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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1920)
HOtKmTBfl HWI ItBVTaW WKDNRSOAY. SOVRMBPR lf. Iftt )P03 THTlRaJ Mais lias opoiken! MP" YOUNO HIRAM Jinks. HAD TRIED for weeka, TO TALK to Mart, ,y WIRELE68. HE'D POUNDED his key. CALLING "MAPS. Hello, Mara." UNTIL HIS tith' biceps. WAS THE villain pride. HE HARDLY iired to sleep. LEST HE miss the call, i AND 8AYI One evening. HE COT an answering buzi. . YEP, THIS Ik Mars." . AND HIRAM shook all over. AND STUTTERED back In Morse. HAVE YOU any word. . FOR US on Earth?" QUICK CAME the answer. YOU CAN tell the world. THEY SATISFY!" Then silence I HIRAM RAN to the cornes store. AND SHOUTED In triumph. "A MESSAGE from Mars! YOU CAN tell the world. THEY SATI8FY." BUT THE village elders. MERELY 8N0RTED "Shucks. 1 KNOWN THAT for years." WHILE OUT In the army camp. THE RADIO man. WHO'D BEEN kidding Hiram. THREW AWAY his butt. 0 AND LAUGHED hinuelf to sleep. 7 B-TTZZZ. Listen to this one! Chesterfields "satisfy," and yet they're mild. With body enough to "satisfy" even a cigar smoker. Chesterfields are mild enough to suit even the most finicky cigarette smoker. That's some combination! and this unique blend can't be copied. . - , . iy CIGARS TTES HER DAUGHTER AND HIS SON. BY IDAH McCLONE CIBSON Opening a Uank Account. "VLB K ALBANY M' li lt feLlUKS" . . p Still has trees on Myspbolon )lum roots. I may still take your trdtr in 100 lota for Italian grimes tn above named roots (longest lived runt root in existence. F. E. Jor dan, Special Anent, 860 Seventh St., h . Grants Pass. Oregon. YOU 1IAI BETTEIt HUBBY. If you nave not already done so you better hurj up and place you: order for New Ifear and Christmas announcements with Bates, the urlnter. at the News-Kpvlew office. nV swell line 06 engravvd personal cards to make a selection from, Du Kve must have your order early in order to make deliveries. I Ad early appointment means time ( breareful work. Clark's Studio. Aimnriwt. rnann rnnee. Pnnnrt I W9I.. "THE SHASTA" The Standard Sleeping Car Train. (No Excess Fare) will be inaugurated between PORTLAND AND SAN FRANCISCO Effective Sunday, November 14th Leave Portland 4:00 P. M San Francisco 10:00 F. M. second evening. COMPLETE THROUGH SHASTA ROUTE SERVICE Southliound Lv. Hoseburg. Ar. Sacramento Ar. San Kraneisco. No. 53 No. 15 .. M:30a. m. 4:30 p.m. 8:45 A. M. 2:!5 P. M. .. 9:50 A.M. fi:50p. M. No. 11 No. 1.1 11:05 P. M. 3:10 A M. 3:25 A. M. 10:00 P.M. 7:30 A. M. No. 1 8:20 P. M. 12:30 A. M. 1:15 P. M. No. 54 10:20 P. M. 10:40 p. M. Northbound No. 14 No. 12 Lv. San Francisco 10:20 a. m. 4 00 P M bacrarnento 2:25 P. M 6 30 P. M. Ar. Koaermris l.inn w '-in Through Standard Sleeping Car Portland to Los Angeles are- Portland, Tr. 15, 8:40 A. M. Arrives Los Angeles 8:15 A. M. Second Morning. CALIFORNIA Warm Sunshine and Flowers Make the days delightful in winter-time, Eojoj tl. Fragrance of Polnsettas, Violets, Poppies and Oeraniliuis, or the Joys of Outdoor Sports and Pastimes. Travel With Pleasure Via The Shasta Route Reduced Round Trip Tickets Are Now on Sale to SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FREE on I'.equeat, ''California for the Touris'," a new illustrated bvkiet graphically describing the different Resorts. For further particulars inquire of Local Agents SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES JOHN M . SCOTT Gkneral Passenoek Agent Jerry, you have a unique way of paying compliments." I nattl as Jerry assured me tbat 1 would have a hard time' keeping the boys away from me. "Well, haven't you found It bo?" And then aa to change the KUlject. he said: "Hefore you go I'll write you out a check and we can stop at the bank on our way to luncheon und you cau open your acount," 1 looked at the check which he held out to me in dismay. Woman like, I had expected that the money he would put In my hands would be the same old bills that I had lost. I could not make thU check seem mine at all, especially a It was for a few more dollars than the original thousand. I thrust It back. "Jerry, Jhls mon ey ia not mine at all. 1 only lost a thousand dollars and if you picked It up this much money doesut be long to me, any part of it. "Why, you foolish child, don't you understand that the rest of the mon ey la the Interest your money has earned as it lay In the bank?" . "But 1 don't want that Jerry," 1 said somewhat mollified. "Why. of course you do. That' "business." he answered. "You didn't have your money to use and you shild have the Interest it earned. iHm't be silly." And Jerry took out his handkerchief and mopped his brow aa If he too were worry in? about something- Then aa If he hail' determined to make a clean breast of it he said: "Of course, I might have brought you the cash, but you see, Ann, 1 wauifd to give you a check so that when it Is returned to me with the statement of my account at the end of the month, I can always keep It in remembrance of how luck favored me in allowing me to give you th money you had lost. 1 mean," he ad ded hastily, aa he saw my questioned look, "that luck permitted me to And and return to you the money you had lost. We went directly to the bank. and Jerry helpeii me to open my ac count. Introduced me to the cashier, and asked if his father were in. W .found that Mr. Hathaway, senior, hud just gone out to luncheon. Aa we stood near the window as t'.te teller was giving me a ver dainty little check book, in which he had entered the amount that 1 tad 1"t placed in the hank, I felt a little,, chill, and looked up to find (Jrafe Cameron's eyes upon me. 'Hello- Asm, ' she said as non chalantly .us chough we had parted only yesterday .the best of frienda. ilefore I tnougnt 1 answered: I am just opening tJi account. For the flfcker of an eyelid it seemed to me that ;race lumeron had a look of triumph .on her face. did not understand ihe reason. then, but alas, 1 was (o know later. Well, she said. I hone you will not jind aa I do that your account overdrawn just when yoti need money most.' Then turning to Jerry, she tiid with a smile that waa a mixture tf honey and gall: "I am afraid that I have not opened my account in the right way. I should have brought you along with me Jerry." I am a little piqued, Jerry," sne added smiling, "because you never offered to help me open an account." "Vou are well known In the city. Grace, and Ann needed someone to identify her." "Oh, a friend in need," she mnr- tmxtred. '1 nope so. " saiu jerry grave. y. "119 me or to Ann," Grace pur- "To -you both, was his unsmiling answer. "Cat ! Spiteful little tiger cat!" said J err a w left the bank. "It ia astonlslring that a girl aa beauti ful as Pbe i aaould be pointedly rude in her treatiutwt of an old friend like you.' "You don't Jtnow her mother,' I anwered wearily. "Grace Cameron Is the true daughter vl her mother and the product of her mothers teach ings.' Tmwwivw Luncheon with Jerry Jdtthuuay. I i i twins hom yon sioo ! PARIS. France. Sox. Irt The ; French police are investigating the (action of n norr vorkiiiK Has couple I who are said to have gold their new ly born twin boys to an unknown I woman for fUtO. It is said the wo man wanted the children so as to ret ! a bigcer maintenance from her hus band who is suing her for divorce. VASSAK UUUA w i riti:ssi.H JUST UNLOADED A Carload of American Steel Wire fence pniT.HKEPSIK. N. Y. Nov. 10 Pn.-ihle to aet help enough to wail ,in the talili a. the student at Yassur t an niaida anil niemners 01 im "c'asF.ii have offered to wall on thi li'ilea for one or mori- niealH a day n. iiirl will nrahahly have l con .i.,.,.. their volunteer work all win ter at mere is ai in siKht. Mr ,0, onie money on fence) white tufa loajlasM. J- F. BARKER & Cement, hAgenU for Oliver Plows and Iaip(bncnU. m i ,1.: m m mix. s mm AlTBMtlWLKS afe Milk For Infants St InraJid NO COOKING Th "Food - Drink" for All Age. Quick Lwoch at Home, Office, and Fountain. A far HOKIJCKS. BEING FAT IS REAL TRAGEDY To Modsrn Woman It la a Worry That Frtqusntly Loads to Ruintd Hotlth and Insanity. A fat man Is nruallj t Jolly sort of n Individual who aerepta the world as the name sort of a Joke as the world considers him. Girth, says the New York Sun. may worry a man oc casionally because It Is an annoyance, but with the modem woman It verges upon tragedy. As physician If they would talk freely can tell you. It Is a worry to them that frequently leads to ruined health, insanity or the grave. It Is possible for a mnn to crow fat Gracefully. At least he can sub due his habits, stop running for trains, give up bis golf and spend most of his time In ponderous posea. Ills tailor can easily arrange his clothing Into well-known and accept ed lines. The case of the woman Is different. Fashion hinds her as wlih a chain. There are no stylish frocks for stout women. The fashion of today calls for allm fljrures and trim ankles. Waists and hips are taboo. There are no sleeves capable of concealing over fleshed arms. Mnn con adapt his clothes to his figure, but woman must adapt he- figure to the clothes, or else shamelessly admit that she cannot wear what Is fashionable. It was not always so. In another generation the stout woman had a well defined place the "dowager type." It was sometimes called. The woman who made the best biscuits und cooked the most aa.ory chicken wa always a rotund sort of person who never minded It when people came unexpectedly around dinner time. She was Ihe one children flocked lo for sympathy and the one who seemed to make the world brighter wherever she went. FORKS FIRST USED IN 1574 Occasion Was Dinner Given by Henry III of France Account Given by Royal Guest. It Is hard to believe the sensation produced when forks first came Into use. It was In ir74. at a dinner Riven by Henry HI of France. Here Is nn account by a royal lady guest, the Ladles' Home Journal recnlls: "The quests never touched the meat with their fingers, but with forks, which they carried to their mouths, bending iheir necks and bodies over their plates. "There were several salads. These they ate with forks, for It la not con sidered proper to touch the food with the fingers. However (Mtlloiilt it may be to manage it, it Is thought better to put the Utile Instrument In the mouth than the fingers. "Then artichokes, asparagus, peas and benns were brought. It wos a pleasure lo watch tliein try to eat these with their forks, for some, who were less adroit than the others, dropped as many on their plates and on the way to the mouth as they were able to get to their mouths. "Afterward a great sliver basin and a pitcher of water were brought and the guests washed their hnnds, though !t seems as if there vould not be much scent of ment and grease on them, for they had touched their food only with those forked Instruments." Too Much Candor. My traveling companion hud been earning nn old black bag which bare ly held together. I had told her that she would have to carry a different piece of baggage if she were going to travel with me, but It made no Impres sion. One early morning we snt down In a small waiting room In a branch line station In central Oregon. Neat lo me wns an old black hag with which I began to fumble. Finally I put my finger through a rip In the side and began to pull out some wearing ap parel and at the same time turned to my friend and said: "Pntillne. you certainly ought to be ashamed of yourself to carry such a ramshackle contraption as this bag Is." "I beg your pardon," said a wom an seated on the other side of me, "but that Is my bog." Braill'. Big Snake Nursery. There are snld to be more snakes in Hrnill than In any other country of the western hemls'.hcre, an ex'-hange remarks. At liatuntiin. near Sno pnnlo. there is a great snuke garden where scientists are studying the mys teries of snrkc biology. The original ser.son for the establishment of the garden, which Is a huge nursery for snakes, was to obtain serum enough for those bllten by snakes throughout llnizll. The garden Is CIO acres In ex tent and dlvld.-d Into three depart ments, two of which are devoted to cobras, crotaltds and bothrops. Ihe most poisonous snakes known; white the third department Is given lo the oonKils4inous snakes. She Kneve Her Proper Plates. Mistress Mercy. Hilda! Vou must n't clean the plutes with your hand kerchief I Hilda Mi. Hint's all right, ma'am; It's only a dirty one. Karlgatunn (Chrlstlnnlu). Funeral Arrangementa. Teacher What Is the presidential rucessloo law, John? Jobn the presidential succession law provides Hint If both presideut and vice president die the cabinet inemliers will follow la euccesalou. Boy1 Life. -a mmmm US' DOlfl J 1 Ms Job w 1 1 AT kind of a job is your boy going to have? V .... 1 it ougnt to uc a lug one. But it is largely up to you rigbt now, whether there wi'l be a big job in Oregon for your boy when he grows up. You and your neighbors, in the everyday act of buy ing the things you eat and wear, are influencing the future job of your boy. See that an Oregon Urand the mark of quality ts on every article you buy, and you will help build the industries in which your son some day will be a factor. BUY ORKGON PRODUCTS A ssociated Industries of Oregon n You Can Iluy Cheaper Tailored lo Measure Clothes Than Oura Ilut You Cannot Buy Better. Our Tricea Are Bused On Quality In Doth Material and Workmanship. Addsd To This Is A Reasonable Profit. All We Ask You To Pay For The Beat Tailoring la A Fair Price. Tou Cannot Afford To Pay Less And You Should Not Pay More. Try Our Way Our Auto Will Call. Phone 877. NOTM b: FOK lims TO IMIMtOYK SOITI1 STttl'llUKM ttTKt.sKT. ScuU'd proposals will be received by the undorslnned at htn of He in the city hall In the city of Hutteburg, Oregon, up to 6 o'clock p. m. Novem ber 15, 1020, for the Improvement of South Stephens street, extended, in the manner provided by the pluns and specifications of the Oily Engi neer now on file tn the office of the City Recorder. A bond of 100 per cent of the con tract. fnt Inflict ory to the city, will he required from the contractor. The time stated in the propoHal for com- ! pleting the work will be considered by the council in awarding the con- i tract. j The council reserves the right to ' reject any und all bids. Ily order uf the Common Council. ! It. L. WHIPPLE, City Hecbrder. If you want to sue the much adver tised Ko-San Sanitary closet, send poBtal to II. O. Wilson, liox 1295, ItoKvhtirfc. WE SELL Edison MAZDA LAMPS Douglas County Light5, and .Water Co. Sheet MetalWork OF ALL KINDS J. H. SINNIGER 110 OAK STREET PHONG 42fl Chevolet Cars $25.00 and $38.00 Bulck Cars... $30. 00 and $45.00 For Other Cars Pi lees on Application. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE Agency llulrk and CTierrolet 41 N. Jackson St. Koeetmrg. OR. H. B. muu ! J i j Practicing y Dentist Graduale Pennsylvania i f Collage Dental Surgery f 20 years extensive ex- 4 perience. Efficient, Ke- t 4 inhlo TJpsisnnaiilp. Pjtin- A , " - ? r. 5 less Extraction. Call for J ; t free consultation. 4 4 Rooms 8-9, Masonic Bldg. 4 -NUSINK- Is a new enamel designed especially to give a lasting enamel Ontsh te your DHAIN HOARD. It ! nhlie, hard and tough, will slaud washing, and provides a Manilary pleaKlng auiTuc-e. It is also adapted to inuny other uses, such as Al'TU wiiiaxg HATH Tl likt BATH I'UMHtg, ETC. TAHI.kt TOIL IT MEAT FI'IIMTI'KK, HIV. iiEDS n urt III I Itll.EHATOUa). EIC. $1.00 per can Is the price. .Satiifuctory (Mulls many dollars. Churchill Hardware Company Roseburg, Oregon. s WOMEN VOTE FOR THE Thor Washing Machines THE BEST MADE. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR UHLIG'S ELECTRIC STORE I-OK ItK.V, hi:it K K