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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1920)
1 mmma nwrnn-wrmm. f nm AT, Ji nb 4 J',a?- ItUSEIII lit; K F V H . n K V I R w Issued Daily Eioept Bund?. B. W. BATES L WIMBERIY BERT C. BATlSj SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily, per year, by mall $4.00 Daily, nx months, by mail .... 2.00 Ly Carrier, per month CO TONIGHT HKiH SCHOOL ALUITOKIIM The Associated Preia Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this paper and aUo the local news pub lished berein. All rlKbts of republi cation of special dispatches berein are also reserved. Entered as second-clans mattei May 17, 1920, at the post office at Roseburg. Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1819. Iloeeburg. Oregon, June 4, MKSO. Kcprepentatlvu Williun; I ')ra, of lllirois, as ill of the special committee Investigating war expenditures iius Jis"., u.u lie r ivr behind the t'iroi.,' " He thus describes Ilernard Uaruch, chairman of .he war industries bea'd. !'ll';rney Haruch had more power during the war than any othe man 'u the orld. liar.ey l'.arieh i ntrolleii r.soluttly the food supply of the I nited States, llurmy Uiruih oriul- ib .nte-tix:i polity of nil to-nmoditl's and put it lr. operation Harney j. h s.iggcled taking ovi.r the railroads by tho govern ment. Harney Laiu.l, nrulaled Ire Piudiieltcn ol titccl, cjpnur and 'rin Harney .laruib had supre.e author ity over che L-producls of the eoko ovens of t.'U country and d- t touted at the sc tir"-s of sui ply 'he nitrates end fertilizers of the world. Harney Haruch regulated the shipping of the United States, laid down Its policy bs to what should b' sent abroad i.nd the quantity hi J what should not." Representative Orabrm eiv Lhaslzes that "tltopi are not tnv statements i ut replies under oath made by Mr. Haruch when examined V.fore our committee." Lest of Series of RECITALS given by llelnliiuvMoure Conservatory. Everybody Welcome. LOVE and MARRIED LIFE iw. the noted mitfior Idali EKGlone Gibson A (iltKAT CHANCE. It was strange to me tbat when Hiervnne elite seemed to De worrying about John 1 was perfee'ly calm. I did not have the slightest xitty as to ms whcrtubouU It pj just an other illustration of his thinking tbat hu ruled his whole little world, lhat everything and eve. yuu i:iu;t stand still at his older ai.d ilint he could do anything he phased witt (.ul responsibility to others for h's actions. Although all trc- others itemed to think it very itr.mge 'hat we hail not heard from In h week, and Diaries kept absolutely mum aiiout the telegram which he reeived for cue. I seemed to be quite etal money distribution among those soldiers not physically hurt by tb war. iurnHIe as wells go dry Undoubtodty thero will be a popu lar demand that every aeni'y and power of lite Lnlled Htnlua govern ment shall bo exerciHed to the limit to bring back into custody, to. Rem ti-H sentence, the notorious druf ('odKer, Urover Cleveland llerdoll. I f ib aacipe from his niothcr'H houm In 1'hihuiHphlit wli;n thu nubile hud KUBon to believe that he was bebintj the burs at Fort Juy beHiulrches high ('f'iclulR of tiie war department. ho over Ih renponnible or in any way in plicated In ihU scandul sliould be htomtht to book and punished. LThc oi th Uered'dl millions to fdilcld the Hlhcker and hl fuirulivo brother and (oiiaibtcntly defy fedenil authority 1 iiu murker! thin push fro.M the Hlart. It wad tblfl thut eniibltd the coll ected deserter to comnmntl author ity fur bis trauHfer finm bis cull to Ilia mother's home, nhore hla get (iway wan doubtleHH -levprly planned 1 he rottenue&H of this situation calls for u confrenlomil InveHtiunoe. Oil Filled Shale To Supply the Country With Oil and Gas For Years to Come. SHALE IS A SALVATION Government Engineers !xrnte Huge Deposits Where Iteflnerles Mny liHMluce Oil to ''urnUli the World With Fuel. In a political campaign he has The oil we 1b ate going dry. Hair of the entire supply of the great underground pools ba. been exhausted since the first comuier clal well was driven in Pennsylvania In 1 The crust of the earth bus been thoroughly explored, and there are, in all piobability, no more such great continental fields as those of Califor nia and Texas. That Is the real forct behind the flaring words, "OASOLINB EIIOItT A'JK!" that have been shrieking out from seven-column newspaper ad vertlBeineeib in type two Inches high, and which caused se'.un million American automobile .owners to reach for the emergency b'ake. ImlllNtry Jolted. The crv ban brought tin motor driven, oil lublicaled, niiiet eti tweuty model world irp with a Jolt and set Its Industrial gai-s to armd inif. Fconomlnally Amcilcii ha.i gotten something of a hluii-k, for coun try cannot run wlihout oil, whatever tiie rest of the world might do. i With the oil wells going dry,' v.hat'i tho answer? Shale oil shale, reply the i n'n eers of the United States geoloi'.lcu'i Hurvey. While rlenry Ford hai been sew ing the world with flivvers, and b oil men buve been pmii.i1ii& out (he veils at the rate of three cr four h'itidred million barrels a year to sure that oeforc anotner sun had ,etjlk"f ". . a"Z'l unit ve would hear from John. Power for Harm Gone. As I closed my eyes I knew my lips loftened Into a smile because I real l7ed, or at least I thought, at this moment that iievr aain Mould John Gordon have the power In hurt me as he had In the past. 1 had the great solace, the great comfort, the great panacea, of all the hurts ot everyday life that mleht come to a woman. I already fell my child's ubsolute dependence and Its ult?r helplessness without me. As the nurso again placed It In my .irms I had a new realization of the heliileHKneHs of all humanity ul ii entrance into the world nud thru 3eiit my mind rushing along life's pathway, and I understood the help lessnesb of humanity at Je.tth'a hour. I also begun to have some idea that there was nothing la this world but service. Now that I was of some UKe In the world, now that f meant to someone tnoro than a-iy-th(nv else entile po?stl.)y mem.: now that 1 was the whole great, unlvcrre for t'lat little being sleeping v ithiv Iho circle of my arm, 1 leuiized tb&t was all that life might rnoic- ser vice. Ani4 that only when w serve can we bo happy. IEen-on for 1'iilutppim'fcs. The greatest reason f jr vty nn hapiilness with John was thnc he would never allow me to f'jel that him I was forgotten when I was out ,f sight, and bo wanted mo lr- on 'erstand lhat thoioughiy. I al .a fave wondered if any oth-r m in in the world would have left als of business without giving bis ad-d-ess, lth iiia wile In the condition I was In. especially since i 'uK telegraphed bini tint I wits not feel lug well. 1 believe .Tot.n .s a II' tie moro unthinking, a little more tel. bU tli:m most men cou:d have .een under the circumstances. I was surprised when I found that I was aide 1" .lis""" he situation w,th myself so calmly. 1 pv'''' been able to du It before. I lnncei down :'.nd found myself wrlnKlea in its fortulejs nose mm queer motions ot its noist moutl. -bat made up my wurld at that mo ment. The nutse came forward, her face full of Interest, and said: ' We hav.i received a tel.xran from your hus band. Mrs. Oordou." "Have yon?" I asked Indifferently. "Well, at leait we think it is from him. It Is addressed to you. but ti e doctor seemed to think that we should open It, first." "All right,'' I answered, still ill illTerent to anything Ihe message might contain. Face All Kmile. She left the room Tor a moment and then returned, her face all smiles. "Your husband was at the sum mer home of one of his clie.i's. Ho had only Intended to stay ovtrulybt. but Important matters came up which necessitated his staying longer. He says he did not realize that he ha'1 not left his adrjres with ills office. Ho Is very much worried about you and asks us to telephone him. The d. ctor has (already put the ' all m He tells us that he will be witn yu as soon as the trains will brio',' "inn " "Does he know that my baby is bom?" "I don't think so." she anwrr.l, 'as all the telegrams were s-rit d. r- in. foe Rutherlln to attend tne Adventist camp meeting In progress at tbat place. R L. McFarland. of Sutberlln. re turned to b!a home tbli morning af ter a couple of day spent in Kose burg. j Anna Slulkcy, who has been visit ing Mrs. P. W. lleckley in this city fr tho past few days, left this morn ing for her home ill Hortlund. Mrs. L,. A. Dillard and cUld of' Oanbv. who have been vleltlng at the v.'. I,. I'obb home for the past week, left this morning for her home. County School Superintendent O. C. Hrown yestordny mailed out the warrants representing the anpropriu-! tlnns made for school districts ror the year. The money appropriated ti ls year represents approximately ' 5 per capita. H. TVarrer, recently from Kansas purchased 41) acres of timber iroin John Doerner of Melrose, the sale being made by Chas. Kyes. Mr Kves has also purchased ltit) acres of timber land adjoining that bought by Mr. Wiirnej-. the holding being an excellent eawm.U site. A candidate who Is defeated for nnjmlnatlon by the political Jiarty with which he Is registered as a member cannot accept the nomina tion of another party tbat may have written bis name in on the ballot, according to an opinion of Attorney Ceneral lirown. written In repli to Itiiiuirv fiom authorities of Lane and !;eschute counties. If the candidate l nominated by his own party he tuny accept the nomination of nn ithTT par'.y. A law enacted by the legislature' of IK 1 5 applies In th. i ase. m iL A TRIAL WILL (MICE a nnmi L. 1 I . . muinmu wiai wc couio say would 8o thorooh! convince you of the value of ChamberW TrtK1fo oo a ncrennnl f1 It. I-U j".wuuai uim, vve can tell of thousands who have been permanently cured f chronic constipation, indigestion, biliousness U headache and disorders of the stomach and 'li but this will have little weight with you as comr' tn a nersnnal trial. Tho ol r - " vunvinces. 1 u-na In thu slli7htr-t vrav iiPfoRnrv! il e vour Illness. I OOll't thltlk h t-i him. He wanted me to feel lhat , even knows you are better." lie was very ret'.nry to m, tj-jt o Tmiorrw - Kiml My K-.'-.:im1. Huin.-a on uie BioRan ihhi "cotiRre. kv the flivvers movlns, the un mnst be overturned." Mr. (Joinpera horuldfd, uiihiuik and nhKhtly 10 (MlKnnted Kopepf-nMtlve MeArthur numerated field men i.t the goern of Oregon fts one of the men to bojiuent'B bureau have been poking imo t.deKated to the Rcrfti-hea. M-- j ;h T,nhit(d hllln of Uu: timiah d'.-a-Arthur hnd voted for the .inti-nti 11-o uri of northern Utuh and northweat rliiuae of the rallroud bill. He inus' ern c'olorade, and found the nt.awer po So there ttiiH a ppecful effort to, to tho KiiH())nu uioblvin. Thov M vc- tkfeat hi in In the prhnnrles. Th m Ht populnr enndidnte dlscovernb c wan broiiKht out a man tlh tt lodltnble record In tho world war. Afr Arthur not only drie,iiml the ran lidate who fcor the flompem slamp rf anprovnl, but ho hnd a majorlt of votes ov:r all hlfl adveisu-len .'Kn ix'oplo of his district evidently Wffer a coni?ronsinnn who has a ilnd of his own. and the cnurnKe tn fse It, rather than a man who will bo a rubber stamp for Mr. Gompera. Increatied pension payments au thorised by tho Mcl'umber-Kuller act will be effective July 4, the com missioner of pensions has announced. A minimum of fifty dollars a month 1 granted to veterans of the Mexi can and Civil wars and thirty dol lars a month to widows. The for .lier pension of veter.tns was $117. ru and that of widows twonty-flve do lurs. Necessity for an Increase due to the hlRh cost of Uvlnn was recog nized by congress. According to the chief medical ad vlj.or of the War Risk bureuu. It will cost the government about $.1., (00,000 a year to care for 1.4 1,900 cterans of the wirld wur who were disabled. It Is this fin-t thut Is de terring many members of congress explored and measured and tested 'he oil shale bej ol ilin nutlo v.nd ihey found, first, an untuuebed oil supply tli vt will guurautce the na tion an ede(uate b n t 11 y of vusoline and ail It? allies for (he m-t tMi years, and, Bt cond, the materials t tr a new industry certain in years not i'ur ahtnd to one or the gu-ut st vet .'exelnpnd hy mail. Shale In Salvntlon, lr the oil shale deposits of Utah, Colorado and Wyoming Ilea birlel the motorist's r.alvatlou, and a id of unreulked weaKh Hint Is d-'.tln d to add a und brlllian: chap'gr lo the roin.mcc of American devd c pment ai.d exploitation How nearly exhausted is tho pres ent oil supply of the world may be reen from a few round figires. Since the underground pools wer f ir ?t tapped some sevpi, bllliue bar rels have heen tak'p out, ard It i. (stlmnted that about as mtnh re main in the ground. The consumption in America al no close to 400.0oo.000 barrels a ear. At the present tate the whole aep I ly wil! tc ehausied In a tew year.-. It was this ceriainty that tho oil w ll wero giving out that sent the Government's geologists lito tie desert to explore tht- shale beds. These beds were found to eoer from giving their Hssent to a gen- some rn0fl sounre milen in the w IVH1TE SHOE DRESSING ? KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT 5 THE BIO VALUE PACKAGES ' LIQUID AND CAKE S Also PsstM snd Llguids (at Bltrk. Tsn, Ox-Dlood snJ Dsrk v Brown Shoes V TH1 t. t. CAliBY CORPORATIONS LTD 8UFTALO. N. T. V (SttttUU 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M M U S states of Utsh and Colorailo. Must bti Distilled. Oil shale eontains no oil is K'lch. It Is a consolidated mud .-r elay de posit from whit'h the petroleum Is i .tuinerl by d'stlllallon. In'apiictr- snce the sliule Is black, or l)r3wrtUh bhiek, turning to a Rruy 'r ahy white where expose'd to the weather. Sometimes It is mixed with lime nn.l smd. It Is an argillaceous ';t-p it-It from pmhlstorlc apes, caused ty ani mal and plant life, 'flit American deposits the.'e are many depoidt liesldes the known laire onni In I'luh nnd Colorado return from 29 to 90 gallons of crndo oil to Ihn ton. Tho extraction of nil from shale Is and old industry thst was beijiin In Scotland and has jr.'own to con siderable proportions tlieriv At pres ent pome H.OO.COO tons of rhale arij worl'"c eai'h trote the deii.sits j In Midlothian and other eo'intles. ! Yet the Scotch deposits are not ! rich in oil as the Ann Kcan. The Scot h maintain Ihis industrv aeninsi the competitior of Ir.c oil fm?,; for eiirn wells and make it ;,ay as IukIi ns IS per cent dividends. France also maintains a sh-ile oil lidusirv. To extnet the o'.l T om nhnle the roch is bo.ited In retntti. the fumes drlved of by the h'it ar onilenMl the iimeionla Is separat"d from the petroleum, and both residues are manufactured. Variety of Product.. Amontr tlio iToc'uctj fecir'd air s isollne, lllumlnatli.K and lu'iriet t Itia oils, paraflne wax ar.a of ammonia, which makes a very fine fertilizer. Besides the'e prod'icts rnotirh llnuld !ne snd is ! 5'italnel o nrnlfh all Hint is required by th. shale rede.ct'ion plant. The shale deposits of Oolorndo a'one are estimated to ror.tntn .'s.- (S0.000.tini) barrels of oil. enou?t ;to keep ion Inrge redii'tton plants leach hsvlnjt a cai.acltv if :'0". h---,rels a day. busy for the next 0 . ye:irs. I The Vtah deposit of shale Is Tub as larue, and there are i nnruKiii.', ,e- I post's 111 Vvnmin. Tililnrnia and ienst as far as Indiana. ! The extraction jt oil from sha!. while nett an Inexpensive process, since it Is moslily a question of t eat. wnicn tne luel tn tile shule upp;i.s. and maebliierv, nevertheless re quires expensive equipment and Is In every respect a bin hnsinc imposition. Some tx erlntrntal plnnts sve nliendv In M," ri, I I. a -d ever- nrle or the dep ndts are taid to he located liy fortune hunters pro-ipertors and mfi '-Minns under the xnter'can nSnh.c bw. Development Not Knr Off. ! The uctle develi. pment of these I iii. ut- ut-posns w ill uemn. Ltle cv'-' I logical survey e.-itiitia'e. rn lee-n as the deteand for ml an I i iolme ..n.l ;the dimlnlshitiK supel-'es of these have reached the point where the sh:ile t-e.. em ontll ere ei oiion i--i. ly sotrisr the free flovl;.(t oil The reason there ts a easolme 'slei's'' today is b.-.Htise that point his not been reached Jed bu Imsi ! ress has not as yet attache I the haK t bends. Ki-om the San Kran Isro . Cull, m.iv '?:). For Infants & Invalids Nu ConL'af A Nutritious Diet for All Ages Quick Lunch at Home or Office Avoid Imitations fnel Substitutes CITY NEWS Arundel, piano tuner. 1'houe Lain. We wash and pollso cars at Uer ; en's i;arue. Tomato plants while they last 15c doi. 1'hone 166-J. 903 N. Jackson Sprella Corsetiere. Clara forum Chocs, A02-H. 311 W. Wanh tt. We pay the highest price for Cas jata bark. Ucrger's Bargain Store. A. J. OartMen left this mornlui; for EiiKene. where he spent the day at- tenaing lo business matters. We pay the highest price for Cas eara bark. Berger's Bargain Store. Mrs. I,. F. Ilenner, of Dillard. spent yesterday In thiB city shopping. re: ut ninii train. 1'onie on the evenine roultrymen get your kale plants froiti turl Vosbuie. 7112 Pniirnn ' J 5tic per 100. Cou'i e .,r .11Iy 1 1 !,,. er, this nn.i ..ini; for Yoncalla to inspect ...v- n..lh eel me u one nn t i. that vieinji roads in Miss Mary Crow of Kiddle was ammo: the liosep.iri; visltois yesu r 'i'i. le.iviiii; tor her home on eening ACTOR DfQARES Itf HAD SUFFiRED FOR IWENIY LONG YEARS "1 had taken but a few doses of Taulac when 1 realized I had found the medicine 1 needed," said O. It. .Martin, CO IS East Ninth street, Kan sas City, Mo., an actor with "Annie 1 utlcr Itevue." "liefore 1 started taking Tanlac 1 lad Buffered from aiomach trouule end nervous inuii;eslion for the pas1 twenty years, but gradually grew worse until for the last four or five veara 1 had been In a terribly bad condition. 1 had no appetite, and uhen I did manage to eat a little Mitiiethini? il beiiar to sour almost a' ence and Ras would form on my stomach until I was in perftct mis ery. My head ached Just about all the time and 1 often bad such bad dizzy spells 1 could -hardly keep from falling. My nerves became jo badly upset it was impossible for me to get a good night's sleep and 1 always got up .n tne mornings feel ing wretched I lost so much weight .itid fiinjly became so weak aud run down I had to lay off from work '. great deal of the time. ".My brtther-ln-law here in Kan sas City had taken Tanlac with such good results he advised me to try it. '-Inch I did and I bean to improve almost at once. 1 now have a Hlcndid appitite and eat Just any thing 1 want without being troubled -.lii gas ol in any other way alter ward. I not bad a headache or iliz?y spill since I started taking Titnlac and ,ny nerves are in suih Seed condition F can sleep ail nigh: ling without ever waking up. I have i.uintd several pounds in wei';lu. have retained my strength and, in fa t, fei 1 letter in every ,vay than Miave in y. .lis. I am still taking Tunllie. for 1 want to make sine ih.n- try troubles will not return, and a. 1 ppent of dollars for other medicines without getting any bene lit ft om tin in and ;ieur bad any thing to do me any good until Bi.uion tuning lanlac, 1 can't sav tin much for it . I am glad of the op- poiu.nny ;o ti ll Oihers about wha it has done for me so Ihey may profi by my experience. ' Tanlac is aula m lioseburg by W K". Chapman, and by the leading druggist in every town. l)i:i)K ATIOX .IT DILLARD. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preach ing by district superintendent a. ra. Basket dinner at 12:30. Plat form meeting at 2:30 p. m. tidworth League at 7 p. m. Dedicatory ser mon and service at 8 p. m. It. S. BISHOP. CLASSIfitD All Classified Advertisement In serted new codaj will be found on last page under ".New Today WATEB. WANTED Waitress at Hotel Ump-qua. WANTED Strong boy at the Ore gon Bakery. WANTED Lunch counter girl at Hotel L'mpqua at once. WANTED Teeth for Jones' hay rake. Call Phone 33-F11. MISCKlLajjuo,, PHONE vour wood to n. stubhs l!!"" M Phone UF25 ,Uelro"J KuE BOAitD for terla at once. Hill j,,: CaJ BE GOOD TO YOrmSElTTl 78 and ride. T5N until midnight, WELL DIiIU,i.-jQR man, driller. Puone 3-r"5. R' 1. Eo43 LOST-Whlte SpltroTT-H and dirty. Find,, 'pM Dhone 2D7.V "I I.OST-Lady's small, openW watch, gold tar. o i,.k ."""' '"I ----- .. CWi Melrt return to this office. MONEY TO LOAN-SO-m, : . ? 10an, ' tatJ u,uuti local monnnij gage. See M. F. Ric, WANTED Scotch collie pun. Phone ! John : t oil SALE 15-F12 early Goodbourn. mornings. WANTED Young girl to assist with housework, small -family. Apply 311 East Oak. WANTED Teacher for Glengarry school, Dlst. No. 109. M. M. Cooper, Clerk, Roseburg, Ore. WANTED TO RENT By first ol June, modern house in good loca tion; garden, chicken house. Call 17. WANTED To rent 4 or 6 room house, close in, long time, best of care. Address E. H., care News-Review. WANTED In the country, woman or girl to assist in the housekeep ing. Modern home and conven iences, good wages, easy work. Ad dress R. R. at -News-Review office. WANTED Young man, 18 to 20 years old, bandy with carpenter tools, to learn Bash and door work. Apply to J. G. Flook Co., If you mean business. YOUR WEEKLY CHECK Limited only by ability and time devoted to selling out trees. Complete line all varieties backing you. Write for terms. Start Immedi ately. Salem Nursery Co., Salem, Oregon. th. Kt!i, lv has l,vr a.l.l M- luurnu Mrs. N;iim: Vrs. II her lun, i, ..""string cf P.ilem who 'siting her parents, Mr ! f-. i . Armstrong, left tin, her home. E. Niclmls. who has bcei: ' this city with Mr. and Uvan. left b,st nicht fur in Riddle. I Mme-sulpbiir sprav. sulphur for ! fertiliser, sulphur for plant dustlnr. ,Km 'n fhl rnat of lead. Mark leaf forty. Umpqua Valley Fruit I Union. I,. V-i-.r.- it'll' e! residing at i this in. imp, cin.vs in tins :or. for ntanv vpars ;. "scbuiit. but wile 5 ov' aker. left fo, ;,at p'n,-, - after speeding a f,. DAILY WI ATIIEU HEIMItT. t-. 8. Weather n-jreau. local office lioseburg, Oregon, 2i hours endina i a. ni. today. Precipitation in Imluvs and lluiid mlths: Highest temperature vesterday st l owest temperature last night 4 0 Precipitation, last :'4 hours . . 0 Total pr.eip. since first of mo. 0 ;."..i.u precip. tor this month I otal precip. from Sel , to uatc nei.ue precip. from Sept i'o'al deficit-ncy from' Sent 1 :m n vverase 1.07 .21.61 1, .33.01: precipitation for et s. asons (.September -May. ipilu-.ivei WILLIAM HELL, '6i: . .U.4S 4:1 to . .31.47 server. WANTED $10.00 offered for this book. "Captain Gray's Company, or Crossing the Plains and Living In Oregon," Portland, 1869. Ad dress John L. Hitchcock, 1010 Powell St., San Francisco, Cal. JPOR8ALK. -1 pool table. S.11J r UK HALE 4 months oil J uul. x-iioue tu-M. FOR SALE Old growth MjU wan. muve wood, moae 5-fl! C. McGhehey. FOR SALE OR TRADE-lllJ stock ranch, fully equippc-l qulre528 So. Pine. FOR SALE Fresa lemy tow J calf, $50.00; good saddle naj sau.ou. Tel. 36-F13. run bala naeven Dean or ol feeder hogs, weight about 104 I each. P. E. Cooper, Bt 1, lot burg. Phone 42-F4. FOR SALE Good farm 0! HI on Coos Bay highway. No lied Lock Box 25, Camai Vallej, oi USED CARS FOR SALB-DnW lnder, 7-passenger; alcwM touring. Motor Shop Ginft FOR SALE 1 ton Built V truck, also Studebaker loutiia good rigs. 0. K. Oinn H Chester St. FOR SALE Complete let W Bmlth's tools, with or wllhotil business. Address R. S, News-lteview. FOR SALE 1-ton Maxwell W 1918 model; will take FortM lng car as part payment. J. Mefford, Oakland, Ore. HELP WANTED WANTED HELP Ej-service men and others fur nished employment free of chrge. Contractors, ranchers and farmers piace your orders with us for help ers. Our services are free both to employer and employed. Law rence-Cordon Co., 125 Cass St. l'hone 219. ma.mhu Position as farm man ager or will run a fully stocked and equipped farm on a share or partnership basis. Give location ami description of farm and state your proposition. If you are in terested In up to date methods and practical business farming I would appreciate an opportunity to give von my qualifications and refer ences. Address. F. M.. Box 1 Ore. GIMo li' v. n. ovrvr,i i-i... "Irs. T have iioei nicr's aunt. J ttow-n an ard .at, v. iu, iisuing nere wit!; :i... t... Mrs. A 1. 1 lefl 1. " 'K ,. " "'r i.ienda e, where they re.cnle J. W Mcc-agden. who hss h.ei. lslt,c here with his ilauahter f. -me ,.., ,at njci f loimtaln. Nevada, wh-re he wil' Xtn "" SV:rni1ed )our with reia ., A"he,r,. two "ndchlMren and Mr., w. C. Anderson left ,hife M. H. 'h s.clnn -'-2 " Lane St r"!- n. p. nit-vitpnitn t'biropractors. West phono 4 0K4. WIVE Roseburg ""rtp"wR- J'' r-Dentlst at ' Perklr,, Ttulldlnc. Rosl,rg m.Ct,0, rmr" H0"r": 9 ta ' -m 1 6 P " Phone 65 2Tn Hn,,r"' m to 12. , . nones: OITIee. 171- R, H)R RENT Room with bath, 401 r-o-. Main Street. tf FOR RENT with balh. to gentleman, room 340 S. Stephens St. FOR RENT Safety deposit boxes Roseburg National Bank. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for housekeeping, new and clean. 1110 Prospect St. FOR RENT Newly furnished sleep intr norns, modern. 707 YV. .Vosher St.. or phone 401-W. ... t ni?u'isi FOR RENT Two well furnished sleeping rooms. Men preferred. Phone 343 between 8 a. m. and s P- m. . SAFETY FIRSjrseeui a safety deposit hot for vour valuable ra- Offlc, Muonic Budlil1.Bant1, " th Ro,re National FOR SALE 400 tier oak lint u block wood, special pnee tor 11 tier lots on ground, It ttiei once. C. W. Groves, phone S-fll we luvr. 1 DHL. of srseM i.j ,. ir. Will tell K hamuin if tnkeil at otiff. P:i Fruit & Produce Co. FOR SALE One big Durum giving about 5 gallons mil. extra fine Jersey cow; one m touring car; one trailer. McMillin, Empire Barn. FOR SALE Italian prone treMj delivery. Order now, prices M j e Sftc: 4 to 1 miles west, Koseours, v.-- tenon fflll'vH mill ends, cement, - Z transfer. I COAL. storage, transier. Phone 128. a n,nn USED CARS-V-. a. large numner u. T Pesand tj. monstrate them to ro' b shanks w nun. v.vw. FOR SALE-fP jw mare and coiu. ' -- (3j meni tor - j M gtw.- WilNir. Orpgn"; FOR SALE-HourboM tggl bureaus. ''" linoleum, w some dirt" w" pet ra?s. sewed. iM I fine J. rscr cow. -Washington SUj"" . ' rtffff FOR " erfj good early " 1 1 ", clean vetch snd t'uif J. turkeys, hof. nt vearold hcanf?. R-