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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1920)
I: , n ma wmwa hwttww ttbsdat. bbptembeb r, iw, paoe fivb r '1 MOVIE CLOSE-UPS PLAYED FEW "SAFETY SHOTS' "-innnfin r - - - - - - "- V " ' - . , . .nrmmiimmmmmmmm The -cientific blending of reliable vegetable remedies of benefit to persons wno suuer irom- Nervousoess Sleeplessness Depression Loss ol Appetite Brain FsO Digestive Troubles glow Recovery from InfJsenas sod Kindred AIIsbcbis i.. ma run down? Are you irriUbleT Are you overworked? Then try this approved remedy and satisfy yourself of its beneficial Ingredients. ale mmitmimthmm BHIACEA DRUG COMPANY ateneeeCltr.Mo, Wires onlv. Htut J AltOl'Xl- THE TOWN Fithrr Sharkey l-euvc r..k,. A S urkey leu line iriorn- in (or CalBiiiy. Canada, where he wiH gpend llirec wee. ....... bii stiter. Loit (or Portland u F. Rice, wife, and daughter ruUfi today for Portland to sponrt .knrt time visiting and attending to business matters. left Sunday r and Mrs. II. L. Fenton, of Diilas. who have Deen visiting Mr. ltd Mrs. J. C. Sheridan In this city. Wt this niornluE for their home. The trip as ma le by auto. Unite Near Anhilif Mr. nd Mrs. K. I.. Shlrey and tally left this morning for Anlauf. They have purchased a farm vnear !b place and will make their home there. Off On Auto Trip E. P. Preble and wife and Stanley Sbrenk and wife left Saturday for 'jct-ne to hp pone for ten days or !wo weeks vipitlng with friends and relatives. The trip is being made by lU'.O. nnncll Meets Tonight A busy session of the city council expected tonight, as no meeting: i tie.ii held tor over three weeks ai there Is a large accumulation of jiiiiDfss. Several matters of ex- ue importance are to be consid- red Armory Pance Fine The dance given last evening by a ammiuee of trainmen at the arm- 7 was attended by a fine erowil. Oa'i orchestra, composed of six wei. provided the line music for M event and the dancers all de listed that a most enjoyable evening "fur Gets Flowers OK Of the CiiiZl-IKl . .L.r.lin..,. Seated .Mayor Hamilion with a ntitul buuuuct of flowers, the oaquet being brought to this city !-esttrday bv miiiih..ra r ti,o ... awn. The name of the donor roi orjtaincd. but Mayor Hamil- Uht'3 to t-nr..-o l.i :e b.-autirul fi..u.-,.ru i,i,.i. u r" "'f "d on display In the drug "HIUUW. .Arthur F. Beck tnd Charts CBurr prcsmt 7te SILENT BARRIER From the novel by . LOUIS TRACY AW1UU11 WWTtnMGTOM FItODUCTIOII LOUIS TRACY PRODUCTIONS Jh. Oi'tritiUM by V V UOOKINSOH OMR At Liberty Theater. Deglnnlng with matinee at 2 o'clock Wednesday. Sept. 8. tatitus Torn Down "cause of the weakened condition ' 'he 8UDnort .A -i . us at ,i,e courthouse has been - ltlf h(.;i w li. ..1... ,' I. "arl' at the ground level MrVin.-"'? ana llll!l8"ros- The nhm,. "-"V" " 8lor'd ln he " Ur k" Pr-S,'nt tl,,,e i'eben v "moles wno n n B UR counhouse yard forceUPtarih"S fr """"-'ol""!! i-l-t.p, " .rL llQ num- Castle Rock In Kama. One of the most Interesting works of nature In Kansas from a geological standpoint In known as "Castle Rock." a natural formation located In Gove county, In the valley of the Hack berry, iibout ten miles from Its mouth. This castellated mass Is composed of a coping of limestone nnd th shaft of chalk and compact ' shnle. Its unique formation was rni:ser iy the shales wearing awny, the strimtrly ce mented stone serving as a p oteetlon to the upper surface. In this way mountainous appearing masses are freovontly produced, especially where streams cut their way through the hard stone Into the softer materials below. Similar formations are met with In KMIs county which show Isolat ed columns which rise from 20 to 70 feet In height.- -lilnckmnr's History of Knnjias World's Glass Industry. Oluss factorlen of Hohemla are filled with orders and working nt full capac ity, hut are likely to suffer In the fu 'ure because of the competition that arose In this trade during the war. Inpan Is one of the largest competi tors. New glass factories also have been founded In Belgium, the Ukraine, Ivoiimanla and Poland. Despite th fact that many people pent Labor Day lB adjoining towns or In the hills, the Kosesburg tho- ..... were crowaea to toe limit both at aiternoon and evening perform ances. Kllms with an especial ap- yrai were snown at eacn house and were viewed with appreciation by everyone. At the Liberty theater tonight there will be another showing of "The Lone Wolfs Daughter," the Louise Glaum picture that proved to bu of Intense Interest to all who at tended the first performance last night. It is a J. Parker Head pro duction from tho Louis Joseph Vance story, combining the famous characters of "The Lone Wolf" and "Kalse Faces'." The play contains but a small cast, but one that Is un usually powerful. Edwin Stevens, often referred to as the screen's most finished actor. Is exceptionally good as Prince Victor, and the remainder of the east attains the same high standard. This Is the last showing of "The Lone Wolf's Daughter" in Koseburg. 'see A masterful plcturlzatlon of Har old Bell Wright's famous story, "The Shepherd of the Hills," will be shown on the screen at the Antlers theater tonight. To the thousands of local readers of the book, the picture will particu larly appeal, for the story has been transplanted to screen exactly as It was written. From "Sammy Lane down to "Little Pete," all of the characters have been brought to life with absolute realism. The author personally supervised the production to make sure that no event that was told in the story was omitted In the cinema version. The film has been exhibited In the nidldle west, and has Just completed a successful run at one of the larger tneaters In San f ranclsco, where it shattered all records for attendance. Tolngnt at the Majestic theater the mystery play, "The 13th Chair. that was shown at the Antlers, last night, will be repeated. For those who are fond of Intense, gripping mystery, the Kind that keeps you sit ting on the edge of your chair until the final foot of film, "The 13th Chair" will be more than satisfying Spliltuallstn la the mystic theme that plays an important part and will in terest even avowed skeptics. The play is enhauced greatly by being in the hands of an excellent cast head ed by Crelghton Hale and Yvonne Delva. m m Fred Durnam, the well known musician, whose talent has won for him many friends In Rnseburg. has returned here and will be heard on the organ at the Antlers theater In definitely. He has been filling engagement with the Globe Theater company at Albany since his last visit to Roseburg. TWENTY FIVE YEARS SUFFERING ENDED Mrs. Owen Is Entirely Rid of Trouble Since Tak ing Tanlac. Gains Twenty-Three Pounds "I am now entirely rid of my troubles of twenty-five years stand ing and have gained twenty-three pounds ln weight since I started taking Tanlac." said Mrs. E. Owen 800 East Ankeny street, Portland, Oregon. "For the past twenty-five years I had been suffering from a bad form of stomach trouble and Indigestion, and there were times when 1 was in such bad condition I thought I would surely die. Although I tried Just about everything I could hear of for my troubles I was unable to find anything to help me. My appe tite was so poor that I never knew what it was to feel hungry, and when I did manage to eat a little something It would ferment and cause Intense misery from the for matlon of gas which was so bad at times I could not bear the pressure of my clothes. My nerves were sc badly upset that at the least little noise i would Jump as if I had been shot and it was utterly impossible for me to get a good night's sleej I kept losing weight until I was pit ifully thin and was so weak I coul I barely get around. "My sister-in-law advised me to try Tanlac so I got a bottle and he fore I had finished It I began to feel a great deal better. I have now taken five bottles and feel better than I have ln twenty-five years. My appetite is simply splendid and I can eat Just anything I want and never have a. particle of trouble with Indi gestion. My nerves are as steady as can do ana i can sleep all night long as peaceful as a child, and always get up In the mornings feeling greatly refreshed. I can't ssy too muen ror Tanlac and never miss an opportunity to praise It." Tanlac Is sola in Roseburg by W F. Chapman and by the leading oruggiBis everywnere. Traditional Marriage Customs. It was an ancient custom among the Scandinavians to drink methegelln, or diluted honey, for 30 days after a wed ding. In the Islnnd of Rhodes honey Is still a factor In the marriage rites. After the ceremony the husband dips a finger In honey and traces a cross over the doorway of his home before his hrlde enters, while the guests ad monish the bride to "Be ulways sweet nnd good, as Is this honey." The wedding enke goes back to an tiquity. One of the Important fea tures of the marriage ceremony among the Romans was the partak ing, by both contracting parties, of a cake made of flour, still and water. This was done In the presence of the high priest and ten witnesses. The use of the wedding ring Is al most universal, hut In the country dis tricts amund Cadlx no ring Is used. After the ceremony the groom shifts the flowers In his wife's hair from left to right, for to wenr a flower over the right ear Is to proclaim one's self Hfe. COUNTESS OF TURENNE stiic. A i The End of a Perfect Day m Iff wk if f 1 The counters of i u-enne (a visiting friends In this country. In Old New York. Chelsea, in the neighborhood o: Twenty-third street nnd North river New York city, was the home of Clc ment C. lloore, who wrote the child hood classic, "'Twns the Night Before Christmas." One of the admlrnbli old houses of Chelsea Is that where dwelt Kdwln Forrest, the actor. It r at 4IIC West Tweiityecond street, a substnntlal-lookliig sipiare fronted house, with a dir of a grent single panel. On the s"t where the New York city hall stainls, George Wash Ington paraded his little army on s luly day In 177H. nnd with grave solemnity a document was rend to hem that had Just I n received from Philadelphia, and which was forever to he known as the I 'iilnratlon of In dependence. Largest Bible. The largest Bible In the world l more than five fet two Inches high and three feet six mines wide. When opened flat It seven feet ten In' lies across. It Is Intended for use In a special religious movement. Putting Reptiles to Sleep. Monotonous sensory stimulation, one southern denier in alligators hna found, will quickly render the smaller r.-yi'?Wii.'i',iij;"'-r'" "Wisne his uncanny control of his reptilian stock In trade, he places one of the smaller alligators u;on Us back. Kneel ing besides It, he holds the wrlgstlng hoily with one bund, while he g.-ntly trokes the underside of the Jaw. Back and forth goes he hand until the squirming eens and the Itmbs re lax. S .line say that the dealer terr pornrlly suppresnes the functions of the crocodlilnn cerebrum others, skep tical, maintain thnt he simply lulls the tlllgntors to sleep. I,uiur Mechan. Ice liagurine. Men Who Have Wen success In Life's Game Satisfied With Neth-' Ing but Victory. Walter Hagen, the golfer, says: 'Never play for a safety, but always try for the cup." Kings ln other trades as well aa In golf have found that It pays to "try for the cup," remarks "Glrard" in the Philadelphia Press. Safety shots are often careless shots In business as ln play. Rockefeller played six bole out ln the oil world uud he made a par and then some. Morgan hammered the ball straight for the flag and It flew above every bunker and sand pit In the financial world. Col. 'Torn" Scott had no safety shots In his bag when dreaming out the Pennsylvania road system, nor did Franklin B. Oowen when he made his master stroke in buying the lleadlug's coal lands. Theodore N. Tall, the telephone giant, never minced his game nor re sorted to a half shot to save his face. He went out with the long stroke aud came home to the final shot with a record card to his credit. The big-league teams play to win the game, not to win a compromise or tie the other team. 1 (y) iiiiatLr.n:ak. From theaovel 'Broedwey Bb' By Johoiton McCulley Produced cy Rulh Rol.nd S.ii.l Production!, la. A Great Pathe Serial of the free and open West AMERICA'S MOST DARING CIRl STAR, AFOjT, III IKE SADDLE & III THE SKY LIBERTY THEATER Bcinniatf next FRIDAY & SATURDAY. PRISON Kit FI.KKS PRISON SALEM. Or., Sept. 3 Carmen' Demella, a convict walked away from ' The great merchant nails his flag to 1 ""'7 ,alB Y"way ana . . - later In the day was discovered peeping Into windows of dwellings ' ln the vicinity of twenty-fifth street. the mast, says "damn the torpedoes, and shoots straight at bis target. So In business as on the links the He was at; terward turned over to the adage should he: "Hold your bead still and pluy for the cup.1 PICK' EMPLOYEES WITH CARE Modem Business Men No Longer Rely on the "Hlt-or.Miss" Method of Selection. police and taken to prison Another convict by the name of Daniels was said to have left the prison with Demella, but so far he has eluded capture. LABOR DAY yi'IKT. Labor Day waa a very quiet holi day In Rnseburg. Hundreds of oeo- Thn ria imo when nicking? em- I P' left the city by auto Saturday plovees was a hit-and-miss Job, a trial- ' J1'11 d remulned out for the two ami-error matter which few employers ' w n days. Many other picners believed could be corrected This Is the day of do'.ug tilings right and the . ,, ' A ' ' A " "J modern employer Is now selecting his Bllce. associates, from the offlce boy to the man highest up, with as much care as ; he would launch on an entirely new business venture. William Marvin Jackson, director of the Personnel De- very deserted appear- WATCH THE BIG 4 StomachKidneys-Heart'Livee Keep the vital organs healthy- bjr regularly taking tho world's stand ard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles GOLD MEDAL The National Remedy of Holland for centuries and endorsed by Queen WUheL mlna. At sll druggists, three elsee. Leofc ear Ike mmmt Cold Ml.l oa mes he I BTl'PF THAT TltAVKIA ; A Slnkle Skull Craft, English Paper "He lived by him- velopment service, writes: "If employees are carefully selected, with an eye to their real adaptability and fitness for the work to be done, it goes without question that they are much more likely to tnke an Interest I ...... i. l hualitoaa I annul i " "".r , , Z -Voin Transcript. Iisen. 11 uiey tin? iiuci,., . get along well with their fellows and , tro-opernte with their superiors, ah to which means that 'hey will grow, and there Is no satisfaction for the em ployee greater than thnt which accom panies the knowledge that he Is get ting somewhere. Patting him on the back may make him feel good, and paying hlna a good salary may make hlra work harder. Rut giving him a new -Job and bigger Job will alone make him supremely happy, will alone make him work with complete aban don, with thorough-going enthusiasm." Forbes Magazine. gence of the people something hap pens to remind him that a grout many of them believe ln madstones. Public Ledger. see Wasn't Ojen. rnlher green countryman has No Doubt Whs Was Boss. Sometimes It Is easy to see. even before a couple Is married. Just which one Is going to be the boss of the household. Recently a big, robust woman stepped Into the office of Reg tt..r of needs Adler Johnson. "Is self in a lonely old household, from Jut relumed from his first visit to which he paddled himself ashore .,.w York. ashore every morning in a top-hat.", "Well, HI." said the postmaster. "whnt did you think of the metrop olis?" "Wat say?" gnwked the other, stumped by so blif a word. "I asked how did you like the metropolis?" "Oh, that "twan't open," said SI. Iloston Transcript. Pegasus Slips Ills Ilridle. I like the Ice cream cone Which gratillos my wishes; For when the feast is done You've to wash no dishes. Seldon Observer. KxrmtiiK Adnm. "I contend that Adam was with out gentlemanly Instincts or he never would havo put the blame on a woman." "Well, what could you expect of the first mini? You know It takes three generations to make a gentle man." Roston Transcript. e e Willing to Oblige. Mistress "Now, Ada, I want you to show us what you can do tonight. We have a few very special friends coming for a musical evening." Cook "Well, mum, I riven t none Liked Movie. Kind Old Lady "Why are yo'I crying, my boy?" Hoy "Pa fell downstairs. " Kind Old Lady "Well-, don't cry. He'll be nil right soon." Boy "Yes, I know. Rut my sis ter saw hlin fall all the way, an' I never saw nuthln.' " London Answers. DAILY WBATIIRR nKlMlllT. U. ft. Weather Itureail, local office Ru.eburg. Oregon, 24 hours ending i l'rH-lpirntlon In Inches anil llnndrrdtha any singing to speak of for year.. I J? .'7r,'JTZiV ' ' ' H rhta where I iret a license?" she asked. I uu' s you nii up u y.-m . .... r ici, ,ii. o iu: or month e mis w nere I get in-usi. y j,., .,h rn ' " The Norms! nrecln. for thin mnmn in Passing Show. London. lZ'!': .Vt . ?" to . Average prei-ln. from Wept. I. 'tV.' .OS IHsroiirngrd. Total deficiency from fi-vt. I. 'zu. .as Eph Wiley says that every UmBht,Al''?''tlt gets ready to concede the lutein- wii.i.iam iiki.u oherv'r. "What kind of a licenser- asxen Adler. "A marriage license," said the wom an. No, we don't handle them," laid Adler. "Oo to the first door down the hall on your right." I knew at first that this wasn't the place." said the big woman, with an air of disgust; "that's what I told him." Thereupon she stepped Into the hall, and when the door opened Adler could see a little man waiting outside. Ir wns evident that the woman had usurped command and was going to tuke charge of the marriage license business, not to mention, of course, the honeymoon nnd all the rest of the alliance. Fort Scott (Kan.) Tribune. Australian Rabbits Selling Fast Rabbits have been doing great dam age In tne grazing aistncrs or Australia, and strenuous efforts to eradicate them has resulted In the kill ing of a vast number of these ani mals. Rome 100,(100 hodles are now In cold storage awaiting shipment to Rtiglnnd. The embargo on the export of rabbit skins wss removed In De- .ember last, and the boom In rnhblt- skln prices has produced remarkable competition In slaughtering the pest. The ruling average price paid to trap pers for skins Is now $1.82 per pound, and the demsnd for skins by the United States snd Fumpesn markets Is so grent thst It cannot be satisfied. and It Is thought that prices will go villi higher. Kxiertenced trappers are making up to $!7 per week for the skins alone. Wanted a Quantity. Helen's mother came from a large grandma's house, as there were al ways so many young uncles and aunts to play with. One day. after return ing from one of her visits, Helen was taken to the bedroom snd wss shown a tiny new baby sister. Helen did not seem to be at all enthuslsstlc, and her father, surprised at her lack of Inter est, asked: "Well, what do you think of your new baby sister?" Helen replied: "Hint Only one? Why didn't you get a real many, like grandma basr , Ket rnntt-nts 15 Fluid Draclm l i2 ! ffF' For Infants and Children. I'm i 1 ' !.-.., C IAST0RII ALCOHOL-3 PLH GENT. AvM.ihloIVofiiiratiooforAs . ... r ' 1 L..IM.JI. i tinotheSloriuclis and Bowl' " 3 Thereby lWoumSDhSott S Cheerfulness and ReJlCoo d neither Opltim.Mcvhlne nor H Mineral. NOT .ahou..v ri lie" ' ii..f,ilKeracllvfbr lnsliionnndDiafTWf j,rcsu1iinii nZWJ W.T:i Mnsteriii "X d Jut J.miiv , i ierT.l,nCoHP Mothers Know That y Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature. of f.ri S IFrTIT.Ueevrl a PI AltVKl f 1' u Exact Copy of Wrapper. in Use Pnr fluqr S V MS Thirty Years 1IA Twc Mrrj mimnt, ntw voaa wtt.