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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1920)
J MOW TWO RAiivfRfl nmwm Rwvnrw tirhuay. hkptkmhkr t, imp. HOSUUDRO KKWtt KEViKW Imur4 Uallr Haven't Muaday. B. V. Ilatea L. WlMitM-rlr nrt U. Bale HllHriCiaiTION RATK8 Dally, per year, by mall..... fl 09 . Iaily, sis month, by mull . 00 hy CaiMer, per month 60 The Associated Press I exclusively ntltlsd lo the use for republication oi all niwi dispatches credited to It oi nwt otherwise credited In this papef and also the local dwi published here in. All ritt-hta of reoubllcation ol aoe t-ial dispatches herein are also reserved. Kn tet d as second -class matter May if. izu, at me post on ice at rtoeeourg Oregon, under the Act of March If, IUolmrg, Oregon, Hcpt. 7. lOiSO. MA V ItUCAI.L HCHOOL BUIXjET At a meeting held by the board ol directors of the Rcedsport school a i waa decided that au election bo held on 8-pt. 17 for the purpose of recall Ing thf school budget votr! for on AUK- 9, which called for 129,230.68 nays ihe Port L'inpgua Courier. It place of thlB large budget, whict would have to be paid next year an which would IncreuHe taxes to a con atderable amount, It Is proposed b: the hoard to hold an election to la sue $18,000 of five year bond which can be readily sold. Thl amount to be expended on the schoo building. conHlructlng four nev rooms and furnlnhing the same an. Installing a. heating plant, whict would only demand a budget for n x year for the expense of carrying or the school for the ensuing term ant' paying learners' salaries. This ap pears the only method of keeplnr taxes down and at the same tlni make the necessary Improvements which are Imperative to accommo dale the number of children in tlir district now and which are sure t come In the future. FINFKAI. YKHTKItDAY. Clarence Bruton. aged 19 years, n on of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ilruton. re cent arrivals from Delta City, Colo, was burled yesterday, his death hav ing occurred on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ilruton and their family reached Hoseburg by auto only a fear days ago, coming here In the hope ol benefitting their son's health. They were camped at the auto ground, but the boy was taken to the home of a friend when his condition became serious. The funeral was h"ld fron the undertaking parlors yesterda; afternoon, Rev. Hilton officiating Interment occurred at the Masonl cemetery. MANY WII.L K NT Kit. COnVALMS, Sept. 7 Appllca tlons for entrance In the college th next torm are coming In rapidly credentials having been received t date from 532. persons wishing tc enter tlm freshman class or an In crease of over 30 per cent over th same date last year, according to th' report by the registrar. Fifty-sever, have been made, Including collet and universities outside of Oregon The University of California antt Oregon Hliite Normal lead in th' number of tninKfnrs with five earn I'nlversity of Oregon Ih representee hy three. The Capital Business Col lege. S.ilem, oIbo has three transfer' and two each have been transferre from the University of southern Cal ifornia, McMinvillo College, Unlver sitv d' Idaho and Washington Stat Cullege. t XKW UKAS AI'I'OINTKD COllVAI.MS. Sept, 7 Dr. Will iam H. KUIson, doiti of Santa Har hara Junior College, has accepted 1. position in the department of hit tory at the O. A. C. He will handle clashes In rtrlt lsh, Kuropean an' South American history. The ap pointment of lr Klllson will maki It possible for Prof. J. fl. Horner well known author of the history "Orettou" to put special stress on It Ih work on Oregon history. Dr. Klllson was a Methodist Epl copal ml u inter at liny ward and at Ilerkeley. California, for six years, serving successful pastorates. H has written extensively. Ills spec laity Is Western American history lie hns Just completed a course denting with the Pacific Ocean In history. He has degrees from Ran dolph Macon College and from the University of California. 'IU NKM STILL I HOU. MYKTLK CKKKK. Or. Sept. 4 Prune harvest has bete tin In a Urn I ted way In this section, but by the end of next week will he on in dead ea:n.kt. The crop is not larg but the fruit shows promise of good sir.e and weight. Huyers are rather timid about taking orders JuM now and more than l.OOO.ono pounds of prunes In this Immediate vicinity are still unsold. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine "Iln.vj Th1et of Aspirin" la (!??uineA8plrln provtn"ui by mfi llnna and pnirrlhil by phyilclana for over twenty yeara. Acrapt only an unbroVrn "Bayer parkaga" which cont-ilna propfir tlirectlona to rellore Headarha. Toothaohe, Ear ache. NVuralia, Rheumatlam, Cold" and l'aln. Handy tin boiea of IS tnlili.m colt few renta Iru(Klala nliio ell larger "Bayer packages, Aspirin Is lands mark Ilayar Mann- fartun. MonoacBtlcaeldc.t.r of Sail- ej'licaclJ. A Prominent v- Druggist Testiffe Bedondo Beach. Calif "I wish to aall attention to my asperwnoa to th taw of ur. ruoe Aouno Tablet. I have never old an article that has given such universal satisfactioQ. It teems that every bottle told ella another. I am very much inclined, bits moat druggists oj today, to tell the long hot' ttuS at a irfAtar profit, or auuiethnig just aa good,' but 10 aufffreatinv Anuria foe arte acid and rheumatism 1 consider I have sot only created buaineas along that line but have tain' th ooubdenoe of the pubiio which mora than re pay me for my internet and suggestion, together with the satiaiao tioo I get from having an article that I cao place with prfct confidence. Nothing would please me more than to be able to introduce Anunc to, the world for th bene .it of ail mankind. However, I have to ountent mysell by aim ply calling attention to the satisfactory results that follow aa re ported to m by the individuals, Owir ihaiika," ;. D. KNOX Many of Your Neighbors Can Say the Same Tuolumne, Call.: "My back gnv id aonaiderabl trouble, which X thought was due to kidney dis ease. After taking four package of Dr. Here' Anuria (antl-urio-acid) Tablets I was fully recovered. I eon aider it a wonderful medicine, I aviso ue Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellets whenever I am bilious, and they auve. infmediat ra Uef. I ooiwlder then a) gieat ptwinjina." Arundel, piaui inner. FDuon 18SL. Be sure to se J. A. Walker B 4 U luy ttiul furiu. Stphens' shoes are built on Hues hut nt your fuel. The now fall alms ire beauties. at Stephen! The same relluble lines In shoes at Stephens.' Fall Millinery Opening. Friday and juturday, Sept. 3-4. Bell Millinery. Fires destroy liTes. property and ood. . lie careful with lira. Whew. That's the way you fool vhen you Bee "The 13th Chair" al he Antlers Theatre Monday. A full line of siiark plugB at Mer en's SuU'B Room. Kdilh nuden left thin mornlns: foi KellouK. where she will visit for eek or ten duyB with her sister. If you want to buy a home lu the lenutirul cily of Koseburir. i-e Wal ker, 1U5 Cass St. Phone $1. Mm. .1. W. Ir:per and datiKhlers loft this morning for a visit wih friends and relatives at Turner. Cut flowers for M Dunlins nnd n'er. at Kunyan's dahlia Kardeu, 1385 Ave. Phoue 278-L. Insnrnnce rates are nil the same. eek the anont who will take the best euro of you. That's Hire A ltice If rou want to eell your property. -e J. A. Walker, 105 Cass St. Phone II v. C II. Illllon left Inst nlKh for rorilimd, where he will attiml i meeting of the slnte buurd of the Christian church. Pon't off for tomorrow what rou can do today. It may he too late. Hnv yo'ir Insurance attended to See ltice & It ice.' Mrs. Gonrajn Huff, who hns been 'tailing In Reselling for a few days, left this morning for her home nt I.a 0 ramie. She has Just returned from a trip to California. H-ve tat Insurance attended to inrt see lb. t you get the largest and iest o'd line companies. We've got mem. Kice & nice. The open-air pavilion nt Itlddlo waa crowded to rnparliv Inst night for the big. Labor Day dunce singed mere, people from nenrly evi section of ihe county were in uttend- ince and the event was one of th' most successful in ihe history of ittddln social affairs. The excellent nuslc for the occasion was furnished "y the lies, burg Jati-O Four. The stne music has been secured for a Innee to be held at Kiddle on next Tuesday evening. QUIT TOBACCO So easy to drop Cigarette, Cigur, or Chewing habit No-To-Hac has helped thousands o tmnk the cosily, n-rv. Rliattprlujt obarro habit. Vi.r Kvn .onRiriitior tinnkt or chw. Just place a harmless No To liac tal)i In your mouth lnsiad. AM dcirt stons Sho.tly th habit Is comnletoly brtikon. and you ar bfttrr ofT rncnt- I nlly. rhysirally. flnancisHy. It's sol rasy. so simple. 0't s hm of No-To t line and if It dosn t rvlievi you from i rrarina fr tohmn-o In but form your aruniat win refund Vf1IP moner without qusa-lon. Nn-To-Dae ' hy Ihs owners of Caacarsu; Urfor it Ihoroughl,- rvll.ble. HOVE and jxl w noted, autbor Idab MGlcme Gibson MV Wt'DDINO OIFT TO MY DAl'CHTEK. . Yesterday I went up to the attic to look for a bieca of Chinese hro - cado that I intended to give to the dressmaker that she might make a neKlitfee for Mary, my daughter, who will, within a month vmarry young Robert (isylord. it seems such long- time since I used to call him little Hobby. No one calls Robert Gaylord, Jr., "Hobby", even though to this day, his father la known uy that nun;. Hubert Is too much llk his mother to m-rlt the somewhat Irresponsible nick n a mo that is so ap propriate to his father. Hubert Is a splendid young man and seems very much In love with my Mary, who is a kind of flyaway. headstrong girl, much like her father used to be. I found the piece or brocade and within Its folds, fragrant with the Incense of China, I found the little book In which I had written the an nals the story of my first marriage I've been reading It over and over and sometimes I have laughed and pometim'S I have cried. It seemed to me that I was reading the story of another girl. And oh, bow sorry felt for her, nut so much becausc flhe may have had a little more than her share of the trouble of th) world, but .because she hsd to gc through all the experiences, all the heartbreaks, all the disappointment." which youth must endure to reach ihe sure compensation that muturlt Klves. t's such a lone time since I wrote this story In this li'tle book that 1 had forrgotten many of the episode? recorded In It. As I read It over, 1 believe that I will give It to Mary oi. the eve of her marriage. Mary hns never known any other father than Karl Shenard. Almost her first words were "Daddy Karl" and to her Karl has been the most Indulgent and devoted of fathers lup.t as he his been the most In dulgent and devoted husband to me. I turn to the last entry that I made In this journal and find that I have record'nl Allco's suggestion 'hat after nenrly a year's trip around the world, we should go home, so that her baby might he born In the house which her husband had pur "hasod from me at the time of John's death. Thnt was twenty years ago. Today I am nearly fifty years old. There are many threads of white among mv auburn locks and the ray at Karl's temples has spread all over his head. Karl is a very handsome man, they tell me, of course I would think so. And yet ' I'm going to write here for you Mary,1 that I have never seen as handsome man as your own father, John Gordon. , With that thought In mind. I wrote the following message to my daughter Mary, to present to her! with mv Jotirnel. The letter read: I My Beloved Daughter: Sometimes.! my dear, I almost wish that John! Gordon had never met me that fate had not Bent him to the little coun try place where we met and that we "honld not have been taken off our fcot by mutual magnetism and mu tual youth. Then, my dear dauuh er, perhaps he would have married Klizabelh Moreland, who was his -htldhood's sweetheart, and they would have been happy together. Hut after all the sadness, tragedy and nnin, I cannot fully subscribe to that wish, for fate gave me one great kindness, one Inestimable boon when she placed you, my dear Mary, in my arms. When you read thlB little book, my dear daughter, do not Jump to the quick conclusion of youth that vour father was wholly to blame. I. too, must bear my share of the In consequences of our mutual mistake. Looking back, 1 think I was a little bit stubborn yes. more than a little bit. 1 made no allowance for your father's bringing up. ! was Just as decided In my own mind that ray ways were best, as he was in his mind that his was the only right way. You see, my dear. Nature Is a wonderful mnglcian she mesmer izes the whole world with thoughts of love. She makes two neopW canlescp forget all the stress of life and move about In the glorious lipams ..r Imagination. Not until after marriage does nature allow them to think sanely, without emo tion, and then having brought them together, her work is done and she goes on looking about for another man and woman to pair. And that is the ren.on. mv dear chllil. that I at Hi:irci:i I'ltit is. We now have a sales department. ("lift books sold to our magazine sub scribers at reduced prices. Mall us vour subscriptions. Fiction Library. ItoseburK. Oregon. A CAI1H OK THANKS. Wo wish to thnnk our friends for their favors during the sickness and leaih of our father, J. J. Alexander. Kvery kindness shown, every word of mpathy spoken, and every flower presented waa appreciated far more lhan words ran express Mnv Coo". riivuM blesnings attend all those who gav assistance In any way during our great trials, are the prayers of the children. MRS. C. E. THOMAS. MK. J. S. PARIS. MRS. W. F. PARIS. l.harrn,a 7194 pa.r. .Csors ,' nnA Mn.ln.rf n Li. a from New York to I.os Anarlcs for th Red rns 1 1-1 Mars on thl trip. Ed. Dyer. ..-national gNaier MARRIED IIFE1 marriage Is different from what we call love. Marriage, like love. Is only an Incident of life, a very different incident, but one that we may make 'verv haouv or one which, through jour mistaken ideas, we can turn Into a tortrure chamber In wnicn we must ve "until death do us part - ADVICE TO D.U'CJHTEK MARY Perhaps, my dear, having read this little book which I am going to place In your hands, you will want to know when your Daddy Karr and I Cuine t the cmclusii that we could live a more successful and beautiful life If we lived together than if we each should go the way alone. You will be somewhat surprised, my dear, In fact, 1 was surprised myself, on looking back over my lite to find that Karl Khepard never der- Inltely proposi-d to me . He never asked me In so many words. Mary, to marry him. He never put that question to me, which It Is said a man puts before marriage ana a woman asks arter marriage, rvan Shepard never said to me, "Do you love me?" He has never asserted "1 love you." There has never been an analyst of our feelings for each other, yet I know I am a part of him. There Is a peculiar oneness between us that makes It impossible for me to even separate myself from him In my thoughts. And I am quite sure that he never thinks of himself unless he Includes me. We are perfectly content. I am not quite sure, my dear, If the words happiness and content are synonomous. Indeed, I think one can bo content without knowing the great heights of happiness, and one can be happy and yet lung for a level of content. I know now my child, that you are saying, 'There you go, mother tear, playing with the spiritual In stead of the obvious meaning of the words." Rut I must tell you, my dear, that whether you consciously or unconsciously deduce these spir itual meanings, being a woman, you will have to live by them. Men, by long years of evasion. have been able to Ifurget or lay aside anything but the obvious. And be cause they do this tnev have put upon us, my child, the duty not only of bearing the consequence of theli forgetting, but th y have al mad i us the custodians of the realities. 1 But this much comfort will I give you. However much most women: rebel against this duty at your time of life they come at mine, to accept it, not only contentedly, hut with a kind of proud happiness. There, my child, there I have Just written the dliference between and the defini tion of the words content and hap piness. rate, after all. Is Inexorable, not because we are not free agents, but because we stumble un blindly, while Pate gues on coldly and sometimes It seems to us, cruelly, marking the pattern of that changeable thing we call destiny. Looking back tonight after reading this story of my other life, I am now wondering If 1 would have ever been a happy wife to Karl, if 1 had never been the wife of John. Or, If John had come back from that tragic ride and we had gone Into the new home to "Jog along together" would I have been as happy as I am nowl All of which thoughts are rather fu tile. , I believe that word "if" makes almost all the trouble In the world Looking back we always say. "If I had done so" You remember the poet used about the same Idea but he doesn t use the same words as he proclaims "Of alt sad words of tongue or pen. The saddest are these: 'It might have been'." Hut when one nenrs fifty, my child, a woman notes the slanting rays of the sun In life's afternoon. If she has learned anything from lite she knows that the 'might have been was a last chimera, nnd the "wns" is the only thing by which she could have come where she could look Into the twilight and shadows with anr kind of appreciation of not only what Is but what will be. I learned through great restless ness and so-called un happiness, of HIV Villi I h thnt tliA-A I. !.... .11 u, , M''"Z" beautiful thing than love In thin world. as I write thpse wordn. mv rhlld. I hear the rontstena of your father Karl out.xide my door, and I think I will read them to him. Tomorrow The :n of .l.i le. MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Acrnt 'CalirornlaM !vrup of Fi onlywlook for the name California oa tna package, than you are sure ,, h.'," BAT'" "- .. mill In.. . '.i ,rr ,n(1 bow,l- Children ! t I'!5' u"e' r" llreot:on for"v - - Ya mtt" "T "Ca!1- New Version of Camas Episode The News-Review Is la receipt of the following letter regarding the re ceut "home-wrecker" episode at Camas Valley, In which the man was reported to have made a very painful race through a blackberry patch while clad only li the original out door costume. The letter Is from a resident of Camas Valley and Is as follows: "In the slatenient last week con cerning the 'home-wraeker' there was a little error. Such punishment would have been very, very light foe such an act: but he got away easier than that. He did not get more than thirty feet Into the berry bushes and there he stayed from 8 a. m. until 8 p. m. It was Impossible for him to travel the mile to the river without 'leing seen, as he would have had to cross the highway and stubble fields, and there is not enough water In the river to cover his feet. "The woman did not run away, or if she did she came back, for when the husband returned with a neigh bor the woman was there with the coat and hat. The husband took her to the house and at the point of a revolver made her sign over to him check for 1150 that she had re ceived for board from the road engi neers. Then he. made her p-ick up her clothes and leave. He went with her and put her on the stage and gave her $12 and sent her away. She borrowed money from friends and went to her relatives. Three days later he followed her and begged her to come back. She refused, as he had brutalized her all the years of their married life, although she had always supported herself and child ren, doing washing, sewing, 'and keeping boarders. Now he has gone bark ngain to try and persuade her to live with him again." CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature loix;k directory. I. U. O, K Talon Knenmnoient No, 0. Meets in Odd Fellows' Temtde every Thursday eefc- VlsUlna brethren always wel. ."r . JOHN RKESK. C P. FOSTER BUTNER, H. P. OLIVER JOHNSON, R. S. JAMES EWART. If. S. U. 1. O. F.I.KS. Itoflrharff I.oflRC No. 32S i-iultis regular communications at the Klks' Tempi on each Thursday of every month. All membe.-s rs que.ted to fittcnd re-fularly, and all vleltlng- brotliet-8 are cordially In vited to attend. A. J. UI.BfK.V, E. R. 111A U. 1UD11.E. Secy. tMI.HTS UK PYTIIIA Alpha Lodee jo. At, n.tsjt9 tvery Wednesday vtti Ing, cor. Jack i-oii and Ste. V .all ot a alwavs wele-Thy. O. A. CHAMBKHLAIN. C. C. CHAB .V. ItUPK I-Ntj, M. F. E. K. WIMBKItLY, K, It, S. i. OOtMlb. OK THE WO It 1.1 So. Kf metis In Odd Fellows' hU in Hoitfbura every Ut and 3rd Monduy evei.ii.vs. Vint tins neighbors al ways wvlcome. O. II. PICKENS, C. C. M. 41. MILL EH, Clerk. fa.A4.l.K KoHeburg' Aerie meet ia Itieir hull on J-tckeou Si. on 1'nd and 4th Monday evanliiKS of wu'h tnoutli at I o'clock. V liming bruthren In tfeod atHiulifnj alwuvH weU'otne. FIU-JD P. i' LARK, V. K P. VICTOR M1CI0LL1 W P. B F. OOUl'AlAN. Secretary. Mi v A L onni:n ok moose Itoa.burn t-jui;e iui., met i second an nuith fdneptday evening of aoh "'""in at ociuck in the Jit-ope hall. au vitfitlng- brothers are invited to C. W. CLOAK E, Dictator. 11 f : II KK A ilV--t t nS e b i'rg Itebekah I7f NO. 41. 1. O. O. 1-.. Meets irt nrT.I t'i lf-wp' Tempi- every week on Tuestay eveniriK. VlattiiiK membera in aoort land i nir are invited io attend. EVA LENOX. N. G. PELLE PTKI'HENSON. Sec KTIIKL BAILEY, fin. Socy I. O. o. K., ItlMltiK siur Lodire So. 1m! nn-ets In the Odd Fellows' Temple ""J rinmy fining, visiting Dretn- reu always weltomc E. A. I ETTEY, V. O. H. W. SHAW. V. O J. E. PICKlWS. Bee, 8 M KICK I.E. Kin ?fc t. I- Kiu.el.tirK ( ampler Sn. M-' ihcir regular meeting on the unci jrn i nurs'lay in f-a- h momaj are refpertfMliv invited to Mtend I.EOXA AmiAIIAW. W. Ji l-j:Ei: JOIINSOX. Sery. 4. K. A A. M., Laurel Loilue . tXZ ReKulr c:nmunii ntinn ind an:l 4th Wednejidnys ea'h month at Majionk Temple, Roseburg. Ore, Visitors Wei come. W V. T? R Ut3. A. A. W1LDEK. W. M. PROFESSIONAL CARDS rVl ?" K-Cut Flowers. Phon HI. X. II. I'l.Ti.Rii Cnlropractlr fit W. Lane St. Physician. HUNTER AND GUIDE! I Titrk hones furnished. Write for BKKT WKI.KS, Cmjw mXtj, Or. AITO OWXEKS. A.l.tpt tbs new and bettr way b. hvln 1' Filler In stalled l vour ilr" In and you never have' boat su.-h things as and blowouts, t. !,' .i air o think unctui ea nnnn greater Try It rut an,, I 'V? antee t you win nevr n hack t have Vniversal Km.. .- vice, bsisasi It is here to aav tJon't forget that L'nlverpal vw. ler u uaranisk. tor lOO.uoe ttUm Srrrlo, ..tloo. Corner Oak ami R. OHL., Manas., Th H. It. EC I. A. lFnlon MreOnr will ttv hlu al the Alaccabe hall Trx nrst and third Wednesdays of the month. KKIIillHOHH UK WOODCRAFT Lllat Circle No. 4tf, meet on 2nd and 4tb Monday vening". VUltfnc naltfhbora In vi t tU to attend. EDITH CHT.'RCHILU O. N. TllOaltt L JOHNSON. Clark. I. o. a. F, rbll.orUn Lads No. S. meets tn Odd Kllowa 'iviitple, tur ner jRiktion and Cass St.., oa Satur day ttvenlna of sat-ta week. Visiting brethren are always wclcumv, . LYMON U SPENCEK. N. O. A. J. GEDDESt. Hec. Ssc. .! n "(IAII.KV. Fin. Sr CLASSIFIED COLUMN WANTED. WANTED Work with a truck. Phoir 21. WANTED Washing for ma or worn JJ N. ltoae St. IVANT10U i'uraey., lurge or small. ' ouyur mus. rnuna j.-r ii. ,,.(,.. u . . , , WANTE mwnt. 4-rooin furnlshsd apart , 61-J. Co u n t y Ag.nt's offlcs. WANTED Woman or girl for confec tionery work. Apply Foutch Confec tion erjr. WANTE1J ciood me'hanlc and i er. J. O. Ncwland & Son. help- WANTED Maternity nursing. 241 South Stephens Ntret-t. Inquire WANTED tilii to attend hlKh school in Portland and assist with housework for her board. Phone 2H-J. WANTED Place for IiIkIi s.hool boy to work for board and room. -Ad-dress H. H.. Nuws-ItevluW, WANTED To rent farm on shares or a position on salary to take charge of pluce where everything Is fur nished. Address Box 2m, Myrtle Crewk. Ore. W A XT Id D Experienced peur and apple puckers ut the overland Orchard. Transportation to and from town free, or accommodations at the or chards. Ueiiuiing TuesUay, Sept. 7 Chaa. A. Brand. :iKP WANTED Man and wife, no chil dren, to work on farm, or would rent farm and stock on shares and furnish hay, se-d, grain and farming Imple ments for operating farm. A good proposition to rlht parties. Address J. J., care News-Review. FOll HUNT. FOR HENT Furnlshsd room for young man. 24', tio. Jack sou, phone 41-lt. FOR KENT Safety depoalt boxes. Roseburg Natlunul Bank. FOR KENT Two furnlshee'rooms. In- qulre U3 W. Lane tot. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms; adults. Hit) Prospect til. Call evenings. r'OU PENT ltoor:is for light house keeping, sleeping rooms, also one room unfurnished. Hoseburg Apart ment". Phone 61. MLSCKLO-AXEOl'S. noik. e aia'rdle and pack horses for nuniera. u 41. Rice, Hoaglln. Or. M null r at.. dAEFTYFIRTSecure a safety de posit box for your raluabie papers at , 'vuMfruuig national DiinK. ikaliok PLOWING Oet your order "... - - 11 'ou wari woric done. yjiiunn i oou. bui ii, .osbUrg. o.xtv TO LOAN 2 'i-year run credit farm loans, low Interest rate, .u,tvu local money to loan on good t-T , w","ie- riisi morigiige. ate M r- ""'e. or khs ft ltice. LOST ANI FOUND. u . f111010" nd negatives, else o- Miurn to Sim Review. L-vsi Mimaae containing wsarinr - ' riuuer piease ieav at ,twi- -.icn. a riwarn. L()hf pair apeotarles between Currr .iilm nm ien Miie cnurch, Finder tonjiii io iews-ttsview. l "'w.r-itM aiiiacie Motor cas "r guaraiueen to increase M"-nf irom io io 40 per cent ad prevent carbon. Motorists all want tiiem. $1 ou per box postpaid. Agents wanted. bg pr. Address I. M Cox ih Ave. E., Eugene, Ore., Htate -on ii-uitir. """"fpspsSJVVaVasasVVaa OH SALR Hart let peers, seconds, at the Overland Orchards. lOe a box. For SALE oats, both arar and Whit hone raormnas 187-L or lt-Fit - i a i.-i-room nnue. Mg rruit, itrden. cheap at quir News-Revlew lot!. In- RARfLF;fT PEARS FOR &ALR 76c Millard. Ldenbower, rK PALE one 119 19 ' Oakland six. S,ile Oa. Ford car, one Liberty Auto A LK Vet rh anrl Khs.i m. ems per pound. Myers Bros., Look Phong 1J-KI2. f"r service. Lynn 1. Box necaiey. 15. 1! rs Ore. R. ' wi,;. l'lr.'fvmn work horsi " -K5 ' m," 1 rl,ht ''hon 1 '"' .' jj. SALR-ao 1-year-old .ens at II: one .",?,. F- "' R""erv r1!l?,K T.HKKS' Tea. and the very III nv limited num. .. k ,th 'allan on the famous, Pum ront, Hemember. , .' ln ,nlr wnn the R'l'able Albany Mir e-rles Addree. r E. Jordan. Oranti ... . . . r r- ..irnjin. .trams t? irw'l"1 " who will be ()ad lo kook your order for rsMrraUoa. I FOR I reanv Your Valuables Deserve Safety There ia no good reason why you'should keep your valuables stored inTsome insecure place about'your home especiallyhen you can rent a Safe PepositBoxMn our Fireand Bur glar Proof,Vault for the smairsum of $2 00 and up per year. TheRoseburgNalional Bank R.osebur,Ore. "'"'Ill i.odc.k a iam - I Br,hrrhod of M.lniLiSJ.M r. Affiliate h th; Mel at Mooi, ,aU ,hf'- luurin sat. nlahla and tUri 3 VI of acb month. SM-4 OEtt MAC IVERfSfc . . AI l-.Hr I II "14 i . . L.O. T. M llovkura III.. n hull. Sister, of oth.r hl on t'i.. ""M UH'IHE LOCKE. Co JKWS1K I-APP r.l ALL XKW CLASSIFIED A D VKIl TISK HE NTM WILL llE POIND OX LtA FOR HALE Hambuuldet rama 1 Blllltll. Ulxonville. l-l-is 1 VOH BALE- A. Kl.h.r. ,lC' -Fresh cucumben. Aa-lnt-: offU.". " 'V"' M""Vn- I -" "jt , AK-ioud tTnt. ,,10 wubd walla. Phone ISM. FOIt aJALE Maxwell car. i: lion. live new tires, l orj Grsu, FOR SALE Pitcher pump with t f; ltfr-!n. pipe, H.5u. Ut So. Pin. v FOR SALE fi-room home, ui uun u. tun ua buianc. iirt iU, rnAi-e., ekl Kutur. )A(ltS r UK WALE 4VV good u iiunu sucks ai s cents tuch. J ) re. Olalia, O ryfo n. FOR SALE Purebred rou a ft node Island Red tockerii I sacli. Phone 40-F4. iJr. K. P. J: loru. FOR KALE Team bright bav aa- S00 lbs., harness anj heavy w - irlce 100 for gukk aale. if J at ueer ( reeK L,ivery, or phoni i. If 'OR SAL.E Prune trees, Italian t 6 ft., 50c; 6 to 8 ft., sue: I'etitei, e, 60c; 6 to 8, 7lc. ft. L Liu, mues west jruoaeburg, Urc FOR" HALE One "of"ihs-beif earns, wan nurnvss, Id ecu: Weight 30 DO lbs. Will tak Ki i nr quicK sale. T. A., vara M Review. FOR SALE ilorae, weighs 111 years uiu, bargain, riiotit ll-ri. A. Calhoun, Wilbur, Oregun. FOR SALE OK TRADE For houM . i lot, ls-la JIud. eJec. lithu A iui new battery, six gouii tirei, Id i snaps, can prions or -J FOR HALE Studubakar touring i lvl model, run less than Twot mi In good condition; pries t?W. 0 er, Li. b iSlchols, Kidate. 0r. FOR SALE The following ui a: both in llrst clans condition. 1 191V Dori, ftiol. 1 1V14 Ford, :;76. Service Uaraga, Roaeburt, Qrt. mTjh tiot'd uell drilling chine, cheap If taken at one. i; In if enousrh In sitrht to t-ar for H E. Heinwelman. ftoseburs. 0C Phone J-F5. Foil bALb: 110 bu. rye rM vetch seed mixed. $-'5 Pr iiu (.flit ami Vfica seea 1.0 per bu.. sa kd. Ummtll h' and 11. On k tie, Wilbur, urc Blt tiil'i' itstTa-n' 6 and tt i: irora. uoatfl. mostly yujng nann.ia llu.v V, o . ia ,.rlr lllirhCM. . TliomoBon. H .2. Ifox 113. Sorts P' ciflc highway, near Wlnchsatert" fOK SAT.E Ytarllng Ilanibou.! rams that will shsar 20 to 3 I fine white wool. Will sell or carload. Prices right. F. ft . Hr Ashland, Oregon. Foit HAl.t: 3V bushels ry and seed, about S-4 vetch. 7 csb;i bu. arrev oats, wheat. vuu gratis mixed i cents lb. r ; Em matt HU Oakland, bur. Ore. UTill UAl Ii arau 1 rnHfirODliV1 burg. 12 in thoro cultivation; l-,n errles. some pfars - - -- , Tries; 10 acres urnaii I'l,Jlt:.i:K ump land; small l-room boi irn, other outbuilding. A" ';.r buy stock farm. J( ilck action. AlJres- or call llll.pv Si LOOK 104 acre good farm sn4 P', 4-room hou... den land: orlncr- !U trrci fruit: 1 mile to Ho. burs. 4 Be, arads heifers, 1 . cc. hose. IA chickens. and heater. .... .... Ti,v H W. StoraJ. Pfin saI.k ;ood used o:aca P'f 5. '1 - I35 " Bnllera and enaine.. all si"'' I'ulleys, belting and suppii , e Tirsa saw with t eawa ,e I 4 H. P. Oas Enaine ;i 1 I H. P. Oa Kngine ... 1 Small sawmllla. earn . m nalvanlaed Dine. 11 In. for W per ft. nfW We buy. .ell. and e. n ery. Some a-ood In'" 't OX mil SAI.K One ef the b""' "M.'i'' ...... Ih .nnlh.r.1 I0!1.1 acres farm land, as tf,'w'Ar.mi. : under Irrla-allon. cl.iver prunes. UT Rraln anJ cor . ., ture. all under hoi tlfM " m . . . ..... timrcr. of creek bottom: IT fj''""., all lures with llvlntt w"''rrr.'V3 them year round. t:Ciri machine shed, anr ! .re ' half ah. balance on tin"- M?, (. ny in.rhln.ry. rrsia. .11 of m: eatlte al reasonable rr,rL IM1 selling, retiring Address Myrtle Creek, Orsa. hog pena: plenir oi '",;1(m to the foreat reaerje 7 rv. , water piped Inlo bou.c. Riii