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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1920)
WOSEIli'rffl XBWS-nKVIKW. MAVt 9.!L0ji III f FRIDAY & SATURDAY NEWS SNAP SHOTS - . R SILK BLOUSES ON SALE 100 WIRTHMO FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY 21 AND 22 At the astounding price of $5.38. Advertised and sold the world over as the best $6.75 waist on the market. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. None will be sold before Friday morning. No phone orders will be received and no lay-a-ways.-No waist will be exchanged after leaving the store. The early shoppers secure the best bargains. COME EARLY! Small Boy Injured By Automobile What cuino near reBultiug In a orlous accident occurod on Jackson street In front of the Peoples Sup ply store last night about 6:30, when Frank Uvans, the six-year-old son of L. O. Evans, a local dis patcher, run In front of the Dodgo cur driven by Herbert Brilt and was knocked to the pavmont, tho right - front wheel of the car running over his shoulder. The little boy wan at tempting to crons the street and in running out from behind another car ran directly In front of the one driven by Mr. liritt. No bluim; U given tho driver of the car for the accident, as he could not have mn a the youngster until he wan almost upon him. Tho boy was knocked to the pavement, his head striking a hard blow. Dr. Miller was called at once and took the boy to his homo, where It was found, although several ly bruised about the Rhoulders and t head, no bones were broken and he was not seriously injured. He was reported to be resting easily this morning, although very stiff and sore. Answer In Port Commission Case Answering the complaint of Com mUaioners WeatUerly and Wells, who recently filed suit to oust C. McC. John Hon, Commissioners Uecd and Browne allege that Johnson was regularly elected and is entitled to hold his present position. The in junction preventing Johnson from is mtJng warrants was acknowledged in i the answer which sets forth tho vari I ous allegations and denials contained in the case. It is maintained in this answer that Johnson wns regularly fleeted by Heed and Itrowne and ' that Wealherly was not entitled to a 1 vote, as he served ns chairman of t h i meeting. They also claim that tho J hill for $413.52 was itemized and I conforms to the statutes provided for ; the port. I SHOOT VP OHIO TOWN. TOLEDO,, May 20. Six bandits shot up the main street of Delta, Ohio, near here, during the forenoon, seriously wounding one man. The Men way men Invaded the Peoples Hank and took away twelve thousand dnlliira in cash and liberty bond. Unique Program For Recital One of the most unique programs to be given in this city for some time) will take place at the high school auditorium tomorrow evening spoil- ( sored by the lleinllne-Moore Con-f scrv.itory of Mu.sic, who will present ( moir buoy anu primary Kindergarten i classes in recital. This redtal fori the tiny tots Is one of the most en-; Joyed events of the musical program! iind is always sure of a largo at tend-1 auco. An entirely new program has ben arranged for this year, contain- ing clever and original dances, games and rhythm work by tho tiny tots. Miss Maud Ixnnbard, physical educa tion instructor, and Mrs. Arthur Knauss have had chargo of the drill work. This recital is to bo followed by several others prost -nting the older classes. SiTl'DKXTS TO filVK PLAY. At the schoolhouse Saturday even ing. May 22, at eight o'clock, the cirls of the Wilbur II. S. render fhe Cantata, "In India." This is the final production of the year and ef forts are being made to make it the best. Leading parts are taken by juniors and seniors assisted by freshmen and sophomores In chorus and drills. An admission charge ol 25 and 15 cents is asked. Preceding tho cantata a business meeting of the Wilbur Parent Teach ers association is called. AH mem ber:! are requested to assemble promptly at 7: 30 p. m. for electing officers for next year and consider ing other items of business. ! $2,400 Glengarry Mail Route Extended TO THE Kfforts extending over a period of '.ne year have readied a successful tr-rmination in the official notice just teteived lit thn llnlmnr mt S:ZZMTilZSn Hnnounclng an addition of one-hair iw .in; vui-uiiaiiy unit 01 nurai Delivery Mull Koute No. 1, of tin:; city. Tlila extension, which becomes effective .Inno 1. will afford direct service to five families, whose homes wore unintentionally omitted from the original route through Glengarry. vhi;-h was established .March 10 is last year. The now order will in ereuse Ihe total traveling distance of the entiro route to 34. .175 miles and the salary of the carrier to $1940 per annum. As originally establish ed on July 1 . 1 903. the route was :." miles in length. Since then, it has been extended five times, or a distanca of over nine miles. Republican Voters ! The contract for an audit of accounts made by the County Court, fixes no time in which the audit shall be completed, and is dependent on the conveniences cf the Ac countants. Oregon law provides that the County clerks of each county shall in January and July publish a report showing correctly the number and amount of claims allowed by the County Court and on what account, the amount of warrants drawn and the amount of outstanding warrants isct paid. These latter are not shown in the last semi annual report of the County Clerk. J. G. DAY, JR. Candidate for County tfudge. will purchase a 7-room plas tered house on paved street. Corner lot. House is modern; bath and toilet; sewer connec tion, sid:valk, etc., in and paid for. Lot 00x102 feet. $1300 cash will handle. Would in clude furniture at reasonable price if purchaser desires. We want quick action on this oue. 12 acres, 5 acres in cultiva tion; 3-room house; fenced. Trice $800, $250 dowx". I'or REAL Realty Values See HAVE THAT TYl'EWIiUKU HXI-1) John H. Fay, typewriter man, is again in Roseburg on his r. gular round. doing general typeewriier cleaning nnl repairing also carries supplies. When here previously he .lid satisfactory work. He can lie found at the News-Review where he is prepared to do any work In his Him. Send your typewriter in or phone for him to call for it. : G.W.YOUNG AND SON j Real Estate and Insurance. 110 Cass St. Phone 417 f loiiMi u 1!i:sii)i:nt man. John F. Civeiis. for ninny years a resident of Ilnsehurc dropped dead en the sidewalk in Portland yester day. He was Identified by "letters rod papers In his pockets, hut as his -' treet address was not Riven his body was turned over to the coroner. Mr. C.ivens was a real estate broker in this city for a number of years and noved to Portland about ten years aro. niakl his home there sine thata time. c SKXIOll CI ASS PICNIC The graduating class at the his'h chool will hold their annual rlenic nt Mutton's (trove, about five roller from town, tomorrow. Care will convey the slndonts to tho grounds and return for them later. They will bo accompanied by Miss Irma Martens, the class advisor, and sev eral other members of the faculty. A Hallmark Special $1.50 Htre'i a pir ol aifly Cuff Burtau suitabla for buaineaa or outing wear. Thty art tiled with purl center. ubiluti.llr cooi true ted and nicely aniined. - v . JiPh "" SpedJ. for ule a 750 Hallmark Storea, ia produced in r quarmhra to Beet the demaad. frf'' caa offtt 7o Ji , raurkabit valua, A. . uuci CO. 118 W.Cass St. I'a.-tmus l'ro:n IVrtluuJ Hon Ij. !- KdJy. who has bt"cn pendiuK the P.'3t iwo tl")'" 1,1 Porl 1 ,ud tiaiuociing business matters, arrived in this city on the morning train. i .n o Homo Sold The Simon t'aro home on Mosher .-.trout, where the Caro family Jor.u ...i.. was sold recently to ). Will Beckley, who has a. ranch ibis city, and will probably be wd by him as a residence part of the year. The deal was ciuseu ujr iu. Itice A Hice real estate company. I'urc ha' Home Arthur W. Allen, a recent arrlvel In this city from Montana, today completed the purchase or property i va.mhnwer formerly known as tho Dr. Kulter homo, but now owned by .1. V. Starrett, or tno a oar vkh Land company. The purchase in cludes a home and several acres In a i,h atnia of cultivation. Mr. Allen will move to his new home at once, and Is planning several improvements. !;TKIiTAIXMK.T VOll KEXIOIIS. The graduation activities for the tenlor cflriis will commence tonlglit when Miss Vernita Kohlhagen, presi- '.eiit of the graduating class, and lslle Hutner, president of the stu dent body association, will sponsor an entertainment In honor of the gradu ating class at tho Kohlhagen home n West Roseburg. Clever Invlta ions in the purple and white colors of the class have been sent to each member, and many unique features c f entertainment will be In order. After the Horse Is Stolen the stable door is kept locked H much better it is to take necessary C caution before a loss occurs, g rwjjj your valuables in our Fire and BuS.! Tr.,n. ...l "ulKidr xriuui v aim,, wiiere you can rent a Safe Deposit Box for $2.00 and up per year. TheRoseburNaUonalBdiik Roseburg, Ore. 1 r . - - -- S, : staii.(J of griiioxs. Trilby Kilbourno 1 Marie Vogelpohl 1 l.orlene Coulee 1 Maxlne Sylccs 1 Marguerite Odon 1 I'lorence Devaney 1 Hayte Illa-k Marguerite Schloemann Agnes Hosan Connie McDonald Ithea Hall 075 070 035 025 010 000 995 995 990 990 980 The majority of tho passenger trains into this city have been run ning from one to two hours behind schedule for the past two days, ow ing to congested traffic conditions at various places along the line, which necessitated extra trains being put on. NEW TODA1 WANTED Girl for general house work. Applicants please phone 53. GOOD STOCK SADDLE Cheap; see it at Henninger s store, Wilbur, Ore. WANTED Wicker baby buggy. Phone 51-J, or call News-Review offlco. FOUND Huh cap for Dodge car. Owner may recover same at this office. FOR SALE Wicker taby buggy. Bargain If taken at once. Phone 351-L. FOR SALE Slurgis reed baby baby, good ns new. ltay's Suit Shop. Phono 247. FOR SALE Seats suitable for trucks. Call and see them. J. N. S. "Eagle," 220 W. Cass. FOR SALE Ford touring car In first cla?s condition. New . tires. Phone 184-R after 5 p. m. TOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms; no children. 814 Win chester. Phone 170-Y. YOUR WEEKLY CHECK Limited only bv ability and time devoted to soiling our trees. Complete line all varieties backing you. Write for terms. Start Immedi ately. Saletn Nursery Co., Salem, Oregon. FOR SALE Late mods' Chevrolet, fine mechanical condition, cord tt-o equipment all nround. Also Maxwell touring car in fine me fli.mleal condition. 5 new tires. Each has been run about 5000 miles. Priced right. Powell & Roberts,, Roseburg Garage. Phone 293. Hpln TTc j Choose the Name A t ior our Future Home .... Laurel Wood. .... River View. .... Mosicr Lane. .... Wr od Acres. .... Laurel Oaks. .... Wonderland. .... Madrona Villas. .... Rose Lawn. .... Donlta Park. .... Monamour. .... Rainbow's End. Mark your choice with an X and send to ASEY-HARDINC PHOMK S34 Girl Scout Organ ization Thriving The Girl Scout organization of the Presbyterian church enjoyed a break fast pa,rty yesterday morning. The girls met at tho Oak street bridge at 3:30 o clock, going to tho river bank beyond the soldiers' home, where breakfast was cooked. Those who made the trip were: Edna I'crrln, Edith Long, Lucille Lenox, Florence Wimbcrly, Esther Nichols, Irma Ilol singer, Anna Long, Jessie Millikln, Mildred Long, Cecil Smith, Mildred Roberson, Jennet Hardin, lieutenant ot the organization, and Eva Lenox, captain. Guests for the trip were Jennie and Loota Barker, of this city. Tho Girl Scouts were recently organized here, and already number confined ioZ,T terlan church in Itowt,! itanized somewhat imq ; " of the Hoy Scout. e in New York C1,T The first initiation m L w at the Presbyterian cht J and all member, who k.r, 0S? as tenderfoot scouts will kY Into the order and will Ur, ,ui lowing oath administers my duty to God and , Jm, to help other people at ali tij-- obey scout laws." Attrortlr, U significant of the order till JI sentcd. The Glengarry W. C.I. Berve ice cream at the Cildna, all day and during the ereiM t, day. May 21, election day. 1 jW-msiy. a tcT;.'- as Vi : "Nik I , A r 3 T J I Eye"tr,-.iMes a--e NEEDLESS troubles. If you mWj a timi" with your eyes, It Is your own fault. Wo ha. nor -V. will uladlv eive vou advice about your efa FK CHARGE. Come in and see us. We fit our glasses perfoeffiotj gv;- ABSOLUTE EYE COMFORT. Prices reasonable. -w JE 'ELRY Will please your eye. Our WORD Is our BONU. BUBAR BROTHERS 43 MipwBinfffwijCTn s Hi GLORIA SWANSON banif 'Every Woman's Hus Burns Comedy "Darn That Stocking' Friday A Real Art Special "Soldiers of Fortan' TODAY ONLY HARRY CAREY Proof IN Bullet A romantic Story of the Northwest. CHRISTIE COMEDY "A f X