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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1920)
TI'F"TAT, 1ECHMBBB 14, ISO) paoh rotm "The Shasta A New Train u t .'u California The "Shasta" is an all standard sleeping err train Without Extra Fare. Leaves I'urllund at 4:00 P. M. Arrives San Fruuciaco 10:00 P. M. following evening. Improved Sleeping Car Service to San Francisco and Los Angeles All Shasta Kou(i train handle IhrouKh standard sleeping car Seattle. Tacoma, aud Portland to San Kranclsco. Through standard sleeping: car to Loh Angelas Leaven Portland at 8:40 A. M. Arrive Un Angeles 8:15 A. M. second morning. Winter Excursion Tickets uro on sale to Kolilliern t'alifornitl California's hrlehl and v. arm auntJiiiiu will help you lako on a new lease of life-. Spend the wlniry day beside summery w as: on sporty Koir courses or well kept leiinls courts; motor over splendid hiehways; these and many oilier outdoor pleas ures await you in .Sunny California. l on reqneHl "California for the Tourist." a new booklet graphically deserililng the different resorts, lnueire of local ngenl for fan s, routes, nle ping car reserva tions und train service, or write Southern Pacific Lines JOHN M. SCOTT, Gtmrrul I'usHenptT Agent, 1'oi llontl, Oregon. Christmas Carnival Kliiih i Kitf li ii and I'hyHicuI IMunitidn Dcp irii..-iit or Hi'inline Moore Conservatory Armory, Dec. 21, 7:30 p.m. Admission, 25c. 1IIEOS. Wlv.h to announce lhat li.y have the np-nry fur tb followiiiK Incu batorH nixl brooib-rH: IJuc n, Jubilee, fit. H.-b'UM, Masli-r, ami Hurkcye In cubators; tint Kn-sky, Newton, Char ters nml American Colony brooders. 227 N. J ark son, Itos. Ihitk. 1'lionu 15. Chevrolet Cars I2S.00 and 138.00 Bulck Car. . .130.00 anil (45.00 For Other Car I'llies on AppuVatlon. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE Agency Itulck nml (liovrolet 441 N, Jackson Ht. Koawlturg. Sheet Metal Work OK Al.l, KINIIH J- II. SINNIGEB no oak atkkkt riioNK 4-m Logan Tips, Spring Delivery Th'- Hie not sprout plants. Joint ,'Iruis or siirnngle lip rlaiita. They i e first clan tips. Ai.-o have Btraw uerry plants nml nit kinds fruit trees, ileller ! ' ' order now. H. L. KLLia Three mtleg west of Koseburg. LoganberryPlants If you iui plant! tb. il uill itrnw n i-lto W. L. BENTLEY WooOIiuiii, Oregon, It. A. a WA Si rA Masonic Bldg. Roseburg,Ore. PUOXE 488 ALL WORK pr m J I 6 'A fF A I 4 A i GUARANTEED. f 4 I 1 SnrMTiOTL n i r ii i i i m U Lll I IU I t SI'KUAL NOTICK. Just rTfivi'd ano'ht-r Hliipnieiit of ' Chri;.liiiuH uinti B. You who buy Ch.inin.afi candy can lio bt'ttor by .' i Iiik us. W will 111.1k! a Hptcial price ; our candy. Chocolates, 80c lb.. saitio w1 liuvt bn Helling at $1 lb. Don't foiRft Unit ChrlHtmaa box. Only tn l:tH more Come in and ! look Vm ovnr ami got our prices, i You'll b surprnli'd. TliK MAI'KKLKAF. - o- AdvorliMo In I In; .Ww Review. l-oix;i: inicicioitY. I. it. V., itloa ICurnmpmrnl Km. 9. wtylfl la (Hid bfllowH' Tempi a tvPP? TlmrFlay t v.-ntiiff. VliiUiig brethren itlwiiyn wmIcomh'. , john iii-;i;si:. o. p. I-OSTKU Hl'TNK.t, If. P. (H.ivKit Johnson, h. a JAMIW KWAItT. b H. K Mi t.h'.s im-iiiu n neitt meets In Mnosi- hit 1 1 on .lai'kKiiti St. on j ml nml 4th Moh!hv fVi'iiliiUH nf carli itinutti at K oVti,k, VIshiiiK tnt'thren In KhjU itHttditiif nlwjiv h m t'lt'iitiu'. V It "! ilC Mh'KI.M. W. I P. A. J V 11.1. V I'. II. V. C'HihMAN, Sccrtnry. UMl.MTS or V I 1 1 1 A Alpha I,ihIk No. 4 J, im-eM HVery Werim-Mlay even Iiik. 4-r. Jin kucn mill CaKB S(h. Vlalt ura nlwnvM welcome. itov . yurMi, r. r. ( IIAK .V. HOI'KVNS, M. K. K K. WIMHKICI.V. K. U. H. M-:il.llHOItH OK HOOIHItAKT I.lUc ( in No 4'i, mei-lH on Jml and 4lh Moiiilny I'venlni'H. Veiling iiflKl'uin Invited tti at!, nil. i:iITII flll'ltrilll.U . N. T I.I.I li I. JOHNsnN. Clrk. II. I. O. KI.KN, lloarlMirK l.ortKr . 712 HoMit n-Kular eniumiiiiU hi iurm tit Hit I-; I k h" 'it-tuple on carh Thuiatlay of iry month. All niemliera re-giK-Hlftl to iiltifitl rtKUlnrly, anil nil vlHltinif hrolhem aru cordially In vited to uttuml. T Mi t!v FI 1? IRA B. ninni.E. Secy. OOIIHI-, II V IIIK WOHI.II i'Hllip No. lL'i. nieelii In iltl Fellow" hall in obiirK eveiy lt and Hid Monday evenliiKM. VlMltiiiK nelHhborii al ways wromt. O. II. PICK KNS, a C. M. M M I I.I I .U. lerk , OK MllllK Hos.dniru LodKt No. KM 7 nieelH fir l nml thii.l Tm-Hday eVenlhK of eiuh liiniith nt N o'i'lui k tn th Muosa tuill. All vlfltinK brulheiH are Invited to attend. C. W riilAKR. Ilrtat.r H. o. IAi(;KTi:it. secretary. O, K. II nMfhii nc C h n it I r r Sn. H Huldn rexular nieetliiR on th tnt and .1(4 Tliin Hdity In eii h month aio repeiirnllv hivltid tu attend I.KoNA AKKAMAM, V. lb. KUKH JtHI'.StiN. Seiy. I., l-nurt! l.oilKr I. . inn.uni. tittoiin ml tni.t 4ttl 1-K ukir -, I( . fit. h month ut Al.iHiml. .t'liurg, 1)1 . VlMltor. wel W V. H It It IS. S.TT A. A.;. W. M. . II. II. T. l. ItoarKiirK llrlm -. II tit.l.lH r.'KMliir i.-xi. W!. .tn oiut hmiI foiirtli 't'liur..! IV UfU IIII.I III Mu.-im li.. Ii n 1 1 . .SisliTu of other rctit-vvM tllihK In our rttv nro or ilmlly l!ilh-il to Htti ii.1 our rovli-wa. Mlti-i-ji h' loill tin I;in utr.'i't. IJK'IXK l.'M'KK. Com. JKSSIK HAI'I. OoL It) liKK H4 i..m tmir titifHflii 1niitt t. i. i ip. 1.. Aiiii!t m odd i-vi-In' Temple every we. k nn Ttienilav even tn nr. I-IiHik im-iiilerii In kin.i1 SlstitUintf nre tuviieii tn nttenO. r. i.Kx. . n MK1.I.K STH'lli:NS(iN, . KTIII I. H.UI.KY. Kin. St-oy 1 I 1"fce II. It. K. I. A. 1 mIon Mr tin will ir li. i.i h! Mir Aim uiM-r hnl) rVt-ry ni hi hiui mini v eitieu vl in niMiith I. O. O. r ., fi Una r In l.orlsr !No. H, mew hi JvvKes null, jit.-kuii St., on Hitliinl.ty eiMitiK of eat- week YlHitlutf ti ol tirm me hIwhvi Wei- I.YMOV K SPKNi'KU. N. O A J. ilKI'l'KS. It re. See. J. H MAIJ.KY. Kin Hra. - " - l HtiKIM ttm;K No. tm 1 nitrtj H.l.lrK.nn f VI n m HRIlMar "hup lakar. rr. AITlll'il lnllh thf A K t.t lk !.! HI M - hill Ih flr.t IV, ,1 fourth Sat. ninlits and third unUs of vsch nenth J K SMITH .PrrsMrnt. W J. MKItKI'llll, Hc. fUry. UKU. MAC 1VKII. Ha. Ski, HER DAUGHTER AND HIS SON. BY IDAH McCLONE GIBSON llub Wliilxon Ann' Father. Mr. Halsey luld down Ken' letter with a aiKii. A lie (lid, hi eye caught sight of the envelope, with It Afri can postmark, which wa lying face upimiot on my desk. At ight of it, whatever thought he may have had of Kun weuied to be banished from hi mind. "Good Heaven!" he said. "nob Whiison! Ann! Ann! Your father 1 alive!" Ho snatched up the letter and tore it open tremulously. After looking at It a moment, hu said: "Head It to me, Ann. I am so excited I cannot see the words." I took the letter and gave a long look at the first letter, penned by the father that I had never een the futher who probably did not know thut he had a daughter the father who surely did not know that my mother was dead. For a moment 1 felt faint and, strange as It may seem, I had a strong desire to press those written word to my lip. Here at leaKt was something written by one who really belonged to me, for although he might never acknowl edge me, 1 was bis daughtor. I hesi tated so long that Mr. Halsey turned in his chair to look at me. "Don't you feel equal to reading It, my dear? he asked. I gathered up my courage. "Of course do," I answered. "Surely we both should be so happy In know ing my father is alive that we can read his letters." I did not begin Immediately, how ever, and Mr. Halsey reached for the miBslve. "Let me look at the writing once more, Ann. I want to be sure that 'Dob' Is still in the land of the living. Yes, it Is his writing. I would know It anywhere," he said with a sigh of relief a he handed It back to me. Again 1 took the letter and began to read: "Dear Dick: I know you think I am dead, and truly I have been a one dead for some years. I went into the Interior Just after I wrote you tuy lust letter saying I was planning to do so. Our party was captured by some head hunter and I am the sole survivor. Because of the brand on my arm the scar which you, your self, gave mo. Dick they spared my life. It soems that the tribe had a tradition that some day a man with a white skin would come with the emblem of the tribe branded on his left shoulder, and that he would reign over them and bring them great prosperity. They accepted that xcar and my white skin as fulfilling the conditions of the tradition, and made me their chief. All the years 1 was with them they treated me with grent deference; and In return I tuught them many of the arts, and I hope none of the sins, of civiliza tion. Of course I often tried to es cape, but I was too well guarded. Hut my chance came only recently. I hnd gone afield on a hunting trip with a small party of my tribesmen. Wo encountered a greatly superior force of men who, to my amazement and Joy, were white. In the confu sion of the fight which followed, I cHciipi'd to them and hero I am back in civilization. It doesn't seem real even yet, as you may well imagine. Our pat ty reached here today and I am hastening to write you, old pal. as my dearest friend. Oh, Dick I want to know so much. Is Margaret still allvn? Whnt has happened since 1 have been out of it all? I am al most afraid to send this letter for fear thut you have gone out of the world, but. cost what it may. I am coining back. Mnrgaret told me that she could not stand it if she ever saw me again, but now that we are old perhaps it will not be so bad. 1 know that she always loved me. I am sure she loves me still, becaune a woman as sweet, as deur, as good as my wife for, in the sight of God. Mar garet was always my wife after once giving her love she could never take it buck. "I am sailing on tho next vessel, Dick, and will probably be with you asinost as soon as this letter. It will si em mighty strange to get back Into civilization. 1 shall feel like a man released from prison. Already I be Kin lo feel like Kipling's hero in 'The Man That Was." Already I have be gun lo question. Sometimes I am al most ready to think that possibly I made a mistake In coming back to civilization at nil. The life is so dif ferent i-ven here In this trading vil lage of South Africa, from that which 1 have been living for the last few years. "(oil bless you, old man. Tell Margaret she will soon see "HOD WHITSON." f.MtU S t'AI.KNDAK lost. Now ready, our beautiful calendar, free to our customers, to other 25c each. None given to children. Ask for one next time you're shopping at Carr's. The big Christmas store where you save. "l.nuch and the world laughs with you. cry and you cry alone." Come and see l'mfessor I'epp" at the high "chnol auditorium Dec. 17, and let tho world laugh. Dl, R. P. BRADFORD AND WIFE Licensed Chiropractic Physicians Office IIioimi 4NI lVrkins lll.Lx. ACHES AND PAINS SLOAN'S GETS 'EH! Famous pala and ache Liniment, kept bandy, bring warming, gratifying relief R IIEUMATIC twinges' eats up . I 1- l . 1 . Cleft, ana tnose pains trom weatner ex posure, too they don't fight long against the counter-irritation that bloan' Liniment produces. Always keep this old family friend handy tut instant use little pene trates without rubbing, leaving no skin stains, muss, or clogged pores. Its very odor healthy and stimulating suggest the good it will do. All druggists. Three sizes 3Sc, 70c, 11.40. LarKest ize ia moat economical. SHna Liniment HoP Farmers are Near Ruin SCALEM, Dec. 13. That many of our Oregon farmer are facing ruin If the government insist on carry ing out the law relating to the sale of hop to certain Individuals only and Drohiblt their Hale to tho gen eral public. I the statement made by T. A. Llvesley, of T. A. LiveHley and company, a local business man who ha dealt in hop in a large way for many years and who has a wide ac quaintance among farmers through out tho state and is therefore In a good position to know the facts. Whilo good general crops may be raised In many Bections of Oregon, yet it is also a fact that there are some other sections where tho na ture of the soil Is sucll as to preclude the possibility of generul farming. The hop plant Is a very verile plant and will grow and thrive in most any place and under most any condition hence much of the acreage in Ore gon that was not suitable for tho raising of general crops was utilized for the rnising of hops. This en abled people who owned land that was not of much value otherwise to ulilize It. Most of the hop supply of tho count! y was produced In the coast stntes, and the hop Industry was quite a sizeable one and many thousand of people have everything they possess tied up In this industry. According to the authority above mentioned there were in the state of Oregon alone 27.000 acres devoted to hop farming. Many thousands of men were engaged. Kach acre produced approximately 1100 pounds of hops per annum. And the market price for hops was about 25 cents per pound on an average, Mr. Llvesley says. o rrnijc dance. At the Maccabee hall Tuesday night, Dec. 14. Ott's music. Why not patronize some "Itose- burg Home Talent" and see the Junior class play, 'Trofessor Pepp," Dec. 17. CHISH AND ni'SH, INC. Why wnlt till the last minute to do your Christmas shopping. Carr's now have extra sales people on duty and can attend your wants without hurry or worry to you or them. Shop early In the big Christmas store. Carr's where you save and where you find the big assortments. Look for the red signs Carr s. The II. S. orchestra will furnish music at the Junior class play Dec. 17. The best way to let the people know your wants is through the columns of a newspaper. We can put your wants before 17,000 people. F A CLEAR SKIN Women do not have to patronizo the beauty parlor for if their skin Is disfigured with pimples and blotches, and their blood Is in disorder they should obtain at the drug store that wonder Qui blood tonio and altera tive of Dr. Pierce's which he placed be fore the public over -50 years ago. Since that time many thousands of men and women have testified to its wonderful blood cleansing effect. This is what one woman says: Choia-Us, Wash. "1 have used Doctor Pierce's medicines for over forty years for myself and family and have always found them just as represented. 1 thmk.Dr. force's Golden Medical Discovery for tonic and blood builder cannot be beat; and Dr. Pierce's Pleesant Pel lets have no equal for constipation; in fact. I can heartily recommend any and all of Dr. Pierce's remedies. My daughter had chronic con stipation from babyhood and doc tors could not l Pleasant Pellets is the only thins? " ,rc'lM ner. - mas. JKN W K. SworTOW), 1320 Alfred St. MS LOOKOUT! QTICKt CHRISTMAS MOtfT HERE. You can't put off getting those gifts any longer. Shop where It's easiest at Carr's. Big tables of practical boxed gifts brimming over with suggestions. Then there's a whole section devoted to children's books, another of games, hundreds of dolls of every known kind, and a big back room with tables and shelv ing bulging with toys. Santa Claus says "Shop" and quick at Carr's, where you save. Easier shopping, more goods In more kinds to select from, with an added assurance that prices will be right at Carr's look for the red signs. Roseburg's Christ mas Store is Carr's. . UNO ClOKS PHIC'ES ON FEED llava just roculv.d 60 tons of all kinds of feeds, dairy toed, bus; fvtd. poultry feed, alt at bottom prices. With our long- experience snd etudy of feeds and keeping In touch with the market, we feel that the bottom on prices of feeds and gruln has been reached; that we will have, a teadter market from now on. Therefore we are now prepared to give you the very best quality and price on hay, grain, and feeds, and potatoes. Alfalfa hay fS2 per ton, other hay $J& to lit) per ton. Potatoes Iz.UO per 100 lbs. Also some straw. Yours for bualnss. JI IID MCMIL.L.IN. CITY NEWS 49 Arundel, piano itmer. rnonej I SSL. Federal cord and fabric tires the Roseburg Garage. at Fires destroy uvea, property and food. Be careful with fire. Pemberton Bros.' enclosed car Jit ney service. Phone D. Order your Xmas trees and Dalstle tie from Roseburg Produce Co., 501 N. Jackson St. Phone 279. Rest equipped machine shop for lathe steel and spring work at the Roseburg Oarage. Bring your lire and tubes to the Roseburg Garage for repair and vul canizing. Dr. Harry E. Morgan, dentist, tele phone 483. Office 315 Perkins build ing. Exlde storage makes ot cars Garage. batteries for all at the Roseburg Goodyear solid tires for trucks, all sizes la stock at the Roseburg Gar age, Headquarters for Xmas trees and all kinds of wreath. Clarence Per kins, at The Tone Shop, 229 North Jackson street. Persons cutting evergreens on our property In Edenbower will be prosecuted. Mrs. E. M. Moore, Lillle L. Moore. Frank A. Terry, representing t he Equitable Savings ft Loan Assn., of Portland, Oregon, is again at the Umpqua Hotel. For Interview, call or phone. 'Writ Jack RoacU. Drain, for eata logue and prices for the Queen in cubators, coal and oil burning brood ers. Avoid disappointment by plac ing your order now for future de livery. Remember ths Queen Is the best money can buy. Am now booking orflenTTOr day old chicks tor 1921 delivery from high producing Tancred strain White Leghorn, thoroughbred Rhode Island Red chicks, O. A. C. Barred Rocks. Earl Vosburg, 702 Fullerton St., Rose?iurg, . EICTS0E3SSR. All sorts of sales successfully concluded, for arrangements see M. C. RADABACGH - 530 N. Pine St That business or property can eas ily be disponed of through the col umns of the News-Review. BERGER'S BARGAIN STORE We have for sale O. D. OLIVE AND BROWN ARMY BLANKETS FOR $4.75 Army Shirts, Panta, Leggings, Rain Coats, Army Sweaters at Bargain Prices Come and see our stock faction than he ever got out of the ordinary kind. Smallerchew.lastslonger so it costs less to chew this class of tobacco. And the good, rich to bacco taste gives a world of satisfaction. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put uj in two styles W-B GUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT GUT is a short-cu, to LUMBER Of a)l dimension, at reasonable rates while It last. H block North of West Slil Store, 12C7 Umpqua Avenue. Phone 335-R. Home grown English walnuts, 30c lb. E. C. Weber, Roseburg, Rt. 2, or leave orders with O. W. Youne A Son, 116 Cass St. 0 Dance Dec. 18. at Winchester Saturday, Music by Ott's orchestra. RESULTS? our want ads get them. o CHRISTMAS CANDIES. A complete line of the famous Davenport candles, made In Spokane. Home In fancy Xmas boxes, some plain boxes, all are high grade, de licious candlen none better. Buy a box for a Christmas present Foutch's Confectionery, Sheridan street NOTICE OP SALE OF OOVRRNMENT TIMBER. General Ijin.i i.rro Waahlnxton, 1). C, October 26, 11120. Notice Is hereby irlven that aubli'ft tn the conditions ami llmttntions ot the Acts of June , 1311 (39 Stat., 218), and June 4. 1920 (41 Btat.. 7581. and the In. structlons of the Kecretary of the ln- leriur 01 Keoiemoer lb. 1917, and June 22, 1920. the timber on the following lands will be sold Dec 13, 1920, at 10 o'clock A. M.. at public auction at the United States land office at Koseburir. Oregon, to the highest bidder at not leas than the appralned value as shown by this notice, sale to bo aubicct to the approval ot the Secretary of the in terior. The DUrchase Drtca. with an additional sum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions al lowed, must be deposited at time of aale, money to be returned If aale Is not approved, otherwise patent will Isaue for the timber which must be removed within ten years . Blda will be received from citizens of the United Htatee. ea- aociatlona of such citizens and cor porations organised under the laws of the United states or any stata terri tory or district thereof onlv. llnnn nn. plication of a qualified purchasor. the timber on any legal subdivision will he offered separately'before being includ es, in any oner or a larger unit. T. as S.. R. S W., Sec. 1. tot 1, flr 526 M pine 76 M , Lot 2, flr 360 M., pine 20 M S'KV NEK. flr 660 M, pine 60 M., BVf NEU, flr 300 M.. pine vn cedar 26 M., Lot 3, fir 400 M.. pine 20 M.. Lot 4, rlr 776 M.. SEU NWU. flr 226 M nine 60 M.. cedar 20 M.. SWU NW. flr 6"0 M . pine 16 M.. cedar 20 M.. NEK 8EU. nr loso M., pine 100 At., NV SEU. flr 100 M.. pine IS M.. cedar 20 M SE4 8E. flr 800 M., pine 100 M, SWU SEK. flr 800 M.. pine 100 M, cedar 60 M.. NEU SV. flr 360 M. pine 45 M., cedar 60 M, KITli 8W14, nr 60 M., pine 60 M., cedar 80 11.. SK swu. flr 800 M.. nine 70 M cedar 86 M., SWi4 SW14. rlr 600 M., pine 60 M., cedar 30 M. Sec. 16, NEH NEK. flr 672 M.. pine 48 M.. SEK NEK. flr 952 H.. Dine 96 M.: none of the rlr or cedar to be sold for less than $1.00 per ana none or me pine to oe sold lor less than 12.60 Der M : Sec. 11. NEU NEK. flr 600 M.. pine 20 M.. cedar 16 M. NWK XEKvSr 600 M. pine 10 M. cedar 10 M.. SEK NEK. Or 400 M. pine 30 M . cedar 16 M , SW NEK. Br 500 M. pine 30 M.. cedar 10 M.. NEK NWK. flr 300 M.. NWK NWK. flr 600 .. atahk nwk. rlr 4&o M., pine 25 m., SWK NWK. flr 300 M., NEK E- K. nr 400 M., pine 60 At., cedar 15 AL. Farm Lighting Plants 20-Light Plant, 120 Amp. Hour Battery, gj 75-Light Plant, 165 " " " Edison MAZDA LAMPS Douglas County Light andJWtffr sRealTob says the Good Judge , , That gives a man more t genuine chewing satis.. .l M.. Pine li M. SEU 85 3 Pine 2S U SW SW.Vii'J5 ie M.. cedur 10 M ii S11 560 M BEtt 8EU u BUM Jl.7 3' nor,; f the flr to u "LX K 1.25 per M.. none of ih. V"M for lens than 2.S0 D(r II H e Bin. i. "r to be sold j T-;" Hi Per U T. J7 S. ,v , w Sr 42S II. u - -1 Pine 20 M.. oak il'lt, mr? nr 5 M.. pin. 170 ir M Tin? ao y.;".l.j?iH Pine 225 M.. liru sold for leu than I in i""" the pine to be aold (or iTua! per M.. and none of th, k M r,' " 1H peril luT K .1 K., Sec. 1, BE SWIi ntei 7. red fir 430 M.. white Br Sp'l'i the pine to be aold for I... ita! per M., nne of the red flr ilki for leaa than 11.50 per M. aML.w the white flr to be aold liTlmZ 11.00 Der M. n.v mlaaloner. General Land OBoT T1M1IKH. General Uad Oth Wnshlngtan, D. C, RfpL a m. Notice la hereby given that ntw the condltlona and llmlmloni k iu Act of June 9. 1916 (3 sut. illi Z the instructUma of th Secreurjili, Interior of September IS lllj i timber on the following landins aold Jan. 10, 1921, at It o'clock! nt public auction at the United sua Lnnd Office at Rofeburr, Ortcta. a the hlKheat bidder at not lesitUitti appralaiNl value, aa hown r si notice. Vale to be subject ta Ut a proval of the Secretanr of tit litem The purchase price, with an tddities aum of one-fifth of one per ctntuae of. being commlBiloni allowed, ast be depOKlted at time of ule, bohts be returned If aAle la not ipproni otherwise patent will Uiue for at timber which muat be removed ttttt ten years. Rtila will be receiva lna citizens of the United Statea m tlons of such cltizena and corponina organized under the lawi ot tatUi: Stntes or any atate, territory or ears thereof only. Upon application a i qualified purchaser, the Umber NaT legal subdivision will be offered aa ately before being Included la lata fer of a larger unit. T. 15 8, R II. Sec. 31. NE4 PEK. flr Htllll. cekl M.. NWK SEK, flr 1801 kU 8EH it flr 850 St.. ' ' Si:1. Or ntOILw 20 M., NEK SWK. flr 1!J H. ceiiil M.. Lot 3, flr 1170 M., SE!( SWl 1600 M., iMt 4, flr 1S00 id., none da. fir or cedar to be sold for leu us 12.00 per M. (Signed) CUT lllie MAN, Cummlaalooer, Geacral lis! Office. Buy Better Buch and the Best BreedingEm for Less Money. BUY SHf EP WHEN THET ASt UM. Willi If you are Interested In an! lJ of either grade or registered the following breeds: Hampshire-. Shrortre. Uncoassr ney. Cotawold, Baaiboolsua, cross. Write us quick what yo UL OREGON LIVESTOCK COM. Box 51. North Portlut UNIVERSAL F. O. B. Roseburg Let us show you the Universal J. F. BARKER & CO, ium PWTS li'irLiii'iijiii" tl M:t-tt i-irle1a1 AiitomoDiie 1'lla.kllesu auu vaa. Csa" WU'SELL