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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1939)
While the Rest of the U. S. Shivers, Roseburg is Enjoying Spring With the Robins. Welcome to the THE WEATHER Humidity 4:30 p. m. yesterday 61 Highest temperature yesterday &2 Jxiwest temperature lust night 31 Precipitation for 21 hours 0 Preeip. since first of month l.liK Preeip. from Sept. 1, 19:18 '12.12 Deficiency since Sept. 1, 1938 4.1U Ratn Sunday. VOL. XLIII NO. 229 OF ROSEBURG REVI m Revolt Approval Of House Slash Held Certain Roosevelt Receives Further Jolt When. Pro visions Go Into Bill Against His Request. Tly JOHN M. HIGH TOWER WASHINGTON, Jan. 14. (AP) Democratic insurgency against the administration's relief program spread to the senate today after the rebellious house had lopped $150,0(10,000 from the appropriation naked by President Roosevelt to fi Tianee WPA for the next five months. Leaders of the senate's economy .bloc predicted that the $725,000,000 fund voted by the house would win senate approval, probably late next week, despite the president's request for 5875.000.000. The house passed the relief bill last night, 307 to Hi. after an in formal coalition of republicans and many democrats had reduced its amount nnd incorporated prohibi tions against political activities in the WPA. Reaction Awaited This first major legislative ac tion if t lie new congress was In terpreted widely as evidence I hut Ihe election-strengthened repuhli- rans, working 'With" d ' substantial (Continued on page 6) TO PLAY 'SCIETT' HOLLYWOOD, Jan. II. (API Vivien Leigh, the young English actress who will play the part of the southern lass, Scarlett O'Hara, In the screen dramatization of "Gone With tho Wind," was "ter ribly nervous" toduy, but ut the. same time "grateful beyond words." , She was assigned to the role Inst night for which a host of actresses nnd socialites have been mentioned. Today she was still a little be wildered, but full of determination to make a success of the most-dis- cussed feminine part in motion pic lures in years. She is five feet three, weighs 103 pounds, has green eyes, brown hair with a touch of red, and a pointed chin. Clark Gable will be Rhett But ler, with whom Scarlett constantly clashes; Leslie Howard will be Ashley Wilkes, her first great love", and Olivia de Havilland will play Melanie. Miss Leigh was born in Darjeel Ing. India. Nov. 5, 1913, and school- ed in Paris. T.nnHnn Qti-H-roi-lm.l Italy and Germany. Amontr her schoolmates was Actress Maureen O'Sullivan. She Is married to Leigh Holman, London barrister and they nave a nve-year-old daughter Suzanne. Editorials on the Day's News Ry FRANK JENKINS piGURKS that are authentic, al v -though not yet complete, indi cate that 1938's toll of accidental UWths in the United States was .ult fximately 11.000 less than the total. IT appears from these figures that some S.000 of the 11.000 shrink age in accidental deaths last year v.ere accounted for, by n smaller number of motor vehicle fatalities. In 1937. some 40,000 lives were claimed by automobile accidents. In 1938, the number of such acci dents fell to approximately 32,000 a drop of 20 per cent. Motorists seem to have been dis tinctly more careful last year for ft is somebody's carelessness that Is responsible for nearly every au tomobile accident. ' THE encouraging part of the mo tor fatality record is the fact that the Improvement was consist ; 3 5)1 Against Relief Program Spreads to SNOW COVERS MOST OF U. S. Tax Bills En Douglas To Be Little Higher Increase for 1939 Aoplies Generally Save in Four Towns; Valuation Total Drops. Douglas county tfixnnyers, with tninnr exceptions, will have to dig little depner this rear than they did in li)3S. according to the as sessment summary compiled by A esessor Hart on Helliweii from rolls which have been com nleted nvl turned over to Sheriff Percy Webb. The tax colled ion denartment of the sheriff's office will stiTt immediately to write the tax statements. First payments are- due In March. Generally taxes will be " a few cents higher for the average tox payers, although in a few spots, the forthcoming bill from the sher iff w'll call for payments lower than Inst year. Cut Benefits 4 Towns Taxpayers, in Roseburg, Glen ftnlp. Ileedsnort- andt Yonealla -will he among those who will pnv less taxes in 1939 than in 1938. but In other municipalities the rate will be somewhat higher. The state nnd county levy is 13.1 mills for 1939, as compared with 13.2 mills for 1938. This is brought about largely through a small increase in county and slate requirements. The principal item contributing the increased tax hills is in special school taxes, which are increased this year more than $24,000, much of which is due to school building construc tion programs in several districts. Valuation Lowered Another contributing factor lo the increase in levy is the fact that there has been a small de crease in assessed valuation, which makes a higher rate of levy necessary to raise the same amount as was Imposed last year. The to tal valuation for 1939 Is S29.914, 7iu as compared with $30,086,275, (Continued on page 61 AGREEMENT AVERTS RESTAURANT STRIKE PORTLAND, Ore.. Jan. 14. (AP) Portland's threatened res taurant strike was averted last night when union employes In a mass meting at the labor temple accepted a proposed 6 per cent pay cut. They had previously rejected the cut but rescinded this action when employers said that unless they reached some agreement a 10 per cent cut would be ordered Monday. The unions voted to accept tlie lower wage until April 15. The operators asked the lower wage scale under a union contract that privileged them to petition for a cut if business fell orf. They h"gjpeq3 ffn. off 15 pPr cent. cut throughout the year, almost every month showing a better rec jord than the corresponding month of the preceding year. SOME 95,000 persons, on the basis : "SHicn ou 1UI cOitlldUie, died in 1938 as a result or some form of accidental injury. This compares with "a total of 10C.OOO In 1937. jrPIIB number of deaths from I some form of accident In 1938 I was the smallest since 1932, when J the total was 89.000. I This leads to nn Interesting spec ulation: Are people more careful in bad times than in good? The year 1932 was about the bottom of ithe depression, and its toll of acci (dental deaths was smaller than in jany year since. 193S was less pros perous than 1937. and the number ! of accidental deaths fell off ac- i- (Continued on page 4) wis Rome Parley Yields Single Achievement II Duce Agrees to Extend Aid to Jewg; Insurgents in Soain Still Get His Support. ROME, Jan. 14. (AP) Premier Mussolini agreed In his talks with Prime Minister Chamberlain to cooperate in the world effort to solve the Jewish refugee problem, Dritfsh circles disclosed today. Tills was seen as the sole con crete achievement of the visit, although tho fascist press assert ed it had opened the way to new European and Mediterranean equi librium. In a statement to the Italian press before his departure Cham berlain declared he was "more than ever convinced of the good faith and goodwill of the Italian government" and that his visit would prove fruitful "for Euro, pean- collaboration." xr ' 1 The welcome which he received from, everyone '"wherever T-.-.went and, also in tho streets." 1 was stressed by Chamberlain;- just- as after the Munich meeting Sept. 29 he emphasized the warmth of the welcome Germans gave him. Chamberlain said he had not come to Rome for specific accords "but rather to obtain through personal contacts more intimate understanding of the points of view of the two countries. "That objective has been fully realized," he said. The British prime minister was represented ns convinced 11 duce was willing to help In finding new homes for Jews. He did not get any idea, however, what lines Mussolini's cooperation w o u 1 d take. President Roosevelt's views on the Issue were believed to have been touched upon, but it was un derstood that the solution of the problem would he explored later through normal diplomatic chan- (Continued on page 6) AT 8 TD BE TRIED An- agreement among business firms of the city to Inaugurate ex perimental Saturday night closing, starting Jan. 21, Is nearing com pletion, it was reported today. Fi nal action is expected to be taken at a meeting set for next Mon day. It Is proposed lo try out the plan of (J p. in. closing each Sat urday during the last half of January and throughout the months of February anil March, according to W. C. Harding, sec retary of the Itoseburg Chamber of commerce. The experimental agreement would end April 1 anil it would then be determined whether the plan should he continued In opera tion. Six o'clock Saturday closing has become very genera! since the fed eral Imposition of the 44-hour week, ('.rants Pass merchants put the closure Into effect tills week. TERRORISM VICTIM DEMANDS DAMAGES PORTLAND, Ore.. Jan. 14. (AP) Last year' labor terror ism campaign In Oregon echoed in circuit court yesterday when a cleaning shop proprietor sued un ions and union members for $31, 232. Lloyd Fleetwood of the Dral cleaning shop nsked that amount of six unionists, two laundry and dry cleaning drivers' unions and the AKL teamsters' union. He charged they conspired to destroy and v.rec'.; his business, that they assaulted him and two of his employes, threw acid on his equipment and his customers' clothes. The bombing of the Oral plant early last year was nevnr solved although, oddly, U furnish ed the spark that set off the clean up drive. THE DOUGLAS CQUMTY DALY ROSEBURG. OREGON; Dekth Toll Rises; Peril Hits Traffic Oregon. With Spring-Like Weather, Facing Crop Injury From Lack ; of Moisture. By the Associated Press Winter's heaviest snowfall blanketed most of the nation to day, ending a spring-like Interlude, with a rising toll of storm .fatalk ties. . -.. . Near Miles Citv, Mont,, four per sons lost their livet In the flam ing crash of a Northwest Airlines plane which apparently exploded on Its west-hound flight through u freezing rain and fell Into (t snow-covered creek bottom. In New Madrid. Mo., the Mis souri state highway putrul Btartcd lo break up an army of more than 1 .000 sharecroppers shivering in snow and rain-soaked highway camps. Authorities said the "crop pers" and their families, ousted from Iheir homes, "constituted a npenacfi la public health."- In contrast to wintry gales. In this country, disastrous hush fires roared through the heat-parched stale of Victoria, Australia, killing nt least CO persons, leaving hun dreds homeless nnd causing prop erly damage estimated tit millions of dollars. ' Slorm warnings wore "down' from Delaware breakwater lo Kastpore, Me., except for small craft warnings on the southeast Massachusetts coast, the Wasliiug- ( Continued on nnge f KAI.tOM. Jan. 1-1. (AP) K. n. Aldrich. Pendleton, state highway commissioner, said yesterday he had notified Governor Spnigue that he wished to resign. He said he would continue his duties indefinitely but that private affairs would make it impossible Tor him to remain long on the commission, which Is meeting here today. Aldrich's term ends March 31, 1040. F. 1. Ton Voile, Jacksonville, the other di'lnocrnt on the com mission, said he would not resign during liis present term, which ex pires next March 31. lie said Governor Sprague had requested him to serve out his term. The term of Henry Cabell, Port land, commission chairman, ends March :U. liill. Herman Oliver, member of the hoard of higher education, has been mentioned as Sprague's choice to succeed Aldrich. He is from John Day. HIGHER BOUNTY ON COUGARS OPPOSED PORTLAND. Jan. 14. (AP)-r The Oregon game commission played no great enthusiasm terday over a legislative bill to in crease bounty on Oregon cougars to $50. Frank Wire, state game supervi sor, quoted Stanley (i. Jewett nf the federal biological survey to the effect that "the cougar Is of considerable value in controlling disease among our deer . . . He kills off the weaklings suffering diseases.' Others expressed them selves as disfavoring n complete eradication of the predators. JOCKEY KILLED IN AUTOMOBILE UPSET COVIN A. Calif.. Jan. 1!. AIM Willie Ray, 1ft. jockey who has been racing at Santa Anita, was fatally Injured today when his c-ir overturned on a curve near Azusn. He died in a hospital an hour aft er tho crash. Deputy sheriffs said the youth apparently went to sleep at (lie wheel. i SATURDAY. JANUARY L County Funds Disappear; One Sentenced, 2 Others Held m?mr&0m BETS iivDn b';--"'i LDIUG PRESON TERM Pleading guilty to taking $38,000 in county funds to offset losses in nis automooue ouciness, Waiter A. Baar, lower left, cx-treasurer of Clallam county, Wash., was today sentenced at Port Angeles to a pricon term of 15 years. He maintained Inability to explain the theft of an additional S53,000 from the treasury safe, pictured at. the right. The safe, operated by a time lock, was "discovered ' open by the deputy treasurer, Mrs. Iva Foster, upper left. Mrs. Foster and her hus band, who previously held the deputy job, are under arrest. SPRAGUE TO HEAR PLEA FOR SLAYER Parents of McCarthy Will Ask Commutation for Doomed Son. SAI.H.M, Jan. M. (AP) Mr. and Mrs. I,. (). McCarthy. Porllnnd, parents of l.eroy Ilershel .McCar thy, srnlenced to die next Friday in the lethal gas chamber, will ask Gov. Charles A. Sprague Tuesday In commute the jiei)U;iico to lifu Imprisonment. Sprague said he could nee them! Tuesday. Witi-don AWYiiiirlir nt tlin nonl tentlary aid .McCarthy Iuih hiith spirits and Is resigned to his fate. McCarthy opposed his supreme court appeal, asserting he would rather die than spend his life In prison. liis execution is set for 8:30 a. m. Friday. Tin; governor gave no indication ms to whether he would lake ac- : tion. 1 McCarthy was convicted of kill ling Floyd Fuelner in a service sta tion holdup nt Soiiihwest l.tth and Yamhill streets in Portland on Aug. 10, i'.t'M. Fuelner. Ihe attendant, i ! l. I j1 j " ' the IHHM1IM. rtiii-r i irilillK mm. rueme. n.,i ...... . P '"'"" jchase in which several shots were in en, McCarthy's attorneys emit ended the crime was not first degree mur der on grounds the holdup nnd mur der were separate crimes, but tho suttreme court overruled them. Warden Roy Rest of Colorado will conduct, Ihe execution, the first one in the chamber. AUTO BLOW CUTS OFF MAN'S HEAD VWV'Orvrrk Wash.. Jan. 11. (AP) Herman Olve. f,',, of Hack inson, Wiish., was decapitated when struck by a car near here last night. I ic put v Sheriff pal .Mnrrow reported. The driver not held, Visitors, Even if the Berries in the Shrubbery Must Suffer. 14, 1939. AD Victims Include Prominent Montanan, 2 Pilots and Woman Musician. rxi'V, Mont., Jan. 14. (AP) The blackened wreckage or li ti-not Aii-Hnnu lilline Mllll hfld loduy"lh hndy oono of its four victims when ftivoHilKiiKini nr rived lo Hrek Hues to tho runup of iho pluno'H flmniiiK ciiihIi two inlh's west of MIIch City liiHt iimht. Coroner Hnlph H. Ilray of Cur- j ter enmity Haid the hody of Mrs. - iM,. n t,..-.u nf Muiulun M n wuh ho horribly burned II wits' not I n.moved when the bodies of the ! oiher victims, all men. were taken nut last midnight. One body was hurled mo feel from Ihe wreck age. The SI. Paul-lo-Seatlle plane burst Into flames nud crushed in a coulee In the Sunday creek bollnru lauds a mile west of Ihe MIleH City airport just after its takeoff at K:ir, p. m. P. S. T. Thu three men victims were: I Pilot 0. 11. (Cash) Chaiiiberluln. I rxt M1MH..OIW11IU (1 r.lrinrw.rloir iiilur trained by the late Frank Hawks. He had flown the first ship for ... , .... ,,. . i........ ii Clilca- and two 'go and Clevelnnd In venrs inter opened the DallaK-Los Angeles run for American all ways. He joined Northwest In 1!(3I. Co Pilot Itavmond II. Norby of MinneaimlK who had flown for (Continued pace fil SHIES AT LADDER, PERISHES IN FIRE ROY. N. M . Klghlv-vear-o I d wouldn't trust t burned to di nth st toyed a d:tnee Jan. 1 1. (, P) Harney lilgon) ladder, and wa:' in n fire which de o-.vnrd bv hfr - sons here last night ; Firemen rend ttie aged man. trip i ned in bis rimin on the second i floor, refused to descend a profer- j red ladder ami died a moment l.i 'ter when tin building collapsed.' VOL. XXVII NO. Senate POUT ANCiKLKR, Wash., Jnn, 14 ( API .Mint five duya niter complutiiiK u iuurtr century of service In the Clallam county treasurer's office. Waller A. Haur today nwaited transportation to tho state penitentiary to Hcrve a maxi mum of 15 yearn lor Kianu uir eenv nf county funds. , Hunr, who confeHsett ho took in treasury funds "to try nnd at um the tide of busintiHs ro- vei'Hi's," pleaded guilty yeslerdny n the courthouse wuero uo nau worked since its construction, Kunorior Judge John M. Knlston, a friend of many years, pronounced sentence. Within siv mnmliH th Washington stato parole board will meet to determine tho minimum term. Ilaar kept a pro mi so made In hia confession to "cooperate" with authorities in pleading guilty to the crime. Hut Prosecutor Itulph Smylhe said ho insisted under hours of questioning that a repnr cd fr3,ooo burglary of tho treas urer's office safe "Is as much mystery lo him us It is to many ol hers, The opened safe, apparently loot ed, was discovered Monday a few hours before Maar relinquished hlH 1 "'H tronnuror to W. W. O Hum. Haar started work In tho of fice as a tax clerk, in Decembor 19 M. M rs. liohert Foster, treasurer' cashier, who discovered the opened .safe, and her husband, are under arrest on open charges. Smytho ! I';'8 declined comment on why the Fosters are held. FATHER'S CAR KILLS DAUGHTER ON SLED WASHINGTON. Jan. VI. (AP) The chance to use her sled In the yY'.tr's first snow brought death' lo four-ear-old Ih'tty Amberger under "the wheels of hoc father's automobile last night. Hetty's mother pulled the child on a sled lo meet her father, Paul Amberger. who operates ti filling siMiifin in nearby Maryland. A -ii'iiricr mile iroin their home " (':ir approached through the " "' mmn. ,ilP Amberger scream- "I. ,ho ri"" stopped, and Amber- W "''PP' " f''"' daugh- l,'r "'1M 1,1 the-road. U. S. CITIZEN GETS NAZI JAIL PENALTY HAMItCIKJ, (lermany. Jan. 11. (API - - (Ion rue Joseph llolh, U naturalized United Stales citizen ami former steward on the United States liner Washington, was con victed tndnv of preparation of treason and sentenced to six months' imprisonment. Kntli was charged with posses Finn of a newspaper of communis sympathies printed hi Fiance. I Me testified Ibal he did not know the paper was communistic REBELLION Pruning of thu reller bill indi cates thnt congress no longer blindly follows the president. Thin points nn uniiHiiully interostliiK session. Dully developments will' be chronicled In tho NEWS-HE-VIKW. ' 139 OF THE EVENING NEWSJ WPA Said To Have Granted Fund Request Completion of Project by Installation of Disposal Plant Assured; Bond , . 'Election Needed. An unofficial report that tho city of Rosoburg's application to tho. Works Progress administration for funds to complete its sewage dis-' poaal project had been approved at Washington, D. C was received by city officials today. The report came through WPA channels ami also through the sanitary hoard of, the state board of health. The city, , however, has not received official . confirmation, and no uction on a bond issue, which is a part of the, roposal, will ho taken until direct: notification Is received, Mayor A. Young stated today. . The project calls for expenditure.' of $115,220 to complete the Inter cepting sewer Bysieni, suirieu msi. year and to install a disposal; plant, which will take all sewago out of the South Umpqua river. Tho project Is contingent upon Is suance of bonds lu the sum of $25,000 on' the part of the taxpayers of the city. $80,770 Given The foderul government, accord-i ing to the terms of the applica tion, not only la contributing all , labor, estimated to represent $00, 710, but also Is making; an out-, right grant of $Ut0H0 to ulil In fur-- mulling materials. . ,' Construction of tho disposal plant will Involve a .material eort ,. considerably in.excoss of the In tercepting sewer project, nnd tho. WPA recognizing this fact. Is ex tending additional cooperation nnd: aid In financing the material costs.-. The disposal plant is to he lo: cated at tho site of the abandoned city dump grounds,, immediately west of the north part of town and on the banks of tb South Umpqurt river, -jne innu na neeit owned iy the city of Itoseburg for muny years and is ideally situated. It Is reported, for the purpose. , Major unit mttaiied Approximately :i $1)0,000 nlready has been expended by the city nnd WPA in thu construction of the tn (Continued on page 6.) "DOG" BAiR DIES OF PRISON BULLETS SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 14. (AP) I.Ike Ilia "ma" before him, Arthur I Doe) Barker Is dead from lederal bulleta the victim of a fu tllo break from the United Statetf penitentiary on Alcatraz Islnnd. , . The 40-yoar-old son of the late "Ma" Barker, who with one ot "Doe's" brntlitii'B was killed In a Florida battle with government men. died In the Alcatraz prison, hospital last niKht! The leader of the Barker-Karpla gang, once rated as public enemy No. 1, was the most, notorious of five convicts who attempted to es cape the island penitentiary early yesterday. A second was reported near death as Federal Prison Director .lames V. Bennett flow towards San Francisco to lake over the In vestigation Into the fourth oscnpn attempt at Alcatraz. tho third known to linve taken a convict's life. Hale Stamidilll, 27, Oklahoma, kidnaper, shot with Barker by guards when they resisted recap ture on the island bench, was la critical condition In the prison hos pital an artery severed by a guard's bullet. Warden James A. Johnston In vestigated the break secretly pend ing Uennett'B 'arrival. INSURGENTS SEIZE IMPORTANT POINTS HKNDAYK, Fiance (at the Span ish Frontier), Jan. 14. (AP) Span inh insurgents reported today, that their southern Catalonlan army had driven to about three, miles rrom the Mediterranean southwest of Tarragona. This would give Franco's nrtift lory command of the important! coastal highway lending to Turrn gona ami cut off nt least 100 mile-1! of government territory between that Calalonian seaport and lu surgent-held Tortosn. Another Insurgent column ajv proar-hing from the north re ,. puj capture of Vails, important v eminent air base only 12 mi ' 4 from Tarragona. ; I ' '