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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1920)
J tuwrnnui ww-RjnfTw.Tf-prAV, apfii, m. ioa. If You Want Clark's Studio One-Day Service Best Possible Finishing, Personal Attention On your films, leave them at the KODAK DEPARTMENT.... Roseburg Nat't, Bank Building. CtiHdrens Ailments DISORDERS of the stomach and constipation are the most common diseases of children. To correct them you will find nothing better than Chamberlain's Tablets. One tablet at bd time will do the work and will make your child bright and cheerful the following morning. Do not punLh your children by giving them castor oil. Chamber lain's Tablets arc better and more pleasant to take. smsm. KNK.HTS TEMPLAR ATTENTION. ! Mmbers of Ascalon Coinniandery, K T., are requested to meet at the Cumuiandcry rooms Tusday evening, April 27th, for the disputtu of regu lar business. Ily order of O. P. COSHOW, E. C. S. J. Shoemaker, Rec. 1 I ' I : I Factory expert will be with Mars terp Drug Co. on April 26, 27 and 28 to Rive lessons in graining and heau tifjins your home with Chi Nauiel Varnish. . Spring Select your spring stylos from our new arrtvjils of wools, genet's, nHk. printed cropo de then ami voiles. We also have In New Spring Coals. The snap and freshness of Spring find expres sion In the chic styles and hi UHaiit weaves of our new fnhrirs. The combine exquisite taste with perfect reliability whlt-h stiinips them as the best. A tvi I. ABRAHAM "Everything the Uest" IRY GOODS Mm Electrical Contracting . . . Don't pay double for your electric work. We are operating on an Independent basis, and claim to do the best electrical work In the olty. Our men are specialists in this line. See us If you want best rtsults. No danger when we install Electric Work. MILLER'S ELECTHIC SHOP 123 N. Main Street LIME SULPHUR SOLUTION Get your orders in now and be prepared. PROMPT SHIPMENTS. Write for prices stating quantity wanted. Sutherlin Fruit Products Co. 6UTHEIU.1N". ORIXJOX. Kum On In And have your battery tested at our free testing station. Or maybe you need a new baitery, if so get our prices before buying elsewhere. Special attention to Truck Tire work prompt service at right prices. TIRES, TUBES and ACCESSORIES Rosebu Garage WE Edison MADZA LAMPS Douglas County Light: and Water Co. mm 3i Tl'KSOAY XUJIIT DAXt'K. At Sykes' hall, Nonh Jackson Hireet, Good music and a pood crowd will be there. Dances will be five cents each. Everybody invited to at tend. . COMMITTEE. NOTKK. The aumnl clean-un c;?iv will be Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 3rd, 4 III and 5 1 li . Have all of your rubbish put in racks or boxis uud placed on street liivklllFS. CITY MAIiSIf Al Styles LADIES WEAK Phone 447 QHHSBESSSBi SELL L Voters Are Asked to Support County Bonding Amend ment to Assist Finance. DIFFICULTY SERIOUS IHvidint; of ('.unity U-ft l'.urdcn of Hiuuice I'ihhi (lid County Witll l.remly Helmut! Asm'.-1! Yuhuition for Tuxes. County Judge 1). J. Stewart has received the following appeal from Judso X. 0. Wallace of Crook coun ty who is endeavoriim to provide a way out of the financial difficulty In which the county rinds itself. The letter which Rives some facts regard ing the matter which will be placed before the voters of the state at the next election is as follows: "Dear Sir: "There will lie a proposed consti tutional amendment on the ballot at the May Primary, which if catrle 1 will permit Crook and Curry coun ties to refund their warrant indebt edness by issuing bonds provided the people of the county wish to take advantage of it. 1 am appealing In you as an officer of your county to assist mo In giving publicity to the facts stated herein, with a view of 'eeurins a faorahle vote on this amendment. 1 am sure that you 'an lie of great assistance in inform ing ttie people lis to our situation, and the Imperative need of some re lief. I call your attention to the following facts with reference to our situation, all of which I vouch for as being absolutely conect. "Prior to 1914, ( rook county was a vast empire, and embraced what is now Jeff rson, Deschutes and Crook counties. January 1, 191f, Jefferson county was formed from his territory at a lime when the county was in delit about Jl.'iO.OOu. I'nder the law, the mother county was forced to assume all of the warrant Indebtedness giving Jeffer son countv a clean slate and a reve nue from Its territory for one year with which to set up In business. Ily neglecting roads, bridges and other countv matters, this indebtedness was reduced In two years to about $ I DO. UOO. At that time, or in mill. Deschutes countv was formed and It again became necessary ur.der the -ountv division law for the mother county to assume this indebtedness, at the same time giving Deschutes county all of its revenue for the cur rent year. When Deschutes county was f irmed. It took from Crook county 62 per cent of her taxable lvalues leaving us JlOU.oon in own, ' with 3S per cent of the taxable val- 1 ties of the original county, aoi oniy i did this happen, but our friends in the legislature in 1917 passed a lull I which became a law, which made It i impossible for Crook county to re ) ceive any of the forest reserve rent ! for eight or ten years. 1 refer to chapter 2fi9 of the Laws of 1917. i "Since this lust division, we have been forced to abide by the 6 per cent limitation and for this reason wn cannot lew taxes sufficient to nav the running expenses and even Interest on our indebtedness. I'nder the present law It is simply Impos sible for any set of men to so handle our affairs as to maintain our coun ty government and pav off these warrants. We are now paying 6 per cent interest on these warrants and thev are discounted a least D per cent by the batiks and this discount is, of course, made up by increased prices of labor and materials fur nished the county. You might say. Vhv not vote an excess levy and retire these warrants?" nut you PROFESSIONAL CARDS DK. It. I. URADI-OltO WIKK Chiropractor!, Weit Honeburg Phona 40F4. DB. Cr,AIK K. ALLEY Demlit at 131 Perkins Butiiilng, Roeeburg Orescn. Office lloura: 9 to 12 a. m- 1 to fi p. m. Phun, 66. MRS. F. I. OWEX Cut flowers, Potted Planta. Funeral Designs. Wedding Bouiiueta, Kte. Ill Cass St For sale al the Fern. Phone 240, Kosebur. Oregon. DR. 8. L. Ielrr Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon. Phoner office 119, residence 454-J. 818 320 Perklni Building, Roseburg Oregon. lilt M. II. I'LVLKIt Chiropractic Phv,rlan. 222 W. Lane St. Elec trical treatment!. Houra 9 to 6 Phone 1 fig. Office Hourv 10 to 12, J to 4. Phones: Office, 171: Res . 172. DK. LVCKTTA HMI I II, PHYSICIAN Women srd Children Ijlseases a Specialty. Office, Masonic Hulldlng. DK. C. A. SMITH, M. T. Buccessfully treats all disease. Consullalloa Free. Lady attendant. Office 404 N. Jackson. Phon 122-J. Hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. DIL H. W. TITI S. D. M. D., Dentist. Modern linliment and Methods. Hours: a. m. to 12 a. mj 1 p. m. to p. m- Evningt and Sundays bv appointment. 1 COTTAGE GROVE. OREOON. In the Spring Time Any fool knows enough to carry an umbrella when it rains, but uie wise man is ne who critics one when it is only cloudy. Any man will send for a doctor when he gets bedfast, but the wiser one is he who adopts proper measures before his ills become seriou. During a hard winter or the following spring one feels run-down, tired out, weak and nervous. Probably you have suffered from a cold, the Crip or flu, which has left you thin, weak and pale. This is the time to put your system in order. It is time for house-cleaning. A good, old-fashioned alterative and temperance tonic is one made of wild roots and barks, without the use of alcohol, and called Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, in Uiblet or liquid form. This is nature's tonic, which restores the tone of the stomach, activity of the liver and steadiness to the nerves, strengthening the whole system. First put up by Dr. Pierce over 50 years ago, now procurable at any drue store; or send 10 cents to Dr. Pierce's InvaliJs' Hotel, Huffulo, N. Y., for trial package. must not lose sight of the fact that we have a t.'i.uoO.OOO tax roll and than an extra levy of f 1 Oil. UOO at uny one time would be ruinous, if we stretch Ihe matter over a period of years, we would be forced to hold an election every year. This would not only be very expensive, but would tuke a long time to pul us on our feet. This Indebtedness of ours is not a voluntary Indebtedness, growing out of acts of reckless offi cials, but has bev-n forced upon us iiy the operation of law. and we oi ('rook countv feel thai the people ul I ti .hnnld tkp -.fTicteiit . I . , ,,.. ,i ,, n wav out of our difficulty. "This amendment, if carried, will permit the question of vntinK bonds to take up these warrants lo be sub mitted at the November, 11'0, elec tion. If approved by the people or Ihe county a serial bond can be sidd cn a five-twenty basis. We can per haps sell these bonds for li 6 per rent and not exceeding 6 per rent, i'lid even at the higher rate of in terest, a saving can be had of not less than 5 per cent per nnnum. In this way a levy can bo made every year to pay interest and create a slnklnk fund, put us on a cash bals and then if we do not remain out of debt. It will be our own fault. Our lotiil banker are burdened with these warrants, and unless we ran have some relief from this h",e as county Judge of the county, I will lie forced to throw up my nanos. "I will appreciate verv much hav ing you Rive some publicity to the thoughts embraced In this letler. The bill submitting this proposition to the people of the state was a creature of mv mind evolved In trying to rca"h some solution for our present lonernto situation. It la not a s-hemn of any bonding house, neither does It rontemplate evading inv law or ronstltutional provision There Is a situation staring us In the face from which some relief must bo had. and there la none in slrht other than this amendment. Afier the approval of the amendment It will be up to the people of Crook countv. bv their votes, whether or not we will act upon It I am sur that our people, as a whole, realis ing the siuttlon as they do. will ap preciate a favorable vole by vour orgcnlation on iiieviinin'Ti " nierce referendum. "Yours verv trolv. "N. O. WALLACE. "County Judge." KKTTISU KtitiS. From High Producing White Leg horn hens Tancred Blraln. 1.25 per netting of 1 $8 per 100. Karl Vosbnrgh, 227 N. Jackson or iOZ Fuilerton. o SPKINO SAMPLES AKIUVED Don't fall to call ana Inspect out fine line of spring samples for men's clothing. A beautiful line to make a selection from for a nobby suit. O. W. Sloper, ths cleaner and Prei ser. DAILY WFATIILU ISEI'OIIT. V. S. Weather P.ureau, local offl'e Roseburg. Oregon. 24 hours ending r, a. m. today. Hiehest temperature yenteiday XI Lowest temperature last night 4 Pre"initallon. last 2 4 hours .. 0 Precipitation In Inches and Hund redths: 2.C7 S'nrmal nreclD. for this month 2.4S Tilnl nreclD. from Sent. 1, '19, to date 21.37 Av.rmre preelp, from Sept. 1, 1S77 30. Total deficiency from Sept. 1 1919 Average precipitation for 4 2 wet seasons, (September to Mar Inclusive) 31. 4 BELL, Observer. Rough Dry Laundry to Start May I R. D. Lewis, for several yearn resident of Koeeburts. has started a rough dry laundry ut MO N. Pine street. The lutu'litnery is being lu fill lied and will be ready fur opera tion the first of next week. A de livery system will be started and laundry will be culled fur and de livered. No laundry will le finished and will be returned after being washed and dried, the lruulng to be dune at home. Mr. Lewis is install ing three moehani-al washers and an extractor and has a hot air drying room. Tractor Race Up ML Nebo Proposed A feature of the coining 1 nth an nual Strawberry Festival was pro posed yebtorday as a result of thi tractor demonstration ou Mt. Nobo i Saturday. So much Interest a j shown in the event that the sinem-s-i tlun of a tractor race from the but-! torn to the Minimi i of the mountain' has been offered. Several aKtuifc .tnd dt-alers have consented to enter ma chines and there la no doubt but that such a race would draw Hn ex ceptionally large crowd. If suitable prizes can be arranged the tractor race will probably become a reality. This test shows clearly the ability of a tractor and a competition between makes would result in a bis attend ance and an enthusiastic audience. It would be especially interesting to residents of ttie rural districts and would result In a largo number of them cumin to the city on that day to witness the event. McDonald is Given 3 to Twenty Years SPOKANE. Am il Fay Mc Donald, convicted with her sinter, Marie Mclhjnuld, of forgery of a choi'k, declared by the state to havo been in the possession of W. H. Mr Niitt when he was murdered here , , , " " : '" - ireo to twenty years in the stuto i penitentiary. brother, Ted McDonald, were nequi: led in superior court hero recently of MeNult's murder. KKiut's yvAi.iTY itiriruY FEEDS. Are prepared uuder the direction of Prof. C. S. lirewBler. formerly uf ihe Poultry Department, Oregon Ag ricultural College. They will main tain the health and vitality of your flock, hasten llio- growth of profit able broilers and early laying pul l"ts and produce moro eggs from our laying flock. For growl.ig chicks use Kerr's rht,.!, I.V..H chick ftHVelnner Mabh and Developing Scratch Feed. For laying hens use Kerr'a Scratch Teed and Keg Produced. I For sale by v'esburgh Uros,, Rose-! burg, Oregon. j Headquarters for poultrynien. Sprella Corsetiere. Clira. Corum. Phone, 402-H. 311 W. Wash. tf. TO SPEND MILLIONS FOR NEW BAPTIST CHURCHES Plans for the New World Movement of Northern lluptlsls provide Ibnl IIS churches of f tint denomination will receive $:i,MiM) for new hnllil:ng and that i!l edurntlollHl-soclul-rellglnu centers will receive $1 (xsl.rxxt for aildl tlonal modern etiulptiient. All of this l Is Included In the $.1ui.(kus cam poll: n which the deni.iuliuitlon will carry on between April -.'i and May 2 It Is also plnnnod to spend $iOt0OU , to clear up the debts of 37 churches ' This program was held up during the I war. along with all kinds of building activity, but the I'Mltlce Department of j the Northern Ilaptist Convention r ports that 72n.KM wss aiirinuteii smnng 29 churches to remove long standing debls and to purchase prop erly. MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best I.axative A'-cept "California" Syrup of Fins only loo!- for the name California rn the package, then you sre sure )nur child In having the t l snn r,iniont harmless physic for the llttl" utomn'-h, liver and bowels, t tilinren lovo Its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You must say Cali fornia." . ... Cora Pain Stopped Quick "Geta-It tooeeni Them So They LiftOff in AJifly. Ths corn pains cease as toon faw drops of "UeuK" reach the urn. It itufs out of the Uurttng bullae forever. For a day or so ttie corn remains, fretting loonor and loosrr and with out a twtnKe from It. Then. It gels o loose ttmt you Juiit lift It rlKht off. without evt'ii f'eltiitf It, and cast It awav. That's tiow easily and Imply "(Set-It" disposes of the corn nuisance "(m'U-H." the unfailing, srtinrnn terd. nioneylmck corn rmiover, costs but a trill at any driiK store. Mi d by K. Lawrvucu 4 Co.. Obicoiru. Sold In Uoscluit and recommend ed as the world's best corn remedy by . F. Chapniun, druggist. TltOTTKItS lX('l-:. The next dance of the Trotters Club will be held in Maccabco hall Wednesday evening, April 28th. NOW IN THE CITY. Frank A. Terry, representing the nnw in l"e -'lt. Fur an iuturviev or pliouu tne Lmpquu hotel, tf III YS NKW t'.Ul. Louis Kohlhiigcn has purchased new istiu model llupmobile o Ulenn II. Taylor, the Unul agent. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bean Ihe Signature ANDERSEN InAl CorMJone Y jf BLACKSMITHS On Main Street, iv xt to Farmers Feed Shed Offers the public the best there is in all lines of Black.smithintf at f &immm BLM.W')mL.m ir'ywft.ysBi'ssiAj' ' '. A Young Man's Fancy! May llphtly turn to alnnBt nnytlihiK, In Hit' spring, but Hip avt?r Ke youiiK l'ly knowH what Bh' wantH. Let her be the guide, uud ther.-'ll be few turns In the path that leuds to a Delightful Dish of Ice Cream or A Cooling Class of Fruit Sctla Nathan Fullerton 77us 1920 MITCHELL STYLE PLUS QUALITY SEE THEM! J. F. BARKER & CO., IMPLEMNTS AUTOMOBILES TRACTORS . NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVEKN-i MENT TIMUEU. Oemral LHiurtif-f fice, Washington, I). C. March 26. J 1920. Notice Is hereby given that subject to the Conditions and Hmita-i tluua of the Act of June 9, 1916 139, Stat., 218), and the lns'ructluns of! the Secretary of the Interior of Sep-? tember 15, 1917, the timbtr on tbei following lauds will be sold May 12,! 1-J20. at 10 o'clock a. m., at public1 auction at the Uuittd Stutes land office at Koscburg, Oregon, to the L:; bidder at not less than thej appraised value as shown by fhli ; nutlce, sale to bo subject 'o Ihe ap- proval of the Secretary, of the In t terior. The purchase price, with an $ additional sum of one-fifth of one 1 per cent thorotif, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time ' of sale, money to be returned If sale Is not approved, otherwise patent j will Issue for the timber which must i be removed within ten years. Illils f will he received from citizens of the ? I'tiitcd States, associations of such citizens and corpora. ions organized i under Ihe laws of the United States ) or any Hate, territory or district J thereof only. I'pon application of a qualified purchaser, the timber on i any legal subdivision will be offered ij separately before being Included In any offer of a largor unit. T. 16 8., ) R. 1 W.. Pec. 7. Lot 2, fir S5 M., Lot 1 3, fir 300 M.. not to be sold for less t than $1.50 per M. T. 19 8.. R. 1 V., See. 33, SWH RW. fir 1000 j M., FEVi SWVi, nr 1070 M., not to tie sold for lss than $1.75 per M. T. ! 37 S . R. 7 W.. Sec. 11. NE NE Vi . J fir 615 M., supar pine 3f M.. none of 'he flr timber to be sold for less than $1.25 per M and none of the sugar pine timber to be seld for less than ; 13.00 per M. T. 37 S., It. 7 W., Sec. i 13, Lot 6. fir 8n0 M , NV SE, ! fir 500 M., pine 25 M., 8W H FEi, '. Or 2000 M.. Lot 7, fir 12ofl M ., NE 4 SWM, flr 170 M., pine 170 M.. si SWlj, fir 12o0 M., none of the flr Mmber to bo sold for h ss than $1.25 per M., and none of the pine timber to be sold for less than $2. GO nor M. I CLAY TALLMAN, Commissioner 1 General Laud Office. MILK jLd CREAM PHONE-186 ROSfSCRG DAIRY AND SODA WORKS Poultry and Eggs WANTED We pay highest markot prlca In rash. Highest market price puld for your cream, no deiaya. Uring In Your Products Roseburg ProJuce Co. 501 N. Jackson St. PHONE. J79 '& O'REILLY reasonable prices. AT Pul. ins BuiMIng Store