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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1920)
Bowpnmo wTws-nitVTFw Tr:ii.,v, hfptfmtifu t, 1020. mow Trmrw New Plan Has Been Made Public 5?rur. .mart brcwa il SPSto fo'd, to prve the deli- AW . iter uiwm (mtmjmmiu mil titer That's why Spur Cigarettes have won. There ere plenty of cigarettes of merit, some claiming one pleasing feature, some another. "But there was room at the top for a still better cigarette one that had all the goodness of the others and then some. Spur's new blend of choicest Oriental and American tobaccos fives greater richness, aroma and mildness than you thought a ciga rette could have. Spur's crimped, not pasted, seam makes a longer lasting cigarette. If you're looking for the highest possible quality at the lowest possible price-ihof ' Spur. Z Wanted the U. S. To Take Mandate BfDAPRST. 4"i ag 8 ' n.i'f'Y crcgr"' ,be rcnusul of the ov. n "s lo "'"P' tn" nianclnto leL ':'",im'I,lB lecauso the oT, WrW ,u-1 a un""'e cna" Tt.rk.1 ?" Am"ri,' Library In tut ih.' ?' ','f,h ,v"ld have brought SlMltl ""r" of the Ko"an r T,,rk,sh literature, the PhUotopV-.'"1:"''1 n,nd Ar""lan tloMz'hnr ''''feasor Igua na ha, , ' famous orientalist. Vntdav t,-; r:ltM' hi. 70th lihpr r U,'U w" Gold- "KHh y "n 0,ie"';'' science. "ahlUhT,1 "i'l T,Ur,i,'' "'"st be re cast tot, i so tho nationalists ;-t ?e y ,m:'.,'"rni7e " "hfh f5old7iPr :'-T.''0'1"U0i Profea hour... f: T'' Tu'k are the 'K'n a t..:.. . .' . ln ,he world and .t. .uiu you hlrh is hardly the : ' "-"loom. Ilut when iMizatlon ':rh wilh eastern V. .Ur.k K-n.T.-lllv nlV. ... .1.- I hut Wit of .. '"''''levardu I. M N:h' wl'h cultu ,b"aoa thPi. ,h(,V nuit u K. ?' ',T utd l,v the tn. f!,',"'''h" Turkish na 'lon da'.-P " mock VM 'i '"fore their eyes wmT 1. , .1 .,n ,helr racial p- "eir implicit, hon- GROWERS having WHEAT. OATS and other grains to sell siiould submit samples and get prices from us before selling their grains. Remember we have handled your grain in the past and have never failed to get satisfactory results. EVERDODY'S EXCHANGE, Inc. esly poetical ability and one of the greatest' blessings of America's con trol over Turkey ould hitve been th preservation of these rational qual ities. "According to the news I have re ceived from Gennanj', stud ies there have come to an end and the well known Oriental Academy In Merlin is closed. But I sincerely be lieve this gap will be filled by Amer ican men of science who are aware of .their responsibility to save the .'IK. erleti' the nationB are doomed to decay." .NOTICE OF MKKTTNO OF BOARD OF Eyl'ALIZATION. Notice is hereby givf that on Monday, September 13. 1320, the Hoard of Equalization will attend at 'he courthouse ln Douglas county and publicly examine the assessment rolls and correct all errors in valua tion, description or qualities of lan-ls. lots or other property assess d for the year 1920. FRANK L. CALKINS, Couaty Assessor. LIVES IN CONSTANT DREAD At No Period of His Life Is the Zulu Free From the Fear of Witchcraft The Zntn baby Is born Into the feat of witchcraft; In the fear of witch craft he grows up nnd when he sick ens and is about to die, his one thought Is that n spell has been cast upon him for which the charm cannot be dis covered. All his life Ions he dreads lo meet In lorfely places the "Inswelntiova" an Inhuman man. lacking only hair or fur to mnke him altogether a beast a sort of beast In human form who rides backward on a baboon, ready to pounce upon and make medicine of the unwary traveler. In mature manhood he suspects his neighbor, b's friend, bis brother, and even his wife of having dealings with mnkers of charms and ixiisun. lie iMtinn wnff'lfi, " enemy may have put medicine lo his path to harm hlin. From every possible sonree. from earth and from sky, from river and from forest, from friend and from foe. be Is continually spprehcnslve of an evil Influence coming upon him and searching for a taH'ttmn to wear against It. Pr. .lames B. MiCord lo Medical Missions. IIKIXI.INK-MOOHK COXSKHVA- TOIiV OF MCHIC Stop and reflect great fires fr-jm little sparks ar spread. Be earslol wit fires. The Heinline-Moore Conservatory is pleased to announce that the most compntene teachers have been engag ed Jfor every department Piano. Harmony. Musical Kindergarten. Voice. Violin, and Physical Educa tion. Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Heinllne will teach piano and harmony, with Mrs. Arthur Knauss and Miss Anna belle Denn, assistants. Miss Helen Ford Turner, of Chicago Normal School and Columbia University. New York, will arrive In Koseburg on the sth to open her work In phy sical education. Miss Meiba Williams, a graduate of Eupene University, has been engaged as teacher of the voice and violin. Miss Williams possesses s dramatic soprano, and has been the leading soloist of the University throughout six years of college life. Hhe is equally artlBtic and thorough as a violinist, and In both voice and violin excels as a teacher. The Con servatory re-opens on September 13. and pupils are being enrolled In all departments. Mrs. Heinllne Is con- dUCIing'ee vocAl"1 ir:'i a pi Mal fui i to enrolling the voice pupils. ' , .oTi( ::. On a"count of the unsettled mar ket conditions we are discontinuing the buying of any kind of Junk. DEHOIOU JUNK SHOP. Order your Christinas and New Year announcements early, and don't forget that Kates, the printer, Is showing a line line of samples to mske your selections from. At the News-Review oflloe. MEXICO CITY Sept. 4 A plan for the operation df the newly form ed petroleum consulting board of the Ministry of Industry. Commerce and Iibor, has Just been made public. In ail effort to bring the govern' ment and the petroleum Intereats into closer relations, the ratter will be permitted to attend the sessions of the board and present claims or give Information but without the power to vote. Another of the announced pur poses or the board of which General Trevlno. Socretary !.' tho Industry Comnr"rce and Labor chairman, la the dissemination of t Information The board has begun functioning. Fighting High Cost Groceries NEW YORK, Sept. 4 Old ITashlon ed sandwich man publicity has come to be chosen by Dr. Robert Grlmshaw efficiency engineer and faculty mem ber of New York University, for on attack on the high cost of groceries in the Washington Heights section of this city. Dr. Gtiiushaw served notice on the grocers that they would have to cut their prices, or hear from him. The quotations remaining virtually un- cnanped, the doctor s trill board man paraded through Washington Hei ghts main thoroughfares and in the market sections heralding the whole- pale prices llor garden truck showing a wine margin below retail costs. Washington Heights' housewives generally have noted the Grimshaw sandwich men and their message, and "everybody is talking about it." Lighthouses at Railroad Crossings CHEYENNE Wyo., Sept. 4 The installation of "baby lighthouses" to (lash their warning lights forty five times per minute, at all railroad crossings, at approaches to danger ous curves, and on steep grades are being considered by the state road commission of Wyoming. It is planned to have red lights at railroad crossings and yellow ones on turns and curves. The lights are said to be visible at eight hundred leet distant. KTS WlXtllENTKU l'OWEIl At a special meeting of the city council Wednesday evening the res ihuatlon of It. R. Ferlier as the city rnarsrall and light and water super intendent wa s accepted anil Roy (loodmnn was appointed to Ifill the vacancy. The council also took action 'n the matter of another transformer and connecting with the main nower line from Winchester in order to fur nish ample power for the J. H. Mil ler mills and other enterprises In Oakland. Chairman of the rouncll, R. L. Stearns went to Roseburg to day to rttend to the matter tnd an other, transformer nnd substation Is to be Installed Immediately Oak land Tribune. Real beauty may be a reflection of your soul as the poets say but what a large factor skin is when beauty is judged? Fine, soft skin of beautiful texture can be had only when the utmost attention is given regularly to the care of the skin. Purola Toilet Preparations have contributed toward the attainment of Beauty for many years. They are compounded from finest ingredients and are pure, beneficial and soothing to the skin. PUROLA WISTARIA CREAM is a good night cream ideal for removing the soil gathered during the day upon the skin. It keeps the skin soft, fine and clean. Try itl it eQROlA , AIDS TO HEALTH AND BEAUTY k2L IteJfflB GUARANTEE AO Purola Preparations art guaranteed to give thorough satisfaction or the price you paid will be cheerfully refunded. Prepared and Guaranteed by the BLUMAUER-FRANK LABORATORIES A CATAUHJ CAN 1,1 K. Don't buy your fall hat from a picture and descriptions. You don't often Ret Just what you thought, and besides you ean go right here In own to Carr s store, pick out your hat, be money ahead and perfectly satisfied besides. We are devoting ft largt balcony lo our line of hats, ornaments, winter flowers, feathers, ribbons and flames. Go see the other displays, then come to Carr's. We have quality and yet a low price. Pears for sale at the orchard, 2E centB a bushel; bring your boxes. Phone 2B0-L. m j j it it aneeifieiaiYYoni OF ALL KINDS J. II. SINNIGER 110 OAK STREET PHONE 428 R. K. Hunt U. V. 0. Night Phone 20 V. H. Antlee B H. O. V. M. Mght 1-none HUNT ANTLES VetrMnurr 9wren. rhont 4V9 Office 111 Oak (It. lUsafcurg. Or WANTED 500 or 600 cords 4-foot fir wood. DOUGLAS COUNTY LIGHT AND WATER COMP'Y ROSEBURG. OREGON WOMEN WANTED 1 00 Women Wanted at Cannery At Once. A. RUPERT COMPANY ROSEBURG. OREGON Phone 310 ITAI! EGG RochSprin; MENDOTA COAL H.J. DENN AaiOrCD On if-mvl a, II "CvJ." V Corner (k nnd Main, Telephone Ids Prompt Sorvbe Prices Right Labor Day Resolutions. (The .Tew Year'i Day ol Buiineis) 1 To keep business going from good to better, and then to better yet. 2 To do it the sure-fire, thrifty way, by letting advertising help swell the returns. 3 To employ the most direct form of publicity newspaper advertiting. 4 To reach the public of Rostburg and vicin ity through the colums of THtHJDSEBBSIC NEWS-flUVKEW- The people buy it to read it They guide their buying by what they read in it. 3 $aa&&aaaat