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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1920)
Your Opportunity r- CERTAIN fine type of tobacco, previously used for export, piled up In the . United States due to thehigli rate of exchange. From these high grade tobaccos we have manufactured "111" (ONE ELEVEN) CIGARETTES new product a quality product made of tobacco never previously used in cigarettes in 1 Finally- lljr which mraru tat It you Oon't It like "111" Ciwmtn. you on tW' ft your money Uck from tht dealer. If ; ! . 10 TllltKK.H Tlt.M.VS. iccount of the hlRh water In lj,inllo rlviT there is no train nervice Iwiween Marsh d Powers, according to Infor snt out by the Southern Pa dupany to its various agcntH. ralua ore b"ing operated be-,M;irslin.-ld, Coqullle, Myrtle na l'uwers. lAavea For Modfortl J. P. Westgate, who ha" been ninklng his home here at the J. T. Ingram residence, left thin morning for Medford where he will rlsit with relatives lor a tthort time before con tinuin on to California to reside. Mrs. E. O. Possum, of Duluth. Minn., has arrived In Roseburg and .'.ill make an extended visit with her daughter. Mrs. J. C. Signpr. LOS ANGfUS MAN SAYS TANAIAC SIMM FIXED HIM UP IN FINE SHAPE "Since Tanlas bait fixed. me up In iuch good shape I keep It In mj house all the time and never expect to be without it." said George Adams, of 626 Maple avenue, Lot Angeles, Cal., foreman of tbe Los Angelea Paper Box Factory. "For over two years I was in a badly run-down, weakened condition My kidneys were very weak and wor ried me a great deal. I gat up in the morning with an awful pain in my back and so stiff I could hardly straighten up. I hud a poor appe tite and felt so tired and worn out all the time I did not feel like doing a thing. "Well, while In Seattle about a year ago I heard so many people talking about what a grand medicine Tanlac was that I decided to try It and In a short while I was enjoying the best of health and have been In good health ever Bince. When I get up in the mornings now I feel strong and ready for work. No more pains nor stiffness in my back, and that tired, worn-out feeling is air gone. I have a splendid appetite and never have a sign of kidney weakness at all.- 1 do not hesitate to recommend Tanlac. for I know from my own ex perience that It will do the work." Tanlac Is sold In Roseburg by W F. Chapman; In Dlxonvllle by Thos Hatfield and by leading druggists everywhere. Another Opportunity To seethe - Thor Ironing Machine Put through its paces. Miss C. E. Woodress will demonstrate Thursday and Friday, Dec. 16 & 17. The Thor Ironing Machine is not only a mangle but is a real ironer. It irons 95 per cent of your clothes. Take opportunity by the forelock and see it, also see our many beautiful Christmas gifts. ELECTRICAL TOYS Make it an Electrical Christmas. UHLiG'S Electrical Store Montana Has New Boxing Ruling HELENA, Mont., Dec. 14. Mon tana's new boxing bill, adopted by the voters of the state at the Novem ber elections and proclaimed a law, penults boxing matches in any coun ty in which a commission has been appointed. Appointment lies In the hands of the district judge or Judges of the judicial district In which the county lies. There is no state box ing commission. Any boxing club after securing a license from the commissioners, may hold bouts not to exceed fifteen rounds and the law provides that participants in matches must submit to medicul examination before enter ing the ling and use gloves weigh ing over six ounces. Fighters who have been barred In other states can not box in Montana under the new bill. Ilefore a license can be se cured each club must deposit a bond of 15000 with the county treasurer to insure payment to the state of 60 per cent of the net returns, to go to a state fund for building and main taining a state home for disabled soldiers and sailors of the world war. Visited Hero Cyril D. Labadie, of Walla Walla, who has been visiting at the home of his cousin, A. A. Wilder, in this city, loft thjs morning for his home. Advertise in the News-Review. 1 15 More Shopping s Before Xmas. ToCureaCokH in One Day Take G rove's Laxative 3aomo -est Quinine tablets Be sure its Bromo The genuine bears this signature 30c. are dally laying away Xmas gifts. Get yonrs 1,11 Kifu. vi i t g Music and musical Instruments make d Ch..n.T nh ,25 lo 300; Ei'ns 195 to $450; Sonora """ Hamilton in, '-" u pianos, ivers fer ia. v. L"lneton' Howard. Lyon Healy pla 'ln, Smoi. ' aniS Eal" words. Violins, Ma t n T-ing in music. un music or Pond, anos and Mandolins, Pheet Music. Music Rolls, In Nothing more appropriate for glfta Mouth Harps '""leal Instruments. SHOP EARL. TT'S MUSIC STORE s K Pride of workman ship plus exacting care makes our DRY CLEANING uniformly satisfac , tory. IMPERIAL CLEANERS IYMQK L SPtNCiR. PROPRIETOR ff'fMHf JSfly?tW H' Claims Allowed By County Court 69.5 4.00 4.01 4.00 4.00 6.75 10.00 4.01 6.00 S.Oo 6.00 .. 17.33 12.00 (Continued from yesterday.) Edward Edmonds, Labor, District No. 16 Roy Spaulding, labor, Dis- " trlct No. 20 Oscar Mattoon, Labor, Dis trict No. 20 F. A. Raymond, Labor, Dis trict No. 20........ P, Petterson, Labor, Dis trict No 22 O. W. Rlgsby, Labor, Dis trict No. 24 Glenn Rlgsby, Labor, Dis trict No. 24 - - J. F. Garner, Labor, Dis trict No 24 Guy Mtllurd, Labor, District No. 2 4 W. S. Howard, Labor, Dis- ' trlct No 28 John Looinls, Labor, Dis trict No. 28 (1. Matthews, Labor, Dis trict No. 28. 22.00 Ell Morris, Labor, District trlct No. SO - 24.0 Ernest Myers, Labor, Dis trict No. 30 18.66 Brltt Laurinson, Labor, Dis trict No. 30 , 162.00 E O Cloake, Labor, District No 30 C. Stierwalt, Labor, Dis trict No. 38 C. N. Howard. Labor, Dls - trict No. 38 18.60 J. L. Morrison. Labor, Dis trict No 38 29.00 A. E. Cameron, Labor, Dis trict No. 38. 4.00 E. C. Davis, Labor, District No 39 21.60 C. A. Strong, Labor, Dis trict No. 40 20.00 Clayton Wood. Labor, Dis trict NO. 40 16.00 C. C. Thompson, Labor, Dis trict No. 60 31.00 Chas. Benner, Labor, Dis trict No. 60... 2.00 W. Castor, Labor, District trlct No. 61 12.76 Rich. Rlggs, Labor, District No. 61 ; 8.00 W. Castor, Labor, District No. 51 34.00 3. D. Coff, Labor, District No. 51 21.00 Roby Darby, Labor, Dis trict No. 51 6.00 Chas. Davison, Labor, Dis trict No. 51 6.00 T. L. Brewer, Labor, Dis trict No. 63 13.00 Joe Donnell, Labor, District NO. 63 12.00 Tom Burnett, Jr., Labor, Dis trict NO. 66 4.00 Market Itotul Fund 1'uyrolt. W. H. Rose, lubor S 83.26 C. W. Gurlis, labor 20.00 F. B. Lane, labor 80.00 C. V. Oden, lubor Edwin M. Grubbe, labor A. Sawyers, labor Walter Fisher, labor John Swearingen, labor , , , . Geo. Crowell, labor Jim Lancaster, labor N. J. Rose, labor 80.26 J. King, labor 16.00 Leslie Hatfield, labor 96.00 Douglas Walte, labor hdward McDonald, labor . , . Lawrence Smith, lubor .... lvee Barker, labor red Crowell, labor Elijah Harlan, labor Komi llond Fund Payroll. G. W. Rlgsby, labor, Youc- Elkhead t 68.76 Glenn Rlgsby, labor, Yonc- Elkhead 114.00 S. G. Millard, labor, Yonc- Elkhead 67.00 R. L. Stearns, labor, Oakland- llmpqua 222.50 Ray Overman, labor, Oak- 4.00 R. L. Matthews, labor, Oak- land-Umpqua 22.00 Harry Rlgsby, labor, Yonc- Elkhead 112.00 L. P. RlgBby, labor, Yonc- Elkhead 4.00 Fred Millard, labor, Yonc- Elkhead 64.00 Nat Evans, labor, Oaklund-' 8.00 C. W. Lundeen, labor, Oak- land-Umpqua 24.00 General lUuul Fund Payroll. R. Young, labor t 18.00 Ktner Moore, labor 11.00 E. E. Emmitt, labor 20.00 Marion Emmitt, labor 4.00 R. L. Matthews, labor 86.25 A. M. Pardee, labor 8.00 C. O. Parley, labor 8.00 John Roberts, labor 20.25 W. O. Friend, labor 28.00 Joss Neavold, labor 22.00 rred Huntley, labor 26.00 Joe Neavoll, labor 4.00 O. W. Rlgsby, labor 4.60 Guy Millard, labor 4.00 12.00 4.60 2.00 4.00 8.00 2.00 4.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 ' 8.60 8.00 4.00 A. Square Meal I and A Square Deal ! Here's square deal for the people Who can't eat a square meal without kter-paln or 41strfiii. f (Jo to your druggiflts today and vt k box of MI-ONa Tablets, the froat prescription ior lndi(cetion and atoin- Take one. or If your suffering; !s Viti-nne, two tablets with or after heals and at the end of ten days If uu cann eat a square miu without lUtreMS ro and tet yc'jr iuoriey back. That's where the square deal cornea fttut Ml-O-Na ts really a stomaoh op ulMor of great merit. The quick and. ponltlve action of m-O-Na on the stomach In eaae of uu, waterbraHh. sour stomach and 4-artburn la worth a lot of money tot njr fiufferer. Why not try MI-O-Naf flold by tad in f druffflau everywhere U. F. Charann, Itruicirlst, MaaonJc IJUiniJiiK, lofHburc, n. POME 1 1 iMwmsfmMe) m Eolt Catarrh or money back. Just breathe it In. Outfit include inhaler, ftxtia bottles at all dnuraift Sensational Hat Sale Beginning Wednesday, December 15, we will sell 100 seasonable hats at greatly reduced prices. Much de dired off the face hats in Panne velvet, fur brims, maline and fur combinations. All the materials and shapes in demand for winter wear. Beautiful hand made hats with q distinctive touch. A hat for every face and to suit every pocketbook. Hats $5.00 to $20.00 NOW $2.00, $4.00, $6.00, $8.00, $10.00 Childrens Hats $ 1 .00 Sale Starts at 1 0 a. m. THE HAT SHOP W. V. Hurst, labor . M. Sentcr, labor .... F. Stephenson,, labor A. E. Iiurton, labor , C. W. Moore, lubor . . B. R. Short, labor . . . Ed Moser. labor .... C. W. Lundeen, labor M. Dubell, lubor . 206.25 27.00 81.00 119.25 19.00 11.25 8.00 93.00 2.25 C. Mulvahlll, labor 8.00 Geo. Parker, labor 16.00 Eugene Illxon, lubor 15.00 Hoi ry Croucher, labor 19.00 Karl Olllvant, lubor 28.00 Marlon lllxson, labor 13.00 George Olllvant, labor 9.00 Harry Rlgsby, labor 6.00 Frod Millard, labor . 2.00 W. I. Smith, labor 32.60 M. A. Coiad, labor 121.60 A. W. Yocum, labor 81.00 D. J. Burk, labor 63.00 Krnest Pruner, labor ...... 63.00 S. H. Knight, labor 102.60 J. S. Aldrich, labor 13.60 George Hinsdale, labor 102.00 C. A. Stelzler, lubor 4.00 Phone Elliott 2036--803 First Ave. Phone Main 1695-308 Pike Street. PACIFIC MEAT COMPANY Seattle, Wash. I. W. RINGER, Manager. Wants your Turkeys You Farmers who have been leaving your Turkeys with your merchant at Umpqua, Dixonville, Brockway, Sutherhn, Wilbur, Drain andDillard: Suppose all your neighbors' did the same thing and were told that you would receive the same price that Oakland and Roseburg paid. What incentive would there then be for an outside buyer to visit Roseburg or Oakland, which are supposed to be the Turkey centers. BRING YOUR TURKEYS TO ROSEBURG AND OAKLAND Give the outside dealer, who makes the market, a square deal, and an op portunity to buyyour turkeys. Make Roseburg and Oakland your turkey center PACIFIC MEAT COMPANY 803 First Avenue, Seattle, Wash. I. W. RINGER, Manager. Roseburg Headquarters-SIGNOR'S GARAGE. THE JUNIOR CLASS Will present "Professor Pepp" 'A Rousing Farce Comedy by Walter Ben Han, at the HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Friday 8:00 December 17 Admission S. B. K. Members and Children, 40c: Adults, 55c, including War Tax. f