM At (ho oko ol' 22, 1!) yearn nftnr ho quit thn turf with tho most iiotahlti I'tuont hi Amciiraii nidiiK history, Mil 11 O'W'nr contfnucH to inaliu IU'Wfl. I.HHt week IiIh owiuM', Bum unl I), Kid. tic, iiirni'il itown an til ler of '91,000,000 rush lor liim. 11 wuh by far tho JaiKcHt offer evnr inaOo Tor 11 men homo. The oiler rami!. iii-propriiitely on ou Kb for ho hum a hid, from ,oii in It. Mayor, Hollywood film producer, Hlddlo rovoulod yoator ilay. II waH llutly rot'iisod, for Hlriilln had vowed never to part with IiIr fainotm runner and Hiro und had jiint completed arraiiKe ineulH ftelliiiK tip a tniKt fund for the Hon of Fair riay-Mnhuliun. The trust fund will continue Man O'YVar In his pleasant regal Klato lr Kiddle and Mih. Kiddle die bolero, he does, and inakeH provlH I011 for hln burial in tho fiumo plot with IiIh sire and tlum. Mayer's offer wbh a HiirprlHlnR one at 22 Man O'Wur's value uh a fire has declined but there seeniH little doubt it was sincere. Since outeriiiK the raelu Kame, Mayer has bought heavily, purehas lag HinoiiK others William Wooil ward's 1'erifox. Ofiden Pblpps' Magie Hour (for S2r,000). mid ThomaH llitrhroek's Osmilmw. lie has entered them in the big Call fo rn in hi akes thin winter and is training the f 7(1,000 worth of yearl lugtt urehased at the Saratoga lilt's hint muniner. I -l bun FinncLico women and chi'c lmltecl opera tiun.i ov several days. pi-lcuLlng ' of ships loading scrap iron for Japun. Thev lake, Feb. 2r.; Oakridge, Mar. 4. The educational department of tho lteedsporl eainp has added new elates In voeabulary building, or etipatlonat guldauee, geiutral sci ence, eeononiit'H, I'lngiM' printing, metal plaiue. ('Iuhhch also are con ducted in mechanical drawing, bookkeeping, cooking, baking, husl ncHH, ICngliKh, iiiiloiuohlle mecliau ies, dlesel engines, wood working, nialbematii'H, photography, aero nautics, truck driving and forestry. BASKETBALL Games-Gossip By The Associated I'ress The northern division, Pueltie coast con fere nee basketball race Cillers Uh second la p tonight when the Oregon Webfoots meet the Oregon St a to college Heavers In ('orvallis. The Watdilngl on 1 1 tiskie?, now riding on lop (lie heap, will he playing Montana in Seattle In 11 non-conrerenco game at the same time. Tho Heavers will he aiming for their riiHt victory or the season when they tackle their neighbors this evening. In the first week"s play the Wellington Stalo college t'ougarB handed the Heavers two benttngs and Oregon one. The Cuugars will invade the Ida ho Vandals' lull In Moscow tomor row night fur their first clash of tho race. Idaho, like (be Heavers, will he striving for Its lirst confer oncp victory. The Huskier meet Montana nahi Saturday night. IIAItTI'OUI), Conn., Jan. U. (Al') Friday the i:ilh Is anything hut an unlucky day, the Travelers Insurance company says. As a matter of fact, company rec ords show, (he last time the i:tlh of the month fell on a Krlday, In May, l!:tS, fewer accidents were reported than for any day during the mouth. In general fewer accidents occur on Fridays than any other day of tho week, the company said. Satur day Is the worst of the seven days. NKWAHK. N. J.. Jan. lit. (AIM t'ouutess Vlrglnle lc Laune. l:tth child in a family that included t;t hoys, celebrates ner 101st birthday today, Friday the i:ith. "It Is not so much happiness to be very old," she said. "I would not waul to live much longer." STATE HIGH DEBATE SUBJECT ANNOUNCED KIHSKNH. .lull. l.'l. (AIM In-tcrm-holnstic teams will debate ELKTON CCC TEAM WINS HOOP GAME Tho Heedsport ('('( camp basket hall team was beaten. 42 to ;i7, hy tho Kllcton C('(' team in n game nt I-nkestdo Saturday. Keedsport. however, won tho table tennis tournament, while KIkton won nt billiards. The Jioedsport (('(' bas kcthill team has arranged a series of Raines, meeting tennis from Won hln k, Jan. 14; Triangle lake. Jan. 231 Oo'irldgo, Jan. 28; Klkton, Feb. tJ,r vionlilnk. Feb. 18; TrlnnglR "Itesolved: That the United States should establish an alliance with Croat Britain" In annual contest sponsored hy the Oregon High School Debuting1 league. The district championships will he awarded by March 1. Determin ation or sectional champions in the two series of Inlet -district debates must be completed by April 15. The slate finals will he held about April 2!. The slato llllist will receive the University cup present ei) hy Pro fesor lOdgar 10. Deeou of the Uni versity of Oregon and Kllzabeth Fox DecOu. Pendleton nnd Chilo quln are recent defending champ Ions. 10a stern and western Oregon win ners will receive a Barker cup. of fered by Hurt Brown Barker, uni versity vice-president. DOUGLAS MEN GO TO FAIR MEETING SAI.IC.M, Jan. l:l. (AIM The HoukIiis county legislative dele gation went 10 Portland today to attend Ihe annual convention of the Oregon Kalra association, where (hey said Ihey would look nftor the Interests of the Northwestern Tur key show, held each fall at Oak-laud. You Arc As Old As Your Feet Why have tired out feeling pain In feet, ankle knee, legs and back when they are In many cases caused by some form of foot troubles Dr. J. M. Ingalls REGISTERED FOOT DOCTOR who makes regular visits every other Saturday to your city, is licensed bv the state of Oregon (a a CHIROPODIST . PODIA TRIST He gives complete foot service. Weak or flat feet, corns, calouses, Ingrowing nails, treat ed without pain and with little cost and trouble to you. Call for appointment or come in. Next visit Saturday, January 14th 9 a. m. to S p. m. Umpqua Hotel, Roseburg DOUGLAS MARKET Meats and Produce COMPARE THESE PRICES AND QUALITY BACON Sweet mild cured, a bargain ycu cannot Af beat anywhere, lb 1"C HAMS A taste to a ) king's liking, lb XjC HAMBURGER No cereal, itraight pure meat, a w lb. 15c; 2 lbs -J)V SAUSAGE Country , m ttyle, lb. 15c: Z lbs XjC SHORT RIBS OF BEEF To boll or bake, 4 a- ib IOC SWISS STEAK See this bar. gain before you buy, BACON SQUARES To season, Ib Ju'C PHONE 350 238 N. JACKSON .IUIOUTI, Krench Soinallliincl, .Ian. III. f AIM l'Vench advices from Hie border today reported strong: concentrations of Italian troops in Italian Kthopia near the rrontlei-B ol' French anil Hri(inh Sninalilanil. Similar reports were denied Inst month, hut fresh dispatches gave specific locutions at the junction of Hie borders of Kthiopin and the llrlllsh and l-'rench colonies, and at Sardo, further north, opposite the I rt of French Komaliland. 1 "VAC REPEATER IS FINED AND JAILED Cyril Bailey, :tli, or Keedsport was brouKbt to IloseburK last nibt to serve six months In the county jufl in addition to a line of $100 imposed In the justice court at Keedsport on a ebare of vasruney. Bailey, accordinj; to Sheriff Bercy Webb has been churned with sever al similar offenses and has pre viously been In custody for disord ers allegedly rcsultiui; from intoxication. p3 i That's why A IPeople PreferVi fffy Ut THESE WHISKIES ARE 3i YEARS OLD Bourbon or Pur Ry Inc. 90 Proof Rye $1.00 pi., $1.95 qt. Bourbon 1.00 pt., $1.95 qt llfWIIVJl And don't forget . . . PEBBLE SPRINGS Straight Bourbon Whiskey SMOOTHFINE TASTING 3 YEARS Just 80 Pt. OLD " $l.GSqt. Tfts whiskey 1 3 yra. old. - 90 proof DEPUTY ASSESSOR When county assessment rec ords were turned over to Sheriff Percy Webb today by Assessor Barton Helliweli, the net marked a quarter of a century of continu ous application to duty by J. G. Stephenson, first deputy In tho as sessor's office. It was the 2Hth annual assessment record to be prepared under Mr. Stephenson's direction while employed ill hitt cu paciiy as deputy assessor. .Mr. Stephenson started work In 1U12, under Frank , Calkins, who for many years served in the as- j sessor's office, and. the first tax j roll which be prepared was com piled in lin:i. ; Uurinj; the succeedinK years he' has directed the writitiK of each i annual roll and during his period : of service has never missed a day from the office because of sick- ness, and has had only five scat-1 tered days of vacation. i CONGRESSMAN OF ARKANSAS PASSES 1VA SUING TO X. uo, 1 3. ( A P ) If-ep. Ben Cravens (D., Ark.), died of pneumoniu early this mo rni UK- He had been a member of the houAe. since 1933, after having pre viously served there from 1!W7 to 1013. KIN OF ROSEBURG RESIDENTS DIES Word has been received here of the death Jan. at Hantu Cruz, Calif., of Ira Hedfern Wishart. Mr. Wisha.-t was a brother-in-law of Edythe Florence Kelley and Fred Russell of Hoseburg. He leaves a son and daughter, George..Ttussell Wishart and Kdith M. Waltiier, of Stockton and San Francisco. EAGLES ATTENTION BIG FREE DANCE SATURDAY Eagles (Maccabee) Hall FREE TO EAGLES AND INVITED GUESTS FOR YOUR TAXI Phone 21 ICE CREAM VANILLA Quart 25c Pints (any flavor) ... .15c SULLIVAN'S CAFE PERKINS BLDG. 211 WEST CASS ST. ITALIAN TROOPS ARE MASSED AT BORDER SATURDAY AND MONDAY, JANUARY 14 AND 16 GROCERY SAVIN SOAPS AND CLEANERS PALM OLIVE 2 bar5 13c SUPER SUDS Red boX : - 9c SU?m SUBS b.u. box 22c CRYSTAL WKSYE SOAP 5 bars 1 5c PSETS WASHENG POWDER Lp9keg27c C. W. SOAP CHIPS 5,b. b0 ' 33c BIG BOY SOAP 6 bars 25c BON AMI fPowHercd). 2 cang 25c SHELL F1MN8TURE POLISH g.ut39c 7c Oregon, tall can COFFEE American Club, 1 lb. pkg. 150 Henninger's De Luxe, 1 lb. pkg 190 Schliinrj's Coffee, Drip or Regular tin, vacuum pack 27c 2-153. tin, vacuum pack 53c SUGAR Fine Granulated, 10-lb. sack SWIFT'S CORN BEEF2cans HOT SAUCE 3 cans KRAUT New Pack, No. 22, 3 cans . SEENZ BABY FOOD 2 pkgs. FRENCH BIRD SEED etAViMfi nsturtien coid Label, lmiiy W I VTIWien 2 lb can 5c CANDY BARS 3 for HENNINGER'S JELL DESSERT Pk 10 55c 35c 10c 5c 25c 23c 15c IMC "QUALITY MEATS Beef Roast, tf A Back Bones, Q gPK quality, jlC nice and 13 fi! pound W meaty, 2 lb. & w Salt Pork, BeefSteak, kjmm S"o reoa.tender, Sausage, J Cheese, Coos-made seasoned ffl J?P cheese 4a mg right, lb. fe JL that will llff Bacon, Swift, Satisfy" lb sugar cured, J&du Pure Lard, 45$ f& pound mm mm guaranteej TM: Bacon Squares, ' fresh, 2 lb. Jowel's, ti mi J Pork Chops, A Btf SZzC sry,b, 25C Calf Brains, Hearts. Tongue, Liver, Oysters, Picnics, Kraut Fruits mi Vegetables Grapefruit, A Apples, good 01k MSl Wgesize, coders, teok:.floc g. ape Turnips, fam Onions, l M$ !?s. y gt::.. ... 15c ORANGES POTATOES New Crop Navels Klamath, U. S. No. 2 lAF 2 25-Sb. sack ...27c Hair case 79v r-n n . i case $1.49 50-lb. sack . . .39e FLOUR - CEREALS Castle, 49 lb. sack $1.19 Fisher's Blend, 49 lb. sack $1-49 Pillsbury, 49 lb. sack .,. $149 Rolled Oats, qk. or reg. 9 lb. sk 330 Fisher's Pancake Flour, 9 lb. sack 430 Carnival Oats, Premium, large pkg 290 Triangle Crax-Wheat-Rolled, 9 lb. sk. 430 Roman Meal, large pkg 330 Cream of Wheat, large pkg 230 Pure Buckwheat, 9 lb. sack 59 EGGS Lartie extras, dozen 19c BROOMS Little Gem (Painted Handle), OA- 5 sew aye 40c Clothes Brush Free with each broom Del Monte Golden Bantam Corn Del Monte Early Garden Peas, 2 cans Tomatoes, No. 2'z can, 3 for Grapefruit, Silver Nip, No. 300 can Grapefruit Juice, No. 300 can, 3 for Grapefruit Juice, 46 oz. can S.&W. Tomato Juice, 46 oz. can Campbell's Soups, 3 cans (Except Mushroom and Chicken ) 100 250 250 100 250 250 250 250 PEARL SKORTEN3NG 39c PRUNES N4e,:.cPKpn.l'alian,orP'tit"- 15c CRACKERS White or Graham. 2-lb box .. 15c I Cosmetics and Remedies Zee Toilet Tissue, 4 rolls -190 Zee Paper Towels, 2 rolls 190 No. Rub Floor Wax, pint bottle : . 290 10c Pencil Tablets, 2 for 150 $1.00 Dr. Miles Nervine 830 60c- Alka Seltzer 490 Mineral Oil, extra heavy, gallon $1.49 Nature's Remedy Tablets 450 Milk of Magnesia Tablets, 12s 100 Tastv Lax, chocolate laxative 100 75c Baume Bengue 600 I isterine Shave Cream 330 Tampax, pkg. . 330 Cashmere Bouquet Hand Lotion 330 i Elliott's Beauty Shop We will feature asain for 2 wk. SDecial oil . ,y . Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 522 fI VALUABLE COUPON One Giasbake Utility Oven Ware Dish, size 5"x9"s2". Heat quick bottom (decorated) with this coupon for .. ZjC