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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1920)
All transmission gears in the BlG'SlX are of chrome-nickel steel, carbonized and case hardened. This is the high est quality steel for this pur pose as experts know. A.h a. about lha gatolint and lira mtlaatm BIG'SIX rir, art a.iting. 60.H.P. d-Uch-bU-hd motor; 126-inch wh.elbsM, insuring ampl- rooai for . dulu. All Stud-bak-r Cora r Miuippod witk Cord Tiro anolh.r Stud-bakvr pr-cadont. 'Thit is a Studebaker Year' ' um afi&W C. O. THOMAS Distributor Distributor for t CITY NEWS m9 Make the appointment today it's none too early. Clark's Studio. Fires (iesuoy lives, property and food. Be careful with fire. Solvs your Rift problsnis wltb photographs. Clark's Sludlo. An now booKIng orficrB Tor day old chicks tor 1921 delivery from high producing Tailored strain White Leghorn and O. A. C. llarred Rock. Kurl Vorsburg, 702 Kullarton St., HoHeburg. Cut light expense, use an Aladdin Lamp, beats elect rlclty. For demon stratlou drop porual card to ii. U. Wilson, Kosi-uurg, Box 1295, who will -how you. CLASSIFIED COLUMN ALL NKW tl.ASMI AVHHTI4ICMi:!NT9 WILL II K F(H ,M) o. LAST TAUIC INDKIl IIKAIHNU -MCW TODAY." VANTi:i. WANTKD ("lean iiikk at Kuril 11 urn if. Will y Mti pntniil. WANTKD- -TtiiHi'Vn, 1uik ir aniHlir Uoyvt ftrna. Phone 14M 14. V ANT Til KKNT-HiiimH"" houae, fur nlahMl or urifurnlnliinl Inquire at JrvlB' hvi'oimJ )i:in1 atora. WANTKI Krcnh i-iivv. MiirI Mrs. W. II Z.'IkI'M. WUI'Ui lit . 1. Phone 27-1-M 1. I.f 8im.i1. l WtfOll, Want Vftlh. Tt TltAI'K - Mv Wlllumrtla HI1 aTia. Hll linprnvil: 14 arte. In i.KHntiriitH; houa. In. in, 2 lite; chick-!. tiituut'M, wdixUiumI. Incu bator he 1 1 He, bioi lir hinixa, ? colt my luiiinr Three inllt-e fruin 1 1 ulil-iir., Ore, K-4 mill- from O. 1, atiMiin. Want arrt'itue near Uoaeliuru;. I'l lct 4tlOU. Alao liuve Ii lot In Salt Luke t'tty to oxi-lminie ftr cltv rwkliUino property, prW fUdfl. U. W. lfm, Weal l. inn. mm. MH KKNT. ptoiT.T "to T-tT iii"""V'Vfeia-a'' iuH b,NY Haffty li-toalt Utjsebuin Nnlloiml Bunjj FtJU ' ItKNTVui"tnhe.r ri.i'tn I'liOIl boxee. i(T prtvllfito of hath. K. MhIii tit 1011 ItKNT -lliiinn fur youiiK mun, fui -nnte hftil. l.Hth. i47 Wo. Ja. kkion l'hmia 41 It. roil' ia::T- -Ktn nlHln-.r ""YounV.' w iTTT hu(h. ifcntU'iiiMn pi rrrd. 2i2 . 1 DUKlHtl. l-'OK ItKXT .st i.u.m huuNe! Ttnuhv I ati w n-tu c -t 'oi ill m oinpHiiy. 1J i r'et. I'lllHH' L'lir. KOlt UK NT NOV. 1 rttiT-Ht rh't I y iimiI rn f urntrtlii-ti rnniii. l-'in itHc h.-nt. one room luiKt (ihmikIi fur four men. 1'hotif .Tfif.-J. FoU HKNTJ-'urnlnheil FotiBKci1nf aj-arttnenta and fHaepiny runia KoawKurg- Apnrjmnnta, Main and MISCKLLAJKOIS. T A t l.i lt I .N't r ilr it as iiiii kin K of Ku kln1a. ls; K. Mln. TO KXCII A S'i i - Kinp lot l iir. ii1c"nT iliiittirt Oftkl.-tritt. CmI.. for Itft KohI trn k or tniiiliiK mr. AtUtraai Hni v I'Rvta. IHIlnnl. Ortii.n PTHAY Ilt.llSK- -fnkn ij fi," aoTriT horn, whltw nl rip In ffti-a, trft fast white, owner not If lod tn tall for nlnwil. t'hon 1 i -KR. J. Jonsa. fiONKV TO IOAN ir-yrr rural rr1lt farm loans, low Infarct rate. 120,000 local nmnay te losn on tfood real eatatn. First mortgage. Pee U. F. RIp. of Itlre A Kir. COMK IN Hhil lnok uver th mtri tio naimrtmrnt of aiilttliKa ami ovr'rat liiKH lt'ltiri'il In I'riic, Kil V, Prlre Bint Hrunrr 1'uic Wool h'nhrh a. !nve aa linn h ui l-Mu'O on your suit or uvt t Oii. Kav a Suit Shop. W)ST AMI IT)CMD. IST Ijily'i liHirk hnn,llf. llh.r. b.'l',rii Killlhowrr mn ltoB,,hurc. Klnilr It-Hvi' Ht Nww-Itt'Vl.w 1TIi. Lt 1ST- On rltM lic.n tUy. tu."!,.,'!! t'levHrind and ltoi'ttuic akK Contnlnltm ualr ladtea' nt-w rut. bar bout a. FlnJvT lav at Nws-Kvlr. Roseburg Douglas County Plain sewing dons. 101 Parrott st. A gift Deyona value; your photo graph. Clark's Studio. Watches and clocks repaired; sat isfaction guaranteed. Wilbur Spaugh, 404 Pine utreet. I.loyd Cleaning Works guarantees your work; 2nd hand clothes bought nnd told. ,125 Sheridan. Phone 44. A social (lance will be given at Winchester Saturday night, Nov. 13. Good music. rHEST COLDS Vs. Apply over throat and cheat with hot nannel clow. VICKS V A RO RUB Oxr 17 Million Jan Used Yearly FOIt HAM.. KOU CALK All klrula of l'hnna xi. F7 iT N AL llurley-)itvlila Iniilrt at Iton-hurK A n dry . w4 hi vela I iiiii ia MHt KAii - 4 ri Mf-h ni with youiiK . rM5: 'u,1l -Mi'M'lJIn. Kt ) R H A . K V r y fl ti c 1 1 i fa p pi e m at iivetiaml Oichai da. i'liaa. A. bran!. KOlt ftAI.K tOO tntahela uf aotiml 1iy .'I'.' f?j VV 'I. . " ' t 1. Uoaahuia;. KOlt HA I.K Liila -paiiiir Io;.r ii. ar, a larily and a baiaa.n. JuUil 1 Mi Millln. HOl.'SK rur "aula, 7 7oVnia. Vfniie" lif I'lne Mt. 1'hoiia 81 -Ki (haa A Umlid. KOK SALKTwhltTftMvgTjrrmial imk, or will axrhaiiBe for pulli-ta. I'lione 2 tin- It. 1 1 Mt SAIJ: -I ioti(M tourltiti roriillllon. I'lioiitj 3 J 5 -1 ar. In uo.mI el- i Mil ins iili'liVal 1 s I- vth($t ! Em ills! i;iJ-le... Kiitfvtni! (!,., ' 1 .-rJ f )V jtrf brry Hps. in Maivtt- YYaitsr ii. Paul, lit. 1, Ititaatriirg, oi, Toll SM.1-: (!, ten niuintiB ,, I, t" I ui ti:i i:im Lull. mill Wt-M t.iilit. . n . Iicip. l,oek Hox hi. Yon- WIN niliA. k'oltl) Tl'I'ltlNd ('Ait rr t.l. ch.. Jmt i..Riiit.J and in good .nuull. karri.. H.... KOK SALi: 4 iHiii K'la" I'urn. lu t cti. Bp (w n In (own rT t,w Aak for Mr. Tolbnaa TiiK -M-a;on. Inivro v ail " .Haw" I1 a r i' t plitnta. JI pr hia if takan tlila fail. Mia M , Cariaon. Mairoaa or. N.Mith of c i lan. I P o, WATKls I'lttMTCTS for aala at t!l l.nto. st. Ttv Himi on,., von 1 nvnr uao anv otlmr klnl. Mouev ra-fun.!.-! if oo,i, t aMt:afa.'t.M-;r KOK ;-l.K At i i;-.i hiitr " draft taunt, liamata amt ootl wag. n alaa Ht Mar of haul woinl Mm; i,," ,M In,,nt,e sn K, ft Htui-ba VOH SaI.K Sf.M.nrt-tian.l ..v, i f.i Urv k 1 Hun t tinruiir l r,.trt rala; tr, n1 Mill N tn ii .1. All in flratiMaaa .'o'nil 1 1 Ion. t aolH i Kaliis. J. O KOlt S M i: " Wrtto ati i. i n f vtiii .Irv r.) ift i, i flu i. ita for pi'lrra' land urtm n air 'l l"'r rant ptn a rinln.ul.Mi. and on t 'te Monar.-h Saa.l and 1 lin- M.-df M-K HAI K - Hi, ai,ap. I h.r 1 tlfully HumtA haat pr-.n, .c,n lfl I atata. io mtntita walk to alvrtla ' erak and high a.-hooi. . mila. frw ' h "oMbnrf, on bliihwaT. t a.-rag . ypar-oltl jtruna., ; m-raa full baarlng 1 apple, family orcltaid; ifc aaraa ! pinntad to cmp; tu a-ra to ba plant ad: nw IliOtf p1ntard bungalow 1 oiithulldliiga: $Ui't worth pfiaonai proparty. Kor tjuhk aala mil aneit. i nca avarytning; rur !. par sira Kor Fartlrulara writ Q C. lUgan, Boi II, MyrtU Crok, Or Homecoming Week Be Grand Event "It will be a hummer. Thin is what Die varsity "O ". the greater O. A. C. and the vigilance committees ay about homecoming week, November ID to tl. The Asaie I', of O. football game is expected to draw a capacity crowd, as the tick ets are going like hotcakes. Letters with attractive orange and black envelopes ate being sent to all the alumni In an effort to get all of the old students back to see the Ore gon game and take part in the fes tivities of their alma mater. Re unions have been planned in various fraternity houses and banquets, and feeds" and other festivities have been arranged. The bonfire built by the freshmen will feature the entrance of the old King Jazz , according to the commit tee. This bonfire Is an event in every "rook's" life. The bonfire last year was 25 reel square and iigntea up the heavens so that It could be seen on the University of Oregon campus The classes will guard the tiro on Thursday night. It being the custom that the seniors take the first shift, the Juniors next, the sophomores the "graveyard shirt from 1! w t anu the roofs tinish the night. The rally on Friday night will be started by the monster lire ajid many stunts and Inlks will be featured. The annual rook-soph rush is sdieduled for 10 o'clock Saturday morning. The rush will be inspired by the seniors as Is always the custom. The big Oregon O. A. C. game will occupy the afternoon. The var sity '.O" men. alumni unit active will banquet at G o'clock Saturday. The board of regents will be in attenu ance and it is hoped that the gover nor will stav over for the festivi ties. Wallace Kadderly. formerly the Aggie track mentor will have charge of the bauouet. The crowning event of the week end will be the varsity "O" dance Saturday evening.' Hot h the men's and women's gymnasiums will be used. Open house will be observed at J o clo: k Saturday afternoon. A 'I T K T 1 N K A I t.M )0 1 iS. I will pay the highest price for your produce. Give me a trial. Yours for business. It. STl liliS. KAIt.M KKMIMlKltS Management of fattening steers to produce good gains requires that one handle the cattle gently, make feed yard conditions comfortable, use a good quality of feed stuff, feed as regularly as possible, use care In the selection of feeder cattle, and feed nothing but good, thrifty in dividuals Animal Husbandry, O. A. ('. Journal. Knsih'.ge should not be fed for at leas', two we"ks after being put in the silo. Hy this lime all fermenta tion iwill have taken place and there will be uniform feed all through the rillo. Two inches should be taken off the entire surface every (lay to keep the silage Iron) spoiling. Dairy, O. A. C. Bulletin. Potatoes should be dried before storing on account of the lcte, wet fall. They should bp stored In a coo! dry place where there is sufficient ventilation to carry away the mois ture caused hy sweating. The best temperature to keep potatoes is from Ii6 to :ts iVegrees. Farm Crops, O. A. C. Mullellu. Feed regularly and liberally and keep the hens busy if you want a sat isfactory result from vour hens. Poultry. O. A. C. bulletin. Spoiled silage should be thrown away where It will not be esten. as It is harmful not only to dairy cows hut to every other kind of stock, Hairy. O. A. ('. bulletin. Central Oregon "sage-brush" land under irrig.ition grows big yields of spring wheat, oats, barley as well as rye. alfalfa, field pes and sunflowers. Fifteen varieties of spring wheat put ill Mav 1 on the llarnev countv ex periment station farm yielded above .Ml bushels per acre. The oilier grains yielded in proportion. Suntlowers grew from 21 to Ei4 tons per acre when cut for silage. Experiment Station hulelln, O. A. C. Jack Roacn of Drain has received the ngency for the tjueeti line off In ctibatori and brooders .Now is the time to make your Inquiry and place your order for future delivery. pROVE at our riyk that ycj enn cnHily aavf one thlrH on hn-h rrtc.-.l f,, .i cut into :w dnvd ct( Vtr fv. i-.-nol :. A have honltAicr uoird by Ittdia MII.KOL'Ni-: Aids Dlflcslloa 5-';s! li'M, molt itutt.'rnn.k. It m Kii:irnnti-t t! not to rontnin any auljitnirlt? aciJ er a:'yihir(r Injurious tn hos'a or poultry. It rV!.-a tmir urtla aytfni, ma'.-tn? ho a Vsa Fi' itvt to dlt-ae, praelicfctiy uuiuriiiK tpttna of Z'r 1U. head per Cay. University TcsScd Tr f ,v: B:cv of IHli-y ilu.hnndiv nt Vi-M.url l'tior--tv' crtiriu.-trtl a pck ti:i; ti-i-t w imh rf,ow,-i ii ' i MUJ-aH.I.NK f.xlhr-ad.-a i-r.i.tuf i nwr chun th.vo r..t f 'J Al .tno, V. h t.rHhr-. Ml.,, iu'.vn. flo.. ar.;d f..i r;o,-ih J M.lkoJine nn.,Io tin rvii- profit of -i in tV dl,V-u ',t J W"H"nr.'- ' . fJ. V.. aay Milkolinew rr'a. lur sim.t n,j - Milkolinc 2c a Gal. fl; kt.?Tr form, and whrn Uii tiirM-'.f! ItaMon. UiaB-j:ir:'it.l not to m - il "rt tl a-.r or t.wuM. Ki-. nii-.ti fi-uuly m u-y clit -ia r noa i; ncT com - nsr it. Tr follows: a Bni. ; i( 16.6; S! sal. $,CiV; U-.-kL Ji i are nn "'1 la gju. 30 Day Trial jrv-itr ha "mi ii w mr xt m aawr you rv,r fjw it r fly rn'nd cwk ur m.'n. v todav. fn-d one-h..!!' (,, l Iti-i; . y n at. or rr . ' '' Tftt.ruT, Sim n'l r f.r m,v imnt, Itrv ai h.n m i ae.Uv teat: th.-n If n-t prt atotirvxeenftwnd wi'U iinii... ro fm.tlewry cont ym i-a.l ,,a. u,e.. Jutk-fV B'id hHvapvrn: v.xg tc gin -.;'4 n-n'. In to Km- by tntikinn tlua tt-t O, r iti' - .t M ind valiiiiiii,' tUot. -How To li,'isl Hvy Hotfa to M-wWUl w ,-,nt frea on rauit-yur nwi' on a w ui I'lStntHife, b' OOI.ItK.V HO MIM.IM,' XMPANY PortUod, Oregon FRANCE'S SURPLUS OF GIRLS nuanMimiiM PrcDondersnoe of Babies Born to Wives of War Vet erens Are of Ferrule Sex. French nhvsi Inns see In the nerv- ou reaction following the trial" ami perils of war the eipUitiatlon of the epidemic of girl bablca which hai swept France In the last year. They base their conclusion on the remarkable fact th-it, while over 8n per cent of the children nrently born to men who served under tire are girls. (10 per cent of the babies of war prof iteers, slackers and men physically unfit for conibutiint service hove been boys. Sociologists looking Into the future predict thut If the p""'nt dlspropor tlonnl feminine birthrate continues over half of the girls born in France In liilft and hhk will he doomed to splnsrerhood. The proportion of young nnd nilddle-nged married men In France who snw no service on the front Is so until 1 1 Unit the hoy bnhles horn In their families nre outnum bered more tliiin two to one hy the In fant daughters of ihe war veterans. While nt a loss to explain the work ings of the mysterious Influence pre determining the sex of the children born to ex-sohllers. French physicians agree that the relaxation of men's nerves, suddenly relieved from the high' tension of constant perils and hardships. Is ut the bottom of the puz zllng iuest!ori. So long as the war continued and men remained keyed to n high nervous pitch their children were more ofren hoys than girls. Sixty-live piT cent of soldiers' babies born during the wnr were boys. Now that the hectic days of shot and shell are over the pendu lum of gravity has suung to the other extreme, nnd the pages of France's birth registers are tilled largely with names of new-born girl babies. Amuroc News, HELP TO FILL FAMILY PURSE In City of Johnstown, N. Y., Three quarters of the Wives Are In Gainful Occupations. In a siirvoy of fninlly Incomes In nearly one humlro.l citk'S of tlio Unit ed Stntes. the (U'piirtnient of Inbor found thnt In Johnstown, N. Y., three qunrters of the wives enrn money. The Lnhor Review explains thnt this renmrkiihle condition prevails In Johns town beenuse glovemaklng Is the prin cipal Industry there and furnishes work which women enn do at home. This appeals to them, because they are able to eurn pood wages without leaving their household. In almost one-sixth of the New York city homes visited women contributed earnings toward the support of the home. In Itoston. one wife out of ten works; In HulTnlo, one In twenty eight; In Cleveland and Cincinnati one tn seven, and In Pittsburgh only one In fifty. It is fntenesting to note tb Investigators found that a surprlslugly Inrge percentage of townhvetlers de rive some Income from gardens and poultry. Ninety-three per cent of those visited In Cleveland had a garden or chickens. Fresh Eggs. The pert proprietor of a grocery !n Knst Twenty tlfili street, Is nothing If nut good nt repurtee. The other day, rather early In the forenoon, one of the good wives In the nelghhnrhond stepped Into the siore and Inquired : "Any real fresh eggs?" (Great em phasis on the "real fresh.') "Oh, yes. nia'am," he replied. "Some Just laid this morning." A day or two later, somewhat earl ier In the forenoon than before, the good wife again dropped Into the store and Inquired : "Anymore of those real fresh eggs?" Whereupon the grocer cried to his clerk : "Kun to the hack room, boy, and see if this morning's eggs are cool enough yet to sell." Indianapolis Nws. Famous London Trtt Gone. A famous old mulberry tree In north London. KnulanrV under which 144 jeurs mso It is said the American Dec Inratlon of Independence wa first read In that country, hns fallen under the weitrht of lis ape. American hoy scouts aiienillni; the Inlernatlimal scout conference In London visited the tree only a few days before It crashed and lis history was told to 300 of them, who bad their iihotovrnph tiiken heueath its branches. The tree Mood on one of the lawns of the Mild may conference hall. Many religious lenders have nddrcsseil meetings un der Its ample shade. Hundreds of re quest for chips from ttia hi i orient tree are helng re ei ed. No Great Harm Done. Jiumita, kimwlnc that her playmate Jack wanted a kitten, picked one up one day when It started to follow her and, taklns It over to Jack, sold It to hhn for the pennies. "Juanita,"' said her mother, on find ing out what she had done, "dont you know you have no rlpht to sell or even tflve away a kitty thnt Isn't your own ?" 'Well," snld the young business woman, "I kucss It can go home when It Rets ready, can't It?" Immersion Heater, An eceeiliiiKly prnetUnl contriv ance for n mother Is an electrical Im mersion heater, cylinder shaped. This will heat water or milk for the baby or Invalid In a moment at any time, day or nk-ht. Tills cylinder ti Pimply plunired Into the liquid and the phut attached. It taken only a momem (v make the liquid bolting hot. Mayor forced to . Leave the Stand pitthitro Pa. Kor. 12. Pro- matiMo auuinut thn nrf-sonce of Mayor E. V. liabcock in the reviewing stand because toe city recently isuueu normit for what thev termed "Hro- irrmni in? dnv" Bt'nrea of over seas veterans in the Armistice day parade rerubea to marcn pasi uie r- i.lfiuiinif ulnnil A f f Ml tt'VhlB' tn fliak a speech which waa drowned by yells 'iiwt cr ai na iimvur leri ids biuuu and (he parade pioce ded. NO TICK OF BALK Or GOVEHNMKNT TIM It Kit. (irieral Land orttco. WualiliiKtun, D. C. October 13, N'oticw ia Mreby given tliat aubjet-t tb th condlt ions nnd Itinitiitiuna of the Art of June . 116 S. -Stat.. 1M8, and :lie Inatructlona of the Secretary of the Interior of i-pu-mber 15, 1 117. the Jinber on the followlnK laiulH will be -.old Nov. 2!, lt2U, at 10 o'i'I'M-k A. M., it public am tlon at the United State nnd ottliee ut Uoseburg, oreKon, to he hirxheat bidder ut not leaa than the ippruUed value ad shown by thla notictf, anl to be aubject to the np irovaj of the Secretary of the Interior. Die purchase price, with an additional turn uf one-fifth of one per cent there f, belnj; comnilMHions allowed, must be lpualtil nt time of aale, money to be -eturned If aal la not approved, other rvUe patent will Issue for the timber vh leh must be removed within ten veftra. " Hid will be received from clt tena of the I'nlted States, uMsotlutlonl f aut'h eltizena and corporations or anized under the law a of the United States or anv atate. territory or dia- rlet thereof only. Upon application of i qualified the timber on iny legal aul.dlviulon will be offered, separately before being Ineluded In any jffer of a turner unit. T. 2J S., H. 1 W., See. 31. NKi NV r 640 M cedar 15 M.. MV14 NWW tlr 870 M. None of :he tlr or cedar to be aold for lesa than M M Dt r M. T. 21 S.. It. 3 W.. Sec. 31. VW4 8E4, fir 4115 M NE'4 BW. fir (L'O M., NWy4 BW'H flr 50ft M.. W4 V. fir ttuo M. None of the fir to be mid for lesa than tl.50 per M. ; IrK'i JWW. fir 85 M.. HW14 SEi. flr 600 M. None of the flr to be gold for leas than (1.76 per AI. CLAV TALI. MAN, Com- ntaaioner. uenerai iand unite. NOTICE OK SALE OF (lOVKHNMRNT '1MIIEH (ienerul - Lund Office. WusbiiiBton. 1. C, October 26, l!o. otKe if hereby iciven thut aubjtct to che condltiuna un.l limltntlona of tbe Acta of June 1U16 Stat., .'IM, und June 4. lau (41 Stat., 758), und tbe In- itruetiona of the heeretary of the In cerlor of September lf, 1HI7, and June '.1, lSl'O. the timber on tne roiiowuig ands will be sold Dec. 13. 1920. ut 10 oYloek A. 41 . ut public auction at the Lnitetl .states lurid onrtce at itoaeourK. Jretcon. to the tilirtietit bidder ut not letig than the Hpprulved value ua aliuwn jy tnis notlee. sale to ue suoject to tne inproval of the Secretary of the In terior. The purchase price, with an lutiitionai sutn of one-nrtn or one per cent tnereor, tieinfc eommissionn hi owed, muHt be deposited at time of ;ale. nionev to be returned If sale Is not iporoved, otherwtHeoatent will Issue .'or the timber which be removed ,vithin ten years . Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, aa- -ociatloos oi Hiicn eltlzenw und cor porations oiKUiiized under the laws of lie I n ted btates or unv ntute. terri tory or district thereof only. Upon up- lleatHin of u ouallneu rmrcliaser. the Limber on any legal subdivision will be mereu tepurutely before being Inclucl- il n anv otTer or u lareer unit. r. H. 6 W.. Sep. 1, Lot 1, tlr 3: M., pine m.. Lot 2, tlr ;tuO ai.. pine so m.. sk1, NE'i, lir 551) M pine 60 M., S Mi 'a, fir 300 At., pine 70 At., cedar 25 M., Lot 3, tlr 4U0 M., pine 20 AI., Lot 4. ir 775 M.. SEV4 NW'i, flr 223 At., pine 0 AI.. cedar Si) AI., SV '4 NVV'i, flr 600 M.. pine 15 AI.. cedar "-'0 AI., NE'4 8K. nr n-t) m., pine ie-i m i w 4 r p. , Ir 300 AI.. pine 35 AI., cedar 20 AI., SE'i SE'4, flr KtiO AI., pine 100 M., V SEy4, flr 8u0 AI.. pine 100 AI., eUur .!.. NE i !-V 'A. nr 3i0 M.. pine 45 AI., cedar 60 At., NW4 SV4. flr 850 Al pine 60 M,. cedar 80 Al si-; '4, nr auu ai.. pine i y m., edar M WW SW, nr coo AI., pine .0 AI., cedar 30 M.. Sec. 15, NKV; NK14, Ir 072 AI., pine 48 AI.. SEV- NEU. rtr 52 AI.. pine yti AI.: none of the llr or eoar to tie aoio tor lens man ii.uo per VI.. und none of tbe pine to he aold for ess- than $2.5o ner AI. : Sec. 11. NEW NE'i. Mr 5uo At., pine 20 AI., cedur 15 vi.. NW'4 KE. nr oo m., pine 10 AI., etiar lu si.. stJ'- MCi. nr 4i0 ai.. Pine to AL, cedar 15 AI.. SWW NK'i. flr 5od M Pine :i0 AI.. cedar 10 AI.. NE'i NW-4. flr 300 AI., NV4 NWU. flr 600 SE'i NWVi. fir 4tti ai,. pine 25 At.. SW4 NW'4. flr 300 At., NE4 SE- -i. flr 4(H) AL. pine r0 AI.. cctlar 15 AL NV4 SE'-4, tlr 350 M.. pine 60 AI., cedar !0 AL, SK'4 SE"i, flr 325 M., pine 50 AI.. eour iu ai.. 'i '4 , nr ;iuu m.. nim 0 AL. cedar 10 AI.. NE'4 SW1. tlr 300 i., pine ii., M-;4 ww'a, nr 27s ai.. tne ar AL. SWU SW'i. flr HOo AL. pine H) Al., cedar 10 AL, See. 2:1, NWli Si'J'A flr 5fi0 AL. WEU SW'.i. flr 420 AL. Se. M-.Si isfj-. nr oiu ai.. jvfcj'i sr A. Mr 42U AL. pine 40 AL. NW'i titi, flr tio ai.. rSK'i M'i'i. nr ;t5 al. nine 50 ai., w4 nr 4Nt- ai pine 40 Al.. lone of the flr to be no Id for leas than $1.25 per AL. none of the pine to be sold for lesa than $2.50 per AL. and none of the cedar to be eold for lesa than $1.00 per AL T. 37 S.. K. 7 W.. Sec. y. S , flr 42ii AL. pine 50 AL. T. 3!) S.. K. W., Sec. 3. NV '4 NK'4, flr 1H0 AL, pine 2X0 AL. oak 15 AL. N V W NWU. flr 95 AL, pine 270 AL. RE'i N V 4 , nr ,o ai.. pine 22& ai sw'i. nr M.. pine 3K0 AL: none of tbe flr to be fold for les than $1.00 per AL. none of the pine to be Bold for leas than $3.00 per ai. . uno none or tne ouk to ne nolo for leaa than 60 cents per AL T. 35 S., tt .1 E., Sec. l, SE4 SWU, pine 10 AI.. red flr 430 AL. white flr 20 M. ; none of the pine to be sold for leas than $2.26 per At., none of th red flr to be sold for leas than $1.60 per At., and none of tne wnue nr to ne soin Tor less than $1.00 per AI. CLAY TALLMAN, Coin mlasloncr. General Land Offlca. Sieve's no Qift like aPor trait nothing ao distinclivo.solast- -ing and so aure to bo appre ciated. We know acorm of mm in this city ho would be overjoyrd at ChriMmas if thry deceived sonicoin a phntograph. HEM US STUDIO RQSSBUHO. QRICON JrJ Wi.Ulli? r i I m IWI aak Ut CrKku I.ODf.E DIUKCTOKY. I. O. O. F., I'uIiib EacampiueDt IN'm. 9. Maria In Oiltl Fellow' Templd every Thuredny evening. Vliltlns brethren always welcome. JOHN REESE. C. r. FOSTER BUTNER, H P. OLIVER JOHNSON, R. 8. JAMES EWAIIT. F. a BAf.I.ES Rogeburs Aerte meet. In their hall on Jui-kson St. on 2nd and 4th Mundny evenings of each mouth at 8 o'clock. Visiting; brethren In Kood standing always welcome. FRED P. Ct.ARK, W. t. P. VICTOR MICK1.U, W. P. B. P. OOODMAN. Secretary. KKIUHTS OF PVTIIIAS Alpha Uodxe iiieeis every rveanesaay even lug, cor. Jucksnn and Cuss tits. Visit ors always welcome. ROY o. YOCNO. C. C. CHAS K. HOPKINS. M. F. E. K. WIMBKRLY. K. R. 8. LOYAL OIlllKll OF MOOS Roaeburff fourth Wednesday evenlnga of eah month nt 8 o'clock In the Mooae hall. All visiting brother! are invited to attend. C. W. CLOAKE, Dictator H. O. PAHOETKH. Secretary. O. I. O. KI.KS. ItOMflmrir I,oAe No. 30 rioioa regular communications at the Elks' Temple on each Thursday of evry month. All members re quested to attend reKularly, and all vlaltlnjf brothers are cordially in vited to attend. A. J. MLBURN. B. R. IRA B. HILLLE. 8ecy. VXHMF. F THE WOULD Camp ine(H in yiua renowa nan in Koschurg eveiy lnt and 3rd Monday evenings. Visiting neighbors al ways welcome. O. H. PICKENS, C. C. M. M. MII.l.ER. Clerk. VHKillllOltS of- nooni'inFT Lilac v-ircie no. ,s, meets on 2nd and Itn Monday eveningB. Visiting neighbors Invited to attend. EDITH CHURCHII U O. N. TILUE I. JOHNKON, Clerk. O. if.. H., ltoaeburtf rhnpier S jioiaa tneir regular niratlng on the lt and 3rd Thuradnys In each month, are reapectfnlly Invited to attend. LEONA ARItArTAM, W. IV.. FRkB JftH'IHON. fieoy. A. F. A A. tf.. Unrrl l.o.lue No. IX RezuUir comrnunlcatiuns iind and 4th Wednesdays each month at Masonlfi Temple, Roeeburf, Ore. Visitors wel come. W. P. HARRIS. IVcy. A. A. WILDER, W. M. . . A. O. T. HI. Koaekiirs; llrvlevr y. It hold, regular reviews an eee nd an4 fourth Thuraday afternoons In II aeeo bee hall. Aletera of ethor reviews viaitine; tn eur aity are eer dially invited to attend our reviews. Jdaeeabee hall an Caaa ntreat. LOUISE IOCKE, Com. JEKHIR RAPP. Col The fl. R. B. I. A. Volo Moetlns; will be bald at tbe Mnceabae hall arary ret and third Wednesdays ef the month. RKI1KKAI19 Rosabura Rabekah Lo1fa No. 41 L O. O. V Meet lfl Ofld Fel lewa Tampla avry week on Tuesday evening. Tlsltlnffj members In fteod standing- are Invited to attend. KVA LEX. N. Q. HKLT.E STEPHENSON. See. ETHEL BAILEY, Fin. Secy. I. U. O. Ph .Tatar Inn Loriico Kn. , meets at Sykea hall, N. Jacksen St., an Saturday evening of a. week. Ylaltl'ng brethren are always wel lomi. LTMON L. SPENCER, N. . A. J. GKDDBS. Rett. Sec. J. B BAII.air. F. Sec KltKlll'H LOIrGB NO. 1003, lotted llrothorhood of Niilntennneo of Way Kraployra nnd Hallway 9htp Labor er Affiliated with the A. F. of U Meets at Moese hall the flrat Wad. fenrth Sat. nights and third Sundays of each month. J. F. SMITH .FreUJent. W. J. MEKEDITH. Ilec, Beey. GEO. MAC IV Kit, Fin. 8eey. Logan Tips, Spring Delivery These are. not sprout nlants Joint lants or sprang! tip planu. The first-class tips. Also hart straw ofrry plants and ail kinds fnitt trees. Better book your order now. R. L. ELLIS Three miles west cf Roseburg. eeee All sorts of vale successfully concluded, for arrangements see i M. C. RADABAIGH SI N. Pin 8t ObtainaSU . -heu Ptck,t and ujvc mem lnnctively they crave this wheat food with , , And indeed nothing could be better tor Vh ?' dainty Snow Flakes. Your grocer ha, the m " lhM """' a ami Fl.kM l'I!)l-'KSSiONAt, MO. 403 W. Ca.i'" """wTpJS 1 "'Kun ill tii wiixoTrpi-jj -5-. si1 mt Sutherlin Sanitarn MEDICAL SURGICAL1 Write It. I. HALL, L Sipt. Sutherlin, Oregon Buy Better Bucks and the Best Breeding Ewes for Less Money. BUY SHEEP WHEN THEY ARE LOW. HIM IS I HI I If you are Interested In any imiobr? of either Kmde or regl,ltred hec,i( the fullowlng breeds: Hampshire, Shropshire. Llncls, Ri. ney, Cotswold, Ramboulett, or lit CrtJHB. Write us quick what you want OREGON LIVESTOCK COM. 00. Box 51. North Portland. Orejoi Heinline-Moore CONSERVATORY Ludlea eapcclatly Invltad ta otwrrff our Monilnr and Thuraaar fTtW pli.vafi'iil training rlaaara. 8f tit vtand and elub drllla. Klndargiirtrn unulla faralM It nny time. Four trained traearnli vbnrKe uf baby elaaa. NEW OREGON Again under the man agement of Mrs. Foutch House thoroughb; n Tiitml; much new tirnin" addixl. Good rooms. J oi week. Ill Sheridan Street 1 ur. i. r, Bradford and Wife. Graduates and pott ates of the Oldest Chirtw ed College of Chiropf" n the world , hare re-penl offlw ; Perkins Biag. i We ute ss .run trlcltr. n0"""5. H Chiropractic. J MI m Bucce.ul for JS,rf Tears In handling " disease known ,1; family. Office hoori Md t to I P- PHONES ttn , n I A Ai ...' ill I nrBluruvv