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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1920)
16V MOB M Bomriia wi nrviKw ttmoav, Msm-Mngft ... .. ! K Here From Dinln Mrs. B. W. Williams, of Drain 1b spoudlng a lew days in Rosuburg Uupmng und visiting with friends. Hotel Man Here Uale Carltlon. a well known hotel limn of Los Angules, was a guest this week at the It. II. Dixon houie at DUouvllle. In ;iy From Wilbur Miss Vivian Marslors, who has been visiting at Wilbur with Miss Klla Bweeney, arrived in Koseburg this morning. J Jiack From M. Angel Miss Sylvia Drown returned last night from Mt. Angel where she went with her cousin Louisiana Wil ley, who will attend school there during the winter. To California Home Mrs. W. T. Callaher and daught er, Miss BesBle. who have been vis iting here at the H. T. Dawson res idence, loft this morning for their Lome In Ilorlteloy, Cullf. Here From Missouri Mrs. Kdna Hu irons, of Missouri, who slopped In Hoseburg last even ing and spent the night here left this morning (for Ban Kranclcco where she expects to make an ex tended stay. Uolng to KcatUo Mr. and Mrs. J. O. N'ewland and son, Maurice, left this morning In their auto for Seattle where they will spend the next week or ten days visiting. Upturn From Mixlford "Mock" Black, "Mlko" Crocker and "Soup" Dolun returned this morning from Medrord, where they have Bpent the past few days enjoying a vacation. The trip to Medford was made lu Black's car. leaving Tomorrow Mrs. Warren M. Brlggs and dau ghter, Eugenia May, who have been ..i.ill.n .... DkIddi1 namlill Uf and Mrs. M. J. Hhoemakor will leave tomorrow for ineir none at uiove- liinu, unio. Hells Ttewidenco Will Hockley, owner of the old Si mon Caro resilience on Mosher fit. has disposed oi( the lace to August Bchoelmann, a former resident or Glide. The new owner expects to reside there. Former Kesldcnt Visits Irving Glbsnn, son of the Into Tlios. Gibson, formerly weather ob server in the local bureau for a num bcr of years, was a visitor in the city yesterday and today. Ho Is enroutc to Sacramento from Portland, where he has been visiting with his mother and sinter. Mr. Gibson Is practicing law In Sscramento at the prcsont time. lled at County Homo John McGlnnfle an aged county charge, died at thB county home ear ly Hunday morning. The deceased claimed to bo 105 years old nltho In appearance he was much young er. McGlnnso has been a charge of DottglHS county Ifor many years and has a wife at Tiller. Funeral ser vices were held at the county ceme tery Sunday afternoon. IF YOU were to look at the label in the next good look ing suit, you see it would prob ably be Try Oar Way Our Auto Will Call Phone 877. We don't tailor all the suits in town, but we do tailor the best. BERGER'S BARGAIN STORE GOOD LINE OF NEW CLOTHING Second-hand Shoes, Cloth ing, etc. Best Bargains in Rosclmru;. Itotitrn From Trip MIbs Pearl Sie'vari, Miss Emily Smith, O. 11. Frank, Archie Taylor and Miss Mattie Lee Stephsenson, who have been enjoying an outing at Crater Lalte for the past few dnys, returned to Roseburg last night. Banquet Tills KvenlnR The banquet to be given by the nnnilat i-hurrh to the nlayers and officers of tho Twilight league will occur this evening. The banquet will be served promptly at 6:30 and It Is expected that a large number will be present. Visit Over Week Knd Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bossonnan, of Lowell, spent Sunday In this city. Mr. Hoiserman wno lormeny resm ee In Koseburg and who Is emloyed with the Southern Pacific Co. as station mailer, has been transfer red from Lowell to coqunte. Visiting Hem Mis. Agnes nlowor and daughter, Miss Louise, of Hanford, Cal., are visiting In Itoseburg with Mrs. Han ford'B sister-in-law, Mrs. E. L. Wat son. Thny Jiave been visiting In Hood Wver and Portland and stop ped here enroute home. Wan Homo Surprise Mr. and Mrs. Hichard Stubbs. of Melrose, motored to Medford Sun day to visit at the borne of their daughter. Mrs. Flora l.rlsbln and upon arrival late that night found a 9-pouud baby boy nad .ilso Just ar rived. Stubbs said the doctor was Just uheail of them as they entered Kstatn la Appraised Attorney o. P. Coshow represent ing tho oslato. today filed tho Inven tory and appraisement of the estate (it W. C. Tipton deceased. The ap pralsers were W. F. Thomas, Carlos Pace and 8. J. Jtnos. Heal estate and personal roerty to tho value of $39:10.50 wore found. Ieft Tills Morning- Mrs. M. F. Hlce and daughter, MIhs Kva, loft this morning for Kit gone where they will send today at tending to business matters connect ed with the opening of the fall term lit the University where Miss Hire attends school. They will leave hit Rene tomorrow for Portland where they will be Joined by Mr. Rice and go to Victoria, B. I ., and .Seattle. Insurance Ii ItoeelvMk ('. T. Wlnslow of New York whoso Chevrolet sedan car recently ! burned while In the garugo at the IGleason home In Sutherlln where ;the gentleman was visiting today re ceived settlement for the Insurance carried on the machine. Kwart Bros local agents for the company. negotiated the settlement nnd Mr. Wlnslow Is perfectly satisfied with the adjustment. Trip to Coast Greatly Enjoyed Eight automobiles and about forty persons made the trip to Kcedspori und Gardiner, Sunday and Monday. The trip was uneventful but was greatly enjoyed, a very pleasant trip being made to Winchester Bay. C. S Hetullne, who arranged and spon sored the occasion, provided a great deal of amusement for tho excursion ists. Starting out ahead of the cara van to hold the boat at Scotlsburg. he sustained a blowout a few miles west of Roseburg and had t o be helped on hla way. A second blowout occurred about half way to Scotls burg und here all of those making the trip passed him except the nn who stopped to give him assistance In replacing the tire. A third blow out occurred at Klklon and the pleas ure seekers were forced to wait at Scotlsburg until 3 o'clock In the af ternoon until Mr. Hetnllne and his car could be towed to that place. The maloritv of the party returned to tne city yesterday evening and rcjorteo a verv oleasant trip. Anotner excur sion will probably bo made In order to give local peoplo an opportunity to attend the Smith river fair on the 16th and 17th. Have vou noticed how the Red finot Is different from other lights? A spotlight with a dimmer, danger signal, parking light, and adjustable rear view mirror. II. Merten. Aceepta Position Miss Vera McKay has accepted a position as stenograher with Atty. B. L. Kdily. She entered upon ner duties last week. Una Tonsllitla Miss Mattie Lee Stephenson, who Is employed at the Rose confection ery, Is confined to her home with a bad attack of tonsilltls. Hhe will probably undergo an operation with in tho next Ifew days. Operations This Morning Tho following operations inis morning were performed at Mercy hospital by Dr. A. C. Seely: Melton and Emil, sons of Mrs. C. D. Palm. tonsils; Jamis Robertson, Roseburg. tonsils; Orvtlle Lacatelle, Roseburg. tonsils. RoMier Not Caught The other robber In the recent robbery of the Wilder Agee and Brier stores has not yet been taken. It Is believed that he has gone south and the officers In that direction have been warned to look for him The boy who was arrected Saturday is being held Tor the juvenile court Irfrn! Oou!e Married Miss Lois Gammon and Kay Buell were united in marriage Saturday evening at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage with Rev. F. W. Keagy. offirlatln. Miss Gammon Is well known locally having been employ ed at T. Abraham s store for some time. Mr. Buell Is employed at the Grand Annex barber shop and the young couple will make their home in this city. Liberty Theatre TO-NIGHT! J. Parker Read Jr., presents LOUISE GLAUM IN "TiTe LONE WOLF'S DAUGHTER" by LOOS JOSKl'll VAMU Combining the world-known characters of "The Lone Wolf" and "False Faces". A hauntingly beautiful girl! The world's craftiest I rlmirjjP The dariiirr lone Wolf himself! A panorama I of newest fashions!" """ Also a Two-Reel Comedy -TexTimberland Two shows every night, 7 and 9. Frices 23c and 15c, Matinee at 2 p. m. Children 10c Liberty Theater wj j nA mi! Thursday beirinnlmr with Matinee to morrow at 2 o'clock: two shows each nigb,t nt " and U ARTHUR F. BECK AND CHARLES C. BURR IX i The Silent Barrier A triumph of love on the peaks of suowclud Alps. Something different, full of startling incidents plunges over mountain precipices and dimeu t mountaineering. CLAWS HULETTF. FLORENCE DIXON i CORINNE BARKER A fit SEEN AT THEIR BEST IN THIS REMARKABLE PLAY, AJjoa Paths Review and Two Reels ol Comedy, Adults 25c. Children 15 cents. Thft National Windshield Vlaor protects you from that Western Sun Klarn you encounter In the evenings. .S'-e u at Merten b. NKW TOlAY. LOST Oil STTt A YEl White Spitz dog i ihiti;i mi (, I'lione 4-t. V A NTK1 1 Ionics t i-al rflinqutMhint'iit, nn iiuuKfl. mux nni, luiMrliuiK. FtMt ItKNT 3 furnished rooms, lmiutru Hiirr o uritM-K p. in , Mill, Ft HI SAI.K I'Jrst-ilMns mllrh env $75, Juhn I'oernt-r, Mohnm W A N TK 1 At once, boy over is vear mi io run fiuvuiur, inquire i nipuu. lotel. V A N T K I To buy nmll placo oi friMk or river bank, llox lull. Hose- AM Kl) To rnt, equlppt-.i arm w mi lurnmnt-u nue. nox jyii, Itoxflmr. W A NT Kl Ku rni!l)HT hnusek tMj.ltTK a" coinnunliUlniiH for thrt adulu. 1011, UoHPtMirir. loi'Nil TKAM am) htiriit'ss for salt', oi will iraile for Font rar. KU Hussell Iilllant, OrKun. A . I Kit TO HI V Svco Ii i ha n U Kn anpfi or i-nnvna. AtUlrcNg V S., oar'NfW!-lt'Vlcw. "A NTKI 11 ar where hlKh .hool Kiri tan worn ror board and ri, Ail.lrt-.Hii H. S . care Nt-ws-HrnW-w ,I iK - Toiium't'fi. II rat cIhm-h. I at farm. Inquire nut rent ti Happy Valley brltUe for Win. Austin piat tv. l-(-lt SAI.K Oil TUAIK I rhest.r vwiii hoar, auije.-t to reKt will tratlH for atook or wood, t'hone MV K OltASS SKKI) Now ready Etinpment. iieHt lor pasture mowing. iw per ri. ppet-itii pric on larK Inta. K. A. Jtliotvn. Hniem, re. l-'ut'Nl .Small frraitN rutf. OwnerT:ai iuie name by tallinir at Win fhenter ntreet and paying for tins ivcnisciiit'iii. I'i'Ii SAI.K 160 at-ra stoi-k ram-h In I'o.ine lanyon; loin of water, outaid ranKe; lnun. houwt. other bul.dmit 4 lit' ml !he'p. 3 lioK, corn, draKx.iu lots of timber. I'art down, halano enny term at per eent Adtlrea t han. s. Hunt, Oakland,- Oregon. FtMt SAI.K Saddle nnd brUtlt. $::0 planing mill. Oliver 12-lmh nt.-.-l niiear, wooden hfmm walking plow, .'.". All tha above ara In gooti ton- lulon. been u--d very little. Al.' heavy old wagon ami wood ra.k, ('. HeMi-h'n HaiK-h, llrot'kway, Oiegon. "AN INVKSTMKNT' 16i) arrefi In the Illinois valley, adjacent to the best jto.-k range In voulhwent Oregon About 2ii a.-ren fent'e!, 10 In nam nn-adow: Krt acres can be cultivate! ood water Hutu and family orchar.1. AtKui one million tt-et good aw tlm t't-r. mostly pine. Sawmill on ndj. cemit tract. A bornaln b owner. L. x .Morrtnon, eiund. Oregon. run !A l.r. Kit her to nurnerymen or pUnter alu loot llvbrt i. Ulack W nlnut teed 1 ihth. Tht t 1 reen Were producer origlnallv by the iMtc of remarkably rapid growing ereci iree! and prtMluce nuts in abundance of .1 moiit dellclou quality, are unmir pa hmimI for either rod tree or ftr lh fnrm. Wa have grown v.trletiea of black walnut aeedlintti,. but thin variety cutgtowa e.icb and all of them, t'orre.pon.ience for ftir ther Information nolle tied Add real Santa 8umhr Nuriterlea, Sunta Sun ana. Ventura Co. Calif. K A. Black mar. Prop. (Formar proprietor of Onrden drove Nursertea, vrange Co.. c . IS OFFICIALLY DKAI. HOUSTON, Texas, Sept. 7. After coming to life nine times within the last year after he had been pronounced dead. M. L. Cranberry, uiikiioyvu except 4 in police records, died here yes- terday and was officially pro- nounced dead by surgeons. He had been all but burled a num- 4 ber of times. Mrs. Klla Stewart and Miss Ethel Webb beg to announce the opening of their Art Needle Shop, and you are cordially In vited to inspect and and to so licit their aid in your art wants. "Everything for the baby." 4) Iont fall ' to see "Frank Glynn's Wife," or "An Amerl- can Harem," at Green ectiool house Friday evening, Sept. 10th, 8:30. Admission, adults 2GC, children IOC. We nave a sparK plug for your car. Champions always. H. Mer ten. 9 CREDITS TREES WITH SENSE Scientist Declares They Possess at Least Three Which Also Belong to Human Race. The ctirntnr of the British Guiana museum. Jhiiics Roilwny, who Is eminent botanist, derlsrcs that plums possess nt l.nst three of our live senses feellnj, taste and smell anil that certain tropical trees smell a:er rrom a dlitnnee, and will move straight townrd It Hut trees not In the tropics can do as well. A resident of an old Scotch tinnslon found the wastie pipe from 'lie douse repeatedly choked. 1,1ft Inff the slabs In the basement pnv in?, he discovered that the pipe wns .ntnpletely encircled by poplar roots. Tltey bclnnffcd to a tree that grew sinne thirty ynnls away on the oppo- elte side of the house. Thus the mots had moved steadily toward the house, and had penetrated helow the fomxlutlnn and across the oasement nntll they reached their oal, the waste pipe. 1M) feet avcay. Tlien they had pierced a cement Join Ins; and had worked their way In lone, taperlnc lenj-ths Inside the pipe for a cnn-li'ernhle distance heyonil the house. There seems something al most human In sach rnierrlnp; Instinct and persevemnce In surmounting ob stacles. New Tork Post How About It? Are you Interested la purchas ing a liomeT If you are, then you should see the properties we have fur sale. S room house with laundry and bath room; rooina ceiled and papered; partly furnished with beaver board; good garage and store room; 3 lots; fruit trees, berries, garden; close In on pared street. Price 13700, V cash; balance easy terms. 6-rooin house with bath, fur ulshed. Price $1600, 14 "cash. One of the best buys In the city. Large house and 3 lots on paved street. Can be handled for S1250 cash, bal ance terms. These are but a sample of our listings. Come In and take a look. G.WJ0UNGANDS0N Real Ratate and Iniraraa ce lls Oaaa St fboat 417 "Jazz Curfew" Has Sounded Here If It Is to dance well, dance, don't wrestle, don't hug, don't -ape the goldfish and wiggle through "Moon light Bay." Don t copy the camel and slouch through "The Desert Moon." Don't imagine you are mo toring and throw in a clutch. The one great lesson that Is com ing Is that the modern jazz steps and bear hugs and Bo-called novelties are passed. Nothing will be elegant my niore except the stately waltzes. the ornamental oncstep, the graceful fox-trot and other movements of that type. The clinches and clutches and wIkrIob and wobbles and shimmies that Inspire the "willies" and Justify the municipal expense of paying a dance hall censor, are to be no more. The "Jazz curfew" has sounded hero as well as in other sections of the country and the "wild and wool ly" dances with the "catch as catch can" holds are gradually sinking in to oblivion. Roseburg lovers of the Terpslchorean are are proving this fact and one only has to visit the dances being held here to witness the proof. o Have you ever noticed the other fellow's loose spokes? Don't let him look at yours, try some Whiz Spo ketite. You get it at Merten'a Salesroom. ! 1J We willies; knd furnish 64?'Il Do" your eyes need help to enable you to do your work easier! Now Ii a good time after your vacation, and before you start to work, to have them examined and glassea fitted If they need them. We are at your service with the latest methods, and our prices are reasonable. BUBAR BROTHERS A sale of home rooked fond will be held at Vosburg Bros, grocery by I tne w. (.:. I . u.. Sa urdnv. Sent 11 INITIAL FALL SHOWING Quito a few of the new fall ah oes have arrived. We Invite you to come in and look them over. Designed for service as well as style. A Little Care Saves Months of Wear Heels straightened and reinforced the day they show signs of turn ing or wearing, will save the heels and strengthen your ankles. Soles replaced as soon as they got thin keep the uppers from stretching all out of shape. You'll be surprised how the life of your shoes will be prolonged by OUR REPAIRMAN who under stands shoes and their proper care. Ladies- Our $5.00 Sale of Low Shoes is still on ROSEBURG BOOTERIE IHVIN Bit UN Hhoca That fmify and kV'l Your Ft flriniT V Tour repair vturk anil me thm dlffrrence. riCRKIAS 1II.1XJ, CASS ST. llOKKBl'IIG. Sheep. Raising Industry. Sheep raising Is perhaps the e!det of all Industries, for It was practiced even before acrlnilture. Wool is a product of cultivation or domestica tion, for there are no wild anlmnls which closely resemble the wool bear ing sheep. Floyd V. Parsons, In tho Saturday Kvenlng Post, says that with the discovery thst cloth could be made from wool came an effort to Improve "he fleece by selection and brecllns. The early Homms irrre most success ful In this pursuit, and their endear. or along this line resulted In deve'or the conquest of the Iberlsn peninsula Roman sheep -,m Introdacjl into Sjialn, where they so greatly Improved the nntlve flocks that even during Ro man supremacy Sminlsh wool led the world's markets, a prestige held for iu centuries Is your fan belt beginning to tear? Get a Vulco-Cord at Merten'a HAROLD BELL WRIGHT'S "SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS" With an All-Star Cast in Ten Reels. You've Read the Book now see the picture with all the characters of the fam ous story from Preachin' Bill down to Little Pete. There will be Special Music on our Symphonic Organ by FRED DURNAM Century Comedy and PatheNeivs. A Program Every-one Will Enjoy at Regular Admission Prices Adults 25 cents, Children 15 cents. Don't forget we have the comfortable Seats! WEDNESDAY Constance Talmage in "The Virtuous Vamp." To -Day "S 66 To-Day Only I A Pathe Special with an All-Star Cast. THE 131" CHAIR" This wonderful Photoplay holds the imagination spellbound! You rack your Brain, l ou luess and pue a.TiL",J:'L-ysM.i,g.s.os;r ,-n lOOOyearMj Mutt and Jeff Comedy, "Dead Eye Jeff" SEE JACK DEMPSEY after his third round Knock-out in the third episode of hi3 wonderful Serial "Dare-Devil Jack."