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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1920)
Hiwww 1 1 i i i "Here we Price and Principle OUR SLOGAN Price the Lowest Principle the Highest. It is our business to sell good things to eat. We do sell you every good thing to eat that can be found in a well equipped grocery store. Our low prices and high grade goods have made the casual buyer a steady customer. If you are not getting Grocery Satisfaction see us. Our line of Ready-to. Wear Dry Goods is increasing daily and we can save you money. Call and see our line. Peoples Supply Co. Our Family Laundry Service WHAT IT IS A kelp that will simplify your particular washday problems amk ts our family laundry service. Our driver calls for your fax By bundle at a definite tlmo each week, and we'll do your wash lag la our euatoiuary ceuslderate and sanitary manner. w $&2t ROSEBURG 'ftST- STEAM LAUNDRY Who's Your Cleaner? What would ke the eenditlen ot the banking business if aayone who eared to eould hold out as a bauk.c? What proloatiou would you have against frauds? Is this aet the condition la the olonnlng husuawta today? Out trnde uaine U jour prvtm-tlun. Over aut y.irs et sueoeasful knsines and good serTloe Is eur proof. WHO'S YOUR CLEANER? TRY OUR WAY Phone 277 Our Auto Will Call are, in tip-top shape" Chesterfield YES, and that's the way Chesterfields always arrive crisp, fresh tod in prime shape for smoking. It's the extra wrap, per of moisture-proof paper that does it. Your Chesterfields never become too moist or too dry. It's Time W Repair Your Bike It you want to et tba full be nefit ef the nuov Every day's delay Is a day's pleasure lost Bo brine tb good old wheel around and have us put It In tint aluas riding condl tlea. You know wbat kind ( work ws do. livery eld rider does. -i D. W. JAMES General B(jlr Shop 34 North Jackson St. EXPERT WELDING Includes not only tbe knowl edge ot where to apply the heat, but also just wim te slop. The work can be over done as well as underdone. We possess the expert know lodge and hare facility for doing all kinds of welding work satisfac torily. We are at your ser vice any time. Mathews Weldinf? Works ACI1YUM WUOIIIC 1 CU11INC SPECIALTV I IIIMKULIIU. OHKUON m-M LYMON U irtxcui ristsat i Idah MSGloae Gibson THE IiSSl'E. TI,,..., at-.. Wnth Cuvliirri'a rhlld- on " I j-ilri In liihn In extilanatlon. hoping he would say something that would snow ne was a nine eu.iuua. "Well, they are some cuaren l .linnl.l ba v " h. lfl mu he uii-ked ub Ituiti and sat her on bis shoulder. I ...... u.l intulv flu. .if hot h the lit,l ti.-a ulirti,,! inln mine and we nn il,., iniloi vlllupa atreet. It mil maKing gurgling, nappy noiaea nm atiu n I ti n wl h.r flutters Into John's hulr to support herself ou his shoulder. Slyly I looked at him when his faM. u-iia tnrnt.fl IKIV from IUI SOd ho certainly was good to look at. A ureat big, haudtwjine chap. All the inv. ti.Ht i iiuii had for him before I murried him came pouring back into my heart. JiiIiii Hilent for a Time. John didn't say very much until we put the children down at the gate, and then he returned to me and remarked Inquiringly: "Alice wired me you were very 111." "Alice got frightened over noth ing." was my answer. "What do you think about your new house?" he asked again, dis missing the subject of my Illness with no further concern. "I expect it Is very beautiful," I r.ald. "I was never In It but once. lovelv." "Then you are going home with me to put it In shape," he asserted, rather than asked, and he slipped his hand under my arm and Into my hand. "So." I answered. In a moment everything was ,.Knnc..,i The erav look spread down on John's face and almost un- r-omlously he let go my arm. wnn-u ho had been holding carelessly under his. , He slopped Just In front of the Kate to the house and said: "Katherine. do you Intend never Ic live with me again." And I answered. "I don't know." "What ! You Monn?" "What do you mean by saving vou don't know? Aro you a child 'hat doesn't know Its mind? Or has vour mind gone stale? 1 confess I NEWS SNAP SHOTS VKfttHl In Clly Mrs. C. M. HoHfC, of rcndleton, who lias been visiting here wiih Mrs. U. C. li'-rg, ltf t this mowing for hr homo, 4loiit Whiter Ilore Mtb. S. A. Newton, of Spokane, tvlin has been vtttiting her nephew, I. M. Wraver, left thiB morning for her home. Ieuves on Ilusiiiow M. C. Vnnl.euven left this morn- i lug for Albany to attend to busmesa' nmtlers and to vtult with friends for a uhort time. Nil rue Uwcn Miss Marguret E. Durkln. the Ued Cross tinrfie, who has b'tn in this iiy endeavoring to install the health course in the locul schools, left this morning for Eugene. YMtel Mother Mrs. Mary Fox, of Fresno. Cal., wlin nan been visiting her mother, Mrs. . Ketehell, in this city. Mi 'his morning for Portland to visit with ber sister, Mrs. C. J. Anderson. VMted Mrs. Iel.api Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Williams of Moscow. Idaho, left for thrir home h morning folltiwing a short visit with their niece. Mrs. S. I,. Lel.ap. They have liern spending the winter In California. (.etttng 1Eealy l'tr Fair The various prances thrnughoiit the county are already starting pre ':ir;ttions for the lioldlng of the com nunity fiiirs whi h were so immense i popular last year. On Saturday eveiilnc the Kvei:reen Grange mad plans for their fair and from all ap uearancefl it will surpass all previ ous ones. TniiiM Traffic lnnuiilng Kosebure's auto camp ground last night were occupied b several .'amping parties and the tourist traf fic is beginning to take on a mid-1 -en son appearance. The majority of the cars passing through bear Wash ington ami California license tags. Mad roads to the north and south do lot seem to worry them in the slight- st depree and very few have any rerrifvlne sfor!e concerning heir trip over the highway. iiolih lltll IVM Smith hill, the HtuinMinF Mock of any a tourist, would now be pass ibl' provfdloK the hlghwav coinmls- -lon would vrevall upon Contractor 1 llldeburu to be permitted to route ourisTs over the new grnde on the Mrth (,! of the hill. Farmers in be vit tnity of the hill have ben MJlKinc fat WilCen the pnst few month b Billing people thronph the mud holes on the old grade. The vw grnde In drv and although a rifle rouch at the summit. ! good n n whole. A trln was made -er.lnv to the hill to sm the actual ond "ion and it was found that If i nv. ler could be routed over the new grade there would be no trouble hut ever In retting over the hill. Grants Tass Courier. Teni!ti'rs wsnted, $4.60 per day. Applv to Hurry Steams at Yoncalla, or II. J. lllldeburn, Roseburg IVTFW r.TrKmv. Ai'HH, ti. Aid MARRIED uen . ...j.m.nil You told me once you loved uie. Do you (eel the sumo about me uu j - then?" , . 1 hesitated a moment berore i spoke and then 1 answered: "Yes it is because 1 love you so much, John, that 1 am contemplat ing not living with you. ....... ,.,.. . ...Inlined. "Now don't go off on that tangent again. I am sick ana urea oi ui.i.h' retrospection and analysis, which gets us only to which and vherelor. Haven't you realized yet that no man ever wants to analyze love. He onlv wants to make it." "'And not always to his wife, I said. . "That's true," he answered IMUIIIIfkl?. . "Then this is ngni. i uci . I put the ananymous letter In his u- m,i it and the veins stood out in his temples. I had never seen mm to nh... nm.- -. jm l hoard him whisper under his breath. "I will pay ber out for this. TK nn VOU llOed not P3) ..... it i ,in not think Eliza- beth Moreland Is any more iu .1 a ra. In the matter." "How do you know that It is Elizabeth Moreland?- ne quickly. , , ... ........ tcii l, t know that it Is Elisabeth Moreland. Just as you know it Is sne. Till kit In Ilouith Tones. . .i..nt knnw nnvthtnir about It A rnm.hlv "If VOtl are KOllIC to aKiw every anonvpious letter writer to put you on tne giianoo. I am sure I don't know how 1 can "I have Just given you this letter m tt.,.t vm. mnv mil ko a decision." "What kind of a decision," he asked. Tt,i. totter travs that vou do not caro for me: that you only are nice to me now because mother's little bequest happened to turn Itself Into a great deal of money." "I have known letters to lie, he ! .1 "That Is Just what 1 vunt to find out. Is this the truth or is it a Tomorrow- My lln-lmml Mew. HOY Kl'OlT MEETINO. Troop No. 2 of the local Boy Scout A.n..i..ti..n u-iti mi'Pi on FriduV evenings at 7:30, instead of Satur day evenings as heretofore, accord ing to an announcement made today by James K. uonuer. HcouimuMter All mamlinra a r Pvnpi'lfd to be DfOS ent next Friday evening, as there Is considerable business or impoi iuiw to be given cnnsiuraiion. 0 CITY NEWS 0 Jilney Service. 1'hone 76. Large cars for hire. Phone 300. Nifty millinery at Bellows, not over J 15. ti Now Is the time to have your piano arllsticully tuued. C. H. Arundel, ph. mo 1S9-L, IS years in teruatloual experience. Liiue-sulphur spray, sulphur for fertilizer, sulphur for pl&nt dusting, liniu im Ttlila nrri.nuf. nf lead, hlaek liuf forty. L'inpqua Valley Fruit union. LOIHIE DIKRtTdRY. The H. R. K. I. A. I'nlon M.ylinT will be held at the Maccabbee hull every first and third Wednesdays of the month. KNIUUTS OF rYTHIA Alpha Lodge No. 47, meets every Wed nesday evsnlng, cor. Jackson nnd Cass sts. Visitors always welcome C. A. CHAMPERLAIN. C. C CHAS V. HOPKINS, M. P. K. B. W1MBERLY. K. R. 8 L. O. T. !. atiMhirft Hive No. 11, holds regular reviews on second and fourth Friday afternoons in Maccabee hall. Sisters ot other hives visiting In the citr are cor dially Invited to attend our re views. Maccabee boll oi Cass Street. ELLA LANE. Cora. JE.-irilE HAPP. Col. iiAOI.ES, Roseburg Aerie meets In their hall on Jackson SL, In 2ni and 4th Monday evenjngs ot ear. month, t g o'clock. VlslUng breth ren In good standlcg alwas wel come. FRED P. CLAR v, W. P. P. VICTOR MJCELLI, W. P. B. T. OOP DM AN. Secretirv I. O. O. K., 1'nUm Encampment o. V Meets In Odd Fellows' Temple, every Thursday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. FOSTER Ill'TNER. C. P J. It. BAILEY. 11. P. OLIVER JOHNSON. R. S. JAMES EWAI1T, F. S. A. F. A. tl Tjinm Tyrse So. IS Regular communications 2nd snj fourth Wednesdays each month at Masonle Temple, Roseburg, Ore. Visitors welcome. A. A WILDER. W. M . W F. HARRIS. 8ec NKKllinolM OK WOOIXIIAWT. l.llso Circle No. 4 9 Meets on 1st and 3rd Monday evenings. Visit In? neirhborn Invited to attend EDITH CHURCHILL. O N. T1LLIK I. JOHNSON. Cierk. q o. P. Ifilletartiui 1u1k No. 8 -iMeats In Odd Fellows' Tempi, corner Jackson and Cass 8ts., cm Saturday evening of each weak. Visiting brethren are always wel come. VICTOR BOYD. N. O. A. J. OEDDF8, Ree. Seo. J. B. BAILEY. Flo. Sec. KE11EKAII8. tTosetmrg Retieksh Lodge, No. 41, I. O. O. F. Meets In Odd Kellowj" Temple avery week on Tuesday evenibg at ttio Odd Fellows" hall. Visiting mem bers in good standing are invited to attend. MAUD PLYLER. N. 0. BELLA STEI HEN30N. See, UKLUA LEWIS. Financial Sec H'UOUMKM Of WOKIJJ. Caup No. 125. Meets ID lie oua Fellows' hall In Rosjbur ever) 1st and Sru Slondiy evenings. Vis iting neighbors always waloome. H. CARRICK. C. C. M. M. MILIAR. Clerk. 1VAL OHIKH OF MOOSE. Rose- burg Lodge No. 1037 Moots sec; ond and fourth Wednesday even ing or each month at 8 o'clock In tbe Moose hall. All visiting bro thers are Invited to attend. C. W. CI.OAKW. Dictator. H. O. PAROETER. Secretary B. P. O. K1KS. lioMoartf Ludxe, So. II'JH Holds reruiur communieS' tlons at the Elks' Temple on each Thursday of every month All members requested to at tend regularly, una all visiting brothers are cordially Invited to st tend. HARRY HILPEBURN, E. R. 1HA H. KJUDl.K. Se'y. O. R S.. It4ieeburir Otaptor !Sk I Holds their regular uieettnp on the 1st and 3rd Thursday In each month. Visiting members In good standing are respectfully invited to attend. LEONA ABRAHAM. W. M. FREE JOHNSON, Secy. I. O. O. F Rising 8tar Lodge No. 174 meets Jn the Odd Folloi ' Temple . every Friday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. Victor Mlcelli. N O., Perry Boyd, V. O.. J. EARI.E PICKENS. Rcc. Sec M FICKLE. FiDHnclal Seo. HONKia iUJ IXUUK NO. 1110:1, l ld UhI liiiaheiHiood of Mnlutenanve ot Way l-iraployos and Itailwiiy Shop laborer. Auillated with the A F. of L. Meets at Moose hall the first Wed., fourth Sat. nights and third Sunday of each month. J. F. SMITH. President. W. J. MEKKilTH, Reed. Secy GEO. MAC 1VER. Fin. 8eo All Classltlrd Ailvertlsementa In verted new ttxlay will be found on fast page umlor "New Today" bend WATET. WANTED Dishwasher at Foulcb's restuuraut. WANTED Sewinic bj- the day. 3: Cbadwiek street. WANTED Man or ooy willing to do J:initor work for board, inquire at Cafeteria. WANTED Woman for general housework. Joe E. Harvey. Rose burg. Phone 9-F4. WANTED Man, or boy over 18 years old. as porter. Apply at Ho tel Uuipqua at once. WANTED Apartment or rooming house. Give location and price. Address E. O., News-Review. WANTED Nicely furnished house in good residence district. Ad dress A. C. care Ni-WR-Revipw. WANTED Furnished or partly fur nished house. References if de sired. Address H, News-Review. WANTED Competent girl or wom an for pent-ral housework. Call at 312 N. Jackson St.. or phone 136. WANTED Gentle hor?e. also buegy. Give cash price and description in first letter. F. E. Jordan, Rose burg. WANTED Leaving for Los Angeles in Ford car. Room for 1 or 2 pas sengers. Inquire at Rice & Rice realty. HOUSE WANTED Want to buy or hire good work horse. Phone ear ly mornings 15-F12. John Good bourn. WANTS .WORK Die and tool tunker: kill accept work of anr kind for few weeks, part or n'l time. Money no object. Inquire News-Review. WANTED Position as foreman: 20 years experience In auto and trac ter business: thorough mechanic, ".'ecialist on icnition. starting, lighting and c.-rhnratlon. At pres ent employed, but desire chance to country. 11. C. de It., Room 410. 23 8 Eddy SI., San Francisco, Cal. FOl TiFNT FOR RENT 2 housekeeping rooms ( 16 So. Pine St. FOR RENT Snrety deposit boxes Roseburg National Bank. FOR RENT Room with bath. In quire 401 So. Main St. FOH RENT Remington typewrite! No. 10. Inquire Vosburg Bros., 27 N Jackson street. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Also sln gle rooms at reasonable prices. Rosebont Apartments, oor Main and Douglas. mm mm CHILDREN should not be"dosd"' fur colds- apply the ''outside" treatment VICKS VAPORUK ii.20 HISCELLA.VEOUo. DRESSMAKING Stylishly done: tailoring. 749 So. Main, rnoue 42-Y. GENERAL TRANSFER Hauling and country trips a specialty. Troxell & Co. Phone 251. F9UND An envelope containing kodak pletutes and films, owner please call at News-Review office. SAFETY FIRST Secui a safety deposit box for your valuable pa pers at the Rosebure National Bank. " FOUND Pair of mens gloves. The owner may recover property at News-Review office. t26 SPECIAL DRIVE ON RAGS We will pay two cents a pound for rugs until May 1. Rush your rugs in. Berger s Junk bftop. LOST Lost between Roseburg and Wilbur or between Wilbur and Garden Valley, auto tail light. Finder leave at Wilbur store or at News-Review office. MONEY TO LOAN 20-year r.ira credit farm loans, low iuteres' rate. $20,000 local money to loai on good real estate. First mort gage. See hi. F. Rice ot Rice a Rice. tf USED CARS O. K. Garage has s large number of different makes Prices and terms to suit your poc ket book. Call and we will de monstrate them to your satisfac tlon. Geo. Shanks & Son. FOlt HA I.E. OLD PAPERS FOR SALE News Review office. FOR SALE 1919 Ford touring car. Call 203-R. FOR SALE 16 Pine Crest Farm, Dixonville. Phone 33-F25. FOR SALE Two good Fox hounds, will run coyotes. Phone Jj-l'14. HAR LEY-DAVIDSON motoi cycle, with side car. mechanically per fect. 627 Mill. FOR SALE Overland In fine condi tion. Mrs. E. M. Bowers, 207 S. Flint St. FOR SALE Dodge delivery car in A-l condition. Inquire at News- Review office. FOR SALE Complete sets Dritaul ca, Dickens and Shakespeare. In quire News-Review. FOR SALE Baby grand piano, Cir cassian walnut, in good condition. Inquire at News-Review office. COW FOR SALrJ One Jersey, good milker. Lone Oak ranch. Brock way. Fred Schmidt. t FOH SALE Good farm of 171 acres on CboB Buy highway. No agents. Lock Box 25, Camas Valley, Ore. FOR SALE Small pigs. 10 days to 2 weeks old, separately or with sows. Wni. Weaver, Myrtle Creek Phone 18-X2. HOUSE ON MAIN ST. just off Mosher, 100 ft. frontage, beatiti fill retaining wall. Price $3750. Casey-Harding. FOR SALE 8-year-old cow, came fresh Feb. 16, and u giving about 3t lbs. milk per day now. R. L. Ellis, 3 miles west Roseburg, Ore. H'ST on the market, beautiful 6 room bungalow; sleeping porch, with bath; at the Intersection of Fullerton & Mlcelli Sts. Price $2000. Casey-Harding. FOR SALE A bargain, Chevrolet touring car. new tires, Just over hauled, terms. See W. R. Pnrmlee, 710 S. Jackson St., any day be fore noon. FOR SALE 2 lots, corner, 6-room house, outbuildings, fruit trees, nice garden land, $800, Including furniture. Terms. D. Whitsett, Rapp's restaurant. FOR SALE 7 passenger '18 model Studebaker, A-l shape. Run 6000 miles'. Good for family or stage work. Stephens street entrance to Roseburg Garage. FOR SALE One of the best Chester White brood sows In the county, weight about 350 lbs. If you want something good, come quick. J. R. Wilson, Roseburg. Phone 2-F31. r0R SALE Prune trees for fall de livery f. o. b. Canby. Oregon, 4 to 6 ft. .40 c; 3 to 4 ft., 25c. All kinds fruit trees at reasonable rrlces. R. L. Ellis, 3 miles west Roseburg, Ore. WE REPRESENT the Fenner Mfg. Co. of the Peninsula Lumber Co. ef Portland, Ore. Ready Cut Homes. If you contemplate build ing a home, barn or garage, write or call for catalogue. Casey-Harding. Roseburg, Oregon. HOUSEHOLD CONVENIENCES Kitchen Cabinets, Billt In effects ef any sort are made by us. Its all home Industry. See us about anything In this line yon want. The J. G. FlooKCo. Pkone f 0 BOH riALEMediunTT 7! t at Foutche. GOATS FOR BAl&Irr; ' quire " Nawwto.0 - FOR 8 ALE Baled La7w7T Rt' M aat ol&? FOR SALE l"nbaleT"aIhIf"""'" 1 Bros.. H OAK WOOD FOR 8ALP; ...... ...uuauie. Ph0n, , FOR SALE, BARGaInZTT" dern bungalow. ,i, '0u garage. el0M ln ph; K OR SALEueouTT"-----. cheap; 3 good heavy h7 . good fartu wagoa, 33 ACRES olc ... T" 15 acres in cultivation1; chard. Price fcjMj. COAL "I ends, cement, Iw1"! . 011 SALE-Egg, toTTanTT- K-MNt ca "". l-ooking ci. n7. ta F0R SALE 11 1-2 acreTilirr mile to town: good I sL M "i rj. barn, chicken hou. r... BoxlS. Rt. 1, Rosebud?" . JP' "'IB. FOR SALE-Large cowtT shows all R. R. and oJ'' lands open to entry? F. C. . rear, couuty iurJl!' Roseburg, Oregon. thousand feet.- PonS.' Address S. M., care NewHm' 120 ACRES of timber land 7 n i .V ' "" west or Dmi Price 75c per M. C. 0 And. Box 463 Ballard Sta., SwttJoJ FOR SALE Highest grade stock walnuts, prunes, (0 , every variety of fruit tree rrovnii Oregon, as well as latest u on. ineutals. For fall dellreria n F. E. Jordan, special agent, 324 1 1st Ave. N., Roseburg, Orejoi HATCHING EGGS Hollywood IK. egg strain White Leghorni, 6 en Campines. from first pria m San Francisco World Fair; Un Face Black Spanish; heavy Wm and non-setterB. Epgs $l.ij setting; $8 per 100. rton l-iii Ed Bryant. 3V4 ACRES PRUNES, 10 sera 11-year-old Spitz, and Newtown u pies, wilh good crop prosperu for I his year; 64 acres Ideal lom berry land, river bottom of the tv eU quality. Inquirs al our oKW for particulars. Casei-Hitlii EGGS FOR HATCHIXG. Thoroughbred white Rocki Ins 100 egg strain. Also thorossksrel C. White Let-horns Tancrri ciii Eges f 8 00 per hundred. 1 In white Rock cockerels for sale, KM "ash. A. S. Hunt. 225 Jackioi k. N., Roseburg, Oregon. , HEINLINE-MOORE CONSERVATORY 1 uic 1 1 1 ? ii'.cil Educatiot Managed by Accredited T eachers Onj The Stilted, ninnd. hirblj fI"' t.-n. li.T. ami thi. school comb 1UU percent witb tb SUUlav. Kohihaaen Bldje. Township Maps Showing 0. & C. Grant Lands subject to entrj April 12th. $1.59 p township. Douglas Abstract Co. M. A. BULEY CONTRACTOR Builds Anything. Ft class work. Let me Jp with you. Box 304. R dence 305 Douglas St Roseburg, Oregna- Some Land Bargains I have quit. . f J-ffl sell in Roseburg. "50r country nouies - ji some of them well "P"' up to date, ranging , 15 acres; small on Cow Creek, abov. 0 Come and see the P the land suits we U1 try the price right. Write or call on HJ- RL I, Koseoois.