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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1920)
rWMWBntfl iffiwuwny, pftmAT. Jtnk 4. in, paoh Tinnw I 21 'III J J "JjJIIJJJf J jJIJ jf ? " m i AUTOMATIC STACKING BARGE, patented in U. S. and Canada. Indiscernible a Cbor wver on anv farm. Will handle any sort of grain. Agents wanted to sell this stacker in Canada. J- C. CONWAY, Gen. Delivery, Roseburg, or can be seen at Auto Tourist Camp. iaMaesnsassSBSSBa. Biggest Battleship Commissioned Today (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK. June 3. The super dreadnaught Tennessee, the largest and most formidable battleship In the United States nary, went Into commission today at the Brooklyn navy yard. The ship was construct ed here at a cost of 20,OU0.OO0. aud represents the last word In battleship architecture. She Is also the first battleship to recruit the entire per sonnel of her crew from the state for which she was named. RKSPONtilBILlTY PLACED. WASHINGTON", June 2. Th. sugar investigating committee In a iiajorlty report presented to the house today declared that Attorney Ceneral Palmer had used his powe. ns chief prosecuting officer of the government "for the purpose of fix ing maximum selling prices of I sugar in Louisiana aim 111 bo uuiuk law and In violation of his own con struction of. his official duty." The report, prepared by Repre sentative Husted,; "republican. New York, as chairman, charged that the 'legalistic method sdopted by the at torney general was "wholly ineffect- Ive as a means of price control" and fthat "it gave apparent governieutal I sanction to extremely high sugar i prices, which excited the cupidity of Cuban producers and caused an ad vance in the Cuban market.' MONTREAL, June 1. An advance in the export price of newsprint paper from $90 a ton to $110 for the three months beginning July 1, to be followed by an advance to $130 for the limtl three months of '1920, Is shown in the schedule of the Canadian Export Paper company. Limited, Issued Tuesday. The price will be Increased 1 cent a pound July 1, from 6H cents a pound, mill, on October 1 to cvuts a pound, mill. The Canadian company controls a large part of the export paper out put of five of the leading dominion newsprint producers, doing au ex port business of $35,000,000 yearly. Saturday night, June E, Tiller will entertain at a dance In tho pavilion. Good music. Roseburg and other burgs Invited to attend. YOV CANNOT GET HOT If your gas water heater Is bro ken or leaky. By our welding method we can make the colled pipes as good as new, mending all breaks and leaks and re storing its original heating effi ' ciency. We can do the same with your boiler, other water pipes,- radiators, etc. Mathews Welding Works ACETYLENE WCIDIMC 1 CimmC A 8PECU1TT N. Rom St. or Oak ROSEBURO. ORE. Fruit Canning' Season Will soon be here. We can supply you with fruit Jars, Esy seal, a ton, jar. Mason, Economy, aud wide mouth Masons, all at rock bottom prices. Uw tare s new brand of Canned Milk tlal will s'P llke cream, for a less price than regular milk. Try I csu. A Full line of Fruits and Vegetables always on hand. DON'T OVERLOOK OUR. Staple Dry Goods Dep't. rwtwehave men's work clothes, women's and children's wash ixsth; also men's dress and work shoes, all low priced on our ad plan basis. A good place to trade. I PeopiesSupplyCompany Mi 4 A SLIGHTLY USED V2 TON TRUCK AH Hardwood Body. A Good Buy J. F. BARKER & CO., ROSEBURG, OREGON IMPLEMENTS AUTOMOBILES TRACTORS ' ! i MYRTLE CREEKS NEWS. M's. Sarah Wlmer is spcndlrg the week visiting friends in Afhlrnd and Grants Fass. Our Chautauqua has come and gone aud we have all settled do-vn to our work atain after our annual play time. A baby daughter v. as born tt M-. nnd Mi-K. Roy Cou'.ey ou May 27. Mrs. Ruby Dyer has returned from a visit with relatives in Eugene. I Fires are getting tu be common tccurrencea here. Sunday afternoon the Hastings house on North Myrtle, owned by a Mr. Pralt, a rscent ar rival from Washington, was burned to the ground with all the contents, ' and Monday evening Vint Dunna l rln's house, two miles south of Dole, waa burned. othing was leaved and then- was no Insu-mce. Married, on Wednesday evening at the bride's home. Mis. ii. E. Winter and Mr I. addle Farmer, of Ashland, Dr. llrougher officiating. They have ; the best wishes of a host of irlcnds. ' Miss Rich el Wlxsnii has finished a year of school at Azalea and is home for the summer. Mrs. W. J. Armltage and son Wll lie are here from Newport for a tliort visit with relatives and file ids. The famous smile of .Wack Har- tl'i is about three times broader usual the last day or two sli;eo His dauphtr. Miss Rose, hits rvtnrn. d from Cresivell, where sh lias been ' teaching for the p.i3t year. Captain Dean Piper is home from a furlough from Camp Lewis A. M. Dalle? is in Eugene attend ' lug his daughter. Pearl, who Is 'critically 111 In a hospital there. The last word received was that she was a little better. . Tnu many friends of the family are hoping her condi tion may continue to improve. A great leal of sympathy is being 'expressed for the untimely death of I Mrs. Bessie Neet, wife of Hurry Neet, who died in Eugene a week t ago, leaving three little children 1 o- sides her hufbaud. fathe-, mother land several brothers and slaters. NOW IX THE CITY. I Frank A. Terry, representing the 1 Equitable Savings ft Loan Assn., is now in the city. For an Interview call or phone the umpqua hotel. FIXED $35,000 AS PROFITEERS, WE SELL Edison MAZDA MMPS Nlas County Ught and Water Co. SYRACUSE, N. Y., June 2. The John A. Roberts corporation of Utlca, dealers in wearing apparel, was to day fined $55,000 by Federal Judge Harland B. Howe, following Its con vlctlon of profiteering on eleven counts. In imposing the line, the heaviest the law would pereiuit, Judge Howe said: "I believe that convicted profiteers should be sent to jail. That would do more than anything else to I in Dress the merchants who are doing business that they must confine themselves to fair and reasonable profits. I "But the defendant being a cor- norallon in this case there can be no prison sentence. I believe It is plain ly the duty or the court to impose me maximum sentence which Is $5000 on each count or a total of $55,000, and such Is the sentence of this court. YOU CALL WE HAIL. Anything at any time. Wood for sale. Phone 102. L. K. unamoers at McClelland ft Chambers' 2nd Hand .Store. Our Family Laundry Service Wl 0, ' " lly laundry k, .J"2? M "'finite time WHAT IT IS your particular washday problems service, rtnr driver ealla for vonr faa- k l oar r,r , rmit t,Tn ch week, and we'll do your wssb- -..uirf considerate and sanitary manner. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY WAR INSURANCE IS BEING PA1U PROMPTLY. 8UGAR MAY BE HELD BACK. HAVANA. June J. The Havana chamber of commerce today peti tioned the Cuban government to take necessary steps to see that 400.000 sacks of sugar of the present crop be retained on the Island and wltn held from export. The chamber explained that unless this measure is taken the shortage of sugar In Cuba will be very acute. lt'E IS BREAKING. JUNEAU. Alaska. May 18. (By Mall). Three weeks ago Chief Isaacs, lender of the Moosehlde tribe of Yukon Indians, predicted the win ter Ice on the frozen Yukon river would move In three weeks. Today a wire from Dawson. Y. T., said the Ice had started breaking. The old chief made the prediction when he saw the first duck reach the Yukon from the south? "He came from Skagway, across the mountains, Ice move In three weeks after duck comes," the Indian said. The breakuD of the ice this year was the latest - since the Klondike boom here twenty-four years alto. The earliest breakup was on May 3, 1915. CHEAPER COLLARS. NEW YORK. June 2. Cheaper collars were promised here Tuesday when representatives of one of the largest collar manufacturing cor noratlons of Troy. N. Y., announced that tfie wholesale price had been cut to enable retailers throughout the country to sell 11b product at 25 cents each. They are now retailing as high as 35 cents. No reduction in wages or overhead charges, but cheaper materials has brought the lowered price. It was explained. ALL ABOARD FOR BRAZIL. WASHINGTON, June 3. Settle ment of 127.161 Insurance claims, for death and total permanent dis ability, and representing a total value of $1,135,552,173.45, Is an nounced by Director R. G. Cholm- eley-Jones of the bureau of war risk insurance. Only 5119 claims are pending, and in these cases the claimants are beneficiaries In many Instances residing in foreign coun tries where disturbed conditions ren der communication Impossible. It now requires only about nve days from receipt of final evidence of death in an insurunco case for the Issuance of the first check, and fre quently cases have been handled even more rapidly in the compensa tion nnd insurance claims division of th9 bureau. In cases of total permanent dis ability, men have been examined, the award made, and the first check placed In their hands, all within a very few hours. LOIKJK niftFXTOKY. I, K, g a, m.i Mure ixwige no. is. Regular communications 2nd enj fourth Wednesdays eaeb month at Mnsonle Temple, Roseburg, Ore. Visitors welcome. A. A. WILDER. W. M., W P. HARRIS. Sec. SEATTLE. Wash., June 2. Unit ed States sugar that is, Cuban sugar Is being sold by North Americans In Brain ror less man i cents a Dound and Argentine sugar, which could be delivered in Seattle, Portland and other coast cities for 10 cents a pound. Is being held out of the United States market. This charge was made at the cham ber of commerce foreign trade bu reau today by Julio M Ingot, a repre sentative of the Argentine aniDanna dor to the United States, who is here to Investigate trade possibilities oe- tween Puget Sound and Argentina. "There is olenty of sugar in Argen tlna at 7 cents," said Mr. Mlngot. "We have had hard work getting rid of it, although It Is of the same qual ity as the sugar sold in tne i nitea States. WILL HE HARD SURFACKI. The Douglas-Coos orad is to be I nrd surfaced betweta Cocuiilc ami Mvrtle Point as soon as the counties cumnlete the grading, tne state nign way commission de-idca yesterday at their meeting. They agreed to c.-rry out their part of the program on this road. ADVANCE IS EXPECTED. epnvAVE Wash.. June 2. The retail price of sugar here will ad vance to 30 cents a pound within the next ten days, it was announced Tuesday by B. L. Cordon, a whole sale grocer of this city. New advances by the refiners are responsible, he says. o ' Medford-Roseburg suto stage will mie dally trips, leaving Umpqua hotel at 1 p. m. McCracken Her rlott, proprietors and chauffeurs. GHKKN GLEANINGS. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vchrlng and son Vincent, of Portland, . were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wohl V. QtinAav Mrs". Laurs Meyers, of Shelby, ni.u i. viaitinv the family nf Mr. and Mrs. Ed Burroughs. Mrs. Mey- n,i uh RnrrniirhH were cftlleee classmates back east., and this is the first opportunity they nave nao ror some time to rehearse the happy Mrs. John Howsrd and daughter are visiting In Cnrvallls this week. The Merry-Go-Round club meets U'erfnesilav. June am, wnn ra. Howard Carnes. Del Williams has purchased a ranch In Happy Valley and Is erect in a aii-room house on the same Mr Williams and family hall from the state of Washington. They are CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears tbs Signature of very much delighted with the Ump qua valley. Frank Stetuauer and Mrs. Huni- meraley are circulating a petition lu Happy Valley to secure 'signers to have rural rout No. 1 extended about three miles west of the Happy Valley bridge. Over thirty families will be served with mall dally pro viding the petition receives the sanc tion of the post office department. we are still watching for one of those million dollar rains, but have failed to barpoou at this writing. JUDGE. NEWSPRINT LEAPS HIGHER. DANCE AT TILLER. ROSEIWRG LOI10K NO. 10WS, t'nl. tad UrotlierlHKd of Maintenance ol Way Employe and Hallway Simp Laborers. Affiliated with the A. F. of L. Meets at Moose hal! the first Wed., fourth Sat. nights and third Sundav of each month. J. F. SMITH. President. W. J. MEREDITH, Reod. Secy OKO. MAC IVEK. Fin fw NEIGHBORS OF WOODCRAFT. Lilac Circle No. 49 Meets on 1st snd 3rl Monday erenlngs. Visit ing neighbors Invited to attend EDITH CHURCHILL, O. N. TII.L1K I. JOHNSON. Clerk. f. O. O. P., Rising Star Ijodae No. 174 meets In the Odd Felloi s' very Friday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. VICTOR .MICEIJ.I, N. Q. E. A. PETTEY, V. fl. J. EARI.E PICKENS, Rec. Sec M. FICKLE. Financial Sec. tCAOI.F.S, Roseburg Aerie meets In their hall on Jackson St., In n and 4th Monday evenings of sac month, t 8 o'clock. Welting breth ren In good standing always wel com. FRED F.'CLAR'i, W. P. P. VICTOR MICELLI, W. P. B. r. GOODMAN. Secretary. REBEKAMS. nosebnrg Rebekab Lodge, No. 41, I. O. O. F. Meets In Odd Fellowi' Tsmplo every week on Tuesday evening at ths Odd Fellows' ball. Visiting mem bers In good standing are Invited to attend. MAUD PLYLER. N. O. BELL STEPHENSON. Bee. DELLA LEWIS. Financial Sec The II. R. E. I. A. Union Meeting will be held at the Mactabbee hall very first and third Wednesdays of the month. ORBCOg miPJTACTCTgS . QVKS-THS-T0r?aB3 A serious unsaploysMnt situation arose. Bx-eervlos men were without work. So Ore gon's manufacturers lnoreaees the nuabsr of their employees. A greater output followed with ths atten dant problem of finding market. Ths nar ks t was found - the sxosllsna t Ore gon's produots ersstsl dsjaaaa and oaxrlsl us Tsr ths top". AssoeMtst Industries of Or li. O. T. M. Hoeeaurff Hive No. 11, holds regular reviews on seeond and fourth Thursday afternoons la Maccabee hall. Sisters of other hives visiting In our city are oor. dlally Invited to attend our re views. Maccabee ball on Cass street. LOUISE LOCKE. Con. JESdIE RAPP, CoL I. O. O. P., Union Rncampmsnt No. Meets in Odd Fellows' Temple, every Thursday evening. Visiting brethren alwavs welcome. FOSTER BUTNER, 0. P. J. B. BAILEY, H. P. OLIVER JOHNSON, R. 8. JAMES EWART, F. 8. B. P. O. RIKA, Kneemu-g LMle, Ho, 8iM--Holds regular communica tions at the Elks' Temple on each Thursday of every month. All members requested to at tend regularly, and all visiting brothers are cordially Invited te attend. A. J. LILBURN. E. R. IRA B. RIDDLE, Secy. Miss Mable Tipton returned to her home at Winchester this' morning after a short vlclt to this city. I. O. O. P. Phlletarlnn Lodge No. 8 Meets In Odd Fellows' Temple, corner Jackson and Cass Sts., en Saturday evening of each week. Visiting brethren are alway. wel come. VICTOR BOYD, N. 0. A. J. OEDDFS, Res 'See. Jf B. BAILEY-. Fin. 8m Auto Owners! We trodld b nleued to test fosw Batteries Free at say time and give fen expert advice on the care of Batteries. When rarehaalng mew batter lee get our price. We era save you money. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE eel N. Jacksom St. Rctsebarf. Sheet MetalWork OP ALL KINDS J-II. SINNIGEF i IJI'OAK HTKKK-I PHONIC 49f '' KNIGHTS OK I'YIIMAfi Alpha Lodge No. 47, meets every Wed nesday evening, cor. Jackson and Cass sts. Visitors slways welcome. C. A. CHAMHEHI.AIN, C. C CHAS. P. "OHK1N8, M. F. B. B. WIMUERLY. K. R. B WOODMEN Of WOICI.O. t Camp No. 125. Meets In tie Odd Fellows' bnll In Roe?burg ever) 1st and In: Monday evenings. Vis King neighbors slways welcome H CARRICK. C C. U. U. MILLER, Clerk O. B. 8., Rxvwbiirg rtintitor Ho. Holds their regular meeting on the 1st snd 3rd Thursday In each month. Visiting members In rood standing are respectfully Invited to attend. LKONA AT1RAHAM W. M. FREE JOHNSON. Swy A New Flour with an old name "Pride of DoujlT? 40X HARD WHEAT giving the riour the sweetness, aroma and nut-like flavor of the wheat. Try this Home Prcduct. ICE Our wagons are now ready to deliver lee anywhere upon phone call, and will be running on regular routes In a few days. Ice will be Strictly Cash this year, or the coupon sys tem, which, are the best tor everybody. Books are now on sale at IS, $10 and 120 each. Phone your order for bosk now and avoid the rush later, when . we are very busy. The price Is one cent per pound. Roseburg Ice Co. C. B. CANNON, Mgr. Strawberry Time We can furnish the C R E A M BCBaSSSSZSa ROSEBURG DAIRY AND SODA WORKS PHONE 186 ROSEBURG MYRTLE POINT MARSHFIELD AUTO 5TACE Rowtturg. 4allf at 7:00 A. M. Imtm MjrlH 1'olot, dally si 9:i0 A. H. Connections at Myrtle Point to and from Marshfleld, Co qullle, Bandon and Powers. Fare 16.48. Including war tax. Reservations at main office. 406 Cess fit., near depot. Phone 203, or I'mpqua and Grand ho tels, Kapp's store. TAYLOR & CLINTON joaaoooofro LOYAL OHIittlt OP moose. Rn burg Lodge No. 1037 Meets sec ond snd fourth Woneslay even ing of each month at o'clock In the Moose hall. All visiting bro thers are Invited to stUnd. C. W. CLOAK ej. ulcUtor. H. 0. PAROCTER. Secretary M. A. BULEY CONTRACTOR Builds Anything. First class woik. Let me figure with you. Box 304, Resi dence 305 Douglas St. Roseburg, Oregon. HEINLINE-M00RE CONSERVATORS' MUSIC AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Accreditee' Teachers Only The Btate demands highly efficient teachers and this School complies IOO per cent with the State law. Kolilhagen Hldg. Phone 800 Fence Fence Fence Page woven steel coll spring wire fence, loop ends, ne trouble to spllee. Just received ear losd and have In stock the I bar 21 In., S In. stay. 10 bar 21 In I In. stay for hogs; also 7 bar 36; t bar 39 In.; 10 bar 46 In.: bar 41 In.; 13 bar 47 In. stock fences, snd 20 bar 41 In poultry snd rabbit fence. Soft wire fence 7 bar 26 In. st 33c; bat 39 In. at 42c Also several kinds of poultry fence, 12 to 72 Inches high. Barb wire, brace wire sad staples. White for prices. STEARNS & CHENOWFTH Oakland and Yoncalla t&oooo&ttots&aa We Buy at BERGER'S BARGAIN STORE Hldm, Moo air, Rag, Rubber, Old Metals, Papers and Bonce. A Good Line ef Second Hand Clothing For Sale. Cats and Pine Sts. .Safety first.