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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1920)
Tinamnw incwv-Rvmcw, movtat. aprii, to. If You Want One-Day Service Best Possible Finishing, Personal Attention Clark's Studio On ycur films, leave them at the KODAK DEPARTMENT.... Roseburg Nat'l Bank Buildina. (X ill SIS ft ) It l .As! V- -"-., Electrical Contracting . . . Don't pay double for your ekctric work. We are operating on an' Independent basis, and claim to do the best electrical work lit the city. Our ui n are specialists In this line. See us if you want best resuhs. No danger when we Install Electric Work. MILLER'S ELECTRIC SHOP 123 N. Plain Street Phone 447 LIME SULPHUR SOLUTION Get your orders in now and be prepared. PROMPT SHIPMENTS. Write for prices stating quantity wa:.ted. Sutherlin Fruit Products Co. SCTHEIiLIN, OREGON. Hum On In And have your battery tested at our free testing sta'ion. Or maybe you need a new battery, if so get our prices before buying elsewhere. Special attention to Truck Tire woik prompt service at right prices. THUS, TUBES and ACCESSORIES RoseburR Garage WE SELL . Edison MADZA LAMPS Douglas County light' and Water Co. CUT DOWN YOUR , Coffee Expense Buy the Famous TTJT 77 TFEb mwB The Ounlitv Cnffpe . x: ' j , of America" t. TN TOE FIVE POUND CAN AND SAVE MONEY Goes Farther EVERY CAN GUARANTEED A: HXPUKT SHOK MAKFU nol a mere cobbler lucndi youi BhK.d when they come (o us. V restore shoes Instead of repairing Ilium. Tu strengthen the weak losses without care in preserving th style of the shoe Is un old-fashioned clumsy work. Let us show you wha wc do by our modern methods am factory machinery. Shoes called for and delivered. 1' cents extra, Phone 131. W. S. HOWARD (iomlycjir Shoe licpuirr-r. SIR N. Jaknon Ht. RoMftiri List of Claims Allowed by Court (Continued Prom Saturday.) Road District Fund, too. A. Brou, freight. Dist. No. n V. II. iKtnford. blacksmith- Iuk. Hist. No. H. H. liaslcy. blacksmithing. test. No. it; 11 . II. Crouch, supplies, D'sl. No. 33 57 I'on.rty liros., blacksmith- in.. IMst. No. :!.; Dement lldwe., supplies, Dist. No. 40 . . . . 3 H. II. hasley. hlai ksiniltiing Dist. No. ;i 7 t hurchill lldw. t'o., supplies, lust. No. 59 S b. I'. Co., frcigha ou gravel, Dist. No. 32 50 City of Roseburg, transfer mods. Din. x. 4 , Stearns & Chenowcth, . . . .8815(1 sup plies, Dist No. 22 Sti-urns & Chenoweth, sup plies, Dist. No. LM "lean's Chetiowelh, Slip lilies, Dist. No. 2ti U. W. Cnler, supplies, liiat. No. 32 Reherty Pros., blacksmith ing.. Dist. No. Klee Itros. & Adams, sup plies. Hist. No 4 '2 -tennis & Chenowclh, sup-I-H.1i. l;st. St. U2 I. W. Cross & Son, supplies. Hist. No. 17 Flmer Flltson. lien warrant, Dist. No. SS Sierlul IIimmI Kilml. rM.-ireme Stone, laljor, IMst. No. 4 7 Roliie Johnson, labor, Dist. No. r e, P. V. Davis, labor, Dist. No. MiMiier .lohuston, labor. Dist. No. ",fi 'ess Williams, labor, Dist. 15 "!. P. Co.. freight on powder, Dist. No. .'.6 'larlev Johnson, labor. Dist. Nn.'r-i; . W. Johnson, labor, Dist. No. '-r, I. 1.. Chambers, labor. Dist. No. "(' ten linrdniin. labor. Hist. No. f-c 1. I.. Enpstein, lalior, Dist. No. 50 IB 19.: ; not ill I! mil ruml. 1. C. Davis, labor 17 'or;-e A. nrawn. labor . '. W. C.'oves, labor '. II. droves, labor 'lias. Jones, labor . A. tlrown, labor Idrrd Trussell. lalior . . . . "nrenee Copeiand. labor homes Harris, labo ','ni. O'Mara. lalior V. O. Coehoran, labor . . . ohn Abeene. labor '. C. Hill, labor l hos. niditewav. lalior . . . '. It. !atoil. labor !. n. Crouch, supplies . . . toward Cooper Cor., sup plies ,'. " ' lefrei-rv. Pros., supplies Huad nu'.ld. Kiiiiipnient Co P MU'lie". truck V. kson I,br. Co:, lumber M'nn S. Frey, lumber . . . ''riniile Bros., lumber . . . 600 31 11 8 t H. V'isley, blaeksmim- 16. ieK. etc ". 1. Whini'le. premium on insurance M. I. Ixivirft. fiscal twnl,'inr-0 HlIP 3270 M D. W. Hunter, labor loe Odermatt. labor s 00 00 CASTORIA For Infants and Children !n Use For Over 30 Years Always bears c ,,m PROFESSIONAL !)lt. IL P. ltIt.i!)KOril UI--K Chiropractors, West Roeeburg Phous 40F4. 1)11. ClJIK R- A 1,1. EN Dentist at J31 Perkins Building, Koseburg Oregon. Office Hours: to 12 a m- 1 to 5 p. ia. Phons 6f MltS. F. P. OWKX Cut Flosr. Potted Plants, funeral Designs. Wedding Bouquets, Ktc. Ill Cit St For sale at the Fern. Thocc 240, Roseburg. Orsgon. lR. 8. 1 lieLArr Osteopathb Phvsiclan and Purgeon. Chores office 119, residence 454-J. 31 32') Perkins Uuildlng, Roseburg Oregon DU M. H. Pl.YI.KR Chiropractic 1'hys.cian, 222 W. I-ane St. Klec trical treatments. Hours to 5 I'hnne 12 iffica Hours: 10 to 12. 2 to 4. ''hone'1' Office. 11: Res.. 1 iiK I.iCKTTA hMllll. PHYSICIAN Woraea end Children Diseases penalty. OS.ce, Masonic Buildiof. OR. C. SMITH si. T. J .rii all dlsessee SUCrehiuu. or.sultatlm Free. Lady attendant ")fice 404 N. Jackson. Phone 123-J ;nurs a. m. ' 6 P- i.n H. W. TITt S. I. M- . IK-ntlst Vixlern Kquipmeiit and MHImxI-. Hours: a. m. to 12 a. nv; l p. m. to ( p. m. Erenlngi and Sundays hr ar-polrtment. COTTAOS GROVE, OREOON. STOP ITCHING ECZEMA Penetratinjr, Antiseptic Zemo Will JIel" Vci Never mhrl l:or oft?n vou hve tried and failed, you can stop burring, itcbing eczema quick! tv ar,olvjn Zemo. Kur'iishedbyanydrugdst for jov. Exir bottlj, $1.(0.- Healing beiins tue n ' Zema ia sppL. j. I a thst tune usuilly every trace of fr:omi, tetter, pimples, rabh, H xkbeads and sunilir s-an diseases wJl bo n-movtd. For clearing the slat .and m&kuw it vib-:iroulyhealthy,alaysus?, tiie pentirating. antiseptic liquid. It i? tut a flea salveanditdoeMi t stain, v hcn otiiers fail it is the o-.e d-'p?nrialile ticaunent (or skin troubles of all kind. IK & W. Kuu Co.. Ckvt:oiid. O. M. McGliuils. labor a. I.. Morrison, labor W. V. Hurst, labor '. I. A. Hull, labor Clinton Jones, labor Clen II., labor C. II. W'ulker, labor 'ohn Raekley. labor I. ee .Moler, labor Prank MeClannhan, labor . . Cal llailey, labor It. I.. Mathews, lalior Standard Oil Co., supplies. . Mien liros. Cnrage, supplies -Yearns A Cbenuketb, sup Idles W. V. Murr 4 Sons, s applies and reii.ilrs Thari'e 4 Cook, lumber . . Tom Cannon, lumber "has. Andrus. lumber .... I'ennel Itros.. lumber Cnlnpooia Tel. Co.. services W. V. Hurst, labor, etc IbNul Ibvitl Funtl. T. I.. 1'irewer, labor, M-C- Huck Fork Ilims Weaver, labor, M C- Muck Fork Clinton Jones, labor, M C- lluck Fork " " I':" labor. Putherlln- Nonpariel II. II. Strong, labor, Suther-lin-Nonpaiial Cal. Dailey. labor, Sutherlin N'oniiarlel D. F. Iliebardson. labor, Sutberlin-Nonpariel .... David Greaves, labor, Snth- erlin-N'onparlel . T. Taber. labor, Roseburg- Reston '!. I.. Kopsteill, labor, ltose- burg-Reston II. I.. Kppstein. labor. Kik- ton-lteedsport William Nelk. R of W deed I. W. Richardson, R of W deed H. R. Jones, labor, M C-rbu-k Fork drover Copeiand. labor, M C-HiKk Fork Hubert Farrar. labor, M C- Itiu-k Fork Cal Dailey, labor, Sntberlln- N'nn'mricl C. C Thompson, labor, Suth- erlin-Nonpariel W. J. Phoupe, labor, Sutber- Hn-onpHi iel '.nn-Tti'-i l.irson, 1-ibor, Puthnrlln-Nonnariel .... I. T. Spaurh. et al, labor, Roseburg-Reston Sam Campbell, labor, Itose-btir"--Reston . I. I,. Sbambrook. wood, Roelmre Colej Vallev . . iat" of F. E. Dodec. Par. blirhwav R of W Fames P. ilorns. R of W deed 16.00 4.00 1. '1.(10 .10. 00 a:.. no 2 6.00 ir,.oo 8.00 19 00 2.00 2 7.'. I.'I.V.'. 3r,.sa 17.60 ll..ri2 1-..2.1 7.SC s; ::6 3.. IS 1.67 43. 7T. 2S.00 12.00 20.00 12.00 13.7". j s.r.oj 1 o.oo 200.00 2S.00 1 4.00 1 4.00 8 00 8.r,o 24.00 .12.00 4.00 24 4 V 2116? Indigent Siddlers Fund. iTvet Raker, allowance . . Willieniina FllioK, allow ance Mrs. Hamilton Smith, allow- nneA . . . IS.OO 8.00 ir, no Vila Unit, sllowanre K. OO 'I. II. Kennedy, allowance . 10 00 f. F. Ilarker. wood 12. SO UI.KN'DAI.K NOTKS. Jumes H. Moore, of the 8. P. Co., is nt ihe him- of hif parents, Mr. md Mrs. It. M. Moore, recovering from an idaek of chlckenpox. of wblih ailment there me r'vcrnl cases In this city. F. W. 1'iuitt and bis bride ar rived home 'r.m morning. They w-ro married nt the bride's in Ne vada. Th--y will niiik? cnj' bnine in Ibis city. Many frienoi '.xtend congrntulatioe.if. Horn, April 21. to Mr. aid Mrs. W. D. Holt-claw, a su.. Mrs. M. Amspoker is on the sick list IhlB wek. Rev. J. K. Howard, of Patterson. Cal., Is greeting his friends In Ibis eliy lodav. Rev. Howard was pastor of Olivet church for eight years, and be Is welcomed by his hosts of friends and former parishioners. He has a home near this eiiy. and we hope he has come to make his home In till!: valley. HIS aeeo imoii-r, 1111 occupies (he family home near .m 'ii ford. Is very desirous ot navmg ihm son nearer her hmne. Mrs. J,an Helms and her daugh ter. Miss Agnes, are in this ci'y. Ill" euests of Charles and Miss Mollle Hobbs. John Rostermund. who for some venrs was a rldent of thi city, re turned to Olendale last week. He has leased the McGregor ranch and pur chased the slock and farming Im plements, and will make this valley his home. We Join with his many friends In extending him a generous welcome. Ihe boiler or the heating plant al our school building has sprung s leak again. It has caused much trouble the pnt winter A plumber from Medford was called In to re-o-'r It. Miss Resale Marshall returned t: her work In Iona. after a week's visit with her mother. Mrs. O. 01"" It was wMh profound regret ins' many friends noted the death of Judge Henry Clay Lerens, of Harney county. Mr. Leveni wu a native of nnr mm m w -1 (LK 1 4 'n:r - sI'stKd i .TvJ!n i?Jb. -i - v Mil tsVTS. this valley, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Levens, who were Cow creek valley pioneers. Judge Levens wus a man of very fine business nuallflcnl tons from bis boyhood years. He was ever of pleasing ad dress, and he grew to useful nod honorable manhood nt the' I.evens Azalea river ranch. His friends were everyone who knew him. The be reaved relatives have the sympathy of all in their irreparable loss. Mrs. C. T. Moorn. of Woodland. Cal., who formerly lived In this val ley. Is visiting her dnughler. Mrs. Moore, in this city, also her son, Ira Lewis, and many former -icquaiut- . ances. F. C. McGregor, of Clcnadn. Cal., lis looking nfter bis property In this city and valley. Mr. McGregor was III ousiuess III iciinaic in iiuiii.v yeurs. Mr. and .Mrs. McGregor have many friends here who would be glad to welcome their return to a permanent home in our city. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cornell will oc "unv (heir newly e.i-iuir-d bo;!ie on Willow street 111 the near future. S. S. Itruce. solicitor fur the Ar--iieniHO relief work, very thoroughly inlked up the caio-e during his slay In Ibis eitv, and organized a number of our citizens in the drive going on bis w.-ek, Oer cltv bus nlwavr renched ihe eoota of Liberty loans. Red Cross calls, etc. It may be that Ihe present prices of sugar and potatoes may be ilis- eouraeing to nor people, yet we are sure tbey will do n'l 'hev can. At the Clenedalc Cash store we not" the subscripilon list headed by S. J. ltaseel, $10, so we think there may be others who will fall In line and do likewise. X. X. KnllBtmenta and re-enllstnients In the army nlr service were ag'iln re sumed April 20, 1920. at (be recrull iiip el-i'ion In Me'lfoi-cl. .after bin lug horn discontinued since last Augiil. It'i'li '-chi.ol praduates. air plane mechanics, .nolo repairmen, machinists, eleel ricians, engine me chanics, and riggers are especially desired at this lime. V.Tiot t!:e Children Couch. Rub Mu--t(.-ro'e on 'I"liroat3 aivl Ch'-sts V.n tt! may deve th'.n s 1 b.j.v t .-on the symptoms r l.::'i ; r up.or worse. And "! rc Kie.'i you nave a jar of M'. it n.ind to give prompt, urc r- .1. f. I d-x-s not blister. An fir.-t rt! nU .1 rc.'f-iin rrrneily, Mtrtr-.e la rrt. T hni'inds of tnt!'t.' .-v m h'uld kerp a IdT 1:1 t(:c U;U 4F, ro.TJy f'-r in. -taut us-. It i.s tbe '- nit-! f x fid :!ts, too. He llevs aor" ihroit, bmr.chitis, trniiitis, cruu-T. r.iiit nek, ciiima, nrirntri headiich, cor.iifM. pleurisy, rhcu-mati-m, no. p:uni arid ache of backer j )in pn ivre mu:l- cliilMaiii!-, iiozttd ftft and colds of tho Chrst ':t often p-cvcnl5 -jnruirioriia. 'i'K mA jOc iart; hap:ud ure $2.50. Let's settle this right now! No man ever smoked a Letter cigarette than Catntl! rou'll find Camels unequalled by any cigarette in the world at any price because Camels combino every feature that can make a cigarette supreme Camels expert bier. J of choice T ukish and choice Domestic t :ccos puts Camels in a clas3 by themselves. Their smoothness will appeal to you, and permit you to smoke liberally without tir ing your taste I Camels leave no unpleasant ciga retty aftertaste ncr unpleasant cigarctty odor I You'll pre fer Camels hi R. J. Reyisuldi Tobucxro Wiuuiou-Snleiu, N. & h & m 9 SMITH KIYF.H M:VS. ' Kuougll snowfall last Moudnv nlglit to make the ground white, but it soon inelled. This is surely un usual weather for April In Douglas , county. J. C. Gunter returned last wee!; from a trip to the valley, visitlni; relatives and attending to business : matters while there. ! Mr. Racciis returned to bis home on Soulh Fork on last Tuesday's stage, after nu absence r several years. Miss Josephine Sinnutt will clo -, u very successful term of school at IGunicr. Oregon, on April 30. Her friends here regret to see her leave. , Mr. dayman expects lo reiiini to .Ills home on Pearl creek next wee); He Is working nt Ihe 1 na mills n present . There are several cases of "flu" on Smith river, iilihoiieh the cases seem lo be mild In form. X. Arundel, ptauo tuner. Phone. lnii MlTII'i; Kilt IIIIIS. The undersigned, clerk of School Dfsirlct No. 4, III Roseburg. Oregon will receive scaled bids up to 5:0 o'clock p in. Monday. April 26, 192c at bis office In the city of RoHcburp ill. For the repair of old fill naees now Installed In the Ros school building, or 12). For a battery of three nov, furnaces to be installed, on plans an-' :poeiurailons acct plable to th School Board, in the Robc schoo Ilulldlng. This work In either Instance to le comnleted on or before Sept. Is' 1920. The Board reserves Ihe right ti reject any or all bids. For further Information Inouire i ' UOHCOK N. C.ltFKN Cler' NOTICK OF BALK OF GOVKItN MKNT TIM HICK. General Land Of flee, Washington, I). C, March 2f, 1920. Notice is herehy given ths subject lo the condtffnus nnd llinili Hons of the Act of Juno 9, 1916 (",' Slat., 218), Biid Ihe Instructions ' the Secretary of the Interior of Sej 'ember IS. 1917. tbe timber on th. following lands will be sold Mnv 1", 1920 MITCHELL STYLE PLUS QUALITY SEE THEM! J. F. BARKER & CO., IMPLEMNTS AUTOMOBILES TRACTORS 4, ond to e; t ! Co. m n -NV'.'ii.' vl i .;-ji V- A. ii 1920, nt 10 o'clock a. m.. at public : auction at the Lulled Sluies land office nt Roseburg, Orei;on, to the ' highest bidder ut not less than the 'appinihed value as shown by Ibis notice, rale to be subject to tiio ap I proval of the Secretary of the In terior. The purchase p-h-e. with nil additional sunt of one-lilih of one per cent thereof, being comnilsiions allow ed, must be deposited at I lino of sale, money lo be reiurned If r.Me Is not approved, otherwise patent will Issue for the timber which must be removed wilhin leu years, ltliis ' will be received from cilLens of the Culled Slates, associations of such citizens ami corporations oiraulred i under Ihe laws of the Unit-d Slales or any stale, territory or district I thereof only. I'pon application of A l quattllcd purchaser, the limber on t any legal subdivision will be offered , separately before being lueluded III any offer of a larger unit. T. 16 S., i II. 1 W.. Sec. 7. Lot 2. fir ST, M , Lot ! 3. fir 300 M , not to be sold for less ! than $1 50 per M. T 19 S . R. 1 ; W., See. 33. SW'4 SW14. flr 1000 M., SI'V, SV"4, fir 10,0 M.. not to be sold for less than $1.76 per M. T. 37 8 , H. 7 W.. Sec. 11, NK'4 NF.'J. fir 515 M., sugar pine 35 M., none of the fir timber to be sold for. less than $1.25 per M., and none of the sugar pine limber to be sol I fnr less than $3.00 per M. T 37 S., R 7 W , See. 13. Lot 6. fir 800 M. NWI4 SK'i, fir 600 M , pine 2T. M.. SW 4 HKV, , flr 2000 M . l.oi 7. fir l?no t.. NKii SW4. flr 170 M., pine 170 M.. S: SW'4, flr 1200 M.. none of the flr timber to be sold for less than $1 25 per M., and none of the pine timber to be sold for less than $2.50 per M. CLAY TA M.MAN. Commissioner General Land Offlcn. MILK 2-S CREAM PMON& W wnm mi and sow works