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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1939)
SIX ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 1 3, 1 939. ALCATRAZ PRISON BREAK PREVENTED (Continued from page 1) screamed the alarm. Hurried calla v.ere sent to tne coast guara umi the San Francisco police depart ment. Prison guards ringed the Island and finally sighted the five men. I dimly outlined In the thickest fog in many years. Planned to Swim The convicts stripped their pri son clothing from them as they ran, and Martin actually had oh lained pieces of driftwood which he was attempting to tie together with his clothes. The Incoming tide was just on the verge of turning, making It somewhat easier to swim the mile to the mainland, but whether the convicts knew this was problema tical. "All of the men nre regarded as ringleaders of the plot," Warden James A. Johnston said. "It is a mystery how they got out of their cells, and any theory would he wholly speculation." Ho said they scrambled down the western side of the island, to ward the (lolden gate. Knur were discovered In approximately the same place, about midway be tween the old wharf and the pri son shop, where (luard noyul C. nine was beaten to death during a previous escape attempt. The negro ran uwii" from his companions when guards started to shoot, and tried to rig Ills raft from driftwood. "It was the thickest fog I ever saw," Warden Johnston comment ed. "It had been very foggy all day. These men probably bad the Idea In their heads ror a long time. It Is a constant problem on the Is land, because probably all of the convicts have the idea at one time or nnother." Past Attempts Recalled The island, formerly a Spanish prison anil an army disciplinary barracks, has bad previous escape utlenipts, beatings and sltdown strikes since it was made a feder al prison. The first prisoners, Including ' "Scarface" Cnpone, former Chi cago gang leader, were housed on the Island In 1!)H4. Cnpone re cently was transferred to the ter minal prison at Kan Pedro. ' Warden Johnston himself once was attacked and beaten by a con vict In the prison dining room. Normal activities of the prison were suspended Immediately aft er today's attempted break, and till Inmates and cells wore lo be searched thoroughly. EVERY CONVICT ON ISLAND LOCKED UP FOR SEARCH WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. (AIM More than 300 "hard boiled" convicts wero locked In their cells on Alcutrnz Island today for care ful inspection as a result of an at tempted Jallhrealt by five prison ers. Director James V. nonnotl of the federal prison bureau said all normal activities would bo sus pended at Alcnlraz pending a thor ough search of every inmate. lie sahl prison officials had "no idea'V where Arlhttr (I)oc' Marker and his fellow convicts obtained the saw hlado with which Ihey early oday escaped from their colls nud gained the water's edgo. Kvory prisoner's clothing, shoes, heildlug and cell will h( subjected, he said, to close examination. First word of the break reach ed Ilennett when Warden James A. Johnston telephoned from tbo prison. Tho men were found "nbohl III! or -11) minutes" later, Itennett said. Two of them had gotten Into the water. The coast guard and Kan Francisco police ' detailed boats to aid in Ihe recnpluro. Saw Angle Puzzles 'Mu some manner, we do not yet understand, Ihe prisoners ap parently managed to obtain a saw and with It got out of their cell and through tho exterior window of tho cell block," Dennett declar ed In n statement releiised to the press. "In Iho dense fog enveloping the Island Ibey managed to elude Ihe officer guarding (lie outside of the cell block and reached tho shore bernro they were apprehended. "There was no evldrfnce they had any help from the outside and no boats wero found In Ihe vicin ity or the Island. "Dale Slauiphlll was shot In the leg and probably not seriously wounded. Arthur MDoc) llatker received a wound In the log and also ouo In the bend which may he serious. William Martin's Injury was apparently not serious. Barker Very Notorious "Doc" Marker was a member of Ihe notorious Harker-Knrpis gang unlit Jan. Hi, lu;ir, when the gang was broken up by federal agents. Ilarkcr, flurry Campbell ami Harry Sawyer received life sent ences for kidnaping F.dwun! O. Ilremer, weullhy St. Paul, Minn., hanker, Jan. 17, 1IKII. Ilremer was released by his captors after HI days on payment of (2110,000 ran som. Arthur's brother. Fred, and his mother, known as "Ma" Marker, did nol live to stand trial lor the Ilremer kidnaping. Ilolh died of gunshot wounds when (J-inen sur rounded Ihelr Oklnwoha, Fla.. hideout. Ma and Fred ignored the agents' demands to surrender and fell In Ihe ensuing gun-baltlc. Justice department records showed Marker was arrested bv (-men nt Chicago Jan. 8, MS, oil the kidnaping charge. ltusscll Gibson, an associate, was lutally shot the same night In another section of the city while resisting nrrest. Marker previously hail been con victed of killing Thomas J. .Slier rill, an elderly nighl watchman nt St. Johns hospital, Tulsa, Okla., Aug. 26, 1921. He was paroled, however, from the Oklahoma slate penitentiary at McAlester, Sept. 10. 1932. Stniiiphlll was serving a life sentence for kidnaping Dr. Fred J,. Meyers from Lccdy, Okla.. to Cnnadlun, Tex. Ho was sentenced Oct. 20, 1937, at Oklahoma City, OUR BOARDING HOUSE OR3WIZED THE SO LET HOOPLE CALL UP V2 Ji owls clus we take th' rap smuffy jjjrj m) HAD NOTHJMG ) ' I AOAIM HEfe J$y OVER JjEjA THEM WE SEEM HOLDIMG IM TH ' W EL EOT BO HOOPLE KSSr TH ' BAG SO Y-l WOOSEGOW j ( PRESIDENT AND If 8 LCW3 HE THINKS J V AMD " Oe ELSE MAS nnd wan oriKintilly "commiUwl to Leavenworth. Ho wnH later trans leireii to Alniitniz. Others' Records Cited nufiiK McCain was chawed with having Jeopardised bunk ffin ployes' lives and kidnapliiK bunk employcK In an attempt to rob the Idaho! National bank of Mabel, Okla. Ho wan Henlnncefl at Dili' lint, Okla,, on June 11, l!i:i5, and was originally committed to Leav enworth. He wan later transfer red to Alcatraz where he tried to assault another Inmate while pri soners were lining np Tor the mid day meal, Henri Young was nervine: sent ence for robbing the First. Nation al bank of Mud, Wash. He was transferred to Alentraz after be ing originally committed on Dec;. 29, IM!, to McNeil IhIhihI peni lentlary, Wash. Martin was conv Icted for rob bing a postal station in Chicago, He wns sentenced at Chicago Nov, !, l!);tti, and sent to Leavenworth. On his siibsenuent transfer lo Al uutraz be joined in (be strike. SPRAGUE WILL ASK LABOR ACT CHANGES '(Continued from pace ) confirmation of Rdgar Smith, ap pointed lo Ihe hoard of higher edu cation hy ex-Governor Martin. Veteran legislators viewed (he slart of Ihe session hh oho of tin slowest In their experience. Fehl Makes Request The legislature bus been peti tioned by Karl II, Kehl, Medlord, oue-llme Jackson county Judge, to repeal tbo stulo law under which ho was committed to the state hospital. Fehl alleged be had been "rail roaded" Into the penitentiary nnd later to the slate hospital for the Insane on the testimony of three physicians "employed for that pur pose." lie asked that Ihe present act bo substituted by a law creating a sanity commission, The belter pensions steering commit lee, including Townsend cltihs. (ictieral Welfare society nnd other pension groups, said yester day It would sponsor a legislative bill providing lor a monthly gross liurome lax on corporations and in dividuals to finance pensions. The amount of the lax "would he adequate lo match money for fed eral grants for material and child weiiare. blind aid and old aue as sistance." Seventy per cent of tho receipts would be used lor pensions, 20 per cent for reduction of the properly tax, and 1(1 ptr cent for schools. Begins With Deficit Tho legislature is bouimiinir with an itctiinl l!t:i!)-ltl budget deficit of OKI. I It! instead of a surplus of $N7, M7H as staled In the budget prepar- 1 by (iov. Charles II. Martin. Iten. C. C. Chapman, Portland republican and member of Ihe house ways and means committee, said todnv. Chapman said ihe budget failed to include SHU.osii in expenditures provided by law. Including S!hi,it72 ! county lair millage, Js.innt for blind students, lor the city of Itandou, Sl.hSt! tor adjustment of higher education millage and $f00 lor deaf students. Chapman said (hat if the sani tary authority, created by an lultta live passed in November. Is given $rlUMe, ihe deficit wuuld be Still,- 1 14!. Tho ways and means committee Is investigating the budget lo de termine if it was ton conservative In estimating revenues. The interim committee on stnte and local revenues held its final meeting here today, but it will not announce lis recommendations un til it submits them to the leglsla- Authorized Maytag Sales and Service Ott's Music Store W. Cs & Sheridan, Phone 461 Roseburg Dairy Grade A 'Paiteurlxed and Raw Milk 'DRINK MILK FOR HEALTH" PHONE 186 C&Prf. 1939 BY NCA SERVICE, INC. T. M. RE0. lure next week. However, It was expected the committee would ad vise against new lorms or taxation. Alms at Tax Dodgers A bill providing that delinquent taxes must be taken from Insur ance on buildings destroyed by fire will be introduced next week by Hep. 10. W. Khnherling (It., I'rjflrio city). Khnherling said he knew of sev eral instances where owners burn ed their buildings to avoid Pay ment of taxes.! , Ho also will Introduce a meas ure rotjulring out-of-state stock buyers to put up bond. This meas ure, be siifd, would prevent Ore gon cattle owners from having worthless checks passed on , them. JUGGLING RECORDS CHARGED TO UTILITY f Continued from page n men I, of consolidated earned sur plus by about. $i:tr,0i)0.0tM) In ihim. In Ihe same year, the commis sion charged, the company set up Its accounts In a way which result ed in understating a V.i'M loss by about lf2,S00,lHIO. Tlie charges relative to Ifl.'M per tained to a registration statement filed with the commission. The commission said also Ihe company had failed to disclose Its rehiilonshlp to persons controlling it, "or to slate material facts per tinent to the possible existence of effective control." The company, it was charged, also failed to state required infor mation on ihe aggregate remunera tion paid lo certain service com panies and others. Another charge tt'UH t he company neglected to name the persona other than dir ectors, oil leers or employes whose aggrognto remuneration was more than $20.01)0 in UK! I. In addition ' misstatements found In Ihe registration statement for llt.'tl, the commission said, the handling of accounts was mislead ing in the annual reports for l!i:if, urn; ami 1 !;:?. RELIEF FUND SLASH LIKELY TO STAND (Continued from piise 11 trovnrU'd mpnmiro. I lo nnd liin Id asHisdinf whlpR had nicl Tor more (linn an hour with Sponkor I lunkhead, Demoenilic Loader Knyhurit, and ltM-ennnln-tive MeOornmck (!., Mush.), chair man of the democratic caucus. Asked nhout Ihe meeting: after ward in connection with its bearing on relief, Hay burn remarked merely: "We are going to pass n relief bill today." Privately, administration leaders admitted there wus Jittle chance of persuading tho hoiiHe to put hack the $ I r.tUHHUWO hut that every at tempt would be made to forestall any additional reduction. liolumi said tho whips themselves had "different views'' on the re lief issue and would "use their in- dividual .hnlirmoiil" on supporting REBUILT FORDSONS A good cheap tractor for a moderate acreage. Fully rebuilt and guaranteed $200.00 Extra for spade, lugs or fenders. Special prices and terms for January buyers. "See Us First We Can Save You Money" DOUGLAS COUNTY Farm Bureau Co-op. Exch. ROSEBURG, OREGON with Major Hoople U. S. PAT. OFF. ntnotuliiiPnl in niif Hip fiiml V i m V c- s nftii mn ' for WPA from Si 25,000,000, thei amount recommended by the np-, propria lions committee, to the $S75,0O0,O00 retpiested by Presi dent Roosevelt. CURB ON POLITICAL ACTIVITY BACKED (Continued from page 1) like you?" asked Johnson. "I mean local politicians." Hop kins replied. "1 don't, think any-1 one has resisted politics In relief more than I have." Warning Issued Johnson protested Hopkins was avoiding his questions about Pennsylvania and Kentucky. As to the national situation, he asked : '-'How many warnings to WPA emplovcB did vou Issue against po litical activity?" "About six or eight general warn ings," Hopkins answered quickly, and then added, "and a great many other specific ones all over the United Stales." Senator Johnson asked Hopkins how many persons had been dis charged for political activity. "I can't give you tho exact num ber but It was between 100 and 20o persons," Hopkins said. ODD FELLOWS WILL FETE ANNIVERSARY (C'onl Inuocl from pago I) I accepted into membership. Tfie regular Initiatory ceremony will bo performed at the meeting to be held .Ian. 1!). A telegram was received from Joseph T. lOckley of Tort land, grand master, asking for a special meeting of the Hosebing lodge at (i p. in. Saturday. The grand mas ter will pav his official visit to tho Myrtle Creek I.O.O.F. lodge later in the evening, and a large group of Itoseburg members plans to at tend. The cars will leave the lodge hall at 7 p. m. DON'T SLEEP WHEN GAS PRESSES HEART H you filll't rut or xvv brr;uifr jfiis lipijilw you up try Aitlrrlka. One dom usually n-HrVi-s utomnrh jr:tn prt'NKlng on ir:irl. Atlh-rikii Hnin out 1 a ''PI T uniiT a ml Imvrr lniy cls. ('liiipnuiUK Phil nn in-y. Adv. r PORTLAND'S Most Distinctive Hotel IX VITUS VOl . . , 0 l'rttnily Servli-p 0 llinml.llio It on in h, 0 omlcrl'ul Ftiml NtMiNitiU' Knit' BENSON tllur nml Dlllll'l HOTEL A iiy nl li!t 1'ortliiml HITLER STEPS INTO ROME CONFERENCE (Continued from page 1) going to any lengths then to real ize them. The fuehrer had a report of the Chamberlahi-MuHHuiiui conver sations last night. Informants said. He was believed to have advised II dace to give the democracies one y:tr after learning through Von Uaekensen of Ciano's report the Iliitisb bad laken a firm attitude. IL nUCE REFUSES TO EASE DEMANDS, FRANCE ADVISED PARIS, Jan. 13. AP)P re ntier .Mussolini was reported au thor! 1 a lively" today to have refus ed to "retreat, one inch" from fas cist colonial demands on France In his talks with British Prime Min ister Chamberlain In Rome. dispatches to the French for eign office said II duce flatly had informed both Chamberlain and the liiitlsh foreign secretary, Vis count Halifax, he would press ac tively Mulhm territorial demands on France. This Information, the Pome re ports said, was conveyed to Cham berlain before the reported deliv ery of a message to" Mussolini from Iteichsfuehrer Hitler urging him to pursue his alms peacefully for one year. , French officials, however, said they knew nothing of such a mess age, reported from informed Ger man quarters In Rome, Chamberlain Also Firm Reports from Home to the Quay D'Orsay said Chamberlain had re jected an Italian suggestion for a four-power conference among Brl- . , . "' . ,...wl""""JI luu' settle Mediterranean quest ons. Tf , .... T,,.(lnV, nrfimlni. h.l(, 1lfj uMlJnlill, doubt Britain firmly sunnorted French resistance to any territor ial demands. Mussolini, the reports said, In sisted during his formal "appease ment talk" witli Chamberlain yes terday Italy's natural aspirations in the Mediterranean must be sat isfied. RUPPERT, OWNER OF N. Y. YANKEES, DIES (Continued from page 1) a profitable business and he quit the turf. He collected St. Bern ard dogs that cost $5,000 a year to feed. His succession of yachts was climaxed by the "Yankee," a i::7-ton twin-screw, steel craft of luxurious appointments. Four Terms in Congress At one stage of his career he jj Again -" THE NATION'S LARGEST BUILDER OF TRUCKS Brings You Higher Quality Trucks At Lower Prices FAMOUS VALVE-IN-HEAD TRUCK ENGINE POWERFUL HYDRAULIC TRUCK BRAKES MASSIVE NEW SUPREM LINE TRUCK STYLING . . . COUPE-TYPE CABS . . . VASTLY IMPROVED VISIBILITY FULL-FLOATING REAR AXLE Available on Heavy Duly models only. THE THRIFT-CARRIERS HANSEN MOTOR COMPANY OAK AND STEPHENS ST. served four successive terms In the national house of representa tives. At another he was inter ested in military affairs, served in the national guard and was a col onel on the staffs of two gover nors. Tint It was as owner of the New York Yankees, boss of Miller Hug gins, "Babe" Ruth and "iron Man" Gehrig that Ituppert was most widely known. For more than a dozen years various owners of the club had tried vainly to produce a winner before Ituppert and Col. T. L. Hus ton bought the outfit In HH5. The two colonels poured money Into the teum and paid Boston $125,000 for Ruth's contract, a record price at that lime. Their first pennant- winner was achieved in 1921. They had another in 1922. In 1923 Itup pert bought Huston's Interest for a reported 1,500,000. That year the Yankees won the world series from the New York Giants, who had defeated them in the two pre vious classics. There were world championships again in VSA2, 11136, VX17 and 1938. Ituppert was born tit New York ami was named for his father, the founder of the Ituppert Brewing company. He went through Col umbia grammar school anil passed examinations for admission to the School of Mines, of Columbia uni versity. Jiut at his father's re quest he went Into the brewery. Saw Few Ball Games As a boy, he played baseball with a neighborhood team but never approached professional skill. In spite of his Interest in his own team, he customarily at tended fewer games than fans who bad' to pay admission. In 19:14, he saw the Yankees play only four times. The reason was bis passionate fear of defeat anl love of victory. Any score closer than 18-to-0 kept him in agony un til the last man was out. His respect for the law was pro found and probably accounted for his disinterest in campaigning against prohibition. He sold his racing stable reputedly because of a speech Charles bvans Hughes made against race-track gambling. Save Your Tire Have the Broken Fabric repair ed by Welding. O. K. Tire Weld Co. Richfield Station Mosher and Stephens St. Kor a Limited Time SANITARY TOILETS for home, school or place of business, are being built, paint ed and installed with WPA la bor for only the cost of mate rial. L. W. METZGER CO. Roseburg Chevrolet's miequaled Iruek volume nnhi rnllv enables Chevrolet lo give you iinrtjiialed truck, value. Chevrolet Irueks for 103') are offered al ihe lott os! prirvs ever quoted on trucks of such outstanding quality. Chevrolet's famous Yalve-in-IIead Truck Engine brings you an iinmatehed combina tion of power, reliability and economy. Chevrolet Irueks are the 01 v Irueks in the entire low-price Held with all the modern truck advantages listed here. SEE YOUR LOCAL CHEVROLET DEALER FOR THE A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE But he was arrested once for speeding It miles an hour with O. H. P. Belmont In Washington. In' 3933, the name of "Jacob Ituppert" was carried into the Ant arctic by Admiral Richard K. liyrd on the hull of the flagship of bis second expedition, financed by the colonel, John D. Rockefeller Jr., Henry Ford and others. "FOOD FOR SALE" Large or Small Your Purchase is Appreciated Special Values Saturday and Monday, Jan. 14 & 16 FLOUR UMPQUA CHIEF, 49 lb. $1.15 FLAGSTAFF, 49 lb $1.19 KITCHEN QUEEN, 49 lb $1.29 FISHER'S BLEND, PILLSBURY'S BEST, CROWN BEST PATENTED, DRIFTED SNOW, your choice, 49 lb $1.49 SUGAR Pure Cane, 10 lb MILK OREGON BRAND, tall can 7 BORDEN'S, CARNATION. PET, ALPINE, MORNING, 2 tins, 15c; case $1.15 PEANUT BUTTER SALAD OVL Bulk, Quart CRACKERS Cascades, 2-1 b. box BACON BACK Hevy, ,b BACON SQUARES Lb SHORTENING LARD 20-lb. tub : We will meet advertised com petition on eqqs. COFFEE. BULK RED DOT, lb SUPREME, lb. 25c; 3 lb 323 W. Cass Free New Chevrolet-Built CAB-OVER-ENGINE MODELS Offering amoving new fWpfe laving i ... ihe threo fold economies of extra big load tpace, new lower price, and exceptionally low operating co id. See your nearest Chevrolet dealer today) NATION I Knight-Porter Auto Repairing, Painting, I Body and Fender Work J At Robertson's Shell Station JCorner Jackson & Douglas Sts, 57c 23c Bulk, Z lb. .. bring container, 25c; gallon 17c : 19c 15c 49c $2.39 .19; 73i Delivery Phone 24 THREE-QUARTER-TON STAKE HEAVY DUTY CANOPY EXPRESS HEAVY DUTY STAKE EXPRESS HEAVY DUTY HIGH RACK CAB-OVER-ENGINE MODEL ROSEBURG. OREGON